by K_P9 | Jan 24, 2015 | Accidents and Inquiry
Continued/- 19-26 January ’15 Also this week there was a bit more on the Jabiru debacle… First was this from MMSM Steve – Jabiru Aircraft says CASA rules put Australia manufacture at risk. And today there was this from the Bundy local rag –...
by K_P9 | Jan 24, 2015 | Accidents and Inquiry
Back in the day. The commendable last minute Hitch articles in Australian Flying are always worth the time, the last published 23/01/15 very neatly sums up the re opening of the Pel-Air investigation. The analogy of a ‘Fisher King’ wound is apt, but IMO...
by K_P9 | Jan 23, 2015 | Accidents and Inquiry
The art of discreet distance. I find it amazing that the public image sensibilities of those advertising on the P{p}rune website are so insensitive. Surely censorship and ‘moderation’ of sensible posts which only ask questions being...
by K_P9 | Jan 23, 2015 | Accidents and Inquiry
Forget it. Your indulgence requested, I am still clumsy with the brand new ‘Blog’ and Twitter toys. P{prune looses more credibility as the Trolls and catamites of ‘vested interest’ move in. When the Senate Inquiry ‘conversation’...