The Sunday Brunch Gazette.

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Ref: & & &

Truth will come to light – eventually – well; sort of--ish. 

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What an ancient game it is; that of determining what, exactly, is 'the truth'. Politicians, lawyers, the guilty, the innocent, the witness and even the victim – all with a variation on theme. Quite the puzzle ain't it. One does not go to 'the law;' for justice but for the law – and how it stands for your version of the 'truth'. Self evident 'truth' is the easy one: the volcano has erupted – no brain-er. Where things get muddled is when there is 'blame' to lay for 'why Mt DT blew it's stack and caused chaos. It all comes down to apportioning 'blame' and defence mounted against that blame being legally, morally or even rightfully laid at the right door.

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"Well, old man, I will tell you news of your son:give me your blessing: truth will come to light; murder cannot be hid long; a man's son may, but at the length truth will out. " ― William Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice

Aye, well enough. BUT to arrive at that happy junction, where justice, the law, truth and sanity meet – there is an essential element which must (categorically) must be present; that of courage to face the daemon.

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"It's when you know you're licked before you begin, but you begin anyway and see it through no matter what."― Harper Lee

Glen Buckley is an example of a courageous man; he has dared to face down and 'call out' a government agency which believes it was kissed on the arse by the gods and above the law. That agency hold that notion to be the truth and have spent millions of tax payers funds to establish that faerie story as a fact. Buckley said 'bollocks' and has (IMO) bravely called them out; fully aware of the lethal (metaphoric) ramifications of doing so. He ain't the first CASA have 'rolled', there is a long 'roll of honour' preceding him and more to follow. Industry's silent prayer is that he can open the gates and pave the way for others with equal claims and worse tales to tell. That's guts and grit for you; an example to follow. Of course it all depends on how 'fair-dinkum' the next round of inquiry is. Can it open the floodgates? It bloody well should, considering the amount of time and money spent pissing about on the periphery of the nexus.

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As a personal request; I ask that our readers take the time to listen and watch the AOPA (A) pod cast on their Facebook page; or – HERE -. Another courageous, outraged group of real expert industry persons; daring to tell it 'like it is'. You must brush aside the obvious and any personal feelings you harbour regarding Darth Morgan's blatant sales pitch; look a little deeper – here are serious, qualified industry professionals betting the farm and their personal futures (fact) in an attempt to expose the depravity, incompetence, ignorance and dishonesty within the CASA; which everyone connected to the Australian aviation world knows; but are too scared to speak openly about. Unlimited gold stars and Tim Tams are the highest accolade Aunt Pru can offer; along with our gratitude and appreciation for a first class effort. Well done; Aye. Well done indeed. Bravo.

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“Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear - not absence of fear.” ― Mark Twain

Shan't bang on about CASA; ATSB or RAOz – been enough said here and elsewhere to fill a good size shed. But where does the root of all evil reside? A simple study of history will reveal the answer. There is only one constant element. St Commode – self declared patron saint of flatulence and public safety is on his way out – good. Along with him, the aged satyr of legal double Dutch, gobbledegook, double speak and divide and conquer games is also folding his tent and collecting his marbles – even better. There is (must be) going to be a need for new blood. Matters aeronautical cannot continue to hobble along in this confused state – and survive to be a benefit to this nation.

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“Henceforth I despised Iahveh for his imposture, and I hated him because he showed himself to be opposed to all that I found desirable and good: liberty, curiosity, doubt.” ― Anatole France, The Revolt of the Angels

I did a quick recce of the IOS and BRB to see where the bets were likely to be placed; (like herding cats) for the DAS position – flip a coin and take your chances; however – to replace Aleck; there is strong support for one Clinton McKenzie Esq, to be lured away from AMSAR and breathe some sanity into the system. I'll post the odds when I get a handle on the field – MTF.

Item last – 'we' have done some forensic digging minister into the practices of your favourite flight school and related RAOz accepted practice for producing 'flight instructors'. The reason being the inordinate number of 'incidents' and damaged aircraft numbers which are most carefully concealed. Many can all be traced back to piss poor training and lax qualification of pilot instructors. This needs to be sorted out – now – now. While you're at it – make the release and publication of the RAOz accident investigations mandatory. Fair warning; ask the ex RAOz tea lady for a reality fix – as we will publish the results of falsified incident report, dodgy 'qualifications' and appalling comparison between CASA qualified pilot instructors and the RAOz version – it is truly scary. Blinkers off mate.

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“My courage always rises at every attempt to intimidate me.” ― Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice 

Well; the stove is warm (quality hardwood off-cuts and bush fire ruined logs), the air cool enough to show breath; in the lamp light, glowing from no more than the shine left by my finishing plane (1910 model) stands a 'Welsh' dresser' – finished today, ready for it's new home. Honest work, to the best of my poor ability and clumsy hands – but it looks great – even if I say it myself. Just have to overlook the errors I know are there; but, as we all know – a man on a galloping horse may not see 'em. The cat has one eye open, watches me put my feet up on the desk, light a smoke and decides its a little too early to wake the dogs. Peace rules (just for a moment).

“Now stir the fire, and close the shutters fast, Let fall the curtains, wheel the sofa round, And, while the bubbling and loud hissing urn Throws up a steamy column and the cups That cheer but not inebriate, wait on each, So let us welcome peaceful ev'ning in.” ― William Cowper, The Complete Poetical Works of William Cowper

For P29 - Looks 'a bit'  like :-
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Ref: & & & & AOPA Oz step into the BRM Aero v CASA brouhaha

The great sock pulling up competition. (A whimsical twiddle).

It is boys and girls a very real event; lots of entrants, many socks down below ankles, much effort required to restore to intended standard. As always, these events are surrounded by much Hoop-La and gamesmanship; some of it so bizarre as to be hilarious; other efforts vary between the Cor Blimey and the ridiculous. The real art is not in pulling up ones socks, why even children can do. No, its the fine art of getting 'em on straight and getting 'em to stay up and in that position after once around the perimeter track on a push bike. Seems simple enough don't it – but it ain't. Much depends on why the socks are down below boot tops – and what sort of boots you wear. Garters are permitted, but avoided by the experts as they reduce circulation and make peddling the bike 'difficult'.

No matter, the technicalities are for the entrants to come to terms with; let us take a look at the field. In rough alphabetical order:-

AOPA; long white socks, shorts, terry towel hats and sunglasses; the prominently displayed 'badges' and 'aviator stuff' adding weight. There's enough hot air available to pull their socks up – provided it can be controlled. Recent form suggests an excess of this stuff swelling heads and preventing clear vision of where the tops are and where they should be located when found. The entry starts at long odds to finish as the sheer volume of superfluous verbiage required to begin the task in earnest prevents efficient completion of task – on schedule.

ATSB; being loosely affiliated with the dramatic arts, the choice of 'costume de jour' will slow down the start; then, the endless discussion about 'which' socks are the right socks – given the rest of the ensemble, will definitely preclude a speedy resolution to task. Statistics must influence their choice; then, almost like Morris dancers, the colours and bells, and withes must all be coordinated to match the story line portrayed. It is actually difficult to set odds for this motley crew; there's no guarantee, on previous track record, that they can actually get an entrant to the starting line -  let alone finish, sometime between now and next Pancake Tuesday.

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ASA; bereft of their courage badges have a monumental task to finish. Bloated feet and swollen ankles encased in very expensive, hand made electric blue Lycra are the very devil to pull up, even harder to keep up during any sort of meaningful activity.


They will try an expensive 'hi-tech' solution but considering the time and effort and outrageous cost of the equipment; without the problems of actually getting those socks onto those bloated feet made the short odds to even start – let alone finish.

CASA; Oh dear; an unlikely starter. They may yet have a tilt at the title, they do have some small amount of skin in the game – but how; there's the question. One pair of socks, one set of feet – them's the rules. Now when you consider that at least a dozen other pairs of feet must attend even a breaking of wind ceremony, and each is allowed to participate and then, that all must go before the grand Pooh-Bar of wind breaking for sanction; you see that by the time a bullet proof pair of socks can used, and suitable excuses for those socks being entered – it's all a little too complex for the simple rules of the race.

DoiT – have a real problem getting to the start line – they were not invited: and, even if an invitation was offered, by the time they've decided which socks, who's to wear 'em, race strategy and how to get the bloody things on – the right feet – its far too little, far too late – for the race is well and truly over.

Ministerial entry – Ha ha; Ho Ho ho.  Hee hee hee – titter, sniggers and guffaws follow the mere suggestion. The very idea of a minister pulling his socks up, in public – let alone entering a race is risible; in the extreme.

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RAOz – Sure to start, provided a pathway has been prepared for them and the wind is blowing in the right direction and the rules can be amended to suit their own game plan. To win the trophy – all stops will be pulled out, for there is great kudos in a win, any win. Even if the industry disappears ? However as elbow mounted clubs are not permitted and they will be judged on merit and performance; their lead weighted socks and 'external' (off camera) assistance will not assist.

Silly old twiddle ain't it – but I say this. If lots of socks ain't pulled up, quick, smart and tidy; considering the way things stand – we'll all be looking for a pair of socks without holes. Gentlemen – we were deep, deep in the morass before this bloody virus; without a collective effort and a serious, honest attempt to make things happen for aviation – we're well and truly snookered. All know the problem – we know where it lays – time to stop pissing about and sort out the mess – before the mess wins the hand. Honestly, I'd love to bang some silly heads together – I really would...Alas..

Selah – Oh, and happy sock racing.

Ref: GlenB embuggerance update - 12/08/20:

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Ref: & &
With (a) bated breath.

“With bated breath and whisp'ring humbleness”

We have the Bard to thank for that erudite phrase – defined – “To wait with bated breath therefore means to become as still and quiet as possible, waiting with great anxiety and anticipation.”

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Aviation, entrusted to an isolated, emasculated, do nought minister is doing exactly as the definition above describes. Expecting and receiving the worst; whilst praying for the best. Within one short week we have witnessed two things which have the desired effect of keeping the industry “as still and as quiet as possible”. These are but two examples of the many which keep industry 'in check' and silent. Sen. McDonald provides a slim (anorexic) ray of watery sunlight through the dungeon walls – but there are no guarantees supporting that effort; and, in truth, we have all had our hopes raised in anticipation before – only to have 'em dashed and again required to live under a very real fear that there will be 'retribution' (pay-back) for daring to speak up. The risks in openly expressing any criticism of 'the regulator' are very, very real. Look no further than the Monohan letter to Angel Flight pilots; a naked threat and every chance of real penalty – because AF stood up to the CASA and challenged their 'wisdom'. In the real world it is not so. Take a careful read of the way the FAA worked with AF to resolve the 'real' problems within, resolved 'em; and, – importantly – produced a much better system, from which AF benefited - and went ahead in leaps and bounds. CASA elects to provide a veiled threat, a demand backed by criminal, strict liability for non compliance and gain an excuse to go after AF pilots – who have (as yet) committed no crime. There, boys and girls is the stick – the carrot – non existent – for there are always clerical errors to be found in the 'paper-work'. Welcome to enforced self incrimination – CASA style.

Mark you; the CASA golden plumage was ruffled this week; court with AF not going according to script and then, the magnificent Buckley hour, blasted around the world on social media for all to see. AOPA, Cannane and Morgan managed it very well indeed. The Morgan interruptions beautifully timed, to emphasise and expand 'stuff' Glen_B lives with every day – shocking is mildly understated. But, what of Buckley – the man.


How many of our top class pilots learned their trade at small, local flying schools? Lots is the answer. Working through the week, scraping together the dollars needed to pay for a lesson, girlfriends not taken out, Vegemite sandwiches for dinner and late night study, car neglected; all in pursuit of the idea of becoming a 'professional' pilot. Those pilots met and learned from 'the Buckleys' of this trade. They are a unique breed – pure aviation – 100 octane for blood, aerodynamics for structure and a complete understanding of the 'need' to fly. How many reading here have given up a birthday party; a hot date, a free meal, forgotten the kids - because the 'phone rang and the clarion call of a 'flight' – hopefully for pay – was offered. People like Buckley (many of 'em) understand that. Some folk, like Buckley, are natural born teachers – not just of 'up' down' 'left' 'right' and don't hit anything school – but dedicated to producing the very best of pilots – those who 'understand' the job. Buckley has a further gift which is offered free of charge – that of being fully capable of reading, understanding and (importantly) translating the CASA debacle of flight school regulations into a practical, sensible, working system. That of course revealed the ignorance and flaws in some of the most misconceived, poorly drafted, badly managed, politically driven, twisted regulation ever writ. A bloody catastrophe – neatly rejigged to working solution by Buckley. Unthinkable: Even Qantas had trouble getting their 'school' over the line – Buckley did, and he was pilloried for his efforts. What do CASA do – they threaten him for daring to speak out and publish.

Glen – A message from our sponsors:-

And McDonald wonders why her great inquiry into matters aeronautical is not getting the response it merits – listen to Buckley or, talk to AF. Off the record,  condemnation – on the record Nada. Who dares speak out? It is a bloody shambles minister – you know it, we know it, every one except the poor mug tax payer knows it. Time to put the brakes on methinks. Every revolution through history began why? To paraphrase you can shag some of the people, some of the time – etc.

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And, so it goes. Shylock's barbed comment is very apt to the state 'aviation', under the iron rule of the CASA, industry has every right – every single one of 'em; to beg answer to the same question asked 300 years ago. It still remains unanswered. 

Go to then, you come to me, and you say,

"Shylock, we would have moneys," you say so. . . .

Shall I bend low and in a bondman's key,

With bated breath and whisp'ring humbleness,

Say this:

"Fair sir, you spet on me Wednesday last,

You spurn'd me such a day, another time

You call'd me dog; and for these courtesies

I'll lend you thus much moneys"

You can see the point – as it refers to the glorious balls up the 'CASA' front row have engendered. They have little to recommend a further industry 'loan' in the form of fees, obedience or silence against travesty.

“Every eye fixed itself upon him; with parted lips and bated breath the audience hung upon his words, taking no note of time, rapt in the ghastly fascinations of the tale” 

Aye; well may you ask, what in all the the Hells is the fool banging on about this time: well; I shall tell you – “avec votre indulgence”

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Consider industry as Shylock – without him, there simply is no gold to lend – full stop. It all turns to worms the moment the money stops; and it will unless someone in 'power' steps up, man's up (or woman's up - as the case maybe) to stop the endless 'loans' (and silence) industry provides to support a demonstrably failed, completely autonomous, defunct, belligerent, totally useless body – one with the almost unbelievable title of Civil Aviation Safety Authority. If ever there was a more ineptly named 'thing' it is embodied therein.

Civil - “relating to ordinary citizens and their concerns, as distinct from military or ecclesiastical matters.”  or; courteous and polite”.

Aviation - “the flying or operating of aircraft.”

Safety - Safety is a state of being protected from potential harm or something that has been designed to protect and prevent harm.

Authority - a person or organisation having political or administrative power and control.

Get to the point fool – they howl. 'Tis but a simple matter. The fool may ask a question even a wise man cannot answer. No matter – the questions stands thus:-

But first – read Monohan, watch and listen to Buckley, before replying:-

In what way has 'civil' been applied?

“She has also been reading submissions to the inquiry and said they contained evidence that "would make your hair curl".

Now that I'm done here, I have time to consider the applications for the DAS position – entertaining as they are. Too early to post a tote, but there are a couple of 'interesting' applications – even one from a former CASA board member – NO; there is no choc frog for guessing who. The really interesting race is the one for 'legal' positions which will become vacant – MTF on the Cornucopia Cup – (or, trough dwellers stakes) as time goes by.

Old sand stock wall glows in the dim light, the stove at half throttle and the dogs stretched out, not curled into shapeless lumps; steady, valuable rain patters on the tin roof. A final read through the ramble scripted. 'Tis a ramble, humbly provided without apology in the vain hope that someone, somewhere will get off their arses, speak up and get this untenable, unsustainable mess sorted out. Right then; find hat; exeunt stable door, whistle up the dogs – check list complete. Freedom and an illicit cigar; paradise.....


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Ref: & & village idiot michael mccormack

The baffling case of the missing Village Idiot.

P7 has a remarkable repertoire of 'Goon Show' scripts – and not too shabby a mimic – when properly lubricated. We sat at the work bench discussing in general terms the hellish plight of aviation and transport generally. I wondered; aimlessly, without much hope of sensible answer, what the minister was doing about it all. Which, naturally, led to the intriguing case of the missing village idiot:-

Ref: 1:00min &

“I remember when it all started. At the time I was asleep in my electrified elephant hammock, when through the pigeon hole flew a carrier pigeon. There was something strapped to it's leg - it was a postman.”

Well, the tale had to begin somewhere; once again, the Goons to the rescue:-

Ref: 01:45 minutes &

“The scene is the country home of the Marks country home, Matzos Lodge. A mystery has been committed, young Fred Nurke has vanished. Interrogating the residents is a man, tall, dark, handsome, swashbuckling, handsome, intelligent... etc.”

From then it became a ribald, hilarious feast of nonsense which kept going (on and off) until we'd finished the work and were 'sharpening up' – no Ale with sharp tools on the bench. Finished tidy – the stove was lit, Ale was poured and still smiling, we sat and smoked. I waited for the inevitable question - “All jokes aside – where is this fool  minister”? - It is a bloody good question.

“Who cares” says I. Silence – the stern reply. But now, when I think about it, there is no real mystery at all. - Miniscules gone a roving and we don't know where he are; (sorry Banjo).

And why not? Rumour has it he's isolated from the 'power base' – and the sheer volume of Elephants parked in his waiting room is sight to worry even the bravest of the Pinocchio class puppet. And those elephants are just the aviation ones. The silly sod only has the RAOz tea lady to advise him, well that and the whispering voices of the CASA front row. Our wondering, witless wannabe from Wagga has a mountain of troubles to climb – all on his lonesome. Why, just this year alone the political faux-pas have been enough embarrassment to government, let alone reveal the real brains behind the scenes of ineptitude; all this before we even come close to 'dealing' with matters aeronautical; and there is a big (huge) growing pile of those to deal with. If Sen. McDonald can get all her ducks in a row; and, the lax, insipid nature of ministerial responsibility and bi-part-insane rubber stamping gets a serious look at – our village idiot is headed for the political stocks.

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“A feeble executive implies a feeble execution of the government. A feeble execution is but another phrase for a bad execution; and a government ill executed, whatever may be its theory, must be, in practice, a bad government.”~ Alexander Hamilton

This is why industry must – just for while – put aside division. There is not one branch (bar RAOz) who are even remotely happy with 'the way things are'. There are many who will 'go along to get along' – but even those who don't dare rock a boat or two are starting to groan and moan under the incredible pressures imposed by complex regulation and; to be frank; the bizarre ramifications of what is, in effect, an 'Eastern Bloc' rule set. The blighted pandemic despite the damage has a silver lining. NOW is the very, very best of times to ring in the changes. Bring in the NZ rule set and people who understand industry and can make it work – fast type. There has never been a better time for significant change. The FAA is remodelling some of it's rules to the NZ style; it shakes off a huge fiscal cost and actually empowers the regulator to manage aviation in a calm, sensible, professional manner – which relieves much of the ministerial responsibility for it all. Make no mistake – fine legal points aside – at the end of the shift – unless he acts now - (too late some say) - the minister will, throughout history, be blamed for the collapse. Covid is not to blame for the thin, tenuous hold aviation has on staying in business – the CASR and CASA are a hundredfold more dangerous and debilitating to the well being of this industry. When the virus is gone – those who survived the carnage of decimated aerodromes; lousy regulation; piss poor oversight; and, the overburden of cost: and, fear of reprisal, for daring to speak out – will need all the help they can get. The surprise is that they can manage all on their own – with a reformed Act, a better CASA and a little less to worry about – they'll thrive. That is the nature of the beast.

I have now digressed into the realm of ramble – but no matter.

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“If we shadows have offended,

Think but this, and all is mended,

That you have but slumbered here

While these visions did appear.”

There is a long list – from this year alone which shames the minister. To list 'em all would be crass – but, if ever a living, breathing, bastard of an example was required to shake the village idiot out of his Midsummer delusions; Angel Flight, Buckley, SOAR and overseas obligations should do the trick; quite nicely. Wake up, act; or, piss off = two options, limited choices; for political survival. Even if his few own mates tolerate the humiliation of an essential industry failing – simply because the only aerodromes and training schools available are foreign owned – is this good enough?

Aye; indeed - “What angel wakes me from my flow’ry bed?”

It is that time of the day – again. The tyranny over sighting today's work took a heavy toll. What is it with young ladies between the age of two and seven which makes 'em fussy about how their furniture is constructed? There are 16 mortise and tenon joints in a playroom chair; x 4 = 64 in total; there are eight in a table to match; 16 chair legs; four table legs; four splats for chair backs; four 'comfy' seats to make and a table top with 'proper' turn buttons. A mighty order to fill – the jury is still out on the paint colour – 50/50 split – varnish and natural – or (spare me) Rose Pink. Tomorrow is decision day; P7 departed the fix – I think the dogs will need a long day out come the morn. Meanwhile; the fire is warm, the Ale cool, workshop tidy and the stable quiet; I, for one will not disturb that. Not for a million- Tailwinds and blue skies Paul - we'll all miss you. Cheers mate......


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Ref: Via Oz Flying: & [b]But. Is there 'a' case to answer? & [b]Via AOPA Oz: Thursday 27 August 2020 & [b]AOPA (A) -v -the Dragon. & [b]GlenB embuggerance update - 27/08/20:[/b][/b][/b][/b]

De battle - of DeNial.

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Aye. The whips crack as teams of Oxen slowly drag the munitions up Capitol Hill; for both sides of the impending battle. But, don't fuss or worry – the cargo is much more dangerous than simple shot and powder; 'tis paper – by the boatload. Do not look to see proud pennants flying, uniforms, polished cannon or even a flash of dash from a proud gun carriage crew. There is no bravado – no flourish, nor even a lad playing a penny whistle to mark the march. No children; what you see is the drab dunnage of lawyers and their clerks rumbling toward a mind numbing battle of words; the weapons of warfare 'full stops' and clever interpretation of the meaning of a word. Cannon fire replaced by bombast; daring replaced by cautious phrases; courage, poorly represented by dissemble; and, the crowning jelly, atop the confection, the man most needing the defence to be mounted. So much for the defence; based on denial.....

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“And that is how we are. By strength of will we cut off our inner intuitive knowledge from admitted consciousness. This causes a state of dread, or apprehension, which makes the blow ten times worse when it does fall.” ― D.H. Lawrence, Lady Chatterley's Lover

The opposition – well, to be honest, they have not, as yet quite got their troops marshalled; let alone a battle plan. Their generals are still exploring the weaknesses in the defence; testing weapons (battery powered shredders) and trying to assemble a coherent line of attack. Problem they have is most of their ammunition is trapped behind enemy lines; they need to find a way of having that released from the self imposed, underground storage the owners have been forced to construct in order to survive their bondage and suffrage, slave to their masters voice, pitifully dependent for the small succour they gain from silent acceptance.

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“It is my belief no man ever understands quite his own artful dodges to escape from the grim shadow of self-knowledge.” ― Joseph Conrad, Lord Jim

The basic 'kick-off' point, for most revolutions is not clearly defined – the French effort for instance can assign 'blame' to many start points – but, at the end of the day, no matter the intellectual theorising; it can be put down to two clear points; people were pissed off and heads had to roll, to satisfy that anger. An extreme case, I grant, however, the basics and essentials do apply to the Australian aviation industry as it slowly, but surely realises that it is actually bloody cranky. A slow build up of suppressed anger is a dangerous thing; thankfully, the aviation industry is populated by sensible, mostly busy folk who have little time to 'act' on or pursue their grievances. Then; there's Buckley; who thanks to his enforced poverty, has both the time and courage to mount a serious challenge. Then, there's AOPA; part of an important, worldwide brotherhood who dare to challenge CASA – publicly, slowly but certainly fitting together an ugly picture of just how far beyond 'Reason' CASA have ventured. Then, there's Angel Flight – a small charity operation achieving much in an uneven battleground; fearlessly punching well above their weight and scoring.

NB: Reference from approximately 27:00 -  Confused (ref: Via AOPA Oz: Thursday 27 August 2020 )

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There are others; there are stories which would make a stone idol weep – all waiting to to be told. Then there's the doughty McDonald to weigh into the odds. A good Bookie must have an understanding of not only the field to run, but the track and the conditions. Many Senate entries have floundered, some got very close to a place; but in three decades – no one has crossed the line ahead of the opposition. 

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“If someone is able to show me that what I think or do is not right, I will happily change, for I seek the truth, by which no one was ever truly harmed. It is the person who continues in his self-deception and ignorance who is harmed.”― Marcus Aurelius, Meditations

There; the tumbrils await – impassive – their job is to simply lug the guts to the lime pits reserved for the fallen. So, where will you stand? On the footpath watching the show and sneaking back later to pick the pockets of the dead; or, will you grasp this small opportunity to say your piece, make it matter and get your hands dirty in a united attempt to be shot, once and for all, of the lunacy which we know as safety through one way regulation, applied as, when and how it suits? Now folks; if not now- then never again.

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“War must be, while we defend our lives against a destroyer who would devour all; but I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend.” ― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Two Towers

Well! I seem to have rambled on over a page; no apology – when the brave folk who agree to speak out on the AOPA 'broadcasts' – knowing that they step into a dark place, without parliamentary protection or even common law surety – the very least 'we' can do is back 'em, support 'em and – importantly – confirm, in Spades – that they speak nothing but the absolute truth. But enough – probably too much – But FDS get with the program, 'for the greater good' and while we still have a few aerodromes to work out of.

That is definitely it. The keg is playing it's siren song; P7 has cigars and it is a beautiful spring evening; glorious. We shall sit outdoors, with the dogs for quiet company: not ever to mention (again) the unspeakable 'Rose Pink' playroom furniture which we loaded and waved farewell to earlier this evening. It was not a fond farewell – 40 odd board feet of glorious 300 y.o. Celery Top pine – now Pink, and headed into the tender mercies of the playroom hooligans. P7 reckons we'll get it back to clean it off in a few years – restore it; give it a coat of Shellac and hopefully a brighter future; it will after all last easily another 200 years. Makes you think though – don't it?  Adhhab mae allah  - and wash your paws.



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Ref: GlenB embuggerance update - 27/08/20: & Sandy Comment

Well spoken K, you put into words the frustration and simmering angers of so many, and more than that, virtually the whole of the General Aviation community and beyond. The misery extends into every area that concerns the flying of aircraft, be it the extraordinary and irresponsible allowance of airport sell offs, unworkable apprenticeship conditions for maintenance engineers, huge fees for all sorts of previously unheard of permissions, killing off some thousand or more flying schools and charter operators, airspace control with swinging fees for a service that is inefficient and a safety investigator that has lost the confidence of the aviation community.

Innumerable, time wasting and expensive government inquiries have done nothing unless one considers wasting time and money is a productive outcome. Even now the Senate has yet another inquiry on the make, all the while the comprehensive ASRR of 2014 moulders in the dustbin of discarded hopes.

The few submissions to this latest inquiry have all been made before, dust of your copies and send them again to the Senate. Were there a postage expense, as in years past, you probably wouldn’t bother. After all they are all sitting there in Can’tberra anyway.

(08-29-2020, 10:41 PM)Kharon Wrote:  [Image: SBG-300820-1024x725.jpg]
Ref: Via Oz Flying: & [b]But. Is there 'a' case to answer? & [b]Via AOPA Oz: Thursday 27 August 2020 & [b]AOPA (A) -v -the Dragon. & [b]GlenB embuggerance update - 27/08/20:[/b][/b][/b][/b]

De battle - of DeNial.

[Image: sbg-2.jpg]

Aye. The whips crack as teams of Oxen slowly drag the munitions up Capitol Hill; for both sides of the impending battle. But, don't fuss or worry – the cargo is much more dangerous than simple shot and powder; 'tis paper – by the boatload. Do not look to see proud pennants flying, uniforms, polished cannon or even a flash of dash from a proud gun carriage crew. There is no bravado – no flourish, nor even a lad playing a penny whistle to mark the march. No children; what you see is the drab dunnage of lawyers and their clerks rumbling toward a mind numbing battle of words; the weapons of warfare 'full stops' and clever interpretation of the meaning of a word. Cannon fire replaced by bombast; daring replaced by cautious phrases; courage, poorly represented by dissemble; and, the crowning jelly, atop the confection, the man most needing the defence to be mounted. So much for the defence; based on denial.....

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“And that is how we are. By strength of will we cut off our inner intuitive knowledge from admitted consciousness. This causes a state of dread, or apprehension, which makes the blow ten times worse when it does fall.” ― D.H. Lawrence, Lady Chatterley's Lover

The opposition – well, to be honest, they have not, as yet quite got their troops marshalled; let alone a battle plan. Their generals are still exploring the weaknesses in the defence; testing weapons (battery powered shredders) and trying to assemble a coherent line of attack. Problem they have is most of their ammunition is trapped behind enemy lines; they need to find a way of having that released from the self imposed, underground storage the owners have been forced to construct in order to survive their bondage and suffrage, slave to their masters voice, pitifully dependent for the small succour they gain from silent acceptance.

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“It is my belief no man ever understands quite his own artful dodges to escape from the grim shadow of self-knowledge.” ― Joseph Conrad, Lord Jim

The basic 'kick-off' point, for most revolutions is not clearly defined – the French effort for instance can assign 'blame' to many start points – but, at the end of the day, no matter the intellectual theorising; it can be put down to two clear points; people were pissed off and heads had to roll, to satisfy that anger. An extreme case, I grant, however, the basics and essentials do apply to the Australian aviation industry as it slowly, but surely realises that it is actually bloody cranky. A slow build up of suppressed anger is a dangerous thing; thankfully, the aviation industry is populated by sensible, mostly busy folk who have little time to 'act' on or pursue their grievances. Then; there's Buckley; who thanks to his enforced poverty, has both the time and courage to mount a serious challenge. Then, there's AOPA; part of an important, worldwide brotherhood who dare to challenge CASA – publicly, slowly but certainly fitting together an ugly picture of just how far beyond 'Reason' CASA have ventured. Then, there's Angel Flight – a small charity operation achieving much in an uneven battleground; fearlessly punching well above their weight and scoring.

NB: Reference from approximately 27:00 -  Confused (ref: Via AOPA Oz: Thursday 27 August 2020 )

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[Image: Dr-A.jpg]

There are others; there are stories which would make a stone idol weep – all waiting to to be told. Then there's the doughty McDonald to weigh into the odds. A good Bookie must have an understanding of not only the field to run, but the track and the conditions. Many Senate entries have floundered, some got very close to a place; but in three decades – no one has crossed the line ahead of the opposition. 

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“If someone is able to show me that what I think or do is not right, I will happily change, for I seek the truth, by which no one was ever truly harmed. It is the person who continues in his self-deception and ignorance who is harmed.”― Marcus Aurelius, Meditations

There; the tumbrils await – impassive – their job is to simply lug the guts to the lime pits reserved for the fallen. So, where will you stand? On the footpath watching the show and sneaking back later to pick the pockets of the dead; or, will you grasp this small opportunity to say your piece, make it matter and get your hands dirty in a united attempt to be shot, once and for all, of the lunacy which we know as safety through one way regulation, applied as, when and how it suits? Now folks; if not now- then never again.

[Image: 656983.jpg]

“War must be, while we defend our lives against a destroyer who would devour all; but I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend.” ― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Two Towers

Well! I seem to have rambled on over a page; no apology – when the brave folk who agree to speak out on the AOPA 'broadcasts' – knowing that they step into a dark place, without parliamentary protection or even common law surety – the very least 'we' can do is back 'em, support 'em and – importantly – confirm, in Spades – that they speak nothing but the absolute truth. But enough – probably too much – But FDS get with the program, 'for the greater good' and while we still have a few aerodromes to work out of.

That is definitely it. The keg is playing it's siren song; P7 has cigars and it is a beautiful spring evening; glorious. We shall sit outdoors, with the dogs for quiet company: not ever to mention (again) the unspeakable 'Rose Pink' playroom furniture which we loaded and waved farewell to earlier this evening. It was not a fond farewell – 40 odd board feet of glorious 300 y.o. Celery Top pine – now Pink, and headed into the tender mercies of the playroom hooligans. P7 reckons we'll get it back to clean it off in a few years – restore it; give it a coat of Shellac and hopefully a brighter future; it will after all last easily another 200 years. Makes you think though – don't it?  Adhhab mae allah  - and wash your paws.



[Image: sbg-3-476x1024.jpg]
Ref: GlenB embuggerance update - 27/08/20: & Sandy Comment

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Ref: GlenB embuggerance update - 5/09/20 &

The shout of outrage!

Now, I'd bet beer there's a few who have not done it – and felt the better for it. Today's was a real one: dropped it (well knocked it off the bench) – a one off, with hours of careful work invested – beyond repair. Even the dogs decamped. Pent up fury released in a primal howl of – what? Directed at whom? The gods themselves - or myself, for there was no one else to blame. Once I'd done a'cussin all and sundry (and shouting) I realised that neither fate, the devils or even the gods themselves had no hand in my misfortunes – I'd been clumsy and thoughtless – distracted. My anger was only directed in one direction – I had made a mistake.

“One of the hardest things in this world is to admit you are wrong. And nothing is more helpful in resolving a situation than its frank admission.” ― Benjamin Disraeli

Which brings us to Buckley. 

[Image: hitch_2020_kh.jpg]

Well said Hitch – bravo. For 'tis true; but, it fails the test of a 'primary' exemplar. It simply does not carry the gravitas which may be assigned to some other cases of embuggerance. There are many which have preceded it; some, as yet 'unheard' - come with even more dire consequences. Many thought Lockhart River would be the turning point – alas. Even more believed that Seaview would be 'the' catalyst; Monarch was a starter; even as recently as Pel-Air there was hope that the many wrongs could be righted: alas. Minister after minister all singing from the same damn song sheet – 'I have no control'. BOLLOCKS. Who passes 'the laws'? Who allowed this unholy abomination to gain ascendancy? Who is a man of 'influence' with a whole raft of clever folk at his beck and call, with even more influence again, to allow such a 'thing' to exist? What sort of 'government' tolerates the decades long history of  government sanctioned and supported abuse of power, disregard for the 'rule of law' and the god awful state aviation has been beaten into. This is, like it or not, a problem for government to rectify. Tomorrow would be good – today - even better. 

“The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.” ― Benjamin Disraeli

[Image: glenb.jpg]

“All is mystery; but he is a slave who will not struggle to penetrate the dark veil.” ― Benjamin Disraeli

The words in 'bold' may offer a clue - is able to 'satisfy' CASA – has anyone, not touched by that slippery stanza got the first blind clue what 'it' means? CASA will build a 'safety case' and make it stick through the AAAT if the ducking door knobs on the crew room cupboards are a 'thou' off spec. Aye, 'the dark veil' of false claims, engineered evidence; mountains out of molehills – transmogrified into 'proof positive' with 'evidence' to support and terrify a lay AAT will, in time, do for Buckley. The AFAP will mark his card – no work for him, AVMED will cook up some 'anomaly' requiring two years of 'blood tests' every quarter year – the list of what can be and is, often, done behind the scenes would do a little more than simply 'curl' Ms McDonald hair.

[Image: Angel-Karma-1024x671-1-e1599460658757.jpg]

Then we must deal with the Angel Flight saga. A classic example of honest folk facing down a monster that even when it admits it's wrongdoings, will not alter course one iota. For some reason – perhaps 'commercial' - related to 'mates' who see a dollar and some flying in reducing the Angel Flight 'market share' - all in the name of 'safety' and control by CASA through an AOC – who would know? A 'proper' man, honest man, of the people, for the people could find out – just ask the local coffee shop – and would move to prevent even the whiff of corruption and cronyism becoming noticeable. Oh, yes it stinks...

[Image: D8xzfbgUIAEZYmm.jpg]

“It is well-known what a middleman is; he is a man who bamboozles one party and plunders the other.” ― Benjamin Disraeli

What a bloody mess – airports torn up to build shopping centres; ILS pointing the wrong way; flight schools decimated in favour of a legal loophole exploited with CASA blessing; volunteer pilots under the microscope, industry terrified to speak out; worlds worst regulation produced after a 30 year rip-off; the world treating Australia as a joke; unspeakable embuggerance of those who dare speak out or challenge the incompetency and venality of CASA, the disgraceful ATSB and the greedy ASA. All piled up on the ministerial plate – with the RRAT to sort it it out – Ha ha ha. “Tell 'em they're dreaming. The real 'kicker' is that those who could, in a ministerial heartbeat, sort it are either unwilling, or too sensible to ever, ever again try. It the DPM of this land cannot 'influence' - backed by the PMC a serious change?– Then what hope have the mutts trying to make a living through aviation? My shout of fury achieved little today – but; by Golly – it made me sensible of my very own mistakes. 


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“What we learn from history is that we do not learn from history” ― Benjamin Disraeli

So, that which is beyond repair will be put aside; I shall make another. But not tonight. There's a breeze, a clear sky, just cool enough to warrant my old sweater. No need to whistle – they wait at the orchard gate – how they know when the time is right I'll never know – but they do – and I am glad of it. Away – you fur bearing, four legged flea hotels – get on with ya. Peace awaits me by the river's bank.

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“The moon is friend for the lonesome to talk to.” ― Carl Sandburg


P2 OBS: Nicholas Christie nails it for the choccy frog quote of the week -

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Ref: we wait? 
'In – Dragnet'?

The beginning of our tale is one cold, foggy morning just before daybreak. A sleek ministerial limo glides to a stop in front of the discrete entrance to a small private – (very) air terminal. The driver, weary from an all night shift, slips out to open the rear doors, the smell of booze, perfume and a sickly, sweet musty smoke greets his nostrils as his passengers slither out, quickly adjust to daylight and head for the door – the one with a flunky beckoning. Our weary driver quickly scans the car interior; bags up the ashtray residual, two used condoms, and pockets two $1000 dollar poker chips, which he will add to the generous tip received 'for his discretion'. The rest, he decides can be cleaned out on return to base by the 15 bucks an hour (after tax) crowd. Just as he's opening the door to get back in; a highly agitated minion races out “wait – wait” howls the minion.

Our man waits:- “the Kirispy Kream doughnuts are not here; there's hell to pay; here, take this and scoot round the KK and get a box full”. Our man has had enough of this crowd and has knocked off - “Nah” says he – “go get 'em yourself – just there across the tarmac – five minute walk – Ta-ta”. Here we leave our world weary driver, heading off to breakfast. But what of the minion? Well children; no cabs, not even a push bike – just lonesome shank's mare – off he trots at a minion clip – eventually arriving at the entrance to KK heaven – alas; truck drivers and airport workers by the shed load form a seemingly endless queue and wait he must. Eventually his order is filled and he trots back to the VIP area to a hell of a bollocking, the boot and having his hard won treats flung at him by a furious VIP. “Something has to be done to prevent this travesty ever happening again” raged our VIP; “I'll have a quiet word with someone”. End scene One.

Scene two – A little while later.

It had not taken very long for a 'meeting' to be arranged; our miffed VIP was to meet Don Reynard – undercover of a 'good will' tour of a city airport – and a deal was hammered out. Our VIP, completely focused on ensuring rapid, on-demand doughnut delivery – was happy to agree to Don Reynard's seemingly innocuous demands. Hand shake – no paper work – the deal to sell off the airport was done. The taxiway was to be diverted to allow air-side access for aircraft to pull up, get the fresh product on board and resume it's merry way to other important junkets. Hunky Dory and all good.

[Image: BOHICA.jpg]
Ref: The Empire Strikes Back on UAV oversight 

Scene three – Enter the Drones....

What our VIP had not fully grasped was the 'scope' for development afforded by his handshake deal; or the pots of money Don Reynard had invested – not that it mattered very much, well not until one day when an aircraft (dodging drone traffic) had the temerity to collide with a very profitable business building which somehow (whoops) had been built a tad too close to the runway. “Oh dear” said our VIP when the news filtered through. “You are knee deep in Do-Do my friend” says Don Reynard – brushing doughnut flakes off his latest 'footy top' - “you need to get this sorted – fast like”. “Not a problem” says our VIP – I have mate who owes me a favour or two – I'll call him”. And so it was – the call was made.

Now, his mate had a mate, who had a mate; who rang another mate who owed a favour. A small time, wannabe gangster who wanted to play with the big boys. “Not to worry” says this worthy - “I'll get a crack crew onto the job; wrap it up fast, blame the pilot and we'll wrap it up quick smart”. Unfortunately; the best laid schemes of mice gang aft agley, and so it is with men. “Who approved that building?” called the heavies. Panic set in – calls were made, threats and bribes subtly applied or offered as required, never to be disclosed. No matter, a top team was put in charge, the mob's best. Pete 'Pencil-neck' Smith, skilled numbers man; his brother Pete 'Baby-face' Smith top twister of words and world class sophist; backed up by a motley crew of the best 'Yes' men – who also had mates.

Well, the first jury has departed the fix – old age and ennui did for them; the next hand picked jury is still awaiting their 21st birthday – to be of legal age and by then, it won't matter as the KK confection will be delivered by the drone squad operating from a backyard near you. So, boys and girls – you see, patience, time and good mates can see all your trouble vanish into history and – best of all – you get your doughnuts – hot and crispy. Now; ain't that wonderful?

Aye, it's a twiddle alright– a whimsical waste of bandwidth – but, to be honest, I can't begin to get my head around the current mess we face – or the lack of any hope to have the direst of situations resolved. ASA's million dollar Halfwit in the RRAT Estimates talking complete bollocks; ATSB with multiple 'directors' talking crap and (insult to injury) bringing 'the ghost who walks' back to the forefront after his treatment of KC; CASA in a leaderless tail spin gearing up to take on the Buckley debacle and drag it out as long and hard as possible; minister MIA; airports being built over; maintenance in disarray, pilot training an expensive, counterproductive shambles etc. The few who are trying to talk sense shut down, industry to terrified (with good cause) to say 'enough' and good men deserting the ship – even the RRAT inquiry is shaping up as the biggest non-event in a long history of 'inquiry'. Nope; bugger it; I'll stick to twiddles at least they fill some of the void. If; cometh the hour – cometh the man – then I'd say he's (yes, yes or She {FCOL}) has missed the clucking bus; or, been thrown under it. Time this industry wrested control back where it belongs; far away from the current system. Never wanted to be an American (don't like the beer) but I'd shift – just for a sane rule set and accountable accident investigation – I would.

But enough; perhaps – just maybe something will come out of the depths and shake this moribund RRAT committee into action – then again if Pel-Air, Seaview, Lockhart and Buckley can't put a cracker in the donkey's arse – alas........Etc.......Amen........Good night Nurse.

No matter – it is a 'pretty', fragrant night; flowers appearing, new growth emerging, the river is getting along very well indeed; flying fox squadrons overhead. If you sit still and quiet the pulse of life eternal can be heard, steady and strong through the land which supports it. The timber for the next job lays on the bench – four square now and ready for joinery – lay out tomorrow; cut and fettle'd ready for glue Tuesday;hell, I may get a day off Wednesday.  But the night sky beckons and I do miss being free in it, far away from surly earth below. Perhaps one day – soon.  ʾin šāʾa -llāh

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Ref: P2 Addendum & &

Of the long search - for 'the' perfect arsehole.-

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Or; in quest of a 'suitable' DAS..Well -”The dogs they called a meeting”:

Oh, the dogs once held a concert,
They came from near and far.
Oh, some they came by aeroplane
And some by motor car.

Before into the concert hall
They were allowed to look,
Each dog had to take off his arsehole
And hang it on a hook.

Oh, hardly were they seated there,
Each mother, son and sire,
When a dirty little yellah dog
Began to holler 'Fire!'

Out they rushed in panic,
They didn't stop to look;
Each dog just grabbed an arsehole
From off the nearest hook.

And that's the reason why you see,
On walking down the street,
Each dog will stop and swap a smell
With every dog he meets.

And that's the reason why a dog
Will leave a good fat bone
To go and smell an arsehole
In hopes to find his own.

Anon: (to the best of my knowledge).

But one must acknowledge the parallel. For many years now CASA have been seeking a way to get 'their' man into the 600,000 p.a. Job. It just solves so many problems and 'the iron ring' (and the captive bored) don't like 'problems'; particularly those of a political nature. Was there a five year 'plan' – to ensure that 'their man' groomed, manicured and polished to a fare the well ascended the throne. They really needed a suitable turd to polish. Well, just suppose, for the sake discussion, they found one. What would come next?

A pathway to stardom must be made – easy – bugger up a decent sort of chap; ease in a stop gap to grease the wheels – then have 'their' pick become 'acceptable' to the politicians. This is easily done; ministers need 'advisers'. A recommendation from the top ranks would ensure a position close to the ministerial heart; the answer to a disinterested wannabe's prayer – an 'expert' with CASA backing – as adviser. Old proven adage – 'if it seems too good to be true – it probably ain't. We have recently observed two – not one, but two crown ministers being made to be seen as inept, out of touch and led astray; by the same man. There is a valid excuse for Chester – he had no inkling of any form of mismanagement – until Tamworth. That is where the rot set in; it took another 18 months (give or take) before he called 'enough' and fired CASA's best hope. 'We' have a modicum of sympathy for Darren – his work through bush fire and pandemic have been worthy of note and his heart was clearly in the right place. Aunt Pru is sorry for the rough ride given – he clearly knew no better. But there is no plausible excuse for McDonaught. After Chester fired his CASA anointed 'adviser'  the WWW 6G village idiot embraced (fervently) the 'preferred' adviser, with full knowledge of past dubious advice; conned by CASA into using shop soiled goods. Then; finally, the penny dropped with a long, loud clang just at the end of the garden path. McWhatisname then hired the RAOz tea lady – from the 'Cor-Blimey' frying pan into the fire. Why? Howls the mob. Well; we (P2 actually) have been rootling around in the dustbins again and have developed a working theory – not fact you understand – not yet. But it is a hypothesis worth considering. Patience; another short paragraph will explain.

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[Image: Untitled_Clipping_021820_012549_PM.jpg]

There exists a Senate Committee; to wit, the 'Standing Committee on Regulation and Ordinances. Little known but a serious outfit. A little research and a time line pin points two important events. All mapped out in this “Thread”. In short – when this committee asks questions and demands answers – the minister – standing alone – is obliged to answer. Not the DoIT, not CASA, not ATSB, not ASA and certainly not his 'adviser' (with political {Nats} aspirations) – but the minister himself. A quick fact check demonstrates (coincidentally) the firing of said adviser. Funny coincidence department? Twice? Join the dots for yourself – it is self evident.

Now then – rumour is running rife due to the selection of a new DAS. One recurrent rumour is that the same man who made two ministers look foolish (embarrassed if you will) is leading the race in the final furlongs in the DAS Cup of Plenty handicap.

Finally; after much mutual arse sniffing – CASA have found their preferred arsehole and are promoting that (like Billy O) to run aviation. Tell 'em they're dreaming. If this CASA board allows this travesty – when at least two other very able, qualified, acceptable to industry candidates are available – then Australia can kiss goodbye to the tattered remnants of what little remains of a fine reputation. Ask any professional aviator; operator or flight school boss their opinion of Part 61. Then ask is the man who brought this gods forsaken mountain of detritus (and proud of it) down on a struggling industry fit to be the DAS? Bollocks he is: in Spades – redoubled. The minister ain't seen much more than an unhappy 'growl' from this industry – not yet. But; its only fair to warn him (and his very best mates); there are some seriously pissed off folk - with clout, connections, money and horsepower looking very hard at the process and decision making in the replacement for the abject failure of the last 'acceptable' appointment.

There all done now– P2's excellent research is available on the SCRO thread - join the dots – make the dashes – it's all there; and, in the timing; and, in the CV. 'Nuff said, probably too much – no apology offered – this is too important. That's it – my opinion cast to the winds of change. I have however, taken a liberty to modify an old ditty; dedicated to the 'iron ring'. No doubt the message will be misconstrued; nevertheless.

[Image: EKD0blqU0AEKa7r-1.jpg]

"There was a young man from Australia.
Wot painted his arse, like a Dahlia
The pattern was fine; and so the design
The aroma; alas, 'twas a failure." 

Aye well; that's that done - FWIW. I made a rare pass through DT's domain (aka the kitchen) in search of something to munch on with an Ale or two (P7 is due so double that) and there I spotted – (horror of horrors) 'a list' with matters domestic in need of attention; but there's time yet to escape the worst of it; I need a cunning plan. Perhaps the elegant 'occasional' table on the bench may yet have an industrial accident – though it would break my heart to abuse it so – Nah – I'll just bullshit my way out and defer the inevitable – sometimes it works. We shall see. Meanwhile, the Ale is cool; P7 imminent; just enough wriggle room for a walk before reality strikes. Big dog has fetched me my boots; subtle he ain't – but, by the gods – he, at least, is honest. Away – let us begone.

[Image: Essex02.JPG]

The bounteous largess given thee to give?
Profitless usurer, why dost thou use
So great a sum of sums yet canst not live?
For having traffic with thyself alone,
Thou of thyself thy sweet self dost deceive.
Then how when nature calls thee to be gone,

Sonnet IV - Shakespeare's Sonnets


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“Mere prattle without practice” ― William Shakespeare, Othello

Ref: AQON of incredulity??

Senator SHELDON: Also what is the cost of engaging the new Chief People and Culture Officer and the team of cultural officers?

Mr Harfield: I don't know off the top of my head the remuneration of Ms Gemmell, but, being an executive position, we report that in our remuneration report. It's in line with our normal executive remuneration.

“We're in the process of introducing eight people for our Safe Place piece.” What, in the seventh hell is a 'safe piece'? A place where all wear 'courage bangles; strapped to their sensitivities :– a 'safe' work place? Is land rights for gay whales now a forbidden discussion - wtd. Where no one may say anything more than a neutral 'Good morning' without being prosecuted – no 'espirit de corps' – no wise cracks – a hive of faceless, spiritless drones. A bollocking from a manager classed as bullying; the original transgression lost in the mist of the new 'sensitive' regime. Bollocks – you bugger it up – you cop the rocket – end of: and, do not do it again. That ain't bullying. An ATCO gets it wrong and there is a price to pay – in fuel, schedule and even in a very rare case – safety is marginally compromised.

For 'Our safe piece'. Upward of two million dollars – for a 'safe piece'. ASA ain't earning anything worth counting. Fact.  Then there is the Gemmell gambit. The final get out of goal card for the ever smug, take it on notice Halfwit. He's on a million a year – to hire folk who will, for a fee, provide the answers to those questions which; for that class of money, he should be able to answer. Just what does the electric blue clot know? Not too bloody much is the quintessential answer. Unless you count ducking, weaving and bus stop wrestling.

[Image: 16244.jpg]

“I know words are cheap, but a dram of grace is worth all the world.” ― John Bunyan

To add insult the fat, smug, rich electric blue boy then hires the twice failed 'minister's adviser' (Wannabe DAS) - as a 'government relations manager'. ASA have employed the twice sacked ministerial adviser (again) as a 'government relations' honcho. There's another cool half a million – gone to provide what? (a dollar on every air ticket). Always remember; the anointed, protected, always employed 'adviser' is the man responsible for the duck up of the cluck up which is Part 61 – as DAS – they're dreaming. No matter and I digress.

Despite the 'legal' argy-bargey – like it or not, despite allegedly paying a return on investment to the tax payer – ASA has, as being a complete monopoly – failed dismally to provided a return that a serious investor of that class of money would find 'acceptable'. This, before the complete shambles and outrageous cost of the pet 'Big-Sky' wet dream has done anything more than be a huge dark hole into which money is thrown. Air Traffic Control is an essential safety element to a first world nation – not a 'profit centre'. Our ATCO's are world class and better – yet they are forced to live and work in a world far removed from international reality. Time Civil Air got motivated – one of the most efficient, effective unions ever – but never a dickey bird from them.

There is the great big trough of 'public safety' money - always full and, as we all know; it is well protected by those who feed voraciously from it. Pity the starving sparrow when the vultures feed. Politicians without conscience, avoiding all responsibility keep shovelling in the wherewithal to accommodate the like of the EBH and his best mates. It is ducking ridiculous - 'A safer' system? No. Does the long raped public purse know, full well; it ain't.? Not a chance in Hell of that happening.

“Talk is cheap until you hire a lawyer”:-

Item next (then I'm done) is a deuced tricky one. One Clinton McKenzie Esq. Provided one the very best in the AOPA series of 'live' broadcasts related to aeronautical pilot 'medical' certification. This was applauded by the BRB and the IOS elements; well done etc. Tim Tam cupboard key, gold star and unlimited Choc-frogs. No argument. The session is well worth your time – particularly if you enjoy a good Gothic mystery. However:- that said there are some serious questions being asked about just how 'fearless' AOPA Australia are prepared to be; and, how much ' street- cred' they actually have. There are some very 'real' horror stories out there; deep, dark and disgraceful. There is an opinion, gaining a lot of support that AOPA are simply producing 'advertorials' – to promote membership.  AOPA has zero standing in any of the 'committees' which have real influence. They do not tackle the problems which beset light to medium weight 'air operators' – those who are the real backbone of what is described as GA. Without these operators there is no place for the wannabe future airline pilots to gain real experience. Sure, the 'private' crowd will continue – but they are a shrinking minority – what with the RAOz get out of medical goal card – (hard to trump). But what of the terrible burden 'small' operators must carry? That, before AOPA get anywhere near 'life in the real world'. AOPA Australia is just pissing about in the Daisy patch – avoiding the thorns and weeds in the rose garden; and, knocking off at sunset. Bit like a fart in a thunderstorm. Membership ain't the key – credibility and runs on the board are. There; the condensed opinion of our membership E-mail loops. 

Aye well -


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From the sublime to the ridiculous, said Fontenelle, it is only one step: from raillery to insult there is even less.

Time – my clock treads it's steady measure; you do know that the last tick and quarter chime are unique – never to be heard by another human being again. Pause for thought right there. No matter – cigar, Ale , stove topped up – all quiet – feet on desk – checks complete – to the line.

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“Though nothing can bring back the hour

Of splendor in the grass, of glory in the flower;

We will grieve not, rather find

Strength in what remains behind;

In the primal sympathy

Which having been must ever be...” ― William Wordsworth


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Ref: Apple of Big Mac’s eye & A Game changer? - Or more Onepie in the Sky? & The Future of Australia’s Aviation Sector & ‘The voice of one crying in the wilderness.’ 

Once upon a midnight weary, while I pondered etc.

And; 'a pondering' I am. Two subjects. In primus, 'tis both the BRB and IOS I run a very real risk of upsetting; then, secundus, there is the CASA created tangle of regulation which has the potential to drive a sane man nuts. 

Mini ramble:-In any form of 'sport' or even work ethic for the 'working' animal – dogs or horses; there are things which the 'bookmaker' must know. I have seen (many times) Grand Papa take a dog out of a 'hunt' - “look at her ears son” - “she always drops 'em like that as 'Eustress' sets in when she is coming into 'season'; she won't hunt this day. Or, my dear Uncle Bill – greyhound man – knew every sign of a dog 'keen' to run – or not. Both understood, cared and were aware of what it took to not only win – but to enjoy the win. With that level of 'deep' understanding they could forecast a result long before any bookie. I am, in my own way – trying to explain why I will not make a 'book' for the DAS race. Nope; just won't do it: end of. Why? They ask. Well for starters – I am not going to loose my shirt. One needs to know the animals in the race; have a canny sense of how the running will go and a hundred other small 'tell-tale' things which make for what Micawber describes as 'happiness'.

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“'My other piece of advice, Copperfield,' said Mr. Micawber, 'you know. Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure nineteen nineteen six, result happiness. Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure twenty pounds nought and six, result misery.” ― Charles Dickens, David Copperfield

So many names being bandied about – some risible, some sinister, some as close to the perceived mark as possible. Even so – there is a whole lot of work going on below the water line. The race is a buggers muddle of gossip and false information; enuff said. So, I have read the detail of the 'front runners' – unimpressive is the best I can define. IMO, the only short odds favourite (my best pick) is nor even entered. The right man is John Sharp; by a country mile. Anything less than this calibre of knowledge of 'politics', aviation and where the solutions may be found is untenable. Could he be lured away from his present gig? Jets, bigger, newer aircraft and a chance to build a better new airline? – No. But I do wish someone would make the effort and at least try. There; that's how the 'book' stands; I can't find a realistic favourite in the current 'alleged' field of applicants. Will Sharp take the gig – no way – so the 'bookie' survives. Never met the bloke – but, if we do not get this class of management savvy; and soon, it will be one way traffic to landing your drone on a DFO – for a fee.

[Image: reformcasa.jpg]

But this denoted a foregone conclusion.

'Tis a shrewd doubt, though it be but a dream,And this may help to thicken other proofs,That do demonstrate thinly.

I actually did a reckoning of just how many, very real, very expensive, time consuming bullshit hoops the whole industry must jump through to get back to the pitiful state it was in before 'the virus we had to have' raised it's ugly, tortured head. It must, at very least, alert government to the simple fact that 'recovery' back to the near bankrupt state the industry was in – pre virus – is, under the current burden of 'rules' - borderline 'mission impossible'. I even doubt if there is even a 'will' to continue – let alone the money needed to back that will; or if anyone even cares any longer. Hell, there's hardly an aerodrome fit for purpose left, let alone an investor who could, without a sanity check (or assurances) be comfortable that there will be a viable second tier commercial aviation industry, with the will to survive.

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Money. Aye, money, that will help – a bit. But that is not what 'industry' really wants. Sure they'll gleefully take the hand out; may even say 'thanks'.  BUT they are still saddled and hard ridden by a totally bloody useless; not fit for purpose, oppressive, counterproductive rule set. Keep the handouts and the strings attached. Get the mess aviation 'rules' have descended into sorted; sack Aleck and his best mates. Bring in a DAS who understands the demand for 'real' change, in real time (like tomorrow) and breathe 'hope' into a self sufficient, self funding, essential industry.

[Image: doc2-1-1024x725.jpg]

So, boys and girls – do not ask me to run a race and book on the  'non-event' which is purporting to be the DAS Golden Cushion handicap. As it stands – it ain't worth the chalk on the board.

No matter – I keep being distracted though; I am taking care of a neighbours puppy for a couple of day- it is fascinated by the stable cat – needless to say that old cat is a very experienced 'manger' of puppy logic. As it stands, the cat has now twice indicated what the 'rules' are and moved to a favourite perch. The pup has almost, but not quite defined those rules. But wait – 'big dog' has taken a hand – I hope the pup takes that advice – the cat (stand alone) is one thing – but with 'big dog' back up – it becomes a whole new world of rapid learning for the young'n. I am not getting between that pup and my old moggy – still have the scars from last time. There are 36 square meters of Kari Pine flooring stacked up – best I sort it out before P7 rocks up – wanting to know why there's no interest in the next 'DAS Golden Cushion' event - and Ale. Oh. P2 - Just for you - a link - HERE - (bucket available).


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P2 comment: Second the Lorraine MacGillivray Motion -  Wink

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Ref: Via AOPA Oz: Dr Rob Liddell (Avmed legend) nails it! Sandy's disgust?? 

A matter of balance, of timing; and, of momentum.

Take any subject, machine or even life itself and remove the 'balancing' forces; what happens? Look no further than the Pratt and Whitney strapped to the wing or the Lycoming dead ahead; any form of 'imbalance' therein spells trouble. Putting a horse over the jumps; carrying in the tea tray; skiing, flying, riding a push bike - even the cursed cheque book – all fraught with peril once 'unbalanced'. Or; of being unequal, if you prefer; inequality,    another way of expressing the same tragic outcome any form of 'imbalance' creates.

There is exists in Australia, in law, in fact and in reality one great 'imbalance' which must be addressed. It is, despite being 'aviation' related (therefore complex) easily explained by a simply paralleled 'what if'. Lets say you hold a NT driving licence for a car – and; the NT do not require you to pass a medical prior to being granted that licence; self certification as to fitness to drive is acceptable – fair enough. Then you lob into NSW. Say that state declared that without you passing a medical check, at your own expense, which only allows you to be certified by a separate body of medico's – beyond your GP – with the power to prevent you driving, you may not, at risk of criminal penalty -drive in this state. - What do you imagine would happen? No prizes for the correct answer. And yet, some pilots may self certify they are 'fit' to fly' in one operational regime – others may not – in another regime. Its nuts. But worse its unfair, out of balance and the bias fails to make reasonable sense – to anyone. Unless you consider a divide to conquer strategy with the bonus of diminished responsibility for the 'official' regulator. Unbalanced and inequitable – yet there it stands – against an unequivocal safety case supported by over 70 years of data. For recreational or private operations – the lower medical standards have an impeccable track record – so why the imbalance? To what sensible purpose, apart from to 'the' self serving interests, can the division possibly be of any benefit or even defended? 

Ref: Addendum

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“The only stable state is the one in which all men are equal before the law.” ― Aristotle

Aye; equality and balance- harbingers of peace. The natural world has ways and means of keeping a balance. Excess is winnowed; feast and famine, life and death – the survival of each forever in balance. But what of the unnatural world; the one man creates? Take the CASA as an example of what the fool is banging on about. This - HERE – Now, we draw a long bow; but indulge me a for a moment. Inside of CASA as we all well know there are two teams – for ease of reference let's call 'em 'White hats' and 'Black hats' They all belong to the same 'unions' – to wit; AFAP and the Public Service Union.  

[Image: Screenshot_2020-10-07-CASA_in_crisis-pdf-723x1024.jpg]

“A discussion paper released by Professionals Australia, a union representing employees of the Civil Aviation Safety Authority, has labelled CASA as being in a state of crisis, highlighting serious deficiencies in technical knowledge and capability.”

With any 'Union' particularly the PA; numbers matter (i.e. fees). It is highly unlikely – damn near impossible almost - that a 'small' band of 'White hats' could bring this level of public acknowledgement to the 'perceived' grievances of a minority group. QED. Have the 'white hats' finally outnumbered the black? CASA have ploughed their way through literally billions of 'public money' to produce a monstrous abomination which is a self perpetuating bureaucracy, developing ever more complex rules which require ever more bureaucrats to manage it. Two simple solutions have been offered up to prevent even more fiscal demands on the nation to keep aviation 'legally' safe. None of this has been expended in 'operational' safety; non. Lots and lots on 'legal safety' though – a motza. The white hats have now, finally, objected. Wow!

Solution. Bring in the FAA or NZ to oversight the transition:or, appoint a DAS who can manage the transition away from the incomprehensible dibble we call a 'rule set' and set up a new infrastructure focused on 'operational' safety rather than the 'easy conviction' of the ever present scapegoat i.e. the pilot or; if that is dead, then the  company.

Ref: From 23:40

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“When it comes to this I should prefer emigrating to some country where they make no pretence of loving liberty – to Russia, for instance, where despotism can be taken pure, and without the base alloy of hypocrisy.” ― Abraham Lincoln, Lincoln Letters

Balance, equality, and in this wide brown land - ' a fair go'. It has to regain equilibrium; careers and businesses cannot be decimated without a sane, balanced approach. This cannot possibly happen under the current regime – even if anyone other than Croesus could afford the time – let alone the money involved to defend against 'Strict liability' under the criminal code.

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Ref: FAA IASA audit, FRMS & an 'inconvenient ditching'? 

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“An object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.”- Newton's First Law of Motion

A jet engine turbine, spinning at 40,000 odd RPM must be 'in balance'. Disturb that balance and all bets are off – except the one sure thing – soon or late; something is going to break. This time afforded, now, courtesy of this virus hoax is perfect; there will never, not ever be another opportunity to reform the regulator; bring in sensible regulation; return the marbles to those who have lost 'em and be shot of the dross clinging to inflated salaries purporting to be 'expert'. The doom has – finally come upon these Ladies of Shallots, sons of charlatans, off -spring of snake oil salesmen: courtesy of the 'good guys' and white hats.

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“He felt that there is a loose balance of good and evil, and that the art of living consists in getting the greatest good out of the greatest evil.”― Machado de Assis, Iaiá Garcia

Had to smile today - P2 sent through a post by Mr Approach – from the UP. The last line from an excellent post:-

MA - “Sorry about that rant, as Aunt Pru is prone to say, back to the lathe (wish I had one).”

Made me wonder if there was a camera in the workshop. We have two lathes – a large one, on which I can turn up Newel posts (for staircases) etc. and a 'bodgers' with which it was my delight to become acquainted with at the age of seven. There is a most comfortable bench at the back end of the orchard which is supported by the product of just such a lathe. The secret of using that lathe lays within the 'mystique' of sharpening up for 'green wood'. I will keep that secret to my grave. Away now dogs – tempus fugit – and tempers fray when we are too long away from the ambit domestic tyranny- when there's a long list on the Ale tap fridge..

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what is joy without sorrow? what is success without failure? what is a win without a loss? what is health without illness? you have to experience each if you are to appreciate the other. there is always going to be suffering. it’s how you look at your suffering, how you deal with it, that will define you.” ― Mark Twain


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The long drop dunny, and uses thereof.

Or; for our more 'sensitive' reader – a 'pit latrine'. In days of old a common item; done properly, as the Japanese managed; has proven to be of an advantage to the well being of the natural word. In these modern days, the flush and forget system is extremely effective etc. The point is that for millennia, humans have been working out ways to be shot of the unmentionable in many different ways. Perhaps its time we considered utilising that considerable ingenuity to be rid of all unwanted waste. We could sure use such a system about now – there's so much to be 'flushed' away.

For instance – there you sit in your long drop outhouse and a bushfire breaks out; just as it becomes a little too warm for comfort – a Black Hawk chopper lobs in – to save you from being toast. Would you say “Oh no – I can't fly in that – CASA say it's 'unsafe'. Take it to the ridiculous – Afghanistan and you are getting the unmentionable shot out you and Bell Jet Ranger turns up to rescue you – would you say “Oh no – I can't fly in that – it ain't military. Don't even think about laughing. I've no idea what a 'Black Hawk' costs – non: but it will be 'a plenty'. Our Defence Force want to gift two to our Rural Fire Service; remember - those boys and girls who did such a tremendous job during the horror story wild fires we had early this year. These two 'free' choppers would assist in getting men and machinery into 'critical' locations to prevent or contain fire spread. CASA, in it's infinite, consummate wisdom have 'deemed' the use of these tried and battle tested assets “unsafe” - an unacceptable risk to 'safety'. Cue 'Flush noises'.

“The RFS has instead decided to spend $6.5 million – which was originally committed to refitting the Black Hawks – on two Bell 412 helicopters, which will be operational this bushfire season.”

Of course, one great advantage of the country 'outhouse' is that it may always be found, even on the darkest night – just follow your nose. Once enjoyed, the unforgettable aroma is as good as a lit pathway to the educated olfactory senses. One whiff and the candle is no longer needed to find your way. Corruption (in the medical sense) is similar in that it also has an unforgettable odour;but what of the odour of political 'corruption? That is a hard one to find; in civilised countries, one simply pays the honest Baksheesh and all is well; it may be indelicate to mention it, but once you 'adopt and adapt' to a honest system it becomes, after some quick calculation, cheaper and much more effective than the clandestine model, which must be hidden away – lest it scare the voters. Honest folk are denied access to the secret system; although they are obliged (read forced) to contribute through their taxes; like it or not, to little return on their hard earned. I've no quarrel with 'honest' Baksheesh – that is available to all who can stump up the geld. The blatant hypocrisy of the of the dishonest system however, sets my teeth on edge, particularly when its on public display. Then it seems to be that the only real crime is getting caught out and leaving the pitch better off than when you were on it – courtesy of tax payer dollars.

“Corrupt politicians make the other ten percent look bad.”

One essential element is required on any visit to a country outhouse – the 'paper' of choice. There's always a lot of this stuff laying about – look in your office bin. At least two decades worth of useless paper, carefully worded, edited and printed – only to be a victim of the final edit and being 'binned' as the next iteration is redrafted. Miles of the stuff. I notice a distinct parsimony in the amount of wasted paper being sent along to the great vacuum of the Canberra Senate library – for consideration. Hard times now, perhaps every sheet of paper which may be usefully employed, to the same end with a much more satisfying result is being stock piled against future need. Face it; where is your paper best used: mouldering in the two year waiting list for a 'look-at' or, in the outhouse available (sans printing ink) for immediate use?

“[The clerk] held in front of him a scroll with a red wax seal affixed, the kind of thing believed to make a document official - or at least expensive and difficult to understand, which, in fact, amounts to the same thing.”

Aye well; I had been playing with an 'implosion' notion – for its certainly a fact of future life – HITCH – stole my thunder and he's welcome to it. CASA is imploding, the light weight industry is about to implode, flight training is on the cusp, dithering between implosion and explosion, either result spelling disaster. The sheer volume of 'red-tape' and tic-a-box impositions making it almost impossible to re qualify pilots, pay the dues on the aircraft, meet the costs of maintenance and government charges; this before a propeller is turned and a fare paying passenger load can be wrested from the ravenous competition. Add the cost of fuel, and the outrageous landing fees at rural aerodromes – if you can find one with fuel, maintenance and a serviceable surface to land on and you have a an industry on it's knees unable to afford to operate, let alone trade up to newer, safer air-frames and engines. This dangerous situation has been crafted by CASA. Dangerous? Yes, watch it all go 'underground' as the struggle to survive becomes desperate. Now, don't be all 'Missy' or despair, we still have McCormack 8W on side, out there batting for the sake of GA – don't we?

Well; the whole thing stinks to the high heavens – worse than any country outhouse I've ever visited. I built one once, still standing even today, now used for storing firewood logs. Happy days, the Ute, the dogs, the tools and a week of the real Australian country hospitality - duckling marvellous. No doubt the world will be thrilled to know I got that floor down (lovely thing) all that remains now id to 'trim up' the treads and risers for the staircase and fit 'em to the stringers installed; hand rail etc. next. Ever considered a cat as a horse whisperer? I never did – donkeys are great at this – but the old Mog? Well, a young filly for some reason has been carrying on a fair bit. Beyond me; then the old cat ambled into the filly's box – instant calm – instant rest and whatever ailed her is dissipating by the hour. Aye; Just when you think you've seen it all eh? Right then; retrieve boot, light cigar – whistle up; and, away.

[Image: cropped-image-of-horse-by-cat-standing-o...=2048x2048]

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Ref: Badgerys Creek situation is ‘grubby by any definition’ & 'A bargain... in time': McCormack says $33m airport land buy will pay off

“A penny,- for your thoughts”.

DT had actually been in the workshop a couple of minutes before I realised that 'we' had a visitor. Dogs never stirred (food induced treachery). “What” say's I; “Oh, they're barley worth a farthing my dear; you may have 'em for free”. “What's a farthing?” pipes a small voice from below the workbench top (snuck in behind DT) crafty little beggar clutching a mug of coffee and a muffin to share with her canine slaves. I reached down and hoisted the little baggage up onto the bench top (favourite seat) hoping to rescue some of the muffin – alas. “So – what is it”. Well say's I, the word comes from ancient times, long before money, when it meant a quarter – if you had divided that muffin into four pieces instead of in two (a half) you would have a 'farthing'. A quarter; this is the fourth part of anything. A beat, then from within an apron pocket; a muffin - “then this is a whole one is it?” Blooming kids. What is the fool rambling on about? Well, it takes me to a puzzle; a mathematical one. A one where 'value' for money invested sees a return. We barely get a farting (let alone a farthing) back in the penny for the money, not voluntarily invested, in our aviation 'support and service' GBE's. Seriously, if they were on the stock market would you buy? Not me; as a fairly canny bookie, I'd rather take a punt on number three in the 3:15 at Wupp-Wupp.  Why? Well my old interlocutor, Mark Twain pretty well sums it up.

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"In religion and politics people's beliefs and convictions are in almost every case gotten at second-hand, and without examination, from authorities who have not themselves examined the questions at issue but have taken them at second-hand from other non-examiners, whose opinions about them were not worth a brass farthing."

The ever stalwart P2 has provided the evidence; fresh from the latest round of Senate feather dusters at three paces bun fight. No one harmed of course – all very polite and very, very devious. “The games afoot” - but is it? Tempting to take the bait offered; depends on how you see it. Take the inglorious 'departure' of the sacked St Commode. The committee never said 'don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out' – but neither was there any thing else but relief; hell, he even had to 'cue' in his own fare-thee-well bit. Now, at first this may seem to be 'something of nothing'. But it ain't; not by a long shot. I've not got Hansard handy – so forgive the paraphrasing; but it goes like this:- 

McDonald (early in the session) - “So when are you going?”

St Commode - “No later than Christmas Eve”.

Innocuous stuff – but wait; there's more. Long after St Commode departed the fix for a gig flogging a new line of chicken balls, as the new Colonel Sanders look-alike competition winner, this emerged. “An interim report”

[Image: CESSNA_TTX.jpg]

P2 "..The Senate committee will present its interim report on or before the final sitting day of December 2020.."

"I shall geat a fart of a dead man as soone As a farthyng of him." [Heywood, "Proverbs," 1562 (think about it).] 

Strange business is politics; particularly now. A balancing act where any serious rocking of the boat could spell disaster; however, the vainglorious failure of the GBE golden trough feeding frenzy is a failed, flawed model. I expect the clever folk and mandarins who helm the ship of state know this. Hells Bells even the bloody post office is taking the piss out of the poor old tax payer. Hand's up all those who'd like a Cartier watch for Christmas – just so they could flog it off to pay the rent or feed the kids. GBE is just a ridiculous, cynical method of abrogating government responsibility. A monopoly, but one which has to be topped up from tax payer funds? BOLLOCKS. Halfwit on a million a year?

Ref: The claimed lost village idiot series continues

Ref:  St Commode's (aka Colonel Sanders -  [Image: biggrin.gif] ) last HURRAH at Senate Estimates -  [Image: dodgy.gif] 

Yet, to me, (IMO if you like) this is not the sinister part. That beast lays deeply burrowed beneath the bastions of 'democracy' and there are no safeguards in place to control it. CASA for example can, does and will continue to demand 'more' – CASA are considered above the law; CASA may do anything that pleases 'em and tell the minister to 'go boil his bottom' with impunity – should he ever dare ask WTF are you playing at. McDonald leads the posse,– gets to the bastion gates - Aleck man's the castle walls and:  guess what?

You do of course see the point - (you know Aleck very nearly got the Frenchman's part).

[Image: 11611-GermanProverbs-Quotes-EN.jpg]

Aye well; both clock and tummy tell the tale of time; probably wasted bashing away at my keyboard; no matter, there are pies and pasties fresh from the oven to come, the keg is full and, the IOS have a notion that an inter house darts match and general discussion will lead to a sensible submission to this Senate committee – if we don't all die of ennui and old age before the next sitting – half a year away. The ducking paper will be rotted through by then. Best I carefully stack away the most excellent Queensland Walnut boards – a 'coffee table' – for a man who can afford such lustrous, matched timber. Can't wait to start it. Away to me;  lazy fur bearing, four legged felons, rain means mud for all – and the hose pipe. Oh Bugger; the cat is sitting on my stray boot – dare I move it? That 'is' the question. Big dog - boot? MTF......


Outrage, with it’s implicit righteousness, is an all too common feature in politics designed as it is to provoke an emotional response. Morrison’s ridiculous venting over Christine Holgate’s gifting of watches a case in point. Had they been given bonus shares or a holiday package doubtful if an eyebrow would have been raised. Never mind that Government has created AusPost as a semi private business with independent management and encouraged it to operate in a thoroughly commercial manner. Its a fact if life that exceptional management people are highly paid. Like it or not our freedom and high standard of living depends on free exchange and that includes a market for talent as well as goods and services. Ms. Holgate’s only sin was not realising how small minds love to cut down tall poppies.

But turn to Aviation and the $33 million land purchase for the Western Sydney airport, and the criticism of that when some say it’s true value was $3 million. I won’t criticise McDonaught in this case because no doubt acting true to his General Aviation ‘nom d’affection,’ because he probably accepted the advice given by his Department. This being his default position and (he erroneously thinks) the safest option.
I believe we will find that the basis of differing valuation will certainly boil down to the operation or interpretation of the zoning laws pertaining to the land in question.
Land zoning is a body of anti free enterprise law, euphemistically known as ‘planning,’ which was transplanted from the UK in the 60s and 70s on the basis that the system would create a new and more wondrous civilisation. Instead it has slowly strangled much of our activities being a system of state government control over private land use, subject the whim of government and it’s massively expensive ‘planning’ apparatus. The lost opportunity costs since then would be staggering.

The effect of state based land use control has created artificially high land values in some areas and depressed them in others. The Sydney airport land may have a low value if restricted to a low value by area commerce like farming but a very high value if given residential zoning. Leased Commonwealth airports like Bankstown and Moorabbin are being inappropriately developed partly because of the very restrictive zoning land use law. Try getting a privately owned airport up and running. Be prepared to spend a lot of money, even existing private airports are under attack, for example Tyabb. In other words in most cases, even in rural areas, don’t bother. In Victoria you even need a zoning permit to land a helicopter on your own private property.

How to tie these themes together? There’s a mindset we can change, all too often one hears “there should be a law against that!” Next thing you know there it is. All governments can be much about power money and jobs for mates, or are subject to those pressures. They are surrounded by the urging from loud voices and subtle practitioners of persuasion. It’s up to us to make our voices heard, we should be asking for at least some immediate GA reforms while the Senate Committee deliberates. Some are so obvious like the sensible and proven medical fitness to fly standards of the low weight RAAUS rules. Do away with Cessna special inspections on private aircraft. Independent instructors as per the USA and at least some extra validity on the infamous ASIC ‘security’ card. Couple those measures with a total moratorium on any further inappropriate land use on existing airports and the whole of GA would get the shot in the arm it so badly needs.

Unfortunately Sandy, regarding airports, the ethos that they are vital pieces of national infrastructure has been subverted to be viewed as assets that must provide a monetary return.

If you go back to the 1940'ies we had bugger all in the way of dedicated airports. That fact became evident with the outbreak of world war two and the likelihood of Japanese invasion. Suddenly it was apparent that we had better get busy investing in building airports, either that or start learning Japanese. So the bulldozers were put to work, didn't take much, as aircraft in those times didn't require much, just a strip of gravel. At wars end and with the development of modern aircraft, a coat of bitumen was required, maybe some airport lighting, but when you look at the ACN's for most country airports they still require dispensations for heavier modern aircraft, they were never built with the future in mind, they just had band aids slapped on them. The commonwealth funded most of this and the costs of maintaining them via the local councils. When they pulled the pin on funding vital national infrastructure because the lessons of history were ignored and handed the airports back to councils, one could perhaps sympathise with the councils for being saddled with having to fund something that should be a national responsibility.

There are consultative entities out there advising councils on how to gain a return on their airports. Their imperatives are to advise on how to make money not the support of aviation. Its not surprising that their advice is screw as much money out of aviation as possible and if that doesn't work bring in the property developers if you happen to be lucky enough to be in a location where land values are at a premium.

This warped ideology has turned Vital Infrastructure into potential profit centres and the purpose of having an airport completely lost in the pursuit of the holy dollar.

The corruption that has been allowed to occur with the whole airports issue, from the primaries to the secondaries to the local council airports should be the subject of a royal commission, the Australian public has been duped and cheated by the bureaucrats, and are the poorer for it, not just in monetary terms, which make the Sydney western airports land deal scandal look like small change, but also their connection with the whole of Australia.

Yeah; but.....

Sandy - “Morrison’s ridiculous venting over Christine Holgate’s gifting of watches a case in point. Had they been given bonus shares or a holiday package doubtful if an eyebrow would have been raised. Never mind that Government has created AusPost as a semi private business with independent management and encouraged it to operate in a thoroughly commercial manner.”

Fair points, nicely made – however.

“Government has created” - with who's money - a 'semi-private' business (a.k.a. a monopoly, protected from commercial demand pressures and from any and all competition). Fair enough. Government for the people by the people using 'people's money' is not a bad notion – provided the 'people' (share holders or investors if you like) should see a return on that money; or, a better service for no additional cost. IF the 'postal service' was wholly private (funded through the share market) and needed to attract not only business in a competitive market but satisfy the demands of investors in that 'company' – then what? Australia post would survive one season – maybe – competing against the likes of say Toll or DHL or any of the big movers of 'stuff'. They are a monopoly; not subject to market pressures and they can and do 'screw' the actual carriers of the 'mail' down to the lowest possible price – thus gaining bigger margins.

If a 'private' operations tried this on, the same government who funded the 'Aus-Post' monopoly would have 'conniptions' - due to public outrage, and scream blue murder about profiteering and gouging of their beloved voters rights to an inexpensive, not for profit postal service on which a large proportion of the rural areas rely for much.

Release the contracts onto the open market; return 'profit' to those who invested i.e. the stamp buying, parcel posting public and the businesses which need a usable service to deliver their goods. Or; ask why 'haulage' companies are working for rates almost a decade old – and where the hell is Glen Sterle in all this?

Couldn’t agree more with P7 in the sense that hybrid creatures of government are a poor substitute for real companies in competition which do provide the environment of opportunity, growth of economy and lead to our high standard of living. This is precisely why I think we should emphasise to policy makers that the experiment of the hybrid regulator, such as the CASA, and that the whole concept of the Government Business Enterprise is not a success, the reverse is the reality, ‘in extremis.’
Its probably more complicated with postal services because I think there are inter governmental agreements in regard to movement of mail with obligations that would need to be satisfied if radical change was required.

I note that a spokesperson for the many hundreds of small post offices has a high regard for Christine Holgate. Seems she is regarded as saviour of their businesses and their spokesperson was fiercely defending Ms. Holgate’s action in gifting to certain individuals that have assisted AusPost in it’s efforts to make those POs a lot more viable.

Would that we had some fierce warrior type in government to stand up for General Aviation, unlikely on my ‘watch’ before they Cartier me away, but we must live in hope and stay on message.

[Image: sbg2-1024x724.jpg]
Ref: Are we; or, are we not on the cusp of change?

All Hallows Eve – and, a whimsical twiddle.

The real one, not this American commercialised travesty.

[Image: the-festival-of-samhain-is-celebrated-in...onbury.jpg]


“It is widely believed that many Hallowe'en traditions have evolved from an ancient Celtic festival called Samhain which was 'Christianised' by the early Church. Pronounced sow-in, Samhain is a Gaelic word meaning 'end of the summer'. This festival is believed to have been a celebration of the end of the harvest, and a time of preparation for the coming winter.”

It seems a timely reminder that an aviation 'winter' season is on the cards. But, its summer in Australia; not the bleak, cold, dark long nights of a Northern European winter. Metaphorically however, as matters aeronautical stand, the prospect of a long, hard winter is a definite reality; unless someone, somewhere extracts the digit.

In Hamlet Marcellus trots out a well known quote - “Something is rotten in Denmark”, the implication drawn from a Turkish expression that a fish rots from the head – not the tail. 'Tis but a clever way of saying nasty things about those at the top – but; it ain't 'right', not by a long shot.

[Image: chair-mick-mack.jpg]

“The proverb isn't a lesson in piscine biology. The phrase appears to have been used in Turkey in a metaphorical rather than literal sense from the outset. That's just as well as, in reality, it is the guts of fish that rot and stink before the head.” 

If, in this transport of whimsy, we consider the argument that CASA is a dead animal. What then do we make from the decomposing mass? Much in the way nature manages things; the micro world get the first feast – internally – guts and brains the first to go. Then the insects, blow flies and such ensure that there 'get' has a good start; then 'carrion eaters' toddle in for whats left; all messy and smelly – but all part of the real world. At the end of it all – what remains are the bones – the skeleton and teeth – stripped bare – but all fated to last a good long time, rattling about the place.

“Vultures are the most righteous of birds: they do not attack even the smallest living creature.” Plutach. 

And that, is what the Senate committee are in reality examining; the skeletal remains of a thing long dead. It was ailing a long while without either the aid or succour so critical for long periods of illness; only surviving on massive injections of cash; which, relieved the symptoms but failed (dismally) to cure the radical cause. Once it was weakened, bacteria grew stronger and moved in, vital fluids were leached away; then with death came the 'converters' every foul thing got a feed – leaving nought but the skeletal remains of a sick beast, which, in it's death throes created havoc, mayhem and did extensive damage.

Ref: Perhaps a light at the end of the runway?

“The physician prescribes the medicine, the vulture waits for the body.”

Aye, I know – esoteric in the extreme; 'tis but whimsy; and yet when you consider and analyse the last thirty DCA/CAA/CASA years, clinically; properly, the slow, but certain death of a once fine thing is writ large in it's history. In it's prime 'twas a mighty beast and helped this nation develop a fine tradition, some of the world's best pilots and some remarkable safety milestones. What the Senate Committee is attempting to examine, 'post mortem', is but a pale shadow – a ghost – of a once fine, robust legacy: now diluted, manipulated, exploited and thoroughly bastardised by self interest, rather than 'interest in industry'.  Hell's Bells 80% don't which end the smoke comes out of and 60% could not fly an aircraft if their very lives depended on it.

Life or death – it all come down to the flip of McDonald's coin. Will we all on 'All Hallows Eve' celebrate the dead bones of what was; or, at the funeral pyre say 'fare-thee-well' to the old bones and celebrate the birth of new model. There's hope yet. The interim report will (make no mistake) either trigger a regeneration and hope; or ring the death knell for a once proud, happy industry which asked no more than be allowed to flourish – and maybe have a safe, serviceable aerodrome to land on?

Yes; I know, I rattle on a bit. But it seems to me politicians survive on 'words'. God's know I have no deeds done which can, perhaps, stop the slow, but inevitable, painful lingering death of a 'good little earner' and an asset to to this nation. But I have tried.

[Image: sandy-lmh-727x1024.jpg]

Aye well, enough- P2 has provided, once again, all the detail, data and research. Hitch has spent his two bob as pleased him best. Angel Flight continue to struggle, Buckley is no further along and yet despite all the volumes of valuable information, advice and ideas to 'sort it out' – nothing has really changed. Perhaps we should trade in aircraft and dreams, buy a couple of backhoes and start a business burying the corpses, those still remaining unshriven, of the once productive independent Australian aviation sector. Well that or bring in some 'realistic' qualified for aviation management, the FAA rules and begin again. Did I mention that the Kiwi's did this, much to their credit and national well being. While I'm at it – we simply cannot afford the present regime – the 'cost' is exorbitant the returns almost non existent. There will never, not ever again be a better time to get the 'mess' sorted. There – all done now........

I've lit the lamps (Oh yes, old fashioned ones, on the walls) – the sandstone comes alive, the old stove crackles and glows almost dull red; storm clouds rumble along their pathway – rain in the slate roof – gutters chuckling merrily – all is quiet. I 'married' an end rail to the coffee table top with dovetail joints, then 'rounded' them over, so the grain and figures melded – even if I say it myself – it looks stunning. So, I will sit quietly until the dogs stir – they have a canny sense of when the rain will ease'. But until then – a smoke, an Ale and time to just sit.


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