As another one bites dust, the credibility of the Unspeakable Prune sinks lower as a reputable voice for industry and passengers alike. The quote below is from the Air_Asia incident thread; one of many similar offerings, an honest opinion, provided for discussion but rubbed out, lest it not fit the approved template.
HarryMan… “what the hecks going on with these mods lately, duh!
Trumped up wasters that hate relevant considered information from aero engineers.
think I’m off after several years and 600 posts, don’t like idiots wasting my time.”
I had, until the MH 370 event not become too involved with the heavy duty traffic forums; plenty of folk there to provide interesting, animated discussion on major incidents; besides plenty of food for thought ‘at home’. But when you get down to analysing exactly what the UP has become, it’s disappointing. The Australian threads are truly dominated by the AFAP (CASA chapter) and departmental ‘party line’. Angel Flight is still a void, not discussed; not since Far-Q-hardson completely lost his temper over it. Well, if he won’t resign, there are other options. AF becomes a contest of will, not a bland statement made in the press. The Black hats are cranky, the GWM under threat and the White hats are starting to grow a set. All of this to play for and yet no one on the UP board dare mention it. Why? Oh-Since PAIN unanimously voted not to trade on the UP board, there has been a steady increase in the number of known trolls and; even worse, the disgusting ‘comment-commentators’ creeping back onto the logged in list; not posting, just parked. Waiting for a hapless victim to wander within their clutches, before scuttling out and savaging their prey. It’s a sad thing to see; but it’s even sadder to see form, content, style, flavour and humour ruthlessly and remorselessly culled, to pave the way for the wittering’s of faceless, grey, hollow men.
No matter;..
….. Aunty Pru does not want, need nor feed from the Cornucopia of corporate or departmental double speak. Now I wonder; did those clever fellahin who wrote the Magna Carta and the Declaration of Independence get it right? Dunno – but I’ll defend their right to write ’em. Advertisers need not apply.
