by K_P9 | Oct 21, 2017 | Accidents and Inquiry, ASA, ATSB, Aunty Pru - First solo, CASA, Minister for Transport, Senate Estimates - Unplugged
NB. notes only: – The never ending saga of Dominic James. “Why never ending?” howls the mob – “the ‘new’ Pel-Air report is due shortly, then we shall have all the answers”. “No” say’s I. “No you bloody well won’t; the ‘report’ is compromised to the...
by K_P9 | Oct 15, 2017 | Accidents and Inquiry, ASA, ATSB, Aunty Pru - First solo, CASA, Minister for Transport, Senate Estimates - Unplugged
When you wish – upon a star. It may well be that I have genetically acquired some of P7-TOM’s cynicism although, to be fair, he ain’t cynical by nature; but he is a student of history. Oh, what’s that bloody line – Google? Quote:“‘[H]e that filches from me my...
by K_P9 | May 13, 2017 | Accidents and Inquiry, ASA, ATSB, Aunty Pru - First solo, CASA, Minister for Transport, Senate Estimates - Unplugged
Of Mice and Men. “To plainness honor’s bound when majesty falls to folly.” You have to wonder; does 6D_Darren get his advice from Dr. Phil or Judge Judy? It is a reasonable question when you consider the ever worsening state of aviation affairs and his resolute...