by Sarcs | Mar 18, 2018 | Accidents and Inquiry, ASA, ATSB, CASA, Minister for Transport, Senate Estimates - Unplugged
{“Taking a new step, uttering a new word, is what people fear most.” ― Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Crime and Punishment } – AP Forum version Well; it seems the inhabitants of planet CASA have decided to return to Earth – just for a visit you understand. Of course,...
Warning: Undefined array key "extension" in /home/tangocha/public_html/auntypru/wp-content/themes/Divi/epanel/custom_functions.php on line 1471
by K_P9 | Apr 27, 2015 | Accidents and Inquiry
What a steaming crock – why did the SBS bother? Recorded the ‘show’ then sat and watched it. ‘It’ may well prevent a hysterical, neurotic already ready a feared of flying taking a short trip; but really. It’s not bad enough that Pilots...
by K_P9 | Mar 25, 2015 | Accidents and Inquiry
The decision for PAIN to protest the Ministerial decision allowing the ATSB to re examine the Pel Air ditching was not made lightly. The associates unanimously agreed that the prospect of litigation being heard and ruled on, before the new ‘investigation’...