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Erm; Thorny’s post may seem to have a load of BOLLOCKS in it; but I can assure you, it’s actually a modest, quite conservative amount; considering the volume of reform being delivered.

My grandmamma used to say ‘when you’re in a hole, quit digging’.  This Skidmore fellah just can’t get the balance right.   I expect he’s not used to being told he’s talking BOLLOCKS. nor being told to bugger off (better get used to it).  But he’s lost; one minute it’s the colossal arrogance “Best learn to count Bill” or the high handed letters to concerned citizens; or, the duplicitous CVD affair (shame on you) then, suddenly it’s this soft soap twaddle; dispensed through Hitch, of all people.

There’s an unhealthy, slippery, uncertain feel to this administration. Rumour has it that some (many) of his ex comrades said (over a beer or two) that the guy means well, but the job will swamp him and whilst he will make a decorous figure head, not pee on the carpets and charm the crap out of the Pollys; etc. without a good support team and leadership; he is basically lost.  Lost in the deep, dark, dank woods of Sleepy Hollow.

Bill or Ben is a little harsh Papa; Oliver-Skidsmore-Twist is apt.  Trying to ‘fanny’ the GA sector and be a ‘mate’ will end in tears of frustration, they will simply use and abuse him.  So, for the final time, I shall proffer some advice to wee Oliver:-

CASA is so completely not trusted, disdained and disliked it will take a generation of good will and remedial acts to even begin to close the credibility gap.  It will take equally as long to gain some respect from industry professionals who do actually know what they are about.  You Sir, run the crappiest, most incompetent, dishonest teams to ever inflict it’s self on the industry.  Your problems are sitting looking at you during Monday morning prayer meetings or, twirling golden pens during your management meetings.  Forget Forsyth; clean out the dens of iniquity, get a good team and FFS give yourself a fighting chance.  Respect, trust and faith is earned; as an Air force officer, you must at least understand rule 101 that much.

Quote:Lady Macbeth:
We fail?
But screw your courage to the sticking place,
And we’ll not fail

Now them be a good boy; stop pissing about, run along and get on with that which must done.


PS.  I want to fly the vermin control UAV – if the legislation ever gets sorted.  Bye the bye, the Kiwi’s have it done already, effective next month…… Cool