by K_P9 | Aug 24, 2015 | Senate Estimates - Unplugged
Thank you Secretariat. The folk in the back room do a great job, the video is always available and although Hansard takes a little longer, it is always worth the short wait. First read through is always fast, just to get the flavour of the session. First...
by K_P9 | Aug 12, 2015 | Senate Estimates - Unplugged
Perspective gents; perspective. Seems the IOS declared open season on vermin, varmints and deviants. Jolly good. We have I believe been patient long enough with the new boy; the dismal lack of progress in any direction is justification for war drums; although he...
by K_P9 | Jul 23, 2015 | Accidents and Inquiry, Senate Estimates - Unplugged
Erm; Thorny’s post may seem to have a load of BOLLOCKS in it; but I can assure you, it’s actually a modest, quite conservative amount; considering the volume of reform being delivered. My grandmamma used to say ‘when you’re in a hole, quit digging’. This Skidmore...
by Sarcs | Jul 11, 2015 | Senate Estimates - Unplugged
{P2 – Off the Aunty Pru forum this AM – finally a good news day, see here: CASA meets the Press #post71} Well we kind of got wind earlier in the week with multiple attacks from the Oz, plus other News Corp publications, that the Dick Smith/News Corp v...
by K_P9 | Jun 25, 2015 | Senate Estimates - Unplugged
You know, when P2 (Guru) kicked off this thread, I had expectations of filling up pages with good news, of the best kind; I did. Which should be a lesson of some sort about expecting that things would improve. After the Senate and Pel-Air, followed by a Ministerial...