Submission 26 (SAAA -
) & 27 (Confidential - again..
26 Sports Aircraft Association of Australia (SAAA) (PDF 4682 KB)
27 Confidential
SAAA don't pull any punches -
, summary given by Oz Flying - HERE.

26 Sports Aircraft Association of Australia (SAAA) (PDF 4682 KB)
Quote:We suggest the following practical transition pathway commencing 31st January 2021:
1. Progressively convert all RAA Recreational Pilot Certificate (RPC) holders to a Part 61
Recreational Pilot Licence (RPL). Pick up the skill and knowledge differences as part of the
existing pilot Flight Review processes. Migration achieved within 2 years.
2. Either pathway the RAA flight schools to Part 141 (under which all other flight schools are required
to operate) or pathway the Part 141 schools to the RAA manual for private pilot licences – or find
some middle ground. Transition commenced by end 2021.
3. Progressively harmonise the pilot medical standards for all private pilots to those consistent with
the RAA manual on the occasion of next (annual) renewals. Migration achieved within 1 year.
4. Address the management of Flight Instructors as a consequence of point 2 above – the solution
is to use the Part 141 requirements / syllabus or RAA’s (or a mix) for flight Instructors but remove
the requirement to hold a CPL. Progressively harmonise all instructional rules to the same level
on the occasion of the next instructor authorisation renewals. Migration achieved within 2 years.
5. Progressively harmonise maintenance rules for aircraft used for private operations within 1 year
or on the occasion of the next condition inspection whichever occurs first. Migration achieved
within 1 year.
6. Progressively migrate all RAA registered (listed) aircraft as relevant to certified production VH or
experimental VH registered aircraft to the CASA registration scheme by 1st July 2021.
7. Ensure the Act cannot be subverted in the future by using “Un-registered Aircraft” as a class of
flying machine – follow other major jurisdictions, such as the US Federal Aviation Administration.
27 Confidential
SAAA don't pull any punches -
