by K_P9 | Feb 28, 2016 | Accidents and Inquiry, Senate Estimates - Unplugged
It was my intention to draft a pleasant Sunday ramble through the dark woods which surround Sleepy Hollow. But the Canley Vale matter has been so very poorly dealt with; and IMO, needs either a Royal, Judicial or Senate inquiry leading to a royal commission. It is a...
by Sarcs | Jan 15, 2016 | Accidents and Inquiry, Senate Estimates - Unplugged
Reference P2 AP Forum post – HERE The MOAS causes Polly discombobulation (MOAS: Mystique of Aviation Safety) – Ventus made us aware of the condition called Discombobulation -see HERE. Now although considered to be a largely Pilot...
by K_P9 | Nov 9, 2015 | Senate Estimates - Unplugged
A Sunday ramble – on Tuesday. It is difficult to disagree with MdS – in the broad. Indeed, I do not disagree, but, there are missing elements which must be addressed as part of any reform process – if it is to be effective. Politics and politicians; we have all seen...
by K_P9 | Nov 6, 2015 | Senate Estimates - Unplugged
Indeed P2; there is IMO far too much waffle and tomes of argument. Too many options, too much wriggle room, too may words and far too many ready to twist and abuse ‘good intentions’ into obscene parodies. Take the Rev. Forsyth’s ASSR; then read the despicable Hawke....
by K_P9 | Oct 3, 2015 | Senate Estimates - Unplugged
P1 – Opinion. Started off peacefully enough – HERE – one of the crew found a very good aviation related website and copied a well drafted opinion piece on the Pel-Air ditching. PAIN has been patiently waiting for the new CASA CEO to give a sign that reformation of...