The Sunday Brunch Gazette.

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Ref: - A loop that definitely needs closing?BJ mentions the A-word in New England & Baffle 'em with Bullshit?  

Them as what's done it and them what's gonna do it.

Sage advice from the instructor who introduced me to retractable undercarriages. Stuck with me for many a decade now; it applies pretty much across the gamut of potential 'Whoops' -and Murphy's ever present assistance. Such is life, and it is easy to shrug off a thing like the QLink latest event, until one looks a little deeper. I wonder if there is not a 'human factors' hole in this lump of that famous cheese. Only my muddled opinion; but FWIW, here's something to think over. What is the radical purpose of a 'check-list' Bloggs? While you think it over, consider this - what is the 'most critical' element of the 'take-off' procedure; what are we trying to achieve? One word will supply the correct answer - performance. Low speed, low energy, low altitude, heavy aircraft, hot day - the deck is stacked: in short - little to work with should the ever reliable Pratt decide to take a short break. The simple facts related in the latest QLink episode define a deeper problem than simply not completing a check list. The automatic response to the 'positive rate' call is 'gear up'; full stop, end of. This is a crucial element, we sweat on that call - to ensure performance; instinctive, second nature to a multi engine pilot. But say that for some reason that bit was omitted by both pilots - Shirley should have called for the after take off checks. - When? Well - after take off perhaps would be a good time, with an eye on the speed clock - with a small votive offering to gods of engine reliability. 'Nuff said - my two bob's worth.

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The fog hanging over Sleepy Hollow precludes a clear picture. There are tales of serious blood letting and of sugar coating mixing with glimpses of solid common sense happenings. There is also a smattering of cold, clear logic peeping through the murk. Credit must be given to AMROBA, the rock solid logic, backed by naked fact deserve serious attention and 'immediate' (departmental speed) action. Can Spence, backed by McDonald and Joyce ring in the changes so desperately needed? Fair question - let's take a squint at the form guide. For the glass half full crowd there is a definite glimmer of hope.

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ASA seem to have been told to get back into their box; the distasteful arrogance of the Curran answer to Sen. Rice's QoN regarding ICAO compliance and the entire comedy of the Brisbane second runway has been slapped down by CASA - 'thin end of the wedge'? The absolute mess the ASA executive have landed themselves in with Halfwit's wet dream of a Big Sky and bonuses to match cannot ever be publicly examined - not going to happen. But, the CASA response to the 'tail - wind' cost cutting may signal a 'change' in the cost and way our airspace is being managed; the ICAO ruling was cited - here's hoping more ICAO compliance will creep in.

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There is even some signs of life within the moribund ATSB - nothing of great value has been published, however the last month or so has seen a veritable 'flood' of finalised reports. ATSB cannot be that busy - Hell's Bells, industry has almost stopped through the virus season; great chance to clear the sizeable back log. Slowly but steadily reports are filtering out. Will the MoU be scrapped and ATSB made independent - responsible only to the Senate? Lots of crossed fingers for that one - 6/1 on the tote.

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Which only leaves the CASA conundrum. We cannot rule Joyce and Spence out of the meaningful change equation - not yet. The acid test will be the removal of the fatuous 'title' - CASA is by law, convention and the constitution an Administrative Authority. The word 'Safety' included in their vainglorious title is both redundant and risible. Back in the dark ages CASA was only to 'administer' a system which complied with ICAO under the Chicago convention - nothing less and most certainly nothing more. Of course Spence can't simply turn up one morning with a baseball bat and clean the place out - but there are subtle hints that slowly the beasts of Sleepy Hollow are being  dealt with. Its' not only nature which abhors a vacuum; Spence cannot afford one either. So; we shall watch the 'Wanted' ads and the deck chairs to make certain that the internal reform is, albeit slowly, actually happening.

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I hope the 'lock down' don't last too much longer - not sure DT will survive the shock. Two whole days with zero on my 'to-do' list; work scheduled completed, no hope of flying - so; I set about cleaning up the workshop. Rafters to stone floors; the lot - even the dogs got a bath (no thanks there). Off cuts sorted; stock racked and sized, 14 plane blades immaculate; two dozen assorted chisels sharpened, half a dozen saws cleaned up, sharpened and set; workbench planed flat and sanded; lamps cleaned and; just for fun, I took a ride on DT's vacuum cleaner - the dust collected was incredible - I even blackened the stove FCOL. Too pooped to pucker when DT arrived with sausage rolls and tea. But, I fear I have created a monster - if DT thinks for a minute that this 'cleanliness' is the new norm and decides to visit more often - well. Aye well, there's a full moon to light my way; the bloody horse is snoring again, my glass is empty and the breeze whispers through the orchard. "what say you dogs?' Silly question really -

Selah.-. 'K'-.-

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Why didn't ya call - why?
Or BJ's cop out....

To begin a tenure by exposing a blatant lie; and accepting 'that' lie as part and parcel of just another day as an administrator is as disgusting as 'the lie'. St Commodious got a 'gong' and informed a Senate committee that the 'he' had finally completed the 33 year marathon to provide what is, arguably, the worst aviation rule set ever inflicted on a long suffering, rapidly declining, once vibrant industry. Did Spence call Bollocks and inform the new Minister that not only was the complete cock up not complete but it was unworkable? No - she did not. Why didn't she call? What this long suffering industry got was :-

"But the good news is the mammoth task of introducing the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations is inching closer to completion, so we are working from a much better position." - -  "BOLLOCKS"

Unmitigated, 100% proof pony pooh.

"To help both operators and pilots at this time, CASA is introducing an exemption which will allow pilots to exercise the privileges of their ratings without having to complete a flight review or proficiency check for up to 2 months past the expiry date."

Oh, the joys of rule by exemption - except for those more than 8 weeks since the last check expired. Has Spence any idea of the costs involved in renewing a medical; an IR and the fees attached; without the benighted ASIC expiring. Spence has acquired the habit of doling out 'exemption' from the rules early in the tenure. I forget how many decades ago it was decided that 'rule by exemption' was declared 'outlaw'.

"These two things have confirmed in my mind that my focus should be on incremental changes - we are a professional organisation, but that does not mean there is no room to improve"BOLLOCKS"

There is no ducking time left for some wet flannel 'incremental' changes. There are no increments left to be exploited. Spence needs, urgently, to pick up the phone and tell the incumbent Minister the plain truth - the cash and no bullshit version. Authorise a change to ICAO compliant rules or; take the incoming blame for the 'alleged' regulatory reform which has not only brought an industry to breaking point, cost a King's ransom and defies the convention Australia signed up to. We are heading toward a third world of made up rules, a system which will, make no mistake, lead to a downgrade of international acceptance. Over 4000 differences with the ICAO registered - a rule set no one truly understands - criminal penalty with no recourse under strict liability. -  Bloody barbaric, unconstitutional and undemocratic. If Spence thinks, for one moment, that this 'gentile' briefing will pacify or redirect industry anger; then she is in the wrong job. Want to win hearts and minds? Fire Aleck; Crawford; Monohan and Martin - immediately; without any other defence bar strict liability. Pay Buckley, revisit the ludicrous sanctions against Angel flight - day one on the road to recovery. Day two - call in every single person who has resigned from CASA; release them from 'non-disclosure' and hear their testimony in the Estimates. I dare ya.....No. Didn't think so....

Spence would; had she been serious about getting the job done 'right' made this happen Day1, briefing 1. But no; a desperate industry has to read the waffle provided and bear up; while Mommy sorts it out. "BOLLOCKS"  - Pick up the phone - Call Barnaby - tell him the unpalatable truths. We are in a mess; out of control - we need the NZ rules ASAP and we need some qualified, sane staff for the top, middle and bottom end: now - now.

No, boys and girls; I'm not cranky - I'm bloody furious. The time granted, the money spent and patience afforded have all been wasted and gone. Enough (already)...

"Our discussion with Pip today confirmed they are trying to make things work without a commitment yet to change. I got the impression they are trying to adopt the FAR requirements." - WTD??

"Agree. At least they are trying to make the US independent FI system fit under the regs."-WTD??

FCOL - why not just adopt the NZ/FAA/ gold standard, world wide accepted regulations? The answer is simple - there is no incentive for Spence to actually reform SFA; paid and supported to pass out the placebos, sooth the ravening beasts and spend a comfortable three years 'administering' on her way to retirement - probably with a medal like Carmody got for lying his fat, jug eared head off.  Aye, gloves off boys and girls - Spence has shown her true colours; I hereby declare open season for the BRB and IOS - with the kid gloves off. For this I make no apology; nor crave your indulgence - across the planet under sensible ICAO compliant rules aviation is flourishing - everywhere except in this country, infected by a lunatic bureaucratic virus, for which there seems to be no cure.

Then, just one look at the silly, soppy picture of Spence and a read through the waffle of the CASA briefing - instant, ballistic response. Why :-

“…mammoth task of introducing the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations is inching towards completion.” "BOLLOCKS"

Anyway, time to dismount the old Hobby horse; sickened and furious though I am. Perhaps its private pilot medicals being so different; or the fact that in the USA my instrument rating is 'valid' provided I am current and have no need to find $3- 5000 bucks to renew it; or, perhaps because Buckley was so savagely dealt with - without explanation; or that there was another VFR into IMC fatal, completely legally done without a word; or that aerodromes are being built out; or, the total failure of government to realise that CASA is the biggest fraud ever inflicted on the tax paying public. Don't know: the competition for that title wide open - ASA a starter, ATSB right up there with 'em all. Has any of this pantomime improved the aviation industry or it's safety? Has anything said or done made the tax payer safer? Has anyone moved to prevent 'large' wind vortex generating building, full of people shopping close to runways 'safer'. No.

Tonight along with P7 and a couple of good mates; in the sanity of my workshop we shall raise a glass (or perhaps two) to the memory of a once vibrant, flourishing industry which gave hope to newcomers and provided some of the best aircrew on this planet - RIP and tailwinds GA, Spence to be the nominated undertaker and lead mourner at the funeral (provided her 'super' is not affected). Pass that bucket please P2 - my need is urgent.


Second Edition.

Having gotten the 'mild' irritation with the 'CASA briefing' off my chest, there were some other matters of interest which could stand a little scrutiny, worthy of mention. 

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There was nothing but praise for the latest AMROBA newsletter. Ken Cannane providing not only a detailed, accurate analysis of the deep hole the Australian aviation administration has dug for the industry; a hole they fully intend to keep excavating; despite the clearly defined ways and means of repair being provided. The News letter provides the Minister with the quality of advice he should be receiving, not the pap he's being fed. There is no comparison possible between the expert advice of AMROBA and the Kool-Aide fuelled dribble Spence insulted the intelligence of not only the Minister, but the entire aviation sector.

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DPM Joyce on the other hand is off to a good start; for me the best part is allowing the Moorabin developers a little more time to reconsider their 'master plan' and delay mixed with the potential of ministerial involvement spells trouble for the 'big money' interests. They cannot just 'park' the money earmarked, that must keep earning at profit level if fiscal balance is to be maintained. Another bright spot was the approval of funding for regional hub aerodromes upgrade. This shows a true understanding of just how important the regional centres are; good air services to and quality facilities at airports are an essential element in development for these important regional hubs. Bravo minister and thank you. 

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About the only person not happy with the new minister was Each-way Hitch; well on his way to becoming irrelevant. In a trite, snide little article he calls 'pork barrel' because Joyce announced funding for his own regional airports first. Shock - horror a politician meeting his promises to his electorate - there should be a lot more of it. Then a day or so later - the entire package for regional hubs is announced; Hitch caught with his pants down - will he publish some humble pie? I doubt it.

One mystery has caught the attention of the BRB; that of the MIA McDonald inquiry. That inquiry seems to have been extinguished, despite the fire and brimstone of the first rounds. There was a feint hope that a report would be produced in time to set a pathway for the new head of the Aviation administration - nope. A few invested considerable time, money and energy in laying out the facts to the McDoolittle inquiry, patiently awaiting 'something' positive to emerge in the public arena. Nada, zilch, zip, nuttin. To ask what the hell happened to that is a fair question. Maybe its a surprise. I'll take your bets now.........

I note that there has been a new boss for the ATSB announced. After 'Beaker' followed by the hooded canary there is every chance the new chum will shine; not too big an ask after the lack-lustre Hood's puerile efforts. We shall no doubt see; and wish the new Commissioner all the best - he'll need it.

That just about covers it all - the duplicity of Spence has stolen the thunder this week; many still in a state of mild shock. No one expected a dramatic change, can't happen in a well run bureaucracy, but subtle positive change was hoped for; indeed, even prayed for by those with some belief in the gods remaining. The call to put the Spence' picture on the dart board was defeated, but by a very slim margin. Open season declared.

"Good gentle youth, tempt not a desperate man." William Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet


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"I’ll lug the guts into the neighbor room."

What a jolly good idea; I wonder, will our DPM follow the same course; or, will he allow the ghost to roam free, creating mischief and mayhem while all look away? Aye, whimsical enough to set teeth on edge, despite the clear message within. Yet the mischief is wrought, aided an abetted by the denizens of the Sleepy Hollow smoke and mirrors control room. Not even Dante could have envisioned such a Hell; Illich in leather costume, wielding the whip; his acolytes, sweat drenched, toiling to fuel the furnaces which generate the smoke to mask the ICAO mirrors. "Steady on - boy" P7's sturdy voice interrupts the dream state - the spell broken; the tattered remnants of the Ministerial SOE lays on the workbench - reality arrives, with a thump, along side a glass of restorative Ale. Heigh-Ho; is the fool rambling again? Then, perhaps not.

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“My Oberon! what visions have I seen!”― William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night's Dream

I'd drifted off to sleep, reading (for my sins) the Act, part 12 to be exact. The reason - to establish whether or not a Ministers 'Statement of Expectations' (SoE) could be legally binding on the CASA. Much would depend on the argument counsel could put up; but, essentially the answer is in the affirmative. So with that in mind, an examination of previous SoE defined a format which basically provided enough wriggle room to allow the 'Authority' to do exactly as pleased it best. The latest weak wrist-ed effort signed by our unlamented McDonaught - 24 hours after he was unceremoniously dumped from office. Now, there may well be some 'technical' reason for this; or, CASA desperately wanted the latest easement signed off, hoping it would slide past the keepers and become the latest 'get out of goal card'. Passed off as an insignificant document, well beneath ministerial notice or care. Stealing Barnaby's thunder another small landmine. And so it is - unless BJ sets about drafting his own SoE, signs it and - importantly - makes it bloody well stick. We have some suggestions which really should be included; to wit:-

Back in 1998 we had adopted a 'rules by reference' policy, into law, which incorporated the ICAO compliant FAA rule set. Despite 'tinkering' around the edges to mask the fact; this is still alive and kicking. All we need do was follow the FAA rules and the upgrade of those 'best' regulations would have been 'ours' - at no cost. In short; the mechanisms and regulations are in place (slightly muffled) and remain freely available to allow Australia to adopt the gold standard FAA rules - even the improved NZ version, which the USA is adopting. This of course comes from mutual respect and commonality of 'cause'.

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“The farther I travel, the less I wonder at anything: a few days reconcile one to a new spot, or an unseen custom; and men are so much the same everywhere, that one scarce perceives a change in situation.” ― Horace Walpole, The Letters of Horace Walpole.

It is well within the gift and authority for the DPM to 'persuade' the CASA to change tack and set course toward ICAO compliance (and sanity). Simply write it and sign it:- 1 CASA will define, within 90 days, a system which supports a change over to the NZ rules. 2 CASA will establish training for staff in understanding the NZ system and its rules. 3 The government will request assistance from the NZ CAA and FAA to facilitate the approval of revised operations manuals as compliant with the new rule set. Instant revitalisation of a moribund industry - no government money required - outside the current allotment. There will be howls of protest from the 'establishment' who have created the biggest, most expensive, counterproductive rule set in existence. The most noise from those who have, by stealth and ministerial disinterest, placed Australia beyond the pale of the modern aviation world, in some vainglorious attempt to make ICAO compliant with the Australian 'dream-time': perhaps?

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“Vainglory, however, no matter how much medieval Christianity insisted it was a sin, is a motor of mankind, no more eradicable than sex.” ― Barbara W. Tuchman, A Distant Mirror: The Calamitous 14th Century

There's a little more BJ could achieve; with a stroke of the pen - after his minions had redrafted the SoE to the ATSB releasing them from the devious, some say illegal, all say deceitful 'Memorandum of Understanding' (MoU) between CASA and the ATSB. Free the ATSB to be what it was before this hideous chimera emerged from the bowls of a deluded, dishonest, warped mind. Free the ATSB to fulfil it's role as the arbiter of 'safety' through closed loop analysis of exactly what, why and how there was life lost.

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“Any doctrine that will not bear investigation is not a fit tenant for the mind of an honest man. Any man who is afraid to have his doctrine investigated is not only a coward but a hypocrite.” ― Robert G. Ingersoll, Famous Speeches Complete

Which brings us to the latest, in a long weary Conga line of Senate 'inquiry' into matters aeronautical. There only seems to be two paths for the new minister to take on this. One is to 'can' that inquiry and start once more on the long, tedious circular pathway, only to, once more, begin again. McDolittle's lightweight foray into Sleepy Hollow is discredited and tainted by political machinations. A scant 50 submissions define not only industry weariness with the never ending demand for ignored advice (supplied gratis) but a lack of faith in any meaningful outcome. We've been at this game for too long. If McDolittle wants to play on, then we suggest she dig out the recommendations made by a Senate inquiry and the Rev. Forsyth; rigorously apply them and 'persuade' the minister to include both Senate and ASSR recommendations as part of his own, not McDonaught's very own, brand new SoE. That may, just, provide industry with 'a candle in the window'.

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A great flame follows a little spark. ― Dante Alighieri, Paradiso

of course, my ramble is based on the hope that Joyce realises he has been 'gazumped' by the witless wannabe; the developers friend from Wagga Wagga. We can only hope that man is not BJ's role model - gods help us if he is. You see, dear minister, the PM&C are worried about 'the election' - they don't want an aviation scandal blowing up in their faces. There's one in the offing and it's a beauty - fair warning, but no quarter given; no clues bar those offered (think Choppers); not this time around - nope; no way. 

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“Lord, what fools these mortals be”― William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night's Dream

Anyway - The workshop is back to it's usual state of amicable scruffiness; I'm making a 'first' for me; an old fashioned 'cradle' of the rocking variety. Customer arrived with the necessary 'lumber' - hard to come by stuff. Of course it is 'in-the-rough' so a solid day to cut, size and square it; but it is lovely stuff. It may seem, at first glance, to be a simple matter to make a box on 'rockers' - but it ain't. Not if it all has to fit together at the end and be robust. For some strange, unfathomable reason, it seems to prefer being 'made' later in the day - early starts make the lumber 'cranky' while the evening light and lamp light seem to soothe the timber. Don't ask me why - NDI - but it seems to work. But: I have a question for you. What does one say to an overgrown hearthrug, with amber eyes, looking at you with a boot in it's mouth? "OK - drop my boot and away? Ayup; that did the trick - now if I could only find the t'uther - all would be well.


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Time (methinks) - to put the cat amongst the pigeons.

Or; how to make the ministerial firewalls redundant?

Or; how to win the reform plate.

Long version follows. - I did, for my sins, this week ask a question of the BRB. Been flirting with the notion for quite a while now; so, with your indulgence, I shall construe (just a bit). It all began, as it usually does with my old standby - history. Aye, that which has passed is, indeed, history - however, a careful study of 'fact' provides a certain 'pattern' : one worthy of serious consideration. It all kicked off with a 'how to'. In short, how to get CASA to acknowledge that they have almost killed off a once vibrant industry, and, what would it take to them to get 'matters aeronautical' sorted? Good question : n'est ce pas?

Well, foremost, I ran into the 'nay-Sayers' - and they have a very solid argument about some Goose and a golden egg laying racket. They also had a very convincing argument about 'ministerial 'fire-walls' - it all makes perfectly good sense; hard to decry, for logic and a fairly large dollop of old fashioned common (or garden) sense. Why, they ask, would you derail your very own gravy train which arrives at the Cornucopia trough every year, without fail, on time? The short answer is you simply would not. History confirms this, absolutely, that this one fact overrides all other considerations. It is, to those who feed off it, far too valuable an asset to loose; just look at the top-dog's salary and etc. No way in any of the seven Hells is that going to be ditched in favour of a leaner, sensible, less mystical approach to the administration of aviation. - All dangerous criminals - just not caught - yet etc..You do understand that logic. Government funded, self perpetuated fantasy?- Oh: you can bet on that. Short (very) odds on in my book.


"Then the geese replaced themselves with six pigs and vanished."― Diana Wynne Jones, Dark Lord of Derkholm

So, to my notion; it would only take one person, in a position of 'power' to turn the whole omelette up-sided down. Just suppose, just for a moment, that the DAS and the bored decided that it would be a very good thing. For the industry (a.k.a. the golden Goose) calls (long and loud for three decades) were the right way to go in assisting aviation' to flourish once more. Can you imagine how fast the incumbent minister (bi-part-insane agreement a given) would sign off on say the adoption of the NZ rule set if CASA were honest enough to recommend it?  It is only acclaimed as one of the world's best, even the USA is working toward a leaner, cleaner rule set. Imagine if Spence sought a meeting with the incumbent minister and presented a manifesto - 'ways and means' of returning to where 'rules by reference' was 'the' recommended way to realign Australia with the 'real' world. The carrot - instant industry happiness - the stick? Well if we continue on this same road there'll hardly be an industry worth the huge sums the tax payer forks out to support the CASA edifice. How can CASA justify being as large and expensive as it is, when the main source of their income is 'out of business'? Permanently, gone and forever - while the rest of the world flourishes. Aye; 'tis a puzzle - for the minister responsible.




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Imagine a minister who could, hand on heart, say that not only had he saved and industry from dying with it's boots on; but had not only saved the treasury millions; but brought in more revenue. Alas; the poor minister is surrounded by a very self protective firewall. It all began with the Seaview tragedy and the 'Staunton report'. The then minister decreed that never again will the minister ever become 'accountable. The next series of DAS (with a little whispering from the overhead speakers) created a monster, and, approved by it's true master to hold sway and collect the gelt. The rest is a very expensive history lesson, resulting in today's death grip CASA have on 'matters aeronautical'.



Quote:Chip City
1 year ago

Shocking!  CASA is well known as the worst aviation regulator in the world, and this is just another example of why.  CASA have placed Australian aviation at a huge disadvantage to other countries and with that we are seeing a dramatic decline in general aviation in Australia today.  CASA wont be happy until the entire aviation industry in Australia is destroyed.

We MUST hold these people accountable, run them out of town.  Its time for a complete overhaul of aviation regulation in Australia.  The FAA is the correct and proven model, that would be a good start.

“I have a higher and grander standard of principle than George Washington. He could not lie; I can, but I won't.”― Mark Twain

Now then; Spence is a blue blood 'administrator' - and good one - she holds, in her dainty fingers, not only the CASA board, but the future of all aviation in this wide brown land. She is now the pivot on which the well being of an industry future depends. As an 'administrator' surely the income budget derived from an industry depends on the the well being of that 'Goose'. Its not as if there is not a mountain of evidence demanding change and sane regulation. It is not as if 'Billions' (yes billions) have been spent noting the aviation industries 'demands' for change - thirty years and counting. Report after report, after recommendations by the truck load - yet nothing has changed - except an industry and the regulations used to 'administer' it, slowly descending to third world status. We used to be 'the best';. up there with the big guns. Alas...



“There are three types of lies -- lies, damn lies, and statistics.” — Benjamin Disraeli

Consensus - if (big one) Spence decided to be shot of the lunacy she must, daily, deal with and; the growing silence from a once vibrant industry, and the repercussions following it's demise; then there is only one clearly defined course to take. Embrace the covenant enshrined and take Australia back to compliance (as signed for and agreed to) with ICAO. Any minister worthy of the name would, in a heartbeat, sign off on such a suggestion. I wonder - is Spence just another dog, in another manger - or the does she realise that she is the most powerful pivot point? Even so; that raises questions from the BRB; for instance - why did she allow the unspeakable Crawford to do all the talking at the last Estimates - all of it. That demands a straight answer. Is she DAS or is she DAFT? From a PR perspective, if for no other reason - the impression left was not 'stellar'. The seeds of doubt were planted deep - on that infamous day. But, enough; if Spence cannot, or will not, grab the bull by the horns and is happily prepared to let the likes of the top trough run 'her' administration; then we waste another couple of millions waiting for 'her' tenure to end. Then; we can all start all over again - one more 'inquiry' and more ignored recommendations heaped on the industry bonfire. Even more complex, unworkable, criminal liability regulation, volumes more puerile explanation of what a regulation is supposed to mean and more international sympathy. All this while the rest of the aviation world recovers; under sensible regulation and unstinted support from their administration - without strict liability.


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Is there a case to support Spence?; and the board declaring a new era and sane, ICAO compliant rules? Yes Sir; there bloody well is; a great big, thirty odd year case - evidence beyond reproach provided - by the truck load . This ramble (rant if you will) is a product of one, short, simple statement. A statement 100% supported by the BRB and the IOS. I could have saved hours of discussion and a truck load of notes by simply paraphrasing the simple message to Spence. Piss in the iCAO compliance pot or get out of the garderobe; there's a queue. Australia will not; cannot possibly lead, bully or coerce ICAO to accept the lunacy of it's legal uttering (whiterings) . Not going to happen - despite the whisperer's at the Cool-aide fountain of more money for even less. 

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“La plus belle des ruses du diable est de vous persuader qu'il n'existe pas."― Charles Baudelaire, Paris Spleen

Whoa; quite the ramble - but: I rest my case. The minister will not change CASA; but if CASA had an 'epiphany' and decided that the best way forward was to re-align with 'world best' - 'gold standard' - then perhaps, just maybe, a moribund industry could, once more, set about making taxable revenue to pay competent people to 'administer' the way aviation industry does business. All the information has been drafted and provided - many, many times over - ad nauseam. - End it..........

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“Good advice is always certain to be ignored, but that's no reason not to give it.”― Agatha Christie

Item last: does anyone, apart myself (and the two blokes who brought it) have any idea how heavy an English Oak church door (big one) weighs? Eventually, powered by language my Mum never tolerated, we heaved the 'blessed thing' onto my workbench. "Sort it" were the only words attached to my brief. So, here I sit, at my sturdy workbench; trying to work out just how those that made this 'thing' did it. For the 'cheats' and shortcuts noted are a masterful puzzle; the more I delve into it's construction mysteries, the more I realise that many of the old skills and precision have been lost. I shall, no doubt, waste some expensive timber during the process - but; therein lays one of the puzzles - it is not all made of 'Oak'  there are some devilish cunning 'work-rounds - 'savings' if you will. I suspect more to do with ease of manufacture than the price of lumber. I shall work out, in primus, how it was made - before I unbutton it and attempt repair - no pressure - they want back and installed by next Sunday. Charity work?  Not on your life. No matter Spring is in the air, the Daffodils most welcome harbinger of warmer weather on it's way. 'Tis a fine Spring evening; perhaps a stroll - "what say you - beasts of the fireside?" Ayup, that stirred 'em. Herewith, I leave the sorting of Australia's aviation woes to those who would sit at home on a fine Spring evening. Ale to follow?  A racing certainty.


Posts following- off topic - moved to the correct thread. Rolleyes

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Of Terriers - and their kindred spirits.

I expect many of our regular readers may have guessed, by now, my great affection and respect for all of those who have four legs - not two. On a batting average, accrued over many years, I have found 13% of human kind to be worth the knowing, while the animal kingdom bats at 87%. Rarely does one come across a human to whom a tribute equal to that of a well regarded animal may be paid - but; our very own 'terrier' - he; the champion of all government dustbin recovery breeds, merits our highest regard, respect and affection. I speak of P2. Bear with me; or not, as pleases. 

[Image: jack-russell-terrier.jpg]

Yet hast thou thought and language all unknown
To Babel’s scholars; oft intensest looks,
Long scrutiny o’er some dark-veined stone
Dost thou bestow, learning dead mysteries
Of the world’s birth-day, oft in eager tone
With quick-tailed fellows bandiest prompt replies,
Solicitudes canine, four-footed amities — Thomas Lovell Beddoes (1803-1849)

This - HERE - is the result of about two weeks of unrelenting 'hunting' by one terrier. The import may be missed by many, but not by P2. His revelations this week alone, related to Australia's 'light' approach to ICAO compliance and the legal chicanery to avoid the 'responsibility' for not only 'air safety' but compliance with the spirit and intent of the government's stated intention (and funding for) to comply with any of the ICAO tenets. Not compliant in spirit or intent. "Bullshit" howls the mob - until it is not only explained - but demonstrated.

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For example:-

CASA "- to continue to focus on aviation safety as the highest priority."

And yet, despite the posturing and rhetoric; the very airport home of all aviation based business is being "raped and plundered." Volumes of evidence - large structures invading 'safety-zones'. Air-side facilities and access by aircraft operators - denied. How can this be? Well: that is an easy question to answer - P2's research clearly defines that. Not only do we have the world wide 'highest score' on non-compliance with ICAO annex 14; shared between the parsimony of ASA (big debts) the 'no responsibility' of CASA and the endless wait for the ATSB to rule on the DFO at Essendon being 'not quite right'. We also fail (abjectly) to even acknowledge the 'California Code' related to aircraft in trouble hitting buildings in their flight path. Yet no one can be held accountable. - The responsibility 'parcel' is in 'ultra slow motion': passed between the various agencies until, after a good long while, the shock, horror and legal implications of a 5 ton aircraft ploughing into a building is so lost in time and momentum that it becomes only a Banjo player in a large symphony orchestra. Why? Check Australia's compliance with ICAO annex 14; over 1000 'differences' noted; by far the largest of all the annexes. It begs a question though don't it?

CASA "- to continue to focus on aviation safety as the highest priority."

Then why is that building at Essendon still standing? Why are secondary airports being made not fit for aeronautical activity? Why is the minister (like it or not) responsible not taking our very expensive regulator to task about the clearly defined, deliberate avoidance of compliance with ICAO annex 14, the California Code and the dangers their approach imposes on an unsuspecting public? Who's 'safety' is CASA protecting? The developers, the minister's. or their own exalted, untouchable power to do as they please; while the tax paying public fund the colossal hoax, all the while believing they are 'safe'? - Bollocks they are. 

“I'm not upset that you lied to me, I'm upset that from now on I can't believe you.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche

Then, once again, for ministerial consideration, there is the outright denial of ICAO, through registered 'differences' creating many of the disadvantages Australian aviation faces when 'trying' to navigate 'business' arrangements with ICAO compliant agencies, such as the USA; Europe and ICAO compliant Asian nations. Millions of potential revenue dollars; jobs and international acceptance denied - because Australia does not have the mechanisms in place to allow this. Read Annex 8; and, weep for the hamstrung nation's businesses, productivity and investments denied. Ask why are we not to be ICAO compliant in the global market?

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“You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time. ― Abraham Lincoln

Problem is of course, we all know 'whodunit' - but, we know not why. But who will change it? That is 'the' question; the only one which matters. A secondary question would be 'how much longer will the first world aviation nations tolerate Australia's smart Aleck - 'duck-you' attitude to international ICAO compliance? Probably a good long while - a non competitive Australia; drowning in it's own slurry is very good for those nations thriving in their aviation resurgence. While you are 'at-it' ask why Australia needs to be so non ICAO compliant and so out of touch with the reality of our near neighbours - by decades. End of......

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“There is no instance of a nation benefiting from prolonged warfare.” — Sun Tzu, The Art of War.

For those who have not partaken of; read and understood P2's painstaking research alongside of AMROBA's offering - then, my twiddle will make no differ. Those who have done their homework will understand - I could have saved myself the bother when I think about it - but converts to ICAO world best practice are always welcome at my campfire.

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“Sigh no more, ladies, sigh no more,

Men were deceivers ever,-

One foot in sea and one on shore,

To one thing constant never.” — William Shakespeare, Much Ado About Nothing

You know that Hercules had a couple of 'tasks' to complete - well; he never had to repair a church door - bloomin' whimp. I ain't, by nature, 'attuned to the spiritual world'. Particularly dumb in that sphere- but that bloody door was 'angry'. Splinters are a rarity; cuts and bruises from making or repairing  even more so; however. I've never met such a contrary lump of wood. Two band-aids bear testimony; three very blunt chisels supporting evidence, a plane blade which needed 'deep' repair a testament to the battle (won). That entire door must have been held 'in tension' for it's life time - once that was released (with a struggle) the 'blessed thing' seemed quite amenable to repair; it only tried to maim one of the blokes who came to load it up and take it away. Phew! Aye well, 'tis a full moon on a Spring night, Venus and a couple of other old friends shine - perhaps a stroll, a cigar (shhh) and some four footed company will make the journey complete. Hulloah! even the cat is limbering up - must be a very pleasant evening outdoors indeed. - Just so - let us proceed..........


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Ref: Once again back to the future?? & 

The great BRB bucket collection.

For many long years now, the BRB have accumulated and stored many sacred buckets. It is no light matter; indeed, 'tis a most serious endeavour. Every time a 'communication' from ASA, ATSB, CASA or politician creates a great, collective need to vomit (aka. "pass the bucket"), a competition is held in remembrance of the missive which created that urge, - we have quite a collection now. Buckets entered for consideration must be inscribed with 'the' quotation concerned and have a 'graphic' (in cartoon or picture form) which defines 'the gut churning' moment. Many are called, but few are selected; of those few, only one may be added to the collection. The size, quality, artistry and the chosen quotation are considered in the judging. We are assembling a 'remote' quorum to judge the latest entries and of those there are many. And, no wonder: the latest 'missive' heaved up from the bowels of Sleepy Hollow has created a great need for instant accesses to the humble bucket.

"Vomiting is a forceful expulsion of the contents of the stomach and sometimes the gut. The whole mechanism is guided and controlled by the brain and its vomiting centre". "The fourth ventricle of the brain hosts the vomiting centre".

There; medical fact - it is 'the brain' and its 'vomiting centre' which triggers the action. When the brain is 'offended' throwing up happens; and many a brain has had this centre 'stimulated by the latest offensive CASA missive, penned by the new DAS.

"It is because artists do not practise, patrons do not patronise, crowds do not assemble to reverently worship the great work of Doing Nothing, that the world has lost its philosophy and even failed to invent a new religion".― G.K. Chesterton

Not too many enjoy being patronised; even fewer enjoy seeing the same, sad, sway-back old donkey being sold off at market as prime stock. But non - not one man-jack of 'em like being lied to, particularly when it is the same 'lie' deceitfully remastered and passed off as 'mother-hood' wrapped in soft, pink, fluffy soothing bull-pooh. Spence just shot herself in her unfortunate arse with this little bit of deceit. But, the thing which prompted the brain to trigger vomit - the 'sign off' "Best regards Pip" Heave, grab the bucket; and flush all hope for meaningful reform down the pan alongside your dinner. Clue - we've heard it all before as the prelude to the existing disaster symphony. Someone - please tell the Muppet about the real world; not that it could penetrate the safe, secure untroubled planet of 'Cloud Cuckoo land' in which the public service are so used to living in - so far removed from reality it would make you dizzy. Disgust and disrespect agreed for the new, publicly funded, master of matters aeronautical. Bloody glove puppet - no more. Retch. 

The sins of the flesh are bad, but they are the least bad of all sins. All the worst pleasures are purely spiritual: the pleasure of putting other people in the wrong, of bossing and patronising and spoiling sport, and back-biting, the pleasures of power, of hatred. ― C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity

After the great bucket debate; there was some serious discussion (via the net) about how to expediently resolve the thirty year battle for a balanced regulator and sensible, gold standard regulation; a consensus was reached. The most practical, legal, sensible and (importantly) enforceable way to set things to rights exists - done with a stroke of a pen - the right pen of course - the ministerial pen. B. Joyce Esq; deputy prime minister of this once proud free land was gazumped by his rival when it came to signing off the Ministerial 'Statement of Expectations' (SOE) for the CASA. This SOE is a legally binding document; if the minister says 'jump' the only response is 'how high Sir'. If 'industry' was to get it's act together and obtain a pre election promise from BJ that a SOE, detailing the 'changes' which must be made (the ten commandments if you like) then there would be little wriggle room for the top table at CASA to utilise. Make no mistake - Joyce can, with a stroke of his pen, bring all the reform we have so desperately needed into being - before an election. After the election will not assist - there will be no need for this industries support then; win, loose or draw. It stands as the opinion of many that Joyce could reverse the downward spiral in which aviation has existed for three decades by simply drafting a SOE which instructs CASA to ring in the changes. Dumping Mommy Spence being a priority. MTF.

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“Action speaks louder than words but not nearly as often.” ― Mark Twain

Aye well, as one mate, heavily involved in the big money investment world said quite simply - "the whole lot are 'owned" - he refused to say by whom. - So much for the politics of high finance eh? Add to that the deadly silence of 'McDolittle' who signed out with a nod and a wink to Spence at last Estimates and you see the grim truth of where 'reform' is heading; right back to the CASA top table; not bad eh? But enough;

“The world is weary of statesmen whom democracy has degraded into politicians.”― Benjamin Disraeli

The improvement in my old diabetic cat is remarkable since the medication change - It's a funny thing, but when one has used a particular saw for many years, you learn the song it plays and can hear when it becomes blunt or cutting with it's usual effortless efficiency; one also learns to judge the weight of wood left in a billet by sound. So I was surprised t'uther day when an old song played a different tune - there was an alien sound - looked up and there sat cat - perched on the lumber, purring away with a very knowing smile on it's face. "Gerroffit" I barked - the cat obliged - slowly, elegantly and with grace; giving me a look which left no doubt as to whom was the master. Made me smile all day. That's it - it is too beautiful spring evening to be sat here beating up my long suffering key board.


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Ref:'s NT GA inquiry Public Hearing in pictures. & KC & PH with a dose of reality and commonsense for BJ 

"When you hear hoof beats".

"Think horses - not Zebras".

The quote is not only very 'sage' but so very apt to all manner of 'diagnosis'. The meaning is quite clear and unambiguous - 'it' works just as well across a wide spectrum of almost anything which requires 'diagnosis'.

Indulge me - if we take the current state of the patient, in the aviation case, the 'symptoms' aviation in Australia, across the wide spectrum is presenting with, and; think horses not Zebra or Giraffe; then the case becomes very clear - the remedy, though painful, becomes immediately apparent. There can be little in the way of 'Zebras' causing the malady - it must be horses. Let us take an additional minute to examine the symptoms, and the failed cures. 

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“The life so short, the craft so long to learn.” ― Hippocrates

The very heart of industry is being prevented from functioning - the life blood of aviation is pumped through the heart of it through aerodromes. Without the very seat of aviation - an airport - then there cannot be an industry. Slowly, incontrovertibly, and unrecoverable Commonwealth public assets are being stripped away. Do we need another shopping mall or warehouse? No, we do not; do we need an aerodrome to provide that which is essential to the fabric, the waft and weave which produces pilots of value? We do; every single pilot - globally - 'belongs' to an airport; there they learned their craft and it is there, their hearts belong. Soulless simulators in large building cannot, nor ever will provide the sense of belonging, the comradeship or the sense of being 'a pilot' the way 0500 on a misty morning at 'home base' can engender; nor the wealth of shared information passed down through generations to the new hopefuls. No 'home' airport takes away a large part of what it means to be a command pilot. It is bad that the government is not resisting in the decimation of 'home turf' aerodromes; but actively aiding and abetting a national asset to be lost forever and supporting the demise of an essential industry by doing so. Why? Who's making the money out of this and to who's benefit is it? It certainly is not to Australia's.

[Image: bristellLSA.jpg]

“The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws.” ― Tacitus, The Annals of Imperial Rome

Land deals aside; there are other questions which, IMO, the current minister must answer. For instance - by the international 'yard-stick' Australian regulator is so far off planet as to be borderline 'criminal' in it's intent. Aye, there are 30 odd years of evidence, incompetence and malpractice to back that claim, beyond reasonable doubt; and yet both sides of politics sit back and allow the lunacy, leading to determinant and international 'head shaking' continue. The rest of the world 'rocks -on' while Australian industry is left mired in a megalomaniacs wet dream - fully supported by a bipartinsane cop out. Shame on the government - writ large. Why and cui bono?

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"There are few things more dangerous than a mixture of power, arrogance and incompetence."― Bob Herbert.

Could any member of parliament please explain not only why we have spent 'billions' on 'inquiry' but also failed to achieve any sort of positive result? As in a result which has taken Australia to the forefront of aviation legislation, ICAO compliance and business achievement. The short answer is NO. Bipartinsane acquiescence; abrogation of responsibility and a safe ride through any 'inquiry' into the current mess is a guaranteed certainty -funded by the tax paying, travelling public - in good faith.

“I could a tale unfold whose lightest word

Would harrow up thy soul, freeze thy young blood,― William Shakespeare, Hamlet

Take a look at the current 'inquiry'; what will it achieve? No more than the previous 20 odd inquiries which preceded it - that's what. Then look at government oversight of airports, then take a moment to consider the current DAS appointment. Really; "all the best Pip" is going to set all to rights? BOLLOCKS. Spence could not, wind assisted; hit the side of the aviation hanger, with a shovel full of shit - unless (of course) it was pure horse pooh. I, for one of many, would really like to see her response to the Chapter 1308 logic and questions - which, IMO sum up many of the problems aviation in this land faces. We all know why they exist - the question - for the incumbent minister is :- Why? Why are you, the DAS and the DoIT 'deaf, dumb and blind' to those questions?

[Image: AMROBA-1.jpg]

"None so deaf as those that will not hear."― Matthew Henry

Joyce could, in a heartbeat, resolve the whole mess. Simply draft a SoE which brings CASA back to compliance with ICAO - both in spirit and intent. There are thirty odd years of unassailable logic supporting that simple, one call, from an industry being killed through development, assisted by an ungovernable mega monolith, built on bull-shit, which leads the government around by the testicles - or lack thereof.

“Everyone sees what you appear to be, few experience what you really are.” ― Niccolò Machiavelli, The Prince

I look at my tool shelves, then offer a silent prayer of thanks to those who so patiently taught hapless hands to use 'em. The bloody virus keeps me from the skies, firmly stuck on terra firma. However. I built a chicken coop this week - for a lovely lady; quite the Taj Mahal of 'chook-sheds' - as they go. Pleasant days outdoors, good timber to work with, tea and biscuits twice a day, dogs welcomed and spoiled. Big dog particularly: he patiently rounded up a dozen baby chickens and 'persuaded' them that it was much better to stay in the run, rather than out of - I believe he whispered the cat's name - some dogs just have that 'je ne sais quoi'.

Selah -.

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Ref: Sir - A GANDER AT THE GAAN?? & Hansard etc. FF cornered rats are biting back

St Jude - rides again.

Aye, the Apostle; patron Saint of desperate cases and the odd 'lost cause' is alleged to have the following printed on his calling card:-

“In accordance with his surname, Thaddeus, the amiable or loving, he will show himself most willing to give help.”

I'd bet most are thinking - the fool is going to invoke the help of the gods to 'sort' the pickle Australian aviation has landed in - Wrong; not at all. Nope, if anyone needs extraterrestrial assistance it is the CASA itself. Slowly, industry is grasping the notion that united and singing from the same hymn book (keeping in context) the songs writ decades past is a bloody good idea. The narrative line has not changed a jot in all that time; in fact it has crystallised into a clear picture; now fully supported by history and undeniable 'proof of theory' - in Spades; redoubled.

“By Fortune's adverse buffets overborne.
To solitude I fled, to wilds forlorn,

And not in utter loneliness to live,

Myself at last did to the Devil give!” ― Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Faust

It will be the CASA on bended knee; unshriven and penitent who must now look for some form of divine intervention; before it implodes and leaves an unbelievable mess on the ministers best Persian rug. I allude to the Devil's deal; a Faustian bargain; or, to give it it's real title - 'the Illich Legacy'. Sigma 3, 99.9% safe conviction rules, fully backed by unconstitutional liberties, unlimited funds and a battle which created 600 admin and legal staff to manage 200 'operational' staff. The first war was won by 'legal'. Operations, in the early days, tended to hold the legal Eagles, HR and the associated clap-trap in little regard. Slowly, but inevitably, the old guard of CASA officers who could actually fly an aircraft and knew their business shuffled off stage; to be replaced with the HR selected 'preferred' physiological profile. And, why not - airlines do it - a preferred type - unlikely to cause 'ripples' and etc.. Well, "As a man sows, so shall he reap". Even 'the preferred type' have had a guts full of Crawford's dictates; as Spence, looking even more like a stunned sheep than usual, awaits her masters instructions. What a ducking shambles Barnaby; you know it and we know it.   

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“Things without all remedy should be without regard: what's done is done.”― William Shakespeare, Macbeth

There are two simple remedies; which, applied simultaneously, could prevent the  inevitable international embarrassment and humiliation of the current situation devolving into the irredeemable. Easy enough to do, just takes a pair of ears and a brain larger than a Grasshoppers. To wit: draft a ministerial Statement of Expectations (SoE) instructing the lunatic fringe to return to ICAO compliance by adopting the NZ regulatory suite (instant applause) and then; dare the Devil. Bring all ex CASA resignations into a closed Senate inquiry (you have one running now which could do it) and 'hear' what they have to say. We have, lots of 'em will talk over a beer; but without 'protection' in front of  a Senate panel - they may need a little more incentive than 'doing the right thing'. Until the true story of what CASA does, from the 'horses mouth' is rammed down the throat of bipartinsane dereliction of sworn duty to this nation -then despite the best industry case sweet Fanny Adams will change. 

“If a grasshopper tries to fight a lawnmower, one may admire his courage but not his judgement.” ― Robert A. Heinlein, Farnham's Freehold

This is graphically and unequivocally demonstrated by the current 'inquiry' being run by Mistress McDolittle. Take a look at the recording of the Phil Hurst interview; take a bucket with you though; you will need it. Two years long and a complete waste of time, money, effort and patience. There are thirty years of exactly the same 'evidence' being presented; the CASA chickens are not home to roost; they have taken over the kitchen and pooping everywhere - the experiment has been an expensive failure and the large McDolittle nostrils can sniff this - but chooses to obfuscate, prevaricate and act like the lowest gutter politician in the land. A great chance lost through politics and purblind ignorance. Shame, shame, shame. Two years a million bucks - for that last Estimates session. McDolittle should fold her tent and just bugger off taking her report and her mate Spence with her. Hell's bells, our BRB troops have already drafted her report, there's a comp running for the nearest, word perfect version. Save a lot of time, trouble and money if that 24 month long waste of time just stopped; save the buckets a beating. 

It is so simple for the minister to just tell CASA what he 'expects' - he has the gormless Spence panting to do his bidding - for she is incapable of independent action and has allowed a creature like Crawford to call the shots, do the talking and has, single handedly, brought CASA to the brink of implosion. Aye; here's another fine bipartinsane duplicitous mess you've got us into. Fix it. FCOL..just get it done.

Aye well; much to consider this week - 1700 ICAO airspace differences for foreign pilots to digest if they are to operate 'legally'; airspace stripped of assets on a promise of 'Big Sky' and ADSB solving all the problems; for a huge price, as yet to be delivered; the list published this week of cock-ups - alone is enough to make a stone idol weep; add the McDolittle reverse gear and there's not too much joy to add to the Covid lock-down blues - etc....Perhaps next week we can look at cluster ducks and mega cock-ups - just for a laugh or two.

Early Spring here; funny time of the year; hot almost summer temperature - flowers waking, birds at it, etc, but the battle of the seasons is not done just yet. Tonight the stable doors are wide open, animals parked where the breeze is best and yet there is snow forecast on the high ground next week as the temperature is to return to winter's realms. 'T' shirt tonight - big jacket Monday. The stove is ready to go; I shall miss the winter, lamps lit early, stove glowing red, the smell of wood smoke on the breeze, frost crunching under warm boots and the cat's antics - shoving a fifty kilo dog into a comfortable position for her comfort. Salad not baked potatoes. Even the timber I use senses the changes; still attuned to the world we live in. Hope springs eternal - but not only in the human breast. Right - I know - back to my knitting.

Live long and prosper.


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Ref: Vic Coroners Essendon DFO crash inquest begins & AMROBA supplementary submission (plus attachments) finally published??

Common sense and the shortage thereof.

I digress - but! - T'uther day I saw an awful accident - lady with a toddler in a stroller ambling along in the sunshine. 'Bang' - a large fellah on a push bike doing about 10 knots cleaned 'em both up. Lady went for a short fly; toddler hit the deck with a whallop!. Bloke on the bike bounced once before ending up in the gutter of a very busy inner city main road. A mess. Later, nursing an Ale, the event got me to thinking about 'safety'. I wondered just how much 'enforced' safety has stopped the use of common sense, 'aware' thinking. 'Safety' is a whole, multi million dollar industry now. So used is the populace to blindly following their dictates has it become, that the need for personal 'risk assessment' has almost disappeared? Take that chump on the push bike; he had his silly little crash hat on; hi-viz gear, glasses etc (not mention the Lycra) tooling along a busy footpath. WTD was he thinking? Must we now bring in a rule set to forbid faster than walking speed for bikes on foot paths? Must we promulgate rules for Mum's pushing strollers with flashing lights lights, seat belts for the kid;Mum and kid crash hats: engineered roll proof strollers? Or; could we just make people more risk aware and let them think it out for themselves? Seriously - this whole OHS thing is out of control - when I was a child, I was taught to cross the road 'Look Right - Look left - look right again; and, if its safe to cross, do so. At seven y.o,  made risk aware, educated and independent. Now, the whole bloody world must slow down to 40 because kids can't be taught to use crossings: - it's a bollocks; costs a fortune and deprives youngsters of not only risk awareness but independent thinking. They grow into fools who think its OK to blast along a footpath - sure of their own safety, but unprepared to be totally aware of the risks to everyone else. 'We' have lost something vital in the cotton wool of administrative, financial liability reduced 'safety'. The fool's injuries where not that serious; the child's were. However, I thanked the friendly Bobby who prevented me from making the idiots injuries more serious than they were. There; better now with that off my chest.

"You cannot have the right to do what is wrong." ― Abraham Lincoln

Matters aeronautical remain in a state of flux - everyone wondering what the result of the illegal SoE gaff will be. Toss a coin; or, take a flutter on my tote board; same odds; but not for the feint hearted. If one discounts the serious 'lobby groups' and the mealy mouthed appeals writ, in the first person, by discredited, discarded ex ministerial advisers; one is left with a rag-tag bunch of a disenfranchised; almost excommunicated business groups; all, desperately trying to survive against increasing odds against. Even those with 'clout' and a modicum of influence are trying to fathom the bizarre rules emanating from a mad regulator. Take the latest part 91 and it's 300 page explanation and make some sense of that - just try it. Then, try to apply it to an operation. The problems almost insurmountable - as they stand - potentially without remedy.

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And yet the solution is - Oh so very, very simple. B Joyce Esq has a pen - he has a binding document on his desk; to wit, the Ministerial Statement of Expectation - (SoE). Within his remit, he may 'instruct' (order if you will) CASA to immediately adopt the NZ rule set. Within 18 months Australia would be become acceptable to overseas agencies, trade agreement and trading could begin and the aviation industry could put it's foot down on the accelerator and drive us out of the doldrums - even with the cursed virus hanging about. Save this nation a fortune, increase the nations revenue, provide jobs, investment and hope. Just do it Barnaby - it is the simple solution to a world of self induced morbidity. The CASA experiment is a proven failure. The existing rule set a mad man's delusion; operationally demented, legally undemocratic, constitutionally flawed and an abomination on human rights as we know them; not fitting for any purpose except unlimited control and unconstrained power (at an increased cost every year). But then; I'm just reiterating my own and the industry's 30 year old prayer for sanity and common sense to prevail.

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Which brings me to an end of this ramble. I cannot believe how any 'minister' charged with the welfare of this nation can sit back, have tea and jam biscuits while watching an industry being destroyed - from the inside out; by the very people responsible for it's well being. There is a conga line of ministers, stretching back decades, who have allowed the aberration CASA has become to not only prosper, but become beyond the reach of even a Senate committee and hundreds of documented complaints - all starring not only the same cast; but script and Eastern Bloc philosophy. All brought to a democracy - shamefully fully supported, over decades,  by a a Bipartinsane parliament. Disgraceful. Is Joyce 'man enough' or angry enough to deal with it - once and for all? Fair question - Well we shall see, won't we children.

[Image: bristellLSA-1024x438.jpg]

“The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane.” ― Marcus Aurelius, Meditations

Mark you, I had my own small flirt with sanity this week. TOM calls - :"doing anything that can't wait?" Now, I've been caught before - cautiously - I ask "why?" "Just need a hand for a day or two" say's he. Mug that I am "OK" say's I, "what we doing?" "Deck" say's he; "see ya 0630 o'clock" - Click. Now then, the early aircraft carriers may have had marginally larger decks than the one which confronted me early the next day not only was it a monster but we needed to start from scratch - i.e. weeds, dirt and dog pooh. Holes to dig, concrete to mix; stirrups to fit; stumps to cut and make, bearers to cut and fix; joists to fit (level and square) 6 meter lengths of decking - all the fun of the fair. The Gazette is late: I know; but a honest 'day of rest' was much needed. Did you ever notice how deaf dogs get when you mention 'tape measure'? They seem to find pencils easily enough - but lost tape measures seem to be a 'deck too far'. No matter; Ale, shower, Shepard's pie, shower and my favourite chair seem to have worked their magic. Aye well; the land of Nod patiently awaits and I do have a righteous claim to visit.


Allow me to be what the Americans call a “Monday morning quarterback”.

You opine: “. I cannot believe how any 'minister' charged with the welfare of this nation can sit back, have tea and jam biscuits while watching an industry being destroyed - from the inside out; by the very people responsible for it's well being.”

But borrowing from my neurolinguistic training, the Minister and Senior Bureaucrats believe that they ARE advancing the nations welfare by strangling the aviation industry, at least the honest ones believe it. They really do. So do judges and the AAT as evidenced by their numerous judgements in favour of our beloved regulator where the beak writes words to the effect that: “We find that public safety is so absolutely utterly and completely important that even if CASA has broken the law a trifle by garrotting the plaintiffs wife and children that public interest demands no less.” Case dismissed! I am told that in the case of Angel Flight for example, the good judge ruled that CASA need not base any of its regulations on safety evidence. CASAs mere opinion was enough. Such is the public fear of aviation…….and aviators.

So what IS the perception of aviation in Canberra? My suspicion is as follows. First there is the RAAF. They keep us from being overrun by China. They fly big shiny jets that cost so much money they must be very good. They also make lots of noise which impresses the public. Then there are the airlines. They also have big shiny jets that cost a lot of money. They also serve us drinks and take us to nice places like Venice and London. They also take the public to places like Bali. Obviously essential.

So now we come to general aviation. Rickety decades old, dirty, smelly unsafe aircraft that get in the way of the RAAF and Qantas by presuming to occupy the same airspace. Furthermore, they insist on needing airports which for some strange reason are situated on prime development land that is worth a fortune. Then there are those rich tax dodging un-Australian creeps who actually have the temerity to own and fly their own aircraft!

……and these little aircraft owners have the temerity to bleat about regulations under which her Majesty’s Government charitably allows them to fly? I mean, who do they think they are? Furthermore everybody knows that Australia can’t build or maintain aircraft, we were taught that at ANU, therefore why do we need anything called an aviation “industry” let alone caring for its well being? It’s like talking about the croquette “industry” or car detailers pontificating about road safety. Is it any wonder that a senior bureaucrat allegedly called pilots “un caught criminals”? Pilots are one step above child molesters in Canberra’s hierarchy.

Now if by some stretch the GA industry could portray itself as primarily feminine and that there were significant involvement of indigenous, differently abled, LGBTIQ and immigrant communities then we should find politicians and bureaucrats falling over themselves to help, however that observation is bordering on self pity..

Common sense and the shortage thereof.

I digress - but! - T'uther day I saw an awful accident - lady with a toddler in a stroller ambling along in the sunshine. 'Bang' - a large fellah on a push bike doing about 10 knots cleaned 'em both up. Lady went for a short fly; toddler hit the deck with a whallop!. Bloke on the bike bounced once before ending up in the gutter of a very busy inner city main road. A mess. Later, nursing an Ale, the event got me to thinking about 'safety'. I wondered just how much 'enforced' safety has stopped the use of common sense, 'aware' thinking. 'Safety' is a whole, multi million dollar industry now. So used is the populace to blindly following their dictates has it become, that the need for personal 'risk assessment' has almost disappeared? Take that chump on the push bike; he had his silly little crash hat on; hi-viz gear, glasses etc (not mention the Lycra) tooling along a busy footpath. WTD was he thinking? Must we now bring in a rule set to forbid faster than walking speed for bikes on foot paths? Must we promulgate rules for Mum's pushing strollers with flashing lights lights, seat belts for the kid;Mum and kid crash hats: engineered roll proof strollers? Or; could we just make people more risk aware and let them think it out for themselves? Seriously - this whole OHS thing is out of control - when I was a child, I was taught to cross the road 'Look Right - Look left - look right again; and, if its safe to cross, do so. At seven y.o,  made risk aware, educated and independent. Now, the whole bloody world must slow down to 40 because kids can't be taught to use crossings: - it's a bollocks; costs a fortune and deprives youngsters of not only risk awareness but independent thinking. They grow into fools who think its OK to blast along a footpath - sure of their own safety, but unprepared to be totally aware of the risks to everyone else. 'We' have lost something vital in the cotton wool of administrative, financial liability reduced 'safety'. The fool's injuries where not that serious; the child's were. However, I thanked the friendly Bobby who prevented me from making the idiots injuries more serious than they were. There; better now with that off my chest.

"You cannot have the right to do what is wrong."

Matters aeronautical remain in a state of flux - everyone wondering what the result of the illegal SoE gaff will be. Toss a coin; or, take a flutter on my tote board; same odds; but not for the feint hearted. If one discounts the serious 'lobby groups' and the mealy mouthed appeals writ, in the first person, by discredited, discarded ex ministerial advisers; one is left with a rag-tag bunch of a disenfranchised; almost excommunicated business groups; all, desperately trying to survive against increasing odds against. Even those with 'clout' and a modicum of influence are trying to fathom the bizarre rules emanating from a mad regulator. Take the latest part 91 and it's 300 page explanation and make some sense of that - just try it. Then, try to apply it to an operation. The problems almost insurmountable - as they stand - potentially without remedy.

"Creating something that builds lasting value and changes the lives of millions of people requires forging a team that will work hard to overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles, stand up to the pressures of fame and fortune, and stay true to the original vision long after others stop believing."

And yet the solution is - Oh so very, very simple. B Joyce Esq has a pen - he has a binding document on his desk; to wit, the Ministerial Statement of Expectation - (SoE). Within his remit, he may 'instruct' (order if you will) CASA to immediately adopt the NZ rule set. Within 18 months Australia would be become acceptable to overseas agencies, trade agreement and trading could begin and the aviation industry could put it's foot down on the accelerator and drive us out of the doldrums - even with the cursed virus hanging about. Save this nation a fortune, increase the nations revenue, provide jobs, investment and hope. Just do it Barnaby - it is the simple solution to a world of self induced morbidity. The CASA experiment is a proven failure. The existing rule set a mad man's delusion; operationally demented, legally undemocratic, constitutionally flawed and an abomination on human rights as we know them; not fitting for any purpose except unlimited control and unconstrained power (at an increased cost every year). But then; I'm just reiterating my own and the industry's 30 year old prayer for sanity and common sense to prevail.

"And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music."

Which brings me to an end of this ramble. I cannot believe how any 'minister' charged with the welfare of this nation can sit back, have tea and jam biscuits while watching an industry being destroyed - from the inside out; by the very people responsible for it's well being. There is a conga line of ministers, stretching back decades, who have allowed the aberration CASA has become to not only prosper, but become beyond the reach of even a Senate committee and hundreds of documented complaints - all starring not only the same cast; but script and Eastern Bloc philosophy. All brought to a democracy - shamefully fully supported, over decades,  by a a Bipartinsane parliament. Disgraceful. Is Joyce 'man enough' or angry enough to deal with it - once and for all? Fair question - Well we shall see, won't we children.

“The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane.”

Mark you, I had my own small flirt with sanity this week. TOM calls - :"doing anything that can't wait?" Now, I've been caught before - cautiously - I ask "why?" "Just need a hand for a day or two" say's he. Mug that I am "OK" say's I, "what we doing?" "Deck" say's he; "see ya 0630 o'clock" - Click. Now then, the early aircraft carriers may have had marginally larger decks than the one which confronted me early the next day not only was it a monster but we needed to start from scratch - i.e. weeds, dirt and dog pooh. Holes to dig, concrete to mix; stirrups to fit; stumps to cut and make, bearers to cut and fix; joists to fit (level and square) 6 meter lengths of decking - all the fun of the fair. The Gazette is late: I know; but a honest 'day of rest' was much needed. Did you ever notice how deaf dogs get when you mention 'tape measure'? They seem to find pencils easily enough - but lost tape measures seem to be a 'deck too far'. No matter; Ale, shower, Shepard's pie, shower and my favourite chair seem to have worked their magic. Aye well; the land of Nod patiently awaits and I do have a righteous claim to visit.


Apologies from management: This week's Sunday Brunch Gazette has been held up at the publisher's due to Auntypru undergoing routine maintenance; the slackers in charge have decided to take the weekend off. And are probably heading towards serious hangovers.

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Ref: ANOTHER ONE BITES THE DUST?? - The Git is gone. &

A damsel? Distressed?

But: Is there a damsel in distress? (Really) Or; industry to the rescue of aforesaid 'Danseuse'?

Or; is there simply a dozy person swimming in a tank full of sharks, unaware? You see, I'm confused. I read the latest 'happy-clappy' missive from our DAS. - "Gadzooks" thinks I: - perhaps we should all be sitting about a campfire singing bloody Kumbaya to guitars and tambourines, gently strummed and thumped - in stoic  support of the 'leader' of the aviation Caffe Latte, basket weaving crowd. All looking like sheep recently hit, hard, in the head, with a shovel? Perhaps - this is all just a ploy to garner 'sympatico' for the poor little lamb surrounded by wolves; industry to the rescue. - Bollocks to that, in spades - Kumbaya and rescue both be dammed. Spence took the gig - the money and the responsibility to return Australian aviation to 'world wide 'gold standard'. How and when would be pertinent questions about now. Gods know the evidence is piled up and mouldering away; the wolves are clearly identified - even the Martin's born again antics should hold no sway. Yet here we sit, breath bated, desperate for a return to world best practice - and what to we get? Bloody silly, soppy letters begging for 'industry' to fight the DAS corner. What part of 'Bugger off' would you like explained - 'tis a plain enough Anglo Saxon expression - self explanatory even. I say this - the true blue 'public service' hates and envies in equal amounts the CASA situation; the aviation industry deplores CASA; has no faith in the board or the current DAS. You see; we know what's wrong, just as well as you and the minister do (if not better) - the question is; do you believe bloody Kumbaya will fix it; or, a panzer offensive clean out and reformation of the whole rat's nest? Resign Ms Spence; for your sanity, integrity and the preservation of your very soul; for what you are facing is not of this world - a long way from tambourines, guitars, campfires and Kumbaya. It is not - fact. I shall explain - you may lead, you may follow - but do not get under this industries feet; for it will survive. At the moment if industry don't crush you, the system will. (Historical fact confirms)...For example.......

P2 - "Considering that this dude was employed by Dr A in the same year that the Senate PelAir inquiry began and was there through the subsequent Forsyth review, the TSBC ATSB peer review, the 2016 BASA US FAA airworthiness treaty and the 2017 ICAO Oz (self-)audit, one has to ask what exactly has the dude actually achieved."

Oh - Please explain:- do!

Then we must ask but one more simple question; (paraphrased) What, in the seven hell's, is McDolittle playing at? Now begging for submissions to her WOFTAM two year inquiry which has little to report but the old, oft stated laments and disappointments combined with about as much horse power as a whipper - snipper. Cancel - and delete is an option - but reference to and positive action of the Forsyth report would have saved millions and the credibility of a Senator - now rendered nugatory, inutile even. Shame really; she could have made a difference: - Angel Flight defence ring any bells?  No? Then perhaps Buckley as a fuse to igniting some serious compensation for those who have been shafted (past and very present) while the McDolittle dainty foot was off the gas pedal (for whatever reason). Political self preservation being always tantamount. List of real achievements please? No; didn't think so. There's not one; not for AF, Buckley or even the godforsaken poor sods in the NT who really believed McDolittle would make a difference. BOLLOCKS.

Oh aye; I am cranky - and, IMO, justifiably so IMO. Two years wasted while we await the 'born again' to repair the damage done by their party. How many years have passed while we wait to see the reforms the good Rev. Forsyth mooted to become reality? Will Spence make 'em real? Can McDolittle change a jot? Both you and I children know the answers; deep down; in your very being - you know that nothing will change unless the minister gets off his beam ends; grasps the self evident truth and gets it 'sorted'. How many ministerial promises have we heard over the past three decades? How many billions have been wasted; and how many times has industry been 'done over'?

Covid (bless it) has changed many lives; mine included. A three week 'build' for a gentleman; lots of varied; interesting jobs to do. He said it all one day - "but; you are free". Damn me; a coffee, a smoke and five minutes peace in the sunlight - I realised I was a free man, a happy man; one look over what I, my tools and native common sense had created was enough. Dogs at peace, sleeping in the sunshine on site, something to look at at the end of a long hard day. Better money than flight pay - home at 1545 o'clock - independent; and, nothing to worry except the building code. I whistle; the dogs awake and head for the back seat of my wagon, to home, to dinner and no more worry about where will I be tomorrow. But; more to the point- will I be a criminal for an error? The answer is No; fix that Ms Spence and perhaps your profile from 'stunned sheep' to active DAS may (just) be amended.

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“And a beautiful world we live in, when it is possible, and when many other such things are possible, and not only possible, but done-- done, see you!-- under that sky there, every day.” ― Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities

Storms and wild wind tonight; lightning, thunder and heavy rain; playtime, out we go through the orchard which is stoically weathering to blast, to the real world, where land, trees and wild creatures endure - despite fortunes blasts. But then: Fortune favours the bold - does it not?

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"too resistless was the delight of staying with the wild hour, black and full of thunder, pealing out such an ode as language never delivered to man - too terribly glorious, the spectacle of clouds, split and pierced by white and blinding bolts.”― Charlotte Brontë


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Ref: & RRAT Estimates CASA 23/03/21 Hansard

Of disease, -  and winning tickets.

In the year of our Lord 1796 Edward Jenner began the eradication of the Smallpox virus. When you consider the 'science' available then, it was a great gamble. Now of course, despite Jenner's 'primitive' research, the notion has travelled and been accepted by modern 'science' into the great industrial grade of vaccination for all manner of 'known' killers. Things like Polio;

WIKI - "The two vaccines have eliminated polio from most of the world,[3][4] and reduced the number of cases reported each year from an estimated 350,000 in 1988 to 33 in 2018.[5][6]"

There is a substantial  265 year history, supported by solid evidence that Jenner's 'notion' was a bloody good one. So, why is there such a furore over the 'Covid' vaccination? Really - why; how does it make sense? From the age of seven I held my own passport - in the back there was a card which showed what I had been vaccinated against, and when. Mandatory for entry into some lands - no jab - no entry. As life progressed into actually flying aircraft into many places, I noted that 'the card' was more often scrutinised than the passport. Some of those jabs hurt like hell; made you feel peculiar for a while; but, it sure as apples beats the crap out of Typhoid, Diphtheria, TB or Polio etc. Hence the (temporary and very last) ramble into 'matters medical'. With your indulgence, I shall now tell a short, but truthful story

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“How many valiant men, how many fair ladies, breakfast with their kinfolk and the same night supped with their ancestors in the next world! The condition of the people was pitiable to behold. They sickened by the thousands daily, and died unattended and without help. Many died in the open street, others dying in their houses, made it known by the stench of their rotting bodies. Consecrated churchyards did not suffice for the burial of the vast multitude of bodies, which were heaped by the hundreds in vast trenches, like goods in a ships hold and covered with a little earth.”-Giovanni Boccaccio

Thirty odd years ago, my dog made friends with another - remarkable really - both were large animals and Alpha males - could have gone either way - but it became a fast friendship. That 'friendship' eventuated between the two owners of said dogs; equally strong and lasting, still current up until this evening. He is a 'heavy duty' man of the medical profession; in charge of a large inner city ICU. Months ago now we stopped to chat - "had your shot yet" he asked. "Nope" say's I, "no rush - but I'll get to it". "No- no" say's my good friend - "do it now - believe me, you do not want what they've got". Of course I looked askance at this - eyebrows raised. "45 days on a ventilator and little hope of salvation is why" say's he. So, off I trotted. What is one more 'jab' compared to that? Did it for years, no question asked about the shot against the other horror diseases - so why this is this particular one getting so much resistance; don't make sense to me. There Mate, duty done as requested and required; as best able. Cheers.

[Image: FlemMelbourneCupModernGrandstands.jpg]

Now; to much more serious matters; that of winning tickets. Under duress, (bitching, moaning etc) I opened a ledger after Crawford made his debut as 'acting DAS' at the last estimates; despite the newly anointed Spence (sat at the table in full view) being the expected 'star' of the pantomime. Many were simply 'stunned' when the new DAS simply allowed Crawford to do all the talking (FWTWW). Well boy's and girls; that created a major 'discussion' within the IOS and BRB; theories abounded; ideas hammered to death; almost endless discussion. Hell; I even had to close down one of the e-mail 'loops' due to shear volume of traffic. Every man-jack had an opinion. So; put your Choc-Frogs where your mouth is became my way of dealing with the clamour. We now have a clear 'winning' theory (we do). I set the tote at 4/1 for the entry; always a good each-way bet; (second and third pays a bit back). And so; after much consideration and debate; the 'By-Pass' entry wins by a thumping majority. Time, patience and research (not to mention a small leak) proved the pudding. 

“When I was a boy of 14, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be 21, I was astonished at how much the old man had learned in seven years.”― Mark Twain

The question stands alone M'Lud. "Was Crawford set-up?" The Ayes have it. Given enough rope the fundamentally 'unpleasant' character was bound to surface; the insufferable arrogance, the bullying, the almost unbelievable stupidity combined with an irrepressible ego would give him enough rope to put his head in the noose - all the Spence dainty hand had to do was, make the call and - pull the lever - once this was  'evidence demonstrable' (read riot). In a few short months Crawford went from free flight - to - "doon the by-pass". I paid the Choc Frogs out; but..(side bar) - someone a lot smarter than Spence hatched that wee scheme and called it dead right. I've saved a Choc Fog for that fellahin. Well played Sir; well played indeed. If I didn't know better - I'd say this was the steady hand of MM at the helm - but then, he bat's for the black hats - don't he??

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“Declare your jihad on thirteen enemies you cannot see -egoism, arrogance, conceit, selfishness, greed, lust, intolerance, anger, lying, cheating, gossiping and slandering. If you can master and destroy them, then you will be ready to fight the enemy you can see.”― Al-Ghazzali

Aye well; I've done my duty to my friend; believe a fair result was reached of Bi-Pass Crawford and stumped up the Choc-frogs to the wiser heads who can (mysteriously) read the smoke signals. Enough - there is a mouthful of Ale left in my glass; the cat sits at the door waiting, as only a cat can; my boot has been dropped under the desk. I can take a hint - time to be out into a fresh breeze and a lovely Spring evening. The wild wood waits to welcome us.

[Image: B_gLl27UwAAuLvE.jpg]

“Spring was moving in the air above and in the earth below and around him, penetrating even his dark and lowly little house with its spirit of divine discontent and longing.”― Kenneth Grahame, The Wind in the Willows


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Ref: Indiana Joyce and the Raiders of the Bottomless Trough & Glen Buckley 'CASA destroyed my business' & A CASA captured EWH dishonour's Phelan's legacy? &

Of Camels, straw and Buckley.

I wonder how many more 'straws' the back of the small to medium sized aviation operations are prepared to carry, before something snaps. For a couple of mad decades now, industry has been progressively intimidated into the silence of self preservation. Quietly acquiescing to ever more burdensome demonstrations of compliance loads; extravagant costs, criminal records, fines and some risible operational nonsense - all in the name of survival. Buckley ain't the first to fall down a rabbit hole and wind up in a very strange place; but, IMO he should be the last. There is an extensive list of arbitrarily 'shut down' operations, the 'evidence' in some cases dubious to say the least. That list is a small one compared to the list of those who have simply accepted the impositions, re-drafted their manuals and struggled on, hoping that the lip service and 'appearance' of compliance is enough to keep the wolf from the door. - Ah! the fool is drawing a low bow again they say - regrettably - not true. Add up the number of submissions made to any 'inquiry' from outfits like 'Fred Bloggs Charter' based in Kickinatinalong; citing the onerous dictates which must, on penalty of annihilation be seen to be complied with; not too many of those is there. Ever wonder why?

[Image: confront-them-with-annihilation-and-they...395448.jpg]

It is a fair and reasonable call on executive government to guarantee that Buckley is the very last in the parade of those shut down without serious prior consultation and opportunity to reform/comply or satisfy the regulation. A business decimated without clear reason, proven at law, is not a thing which should happen in a civilised democratic country. Buckley should be the straw which collapses the bloody roof.


Item next: Each way Hitch and his puerile attempts to protect the hegemony of advertisers. If, as Sandy says, Hitch had the insight, information and writing ability of Phelan, then, perhaps his scribbling could gain a modicum of respect; alas, both ends being flagrantly played against the middle wins nothing but contempt. Even those who prefer the middle ground, those acknowledge a 'good' thing while being aware of the bad are respected, as 'balance'. But, what with industry's long, loud outcry for balance being defined as 'chatter' I second Sandy's outrage and reasoning - however - the bit that had me reaching for the houseboat bucket was this little bit of (words fail here)

"But Walker has large shoulders, after all, he has been the person responsible for wrangling CASA's relationship with the aviation community for five years and still manages to crack a daily smile."

What a load of CASA funded BOLLOCKS. Never, not ever, in over thirty odd years that the senior 'associates' can remember, has CASA been held in such contempt. An almost complete lack of 'technical' expertise, operational know-how and basic honesty combined with a distrust which has come to international notice is how CASA are seen by their peers and betters - Walker sure has 'wrangled' that alright; to the point of contempt. Unanimous - change of title for Hitch - no longer each way - but Kiss Ass Hitch; anyone's and everyone's. Contemptuous creature -

[Image: Steve-Hitchen10.jpg]

“But for a long time, altogether unnoticed by his comrades, there had ripened in his soul a dark contempt for mankind; contempt mingled with despair and painful, almost deadly fatigue.” ― Leonid Andreyev, Seven Who Were Hanged

Aye well - it is a very good thing to see restrictions being lifted; no doubt at all, darts and pub definitely on the agenda; but I do miss the days of low traffic volumes. Current job site used to be a pleasant 12 minute, one smoke drive; 35 minutes on Friday - most wearing on the nerves; some have not had a lot of practice lately. Just have to adapt again I suppose - but it was very pleasant 'on-the-road' there for a while. Almost time to make decisions again - strap an aircraft to my nether regions - or exeunt to a more peaceful life - I've gotten quite used to that too. Time will tell I expect.

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It is that time again - meal time for the four footed friends; I got an early start to this twiddle so we begin the ritual. Pollard, Bran, chaff and lucerne hay into a bucket signal the beginning - meat eaters casually head toward the fridge - but; I reckon the cat has it sorted, She knows that when I open the fridge and take her 'jab' out of the fridge - it is time to eat. It is a pleasant way to welcome sunset; all done and I head for 'the tap' and pull an Ale, light a smoke and just sit for a while; I can almost tell to the second when the horse will fart - the donkey never does - well not in my hearing anyway - passing strange that is.

Selah -

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Ref: Oz live: CASA PMO Dr Kate Manderson

"In Xanadu did Kubla Khan"

A poem, by S.T. Coleridge always resonates in the background when 'matters aeronautical' require serious consideration. It all starts off very well, with old KK making his decree:-

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"A stately pleasure-dome decree:"

Always, without fail, sets my mind to Canberra and 'the bubble'. Which of course brings the Kool-Aid fountains to mind. This week provided a most excellent series of essays, hand crafted by Clinton McKenzie Esq; which, (to stay on track), brought to mind another stanza from the poem:-

"And ’mid this tumult Kubla heard from far

Ancestral voices prophesying war!"

The theme of the essays is one of the many 'major' areas which must, if aviation is to rejoin the world outside the 'pleasure dome' be set to rights; to wit, flight crew medicals. The link - HERE - will take you directly to the first, the rest follow below the first post. To me, they are not for the pilot fraternity, although well worth the time, but more importantly, they must be read by the DoIT and probably the PM &C. Why? Well pilot medical qualification has traversed somewhat beyond the pale and quite probably, medical science. Literally hundreds of 'qualified' expert diagnosis and opinion, costing probably in the millions (collectively) are often summarily dismissed or, overruled. A minister could put an end this lunacy with the stroke of a pen; indeed it is a sure fire ticket to everlasting glory. You see, it ain't just 'medicals' which are subjected to 'symptoms' presented by a very sick 'Avmed'. It applies, by extension, across the board to all aviation related activity. It comes down to the CASA 'philosophy' being rejected, replaced by a realistic, risk aware, approach to satisfying those gods who thrive on the 'mystique' which surrounds the industry, baffles good minds with pony-pooh, costs much more than it should and is/has castrated what should be a thriving; not dying industry. Thank you Clinton - (kudos) with the key to the Tim-tam tin is in the mail.    

“It is almost startling to hear this warning of departed time sounding among the tombs, and telling the lapse of the hour, which, like a billow, has rolled us onward towards the grave.”

Nearly done; just one question remains to be satisfactorily resolved after decades of debate; 'tis a simple enough question (ain't they all) but no one has, as yet come up with a satisfactory answer. Here we go; for a Choc Frog. Why, after three decades of protest, submission to inquiry, Senate inquiry and countless 'reports' has any government not stepped in and declared 'enough' and rang in the changes requested and required? It is a serious puzzle, despite all industries best efforts, across the spectrum, every single logical, expert piece of advice has been not only nullified, but discarded - despite the millions of tax payer dollars spent asking the questions, being given expert solution (gratis by the way) and then ignoring it. Look no further back than the ASRR - gods alone know the total dollar cost - to achieve Sweet Fanny Adams. What the hell is that all about?

“Life is an unanswered question, but let's still believe in the dignity and importance of the question.”

There's not a lot more to comment on; P2 has trapped the latest and best submissions and the links; some good stuff floating about - doomed to end up in the basement archives; ignored, obfuscated and decried as the Ills of Society twaddle.

Aye, no matter - the Pub is open and we managed to get some darts practice in: in anticipation of OS crews arriving soon. The BRB v IOS grudge match the highlight; laughs, good company, draft Ale and a hand (or two) of darts made the 'welcome back' party an excellent event - the long suffering landlord even provided a free round of Ale. So, once again, we can at least enjoy the company of fellow travellers - all double jabbed.

That is about it; to say more would put a hex on the slim hopes we have of the current minister and his crew; the signs are positive - probably best not to speak 'em out loud. But Despair has been withdrawn and Forlorn Hope is attracting good odds 15/1. FAR and Few is nudging toward even money and 'odds on' is a possibility next week. Yes; I will, very shortly put up the tote board, subject information from 'track side.'

Storm overhead now; bog standard thing, it will pass by leaving the orchard fresh, dust free and well watered. Some pot licking flea trap has disappeared one of my boots; no doubt it will return when the weather is acceptable for night time rambles. That's all; enjoy once again, the freedoms a democracy provides - when they let ya!. 


Aviation law reform is as unpopular with Government as prison reform and for exactly the same reason; there are no votes in it.

- Change the rules on sentencing and parole making it easier for a prisoner to receive and you know what happens? That’s right, the next time a parolee reoffends, the media crucifies the Minister for being soft on crime.

Criminal justice advocates can present logical argument and evidence backed by research and statistics till they are blue in the face but they are always confounded by the unchallengeable logic of the stupid: “if Joe Bloggs was still in jail he couldna dunnit coodie?”

….So you can present all the logical, rational, evidence based, peer reviewed, rolled gold reasons for aviation reform you like; the Minister knows that the next crash after the reforms will be blamed on HIM for relaxing the rules. Do you think the Murdoch press is going to write scholarly think pieces about how good the new rules are and that nobody could reasonably blame the Minister next time a Cessna crashes into a family home? Get real.

The only way to get fast and comprehensive aviation regulation reform is to make that timid, easily scared, cowardly character - the politician, more scared of the aviation community than of the general public. The only way to do that is through the ballot box. The Aviation community, all of it, should tell Government that not only will they not receive a single vote from them but they will actively work in every marginal seat in Australia to prevent the re-election of their members. Don’t be squeamish about this. It matters not who we support instead, it could be a raving communist for all we care because if the present situation persists, the outcome is the same either way.

To put that another way. While Aviation reform, like prison reform, will not get the Government any more votes long term, we need to ensure that they will lose even more votes, in strategically important locations, at the next election if they don’t reform now.

[Image: sbg-31-10-21.jpg]
Ref: in reply to Newton's epistle & Submission 66 & 67 - Enough Already!Su_Spence sips from the Can'tberra Koolaid fountain

What a mind bending 15 minutes.....

Oh boy! - Two slurps of the local 'Kook-Aid' and it all started to make some sense; one could not, not without that intoxicating Canberra elixir sit with a straight face through it all- last 'Estimates' session; DUB. The hourly cost of just making a 'video' of an expensive (figure the hourly rate) 'Senate Estimates' hearing would keep an average family fed quite well for a week. When you add in the hourly cost of the Senators and 'associated' plus the hourly cost of the CASA crew - well that's probably a new swimming pool and the kids school fees for next term - an hour. A very expensive pantomime indeed. Which if, 'stand alone' had, in one tiny way, assisted the aviation (dare I say it) industry, it may well have been supportable - alas. Watch carefully children, hit pause every 60 seconds or so; and, take a long, hard look at what the tax payer is funding (without option). - HERE.....

[Image: fairy.jpg]

“Fairies have to be one thing or the other, because being so small they unfortunately have room for one feeling only at a time.” ― J.M. Barrie, Peter Pan

As the doors to the chamber open and the CASA front row amble in, led by Spence - Nostrils McDolittle begins to scamper about, wagging tail and piddling on the rug to welcome Spence, the attempt to engage our 'CEO' in pleasant how-d-do's is responded to by Spence with all the emotion of a dunny seat in in a pub. McDolittle is then confronted by something which has not, in five years, changed it's frock, Surely, there must be enough money in the CASA tea and biscuit fund to buy the poor girl a new frock for Christmas. Mind you, the look of sheer poison on Aleck's fizzog would make a stone idol take a step back - not a happy camper is our Jonathan (which cannot be a bad thing). Yet one must wonder about the calling up of the moribund, constipated Mono-Hand to sit in the Crawford 'death seat'. Spence called Crawford up to display his incompetency last go-around; then fired the bugger; and a good riddance. Is Mono-Hand next? The 'Tote' is open; we have included 'Walker' in the betting. Not a bad sort - but apart from being a competent 'net worker' now promoted to his level of incompetence - its only a matter of time; his response to an eloquently phrased, no bull question has caused many a moment of hilarity and clearly defined his limitations.

“Always listen to experts. They'll tell you what can't be done, and why. Then do it.” ― Robert A. Heinlein, Time Enough for Love

And yet there sits the dowdy doyen of CASA; happy to acknowledge that 'she' is quite happy to work to a Ministerial (legally binding) Statement of Expectations, which is probably, 'illegal' and it don't bother her one bit. What is it in the water of Wagga Wagga? State politicians in all kind of hot Wagga water; serious ministerial documents signed when the national minister (erstwhile DPM) was 'technically' out of office (i.e. fired) and it don't concern the nanny statement writing CEO one bit? Bollocks - two options, the SoE don't matter a tinkers cuss; or, CASA was happy not to ask the new boy for directions. Farcical don't cover it Ma'am; but 'them' is the facts.

“Do not meddle in the affairs of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger.” ― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring

But then; the Estimates got ugly; the McDolittle led committee said SFA when a 'cause' old Nostrils McDolittle (NMD) was fiercely seen to be championing (now it seems nugatory) was dragged up. To wit - Angel Flight - "Oh, no problem" says Spence; "those restrictions will expire in six months". McDolittle almost wet her draws to hear this - after two years of her bullshit inquiry, the Senator is happy to await the Spence gracious decision to 'not renew'??? And; worse, to take the Spence word for it, as gospel (Bucket needed here) The duckling thing should never have been issued, but it was, and should have been repealed; day one in office, by Spence, as a sign of 'goodwill' and basic common bloody sense. But then, the wearing of the same pink jacket should give a clue about the level of Kool Aid imbibed, before, during and probably after another CASA botched safety gambit. Oh. What a bloody shambles - and the cost of it - and a minister happy to let it run on? WTD. I say this; if great political embarrassment is to be avoided the minister needs to end and put away tidy the NMD farcical twenty month inutile, expensive waste of Senate (public) time and tax payer money. Please.........!

[Image: angel_karma_1024x671_2__ff07531ce55b8e06...bdb29b.jpg]

"You can’t do this without putting in the bad and the ugly as well as what is beautiful. Because if it is all beautiful you can’t believe in it. Things aren’t that way.” ― Ernest Hemingway

Aye, as stated, I played this expensive 15 minute WOFTAM to and educated crew -(mark you) before any drink was allowed; they begged a repeat; just to convince themselves that it was not a comedy satire I'd jacked together to start the party; took some convincing of that. Not even Aunt Pru (liberal though she is) would countenance a third replay; blood curdling threats have also been issued to anyone fool enough to read another Spence soppy motherhood, pink, fluffy placebo.

[Image: April-BN-800x445-e1524359380770.jpg]

“When you compare the sorrows of real life to the pleasures of the imaginary one, you will never want to live again, only to dream forever.” ― Alexandre Dumas, The Count of Monte Cristo

Ayup, 'tis a ramble - but, fair-dinkum - really, seriously, an em-buggered industry must pin investment and prosperity hopes on the last 15 minutes of a Senate Estimates hearing - the boys from Macquarie bank took the last flight before the lock down - and will need some encouragement to leave the pleasure domes.

I don't suppose any of this matters to the Red Back spider which decided my leg was offending it; dead now (with malice aforethought). We often forget that even in a garden there is always 'territory' and family to protect. Me, trying to complete an awkward garden bench thing with doors and stuff (120 meters of hard wood) probably stepped too close to old RB - she reacted, I responded - she had the venom - I had a hand 100 times her size. I regret her passing; and, I did start it. No matter, there's a lot more where she came from; if only we could communicate without a reflex, defensive attitude. Bloody leg still hurts; but Ale soothes; body, mind and spirit.


The lament of the elderly regarding the young: "If they only knew, if we only could" one of the perks of our aged Board of Directors was the necessity of dealing with Corporate Governance matters which occasionally became quite titillating for the old dears when it had to do with Managers laying hands on staff (with or without permission) and the formation of (Ahem) liaisons between staff members of any sex encompassing "power imbalances". I remember when Big Bertha, our marketing manager, got caught with Charlie the mailroom boy in the photocopier room but that is not for tender ears.

Most of Governance is about risk management. A large chunk of that is to ensure that the staff don't run off with the money or the goods nor open world war three with the ATO. Our Auditors and Directors were very concerned by what they termed "The separation of powers" to ensure that didn't happen.

In the corporate world we did most of that by "separation of powers" also called separation of duties, the person who orders goods isn't the same person who writes the cheques to pay for them. Prisons are full of those whose employers ignored this temptation.:

"Separation of duty, as a security principle, has as its primary objective the prevention of fraud and errors. This objective is achieved by disseminating the tasks and associated privileges for a specific business process among multiple users."

Now imagine my surprise when i saw the latest CASA organisation chart. Seven good and true managers reporting to Ms. Spence - that's good - span of control and all that textbook stuff, no more than seven, yes, big tick, but then I noticed something our auditors and Directors would have jibed at;

The functions of litigation, investigations, enforcement AND advisory and drafting of the regulations are all under the control of the Executive Manager Legal, International and Regulatory. Our Directors would have choked on their foie gras over that.

Imagine, I get to write the regulation, investigate you to see if you are complying with the finer points of my requirements, decide wether your compliance with my ukase was sufficiently to my liking, or not, then arrange for your punishment to suit my whim on that day and begin the process of punishing you. All without so much as rising from my office chair.

Pardon the pun but this won't fly in the corporate world at all. Not a hope. Those powers would be spread between at least three managers. Which begs the question; is CASA so poor that it can't afford the staff to separate those roles? I think we should take up a collection to pay for that.

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