What a steaming crock – why did the SBS bother? Recorded the ‘show’ then sat and watched it. ‘It’ may well prevent a hysterical, neurotic already ready a feared of flying taking a short trip; but really. It’s not bad enough that Pilots are already branded criminal lunatics by the CASA; just surprised they were not there banging on about how only ‘their rules’ can save us; but have the SBS try to sex up a non issue is the ditzy limit. Shame on you SBS for bringing the biggest load of BOLLOCKS to my screen since MKR. Pitiful, inaccurate and strictly theatre.
Many pilots have left the profession, it is not for everyone, never was. Countless folk have started flying lessons and walked away – so what. Depression – FCOL countless aircraft, bus, train and boat drivers go to work every day with perhaps a recent death of a loved one, their favourite dog ran away, the kids are doing dope; the missus is shagging the gardener, the mortgage is due, tugging at their minds: all the daily rough and tumble of daily living, a school from which most, including pilots graduate Magna Cum Lumpy.
One truly disgusting part is where the ‘sim’ instructor, who, for his own reasons left the flight deck; and, good on him for doing so; BUT sitting there, desperately trying to justify rather than accept his own problems, he tries to make it into a clarion call – “They’re all head-cases” BOLLOCKS. Anyway – this we know, FFS you have to mad to want the job. But it’s a very special madness, known and enjoyed by those of us who live and breathe the ‘job’; those who are secretly unhappy when kept on the ground for an extended period. Want to see a depressed pilot – ground him (or her, if it pleases).
Then the final insult – the half wit who wanted to close the fuel cut offs paraded like the epitome of every whack job pilot, was truly beneath contempt. How ducking low are these people prepared to go to sell some washing powder, an insurance policy or paper to wipe your arse with. SHAME on the SBS; shame. shame, shame and first water