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Full steam now: GD; keep it coming.

Full steam now: GD; keep it coming.

Seven short days remain before the Senate have a look under the ASA rug; to see what lurks between the cashmere and floor boards.  Couple of ways this could pan out; a forensic examination of the dust particles and a clean up; or will it be a curt directive to quietly...
Bugger it: Steam On.

Bugger it: Steam On.

I reckon it’s time to re-badge the not so new DAS – Slydemore – I am slowly, but surely moving away from the notion of NFI toward willing accomplice.  At least Oliver Twist was an innocent, who, as soon as he could, he left his dodgy mates behind and tried to live a...
AP six months old. 

AP six months old. 

Vexillology a scientific study of flags; what a lovely word; Vexillology.  As a younger “K” sailing ocean racing boats and having a natural interest in matters maritime, flags, much like stamps were welcome a rainy day diversion; books permitting.  Part of the fun...