Another dot emerges from the Unspeakable Prune picture as a further 24 hours roll by and despite the wide publication of what is ‘good news’ for Angel Flight, nary a word has been published on the UP website. The silence reflects the type of comment being attracted and the topics favoured by those who sit around the shredder tidy bin.
Angel Flight, a few months ago was gone, gone for all money. Even the most determined campaign to allow the operation to continue was doomed to fail under the McComic regime. It is a remarkable, if subtle change of ‘focus’ for the Sleepy Hollow crew to even consider taking their large boot off the victims neck. Too early to cheer just yet, but we can hope that the influence of the new director is beginning to emerge from under the dark shadow of the Iron ring. Well done Angel flight and all concerned; well done indeed...…..…….