The Sunday Brunch Gazette.

[Image: sbg-21-03-21.jpg]
Ref: 101: What Is Castling?

Of Kings in Castles;

The reason for Kings to have castles is obvious; a safe stronghold from which the 'enemy' may be repelled, by fair means or foul. For example:-

In a game of Chess, castling is an option one must have:-

Wiki -”Castling may be done only if the king has never moved, the rook involved has never moved, the squares between the king and the rook involved are unoccupied, the king is not in check, and the king does not cross over or end on a square attacked by an enemy piece.”

You can see the application come to life if you take a look at the antics within our 'air safety' agencies at the moment; as the players move to protect the king and the king makers. Imagine the black 'King' as the minister; he certainly has not moved and is in check by the white queen – but the castle (rook) has not moved either. So, by castling the king and his minions, an early end to the game can be avoided. But, 't'uther side have players of equal cunning and strategies, serious experts who control the main board. With the king safely tucked away in his castle; t'uther side only have to wait until he runs out of cows – n'est-ce pas? Aye, the fools rambling again – but with a point; indulge me...

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Holmes would say 'the games afoot' and perhaps, this time around, that may prove to be correct. Not only do we have the white queen (Sen. McDonald) batting for the reform team, she is aided and abetted by Glenn Sterle, between them they are running two aviation related inquiries and neither is dragging their heels. 

In fact Sterle may have even jumped the gun by a fraction in his determination to see matters put to rights; but, no harm done. Now, in the ordinary run of these inquiries; those tucked away within their castle may with ease taunt the assailants; they have done so for decades now and no one has ever had the answer to the sacred cow of 'SAFETY' being flung at 'em. Enter the white knight, in the humble, honest guise of the 'Department'.

As recently as this week, there was a serious, deep and meaningful pow-wow held between the department and some serious industry players (top draw not the usual riff-raff). It seems the new head of 'the department' is not only a straight shooter with brains, but his team are of the same calibre. Not to embarrass anyone, I won't mention names, but will say that the seriously experienced crew from industry had nothing but praise for the folk from DoIT. Can you imagine how good it feels to have something positive to say about that department; it is a rare and welcome treat. There were some pretty hard heads at that sit-down; not ones to gripe or grumble, but seriously involved. The facts related to 'the Act' and the current situation and the simple remedies for that insupportable situation were not only well received, but, brilliantly – they were understood.

Ref: From approximately 1:00 min & Additional Estimates 22/03/21: The DARD (& agencies)

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“Any fool can know. The point is to understand.”

So, how will our 'White' side beat the castling of the black king? There is new piece now which has a move, which, if played correctly, could devastate the castled kings plans. Enter the DARD – brand new and as yet disregarded, to be brought into play? No one knows which way it will move – well, not until Monday, 22/03/21 at 13.45 o'clock (give or take). The next move in what is developing into a knock down, drag out pub brawl to rein in the excess, incompetence and huge cost of supporting a failed system is yet to be seen. Australia used to be a world leader don't ya know; reduced now to almost an international pariah through non compliance, idiotic rule sets, a dodgy Act and a mindset which beggars logical, rational minds. Is there yet hope for a urgent reset of the ethos? Reform, regeneration and a return to sanity? My Tote is at 4/1 (money back the place).

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It ought to be remembered that there is nothing more difficult to take in hand, more perilous to conduct, or more uncertain in its success, than to take the lead in the introduction of a new order of things. Because the innovator has for enemies all those who have done well under the old conditions, and lukewarm defenders in those who may do well under the new. This coolness arises partly from fear of the opponents, who have the laws on their side, and partly from the incredulity of men, who do not readily believe in new things until they have had a long experience of them.”― Niccolò Machiavelli, The Prince

P2 - “From my reasonably informed position, this is the first time the departmental entity (ie the DARD) has been mentioned in any Senate RRAT Estimate dispatches. This would appear to be backed by the fact that when you Google the DARD it's web history only goes back to the beginning of February 2021.”

I am currently spoiled for choice for examples of that of which I write. The latest load of bollocks being faced down is the Bristell (BRM) imbroglio, and the part 149 approval of RAoZ; and the great airspace cock-up. 

[Image: bristell_classic1.jpg]
Ref: Bristell Aero embuggerance update: 17/03/21 - AOPA Oz OP. & Disquiet shared.


That's just this week's take. I mean seriously; how much longer can a government with an industry in crisis – long before Covid popped up, go on ignoring the huge, demonstrable, provable, destructive pile of detritus left in the wake of the current failed system. The trail is decades (three) long; the cost immeasurable, the damage incalculable, the disgrace unfathomable. All easily remedied; the advice has been offered so many (many) times; the Act, harmonise the regulation, open trade lines and release the industry from the iron clutch of those who  only seek to force their own view as the only view; they're outvoted, outclassed and well outdated. Happy to supply a list. Hire in some 'expertise' get shut of the top layer and let's rejoin the real world.

[Image: IMG_1473_1170.jpg]

“But the duke’s soldiers, not being content with having pillaged the men of Oliverotto, began to sack Sinigalia, and if the duke had not repressed this outrage by killing some of them they would have completely sacked it.” ― Niccolò Machiavelli, The Prince

That's it – there are P2's catches from this week to consider which IMO go a long way toward supporting not only my rambles; but factual case notes which confirm, in this week standing alone, just how far Australia has strayed from the 'reality' aviation needs to flourish. Handing over.

A landscape of mud and wet socks this week – dogs are hacked off; we had an outdoors job to do this week. Of course I'd finished off the bench work to give us time to enjoy building something and lunch outdoors and visiting new places. But it is a confirmation of the argument that dogs descended from bears. They can go into an almost hibernating state; sleep a day away with one ear cocked for the rain easing. Remarkable, there I am fiddling away with a half finished project when up they get and head for the door; I pause and listen – rain, rain and more rain. Then it stops and we are outside exactly long enough before it starts again – amazing stuff. But they get it right every time; wet paws for them – wet socks for me. Heigh ho!


[Image: SBG-28-03-21.jpg]
Ref: Hansard out & The DARD and continued non-compliance with ICAO?? & CASA changing; & ASC (Iron Ring) revealed?? 

On the Gurney – before the journey.

Strange start: but, as the title suggests, IMO it is an apt one. There you are, busted up, laid out on a gurney and in need some very serious, urgent medical attention – except, on the other side of the glass partition, the medico's are talking – but; you can't hear it. No idea at all what is going to happen. I reckon that's where ASA, ATSB and CASA are at the moment, seriously damaged; but they cannot hear or really see what's coming next. An imposed cone of silence surrounds them; and, they have zero control of what comes next. A major skid on the Buckley, AF, BRM and regulatory reform 'black ice'. – Wake up in an ambulance. Black ice, as our Northern brethren will tell you is a right bastard – you can't see the wretched stuff.

Wiki - “Black ice, sometimes called clear ice, is a thin coating of glaze ice on a surface, especially on roads. The ice itself is not black, but visually transparent, allowing the often black road below to be seen through it. The typically low levels of noticeable ice pellets, snow, or sleet surrounding black ice means that areas of the ice are often practically invisible to drivers or people stepping on it. There is, thus, a risk of slippage and subsequent accident due to the unexpected loss of traction.

We do try not to let imaginations get overheated. However, careful study of what is 'between the lines' leads to an inkling of what – exactly - is going on behind the scenes set for public viewing. One may, intuitively (with experience) catch a whiff of something 'off beat'. Alternatively, one may study text and context, join the dots and make the dashes. No matter which way you do it; the conclusions drawn are almost identical. In short – the 'agencies' are being kept in the dark and have NDI about which way the shit is going to fall; but fall it will. Ministerial umbrellas are of little use, and they were only on loan until he needed them – and sacrificial goats, even those valued at a million bucks a hide are, in reality, two bob a dozen - when the devil drives.

[Image: 229.jpg]

“Character is like a tree and reputation its shadow. The shadow is what we think it is and the tree is the real thing.― Abraham Lincoln

We have watched some very nervous cats on the Senate hot tin roof. Halfwit almost wetting his britches; Hood not even invited; and that Scot's git – Crawford, not even allowed an 'opening statement'. Talk about rabbits in a spot light. Why? Well Master Atkinson's troops – that's why. Excellence and honesty (almost) from the DoIT crew. Take CASA for example. What a bunch of nervous Nellie's. The wannabe DAS says 'Em' before daring to open his gob; then he looks to the unspeakable Aleck who walks straight into a quagmire. The CASA were on the paddock for only eight short minutes before being dismissed, out of hand: by a Senate team who could not give a fig for what they had to say. Sterle (legend) said it all. “I hope you get it”. Although he failed to define exactly what “it” was. The AP crew and many others hope Crawford 'gets it'; as hard and as often as is permissible under the Geneva convention. 

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“All men make mistakes, but a good man yields when he knows his course is wrong, and repairs the evil. The only crime is pride.” ― Sophocles, Antigone

So, what did actually happen at Estimates this week? Only a notion – but 'we' (BRB and IOS) liked it; very well. DoIT clearly back in the saddle. “We are changing” screams the headline; BOLLOCKS says the mob. Consider this – it ain't CASA who have rung the changes; but the DoIT. ASA, ATSB and CASA shut down early, dismissed from Estimates and bidden fare-thee-well, though not a fond one. P2 has posted all the information you need this week; take the time; listen to Halfwit back pedal on the cluster duck Class E airspace management is becoming. He thinks the Senate committee can't do the maths; maybe not, but the DoIT can. Watch Aleck weasel and wriggle about a 120,000 page brief. – There are; looking at my bookshelf 5x 500 pages in a box of A4. That is 2,500 pages per box; which makes it roughly 48 – (four dozen) – boxes of paper to be reproduced umpteen times. Hell's bells it got to run a close second (or third) to the Nuremberg shindig. Then, when Aleck failed to qualify 'the CASA' case – Crawford weighed in to support the final 'waffle'. Gad, I've seen some crawling pseudo support within the Sleepy Hollow archives, but non so pathetic as this last go-around. Eight minutes and dismissed, the team fielded irrelevant.

The point – dear heavens; (get to the bloody point fool). It is a simple one. To change the Act; change the system and to have a 'sensible' DAS – IMO the DoIT have to 'go-around' a useless windbag minister. “New arrangements” as of July 01 – this year. To do this some housekeeping is required. Watch the CASA brief appearance; carefully. Listen as the very professional DoIT lady step in to answer the DAS related questions. Seriously – CASA have just hit the 'black ice' – probably cleaned up a minister during the skid; and are now are awaiting a serious surgical event.

The 'new' DAS will be a department selection – with a brief – and a clean slate on which to begin the account. All that's going to be left to do is to call a cab for those shell shocked trough dwellers leaving the building. No – boofhead; not Elvis, not quite yet.

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“The measure of a man is what he does with power.” ― Plato

Just a little more, then I'm done. Buckley, FOI requests and the ASC. St Commodious formalised the legendary 'Iron Ring', gave it fangs and turned it loose. It appeared Buckley sent in his FOI – for a redacted response – and there is no more word available defining what this 'committee' has achieved after the period of the Buckley embuggerance – WTD? Redacted – all legal and as nice as you would like. Bollocks.

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“Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters” ― Albert Einstein

Enough – Blind Freddy (sorry mate) and his three mice companions can see the writing on the wall; every thinking person can see it. The Act is going to be changed; CASA is going to be reformed and; hopefully (GWWP) the whole aviation industry can be rid of the incubus which stalks it day and night. The DoIT have what they need; they are keeping the lid on it; but with a little luck and some political muscle – who knows what will turn up? Aye; but, we do live in hope of sanity prevailing. 

Character; IMO – the lynch pin of all that matters. Many years ago I was pushing a wheel barrow through Grand Papa's stable – it was (of course) filled with horse pooh. “Why” I asked; “is it all different colours?” “Don't worry about the colour” came the growled response - “remember what it is”. Never forgot that; nor have I ever found it to be incorrect advice; humans, dogs, horses, even some aircraft. The inherent 'character' of a thing; what it does, not what it says is what matters. When you get down into the weeds and compare what our 'aviation agencies' have actually done – and compare it to what has been said; you will find on the debit ledger much more than on the credit side. Should the DoIT find a way around this useless bloody minister; sack the RAOz tea lady and bring in anyone (even the tea-lady) as DAS to rid us of this creature masquerading as a 'director' of civil aviation then their character will be revered and remembered. But, to land us in the same old pile of horse pooh – again - would be a grievous mistake (remember Forsyth) . Let's all hope the clever lads and lasses at DoIT can swing the gate open and let the aviation industry realise it's full potential. There; all done..

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Ref: & changing; & ASC (Iron Ring) revealed??

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“Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired, and success achieved.” ― Helen Keller

Did you ever see a cat attempting hypnosis? I have left over roast chicken from a birthday party – the dogs a little less subtle – pretending disinterest and 'snooze' – with one eye open. But the cat is determined - “you are feeling sleeeppy” etc. Character – true blue, top shelf integrity. The dogs just know that they will be sharing my supper; so does the cat. But being diabetic – always hungry; but too well mannered to be a pain – human hypnosis may be worth a try; I look into the amber eyes – and pass along a tiny bit – just a morsel – we both know that cat hypnosis hasn't a prayer – but we both understand that effort and ingenuity deserve acknowledgement. I timed the dogs on the left overs – 17 seconds flat. Away now! The hour is late, a full moon to walk with, full tummies all round, a cigar, possums on the power lines; and, two fools woofing away at the flying foxes – Aye; you may well colour me happy.


[Image: SBG-4-4-21.jpg]
Ref: AMROBA Breaking News.United we conquer...divided we fall &

Kulturny; or, talking Turkey?

I will leave the 'meaning' of Kulturny to the readers discretion and personal ideology. It is however a 'word of power'. 'Talking Turkey'; is for the most part plain speaking and 'haggling'. ( A lost art deified in The Life of Brian).   

“The origin of “talk turkey” seems to come from colonial times. Historical accounts suggest the phrase came about from the day-to-day bartering between colonists and Indians over wild turkey.”

With my apologies to the purists; it seem there is some pretty solid Kulturny Turkey being spoken at the moment. Some of our very own world class experts have weighed in on a couple of very important subjects; and IMO, those subjects merit serious considerations. Not just for what has been said and written, but on a much broader scale define some deep flaws, deep within the very foundations aviation of how is governed and 'managed' by this nation. For in a democracy; at the end of every single day, it is the tax paying public who fund it all. The monies out laid to ensure our travel by aircraft is as safe as humanly possible is a staggering amount. This money government pay out can only come (essentially) from one source; which branches into two streams - people and business. Commerce and trade; work for the people; apprenticeships, college, university, technical college, on the job training or just plain old fashioned hard graft. People want to work, feed their kids, have a life – however small it may be. To meet these goals, in Australia, folk look to 'government' to ensure that 'opportunity' for business and 'trade' forms a major part of 'current thinking'. It begs but one answer to an oft asked question. Why is the aviation industry being cannibalised, bastardised and forced to move 'off shore'? Airports being built over while neighbouring golf courses are protected; and etc...

Standing alone the piecemeal loss of our aerodromes, no matter how its tarted up – is a devastating blow, commercially, operationally limiting, safety contradictory: and, socially destructive to the aviation industry. How does a licensed aircraft engineer find work when three out of five aerodromes no longer support significant traffic? Better still – ask why Qantas really moved 'off-shore' and be shamed by the answer. Ask why major employers of engineers and pilots choose to fly under a foreign flag? Don't bother yourselves – the answer is a simple one. Take a look at the Kiwi's or the USA; then compare them to the absolute buggers muddle our 'regulator', safety agency and air traffic services have landed us in. Just look out of the window.

Many wise, caring, technically competent, qualified, experienced folk, with the good of the nation and it's aviation industry at heart have, for years now, toiled to assist government make the 'right' choices – to no avail. How many millions have been squandered on 'inquiry' and report over three (and counting) decades to bring Australia into line with the successful 'A' grade nations? For what: a blithering Halfwit earning a million a year for the total crap he extols relating to 'air-space' management. Bollocks; pinch a penny and cream off the bonus (MTF). Or; perhaps the wonderful bi-lateral trade agreements negotiated to keep Australian business on shore (MTF). Or, maybe just lonesome Joe, wannabe pilot left with a SOAR arse, huge debt and broken dreams, courtesy of a ministerial photo op. Bollocks. All of it a national disgrace. What, in the seventh Hell the wide world must think of Australian aviation is beyond humour. Our correspondents from all over the world (all known mates) in short, simply shake their heads and offer their deepest condolences. There are, believe it or not, some very clever folk off-shore, serious professionals in many fields; all saying the same thing; Alas...

This week alone there were two large glistening pearls cast before the swine; AMROBA and AusALPA. AMROBA clearly defined 'the problem' many times, talking good solid sense, based on experience, technical knowledge, legal savvy and plain 'common-sense' It ain't the first, nor likely to be the last load of good sense provided. Australian company paying American taxes, employing American folk who also pay their taxes to produce Australian 'innovation' and excellence for a wide world market. WTD – who let them escape?

Then we have the AusALPA discussion paper on 'air space'. A rock solid eight pages of common sense, operational logic and experience which decimates the 'Halfwit's' vision splendid of how to get away with the fraud the Australia taxpayer is going to get stuck with. 'Big Sky' (one pie) the redundant white Elephant must be paid for; all Halfwit is doing is skinning every dollar down to a fare-the-well to save pennies – to pay the big bills he and his mates signed up to. I did consider writing about the 'air-space' danger zones – from the cockpit perspective – in the Halfwit's dream time; maybe I will; but not today. Watch any session of Estimates, no airspace designers, no ATCO input, no legal input - just Halfwit and his dodgy, slippery numbers man ducking and weaving. QED.

[Image: YMMB-1.jpg]

[Image: YMMB-4.jpg]

[Image: YMMB-13.jpg]

[Image: reformcasa.jpg]

Ref: & CO in a Class E all of their own??

One small, insignificant remark to AusALPA; only my own thoughts and in no way taking away the full marks for an excellent submission; but. I have found that the use of acronyms, without explanation to be a 'click' moment. I know what AusALPA is talking about – and it is tough going through the 'acronyms'. The lay person i.e. a Senator has no chance of 'getting it'. The solution (IMHO) is a simple one – a 'glossary' and perhaps a very short paragraph explaining e.g AusALPA is.....Brilliant submission, tough to read and digest after a long week 'at the office' – on the maybe/ maybe not flight home. Just saying, we tend to talk in acronyms because we understand the meaning and implications; many don't. Just saying, no slight intended.

Poor old hobby horse, flogged, rid hard and put away wet. But when one thinks of the solid gold, well meant, carefully researched, carefully defined, well written advice from experts government has tipped down the tubes; it makes me wonder if the government is not as baffled by bull-shit as anyone – outside the industry is. They are supposed to have 'experts' in BS detection – so where are they?

I know, I ramble on. But we are so deep in the hole now that if sense does not prevail and government listens to and acts on the advice of industry experts, such as AMROBA and AusALPA, then we are destined to meet the doom we have allowed to be created. Kiwi regs; a three Act change and get shut of the bloody developers; before the dyke collapses.

There all done – FWIW - . Its late, my tool kit can stay in the Ute 'till morning. You ever notice how much heavier tools are at night time than they are in the morning – strange, mysterious that is. No matter; without the dogs assistance I doubt the roof we just put on could have been completed. Common rafters not too hard, but, without big dog's assistance those hip and valley rafters would have me puzzled still. Amazing are the insights half a Vegemite sandwich can provide – if you share the tea in the thermos that is. Aye, brilliant work from the crew, but without the pencil I lost and they found I'd still be driving home. Now Ale, then perhaps supper and Ale; then, just for fun – more Ale. So, we'll go more a roving. So late into the night. Well, not this night anyway – I'm the only one still awake. Sweet dreams.

[Image: IMG_1473_1170.jpg]

“I dreamt last night of the three weird sisters:

To you they have show’d some truth.” ― William Shakespeare, Macbeth

Selah .-.

(04-03-2021, 08:32 PM)Kharon Wrote:  [Image: SBG-4-4-21.jpg]
Ref: AMROBA Breaking News.United we conquer...divided we fall &

Kulturny; or, talking Turkey?

I will leave the 'meaning' of Kulturny to the readers discretion and personal ideology. It is however a 'word of power'. 'Talking Turkey'; is for the most part plain speaking and 'haggling'. ( A lost art deified in The Life of Brian).   

“The origin of “talk turkey” seems to come from colonial times. Historical accounts suggest the phrase came about from the day-to-day bartering between colonists and Indians over wild turkey.”

With my apologies to the purists; it seem there is some pretty solid Kulturny Turkey being spoken at the moment. Some of our very own world class experts have weighed in on a couple of very important subjects; and IMO, those subjects merit serious considerations. Not just for what has been said and written, but on a much broader scale define some deep flaws, deep within the very foundations aviation of how is governed and 'managed' by this nation. For in a democracy; at the end of every single day, it is the tax paying public who fund it all. The monies out laid to ensure our travel by aircraft is as safe as humanly possible is a staggering amount. This money government pay out can only come (essentially) from one source; which branches into two streams - people and business. Commerce and trade; work for the people; apprenticeships, college, university, technical college, on the job training or just plain old fashioned hard graft. People want to work, feed their kids, have a life – however small it may be. To meet these goals, in Australia, folk look to 'government' to ensure that 'opportunity' for business and 'trade' forms a major part of 'current thinking'. It begs but one answer to an oft asked question. Why is the aviation industry being cannibalised, bastardised and forced to move 'off shore'? Airports being built over while neighbouring golf courses are protected; and etc...

Standing alone the piecemeal loss of our aerodromes, no matter how its tarted up – is a devastating blow, commercially, operationally limiting, safety contradictory: and, socially destructive to the aviation industry. How does a licensed aircraft engineer find work when three out of five aerodromes no longer support significant traffic? Better still – ask why Qantas really moved 'off-shore' and be shamed by the answer. Ask why major employers of engineers and pilots choose to fly under a foreign flag? Don't bother yourselves – the answer is a simple one. Take a look at the Kiwi's or the USA; then compare them to the absolute buggers muddle our 'regulator', safety agency and air traffic services have landed us in. Just look out of the window.

Many wise, caring, technically competent, qualified, experienced folk, with the good of the nation and it's aviation industry at heart have, for years now, toiled to assist government make the 'right' choices – to no avail. How many millions have been squandered on 'inquiry' and report over three (and counting) decades to bring Australia into line with the successful 'A' grade nations? For what: a blithering Halfwit earning a million a year for the total crap he extols relating to 'air-space' management. Bollocks; pinch a penny and cream off the bonus (MTF). Or; perhaps the wonderful bi-lateral trade agreements negotiated to keep Australian business on shore (MTF). Or, maybe just lonesome Joe, wannabe pilot left with a SOAR arse, huge debt and broken dreams, courtesy of a ministerial photo op. Bollocks. All of it a national disgrace. What, in the seventh Hell the wide world must think of Australian aviation is beyond humour. Our correspondents from all over the world (all known mates) in short, simply shake their heads and offer their deepest condolences. There are, believe it or not, some very clever folk off-shore, serious professionals in many fields; all saying the same thing; Alas...

This week alone there were two large glistening pearls cast before the swine; AMROBA and AusALPA. AMROBA clearly defined 'the problem' many times, talking good solid sense, based on experience, technical knowledge, legal savvy and plain 'common-sense' It ain't the first, nor likely to be the last load of good sense provided. Australian company paying American taxes, employing American folk who also pay their taxes to produce Australian 'innovation' and excellence for a wide world market. WTD – who let them escape?

Then we have the AusALPA discussion paper on 'air space'. A rock solid eight pages of common sense, operational logic and experience which decimates the 'Halfwit's' vision splendid of how to get away with the fraud the Australia taxpayer is going to get stuck with. 'Big Sky' (one pie) the redundant white Elephant must be paid for; all Halfwit is doing is skinning every dollar down to a fare-the-well to save pennies – to pay the big bills he and his mates signed up to. I did consider writing about the 'air-space' danger zones – from the cockpit perspective – in the Halfwit's dream time; maybe I will; but not today. Watch any session of Estimates, no airspace designers, no ATCO input, no legal input - just Halfwit and his dodgy, slippery numbers man ducking and weaving. QED.

[Image: YMMB-1.jpg]

[Image: YMMB-4.jpg]

[Image: YMMB-13.jpg]

[Image: reformcasa.jpg]

Ref: & CO in a Class E all of their own??

One small, insignificant remark to AusALPA; only my own thoughts and in no way taking away the full marks for an excellent submission; but. I have found that the use of acronyms, without explanation to be a 'click' moment. I know what AusALPA is talking about – and it is tough going through the 'acronyms'. The lay person i.e. a Senator has no chance of 'getting it'. The solution (IMHO) is a simple one – a 'glossary' and perhaps a very short paragraph explaining e.g AusALPA is.....Brilliant submission, tough to read and digest after a long week 'at the office' – on the maybe/ maybe not flight home. Just saying, we tend to talk in acronyms because we understand the meaning and implications; many don't. Just saying, no slight intended.

Poor old hobby horse, flogged, rid hard and put away wet. But when one thinks of the solid gold, well meant, carefully researched, carefully defined, well written advice from experts government has tipped down the tubes; it makes me wonder if the government is not as baffled by bull-shit as anyone – outside the industry is. They are supposed to have 'experts' in BS detection – so where are they?

I know, I ramble on. But we are so deep in the hole now that if sense does not prevail and government listens to and acts on the advice of industry experts, such as AMROBA and AusALPA, then we are destined to meet the doom we have allowed to be created. Kiwi regs; a three Act change and get shut of the bloody developers; before the dyke collapses.

There all done – FWIW - . Its late, my tool kit can stay in the Ute 'till morning. You ever notice how much heavier tools are at night time than they are in the morning – strange, mysterious that is. No matter; without the dogs assistance I doubt the roof we just put on could have been completed. Common rafters not too hard, but, without big dog's assistance those hip and valley rafters would have me puzzled still. Amazing are the insights half a Vegemite sandwich can provide – if you share the tea in the thermos that is. Aye, brilliant work from the crew, but without the pencil I lost and they found I'd still be driving home. Now Ale, then perhaps supper and Ale; then, just for fun – more Ale. So, we'll go more a roving. So late into the night. Well, not this night anyway – I'm the only one still awake. Sweet dreams.

[Image: IMG_1473_1170.jpg]

“I dreamt last night of the three weird sisters:

To you they have show’d some truth.” ― William Shakespeare, Macbeth

Selah .-.

[Image: sbg-11-04-21.jpg]
Ref: TICK TOCK goes the McDonaught CLOCK??DW I update: 1 Oct 2019. & &

Of school boys and - Latin.

Those who actually had the benefit (?) of 'Latin' (no option) at boarding school will no doubt remember the seemingly endless 'repetition' required to conjugate the verbs; tedious and fraught with peril. I wonder how many serious belly laughs and on going salutations have been conjured by boys taking liberties and misconstruing word/meaning while tinkering with the 'verb'. When I dust off the memory, I can remember howling with laughter at some carefully bent 'quotations' but now, I wander far from the pathway chosen. Mea Culpa. What kicked off this pointless ramble is that there is, in fact, little to rattle on about – and what there is beggars sensible comment. Even the notation on the score - 'ad libitum' – fails to inspire.

'argumentum ad infinitum.'

Wiki - “For example, "this has been discussed ad nauseam" indicates that the topic has been discussed extensively and those involved have grown sick of it. The fallacy of dragging the conversation to an ad nauseam state in order to then assert one's position as correct due to it not having been contradicted is also called”

You get my drift – the discussion regarding how to manage 'matters aeronautical' best has been dragging on now for thirty plus years. Countless words, dollars, hours and effort willingly and voluntarily contributed by an industry willing and able to provide the right advice. T'uther side mounting the same old contrary response; minister more concerned with budgets, 'grants' and re-election, ignorant and easily led by the 'safe option' of official advice. Time and time we see the great efforts to restore balance and security and 'real life' safety trumped by those who's only risk is their expenses, pension and super fund. The 'innovators' should be working for the agencies; their innovations and experience should be leading industry toward more effective means of operating, not hampering them with dire threats, instant loss of licence and business and a criminal record to go with the collection. Take strict liability – go through a Red light, cause an accident – the book thrown at you should hit – hard. Go through on amber – and get hit with the same charge – same fine same penalty = bullshit. When the 'camera' is rigged to get you 'across the line' but flashes halfway through the crossing – you're nicked mate. Strict liability at work. :Lazy, revenue generating and a sinister back spin that it is being done for 'safety'. Bollocks.

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P2 comment - Note that the above correspondence to the RRAT Committee was yet another occasion where Dr A was (mysteriously and unannounced) in the 'Acting DAS' role??

Aye well; 'tis of no matter (not much!). But there is one question I would really like the answer to; should the current 'Senate' inquiry ever get off it's collective and start asking the serious questions. Why, when he have an airspace nightmare does the incumbent Halfwit only ever turn up with his slick accountant? What is needed is 'airspace' designers from the first world; technology from that world; ATCO who are reassured that they will not be held to criminal charges. We need to hear from Civil Air who represent the boys and girls at the coal face. Australia has first world controllers, third world equipment, draconian laws and penalty with 'traffic' facing up an hour of holding to land at a capitol city aerodrome – in good weather. This has devolved into an internationally embarrassing situation – 14 hours across the Pacific then hold for thirty minutes – with 14 hours of notice my Grand Mamma could get 'em a straight in. So can our ATCO's – but we must protect the Electric Blue's KPI's. I, for one of many am over it; so should the government be – Alas; Halfwit and his 'bag man' have spent too much on selling a 'Big Sky' faery story. I rest my case until the next mid air collision (coming soon to a TV near you)...

Not really paying any attention at lunch time, looking through the posts, I, quite by accident opened the one with the AOPA 'broadcast' (which technically it ain't) from AOPA. Too late I'd opened it up. Corned beef and pickle sandwich, mug of tea – what the Hell – let it roll. Talk of ad tedium – I forget the time lines now but it worked out at Morgan 7:1 against whoever was on the other end of wire. He just sits there talking 'at' the unfortunate on the other end. AOPA is – overseas a fine body; they do great work. I'll bet the rest of my sandwich that if they even bothered to look and listen to the 'Morgan' half hour they'd be glad of the separation the addition of 'Australia' to the AOPA brand is there. In a nutshell – in the USA if you need support – ring AOPA. In Australia AOPA needs your support – sign here and pay now. Irrelevant we can abide; ineffectual we can live with – but pay for this? Nope, promote AMROBA, AusALPA, AIPA, even the AFAP; mention some of the brilliant submissions being ploughed under during the current Senate inquiry; promote them – Morgan don't signify – those submissions do. Enough with the advertorials already.

Yet life still holds delights and unexpected pleasures. DT has a friend who, today, delivered 'a lot' of 160 y.o. Australian Cedar – rare indeed. Seems I am to make a blanket box – design supplied. This wonderful timber of chocolate and soft yellows and subtle reds welcomes the plane's blade, vibrant with promise, shining smooth and so very easy to work with. I 'cleaned up' (flat and four square) a 6'6” x 8” wide (old money) board; it sits on the bench now – in lamplight – and I wonder how a nation could simply export it all – to the point of extinction. IKEA – eat your socks – this will be a work a art. Well, it would be if I could get the cat off of it; Aye, tomorrow is soon enough. The orchard gate beckons, the river's siren song is clear – the dogs wait, patiently, at the doorway; 'tis a night for contemplation...

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Even till I shrink with cold, I smile and say,
“This is no flattery. These are counselors
That feelingly persuade me what I am.”
Sweet are the uses of adversity,
Which, like the toad, ugly and venomous,
Wears yet a precious jewel in his head.
And this our life, exempt from public haunt,
Finds tongues in trees, books in the running brooks,
Sermons in stones, and good in everything.


[Image: sbg-18-04-21.jpg]
Ref: CASA random, stratified, bollocks surveyGlenB embuggerance update: 15/04/21 Sky News - Australia.

Of Frogs and Lily pads.

If you sit quietly under a tree, near a body of water, eventually, the local frogs get back to business. Until something else bothers them; then they all pipe down and sit very still and quiet until the 'threat' has passed by, snake, bird, human don't signify; they all clam up until one of their own sends an all clear croak; and, away they go again. I fancy some of our fat, well fed Canberra frogs are sitting very still and quiet on their gilded lily pads, hoping the shadow looming over their swamp has passed them by.

Ref: GBE/SOE (Independent Statutory Authority): A failed model of Governance??

But the great GBE swamp is under threat; the frogs are silent, sitting very still and not wanting to be the first to croak or move. When journalists and commentators like Credlin and Jones begin to rummage around in the great fraud and discover exactly how what, in theory, may have been a good idea has been perverted and twisted out of recognition; maybe something will be done by government to return the system back to some form of 'control' with checks and balances in place. Perhaps even making the minister actually responsible accountable. As it stands now, no one can put the brakes on the runaway agencies, ministers have abrogated all responsibility and department heads have covered their arses in Teflon coated stainless steel; everyone bullet proof – except the mug tax payer – well those who can't afford the expertise needed to avoid paying taxes. I digress; that's a different axe for another day.

Investigative journalists don't need to look far for an example of this twisted, out of all control system; CASA being an all time classic example of the gross perversion of spirit and intent of GBE. A bonus though, there is little need to delve into complex matters to gain an understanding of how far off the rails the CASA train wreck is; Hitch (Aus Flying) has provided most of the evidence needed. You see CASA did a 'survey' through an outfit called 'Faster Horses' (anyone checked the company out? We did). The grandiose title of the 'survey' stand alone should raise investigative hackles – 'Stakeholder Satisfaction' (yuk)  HERE

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“I do know that the slickest way to lie is to tell the right amount of truth--then shut up.” ― Robert A. Heinlein, Stranger in a Strange Land

While you mull over the 'results' the band will play 'believe it if you like'. Then, when you're sitting comfortably children, and done with the bucket, I shall tell you a story. That the 'survey' is in existence stems from a serious Senate inquiry and an 'independent' report – so CASA are obliged to do it. So if the question is asked, 'have you been good boys and done your survey?' the answer is truthfully “Yes”. Classic CASA deception tactic. You see only a carefully select group are actually invited to participate; St Commodious nearly had kittens when 'industry' (general) got a hold of it. AOPA splashed the 'survey' about the place and St Commodious immediately withdrew it. Then the 'new' one was dispatched to the carefully selected 6,600 suitable recipients; only 755 taking part. Simple maths will give you a fair picture; even those selected returned a grim 'approval' rating. The minister dare not invite an industry wide accounting – no prize for guessing why not.. MTF.

Ref: Secura fulsit. &

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“Almost all people are hypnotics. The proper authority saw to it that the proper belief should be induced, and the people believed properly. ― Charles Fort

While I've got the CASA drum out; a quick burst on the Buckley Embuggerance' is in order. We finally managed to get a fair few of the BRB in one place; now, in truth, there are very few actual 'Barristers' in that motley crew; there are however several very (very) experienced in dealing with matters before a court or tribunal. The Buckley case was 'discussed' (again) the upshot being that one of the fellahin knows a couple of folk highly qualified to comment. In short: despite the reams of paper and etc. the Buckley case is, in essence a matter of 'Administrative Law' and a clearly cut one at that. Monday – all at work, approvals issued, business rolling along; happy as Claggy. Tuesday - someone in CASA has a brain fart. Wednesday - all change, tickets please, this train is terminated – unemployment and bankruptcy to follow. This must be a matter of 'Administrative Law' – BRB believe any other course is a hiding to nothing and a decade in court. FWIW – in our most humble opinion...

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“Seldom, very seldom, does complete truth belong to any human disclosure; seldom can it happen that something is not a little disguised or a little mistaken.” ― Jane Austen, Emma

Item last - There was one question asked which caused dead silence (no small feat). Casually phrased by a relatively new IOS member “why is good, solid, practical advice  from industry experts being wilfully ignored by minister, department and CASA? Silence was the stern reply – we simply don't know why. But - HERE – is an example of pearls before swine. 

Ref: Oz aviation, safety compromised by political and bureaucratic subterfuge ?

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“Do actions agree with words? There's your measure of reliability. Never confine yourself to the words.” ― Frank Herbert, Chapterhouse: Dune

No matter; the SBG is late this morning; someone had to clean up the stable after the BRB visit. P7 of course shares both blame and work; his idea. “I'll come over and help with the blanket box” says he. “Great” say's I. There are four corners to the box; each corner has 14 dovetail joints; that's 14 'tails' and 14 sockets to be marked out, hand sawed, chiselled out and fitted – 28 separate items x four = 112, so the offer of assistance was welcome. About lunch time he says “some of the troops are coming over tonight – thought we might have an indaba here.” Trap neatly sprung; but he does cut a lovely dovetail joint; so all is forgiven. Aye well; I need to order a new keg of Ale; the last one got a flogging, 'the box' is still in clamps with glue drying; so that gives me a day off, the horse needs a ride, the dogs a run and there are some left over sausage rolls; what a splendid, perfect way to spend a Sunday. 


[Image: SBG-25-04-21-1.jpg]
Ref: AND THE WINNER IS?? &  A how to: On taking industry on the journey??

Do not drink the Kool Aide.

The trick with a poisoned chalice is to not drink from it. 

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The appointments of Binskin and Spence, was backed into short odds by some of our wise, experienced, dedicated, active 'savvy' BRB fellahin was, as expected, a very good decision. That decision (we believe) was supported by some heavy duty mandarins from the top draw to whom we owe thanks. Also a thank you is owed to those who tirelessly campaigned and provided their expert advice, the right way, to the right people and were heard. Bravo, well done all. You know who you are, the impossible is done immediately – miracles just take a little longer (cue crowd applause and cheering).

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Wiki “The fifth labour was to clean the stables of King Augeas. This assignment was intended to be both humiliating and impossible, since these divine livestock were immortal, and had produced an enormous quantity of dung. The Augean stables had not been cleaned in over 30 years, and over 1,000 cattle lived there. However, Heracles succeeded by rerouting the rivers Alpheus and Peneus to wash out the filth.”

Aye, that just about sums up the challenges facing our yet to be tested dynamic duo. Its one thing to dress up as Elvis or Batman and Robin; quite another to actually perform the deeds of 'derring do'. Spence faces the equivalent of the Augean stable; we must hope she can find two convenient rivers to assist. No doubt we shall see over the coming months. One line of observations will be the 'resignation' list; for obvious reasons there will be no public executions or floggings; I doubt we will even see the 'stocks' or pillory used, let alone some tar and feathers; which would be fun. Nope; the only proof of positive change resides in the future; changes in the Act's; changes to regulation; the decline of fear, the disappearance of Embuggerance; and industry faith in a sane regulator restored. A mighty task, but help is always available at Hogwarts. 

[Image: Skidmore_Aviation_House_DA936BB0-0C45-11...B88DF3.jpg]

P2 footnote: Keep the following in mind from nearly 5 years to the day, via Oz Flying:

"One of the keys to successful change is getting CASA’s people to understand they are one part of a much larger aviation safety system," Skidmore says. "We do not hold all the knowledge and we need to form safety partnerships across industry, agencies, regulators and the global aviation community.

"There must be an environment where we can all work together to enhance the safety of the aviation environment we enjoy today. Our aim is to keep people flying and flying safely."

Hmm...and we all know what happened to Skidmore -  Undecided

But enough – expect the worst, hope for the best is about all the industry can do until we start to see a clear picture and hear the changes being rung; however subtle and muted they may be – or not. MTF a racing certainty.

Completely off topic; but I really do love to see an 'expert' at work. This week I had the pleasure of watching a 'wood carver' – old school – working at his art. The lid of our blanket box is to be 'carved' with a pattern. The ancient turned up, on time, sat and drank his coffee in silence while he studied (microscopic) the box lid. A few line were sketched and a pattern was produced from a thick folder. I tried (very hard) to find something else to do, but in the end I asked 'may I watch”. A smile and a nod was my answer. I sat very still and quiet, suddenly 1600 hrs arrived and before my eyes was an intricate, IMO beautiful pattern. The skill, speed and accuracy stunning, nary a curse or false cut all day. I paid his modest fee, pulled him a pint of Ale and we both sat quietly for a while - “how” I asked – “practice” says he and 'the patience' which you seem to lack”. Handshake, nod and a smile, pat for the dog and he vanished. I decided then not to learn or practice his art – but I will have the pleasure of working with him again. Aye well; best crack on.


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Ref: compliance; or 'Back To The future'?? &

The right bloke for the job?

Hitch - Wolves are some of nature's greatest opportunists; they'll start circling you long before you're in trouble just to help things go their way. Etc.. 

Oh – what Bollocks! In spades – redoubled...

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“And therefore as a stranger give it welcome.

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, - William Shakespeare, Hamlet, Act 1: Scene 5

Not for the first time has Hitch firmly implanted his digit 'in his ear' (?). Let us begin at the 'beginning'. Australia is deep in ICAO 'administrative do-do'. You see a while back ICAO annex 19 required an 'Aviation State Safety Program'.  (a.k.a SSP). 

[Image: icao_doc_10004-1_en_cover20-20magento_vg...vwyufh.jpg]

“The Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications in consultation with other Australian Government aviation agencies, has reviewed and updated Australia’s existing State Safety Program (SSP), which was published in May 2016, having regard to the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) 2020-22 Global Aviation Safety Plan and ICAO Annex 19 - Safety Management.”

Back then, old Murky slid a placebo SSP version out while the Tamworth bun fight was brewing. Few – if any understood the significance of that document. Your homework can be found – HERE -:::

When you join the dots – and do the time line – and add in the expectations of the March 24 2021 'announcement' of impending changes – and consider that our National Aviation Safety Plan (NASP) is due (ish) on that date (1 July) – and consider our continued blatant nose thumbs at ICAO – and consider that the Spence appointment was announced just over three months prior to the July 1st date of 'We're Changing' (adequate notice of dismissal given): quite different picture emerges. Not quite one of the helpless girl hounded by wolves is it? ICAO compliance here we come.

On paper, Spence is a bloody good choice. In reality had an administrator fully supported and protected by the DoIT and (probably) the PM&C not been brought in to 'realign' Australia with ICAO compliance – IMO a downgrade was on the cards. What is needed; and, moreover essential, is 'administrative' compliance with world standards. 

[Image: ICAO.jpg]

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Ref: Three decades of Australia taking the piss out of ICAO

In short, for far too long now has Australia been playing at silly buggers with ICAO 'compliance'. Whatever the reasons 'we' have been about as far from ICAO compliance as it is possible to get and how we have yet escaped the consequences remains a mystery. However; all may be traced back to one source.  Ayup, you guessed it. Three months notice is a courtesy I would not have extended. It begs a question or two though don't it.

Pip Spence kicked off at 4/1 (an each way bet) on my board of achieving anything – now running at even money;and, looking to go odds on in the paddock. There is strong support for 'compliance' with ICAO and being rid of the Jonathon (where's my marbles) Aleck clever sidestepping of those things which – globally – have made a difference to 'aviation safety'. Industry needs someone who can, through administrative savvy bring this land back to some semblance of 'reality' i.e. as in how the rest of the world sees the ICAO philosophy as realistic.

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Strictly liable, fairly enforced | Flight Safety Australia
Flight Safety Australia

From about 05:00 minutes:

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So, do we need a fighter pilot or a 747 skipper? No. Do we need someone who can call on departmental assistance to realign the ridiculous rules with global 'best practice' and open the gates to trade and parity? Of course we do – look at the buggers muddle we're stuck in now. All traceable to one ego and a bunch of clowns with NDI. Don't call bollocks on that – not before you read the ministerial endorsed response to Part 138 and etc. I spent three hours between the Regulation, the MOS and 'the other stuff' and I can't make head nor tail of any of it. Pure claptrap and legal 'gotcha's. Bullshit.

No children; watch how Spence – fully supported by those who actually understand turn the enforced regulatory  lunacy around. Remember, girls have big brothers – which means they learn cricket and fighting their corner at an early age – not only that but they are protected. Pity the poor wolf. Hitch needs to put aside his carefully disguised misogyny and stand behind a clever lady, deliberately placed into a position by those who really matter; and, have listened to sound advice from acknowledged experts.  We do have some clever folk here in Australia – good as any – and now aviation has got their attention – who knows. Wolves - indeed – Bollocks...

Before you consider the last take a moment to watch a connected, interested minister at work, dealing with a similar situation in a grown up aviation country:-

One last item of interest; the developers raping out aerodromes are working at a frantic pace. I know construction and I can spot a money foot on the gas pedal a mile away – they are flat out. Moving asbestos hither and yon; fractionally (IMO at a dangerous rate) throwing up structure in an attempt to get it all up before the game is terminated. Tax payer, State and an industry raped, pillaged and robbed; let's hope Leppington was an end to a very murky deal. There is a safety case which has been ignored – vortex and windshear created by large buildings in close proximity to active runways. The minister who 'approved' the master plans will, forever, carry the blood, guts and blame for every training or charter flight tragedy which happens on an aerodrome which has been 'developed'. That you can bet on – gross stupidity and blatant greed – a never ending saga. I can hear the question in Estimates “did you know”? (fill in the gaps)”???

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Day off tomorrow – my call – roofs and blanket boxes don't weary a man – but 'decks' do. Boring, brutal mindless labour, needing about as much craft skill as throwing a tea bag into the bin. But in these times – work is work – I do wonder; will the phone ever ring again “tomorrow you go to XYZ at 0530 o'clock”. Aye well – as I sit still I can hear the gas hissing through the lamps; can see the tools in their racks gleaming, sharp and ready; the cat actually snores and the dogs are dreaming of rabbits. Horse sleeps, hip-shot; only the old donkey is awake; we look at each other for a nonce. The whole world contained is his wise old eyes: Aye, if only I could speak Donkey.   


P7 - Re posted Mea Culpa NDI what happened; only corrected a spello and Whoosh – spaghetti.

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Of riddles; and curiosities and questions unanswered.

“Life may be an arcane riddle, a play with many complementary acts or an unfinished chronicle with odd sequences. Still and all, whatever we might think or do, let us above all be attentive and expectant, since everyone is waiting for the pieces to fall into place, at one time or another.” ― Erik Pevernagie

Now children; I would bet a good deal that there is not a pilot on this planet who has solved the age old problem of 'waiting for the pieces to fall into place'. By nature, we are prevented from rushing in on a false or uncertain notion. Most certainly 'action' should be taken – but there can be no action until the uncertainty is resolved - “confirm” and act – never 'react' – aircrew cannot afford to 'act' on uncertainty – for there lays the road to peril. Information is critical to solution – that and a far sight of the consequences and penalties involved in an incorrect or hasty 'assumption' taking precedence over prudent judgement. This much you know as far as operating an aircraft. But what are we to make of the signals and silence surrounding the fate of the industry – fair dinkum, it is a puzzle. For example:- (a tarred thumbnail sketch). 

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It is the usual run of the mill stuff – that a Senate Committee will place 'questions on notice (QoN); those questioned toddle off back to the bunker and a put together 'answer' is provided. For they are indeed required to answer the questions asked – within a certain time period. The 'answers' (as an aside) are usually about as much use as three men away from home – however – an 'on-time' (give or take) answer is usually produced. So what are we to make of a raft of questions – honestly asked – by the likes of Sterle and McDonald; which, are not only unanswered, but not even available from the hard working Secretariat? Even when Murky ran the show, he at least had the courtesy to provide a 'non' reply to a QoN, t'is a puzzle with two possible explanations. One at short odds – there is a quiet, but major change happening; or, if you prefer long odds – the government is being told to bugger off and butt out. ICAO looms large in global terms; the SSP is in tatters and the Australian international reputation is at an all time low. However, I'll take your bets - each way major reform – 6/1 for Butt Out.

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“If I cease searching, then, woe is me, I am lost. That is how I look at it - keep going, keep going come what may.” ― Vincent van Gogh, The Letters of Vincent van Gogh

Another quandary is the way our Commonwealth land is being gobbled up at a frantic pace by developers – is this before the gate closes? Once again, the waiting game is on. It has been a good long time since ATSB started the 'investigation' into the approval for that building (the DFO) at Essendon. The lacklustre performance and subsequent lack of 'enthusiasm' for the 'Hood' style of no investigation worth the candle; and, the endless delay in proper reporting 'fact and circumstance' of accident is wearing awful thin. When you add that the RA Oz crew don't publish investigation and the delay in providing any form of meaningful report; and, the piffle eventually published – you are once again left with a puzzle. Why? What ATSB have achieved the last few years is a pitiful shadow of what it once was; now, an international joke and an embarrassment. This before we begin to try and prevent recurrence by learning from 'accident' and incident. It shames this once proud aviation nation. 

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“Nobody knows how things will turn out, that's why they go ahead and play the game...You give it your all and sometimes amazing things happen, but it's hardly ever what you expect.” ― Gennifer Choldenko, Al Capone Does My Shirts

Then we have the great regulation and SSP puzzle. I can never quite figure out exactly why we chose to basically thumb our nose at ICAO compliance. On the 'sinister' side we can weigh in 'control' of every aspect of operations. On the dark side we can ignore providing a sector risk analysis and let industry experts take the lead in resolving the inherent 'risks' in their operations. What we cannot do is allow the 'administrator' to dictate, from a less than expert stance – how we address the risks and can be held accountable for a paper clip out of place – without the regulator taking any responsibility for their part in and approval of the manuals we work with. It is a ludicrous situation; “do this or no approval” - something goes wrong and; guess, who carry's the can.

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“The man who passes the sentence should swing the sword. If you would take a man's life, you owe it to him to look into his eyes and hear his final words. And if you cannot bear to do that, then perhaps the man does not deserve to die.” ― George R.R. Martin, A Game of Thrones

Then we must consider the 'mystery' surrounding the ASA parsimonious, pettifogging, purblind, KPI driven response to what they should be providing against that which is 'doled' out. It is a simple enough case M'lud. Kickatinalong has perhaps twenty movement a week – including Air Ambulance and 'Offenders transport to court. Now, if a gold mine was discovered, and movements increased to thirty a week the airspace can be considered 'safe' under the present system? Yes; But: when the mine is developing and being built – the movements increase 20 fold; when the mine is operational and once FIFO crews begin to rotate – 50 fold, with 'jet traffic' may reasonably be expected. So, one could reasonably expect that ATC services would 'ramp up' to ensure separation and service. No way – that spending would (importantly) impact on KPI and require 'staff' (more expense). The impost of debt from the disastrous 'big sky – pie in the sky scam has left ASA bereft of funds to support sensible air space changes and controllers to support air movements. Any fall in percentage 'profit' impacts on KPI bonus. A million a year and 10 grand KPI per month is worth keeping the lid on spending; just ensure a 'defensible' system of airspace management and safety is 'seen'; ain't the savings worth it? Bollocks it is - The model has failed – big time.


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“He who is not contented with what he has, would not be contented with what he would like to have.”

But, now I'm a long way off track. The puzzle is – what is the hold up? There are literally countless containers of information regarding the failed experiments; the ignored results of 'inquiry and commissions'. Hundreds of expert submissions dating back three decades all saying pretty much the same thing. Industry is dying outside parliament house – but nothing substantive has changed. Why not? That, boys and girls is the riddle I try to solve.

That aside; Buckley has moved to short odds the win – MTF on that when Glen picks up the bat at the next innings. The Senate committees have recovered from paralysis now the threat of an early election has diminished (amazing ain't it); apart from that – the silence is deafening.

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This week, I built a shed. Not just an ordinary shed; but one with a 'lean to' to house the logs for the fire. Packed lunch every day, thermos of tea, dogs not only allowed but welcome, good bloke to work with – timber 'on-site' – magical. There was a treat offered on Tuesday 'Sardines on toast' of course we wolfed 'em down. I was puzzled when I couldn't get the blasted cat out of the wheels on Wednesday morning – then the light came on – my old Mog loves (inadequate description) Sardines. 'T'was a mighty struggle – DT left holding the Mog wrapped in a towel – it's face on our return home was a study. Each dog was diligently 'sniffed' – just to make certain that Sardines had not been on the menu. Such is the animal mind. That's it; I was hoping for a quiet smoke and an Ale about now, but, it seems the delegation at the stable door have another agenda. But then, what is wrong with a night stroll, in good company with a bottle or two and a cigar - just for sustenance I ask you. “Away then!” (ever see a cat do 10 knots?).

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“Our labour preserves us from three great evils -- weariness, vice, and want. ― Voltaire, Candide


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Ref: Newsletter - April 2021

Of Dante, fell wolves and a fall from grace.

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When the church-village slumbers
And the last songs are sung,
When the grey mist arising,
Is o'er the marshes hung,
'Tis then the woods forsaking,
Their way cross country taking,
Nine howling wolves come hungering for food.

- Aleksey Konstantinovich Tolstoy

Click ! – the fool is rambling again. Aye, even so; needs must when the devil drives and the clock on the playroom wall is ticking.

As the BRB 'book-keeper' and guardian of the Choc-Frog pool, it falls to me to settle the odds for an event, some mathematical gymnastics are often required for this; usually resulting in a headache. For a starter, I must weight wheat against chaff – or frog pooh from shinola. Opinion against counsel; rumour against fact; fiction from faerie tale; grudge against reality and the killer – ministerial hyperbole and rhetoric against real actions and genuine results.

It is a tough gig without having to wade my weary way through twaddle about wolves circling a damsel lost in the forest and the confused metaphoric messages from an each way betting 'media' publication. More on 'the wolves' shortly. But, for a Choc Frog – answer me this:- WTD is “The momentum of inertia ” supposed to mean?

[Image: hitch_2020_kh-1.jpg]

Momentum - ”the impetus gained by a moving object”.

Inertia - “a tendency to do nothing or to remain unchanged.”

Hitch coined that little gem in the last LMH – it suggests but one thing – I shall explain.

Last week he was banging on about 'the wolves' circling a defenceless girl lost in the forests of Sleepy Hollow, without a shawl or a lantern. Time to disavow him of this notion with short version of the BRB 'take' on the situation. My tote board for 'government embarrassment' carries top odds for CASA to emerge from the fires of heavy duty scrutiny unscathed. Our old mate 'Murky' and his Labor cronies little land development schemes have not gone unnoticed by the government 'heavy mob'. The changes behind the scenes – publicly available – tell the tale. Some big hitters have taken control of CASA through the department and no one dare call 'em silly. One of the 'spin offs' from these subtle, but muscular changes is Pip Spence taking a short side step into running the defunct administration of civil aviation. Not only has she been a proven able administrator, but she is supported by some very clever folk. There are however wolves; Hitch just identified the wrong pack.

It is the wolves outside of the Sleepy Hollow swamps which need to be worried about. The 'public servants' will weigh going along to get along against taking on the DoIT et al. Loose a comfy billet or tow the departmental line – no brainer. However, the industry wolves (Oh, we have 'em) are very lean, very hungry and; at the moment, extraordinarily angry – not to mention hungry. The evidence for that condition is clearly writ. All Pip Spence need do is throw a couple of sheep to the pack (as a good will gesture) – Martin and Crawford would do to establish her credibility and affirm the DoIT determination to set aviation back on the rails. 

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That would at least buy enough time for her to sort out the incredible buggers muddle our aviation regulations have descended into. It may even keep ICAO and the FAA off the doorstep for a short while. The complete shambles the SSP and the NASP have degenerated into – in comparison to the first world aeronautical doyens is almost enough to have Australia 'downgraded'. For example:-

I defy anyone – even the most high flying legal eagle to write an 'operational compliance' which can even make a reasonable attempt at meeting the absolute gobbledegook provided as an 'explanation' of the explanations contained in the MoS and meet all the requirements of any part mentioned in this confused, lost, frightened 'document of 33,000 odd words.  HERE -.

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The forms of things unknown, the poet's pen

Turns them to shapes and gives to airy nothing

A local habitation and a name.” ― William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night's Dream

Only a little more now; but it is only right to mention the 'Embuggerance of Buckley' and the decimation of commonwealth aerodromes; and, not least the on going brutalisation of Angel Flight. A careful read through the volumes of 'solid' information provided by Buckley leaves Spence with little in the way of option and few choices. The only way to save face – in industries eyes – is to apologise for the debacle and put matters to rights; anything less will, most definitely send the wrong signals at the beginning of her tenure. The untrammelled, unpardonable rape of aviation business and the aerodromes they require to conduct business must be curtailed – there is no other solution (apart from the expensive and pointless ones). Last, but not least – Angel Flight did not, will not or even contemplate asking VFR qualified pilots to operate into IMC – never have, never will. Their treatment has been, and continues to be a national disgrace, indicating just how far 'off the rails' CASA has deviated. There is no safety result from their nonsensical edicts – non whatsoever. There; fire a few of the lunatic fringe, curtail the developers and put Buckley to rights – instant credibility, faith and industry support. Just pick up the pen – sign on the dotted line – Bring in the NZ regs while the pen still has ink – instant hero status. All done now; my two bob's worth.

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Ref: GlenB embuggerance update: 13/05/21 - Join the dots??

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Ref: Angel Flight embuggerance update: 12/05/21 

I've just discovered a unique pleasure – to me at least. Lady caller - “Hi, I got your number from a fiend – you made her that lovely (item) – can you make me a table and two chairs for the kids?” Lots of questions and 'specs' later, I set about the task. A week in the workshop, cool enough to justify lighting the stove, easy enough work to allow lunch (from the kitchen) and a stroll with the dogs (cat disinclined to leave the stove). Time and latitude to create served well – Philippine Mahogany left over from another job for the seats and table top – very old, straight grain Oregon for the frames; three delightful days at the bench. But it was the smile of my 'client' which rewarded; it is quite a wonderful thing to make someone happy. Aye, a cool Westerly and a clear star lit sky brings back memories – but reaching for my old 'night freight' jacket takes me back to times long past. No matter colour me content as I amble off toward the orchard gate; a dog at each hand and the world before me – starlit.

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Ref: & in Budget Estimates: 2021-22

In anticipation: tedium or inspiration?

Walk into any Pub you like, find a stool and order a beer, then mention to the fellah next you that Senate Estimates in running on Monday and Tuesday. “Oh Aye” will be the parting reply – as he ambles off down the bar. Mind you 'politics' religion or football have triggered many a brawl – but Estimates rarely, if ever get a mention in general conversation. Even in specialised fields, such as aviation, the event rarely triggers much in the way of 'discussion'. Nevertheless, Monday and Tuesday next week the RRAT committee settle in and roll the dice for the aviation industry.

Been wrong before, but – given the state of play and a new DAS I reckon its worth at least a little time to see how the future of aviation is going to be 'managed'. Rumour has it that the DoIT have grabbed the errant CASA by the scruff of the neck and given it a bloody good shake to teach it some manners. At very best this could mean a return to original CASA brief. The 'Commonwealth' may only empower CASA to 'administer' not manage industry and their only real job is to administer ICAO compliant rules. 

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Ref: Obfuscation of ICAO - A how to?  & Latest CofFEE report and ICAO non-compliance with Annex 14 &

Even blind Freddy can see how far from that tenet CASA have strayed. I guess the question is can the DoIT reel 'em in – or more to the point, do they want to get rope on this out of control and beyond reason monster which has, like Topsy, it just growed?

Changing the Act and cutting our losses on the miserably failed regulatory reform is not a Herculean task. The clever boys and girls in the DoIT can make that happen – provided there is an appetite for real change. IMO, the very real challenge is faced by Pip Spence – many have tried to beat the CASA band and get them to change the tune from dirge to jig. So Estimates will be interesting (or not) depending on whether 'industry' has been heard and the problems understood properly. As P7 says talk is cheap – Ale costs money......Anyway FWIW Monday 24 inst. @11.15 EST the DoIT are 'on'. Domestic Aviation Reform; International Aviation and Tech. Surface transport. Could just provide a clue to the future.

That session should help you decide if its worth the time to listen in on Tuesday – ATSB 1630 – AMSA 1730 – ASA 1930 and the last act CASA at 2145. I am taking bets on who Pip Spence will have there, who sits where and who will do 'the talking'. Could be interesting – yes, all email bets will be covered – send 'em in.

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That's about it – a mundane enough week for aviation, the world continues to turn as the nation staggers back to some semblance of normality, I note a few more aircraft operating – let us hope that continues; essential sounds for those who delights in 'aircraft noise'.

Aye well, best find the dust pan and broom, left the stable in a mess, making a staircase for a bloke up the road, running late – worked late. Seems a shame to clean up, ankle deep saw dust, shavings and chips smell wonderful; with just a hint of coffee and smoke - alas.


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A pathetic Parody of Pantomime.

Gods alone know how much it costs, per hour, to run a Senate Estimates session. I suppose it could be approximated; take the known salaries – do the maths to arrive at a reasonable hourly rate. It would be a big number. Certainly big enough for a reasonable man to expect some small return on the nation's investment in 'air-safety'. There they all were; the supposed corner stones and lynch pins of the State Safety Program, the DoIT, ASA, ATSB and CASA. The anchors to the national aviation safety net; under the stern scrutiny of duly elected Senators, to answer the questions so important to struggling, essential industry which is being diminished – daily. Well folks, we all sat and diligently watched, listened and paid careful attention; for the results of those very expensive sessions provide industry with knowledge essential to business. The best and shortest way I can describe the explosive response from the BRB associates is:-

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Ref:  The Su_Spence Saga

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“It isn't often that Aunt Dahlia lets her angry passions rise, but when she does, strong men climb trees and pull them up after them.” ― P.G. Wodehouse, Right Ho, Jeeves

To be dead honest, I really don't know how best, in a nutshell, to define the disgust, dismay and utter disappointment expressed by the BRB/IOS. Yet, make the attempt I must. Are you sitting comfortably; then I'll begin.

It all started fairly well with the DoIT; one gets the feeling that the big wheels are turning, albeit slowly, but nonetheless there is movement in the right direction – the Acts and trade and etc. all 'under consideration' with a fighting chance for real  meaningful change in our time. There has never been a better time to reshape and restructure 'matters aeronautical' than now – while its quiet. Time to make considered , valuable changes which will enhance industry profitability and create jobs etc. So, the DoIT escape the ire of the howling mob – for a while. 

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“Must I at length the Sword of Justice draw?

Oh curst Effects of necessary Law!

How ill my Fear they by my Mercy scan,

Beware the Fury of a Patient Man― John Dryden, Absalom and Achitophel.”

Then, the crew ask "But how can anyone, let alone a panel of 'savvy' Senators allow the Hooded Canary to escape the net? What he has done to the once proud bloodline of 'accident investigation' is a national disgrace. The world knows it and that Senate committee should bloody well know it- and yet off he trots, without a blemish or scar to a safe secure future. Bollocks. The Essendon tragedy, the ATR fiasco, the Qantas Virgin balls up at Mildura, the mid-air, the AF VFR into IMC – some of a long, long list of sub standard, photo shopped, edited to inutile reports. Take five minutes and compare the King Air crash in the USA report from the NTSB to the pathetic rubbish provided for Essendon – or Ross  Air. Then; you let the man of many outfits waltz off into the sunset with gold lining his pockets. Shame on you Senators.

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Ref: Addendum - Hansard etc..etc..WALOB!!

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Was the first man that leap'd; cried Hell is empty,

And all the devils are here.” The Tempest By William Shakespeare

Aye, the ATSB session set the tone and paved the way for ASA (soft ride whispers Hoody to Halfwit as they pass in the corridor). The Halfwit's eyebrows descend from panic height to 'Joe cool' level. And so it came to pass that the great ASA money oriented wagon rolled into Dodge to a warm reception. It is worth watching the session with the sound off; we did. It is a bit of fun, with choc frog bets. You play like this – the sound is off – then, when the Senator asking eventually shuts up – the reactions of Halfwit are gauged; the game is to guess the question. It takes a while to get the hang of the ever ascending eyebrows and the increased 'testiculation' (talking bollocks with his hands) to 'pick' the areas in which he is either vulnerable or has made a pigs ear of something. There were a couple of loosely worded questions which caused serious eyebrow semaphore and frantic testiculation – but the Senators let him off the hook. The guy is all about his KPI – not providing the best toilet paper – anything will do to save a buck. Fair warning from Mangalore – one day, we will get caught with our pants down Senators. Shame on you. 

But it was not CASA who earned the Houseboat bucket award; it was the Chair. It was a close run race mind you, only a nose in it at the finish. P7 gruff's “you need to step it out boy” as an Ale lands on the desk. I look askance at this – WTD 'that' session was all about has not, not yet been decided. The jury still is out – split 60/40 for a 'set-up'. No one in the 60 camp can believe McDonald has taken her boot off the gas pedal; the other 40 do believe it. It was not ever a fair argument – until the last Estimates; now it has legs and support. To the 60's it was a 'scripted' session, stage managed and part of the end game; furry muff. To the 40's however, the 'wink-wink' between Spence and McDonald raised hackles; then Spence wheeled out the unspeakable Crawford into the limelight and (shock horror) let him speak – all session – WTD? They ask. Is Spence now to play politics and administration while Crawford runs the roost? The 40's cite the Aleck visage throughout – stony faced and beating seven bells out of whatever (or whoever) he was chewing on. “Kicking Badgers” an image of pent up fury. Mark you, he was IMO justified. Do the sound off trick again and, if you can stomach it, watch the Crawford antics. Lord, if ever a great thespian was lost to the boards or; if ever PT Barnham needed a new snake oil salesman; he'd hire Crawford in a heartbeat. There are some amongst us who (for their sins) have some amateur theatrical experience – they all reckon Crawford practices his coy, coquettish 'up and under' while trimming his egocentric little beard thingy. Whatever –but some of the imitations had us all in stitches. But I digress. In short – if Spence wants to gain credibility – then much better than Crawford needs to be placed in the front seat, doing the talking. It would be OK if he had a clue; but please compare the peerless advice from the AMROBA newsletter to the garbled gibberish Crawford spouts. And, anyway: he really don't like the industry – listen to the Buckley tape – there you find the beast behind the face camouflage, sans posing and preening.

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“You hide it well, but I can see it, Lord Verniers. You hate us. We have beaten you to obedience but it's still there, like dry tinder waiting for a spark.”― Anthony Ryan, Tower Lord

Bottom line – 'credibility' is all. The RRAT lost a fair slice of that hard earned 'cred' last session. It would be acceptable if they were new to the problems industry faces – but that is not the case. Time to piss or get off the pot methinks – and don't leave the seat down. See P2's good works for sound and vision – all there along with Hansard. Good one mate.

No doubt there will be MTF as the crew digests the RRAT offering and the queue for the bucket abates as they become adjusted to the new lows.

You say you never compromise

With the mystery tramp, but now you realise

He's not selling any alibis

As you stare into the vacuum of his eyes

And say do you want to make a deal?

Bob Dylan - Like a Rolling Stone

That's me done. I can smell lamb curry on the evening breeze. My staircase was installed and it do look good. Funny thing though – when I'd settled the last tread and stood back I could see every scuff mark, every small track line from the plane blade, the tiny gap (one off) where one tread was just a half millimetre shy of 'flush'; in short every mistake; even P7 reckoned it was a good job – must learn to look at the whole and enjoy the view. “Come dogs – time for a smoke before dinner”. Exeunt stage left through the Judas door heading for the orchard gate.


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Mick, Mac and Paddy-Whack.

Most will know the nursery rhyme; many will have laughed at the 'Frog' wanting a loan joke; but, in the rhyme every verse carries the line 'give the dog a bone'. Seems that no matter what tune the old man plays, on whatever is handy – the dog always gets a bone. I noted the parallels between the government response and industry survival pleas and the nonsense rhyme when I heard some kids singing the old tune. Aye, 'tis Whimsy no doubt, but worth a moments thought. Industry dogs barking, minister playing nick-nack and a bone thrown to silence the dogs while the ministerial convoy goes rolling home -

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Couple of old bones tossed out this week of the airspace and regulatory flavour. You can, if you can stomach it, read the latest McDonaught press release on 'airspace' – HERE -. Another carefully massaged load of bollocks, industry and the public have been thrown these old bones since about 2007. Back then there was, writ into the Act, a powerful ministerial statement which aligned Australia with both the ICAO and USA system; compliance and no option. That part of the Act lasted until there was a change of minister and that part of the Act was quietly taken out the back and disposed of. Since then, its been one expensive cock-up after another; culminating in the fatally flawed, horrendously expensive, now outdated, vision splendid of 'One-Sky'. The amount of money wasted on a wet dream would have quite neatly funded some additional controllers and perhaps a couple of control systems for
'problem' areas like Ballina. Aye, nick-nack indeed – the bone thrown – ministerial pony-pooh.

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“The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose.” ― William Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice

The next bone flung out of the CASA kitchen door is a rank, reeking thing. Plain English explanation of the ludicrous rules. Weighing in at some 332 pages, presenting someone's version of 'the regulations' and how to 'comply'. No legal standing whatsoever – none. In the hands of a clever lawyer, in a court of LAW, not justice, the rules as writ are a legal minefield and only CASA know the way through. Mostly, operators and crew can struggle through and believe they are compliant, their manuals are 'accepted' by CASA, so all must be well. Not so, I can provide, without looking at my library a dozen instances where the 'accepted' part of a manual has been dismissed and action taken against the operator. No matter, the point is a simple one. Until we have rules writ in plain English; see FAA or NZ, then no matter how much 'opinion' on how to comply is published, at great expense by the law makers; you are in legal peril. This is also a cynical bone; a load of costly bollocks followed up with a 'do you like us' survey. Disgusting – if this is a product of the new 'feel-good' softly softly regime; then it is time to follow the leaders and move off shore.

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“And thus I clothe my naked villainy

With odd old ends stol'n out of holy writ;

And seem a saint, when most I play the devil.” ― William Shakespeare, Richard III

The last bone landed with a dull thud and no one went near it. Despite the many howls of protest, some of the fellahin were 'asked' by Aunt Pru to carefully study and sit through the last estimates sessions. I'd have gladly swapped, Hansard for me – alas. Only a dozen of us at the table; P7 ordered the Ale as so we began. The short version – after much 'discussion' was simple enough to script. Disappointment mixed with dismay and a soupcon of disgust thrown in. Something has changed and not for the better. The one hope industry had for the recovery of aerodromes, a sensible rule set and equity in the management of aviation resided in the efforts the Senators were making. Or, rather they were making, until 'politics' and 'election' raised it's hoary, ugly head. We wondered (not for long) if ministerial hypocrisy played a hand.

“And what sort of lives do these people, who pose as being moral, lead themselves? My dear fellow, you forget that we are in the native land of the hypocrite.” ― Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray

Aye well, 'tis a school day for me. On my bench there is a billet of 'quarter sawn' Beech; a lovely thing and expensive. My mentor is to teach me the secrets of making a 'jointer' plane. The old wooden planes (Pyramids to 1800's) are truly wonderful things, light, silky smooth and IMO as good, if not better than some of the modern day offerings. A 'jointer' is not a thing one uses on a daily basis; but for long runs, like a table top or a  tall cabinet, they finish the truing up beautifully. There is some serious skill required to make one; I hope to learn a little of that skill today. Best crack on, can't be caught with blunt chisels or a scruffy bench.

[Image: Why_Wooden_Hand_Planes_Klein.jpg]


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The time has come, the Walrus said.

To start talking of many things – particularly of matters aeronautical. There has been a mind bending, never ending amount of 'talk' related to the bloody awful state the aviation industry has been driven into. “Driven” asks the crowd? Aye; hard driven, to almost desperation level. The men and women who 'fly' aircraft can't be considered cowardly, or stupid or even easily led down the Primrose path. But for over thirty years now it has been betrayed by a long list of ministers; who, through ignorance, fear, self interest or a total lack of interest have allowed the current situation to develop. The Un elected running a protection racket, building an unassailable barrier between minister and industry. The net result may be seen in Commonwealth airfields being destroyed by development, a declining industry and an 'administrator' who, despite industry attempts to rationalise, micro manages every facet of this independent, self funded, highly responsible industry. An industry which relies heavily on 'safe operation' and is quite capable and highly dependent on managing its own 'safety' ethos.  If just for financial survival.  

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Good Captains never come to an engagement unless necessity compels them, or the opportunity calls them. - MACHIAVELLI’S 27 RULES OF WAR

The time has come for 'good Captains' to step up to the crease. One of the most serious, damaging and destructive 'problems' industry faces resides in the very heart of our democracy i.e. the Parliament. The Bipartisan rubber stamp defies democratic principals. This is a great shame on this nation. The simple fact that whatever CASA 'legislate' is simply passed into law, without a squeak of 'objection' from either side of the parliament is a disgrace. Every man – jack (yes and woman – jack) sitting on their collective arses allowing onerous, often ridiculous, mostly fatuous regulation to float through need to hang their heads in shame. It is prime bull-shit, belong the shiftless, lazy, incompetent type. FYI you are allowing the crucifixion of individuals and business to be enshrined in some of the most Draconian law seen outside of the Eastern Bloc. In fact, those living within that 'Bloc' have less onerous rules than those struggling to survive within the Australian 'democratic' system. Did I say Australian democracy – silly me - Bwaww Haw haw.

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'War gives the right to the conquerors to impose any condition they please upon the vanquished.’- Julius Caesar

I say this: until someone from the 'opposition' grows a set and begins challenging the incumbent minister and provides real questions about how an industry is being slowly bled to death by an idiotic 'philosophy' aided by the worlds worst rule set; then there will be little but contempt and disappointment in the 'democratic' process Australia is supposed to have. Time for the 'opposition' to hammer this purblind fool posing as the DPM.

Take a look about you – Angel Flight now dependent on Spence to remove the inutile restrictions. Where's McDonald in all this? Has the “Jeanne d'Arc" of 'Up North' been 'talked to'; or what? Buckley – a classic representation of the 'real' CASA ethos/chaos/ mendacity – mentioned once in a budget estimates – then forgotten. Bollocks

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"I’ll fight till from my bones my flesh be hacked’ - William Shakespeare, Macbeth.

For three decades now, the aviation industry has been providing the 'politicians' of all stripes with solid gold solutions. Free advice from 'expert' minds with knowledge and experience of what the industry needs to prosper. Many expensive Commissions and Inquiry have been conducted; countless recommendations made, speeches in the house and etc. To what avail? Our parliamentary representatives have sat on their well padded beam ends and allowed un elected officials to decimate an industry. Time for some serious opposition questions to be asked. Why? Well, the corner posts of our 'national' safety net are not sound. ASA is a screaming, money oriented basket case. ATSB has descended into being little more than a PR mouthpiece and enslaved through the MOU. CASA is completely an utterly beyond reason, control or of any value: intrinsic or practical, to either the ICAO, or the first world aviation industry. Fact – proven a hundred times, even during this government's tenure.

"In peace nothing so becomes a man as modest stillness and humility; but when the blast of war blows in our ears, then imitate the action of the tiger; stiffen the sinews, disguise fair nature with hard favoured rage…― William Shakespeare, Henry V

It is our democratic right that the parliament examine the value, intent and purpose of legislation. It is their duty to this wide brown land to ensure the safety and security of the people who live on it. It is not meat or proper that an industry can be decimated simply because the parliament has gone 'Bipartisan'. That is, by part, insane.

Aye, the time has indeed come – for the parliament to talk of many things – aviation in particular before it is swept away while other nations flourish – simply because our parliament is bipartisan and CASA may not be challenged.

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Aye well, cranky ain't I. I mean FDS – what does one have to do to get anything done? Seriously; take the infamous St Commodious quote as a start point - “Because its easy and I can”. UDB – but fact, on Hansard. And, the killer blow – he walked away a richer, happy man for doing so. Never, ever has that one defining statement been challenged by a politician of any stripe. About time someone did.

[Image: Henry-V-Monologue-StageMilk.jpg]

He which hath no stomach to this fight,

Let him depart; his passport shall be made.’― William Shakespeare, Henry V

And the storm passes. Two dogs and an old cat sit watching me; they know and sense the fury. Now: amends I must make; 'tis a simple task – light a smoke, pick up my (long forgotten and now warm) Ale glass, sit back and say the magic words - “wanna go out?” Patient as they are watchful, they relax when I reach for my old jacket and sign off. Rant over - “Away now”.


P7 (aside) – N.B. Someone mentioned that .-. has no meaning in Morse – it does. “message received”. I guess the ? Mark is optional....

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I've got the power; ain't I?

“Oh yes!” - shout the politicians in mindless, joyful bipartisan, unison. “Hell Yes.”

The sheer arrogance of St. Commodious ably supported by the whispering of Aleck behind the curtains; and, control of the CASA board;and, a lazy hands off bipartisan government; and an idiot for minister must have been a heady mix. It was, for a honest 'reform' DAS a gift from the gods. Seriously; a series of small miracles could have been pounded out in march time – and an industry saved. Alas.

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“and let the devil

Be sometime honour’d for his burning throne!” ― William Shakespeare, Measure for Measure

The rules aviation must – under threat of fines, jail and strict liability comply with beggar belief: this is a given, an unholy mess. But let us, just for a moment, step away from the incredible legal morass and the massive tomes which feed it. A practical view is required here – an 'operational standpoint' if you will. There are a couple of 'classic' examples, which, to the operational mind are bordering on the bizarre. For example – the 'Flight and duty' rule set. In lay terms – flight crew get 'tired' – fatigued even; to a point where it affects 'judgement'. Look no further than the Pel Air ditching to see how 'fatigue' and company ethos played a significant part in that event. Human factors are a very real study in this case. But I digress. The point the fool is clumsily trying to make is that all flight operations are slightly 'different' and so the 'fatigue levels' inherent are as different as the operations conducted i.e. they are 'individual' – stand alone, company subjective. There is no one who could write a 'rule set' to suit every operation. It simply ain't possible. Now, CASA – in it's collective wisdom is attempting to make a condom for fatigue rule – one size fits all. A rigid 'limitation' which must apply to all. This cannot be done – well, not the way they have set about it. Take a look at the rules for PNG or NZ. There you will find simply set down the 'maximums' allowed within a certain time frame – end of. The responsibility for fatigue management then rests with the company within the broad strokes of the law. There are no exemptions writ – 'tis for the operator and crew to refine their own system – this then becomes the company writ 'exemption' – as required to meet operational demands – not some arbitrary 'figure'. A company management, flight crews and HF should be able to come to an agreement, independent of 'authority' as to how they manage the 'fatigue' levels of their own operation – not dependent on some 'exemption' granted by the gods. Exemptions smack of all kinds of nasty things. The problem of course is that there is no one (not now) who can examine a 'company' FRMS and advise on suitability. Australia is stuck with a complex rule set which begs 'exemption' – so what value the rule set then? Non. Non whatsoever, despite the millions spent on it.

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“When I think of how much this world has suffered; when I think of how long our fathers were slaves, of how they cringed and crawled at the foot of the throne, and in the dust of the altar, of how they abased themselves, of how abjectly they stood in the presence of superstition robed and crowned, I am amazed.” ― Robert G. Ingersoll, The Liberty Of Man, Woman And Child

But wait; there's more. The Angel Flight case needs to be examined. Bear with me  - won't take long.. From an operational, logical, legal and HF point of view; the CASA dictates are flawed – borderline incompetent. They have simply made a ruling on 'minimum' flight hours required. There is no attempt made to examine, let alone consider the very real – if not immediately obvious – subtle operational hazards faced by the crew operating. There has been no attempt to examine why pilots qualified for 'good weather' flight have persisted into serious instrument flight conditions. AF lost two aircraft – the general industry has lost double that number. Over the last decade this phenomenon has caused – how many fatal s? And yet their solution is to up the 'minimum' flight hours and some silly bloody nonsense about maintenance. This has not only cost the tax payer a shed load but is a totally – 'operationally' flawed approach. But there it stands – fully supported by a part insane parliament – BOLLOCKS..!

[Image: download.jpg]

Item last – there is – thankfully – a Senate committee which examines delegated legislation. They are ploughing their weary way though the complex twaddle CASA produce – unchallenged. Can you even begin to understand the intoxicating power it grants to a Government Business Enterprise to not only write their own version of 'the law' have it unchallenged by parliament and the public money backing to beat all comers into a cocked hat? Really? Seriously? - Yep, all true; when you add a minister who could, if he tried, care less about an industry and the aerodromes it must have to survive – well then you see the beast our democratic parliament has fostered and nurtured. Is this a government responsibility to this nation – you betcha. So why then does government stick it's purblind, fool head in the sand?


“The irony was not lost on any of us that despite the theme there was a robot on the throne.” ― Kathryn Davis, Duplex

Could someone, anyone; please tell me how a mutt like St. Commodious can get away with making statements like these – and getting away with it; Scot free. The list of Embuggerance cases is long, distressing and a bloody mark against a supposed democracy. A democratic nation which allowed a complete political pig, like Carmody to receive an award – for a completed rule set? Bullshit; in Spades, redoubled.

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Aye well – steam off please GD. But, and I say this in all honesty – I look at other nation's aviation industry – flourishing under sensible rules and an administrator compliant with ICAO principals and it makes me cranky. CASA is and will continue to be the world's world's worst example of a complete, expensive failed system for a government which has basically abrogated all responsibility for an essential industry. One only kept alive by the determination of those involved to survive – despite CASA and the likes of Carmody and his evil mates.

I look up – and even the horse is looking over to see why I'm beating up this long suffering keyboard. Mind you, it's blowing twenty knots outdoors and raining pick-handles. The orchard is a dripping, sighing quagmire, I can barely see the houseboat from here. But, as always, there is a light in the kitchen window – steak and kidney pudding awaits. No takers for a last walk tonight; perhaps a last Ale and an illicit smoke before we toddle off, up the wooden hill to Bedfordshire. Big day tomorrow – my 'Slash Pine' practice jointer has to pass muster – if so, then the Beech may be made – under strict supervision (of course). Perhaps – we shall, no doubt, see.


[Image: SBG-27-06-21.jpg]

Of perspicacity and susurration.

Pretty fancy words to use when defining what is a common or garden situation; the state of play in the industry battle with the bureaucracy, developers and the political landscape. There has been a major change of Minister (hallelujah) and, quite naturally, this had led to much speculation. Of course, it all depends on who you talk to; but on one item there is absolutely no variation. – A unanimous, heartfelt huge sigh of relief that finally, two village idiots a.k.a the Dunce Duo (and worse) have been removed to a place where they can do no more harm than that already left in their wake. Aye, fare-thee-well Chester and McCormack – don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way to becoming a blot in the national book of shame.

The Wagga Oration – HERE –

“He fell, toppling forward into the sand. He hadn't even fully realised he'd lost his balance until the ground told him. And the ground didn't whisper.” ― Dean F. Wilson, Dustrunner

Ayup, now, turn the page and scribe the name of Joyce in the title of the Book of Whispers.

[Image: Barnaby_Joyce-22_86B68B60-17D2-11E6-99C8...DCA5FF.jpg]

“When an uninstructed multitude attempts to see with its eyes, it is exceedingly apt to be deceived. When, however, it forms its judgement, as it usually does, on the intuitions of its great and warm heart, the conclusions thus attained are often so profound and so unerring as to possess the character of truth supernaturally revealed.” Nathaniel Hawthorne

Barnaby is back. It will, no doubt, be a while before we see runs on the board; the man has to play himself in – much to do; and, probably some residual mess to clean up. However; (as we descend into speculation) there is a fair chance matters aeronautical will get some much (desperately) needed attention. The omens are good: with Spence attending Rotortech and making a very good impression on some pretty jaded, hard eyed folk. Most refreshing to be able to say 'Well done' to a new DAS. But, as we all know, the pathway to Hell is paved with good intentions. Speculate, just for a moment – let's say 'someone' has 'reform' in mind. There are at least some large stumbling blocks to be overcome – leaving aside the 'internal' games within the CASA & DoIT hierarchy, bi part insane government, ministerial palpitations and a general lassitude toward dealing with the screaming problems aviation is forced (not by choice) into dealing with. To wit; Atkinson DoIT boss, Spence, McDonald Senator and of course Barnaby, who now holds the keys to the kingdom (if not the CASA executive dunny; or, the DAS office).

Rumour has it too many ways to call with any certainty. – DoIT is on the side of the Angels – or; they bat for the Devil. There is a strong possibility that McDonald was muzzled by McCormack; or simply realised she was on hiding to nothing and faded in the run. Is Barnaby the pivot and hope for real reform. It is a brain teaser of epic proportions and much depends on it; a large much....

So, there are the 'corners' all neatly laid out for a Bookie's nightmare. Race 1 – amendment to 'the Acts' (note – not singular). There is serious money being bet on 'significant' changes to those important documents; its whispered that the DoIT are going at it - for real. This can happen on Barnaby's nod. Race 2 – the committee which 'oversights' and examines Delegated Legislation has required an amendment to an amendment – unprecedented. This unsung committee has been casting an ever increasingly jaundiced eye over some of the CASA legal twists and basic elements which, although unchallenged, are borderline 'non-constitutional'. Even Aleck has admitted this, with the rider that no one could afford to make that legal challenge. However, if this committee can get the 'bit – between their teeth' and once again, on the Barnaby nod – perhaps the 'legal' approach to matters aeronautical could begin to improve – gods alone know how much that is needed. The rape and embuggerance of our pitiful few aerodromes needs a new broom – one with real grunt, for without 'safe' airports – those much needed during take off and landing – the risk to the public and the lost 'revenue' generated – will soon begin to be noted. Item last – McDonald and her 'inquiries'. Again, serious money bet that the 'inquiries' at the behest of the village idiot where 'modulated' (damn near muted IMO). Can McDonald now put her dainty boot back on the gas pedal? You do see my problem – it all centres on predicting which way BJ will jump; once he has caught up with 'other business'. We do know – for fact that he has stated in conversations that he does not want to have to deal with 'the mess – ATSB, ASA and CASA – but; if he has to – then he will. It is, in essence, a simple matter for Joyce; back either the CASA nag or the industry thoroughbred. Once that decision is made – a few strokes of the pen, orders issued to minions and it will happen – as directed by the incumbent minister. Starting price Bush Turkey in the Re Joyce Reform Plate – 4/1 (subject to change without notice.

[Image: quote-fear-what-has-a-man-to-do-with-fea...-34-79.jpg]

There; that seems to be the bare bones of it; when I left the BRB indaba they were still at it; mind you its worth noting that 'opinion' re the most disgusting, disappointing crew which ever supped at 'top table' remains as resolutely unchanged as is the motion to clean 'em all out and start again – with professionals.

Aye well, ramble over -  FWIW - the only clear thing to emerge is that if Barnaby decides 'enough is enough' then; at least while he is 'minister' things may, perforce, change. If not, then boys and girls, at least you may say - that you were there at the demise of a once vibrant, productive, self motivated, innovative industry; sacrificed to developers greed, political ennui and a government sanctioned lunatic asylum dictating the slaughter list. 

[Image: YMMB-1-1024x576-1.jpg]
Ref: on the chopping block with latest DRAFT Master Plan

“It has been frequently remarked, that it seems to have been reserved to the people of this country to decide, by their conduct and example, the important question, whether societies of men are really capable or not, of establishing good government from reflection and choice, or whether they are forever destined to depend, for their political constitutions, on accident and force.”― Alexander Hamilton, Federalist Papers

But enough - it all gives me a headache - it is a superb evening; crisp, cool and beckoning. The surly bonds of earth can bugger off while I enjoy the peace and quiet of a lamp-lit workshop, a pint of good Ale; and, in a while, I shall stir those lazy animals snoozing by the stove; perhaps if I turn right at the second star and straight on 'till morning - its just visible from the orchard gate you know. Dream on fool;

Selah .-.

[Image: SBG-4-07-21.jpg]

All along the watchtowers.

There must be some kind of way outta here

Said the joker to the thief

There's too much confusion

I can't get no relief

"There must be some kind of way outta here"

One line from a Dylan song - explains both the 'Ying' and the 'Yang' of both CASA and Master Buckleys 'dilemma'. And yet, despite the veritable 'avalanche' of words - from both sides - there is no clear pathway defined. Indeed, it seems as though CASA woke from it's somnambulist, self induced power dream and realised that they had been trumped by their very own 'law'. Law designed to provide complete control over the 'flight training' sector, (well barring RaOz). Hell, even Big Q had several attempts at obtaining 'approval'. But Buckley managed to thread his way the the legal maze, develop a system which 'complied with the letter' of the law as CASA drafted. Shock - Horror - control lost within a perfectly 'legal' approach which 'used' the regulation - as writ - to build a business model. That model provided  increased 'operational' standards to flight schools, those which simply could not tackle Part 142 and become 'approved' under that part. Buckley did it:and, offered it to business which would love to 'upgrade' but could not make or justify the operational distance and cost involved. In short, a better standard for all, available to all - under contract.

"Said the joker to the thief"

There may well be some understandable confusion here as to whom is 'Joker' and who is 'thief'. A reasonable way to examine the quandary is to consider cui bono. The 'Oh crap' moment occurred when the penny finally dropped at CASA HQ. Buckley had not only 'read and understood' part 142 - but realised it's potential to be 'available' to all and sundry. Now then, a business model which makes money is one thing - no problemo. However should that model rob CASA of revenue and control and power - well - it is intolerable. Must be stopped - not only that the perpetrator of this heinous crime must be brought to heel, crushed and vilified.

"There's too much confusion"

Aye; many would cheerfully concur with that line. Myself included. Many long, patient hours have been spent (by many) reading through the volumes of 'information' provided by Buckley. Many an aged poll scratched to damn near bald, many candles wasted in the wee small hours and much midnight oil consumed;all spent considering the 'Buckley volumes. It fell to one of our junior members to fairly put the 'cat amongst the pigeons' last BRB. A simple enough question which stunned a fairly educated crew into silence. "Where is the CASA document explaining their POV and reasoning?" Well children, diligently did we search the tomes; we even unleashed P2 - on a 'go find it' mission. For non of us had read a cognisant, reasoned explanation of why CASA had, at the death knock' of signing off reneged on many agreed 'amendments' to the Buckley system which had, to all intent, purpose and logic been 'accepted'. The simple answer is - there ain't one. No rebuttal - just a stone wall of denial. 

"I can't get no relief"

In a nutshell - the Buckley quandary. Many of the BRB (senior) have had serious 'dealings' with overseas 'authorities'. Most of these 'authorities' have followed the FAA method and had cognisant explanation of the concern the authority has with a 'proposed' operation. The FAA will go to some trouble to point out 'where' your potential legal liability lays; and, by association, where their own 'liability' for approving your operation resides - should they grant 'approval'. This sort of 'discussion' has occurred across the globe, within many administrations and is usually resolved, during meetings. The FAA will, on 'satisfactory' resolution, then issue 'unique' Operational Specifications' which apply to the operation considered. This becomes 'operational law' - agreed by by both parties; it is no where near a 'unique' occurrence; but rather 'the norm'. Not every operation fits neatly into a niche or a 'pro-forma' mould; but sense, sensibility and good will prevail more often than not. You cannot sell the FAA a crock - but, with good intention on both sides - more often than not - Ops Spec are provided.

Buckley got none of this. Slammed into a brick wall, at the last moment and, just to emphasise the power CASA holds - an industry job he managed to obtain, to uphold his dignity was taken away - by an e-mail. His gutless employer then simply ditched him. No one takes on CASA - want a dozen instances where a 'CASA target' has been denied gainful employment off a CASA e-mail or phone call (international even to Alaska FCOL). Let me know - I'll send you the 20 most obnoxious.

[Image: AsYouWrestling.jpg]

Now, my co-mates and brothers in exile,
Hath not old custom made this life more sweet
Than that of painted pomp? Are not these woods
More free from peril than the envious court?
Here feel we not the penalty of Adam,
The seasons' difference, as the icy fang
And churlish chiding of the winter’s wind,
Which, when it bites and blows upon my body,
Even till I shrink with cold, I smile and say,This is no flattery.
These are counselors
That feelingly persuade me what I am.”
Sweet are the uses of adversity,
Which, like the toad, ugly and venomous,
Wears yet a precious jewel in his head. - Shakespeare: As You Like It Act 2, Scene 1

I am certain that most have, at least once, 'discovered' a 'something/nothing' which delighted them. I did, just this week. Twiddle follows so click off if it pleases. A lovely lady, close neighbour brought me a very (very) old, simple stool with a wonky leg; could I fix it? Piece of cake - tapered leg, splayed both ways, mortise and tenon joints - half an hour, one bottle of plonk charged (exorbitant). So I made a new leg - then I took apart the 'joint' - surprise! Never seen one like it before. An angled tenon with a new twist. Anyway, I managed to 'mirror' the tenon into the mortise; but it took the rest of the day to work out the simple 'elegance' and incredible strength of that joint. I wasted a fair amount of my off-cuts (firewood) bin trying to make a 'copy' of that stool - took a while and much cussing - but I managed it - delight, unmitigated pure happiness. As ever my faithful mates seem to know when I reach the end of my twiddles - (they lack a certain subtly); but, at least their intent is clear - the boot dropped at my feet no hint, but clear enough message. I shall follow, wherever they lead - for that is the way of partnership. But not into the river - for that is cold and wet.

Selah.-. K.

[Image: SBG-11721.jpg]


Of cleft sticks and horned dilemma.

A Horned Dilemma. "Faced with a decision involving equally unfavourable alternatives. A mid 16th-century source described a dilemma as 'a horned argument' (after Latin argumentum cornutum ), the idea being that if you avoided one 'horn' of the argument you ended up impaled on the other."

One could also throw the odd 'Petard' , or even two into that quandary. Plenty to go around for our so called 'aviation safety agencies'. The cost of these 'agencies' to the public purse is phenomenal; seriously big dollar budgets. When one begins to add onto those allowances the additional fees and charges paid, its easy enough to see why the agencies are very 'self protective' and happy with the parliamentary Bi-part-insane lack of supervision. A law unto themselves and happy to be so; not even multiple, expensive inquiry has been able to curb or even sanction any one of 'em; despite the overwhelming evidence provided by industry.

[Image: Barnabys-conundrum.jpg]

[Image: sbg-11-0721.jpg]


Small problem or two on the new horizon though; the goose which lays the golden eggs is non too clever; still trying to get over the pandemic we had to have. Take CASA for example. Sandy (senior BRB) has provided some fiscal insights - HERE -. Lets say, just for a number that the major airlines return to 33.3% capacity in the next twelve month; we can throw in General Aviation (GA) back to 25% capacity; that leaves CASA seriously overmanned. When you consider the chance of 'new' flight school start up, particularly in light of the Buckley fiasco - there must be a significant glut of CASA staff. Of course they could revert to ensuring ICAO compliant rules which would shed a number of expensive jobs as there would be little need to keep a stable full of 'officers' to ensure that non ICAO regulation was policed. Must be deuce tricky making sure that ICAO standards and best practice are not allowed to creep in. The blatant, holistic manipulation of ICAO and the Chicago Convention and the constitution must be fostered - too many red faces otherwise.

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“So, in the interests of survival, they trained themselves to be agreeing machines instead of thinking machines. All their minds had to do was to discover what other people were thinking, and then they thought that, too.”― Kurt Vonnegut, Breakfast of Champions

But, there's a dim light in the distance for CASA are supposed to 'oversight' Halfwit and his merry band of KPI collectors. P2 has been at the QoN - HERE - which, stand alone make for interesting reading. However, Senator Rice is - GREEN - and, without being rude, we may safely say would not know an airways clearance from an STAR if her very life depended on it. But she in not bound by the Bi-part-insane automatic sanctions parliament allow our 'safety' agencies. The lady is being provided with some very, very sage and solid advice and questions. One may read a little between the lines in those questions - the big ones cry out for answers - back to ICAO compliance - again. All well and very good; those questions demand answers - but just beneath the surface there is a sense of 'poverty' looming behind the facade. The one pie Big Sky failed scam is biting deep. ASA have no 'airspace designers' worth the name; and cannot afford to bring in the consultants needed. Halfwit blew the budget on his wet dream - the rest of the money goes West on his million a year salary and KPI bonus schedule. But I just love the response to PQN 279 - Brisbane parallel runway and approach paths / ICAO compliant.

It was committed to the Civil Aviation Safety Authority for endorsement. Whether that actually directly linked to ICAO I would have to take on notice.

[Image: mq3.jpg]

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[Image: Airservices-ATC-Brisbane_Tower.jpg]

Think on - ASA have NDI whether 'that' directly linked etc. Then' they, our expensive 'airspace regulator' have to pass it in to CASA (FCOL) for 'endorsement'. Bwaww Haw Haw - Not to worry, but just for a laugh it is worth reading the QoN carefully constructed by real experts. Choc Frog CA methinks.

Aye well; there's our million a year Halfwit in a financial cleft stick, trying to brazen and bullshit his way through the debacle, deficit and non compliance with the ICAO treaty (to save a few bucks); very neatly (IMO) hoist on his own petard. Which leaves Ms Spence and the new minister on the horns of a fairly prickly dilemma. It can't go on can it. The whole pantomime is in tatters, the players worn, wearing and not making much of their roles.

[Image: mq2.jpg]

Life’s but a walking shadow,
a poor playerThat struts and frets his hour upon the stage,
And then is heard no more.
It is a tale
Told by an idiot,
full of sound and fury,Signifying nothing. ― William Shakespeare, Macbeth

But how to radically change it all around? Return to ICAO compliance and release an industry from the manic toils of the current regime? The answers are there - supplied by the 'professional' bodies - free of charge - in the hope that someone, somewhere grows a set and do that which is needful.

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Its quite alarming to see a mop of Auburn curls materialise at exactly the same height as the wood in vise - particularly when you are about to thump a very sharp 1/2" chisel into a deep mortise with a heavy mallet (wasn't messing about - 4" through hardwood). I halted the strike and looked down into an impish face, further inspection revealed  slim arms, one draped over each the dogs necks. Time flies though don't it. Seems only yesterday I finished the cradle in which the then babe was rocked to sleep. Of course all work was suspended during the royal visit; which ended only after a tiny nick on one knuckle had been blessed with about a gallon of Dettol and enough bandage to do a Pharaoh proud. I wish I could paint - large man sat on a rough workshop stool at a workbench; ankle deep shavings and dust; two large dogs watching every movement of the wannabe Florence Nightingale. Aye, such things make this life worth the living - even worth the odd scratch from a clumsy hand.

Selah.-. K-.-

[Image: sbg-18-07-21.jpg]

Dolittle's Delight and Dunuthin's legacy.

"Why, of course!" said Jip. "And those are only a few of the easy smells--the strong ones. Any mongrel could smell those with a cold in the head. Wait now, and I'll tell you some of the harder scents that are coming on this wind--a few of the dainty ones."

We are, just a little, like Doc Dolittle's mate 'Jip'. There seems to be some 'hard' scents on the Canberra breeze - and a few of the 'dainty' ones. (Collective groan) - the fool is rambling again. Not so. Not only a keen sense of smell, but good ears also needed to catch the 'whispers' on that same breeze. 

Of course, one absolutely checks the wind sock - for small directional shifts indicate which breeze carries the information. But, enough metaphor - brass tacks needed, for the fate of the aviation is finely so finely balanced at this moment, that even the lightest kiss of an errant zephyr could send it - into the abyss of no meaningful recovery; Helter-skelter. 

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“Enter RUMOUR, painted full of tongues." ― William Shakespeare, Henry IV, Part 2

Much to consider; lets take a sniff at the political wind first. To do this, a little memory is needed. We need to think back to Tamworth 2016; those who were there will remember that two politicians were present - B. Joyce Esq and Darren 6Gs. Aye, not much love lost there; however, Chester was late and Joyce took the kick off at the 'closed' session; part way into the first round Chester and his dubious 'adviser' (MTF on that) turned up. Now then, Joyce was 'engaged' and had the sit down well in hand, was shown and showed some respect and courtesy. Then Chester blundered in, broke the mood and turned a crew Joyce had 'in hand' hostile. The rest in the AOPA archives.

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“No other evil we know is faster than Rumor, thriving on speed and becoming stronger by running. Small and timid at first, then borne on a light air, she flits over ground while hiding her head on a cloud-top.” ― Virgil, The Aeneid

Compare the response and time McCormack gifted the next event in Wagga in 2018. In 2016 Joyce stayed the course, interested, involved and attentive. In 2018 our WWWWW Village idiot breezed in; took the first turn on the microphone and then buggered off to lunch with his advisers 'mates' of the RAAA and RAoz. McDonaught was 'inspired' by RAoz outfits - like SOAR, led by his 'adviser's RAAA cronies and; thereafter, danced to whatever tune the 'Sharp' boys at RAAA were playing; a merry jig no doubt.

[Image: michael_mccormack_web.jpg]

“Reader, suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself.” ― Mark Twain

Well, Joyce is back (hallelujah). He may not have all the time in the world to 'worry' about aviation - but (big BUT) if he has a mind to 'sort it' the orders will be direct without wriggle room. BUT - does 'he' need to sort it? Well children, that is the big question. The BRB reckon he must - on a political basis - no option. Take a read of the P2 offering - HERE - . Labor need to score - Sen. Sterle has many irons in the aviation fire and the questions asked remain valid and unanswered to this day. Particularly those related to CASA using the recommendations of a Senate Inquiry and those presented by the good Rev. Forsyth. The DoIT and CASA have used those for 'tissue paper' (modified version).

Ref: Angel Flight Timeline of Embuggerance

“The heaviest penalty for declining to rule is to be ruled by someone inferior to yourself.” ― Plato, The Republic

Then, Joyce must be starting to have a concern that the McDolittle two year inquiry has ground to a very pregnant pause. Why? Valid question that one. A question which raises many others. For example - QoN 1; did McDonaught put the on brakes  based on advice from his 'mate' the adviser and his RAAA road show crew? QoN 2 Was the support for the RAoz lobby and philosophy so seductive to McDonaught that the rest of GA was to be simply 'starved' out through development? QoN 3 How much 'influence' did developers have in the decisions regarding the signing of the 'Master plans for our secondary airports?  All political cannon ammunition for the 'opposition' to use - and they will - if steps are not taken to resolve the buggers muddle McCormack left behind as a legacy for Joyce to deal with.

[Image: Showbag-Sticker-300x225.png]

[Image: YMMB-1-1024x576-1.jpg]

“Too bad that all the people who know how to run the country are busy driving taxicabs and cutting hair.” ― George Burns

Politics once again, brings us back to the McDonald 'inquiry'. The abject flop; the con that raised hopes and got juices flowing then fizzled out? That report is due fairly soon; the ridiculous two year time frame clock is ticking. It also has several valid 'head-scratchers'. For instance was the Spence appointment a deal done? If so by who and why? We shall never know; however, it seems (on short acquaintance) to be a good thing. Time will tell; but I'm even almost tempted to shorten the odds on Spence becoming a 'star' DAS - the auguries are good; but the coven still exists. Perhaps, maybe, we hope that (for example) the government Competition Principals Agreement (5)  may (maybe) be applied to say - Part 149. The BRB have for a long, long while now held firmly to the belief that CASA have simply ignored this and been guilty of capturing not only 'project management' but providing a thing like SOAR (ex minister's 'inspiration') to gain an unfair advantage - private pilot medicals being a prime example.

[Image: raaus_hq1.jpg]

"The world isn't fair, Calvin."
"I know Dad, but why isn't it ever unfair in my favor?” ― Bill Watterson, The Essential Calvin and Hobbes: A Calvin and Hobbes Treasury

Dry as dust all of this - 'tis but my poor attempt to clarify a Bookie's thinking; there are some first class minds working hard to return balance and sanity to government thinking on how best to mange aviation; so it can meet the promise it holds to become, once again, a thing of national pride. So its serious. If, IF Joyce, Spence and McDolittle can even start to reduce the intolerable burdens CASA forced onto industry; begin to bring our Airspace management back to reality and cost effectiveness, turn the ATSB back into a honest reporter, free of the MoU; then, they will have done well for us. Aye well, the ledger is open; I will post the odds next week; but until then we shall watch, listen and sniff the breeze for those 'dainty' scents which will signal more disaster or an even chance. Think carefully before you place your bet; as TOM always says - "there are two ends to a plank". Particularly a political one.

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There - duty done, despite it being dull, boring and no fun whatsoever for a humble scribe. I oft wonder - are the mills of the gods actually grinding.

Well, I finished the new gate for a paddock - they wanted a replica of those old English five bar jobs - 3.3 meter span - 2.2 meters high. The 'post' 200mm x 200 mm - all hardwood; all hand made. Each piece hand planed and sized, hand sawn to length, each joint - 10 off 25mm thick/ 150mm tenon fitted to a drilled, chiselled mortise. Needed a tow truck to shift it. But, the things of beauty came from the Blacksmith - the hinges and pins on which to hang it. Each one a work of the blacksmiths art - hand forged, the simple elegance and integrity remarkable. Not too shabby from a retired Captain who learned his 'alter' skills six decades ago. Tomorrow, we shall (gods willing - weather permitting) hang that gate. Our 'Smith's' granddaughter to have the first swing on it. The old cat has just landed on my desk; the dogs are giving me 'the look'. Its a fine morning - (time fly's)  (Checklist) boots, smokes, lighter, jacket. Checks complete -  "Away then."

Selah .-. K.

(07-18-2021, 01:43 AM)Kharon Wrote:  [Image: sbg-18-07-21.jpg]

Dolittle's Delight and Dunuthin's legacy.

"Why, of course!" said Jip. "And those are only a few of the easy smells--the strong ones. Any mongrel could smell those with a cold in the head. Wait now, and I'll tell you some of the harder scents that are coming on this wind--a few of the dainty ones."

We are, just a little, like Doc Dolittle's mate 'Jip'. There seems to be some 'hard' scents on the Canberra breeze - and a few of the 'dainty' ones. (Collective groan) - the fool is rambling again. Not so. Not only a keen sense of smell, but good ears also needed to catch the 'whispers' on that same breeze. 

Of course, one absolutely checks the wind sock - for small directional shifts indicate which breeze carries the information. But, enough metaphor - brass tacks needed, for the fate of the aviation is finely so finely balanced at this moment, that even the lightest kiss of an errant zephyr could send it - into the abyss of no meaningful recovery; Helter-skelter. 

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“Enter RUMOUR, painted full of tongues." ― William Shakespeare, Henry IV, Part 2

Much to consider; lets take a sniff at the political wind first. To do this, a little memory is needed. We need to think back to Tamworth 2016; those who were there will remember that two politicians were present - B. Joyce Esq and Darren 6Gs. Aye, not much love lost there; however, Chester was late and Joyce took the kick off at the 'closed' session; part way into the first round Chester and his dubious 'adviser' (MTF on that) turned up. Now then, Joyce was 'engaged' and had the sit down well in hand, was shown and showed some respect and courtesy. Then Chester blundered in, broke the mood and turned a crew Joyce had 'in hand' hostile. The rest in the AOPA archives.

[Image: r0_0_2071_1270_w1200_h678_fmax-1.jpg]

“No other evil we know is faster than Rumor, thriving on speed and becoming stronger by running. Small and timid at first, then borne on a light air, she flits over ground while hiding her head on a cloud-top.” ― Virgil, The Aeneid

Compare the response and time McCormack gifted the next event in Wagga in 2018. In 2016 Joyce stayed the course, interested, involved and attentive. In 2018 our WWWWW Village idiot breezed in; took the first turn on the microphone and then buggered off to lunch with his advisers 'mates' of the RAAA and RAoz. McDonaught was 'inspired' by RAoz outfits - like SOAR, led by his 'adviser's RAAA cronies and; thereafter, danced to whatever tune the 'Sharp' boys at RAAA were playing; a merry jig no doubt.

[Image: michael_mccormack_web.jpg]

“Reader, suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself.” ― Mark Twain

Well, Joyce is back (hallelujah). He may not have all the time in the world to 'worry' about aviation - but (big BUT) if he has a mind to 'sort it' the orders will be direct without wriggle room. BUT - does 'he' need to sort it? Well children, that is the big question. The BRB reckon he must - on a political basis - no option. Take a read of the P2 offering - HERE - . Labor need to score - Sen. Sterle has many irons in the aviation fire and the questions asked remain valid and unanswered to this day. Particularly those related to CASA using the recommendations of a Senate Inquiry and those presented by the good Rev. Forsyth. The DoIT and CASA have used those for 'tissue paper' (modified version).

Ref: Angel Flight Timeline of Embuggerance

“The heaviest penalty for declining to rule is to be ruled by someone inferior to yourself.” ― Plato, The Republic

Then, Joyce must be starting to have a concern that the McDolittle two year inquiry has ground to a very pregnant pause. Why? Valid question that one. A question which raises many others. For example - QoN 1; did McDonaught put the on brakes  based on advice from his 'mate' the adviser and his RAAA road show crew? QoN 2 Was the support for the RAoz lobby and philosophy so seductive to McDonaught that the rest of GA was to be simply 'starved' out through development? QoN 3 How much 'influence' did developers have in the decisions regarding the signing of the 'Master plans for our secondary airports?  All political cannon ammunition for the 'opposition' to use - and they will - if steps are not taken to resolve the buggers muddle McCormack left behind as a legacy for Joyce to deal with.

[Image: Showbag-Sticker-300x225.png]

[Image: YMMB-1-1024x576-1.jpg]

“Too bad that all the people who know how to run the country are busy driving taxicabs and cutting hair.” ― George Burns

Politics once again, brings us back to the McDonald 'inquiry'. The abject flop; the con that raised hopes and got juices flowing then fizzled out? That report is due fairly soon; the ridiculous two year time frame clock is ticking. It also has several valid 'head-scratchers'. For instance was the Spence appointment a deal done? If so by who and why? We shall never know; however, it seems (on short acquaintance) to be a good thing. Time will tell; but I'm even almost tempted to shorten the odds on Spence becoming a 'star' DAS - the auguries are good; but the coven still exists. Perhaps, maybe, we hope that (for example) the government Competition Principals Agreement (5)  may (maybe) be applied to say - Part 149. The BRB have for a long, long while now held firmly to the belief that CASA have simply ignored this and been guilty of capturing not only 'project management' but providing a thing like SOAR (ex minister's 'inspiration') to gain an unfair advantage - private pilot medicals being a prime example.

[Image: raaus_hq1.jpg]

"The world isn't fair, Calvin."
"I know Dad, but why isn't it ever unfair in my favor?” ― Bill Watterson, The Essential Calvin and Hobbes: A Calvin and Hobbes Treasury

Dry as dust all of this - 'tis but my poor attempt to clarify a Bookie's thinking; there are some first class minds working hard to return balance and sanity to government thinking on how best to mange aviation; so it can meet the promise it holds to become, once again, a thing of national pride. So its serious. If, IF Joyce, Spence and McDolittle can even start to reduce the intolerable burdens CASA forced onto industry; begin to bring our Airspace management back to reality and cost effectiveness, turn the ATSB back into a honest reporter, free of the MoU; then, they will have done well for us. Aye well, the ledger is open; I will post the odds next week; but until then we shall watch, listen and sniff the breeze for those 'dainty' scents which will signal more disaster or an even chance. Think carefully before you place your bet; as TOM always says - "there are two ends to a plank". Particularly a political one.

[Image: quote-in-case-of-dissension-never-dare-t...-10-79.jpg]

There - duty done, despite it being dull, boring and no fun whatsoever for a humble scribe. I oft wonder - are the mills of the gods actually grinding.

Well, I finished the new gate for a paddock - they wanted a replica of those old English five bar jobs - 3.3 meter span - 2.2 meters high. The 'post' 200mm x 200 mm - all hardwood; all hand made. Each piece hand planed and sized, hand sawn to length, each joint - 10 off 25mm thick/ 150mm tenon fitted to a drilled, chiselled mortise. Needed a tow truck to shift it. But, the things of beauty came from the Blacksmith - the hinges and pins on which to hang it. Each one a work of the blacksmiths art - hand forged, the simple elegance and integrity remarkable. Not too shabby from a retired Captain who learned his 'alter' skills six decades ago. Tomorrow, we shall (gods willing - weather permitting) hang that gate. Our 'Smith's' granddaughter to have the first swing on it. The old cat has just landed on my desk; the dogs are giving me 'the look'. Its a fine morning - (time fly's)  (Checklist) boots, smokes, lighter, jacket. Checks complete -  "Away then."

Selah .-. K.


Via FB:

Sandy Reith 

One would have to wonder if our government will ever see that the lack of rational policies for General Aviation has been a disaster and is not sustainable.

Parliament’s abrogation of responsibility for the whole aviation area by divorcing CASA, ATSB and AirServices away from Ministerial control, creating then allowing these independent monopoly corporations to look after themselves, cannot, and will not work in the National interest.

Rule by experts has always failed and is an anathema to our democracy. After all why vote for representatives if they are not responsible for the actual governance?

Time for change.


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