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Seven dire warnings.

Seven dire warnings.

1.   A proud look 2.   A lying tongue 3.   Hands that shed innocent blood 4.   A heart that devises wicked plots 5.   Feet that are swift to run into mischief 6.   A deceitful witness that uttereth lies 7.   Him that soweth discord among brethren   (Proverbs 6)....
BRB Indaba.  (one for the purists).

BRB Indaba. (one for the purists).

Balancing acts and Shanghai darts. Walked into a cheery session of the BRB last evening, good turn out, more to do with roster than anything else, but even so; the place was buzzing.  P7_TOM ambled off to get them in, for it was settling up day and I had four pints on...