by K_P9 | Sep 10, 2016 | Senate Estimates - Unplugged
Was the Hamlet madness feigned, a ruse to confound and confuse? Many believe it was. The ‘antic disposition’ of true reform reminds and reinforces the notion of a questionable madness. “Nor do we find him forward to be sounded. But with a crafty madness keeps aloof...
by K_P9 | Aug 21, 2016 | Senate Estimates - Unplugged
“Wiki – “The paradox arises because it rests on two incompatible premises: that there can exist simultaneously such things as irresistible forces and immovable objects. The “paradox” is flawed because if there exists an irresistible force, it follows...
by K_P9 | Aug 20, 2016 | Accidents and Inquiry, Senate Estimates - Unplugged
“The ATSB found that the dispatcher for YID could not visually confirm the position of VGR relative to gate D2 and assessed that because the aircraft hadn’t moved, it was on the gate. The pushback ground staff followed the normal practice for a pushback from bay...
by K_P9 | Aug 12, 2016 | Accidents and Inquiry, Senate Estimates - Unplugged
I’ve cribbed Thony’s post from the UP; it’s done very nicely and avoids dropping some poor bugger ‘right init’. The fear of retribution for speaking out, first hand against such aberrations keeps chief pilots all over Australia awake at night. Furious at the...
by K_P9 | Jul 25, 2016 | Accidents and Inquiry, Senate Estimates - Unplugged
They do say – there are the French; and then, there is the rest of the world. This little flaperon contretemps with the French has upset not only Malaysia’s little apple cart; but that of their ‘allies’; who, much like the rats on a sinking ship, have decided to...