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Sarcs inbox: OBs from the Ferryman


Well Sarcs, since Jan 21 to date your revitalisation of the Pprune Norfolk ditching thread has generated 12,000 views. I noted yesterday there were during the afternoon some 700 (650 – 780) ‘visitors’ as against 50 (35-50) ‘members’; a quick review of the members showed 74% non commentators (on anything) the rest were one line ‘snipe’ specialists. Except for the two known trolls.

Interesting obs Ferryman and all passing strange from our once dearly beloved Prune... While trolling thru the many volumes (terabytes) of cyber info on MH370 it would also appear that this apparent prune censoring is not isolated to the dreary old downunder/godzone boards…

Take a look at the following quote from John Sampson (extracted from here):

Pprune is a well-known aviation themed forum purchased from its British airline pilot owner/initiator/moderator and now operated by a US-based professional media monitoring and moderation company on behalf of vested airline and industry interests. The Pprune moderators’ specialty is now notably in quietly vetting, suppressing and deleting key material – and accomplishing this by surreptitiously banning posters whose technical knowledge and theories are too incisive or of proprietary concern to its proxy forum owners (i.e. not to be made public). The fact that this theory has been actively expunged on numerous occasions (and its poster banned by the Pprune truth-police) gives this theory great credence and credibility. Criminalization of pilots and/or unlawful interference is a much-favoured proposition for the industry – for obvious reasons it can derail litigation costs. However a large-scale calamity based upon a prior accident and subsequent industry and regulatory inactivity is hopefully not “containable”.

Can’t vouch for the veracity of that statement but if only partly true it paints a very disturbing picture on the behind the scenes power games going on at Aunty Pru…

Somewhat for my own perverse amusement and as I am still busy collating/archiving – for more volumes of ‘Top Posts’ from the 2nd closed Senate thread – I will for now continue with the Norfolk thread exercise…

(Ps which reminds we need a new post before it drifts off the page…anyone?? )

Norfolk Island Ditching ATSB Report – ?
