by Sarcs | Jun 24, 2023 | Accidents and Inquiry, ASA, ATSB, Aunty Pru - First solo, Aviation Safety, CASA, Minister for Transport, Senate Estimates - Unplugged
First this week’s #SBG: Brunch – with Buckley. It is a good thing to see and hear Glen’s matter being ‘cast’ into some legal semblance; a ‘well done and a thank you’ is well deserved by Master McKenzie. The ‘legal’...
by Sarcs | Jun 3, 2023 | Accidents and Inquiry, ASA, ATSB, Aunty Pru - First solo, Aviation Safety, CASA, Minister for Transport, Senate Estimates - Unplugged
First this week’s SBG: The Grrrr 8 White – ! Come with me on a short journey – won’t take long; best I set the scene first, before we begin. You have entered an old style ‘pub’ – the real deal; open fire place, large old style Australian...
by Sarcs | May 27, 2023 | Accidents and Inquiry, ASA, ATSB, Aunty Pru - First solo, Aviation Safety, CASA, Minister for Transport, Senate Estimates - Unplugged
Ref: & First this week’s #SBG: Sounds of silence –...
by Sarcs | May 19, 2023 | Accidents and Inquiry, ASA, ATSB, Aunty Pru - First solo, Aviation Safety, CASA, Minister for Transport, Senate Estimates - Unplugged
Ref: First this week’s #SBG: But, there’s hole in the bucket Dear Liza. Apologies one link is causing a problem with all, can’t seem to resolve it. Chronic Snoozer – PPrune – “Overnight/yesterday there were a raft...
by Sarcs | May 5, 2023 | Accidents and Inquiry, ASA, ATSB, Aunty Pru - First solo, Aviation Safety, CASA, Minister for Transport, Senate Estimates - Unplugged
First this week’s #SBG: Of the Minister’s Chamber Pot. A rare event; not often entered: mostly due to a lack of interest. However, every once a while, there is a ministerial need to make; at very least, a ‘show’ of emptying the thing. Even if...
by Sarcs | Apr 29, 2023 | Accidents and Inquiry, ASA, ATSB, Aunty Pru - First solo, Aviation Safety, CASA, Minister for Transport, Senate Estimates - Unplugged
First this week’s #SBG: Second verse; same as the first. Well, the remarkable, redoubtable P2 has worked his magic once again. I, for one amongst the many, struggle to find an item of interest in the buggers muddle which represents the ATSB web site: one must be...