by K_P9 | Apr 6, 2015 | Accidents and Inquiry, Senate Estimates - Unplugged
I don’t think the ‘industry’ has, as yet fully appreciated the value or understood the benefits brought by one of the best gifts it has been given in many a long year, the new MoU. You can see the dire effects of the ‘old one’ in the...
by K_P9 | Apr 6, 2015 | Accidents and Inquiry
Have you noticed, whenever there is a major air accident there is a degree of hysteria which is out of proportion with the numbers killed or maimed. The university tragedy in Kenya killed almost as many as GW 9525; but there is no outcry and wringing of hands,...
by K_P9 | Apr 5, 2015 | Whimsy and Waffle
Now I’ll be the first to admit that downstream of the house boat park, the Styx is a pretty grim place and the run down from the first rapids to Hells own gate is not meant to inspire, was neither intended nor designed for that purpose. But the Boss is an...
by K_P9 | Apr 2, 2015 | Accidents and Inquiry, Senate Estimates - Unplugged
Another Canberra gab fest extravaganza, over. I expect Doug and/or Hitch will cover the details of the recent Cantberra ‘big bash’, whether Ben decides the details are news-worthy enough for his blog time will tell. Anyway – enough coverage so anecdotes...