Bad news travels a lot faster than good, but have you noticed how ‘change’ for the better seems to take forever to arrive. Good news for aviation is a rare and precious commodity, change is even scarcer and hard won. It may take a while to penetrate and translate into excellent news which ‘industry’ fully appreciates but it’s there. The final story – HERE – is the last sentence in a long chapter, in a tale of stalled legislation, frustration and ‘good sense’ being ignored. Finally, almost at the flick of a switch, jobs, growth, potential earnings are increased. The inestimable Ken Cannane shining a light into the dark corners had a lot to do with this; but he had some help – in the shape of a modest, quietly spoken man; Sen. David Fawcett, aided and abetted by the remarkable RRAT committee. Any serious student of matters aeronautical will understand just how remarkable the story is.
Via Australian Aviation – Airwork Helicopters chief executive Myles Tomkins and the CASA approved advanced composite Bell 206 tail rotor blades. (Airwork Helicopters)
P2 – AMROBA, other industry advocate groups and many stakeholders should be applauded for their tenacious efforts in pushing for this reform to the US BASA agreement. There should also be a show of gratitude for Senator Fawcett, in support of the Joint Standing Committee for Treaties, for his efforts in bringing attention and understanding to the many historical issues/problems and roadblocks previously involved in the complex treaty process.”
Quote:KC – “…Many thanks should be given to Mr Myles Tomkins, CEO of Airwork Helicopters, Caboolture, Qld who’s STC was used as the trial STC during negotiations with the FAA. Some product certification processes not done by CASA had to be processed by the FAA to obtain FAA approval…”
Hear, hear. A debt of some magnitude is owed; Aunty Pru can only make a down payment in a sincere, long, loud cheer and thank you all.
It is worth noting the difference a competent, knowledgeable, honest, interested statesman can make. The stark contrast between that and the ‘other’ breed easily discerned by simple comparison. P2 turns on the light which assists the innocents to see the differences, naturally Daren 6D is first into the glare.
P2 – “Bet he didn’t have a clue about this historical good news development before yesterday, yet there he is trying to take some credit – despicable really:”
Ken Cannane sets a terrific example for those who can see the benefit of change and how to go about making change happen. No hysterics, no showmanship just the application of common sense, undeniable logic and expertise offered by all of our serious ‘alphabet soup’ advocates; except one. AOPA seem to be hell bent on self destruction with the white ants in the foundations helping. Bear with me while I try to explain.
ASIC cards (air-side ID) have been a vexed question for a long, long while. Australian Flying magazine and Steve Hitchen (aka LMH) have brought the much delayed Senate report on aviation security to the fore – again. John Hillard, writing in Ozflying puts the case rather well, backed up by ‘Hitch’.
You keep-a knocking, but you can’t come in: those without an ASIC have to stay behind the security fence at Bathurst, NSW. (Steve Hitchen)
Quote:– by John Hillard
“Security is the last refuge of a desperate bureaucrat.” – credited to Sir Humphrey Appleby, Yes Minister, BBC TV.
Many serious players have made submission to this Senate inquiry all singing, more or less, from the same hymn sheet – all except AOPA: (I can’t find it anyway, maybe they did). Point I’m struggling to make is that the ASIC is a real live issue; and, a totally expensive, pointless, ineffective mess. The American system is streets ahead, but then the USA has respect for citizen’s rights and a clear understanding of ‘security’; I digress. The ASIC debate is a worthy cause and the removal of the requirement would be one item (of many) which would be of value to the members and the kudos of any serious aviation group and well worth making the effort for. Supporting the Archerfied effort is. The hysterical announcement that AOPA will conduct an independent ‘inquiry’ into the recent fatal King-air crash in Melbourne is not. Apart from the idea being ‘fanciful’ it is risible and embarrassing for many reasons; loss of any credibility within industry being one of several. Cannane works quietly, patiently and effectively for his members and the aviation community; the results achieved speak for themselves. Results are what matter – kudos and credibility the prize. Hells bells, any fool can grab a headline, GT for an example. Enough.
Wingnut & miniscule 6D ‘shooting the breeze’ selfie – via Aunty Pru
There is another item which merits some serious attention. The minister Daren 6D has signed a ‘legislative instrument’; the ‘Statement of Expectation’ (SoE) for the CASA. This is item #1 on the agenda for the BRB Easter indaba. It is, believe it or not, actually important this time. Much depends on who the new DAS )silly title( is and how it is to be ‘read’; interpreted if you like. You know how at interviews the ‘question’ of your expectations is often asked; well, if you were considering taking the job, what would you require of the government, in terms of ‘clout’? Clearly, you cannot do the job without it. But ‘how’ to do the job, what is the job and to what end result are serious matters. Read the SoE through McConvicts eyes; then use Carmodoy’s; or, even try the flash git’s, (whatshisname) rose tinted ones. Three men, three different ways to ‘read’ the SoE. Aye, we still have a little while to wait for that result, but Easter and the budget and the mooted ‘re-shuffle’ games all have to be played out first. Aviation, as per, at the end of the long queue.
I’ve rattled on long enough, but it has been a week of contrasts. Maybe I’ll find a quiet, shady spot on the river bank and just sit for while. Thought to action, whistles up dogs, exeunt stage left. Toot toot.
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