It has been an interesting exercise playing at nurse maid for the fledgling Aunty Pru. But from hatching to first solo flight, she has proven to be a bonny, robust, happy, cooperative charge and, barring accidents should continue to thrive.
For the other ‘Mods’ and myself, the statistics have been both fascination and nightmare. When the numbers all read zero and the kick off whistle blows it’s game on, for real. Been a hoot so far and the dreaded numbers have thus far been kind. We have not included the PAIN association membership, this was seen as ‘loading the bases’. AP must learn to fly alone was the stern edict.
Importantly, membership (registered users) grows daily, we cannot welcome each individual who is good enough to register, time being a premium. We thought to put an automated ‘welcome’ response out, but that was outvoted, not AP style; same as those trite little ‘birthday’ greetings; Yuk.
I digress; we must thank and acknowledge the many guests from overseas who form a large part of the AP readership. It is a pleasure to look at the ‘numbers’ each morning and see visitors from as far a field Argentina, Alaska, USA, Britain, Spain, France, Germany, Sweden, Norway, Russian Federation, Japan, Malaysia and another 20 or so countries, even Israel and a couple of other ‘exotic’ locations pop up once in a while. Of course, amongst a bunch of pilots, nearly every location and place has a tale attached; this has promoted some great story telling -.
Anyway – Aunty Pru is here to stay; that’s official. For those interested in such things; here are some of the stats which have ensured AP survival.
From the ‘Blog’ – 10,000 visits since day one: 41, 000 hits.
From the forum almost 30,000 views over the three month trial period.
Aunty Pru simply says thank you to her supporters and looks forward to maturing into a useful voice in matters aeronautical.