“My my, what a day” reads the first line on a text from Karen. Says much for the lady that even “pooped” she can find the patience and time to let us know how she is and what is happening. Thanks Kaz.
I’ll paraphrase the text; in short it all looks pretty good, there are still another nervous 21 days to endure while the insurers decide whether to appeal or stump up.
The lady goes on to say she is tired and will rest now for a while. Aye, sleep well.
What can we say, Bravo, well done the legal team, well done the law and well done those who must make decisions on that law. The ABC and the Four Corners crew deserve special thanks as does the Senate committee and all those who contributed to the Pel-Air inquiry. There are many more to bless, like other flight nurses who have unstintingly been there; folks from all walks of life, to numerous to mention. I am instructed to say thank you to those on these boards who walked through the journey with Karen; “champions all” she declares. – Aw shucks Ma’am, weren’t nuthin’ worth the mentioning.
What a ride, what a long gruelling struggle to get to a starting point. A bravery award for her part in keeping Bernie Curral afloat and alive after the event is merited; but the truly heroic part in all of this has been Karen’s courage and determination to see the thing through to end, despite enough physical and mental hardship to send most scurrying home to Mum, or the nut house. No doubt those who prolonged the agony will be called on by Karma in due course.
Bravo Ziggy, bravo, well done indeed.
May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
the rains fall soft upon your fields
and until we meet again,
may God hold you in the palm of His hand.