A Gold Star Plug.

Oh my giddy Aunt, is there no end to the governments disrespect and contempt for the aviation industry?

(06-15-2021, 11:30 AM)Peetwo Wrote:  QE2 birthday GONG for St Carmodious??  Dodgy

Via EWH:

[Image: ken_broomhead_nqac1.jpg]
Ken Broomhead with a local flying instructor on a visit to North Queensland Aero Club (NQAC), where he learnt to fly in 1963. (NQAC / Facebook)

Queen's Birthday Honour for a Life in Aviation

Ken Broomhead has been awarded an OAM for services to aviation.


Former CASA Director of Aviation Safety and CEO Shane Carmody was today awarded a Public Service Medal (PSM) for "modernising air safety regulations and drone pilot licensing." Carmody took over as Acting DAS in 2016 and was the head of CASA full time from June 2017 to 31 December 2020.

From the former patron Saint of Aviation Safety that stated this bollocks... Dodgy

Plus this: 

[Image: SBG-2.jpg]

& this...

[Image: 53139501_1029222827270738_67664680742887...24x768.jpg]
Ref: https://auntypru.com/sbg-13-06-21-the-ti...lrus-said/

Yet another, Mick Mack supported, up yours from the Iron Ring and Can'tberra aviation safety bureaucracy  - UFB!!  Undecided

Addendum: Some industry comments so far... Rolleyes  



AOPA Australia invites aviation industry participants to post a comment detailing your thoughts regarding the awarding of the Public Service Medal to the former CASA Director of Aviation Safety, Mr Shane Carmody, for outstanding service to modernising air safety regulations.

[Image: 195840107_2239961109468135_6818110327464...e=60CEA857]

Pro Aviation

I had the dubious honour of first encountering Shane P Carmody in the mid 90s when he was deputy to Bruce Byron. He was devious then and misled a few ministers including the A.G. M. Dreyfus. I suppose blatant lies is to be expected from incompetence and if that is the basis for selection then I pity any well deserving recipients. As a burorat he is cunning. As to virtually killing off General Aviation, none better, in fact outstanding . Can only hope the tram network in CB is expanded soon !

Sandy Reith

Those of us that might be termed part of the General Aviation (GA) community can be forgiven for wondering who wrote, among other such erroneous statements, such as “rebuilding of industry confidence.”
Obviously the author has not one iota of knowledge about the sorry state of GA in Australia.

David Ian Grant

Modernising regulation???? surely that is a contradiction in terms.

Mark Noble

The medal just lost all meaning!!.

Over complicating regulation and making it illegible, YES!.
CASA regulation and safety don’t go together.

James Connolly

I was amazed when I read this in the newspaper, who on earth nominated him ? Makes a mockery out of the award.

Ian Carfrae

Seriously !! The clown destroyed aviation!

Eugene Butler

You're kidding right? April was 2 months ago!

I mean I had zero patience for CAsA to begin with but now.....just wow!

Justin RC

But it’s not April Fools?

Peter Phillips

Only in Australia will you see this level of corruption! Still you need to be a criminal to get recognised that's for sure!

Quote:Pro Aviation

Peter Phillips the penal colony alive and well, entry/exit by invitation only. Rum Corp now known as public servants, unelected masters of politicians.

The St Carmodious GONG has even stirred up commentary on the UP - see from HERE.

Quote:Lead Balloon

Folks outside ‘the bubble’ will have understandable difficulty in understanding that a mere PSM speaks volumes of the government’s assessment of the value of Mr Carmody’s contribution. Public servants were awarded PSMs for not finding MH370, because of their untiring efforts in organising other people to look for it, unsuccessfully, at the taxpayer’s expense.

It’s the public service equivalent of a Tenderfoot Badge in Scouts.

Mr Carmody’s primary ‘value’ to the government was his shameless claim, or at least his willingness not to refute the assertion, that he ‘completed’ the aviation regulatory reform program.

Although the regulatory reform program has effectively been abandoned while leaving a self-licking ice cream of impenetrable complexity in its wake, governments can now say it’s been ‘completed’.


Originally Posted by glenb [Image: viewpost.gif]

Quote:The CASA culture.

The vast majority in CASA from my own personal experience are well intentioned and professional, and you can’t ask for much more than that.

No organisation will work if you can’t get the staff sharing the vision of the management.

Uniquely for CASA they have a problem where the current leadership will never get the staff to share the vision, because the staff are well intentioned and professional.

They choose not to share the vision, and that’s indicated in the staff survey

The main problem with CASA, or dare I say the root cause of CASA’s issues is Aleck. It’s been that way for 3 decades. The one constant feature through 30 years of issues, Aleck. Of course, the Government really don’t care, because if they did he would’ve been gone a long long time ago. When you see wankers like Carmody rewarded by the Queen for decades of incompetence you soon see that there is no hope in reforming the ‘R’egulator. When it comes to reform nobody cares. Nobody wants to. Nobody knows how to. Nobody will.

Who knows, maybe Aleck is of the same ilk as Scotty from Marketing and he is into faith healing and he actually believes his legal hands are miraculously reforming the ‘R’egulator? He certainly speaks in tongues, sprouting legal wankery and Rhode Island language at every opportunity. It’s all the same, absolute manure.

MTF...P2  Tongue

 [Image: hitch_2020_kh.jpg]

The Last Minute Hitch: 2 July 2021

2 July 2021

– Steve Hitchen

G'day from isolation.
This week I ventured into the declared orange zone based on Victoria's COVID traffic light system, making my way to Canberra to meet up with RAAus CEO Matt Bouttell and new CASA Director of Aviation Safety Pip Spence. Hence I am at home isolating until this morning's COVID test is declared negative. With the weather shaping up the way it is for the weekend, it's not like I was planning to go flying anyway.

RAAus seems to be in pretty darn good hands with Matt Bouttell at the tiller. He has both the passion for aviation and the experience to understand where the organisation is now and where it needs to be in the future. Matt has been around large aviation organisations for most of his career. His CV includes Qantas, Airservices, Qantas, CASA and Qantas. There's some pretty tough work environments right there; work environments that will have provided excellent temper for Matt to make a good fist of guiding RAAus.

Quote:she has the mettle to do the things that are hard

Pip Spence is also well qualified to sit in the corner office at Aviation House. She's been around Canberra for long enough to understand exactly how it works and where all the back alleys lead to. But in Pip, CASA's people are in for something completely different: no person quite like Pip Spence has ever been handed the DAS role. Other than being the first female to hold down the job, Pip is also a much cruisier character on the surface than her predecessors. Not for her the stuffed-shirt approach to management, nor the greater-than-thou attitude overtly expressed by some who came before. She's open to people and open to ideas. Keep in mind, however, that people don't rise to positions of power in Canberra without being prepared to break a few eggs, and Pip Spence has dipped her toes into some of the toughest gigs a bureaucrat can be take on: NBN, Western Sydney Airport, Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet. That's pretty good preparation for the rigours of righting the CASA ship, and proof she has the mettle to do the things that are hard. I suspect behind the soft speak is definitely a big stick.

After me pondering the chances of Avalon going ahead in December last week, the air show program in Australian took two more slugs this week with the Brisbane Airshow being postponed to October and Ausfly canceled completely. I feel for the organisers more than anything. If you've need put your sweat into a major aviation event, it's a lot of hard work, hard decisions, pulling strings, filling forms and satisfying people. Too much to then have it all come to nothing. With the uncertainty surrounding public events in Australia, it's hard to ask people to commit themselves to a project that may not have a future. Although we're furrowing our brows at not being allowed to attend air shows, spend some time to think of the souls behind the scenes whose hours of effort have amounted to nothing.

Nominations for the 2021 CASA Wings Awards are now officially open! The online system is now functioning and ready for you to start your submissions. You have until 5 November to get them done, but our experience is that good nominations usually take a bit of time to formulate and submit, so starting work on 1 November is not really recommended. This year, we've set up the system so that all the questions must be answered. In 2020 we got some half-submissions that didn't really do justice to the quality of the nominee, so to give yourself the best chance of impressing the judging panel, make sure to read and address the criteria fully.

May your gauges always be in the green,


Also from EWH's latest Oz Flying editorial... Rolleyes

[Image: EWH-editorial.jpg]

MTF...P2 Tongue

[Image: hitch_2020_kh-1.jpg]

Sandy in reply to EWH -  Rolleyes

Via latest Oz Flying Air Mail: 

[Image: sandy-reith-1.jpg]
[Image: sandy-reith-2.jpg]
[Image: sandy-reith-3.jpg]
[Image: sandy-reith-4.jpg]

MTF... Tongue

EWH eats pork pie on BJ's RAP grants -  Rolleyes

Via Oz Flying:

 [Image: narrandera1.jpg]

Federal Government hands out $29.5 million for Regional Airports
28 July 2021
Comments 0 Comments

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development Barnaby Joyce today announced $29.5 million in grants for regional airports.

The funding is part of Round Two of the Regional Airports Program and will be spread across 89 projects around the country.

“For our regional communities, the local airport provides an essential link to the rest of Australia,”Joyce said.  

“That’s why we’ve committed $100 million over four years from 2019–20 to 2022–23 to help owners of regional airports right across Australia deliver upgrades to improve runway and taxiway pavements and install new lighting or fencing.

“These projects will improve the safety of aircraft, operators and passengers, the delivery of goods and services and better meet the operational requirements of aeromedical and other emergency services, including supporting bushfire preparedness."

Successful projects include:

  • $2.6 million for taxiway and drainage works, and new approach lighting at Albury, NSW

  • $2.175 million for a new taxiway and apron at Merimbula, NSW

  • $1.7 million for upgraded light infrastructure at Wagga Wagga, NSW

  • $1.1 million for construction of a sealed parallel taxiway and run-up bays at Naranderra-Leeton, NSW

  • $658,000 for sealing the runway ,taxiway and apron area, installation of aircraft monitoring and counting system and lighting at Swan Hill, Vic.

  • $610,000 for new runway and taxiway works at Murray Bridge, SA

  • $600,000 to reconstruct the runway at Hughes, NT.

The grant total announced today includes the four New England projects the minister announced last week.

Australian Airports Association (AAA) CEO James Goodwin said funding for regional airport infrastructure had never been so important.
“Regional airports were among the first hit and will be one of the last to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic with passenger numbers dropping more than 70% during the peak,” he said.  

“This investment from the Australian government not only ensures regional communities can continue to enjoy safe and efficient air transport, it also future proofs regional Australia for generations to come with infrastructure which drives economic growth and connectivity."

The full list of approved projects is on the Department of Infrastructure website.

MTF...P2  Tongue

EWH with this week's LMH: 

 [Image: hitch_2020_kh-1.jpg]

The Last Minute Hitch: 10 September 2021
10 September 2021

– Steve Hitchen

Senator Susan McDonald may as well start each hearing into the GA industry with the song I Got You Babe. The Sonny and Cher anthem starts each morning in the movie Ground Hog Day (1993) in which a weatherman is condemned to repeat the same day over and over again. The evidence being given at the senate hearings is starting to sound like the same thing over and over again, but unlike Bill Murray's character, this is not such a bad thing to endure. The consistent message coming through is that CASA is creating regulation that is not fit for purpose, and that what drives that is a poor culture and disconnection from the industry it is supposed to be regulating. The repetition is so reinforcing that there can be no doubt what the industry feedback is trying to say. At the hearing this week, the evidence given reprised the same themes. This time, Phil Hurst from the Aerial Application Association of Australia (AAAA), one of the country's most respected aviation associations, mixed it up a bit more by telling senators part of the problem was that the same people who turned out unworkable regulations were being tasked to fix them. He likened it to being asked to mark your own homework. It was part of Hurst's push to demand culture change at CASA; a mandatory exercise if any reform at all is to be achieved. Because without that reform, CASA is always going to be marking their own homework given that the markers are all entrenched in the culture as well. Consequently the same thing keeps happening: unworkable regulation, which brings us neatly back to Ground Hog Day.

Quote:that makes radio mandatory, which angried-up the glider pilots

Following the on-schedule implementation of Surveillance Flight Information Service (SFIS) at Ballina last month, a similar service due to go live at Mangalore this week didn't happen at all. Instead, CASA launched a review of the airspace; not a common occurence for an airport that has no RPT and no tower. Right now I am asking myself what this review is going to reveal. It will show that Mangalore is a busy training airport in an area of heavy sport and recreational traffic situated at an aviation pinch-point that is difficult for through traffic to avoid if the weather over the ranges is unsuitable. Mountains to the east, prohibited airspace to the west; Mangalore is the only safe way through. Airservices thought SFIS was the answer, but that makes radio mandatory, which angried-up the glider pilots that use the region as their playground. Spies keep telling me that consultation didn't go so well, which has delayed the SFIS date and prodded CASA into the review. But what can it change? One thing that would go a long way to easing congestion would be to remove or relocate the VOR. The Melbourne region used to have VORs at places like Yarrowee, Cowes and Wonthaggi where training schools could go to practice VOR procedures. They're gone now, leaving Mangalore or Avalon as the most practical options, and even they have issues with booking slots. Most schools prefer Mangalore, which draws more traffic to the pinch-point. Airservices, CASA and the industry as a whole needs to address this issue and find a solution that results in less demand on that VOR. And for that matter, they could have a look at the need for VOR training full stop.

At a time when unleaded fuel is being introduced to general aviation, helicopter operators in the NT are agitating to have lead levels in avgas increased! Giving evidence to the senate inquiry this week, operators blamed 100LL for a spate of engine cylinder failures and recommended the industry standard revert to the 100/130 avgas that was the staple fuel before 100LL was introduced. The contention put forward is that the chemical make-up of 100LL has changed, which was the catalyst for the problem. Operators say that since they were able to source drum supply of 100/130, cylinder failures have all but disappeared. Apparently, it's about aromatics. Fuel companies introduced an additive that suppressed the odour of the lead in the fuel, but in the tropical zone, it seems to be acting as an agent for failure in helicopters. Operators in the temperate zones that burn the same fuel are not reporting incidents. Consequently, the problem is isolated to only one small sector of the industry, but given the importance of piston helicopters in tourism, mustering and airwork in the NT, it's a thorny problem that needs to be sorted and sorted quickly. Such a negative impact on safety is far too great just for the privilege of smelling a bit sweeter.

May your gauges always be in the green,


WTD? - EWH promos RAAA's WOFTAM CEO opinion on AFTIA?

Ref 20/20 thread post:

(09-13-2021, 08:40 PM)Peetwo Wrote:  RAAA - 19.1 Supplementary to submission 19

Picked up that the RRAT committee recently published the CEO of the RAAA supplementary submission (personal opinion piece) to the McDolittle WOFTAM inquiry... Rolleyes 

See here - 19.1 Supplementary to submission 19 (PDF 2366 KB) 


Quote:...On top of this, aircraft operating costs are only going higher as they age and fuel costs go even higher, renewing aircraft is not cheap and we have seen the lifespan of GA aircraft extending beyond 40+ years. Later on we talk about CASA, but whilst ongoing costs from regulations are a small percent age of total costs of running a GA business, regulatory changes have incurred significant costs to the industry which were not fully understood by CASA and we have another big change coming soon .

I believe too much focus has been placed on CASA by GA for the cause of their woes, I believe it is time for GA to look inward for some real self-reflect ion . Some GA businesses are built from  a passion or hobby, once upon a time this worked out ok, but with privatisation of airports, maintenance and fuel costs going up, our GA businesses needed to adapt. Rather than harking back to the 'good ol days' GA needs to be looking 5-10 years ahead, what will flying training look like, how will drones affect GA, how will technology change GA, should GA be looking to regional bases??

There are IMO some reasonable points and recommendations made. However I find it passing strange that this submission, written on behalf of some fairly high profile operators and airlines (eg Rex, Alliance), would appear to be the sole considered opinion of the new CEO of the RAAA Steven Campbell??

I also believe there is a weighted perception of a 'conflict of interest' that questions the independence and veracity of this individual to give unbiased, credible opinion to the RRAT committee??

Ref: https://www.linkedin.com/in/steven-campb...bdomain=au
Quote:Airservices Australia
Government Relations Manager
Company Name Airservices Australia Full-time
Dates Employed Feb 2020 – Jan 2021
Employment Duration 1 yr
Location Canberra, Australia

Deputy Prime Minister's Office
Senior Advisor - Aviation
Company Name Deputy Prime Minister's Office
Dates Employed May 2018 – Feb 2020
Employment Duration 1 yr 10 mos
Location Canberra, Australia
Civil Aviation Safety Authority

Senior Aviation Adviser-Office of the CEO
Company Name Civil Aviation Safety Authority
Dates Employed Oct 2017 – May 2018
Employment Duration 8 mos
Location Canberra, Australia

Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Cities and Regional Development
Company Name Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Cities and Regional Development
Total Duration 1 yr 8 mos
Title Special Aviation Adviser
Dates Employed Jul 2017 – Oct 2017
Employment Duration 4 mos
Location Canberra, Australia

Western Sydney Airport Division-Airspace and flight path design
Title Senior Advisor-Aviation
Dates Employed Mar 2016 – Jul 2017
Employment Duration 1 yr 5 mos
Location Canberra, Australia

Civil Aviation Safety Authority
Company Name Civil Aviation Safety Authority
Total Duration 2 yrs 8 mos
Title Manager, Part 61 taskforce, Part 141/142
Dates Employed Oct 2015 – Mar 2016
Employment Duration6 mos
Location Canberra, Australia

Manager of CASR Part 141/142 review team.
Title Standards Officer (Large aeroplanes)
Dates Employed Aug 2013 – Oct 2015
Employment Duration 2 yrs 3 mos
Providing policy guidance and regulation development for the CASR operations suite of regulations.

[Image: EKD0blqU0AEKa7r-1.jpg]

Despite the fact that the WOFTAM CEO of the RAAA has absolutely zero credibility (view CV above), with serious questions of COI in his current role, EWH has promoted this individual as some sort industry Guru whose opinion actually matters - WTD? Ref: http://www.australianflying.com.au/lates...initiative

Quote: [Image: rex_raaa2.jpg]

24 September 2021

The Regional Aviation Association of Australia (RAAA) is taking a cautious approach to the new flight training association that was announced last week.

The Australian Flight Training Industry Association (AFTIA) was formed in reaction to what some flight training organisations (FTO) believe is under-representation of the sector, a task the RAAA has proported to champion in the past.

RAAA CEO Steve Campbell said whilst he wished AFTIA all the best, many questions still needed to be answered.

"I welcome the new AFTIA initiative and agree that training in general deserves more of a focus," he told Australian Flying, "but we do need to understand more detail in AFTIA’s policy platform with their ideas on how they will make a difference for their potential members.

"I am personally not one for more associations in an already crowded space, so it would be interesting to hear how AFTIA believes they will be able to stand out in the crowd."

Campbell also pointed out that RAAA had several members who were FTOs and that the association had ongoing projects with Canberra and felt a co-operative effort was better than presenting a divided facade.

"The RAAA has already been working in this space of course with the Department of Infrastructure, focusing on key skill shortages in our industry and will be looking at bringing some of our members together, who are the largest training providers in Australia, to put forward solutions for future government consideration," he said.

"The RAAA also recently put in a submission to the general aviation senate inquiry calling on the government to produce the Future of Aviation paper, which will be key in understanding where the government’s focus will be in the short to medium term for aviation and in particular skills shortages.

"It would be more advantageous for us all to be putting our shoulders to the same wheel, but none the less I wish AFTIA the very best."

Several other advocates in the flight training sector have expressed similar sentiments to Campbell, but have preferred to remain off the record.

AFTIA has released some preliminary material and is believed to be in the process of producing a prospectus for potential members.

And to top it off (vomit -  Confused ) EWH follows up in this week's LMH with his OP on the matter??  Dodgy

Quote:The general aviation community's reaction to AFTIA has been varied but very forthright. The theme coming through to me is that everyone wishes the new association the best, but wants to see what emerges before they give it whole-hearted support. The audience gives a round of applause as the curtain goes up, but holds the standing ovation until they see how good the show actually is. With the flight training sector almost universally assessed as being under-represented for years you would think the GA community would show more enthusiasm, but that's being quelled slightly by concerns that published policies may be infected by self-interest. There's validity in that: it's a concern being aired about almost every association and advocacy group in the country, so it shouldn't surprise anyone that AFTIA is being subject to the same eyebrow-raising. However, there has been an obvious void in the flight training industry for many years: leadership. Not only in advocacy, but also in policy, promotion and development, there has been no association or any other entity that has helmed the industry. Despite the reservations expressed in the last week, the flight training industry is better off for having one banner for FTOs to unite behind.

MTF...P2  Tongue

WTD? - EWH promos RAAA's WOFTAM CEO opinion on AFTIA?

Ref 20/20 thread post:

(09-13-2021, 08:40 PM)Peetwo Wrote:  RAAA - 19.1 Supplementary to submission 19

Picked up that the RRAT committee recently published the CEO of the RAAA supplementary submission (personal opinion piece) to the McDolittle WOFTAM inquiry... Rolleyes 

See here - 19.1 Supplementary to submission 19 (PDF 2366 KB) 


Quote:...On top of this, aircraft operating costs are only going higher as they age and fuel costs go even higher, renewing aircraft is not cheap and we have seen the lifespan of GA aircraft extending beyond 40+ years. Later on we talk about CASA, but whilst ongoing costs from regulations are a small percent age of total costs of running a GA business, regulatory changes have incurred significant costs to the industry which were not fully understood by CASA and we have another big change coming soon .

I believe too much focus has been placed on CASA by GA for the cause of their woes, I believe it is time for GA to look inward for some real self-reflect ion . Some GA businesses are built from  a passion or hobby, once upon a time this worked out ok, but with privatisation of airports, maintenance and fuel costs going up, our GA businesses needed to adapt. Rather than harking back to the 'good ol days' GA needs to be looking 5-10 years ahead, what will flying training look like, how will drones affect GA, how will technology change GA, should GA be looking to regional bases??

There are IMO some reasonable points and recommendations made. However I find it passing strange that this submission, written on behalf of some fairly high profile operators and airlines (eg Rex, Alliance), would appear to be the sole considered opinion of the new CEO of the RAAA Steven Campbell??

I also believe there is a weighted perception of a 'conflict of interest' that questions the independence and veracity of this individual to give unbiased, credible opinion to the RRAT committee??

Ref: https://www.linkedin.com/in/steven-campb...bdomain=au
Quote:Airservices Australia
Government Relations Manager
Company Name Airservices Australia Full-time
Dates Employed Feb 2020 – Jan 2021
Employment Duration 1 yr
Location Canberra, Australia

Deputy Prime Minister's Office
Senior Advisor - Aviation
Company Name Deputy Prime Minister's Office
Dates Employed May 2018 – Feb 2020
Employment Duration 1 yr 10 mos
Location Canberra, Australia
Civil Aviation Safety Authority

Senior Aviation Adviser-Office of the CEO
Company Name Civil Aviation Safety Authority
Dates Employed Oct 2017 – May 2018
Employment Duration 8 mos
Location Canberra, Australia

Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Cities and Regional Development
Company Name Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Cities and Regional Development
Total Duration 1 yr 8 mos
Title Special Aviation Adviser
Dates Employed Jul 2017 – Oct 2017
Employment Duration 4 mos
Location Canberra, Australia

Western Sydney Airport Division-Airspace and flight path design
Title Senior Advisor-Aviation
Dates Employed Mar 2016 – Jul 2017
Employment Duration 1 yr 5 mos
Location Canberra, Australia

Civil Aviation Safety Authority
Company Name Civil Aviation Safety Authority
Total Duration 2 yrs 8 mos
Title Manager, Part 61 taskforce, Part 141/142
Dates Employed Oct 2015 – Mar 2016
Employment Duration6 mos
Location Canberra, Australia

Manager of CASR Part 141/142 review team.
Title Standards Officer (Large aeroplanes)
Dates Employed Aug 2013 – Oct 2015
Employment Duration 2 yrs 3 mos
Providing policy guidance and regulation development for the CASR operations suite of regulations.

[Image: EKD0blqU0AEKa7r-1.jpg]

Despite the fact that the WOFTAM CEO of the RAAA has absolutely zero credibility (view CV above), with serious questions of COI in his current role, EWH has promoted this individual as some sort industry Guru whose opinion actually matters - WTD? Ref: http://www.australianflying.com.au/lates...initiative

Quote: [Image: rex_raaa2.jpg]

24 September 2021

The Regional Aviation Association of Australia (RAAA) is taking a cautious approach to the new flight training association that was announced last week.

The Australian Flight Training Industry Association (AFTIA) was formed in reaction to what some flight training organisations (FTO) believe is under-representation of the sector, a task the RAAA has proported to champion in the past.

RAAA CEO Steve Campbell said whilst he wished AFTIA all the best, many questions still needed to be answered.

"I welcome the new AFTIA initiative and agree that training in general deserves more of a focus," he told Australian Flying, "but we do need to understand more detail in AFTIA’s policy platform with their ideas on how they will make a difference for their potential members.

"I am personally not one for more associations in an already crowded space, so it would be interesting to hear how AFTIA believes they will be able to stand out in the crowd."

Campbell also pointed out that RAAA had several members who were FTOs and that the association had ongoing projects with Canberra and felt a co-operative effort was better than presenting a divided facade.

"The RAAA has already been working in this space of course with the Department of Infrastructure, focusing on key skill shortages in our industry and will be looking at bringing some of our members together, who are the largest training providers in Australia, to put forward solutions for future government consideration," he said.

"The RAAA also recently put in a submission to the general aviation senate inquiry calling on the government to produce the Future of Aviation paper, which will be key in understanding where the government’s focus will be in the short to medium term for aviation and in particular skills shortages.

"It would be more advantageous for us all to be putting our shoulders to the same wheel, but none the less I wish AFTIA the very best."

Several other advocates in the flight training sector have expressed similar sentiments to Campbell, but have preferred to remain off the record.

AFTIA has released some preliminary material and is believed to be in the process of producing a prospectus for potential members.

And to top it off (vomit -  Confused ) EWH follows up in this week's LMH with his OP on the matter??  Dodgy

Quote:The general aviation community's reaction to AFTIA has been varied but very forthright. The theme coming through to me is that everyone wishes the new association the best, but wants to see what emerges before they give it whole-hearted support. The audience gives a round of applause as the curtain goes up, but holds the standing ovation until they see how good the show actually is. With the flight training sector almost universally assessed as being under-represented for years you would think the GA community would show more enthusiasm, but that's being quelled slightly by concerns that published policies may be infected by self-interest. There's validity in that: it's a concern being aired about almost every association and advocacy group in the country, so it shouldn't surprise anyone that AFTIA is being subject to the same eyebrow-raising. However, there has been an obvious void in the flight training industry for many years: leadership. Not only in advocacy, but also in policy, promotion and development, there has been no association or any other entity that has helmed the industry. Despite the reservations expressed in the last week, the flight training industry is better off for having one banner for FTOs to unite behind.

MTF...P2  Tongue

I used to keep crayfish, lobster if you like, in an aerated and refrigerated tank to sell from my airport shop. If there were too many crays in the tank, or the water temperature was too high then the crays would start to eat each other.

And so it is in parts of General Aviation which has been artificially separated with some areas administered by monopoly corporations, like RAAUS and the GFA, which automatically creates competition, inefficiencies and unnecessary expenses. All of the making by CASA and its employees who seem oblivious to the consequences of it’s failed policies and the regulatory mess that it has created.

Imagine the same set up on our roads. You’d have to buy membership from one RAAUS type corporate to drive a private car, another to drive truck and another a motorcycle and each variety with it’s own set of rules. Its hard to believe that otherwise intelligent people can support such a foolish way of regulating Australia’s aviation.

Mike Borgelt, for the Australian Chapter of the EAA, has an excellent RRAT submission which can be found on the Senate Committee website gives a clear exposition of the position and the reforms needed. In short, our regulations should be one graduated set, as in the most successful jurisdiction for GA, that of the USA, administered by a Department under a responsible Minister which is the correct and only proven method.

Chameleons and suchlike.

P2 - "Despite the fact that the WOFTAM CEO of the RAAA has absolutely zero credibility (view CV above), with serious questions of COI in his current role, EWH has promoted this individual as some sort industry Guru whose opinion actually matters - WTD?"

IMO - It is surprising (to say the least) that the wise heads of the RAAA have been seduced by such a meretricious, chameleon like creature. Perhaps they believe that the credentials presented and the 'access' to political ears on offer is without some very real, shall we say 'limitations'. 'Due diligence' is a requirement of those who are 'in-charge' of organisations which have the capacity to affect the lives and well being of their membership and close associates; those who pay the fees which support the organisation. One must hope that this has been executed and a careful assessment of the supposed benefits against the realities of alleged influence have been weighed and measured. Time will tell; my Tote is open: two boards; one for time, one for the 'effect'(result) - if you will.

Aunt Pru is not without connections and will keep a delicate finger on the pulse. MTF is a racing certainty. 

With regard to the EWH - there is a serious call from within the membership to end support for the AFM and close the portal. Fearless Phelan was a legend and a benchmark for 'in-depth' accurate analysis; Ben Sandilands a (much missed) friend and endless supply of aviation savvy scribbles. EWH continues to fall somewhat short of their veracity, tenacity or comprehension of 'the way things are'. Anyway, the next BRB is a way off yet; but no doubt it will be discussed. MTF.

Toot - FWIW - toot..

A CASA captured EWH dishonour's Phelan's legacy? 

Reference this week's LMH: http://www.australianflying.com.au/the-l...tober-2021

Quote:The senate Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport (RRAT) committee inquiry into general aviation now has less than eight weeks to table their final report. The terms of the inquiry demand the final report by the last parlimentary sitting day in November 2021. By the current calendar, that makes the report due no later than 30 November. But will we get it? The obligation to submit an interim report by December 2020 was fulfilled with a one-pager that effectively said that not enough work had been done to submit an interim report. COVID had killed meaningful progress. Ten months later there has been some progress, but not as much as was planned. Successful hearings were held in January and September via video link, but seven others planned for September didn't happen. With only 63 submissions, the senate committee must once again be evaluating whether or not enough work has been done. Right now, they're sticking to that 30 November date, but hedging their bets by saying they will leave open the option to extend. It revolves around how much work is considered enough. Personally, I don't believe the volume of work is as important as the quality of the material gathered. Consistent messages coming through the chatter are that GA is over-regulated and over-burdened by a safety authority that lacks the street cred to be trusted. That's a pretty harsh assessment, and not everyone will agree with it, but it's hard to deny that central theme. Whilst many other peripheral issues have been aired, most of them are derived in some way by the problems of regulation. Sort that out and I suspect many of GA's canker sores will also heal. If nothing else is said, it's worth tabling a report that just says that.

This EWH LMH paragraph has incensed Sandy... Rolleyes

Quote:Steve Hitchen, Australian Flying magazine. Quote:-

Quote:“Consistent messages coming through the chatter are that GA is over-regulated and over-burdened by a safety authority that lacks the street cred to be trusted. That's a pretty harsh assessment, and not everyone will agree ….”

“Not everyone will agree”? Correct statement but if you could find 1 in 100 CASA supporters from our GA community you’d be lucky.


Maybe Hitch doesn’t remember any of the submissions to the 2014 Forsyth inquiry or those of the latest Senate Committee RRAT inquiry.

By characterising the legitimate concerns of the GA community as “chatter,” this feels dismissive, at best, towards the thousands of aviators and aircraft engineers who have been trying for years to precipitate reform.

Did Hitch miss my 2016 petition of 2924 signatories?
They agreed with the request to Government to:-“Save Australia’s General Aviation from bureaucratic disaster.”

Accompanying those signatures are about 1000 comments, many detailed with factual information which clearly show the dysfunctional regulatory environment that GA has suffered from for many years.

I characterise Hitch’s statements as way off the beam and upsetting, particularly in the context that Paul Phelan’s legacy is not being honoured. Paul’s Australian Flying editorials were beacons of light and perspicacity, he saw clearly where overkill regulation was destroying General Aviation, and wasn’t afraid to say so. 

What about the real plight of those who are left in GA trying to make a living, or simply to enjoy flying, while burdened with ever more unworkable criminal code rules and swinging fees?  Or is that just chatter?


Perhaps the next paragraph gives an insight to why EWH appears to have such jaundiced and conflicted opinions on the subject matter of CASA relations and engagement with the GA industry:

Quote:It was during one of the video link sessions that Senator Susan McDonald said she wasn't in favour of demanding a review of CASA, preferring to let the new DAS Pip Spence and Chairman Mark Binskin have their own impacts on the regulator first. It seems that, for the time being, McDonald's stance has proven insightful. This week it was announced that Rob Walker was to be crowned new head of Regulatory Oversight and that former Acting DAS Graeme Crawford would continue his career outside the organisation. Current boss of Regulatory Oversight Craig Martin will also exit the building after handing the keys to his office to Rob Walker at the end of this month. Is this just shifting deckchairs? I don't believe so.  Walker is a reformist and a very capable one at that. Previous reformists at CASA have simply dashed themselves on the rocks of middle-management inertia, and I have to admit that I expected Walker would suffer a similar fate especially after he was overlooked for the DAS position. That the department most in need of change is being placed in the hands of someone with the motivation to change it is a good thing. It also signals to the aviation community that Spence is not afraid of reformists: good thing Number Two. But the future contains nothing in guarantees. Walker will be under immense pressure to straighten out regulatory oversight from the GA sector, under pressure from remaining inertia not to inflict change and under pressure from the government to keep aviation safety out of the headlines. But Walker has large shoulders, after all, he has been the person responsible for wrangling CASA's relationship with the aviation community for five years and still manages to crack a daily smile.

"Walker is a reformist and a very capable one at that.."

From what are you basing this assessment EWH? The guy has been the stakeholder engagement EM for over 5 years and what exactly has he achieved in that time in regards to reforming the CASA culture and/or improving the trust with all industry stakeholders, not just a 'select' few Alphabets?  Dodgy

MTF...P2  Tongue

It’s obvious what has been done; “someone” has gotten into Hitchens ear and planted the idea that things aren’t so bad and it’s only a few GA malcontents, etc.

Now who would want to push that line apart from CASA? The answer to that is simple. The big end of town. They absolutely luuuuuve regulations because it build a very effective economic barrier to entry against new competitors.

Watch what happens to the supposed “bonza “ airline when they try for an AOC. My guess is that CASA will put every road block they can think of in front of that operation with existing operators cheering CASA on from the sidelines. The best bit: even if Spence wanted to help, there is absolutely nothing she could do to facilitate anything.

Perhaps Hitchen doesn’t want to wind up on CASA’s persona non grata list.
I suppose we’ve known for many years that there are those of us who wouldn’t be getting invitations to the regular CASA budget time ‘who’s getting the biggest salary rise’ party.
But it has come as a surprise that on CASA’s Facebook page there’s notice that some are banned from commenting. I am one of those, so I have asked my federal MP Dan Tehan to obtain that list and have it updated regularly.

Not surprised Sandy, CASA have been active in the "Cancel Culture" for decades, probably a founding member.
Cancel a pilots licence here, cancel a business there, all in a days work. Cancel inquiries, cancel coroners, cancel the Senate, cancel anything that threatens their hegemony and gravy train.

KAH catching up Rolleyes

Via the Yaffa:

 [Image: ga_a36p2102.jpg]

Department of Infrastructure publishes GAAN Strategy

20 October 2021

The Department of Infrastructure and Transport has published a key strategy paper that it has kept under wraps for nearly 12 months.

Minister for Infrastructure and Transport Barnaby Joyce's key GA think-tank, the General Aviation Advisory Network (GAAN), created the strategy for the recovery and future of GA in November 2020, but other than a few details submitted to the Future of Australia's Aviation Sector Issues Paper, the contents of the strategy have remained largely confidential as it formed advice given to the minister.

The strategy, now public via the department's website, outlines GAAN's vision for GA and contains eight strategic initiatives, providing issues, solutions and actions for each one.

GAAN's vision for the future is: 
A critical aviation sector contributing to the national economy, job creation and the well-being of communities, strengthened by government policies and cooperative regulation underpinned by deep engagement with industry, that is fair, risk-based, responsive to cost and innovation and which promotes the value of the sector.

"In order to attain this vision, the unique characteristics of the General Aviation sector are examined, identifying wide diversity, limited political influence, high sensitivity to market influences, over-regulation and lack of incentives to investment," the strategy paper states.

"The extensive economic, environmental and social benefits to the Australian economy have been listed with a view to further study and analysis.

"Nevertheless, it is clear from the listing provided that General Aviation is an over-achiever in terms of national contribution, yet too often ill-considered in national policy formulation and related settings."

The eight initiatives are the result of condensing the 10-point plan submitted to the 
Future of Australia's Aviation Sector Issues Paper and were presented to the minister for practical consideration. The initatives cover:

  • economic review of the GA sector
  • a world-class regulatory environment for GA
  • review of the Civil Aviation Act 1988
  • training pathways to ensure the ongoing availability of skills and competencies
  • airports and infrastructure facilities and policy
  • airspace for GA operations
  • aviation design, manufacture and export
  • early adoption of technology and a facilitation process.

The strategy paper sets out a definition of general aviation that somewhat controversially includes low-capacity charter, which CASA removed from the regulatory definition in 2014 to bring it in line with EASA.

Among the actions recommended in the strategy are:

  • identify and quantify the size of the GA industry in Australia including support services
  • review classifications of operations in line with risk profiles
  • establish an independent review of the Civil Aviation Act 1988
  • provide funding and recognition for CASA-authorised technical training schools
  • holistically review Parts 61, 141 and 142 competencies
  • review the independent review criteria for assessing airport development proposals
  • develop a bold and innovative approach to revitalise regional airports
  • initiate a review of the Australian strategic airspace model
  • ensure Western Sydney Airport airspace architecture accommodates the needs of all of Sydney Airport, Western Sydney Airport, Bankstown and Camden
  • harmonise regulations and practices for the design, certification, manufacture and export of Australian aeronautical products.

"A healthy, innovative and well-regulated GA sector is fundamental to the Australian national interest," the GAAN states in the strategy.

"General aviation does not exist as an end in itself, but rather serves a variety of downstream purposes including rural and regional freight and transport, community safety, tourism, recreation, training and education; as well as executive and specialist mobility for primary and secondary industries, along with many others.

"The national and local economies, job creation and communities–both rural and city–benefit from the facilitating and services roles played by general aviation.

"To maintain the benefits of a safe and viable general aviation sector, a strategic plan is needed that establishes a long-term vision and identifies initiatives that can be taken to secure the sector’s viability. The GAAN recognises that these necessarily extend to economic considerations, across the whole industry.

"There is also much to do to improve the effectiveness of safety regulations and the efficiency of the regulator and while they are not the only imperatives, they are critical to the sector’s long term success."

The full GAAN strategy is available on the Department of Infrastructure and Transport website.

Who are the GAAN Members?

Andrew Andersen (Chair)
Catherine Fitzsimons – Ward Air
Marguerite Morgan – GippsAero
Phil Hurst – Aerial Application Association of Australia
Michael Monck – Recreational Aviation Australia
Peter Gash – Seair Pacific
Phillip Reiss – Yowie Bay Pty Ltd
Paul Tyrrell – Australian Helicopter Industry Association
Grahame Hill – Airsport Australia Confederation
Reece Clothier – Australian Association for Unmanned Systems
David Bell – Australian Business Aviation Association
Marc De Stoop – Falconair

MTF...P2  Tongue

GAAN Strategy - a solid workmanlike job, similar to some I’ve seen before.

The pity is that it will never be implemented for the simple reason that the Coalition is unlikely to win the next election.

The new minister is not bound by the actions of the previous government and can dismantle GAAN and ignore its work if she chooses.

Then there is “The Greens.” factor…. These folk may hold the balance of power and if they do, the likelihood of them approving any plan to increase the size of a sector relying on internal combustion engines that burn fossil fuel, make noise and are very expensive is zero.

EWH with LMH, via the Yaffa:

Quote: [Image: hitch_2020_kh.jpg]

The Last Minute Hitch: 19 November 2021

19 November 2021

– Steve Hitchen

You heard it here first: CASA is working on a new Class 5 medical status, which hints at PPLs being able to fly VH-registered aircraft on a self-declared medical. A technical working group has the matter in hand, and I expect we'll see something go out for public consultation sometime next year. We should applaud now, but hold the standing ovation until we see exactly what CASA releases. Both the UK and the USA have had self-certification for a number of years, and in neither case has it resulted in an increase in aeroplanes dropping out of the sky. However, this is not likely to be a simple wiping-out of the Class 2 medical; it will come with conditions. The USA's BasicMED, for example, limits self-certification to aircraft certified for no more than five passengers and aircraft below 2721 kg MTOW. Curiously, the pilot must also maintain a driver's licence. So we can expect that CASA will probably apply restrictions to Class 5; they will likely limit it by weight and could ban Class 5s from CTA. But all this is second-guessing before the first-guessing has been done. The TWG still needs to thrash through the issue and present CASA with a solution that is not only acceptable to the GA community, but also is practical and brings about the results we all want: lower costs and less red tape.

Quote:"RAAus has expressed disappointment; AOPA has gone troppo"

Ben Morgan has teed-off at CASA over what he sees as an apparent reluctance to engage on some reforms, accusing them of playing games over the self-certified medical, and the increase in MTOW expected to be handed to RAAus in early December. It's not so much the new 760-kg limits that is the problem, but a permissible increase is stall speed that didn't happen. When the amendments to CAO 95.55 come outnecessary because the TWG torpedoed CASR Part 135it will demand a 45-knot maximum stall speed. RAAus has expressed disappointment; AOPA has gone troppo. But the reality is that an increase in the maximum stall speed is very likely to happen ... it just should have happened in conjunction with the MTOW increase. CASA's processes managed to split the issues when they are actually tied very tightly, resulting in blood letting because people in the community have rightly inferred that one was being implemented without the other. And that includes me. CASA has not backed away at any time from its position that an increase in the maximum stall speed is a major leap for RAAus, and not one CASA was going to allow without a lot of due diligence being done. Now that the MOS for Part 135 is back on the Etch-a-Sketch, it is hoped the TWGs will work out how to grant a higher stall speed and fold it into the new MOS.

The RRAT committee's inquiry into the general aviation industry has rescheduled its final report day to 17 March 2022. The initial date was supposed to be 30 November, but COVID hampered the inquiry to the point that two years' research produced about two weeks' work. The extension buys the senate committee another four months, but still the amount of activity done is nothing to write home about. In late October we wrote that the committee would be holding more public hearings in November, but the inquiry webpage shows that approximately nothing happened. So, is four more months enough for them to get this right? Figure at least one month to come up with some recommendations and compile the report and we're left with three months. For the report to have the integrity level that the GA community needs it to have, Senator Macdonald and her team are going to have to knuckle down ... as are we if we get called to the plate. Why is this so important? A few weeks ago I hinted that there seems to be a changing wind blowing from the House of Representatives towards Aviation House. Word has reached me that our regulator is starting to hear the windchimes and see the vanes turning. We could be on the verge of serious reforms, and an accurate, concise, well-structured senate report could be the catalyst that sets it all off. I am getting the idea that if the senate inquiry wasn't already underway then Barnaby Joyce would be demanding one by now.

This time next week I will be on the road somewhere between home and Wings over Illawarra. As a side-effect of that, you'll be getting your weekly e-News on Thursday instead. I am pretty excited about WOI because it holds more significance this year than any year before this. Not only is it the prime celebration of the RAAF's centenary, it also marks the emergence of the general aviation calendar from COVID hibernation. There are plenty of expectations of WOI, but the organisers, Bright Events, have a reputation of delivering plenty. Don't forget if you're camping up there this year to look out for the Bose seminar on the Saturday night and grab your chance to win a Bose A20 noise-canceling headset. I won't be there myself, but will be out and around the show on both the Saturday and the Sunday.

May your gauges always be in the green,


MTF...P2  Tongue

Sandy's disgust at EWH's Class 5 medical scoopShy 

Via the AP email chains:

Quote:I’ve commented via the AP on Hitchen’s gloating revelation, “you heard it here first”, about a proposed Class 5 medical and I’m laying blame at the Minister’s door for such communication and it’s content. 

Possibly unfairly in the immediate sense but in the broad picture he is responsible, if and unless the Westminster system doesn’t apply these days. 

It certainly is looking that way if ‘independent’ Commonwealth corporations such as CASA can play merry hell and get away with it, as it has for the 33 years of it’s existence. 

Otherwise it seems like some discontent in CASA has taken it upon themselves to propagate this idea of a medical standard reform, something that’s been a screaming no brainer for years, but giving it a silly name. To call this new one a ‘Class 5’ is preposterous. It should be, at minimum, known as the Basic Class 2 (amended).  

The uninitiated might ask why? Because our ever 
more unusual and unique Australian regulatory inventions serve to confuse and baffle the GA community, quite apart from bringing us into further ridicule and disrepute internationally. We are supposed to be integrating in the connected, but uncertain, world. AUKUS and our security being strong new factors that should cause us to parallel with our allies, especially when their aviation regulatory environments are demonstrably superior. 

Let’s presume this was a rogue employee bent on embarrassing the CEO and DPM, then that person or persons responsible should be discovered and publicly reprimanded. Between them the Minister and Ms. Spence are paid well in excess of $1,000,000 pa to be in charge, surely they were not complicit in this underhanded information leak? 

We should have explanations; why Hitchen? Why not proper channels? and we should be informed of remedial action. 

If it doesn’t happen pretty smartly then we’ll question whether the Australian public are getting value for money because senior officials must be responsible and accountable for all of the actions of the whole entity for which they have responsibility. 

And C's reply to that:

Quote:"Class 5" medical certificate?

Just goes to show the contempt in which CASA holds the Minister and the general aviation community.   Just goes to show how weakened the fabric of government has become.

Hitchen's exposed himself as a useful idiot (which is why I haven't purchased the rag he works for, for years). 

Safe flying


MTF...P2  Tongue

EWH on ARF?? Rolleyes

Quote:[Image: navajo_dark-sky1.jpg]
GA has been under dark clouds for some years. Could the Aviation Recovery Framework mean CAVOK conditions ahead? (Steve Hitchen)

Aviation Framework promises to Revitalise GA

20 December 2021
Comments 0 Comments

The Federal Government today released a plan for the recovery of the aviation industry that includes several measures long thought to be critical to the revitalisation of general aviation.

The Aviation Recovery Framework, announced today by Deputy Prime MInister and Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development Barnaby Joyce, is aimed primarily at recovery from the pandemic, but also acknowledges the condition of the general aviation industry and contains initiatives that have the potential to stimulate growth.

Among the GA measures are a review of the Civil Aviation Act 1988 and the regulations surrounding privatised airports, and subsidies to encourage owners to fit ADS-B to VFR aircraft.

The goverment will also extend the regional and remote airports funding schemes and commit $4 million to encourage women to enter the aviation industry.

“Aviation is integral to our national supply chains, providing essential services to regional and remote communities and connecting Australian businesses with international markets," Joyce said.

“Importantly, general aviation is a key pillar in our strategy. This is in recognition of the many critical services it contributes to the sector, none more important than flight and maintenance training capability.

“The Framework builds on the assistance we have provided to date and will provide the policy and financial settings aviation operators need to recover strongly and grow on the other side of the pandemic.”

The overall framework has been built on six strategic priorities:

  • supporting aviation efficiency by targeting investment and enhancing regulatory settings to help businesses across the entire industry to thrive
  • building a sustainable pipeline of workforce skills for the future
  • adopting and integrating emerging aviation technologies, including drones
  • modernising airports regulation to ensure Australia has the aviation infrastructure it needs for the future
  • revitalising general aviation to help it realise its potential in supporting business and the community, especially in our regions, and
  • better connecting regional communities by providing targeted support for access to essential aviation services and investing in regional aviation infrastructure.

According to the framework, the initiatives will be phased in over the next two to four years, guided by advice from a new Strategic Aviation Advisory Forum, the make up of which has yet to be disclosed. The department has also noted that the framework builds on the work of the General Aviation Advisory Network (GAAN) and the Future of Aviation Reference Panel.

Among the measures that are thought to impact GA the most are:

  • revisting the Airports Act 1996, which sunsets in April 2024, and the regulatory framework surrounding privatised airports, indicating that government approval of future master plans will focus on aircraft operations including development to support GA
  • reviewing the government approach to aviation security with the aim to reducing red tape
  • commissioning further research from the Bureau of Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Economics (BITRE) to establish the value of GA and identify growth opportunities
  • reviewing the Civil Aviation Act 1988 to identify and resolve regulatory bottlenecks and encourage regulatory activity based on outcomes
  • removing barriers to export through mutual international recognition
  • subsidise eligible aircraft owners to fit ADS-B, starting in Q1 2022 and ending 30 June 2023 or when funding is exhausted
  • examine training pathways with a focus on the relationships between CASA, Vocational Education Training and the Australia Skills Quality Authority (ASQA)
  • providing funding of $4 million to encourage women to participate in aviation.

CASA Director of Aviation Safety and CEO Pip Spence said today that CASA already had a reform agenda that was consistent with the announced framework.

"CASA has quietly begun working on a wide range of reforms that will benefit many people and organisations across the aviation community, particularly in the general aviation sector," Spence said. "These align with the commitments made by the Australian Government today in their Aviation Recovery Framework.

"You will see concrete outcomes in the course of 2022 and beyond.

"Work is underway to make regulatory changes that will assist private pilots, general aviation maintenance, maintenance training, flying training, aerial work, aerial application and sport and recreational flying.

"We are developing a general aviation work plan for 2022 and this body of work will build a consolidated picture of all the activity we already have underway.

"We're also continuing to look at what improvements and changes we need to make that will benefit other sectors in the industry."

Among the reforms in development at CASA are:

  • reducing maintenance costs for industry to support private and aerial work operators, including the mandatory Cessna SIDs program, introducing new GA maintenance regulations and considering new rules for aircraft maintenance
  • supporting flight training including expanding privileges for some flight instructors to improve flight testing, revisiting how CASA administers the Flight Examiner Rating, and working with industry to prioritise other initiatives
  • looking at ways to improve access to training and reviewing the fatigue rules for aerial application operators in regional and remote areas
  • considering a new small aircraft maintenance licence to address training limitations impacting the GA sector,
  • putting in place a weight increase for aircraft administered by RAAus, reviewing the associated stall speed
  • reviewing aviation medical standards for private operations including a potential "self-declared" Class 5 medical.

The Aviation Recovery Framework document is available from the Department of Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development website.

MTF...P2  Tongue

EWH promotes Iron Ring 'Divide and Conquer' policy -  Dodgy


Via the Yaffa: Associations applaud Government Aviation Framework (Read it and weep - Sad )

Quote from the RAAA CEO Steven Campbell... Dodgy 

Quote:...Campbell also said the RAAA was standing by to assist the Department of Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development in implementing the framework, which was to be supervised by a new Strategic Aviation Advisory Forum.

“We have already had numerous forums and reviews into our industry, there are also many representative organisations such as ours that the government can utilise, so we hope that the government will not waste any time in forming their Strategic Aviation Advisory Forum; we cannot afford to delay the work needed to be done to ensure supply of resources to regional Australia...
(HINT..HINT??  Rolleyes )

This from the man who helped facilitate perhaps the greatest regulatory embuggerance ever inflicted on the GA industry... Angry

Quote:Manager, Part 61 taskforce, Part 141/142

Manager, Part 61 taskforce, Part 141/142
Oct 2015 - Mar 2016 · 6 mos
Canberra, Australia

Manager of CASR Part 141/142 review team.

Hmm...so did EWH do the ring around on any of the other multitude of Aviation Alphabets? Or is he just being selective on those Alphabets who he knows will give a positive response?  Shy

MTF? - Yes much..P2  Tongue

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