Following on from the #P9 piece: Who-dunnit and why. I too have contributed to Ben’s blog here & here:
Your comment is awaiting moderation. Upon reflection the ATSB report not only neglects to mention the near fuel exhaustion of VH-NGA but also the still outstanding report on an incident that had the potential to be the worst aviation disaster of a VH registered aircraft on our shores: This incident also caused much consternation in Senate Estimates but as described by Mr Greg Hood Executive General Manager AirServices Australia in the following video the major safety issues were, once again, obfuscated and discussed by the various DIPs behind closed doors:
That may all be well & good and the safety risk mitigation action maybe happening but – for all we know (industry & travelling public)- this maybe yet another case where a very significant (some would say critical) safety issue remains outstanding and not addressed for yet another decade or two.
No to labour the point but you can refer to the – yet to be completed – ATSB investigation into the Mildura fog incident here: From that it gets somewhat confusing because along with the prelim report there is an interim report which carries this message:
Safety action
As a result of its developing understanding of the occurrence, the ATSB has commenced the following safety action: Safety forum regarding the provision of operational information The ATSB is planning to convene a safety forum in respect of the provision of operational information to the flight crews in this occurrence, and more generally. This forum is planned to include representatives from the Civil Aviation Safety Authority, Airservices Australia, the Bureau of Meteorology, the operators of VH-YIR and VH-VYK, and other relevant parties. Reliability of aviation weather forecasts As a result of this and other occurrences involving observed but not forecast weather, the ATSB has commenced research investigation AR-2013-200 Reliability of aviation weather forecasts. This investigation will analyse Bureau of Meteorology data across Australian airports, with a focus on those supporting regular public transport operations, and is subject to the availability of long-term data holdings of aviation forecasts and observations. The investigation is continuing and will:
- examine the accuracy of aviation meteorological products in Australia
- examine the procedures used to provide information to flight crews from air traffic services and management of changes to those procedures
- examine the provision by the operators of information to the respective flight crews
- examine the relevant recorded data
- review the distribution, dissemination and sharing of operational information to the aviation industry as stipulated by the Civil Aviation Safety Authority, and enacted by Airservices Australia and the Bureau of Meteorology.
The final report is anticipated for release to the public by June 2014.
So WTF happened at a) the Mildura LOVE-IN &; b) the Final Report? This is not an isolated case where the bureau exec team have seemingly obfuscated their obligations to the TSI Act or Annex 13. The significant safety issue as highlighted above in any other responsible State signatory to ICAO would have automatically necessitated the notification of a Safety Recommendation to help facilitate the safety risk mitigation ASAP. However in Australia – & under the Dolan politically correct, beyond all sensible Reason model (BASR) – apparently it is acceptable to allow this SSI to remain outstanding for potentially time immemorial… 🙁 Handing over to P9….your ship Captain I’ll be back… 😳