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“To put an antic disposition on.”

Was the Hamlet madness feigned, a ruse to confound and confuse? Many believe it was. The ‘antic disposition’ of true reform reminds and reinforces the notion of a questionable madness. “Nor do we find him forward to be sounded. But with a crafty madness keeps aloof...
Irresistible force paradox.

Irresistible force paradox.

“Wiki – “The paradox arises because it rests on two incompatible premises: that there can exist simultaneously such things as irresistible forces and immovable objects. The “paradox” is flawed because if there exists an irresistible force, it follows...
Two pints of opinion please.

Two pints of opinion please.

Does Australian aviation cares who forms a government?  The short answer is no. In fact the closer the two parties are to a ‘hung’ parliament, the better the chances of actually getting the appalling state of aviation administration and the costs the current situation...