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Continued/- 19-26 January ’15

Continued/- 19-26 January ’15

Continued/- 19-26 January ’15 Also this week there was a bit more on the Jabiru debacle… First was this from MMSM Steve – Jabiru Aircraft says CASA rules put Australia manufacture at risk. And today there was this from the Bundy local rag –...
Back in the day

Back in the day

Back in the day. The commendable last minute Hitch articles in Australian Flying are always worth the time, the last published 23/01/15 very neatly sums up the re opening of the Pel-Air investigation. The analogy of a ‘Fisher King’ wound is apt, but IMO...
The art of discreet distance

The art of discreet distance

The art of discreet distance. I find it amazing that the public image sensibilities of those advertising on the P{p}rune website are so insensitive.  Surely censorship and ‘moderation’ of sensible posts which only ask questions being...
Forget It

Forget It

Forget it. Your indulgence requested, I am still clumsy with the brand new ‘Blog’ and Twitter toys. P{prune looses more credibility as the Trolls and catamites of ‘vested interest’ move in.  When the Senate Inquiry ‘conversation’...