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To climb the greasy pole, you must attend
The first of needs; and find a friend
a honest friend, both good and true, who
When promoted, don’t forget you.

At each and every meeting shine;
Find a project, declare it thine,
Then with tender loving care promote and make it stick,
To where none dare assail your mighty Rhetoric.

No matter the commons don’t understand,
For that is what indeed you planned,
To dazzle and with every passing hour
Make plain, that you alone, hold all the power.

To climb a pole, so slick and greasy,
Ain’t a task that is so easy, but friends
And power, tho all so sleazy, make turning pigs ears to silk;
Look Oh, so easy.

Pass the bucket when your done Pops, my need is urgent…….. [Image: barfing.gif]

maxime unimpressive  –  plokhaya ideya  –  Tài yúchǔn  –  Motavajjeh nemisham  –  Quel bordel  – Katastrophe – Mala decisión  – spazzatura.  Or, Bollocks – Anglo Saxon, plain, pure and simple.