The Sunday Brunch Gazette.

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Historical reference - i.e last 12 months in Australian politics: Comment: While the cat's away 

13 Across - Cats fighting while the mice play havoc…

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"If there is one positive of this week, and these years of chaos, it’s that we can better see their true colours. We see our leaders standing beside a friend one day who they’ll throw to the wolves the next, for their own self-interest, vanity, ego or narcissism. We know now they will only pull the knife from the back of one colleague to plunge it into another. They couldn’t be more disingenuous, they couldn’t be more disloyal. If they’re disloyal to friends, what chance do we have of them being loyal to us? Our job now, having been scorned so frequently, is not to shrug our shoulders and look away, but to look closer.” - Urquhart.

But then, even with a ‘minister’ worthy of consideration, CASA can do pretty much as they like. Now, with no minister to speak of, it is time for the real leadership of CASA to step up and step out. The hand falls to Carmody; will he take a ‘steady as she goes’ stance; or, take the opportunity to wreak even more havoc; or, will he ring the changes and clean up the awful mess. Without active ministerial interference, he can, more than ever, do pretty much as he likes and get away with it. The question is, which hat will he wear during the hiatus? The Black leather cap (colour of choice): the Grey Bowler (anonymous) or; the large white one and provide the leadership hapless politicians have failed, miserably, to provide over the past decade? Pay attention children, there has never been a better time for mischief. All we can do is make offerings to the pagan gods and pray that ScoMo sees the light and tells (not asks) Fawcett that he is junior minister for a twelve month and to ‘get on with it’….

[Image: DlfNOr5V4AAP49r.jpg]

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, (etc)….. ― Charles DickensA Tale of Two Cities

Whilst on the subject of CASA, I wonder if Carmody is aware of the current overreach of his department? Is he even aware of some of the seriously nasty things done in the name of safety? The covert phone call, the ‘quiet word’, the unspoken threat? Does he tacitly sanction this clandestine evil? This ugly business with the Qantas pilot, recently in the press, has the potential to explode a very nasty can of worms. For starters, it is not an isolated event.  German wings or not; there are many cases where, without a shred of evidence careers have been trashed. Using the Avmed system as a big stick has been invoked before, several times. There is one case where not a scrap of ‘evidence’ was provided, just hearsay. That claim was backed up by a false statements. To make matters worse, the complaint was made, then action was deliberately delayed until it could be used to best suit. No one, not even the target has any idea of the game afoot, until the blow fell. Disgraceful. It is quite a story, all fully supportable, (any test – anytime- anywhere) and, for my money, it clearly defines exactly why demands for ‘change’ in and reform of the regulator is carefully disguised as a change in the regulations and the Act. Has Carmody got the chutzpah to tackle the fell creatures of the Sleepy Hollow swamp? Yes, I’m taking bets, the book is open.

“Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear - not absence of fear.” ― Mark Twain

May as well take a look at this RAA v AOPA brawl, while I’ve got the tools out. RAA need to defend some pretty serious allegations, carefully not spoken of outside the pub, and then only in whispers. No such caution from the BRB and IOS; unanimous and comprehensive vote: RAA a catspaw of CASA. Suspicions were elevated at Wagga, but this latest piece of folly has backfired and will serve to unite those outside of Alecks inner circle of Casamites, who depend on CASA approval and money to support their vaunting ambition. RAA need to be heartily ashamed of this last little contretemps, make a public apology, fire the CASA glove puppets  and get back into their very small plastic box. Disgusting behaviour.

[Image: DlfS-xQU8AAoZ7B.jpg]
Potted history of Australian aviation safety regulation over 3 decades – Lead Balloon

Quote:"..In short, the maritime safety regulator in Australia just gets on and does stuff in accordance with the international conventions whereas the aviation safety regulator in Australia spends its days cogitating over whether it knows better than what’s in ICAO SARPS. Lucrative for the cogitators; not so the regulated..."

[Image: 41JZ9fnMNQL._SX425_.jpg]

Last, by no means least – Avmed – again. The 31st draws near as does the end of Doc Drane’s tenure as PMO. It is fair to say, and generally acknowledged that Avmed is in disarray; the ‘troops’ all seem to try very hard and make ‘the system’ work, but despite those best efforts, the delays and AAT battles keep mounting up. I’m not knocking it – just trying to understand why it is so. One of the things which baffle is the lack of trust in DAME. These are trained, qualified, competent, expert aviation specialist doctors who carry great responsibility. They actually get to meet and examine the ‘patient’ – face to face, they have very clear guidelines and a system to follow, if there is any doubt. So why is the DAME sign off so very often challenged? But for real brain teaser ask why ‘specialist’ diagnosis and prognosis is challenged so very often; by those not qualified as specialist. The pronouncement of professor of a medical discipline should be the end of any CASA speculation, yet so often we hear of ‘specialist’ opinion being challenged, in court or the AAT. I fail, utterly, to understand this. It also intrigues me that the AAT members are often called upon to rule on ‘medical’ opinion; when they themselves have no medical qualification to speak of. Of course, a cynic would say it is simply a ploy to relieve CASA of the responsibility if a ruling turns to worms.. We can only hope that the next PMO sets about improving both the Avmed system and philosophy.

"Therein the patient Must minister to himself." ― William Shakespeare, Macbeth

[Image: four.jpg]

I’m not even going to try and understand the shenanigans in Canberra this week; the dogs and I will join the vast majority, shrug, say so what and amble off to enjoy the day as best we may. Mind you, that pleasure may not last too long – Domestic Tyranny has visited the study; there is a serious call being made for it to be mucked out, or else: no muffins. Aye, the best laid schemes of mice and men eh. No matter, I can hear the shower running, my one chance to escape. Quiet exit through garden gate and away, the music which will need to be faced can wait a while.

Toot – Shhhh – toot.

Lead Balloon – Gold star, Choc Frog and a Tim Tam. If ever we get a minister who can actually read and comprehend the message – this is the message to take ‘on board’ and kick up to the Senate – just to get something done about the waste. The money wasted is enough to warrant serious inquiry.

It is so quiet and peaceful in the stable, redolent with the smell of Cherry and Sandalwood off cuts glowing in the stove – alas, it’s my turn to walk to the tap and pull the next round; I must do it soon.

Timeline of Australian aviation safety regulatory embuggerance - 1988 till ???? 


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[Image: DlfS-xQU8AAoZ7B.jpg]
Potted history of Australian aviation safety regulation over 3 decades – Lead Balloon

Quote:"..In short, the maritime safety regulator in Australia just gets on and does stuff in accordance with the international conventions whereas the aviation safety regulator in Australia spends its days cogitating over whether it knows better than what’s in ICAO SARPS. Lucrative for the cogitators; not so the regulated..."

Much like the PelAir TOE (timeline of embuggerance references: HERE & HERE ) eventually AP will endeavour to put together a TOE for the last 30 years of 'Iron Ring' big "R" regulator embuggerance of the industry... Confused   

In the meantime working backwards with some factual OBS for the last half decade... Shy 

Starting with Airports and aviation safety - keeping in mind this was 2 years before the tragic DFO accident at YMEN - the following was part of a speech that Senator Fawcett made in 2015 in the Senate chamber... Rolleyes 


Just think for a moment if the Parliament had of embraced; or tried to understand the 'safety' message behind the Fawcett speech maybe (just maybe -  Huh ) the potential for the YMEN DFO accident may have been diminished through an identified safety risk which could have been subsequently safety risk mitigated under the Australian (M&M written) ICAO Annex 19 SSP - just saying... Dodgy    
Next we go back 5 years, to which I will use an Aunty Pru archived reference - Vol IV Pprune Senate Inquiry thread - from the original extremely popular and inexplicably closed PPRUNE Senate Inquiry thread.

Relevant extract from page 91... Wink :


The ICAO Audit Report available at the link in post #1456 is astonishing.

If that is the report to which Mr McCormick was referring when he said the major issue wasthat CASA did not have sufficient training in place for the inspectorate, I wonder whether he’s actually read all 98 pages.

I’ve merely skimmed the report, but a few of the Findings struck me as particularly ironic, in the context of the Pel Air accident.

Audit Finding OPS/03:

Quote:The Australian regulations do not require air operators certificate (AOC) holders and
applicants to ensure that, in the event that an aeroplane becomes involved in an accident or incident, all related flight recorder records and associated flight recorders are preserved to the extent possible and are retained in safe custody pending their disposition as determined in accordance with ICAO Annex 13. …

Australia agrees with this finding.

This issue is being addressed in the development of CASR Part 91. …

Develop and promulgate CASR Part 91. … By 31 December 2009. …

Audit Finding OPS/11:
Quote:There are no regulations in Australia that require air operators to implement a safety
management system acceptable to the State or to clearly define the direct accountability for safety on the part of senior management. …

Australia agrees with the finding. CASA is currently taking steps to introduce a requirement for AOC holders to implement Safety Management Systems in accordance with ICAO timeframes. …

CASA will amend Civil Aviation Order Section 82 to incorporate requirements for AOC holders to implement Safety Management Systems. …

By 31 December 2008 CASA will incorporate operator requirements into regulations currently under development (CASR Part 119). …

By 31 December 2009. …

Audit Finding AIG/01:

Quote:Funding for aviation accident investigations …

Under the ATSB guidelines, occurrences that may fit the ICAO Annex 13’s definition of an aircraft accident or incident may not be investigated. Although the ATSB submits a notification of these occurrences to ICAO in accordance with ICAO Annex 13 provisions, the ATSB does not submit a preliminary report and/or an accident data report identifying contributing safety factors or probable cause. …
Read it and weep -  Confused

MTF...P2  Cool

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Catchers? - in the Wry? 

“Anyway, I keep picturing all these little kids playing some game in this big field of rye and all. Thousands of little kids, and nobody's around - nobody big, I mean - except me. And I'm standing on the edge of some crazy cliff. What I have to do, I have to catch everybody if they start to go over the cliff - I mean if they're running and they don't look where they're going I have to come out from somewhere and catch them. That's all I do all day. I'd just be the catcher in the rye and all. I know it's crazy, but that's the only thing I'd really like to be.” (J.D. Salinger).

I stepped up to the mark, best darts in hand, big score to run down and I felt ‘uncomfortable’. Why? Too damn quiet, that’s why. So I played my hand, stepped away as not even the score I claimed was disputed. WTD? P7 chalked it up, no one questioned the additional 50 points (a winning hand), something was up. “OK” says I, “what’s up?.” Sheepish, the words were spoken – “it’s gotten political, we need to talk ‘politics”. So, darts was abandoned – and, the gabfest began.

I must say, non of the BRB or even the IOS are ‘political’, not even remotely. They have watched and learned over the years to disregard ‘polly-waffle’ and treat it for what it’s worth. Which ain’t much. I should explain; in recent years we have had the luxury of a very pragmatic, truly bi-partisan Senate committee (until O'Sofullofit butted in) and they have tried to do the very best they are able – considering. Any notion of the house of reptiles becoming even momentarily involved has never, ever raised an eyebrow: well, barring anything more than a ribald comment. Anyway, we sat down: I looked about, expectant like, for someone to kick it off. Silence, was the stern reply. Politics has always, along side religion and other unsavoury topics been a ‘no-no’ at any BRB indaba; so there was a reluctance to be first out of the box.

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If voting made any difference they wouldn’t let us do it. ― Mark Twain

I looked at P7 – “spit it out Papa” says I. “Well” says he, “seems for once, there is some serious political mileage in aviation”. The silent support spoke volumes. “Explain” I said, “in terms a political dunderhead can understand”. As so they did – herewith a potted version of this week’s great, albeit very short discourse in point form.

[Image: DS5.jpg]
Address to TTF Summit: Leadership 2010

The Hon Anthony Albanese MP
23 June 2010
Quote: Wrote:...CASA, the nation’s independent aviation safety watchdog, will recruit almost 100 additional frontline staff with the $89.9 million in new funding provided by the Budget. This extra investment in safer skies will be funded via a small increase in the aviation fuel excise, from 2.8 cents per litre to 3.5 cents per litre. The Government considers this to be a reasonable and responsible step considering the industry’s continued growth depends on the public’s ongoing confidence in its safety standards. Following the ICAO and FAA audits this investment in CASA’s staff and training is critical, and will strengthen the organisation’s oversight of the industry. Aviation safety should be bi-partisan, and the Government puts the safety of passengers ahead of other interests...

From about 04:00 - 

a) Albo has realised that he was totally mislead when he was ‘the minister’ and that the great white paper elephant was little more than two sheets of bog paper CASA used to clean their collective and drain even more funds into their bucket.

b) The ‘Nats’ have made such an unholy balls up of ‘transport’ by air that it is now becoming patently obvious to political animals that there is mileage in examining the mess, the money and the embuggerance.

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The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything. ― Josef Stalin   

In short – aviation in one form or another employs or affects many, many taxpaying folk and it is in a mess. All these folk travel or have friends or relatives affected by the fortunes of this industry. To the man (or woman) who actually intends to tackle the mess, in opposition or in government, will go a lot of votes, Albo has a win-win situation – he can (rightfully) hammer the crap out the current minister and his government, which has conscientiously avoided the ‘truth’ to score points – alternatively, he can say (hand on heart) that he sees clearly now the problems the industry faces and promises to act more decisively than he did in the past: when he was gulled by the snake oil salesmen of Sleepy Hollow. What a far seeing minister we have at present, gods help him if the truth ever surfaces. Glenn Sterle knows it, sure as eggs; and, he ain’t one to mess about. So who wins the votes from aviation folk?

[Image: AMROBA-GA-Meeting.jpg]

Dear Sandy - [Image: wink.gif]

I agree about the Parliamentary inquiries and government reviews. The effectiveness of such inquisitions is completely undone by bureaucratic obfuscation and procrastination, all designed of course to wait out and wear down the significance and urgency of the current inquiries/reviews latest findings and recommendations.

[Image: Untitled_Clipping_013118_093436_AM.jpg]

However I believe if the minister/government had the political will to cauterise the CASA Iron Ring and it's malevolent loyal lieutenants, then I think some kind of Judicial inquiry will be required to build a legal case for prosecution of what amounts to decades of ingrained bureaucratic malfeasance that has cost 100s of millions of dollars for no discernible safety benefit to either industry or the air traveling public.

Of course such an inquiry would still take time and money but it is probably a necessary evil if you are to ensure the cancer within has been fully cauterised. After all isn't that exactly what the Kiwis did? 

Changing the Act: Consensus debate heats up?

I don’t know clogs from a handsaw when it comes to politics; but, the argument finalized was plain enough. Whoever steps up to the mark, changes the Air Navigation Act and insists on decriminalization of the regulations; has my vote – and that of everyone I can influence. Whodathunkit – aviation, a political hot potato, in an election where every single vote will count. The cost of running CASA, stand alone, has to be a big ticket item.

I shall leave it up to P2 to bring you up to date on matters aeronautical ; I’m off for week; and, I ain’t going to move a finger I don’t have to – and that, boys and girls, you can take to the bank…………..

Toot – bye bye – toot.

 A reminder: Dick Smith Wagga Aviation Oration.. Wink 


SBG – pre editorial.

There are some interesting questions and notions floating about the place this week ‘K’ has been trying to catch up; but the following observations from the inestimable P2 are worthy of consideration and mention.

I believe the phony war is over; has to be if things are to be settled right. P2 flags the opening salvo’s, and the AOPA battalion are limbering up. Nothing like a war to please the divide and conquer advocates. Hitch needs to be sat down and talked to – very seriously and very honestly. It could just be a fun filled week.

P2 - "In light of yesterday's posts here is hint to what is to come in this week's SBG...

> McDo'Naut and the Iron Ring mole within? Dodgy
>     (Yesterday, 12:34 PM)Peetwo Wrote:
>     Hmm...I wonder how much influence his 'aviation adviser' had in the selection of these two individuals? This brings me to my 1st QON for this year's Supp Budget Estimates Q/ How is it not a huge COI that the miniscule has an aviation adviser who was previously an adviser to the CASA CEO Carmody; & prior to that an adviser to the Dept; & prior to that the aviation adviser to former miniscule 6D Chester; and finally prior to that:
>         Quote:
>         Manager, Part 61 taskforce, Part 141/142
>         Dates Employed Oct 2015 – Mar 2016
>         Employment Duration 6 mos
>         Location Canberra, Australia
>         Manager of CASR Part 141/142 review team.
>         Title Standards Officer (Large aeroplanes)
>         Dates Employed Aug 2013 – Oct 2015
>         Employment Duration 2 yrs 3 mos
>         Providing policy guidance and regulation development for the CASR operations suite of regulations.
>     Does this answer the question on why it is McDo'Naut has done naut on Wagga Summit resolutions and why the Rev Forsyth's review is dead, buried & cremated ??
> "P2 clear to backtrack!"
> Back to my QON... Rolleyes
> Backtracking on SC's conflict of interest timeline, I note that shortly after becoming the 'aviation adviser' to Carmody that, along with CC and other CASA/dept officials, SC attended the 17 November 2017 ASAP meeting as an observer: ASAP meeting minutes, 22 November 2017
>     Quote:
>     Mr Steven Campbell Senior Aviation Adviser, Office of the CEO/DAS
>     Civil Aviation Safety Authority
>     Mr Shane Carmody Director of Aviation Safety and CEO
>     Civil Aviation Safety Authority
>     Mr Andreas Marcelja Industry Relations Manager (ASAP Secretariat)
>     Civil Aviation Safety Authority
>     Mr Jason McHeyzer Regulation Development and Implementation Manager
>     Civil Aviation Safety Authority
>     Ms Pip Spence Acting Deputy Secretary
>     Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development
>     Mr Jim Wolfe General Manager Air Traffic Policy
>     Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development
> P2 comment: I note that at that meeting amongst issues covered there was discussion about the proposed medical certification policy to be adopted by CASA:
>     Quote:
>     Meeting outcomes
>     The ASAP endorsed a policy approach for a number of important aviation issues at the meeting. The main outcomes from the meeting were:
>         Aviation medicals: The ASAP endorsed a proposed policy position for aviation medical certification and noted that CASA intends to implement changes immediately. A further update will be provided once implementation planning has been completed.
>         Radio frequency use in low level airspace: The panel endorsed a draft policy position for radio frequency use in low altitude Class G airspace and noted that CASA would undertake public consultation through a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking.
>         Flying operations regulations: The ASAP supported the principles behind the flying operations regulations (Parts 91, 119, 121, 135, 133 and 138 of the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998) and noted each Part would be presented in more detail for consideration and advice, together with a recommendation to form technical working groups to review and support finalisation of the rules.
>         Maintenance engineer licensing reform (Part 66): The ASAP endorsed a policy outcomes for the post implementation review of aircraft maintenance engineer licensing. They also agreed to establish a Technical Working Group to develop detailed proposals and support implementation of the reform.
> Less than 7 months after that meeting SC is mysteriously binned by Carmody, only to land on his feet again as the Senior Aviation Adviser to the new DPM and miniscule McDo'Naut. Less than 2 months after becoming McDo'Naut's aviation adviser SC attends the Wagga Aviation Summit on behalf of the miniscule and in company with Dept bureaucrat Jim Wolfe. Who just so happened to also be an observer at the ASAP meeting?
>     Quote:
>     In addition, the following Important guests are attending:
>     1. City of Wagga Wagga Mayor, Councillor Greg Conkey
>     2. Senate RRAT Committee, Senator Slade Brockman
>     3. Senate RRAT Committee Secretary, Dr Jane Thompson
>     4. Senator for Queensland, Senator Fraser Anning
>     5. Senator David Fawcett, Mr Micah Wright-Taylor
>     6. Senator Rex Patrick and Mr Jonathan Sharman
>     7. Department of Infrastructure, Mr Jim Wolfe
>     8. Department of Infrastructure, Melissa Cashman
>     9. Aviation Advisor for the DPM, Mr Stephen Campbell
>     10. CASA Group Manager, Mr Rob Walker
>     11. Airservices Australia, Mr Stephen Angus
>     12. University of New South Wales, Prof Ian Hampson
>     13. iAOPA Secretary-General, Mr Craig Spence
>     14. AOPA Australia Director, Mr Michael Smith
> Ironically Mr Wolfe and SC by association would have had close work-related discussions when SC was working for the Dept (prior to Carmody) as an aviation adviser (Western Sydney Airport Division-Airspace and flight path design). Of course prior to that SC was the former miniscule 6D Chester's aviation adviser and the man who was in attendance at the infamous Tamworth Aviation rally - can anyone else see a pattern here?  Angry
> Obviously the Dept and CASA believe this guy is worth the substantial coin they have been paying him to be a ministerial mole within. But what about his ability as an aviation adviser?
> Fortunately we have a perfect example of Govt policy/legislation etc. (which we can now review) where this wannabe (Mandarin, pollywaffle??) would have had an influence as an expert 'aviation adviser' to the former miniscule 6D Chester.
> Remember this?....

> ps As a perfect counterpoint to the McDo'Naut's gushing CASA/ASA board additions announcement yesterday, IMO one cannot go past Leadsled on the UP this AM:
>     Quote:
>     Folks,
>     It was quite funny reading the actual Ministerial Press Releases, the appointments were all to do with "increasing air safety" or some such S.9A compliant nonsense.
>     It seem that everything CASA/Airservices does is in the interests of "more air safety" or some such description. There seems to be a never ending supply of " air safety" to tip into the big "air safety" bucket, without it slopping over the edges and being wasted.
>     I have come to the conclusion that this trend will be really appreciated by the clamorous general public, other politicians and the courts, but the Ministerial media staff are not really taking advantage of the punters alleged incessant and voluble demands for "more air safety".
>     Accordingly, to comply with the Act and public demand that "safety is our first priority", I expect to see future confirmatory press releases along the following lines:
>     1) More air safety to result from new and innovative CASA Executive Rubber Plant Maintenance Contract.
>     2)Air safety to improve with reformed CASA staff coffee and biscuits administration regulation.
>     3) New and agile flexitime arrangements for CASA staff to add more air safety.
>     and one that might even have a positive air safety result:
>     4) CASA extended Christmas/New Year shutdown to enhance Australian air safety.
>     Come on, PR staff, you know you can do it!! Show how dedicated the Minister really is to air safety as his first priority!!!
>     Tootle pip!!
> Big Grin Big Grin

On 15/09/2018 12:25 AM, David Pennington wrote:
> First from the Senate Estimates thread:
>> [Image: image]
>> Senator STERLE: ...I don't even know anyone at Alcoa, except the workers. I've never met the management of Alcoa, and I've got no desire to meet the management from Alcoa, unless they come in here and apologise for shafting the living daylights out of Australian workers. That's the only reason I'd want to. In fact, I want to share this with you, Mr Acting Deputy President. This is not the case, but if Glenn Sterle was the Prime Minister, it'd be sorted very quickly, because the phone call would go through to the management under this feller, Mr Michael Parker, who I've never had the chance of meeting, who is the chairman and managing director, and I'd say: 'Mr Parker, it's the Prime Minister here, Glenn Sterle. I want you to come and have a meeting with me. Jump on the first plane to Canberra—or, even better, if you're too busy I'll come to you,' and, when I got there or he got here, the advisers and the bureaucrats would be out of the room, and his hangers-on taking their notes would all be out of the room, and we would have a man-to-man conversation about the way things happen in Australia. And I can guarantee you one thing: it wouldn't be pleasant, because how the hell can a mongrel—jeez, I could get so wound up here! How can a foreign company come in here, extract our resources—ours; they belong to the Australian people, but I'd normally have no problem with this—have 30 years of continued growth in our state of Western Australia from digging up our bauxite and exporting it around the world, and, by the same token, be frogmarching Australians seafarers off the MV Portland? I said last year and the year before that this was just the thin end of the wedge: 'Here they come to replace them with foreign workers.' And they love this model. Mr Parker, you want to cross your fingers that I never decide to go to the other side and end up as the Prime Minister, because I can tell you I would be around a lot longer than you, Mr Parker from Alcoa.
>> I make no apologies for this. This is disgraceful, disgusting behaviour by a foreign raider. How the hell can they go through our communities in the south-west of Western Australia, Senator Dean Smith, and say, 'Aren't we good people because we might build a set of shades over a playground or something'? I'm told that Alcoa had been a responsible member of the community, but they'd had a shift in management. The previous managers, in my eyes and the workers' eyes, were decent, working human beings who all had the same objectives at the end of the day. There was a family there to consider, trying to pay off a mortgage and put the kids through school and give them the best opportunity and hoping the grandkids would get an even better opportunity.
>> Well, Mr Parker, if this is the way you run your business—in fact, I would like to meet Mr Parker. Oh, I would relish the opportunity, because this man has a lot to answer for. Mr Parker, you should at least have the intestinal fortitude to pick up the phone, call your workers, call your staff, call the ones who have contributed to your company's wealth and to your pay packet. You and all your mates around you are hiding there in Melville in the three-storey building where I attended the other day. They are hiding behind the laws of this land that can take enterprise agreements away from workers and shaft them by 50 per cent to put more money into the grubby pockets of Mr Michael Parker and every one of the other mongrels on the board of Alcoa. What a disgrace.
> Next from the miniscule's ever popular thread:
>> Send not to know for whom the bell tolls;
>> GD – “Joyce has thrown down the gauntlet and it’s going to be a fight to the death”.
>> Aye, but: whose funeral dirge is the band playing? I noted the following headline:-
>> Wagga wipe-out was a warning of voter anger.  (Miranda Devine).
>> Never were truer word penned in relation to Wagga, Mc Donaught is now fair and square on the voters hit list; has to be. His abysmal performance at the AOPA indaba enunciated, very clearly, his inability to deal with matters aeronautical, when you add to that fiasco his current lack of leadership on the airport charges wrangle – a crystal clear picture emerges: that of a little lost sheep, who can’t find his Bo-Peep. Folks in the rural centres ain’t anywhere near daft; the ‘life-style’ is very much more relaxed than that of city folk and they pay attention to what their elected member of parliament is doing and the results ‘on the table’.
>> So far all Mc Donaught has demonstrated is his inability to deal with anything to do with his  role as ‘minister’, let alone resolve problems, like the aeronautical storm in his teacup. I have always found that dealing with any problem early, before it becomes a bigger matter with knock on effects to be a sound policy. If you spill a coffee on the desk; best mop it up straight away, lest the key board ends up in the bin, along with anything else affected.
>> No matter; I reckon – and hope, for their own protection, the good voting folk of Wagga have been paying attention to the total lack of performance not only on their behalf, but on that of the nation has been a grand exhibition of how to do absolutely nothing of benefit to anyone - bar himself. The only recourse available is through the ballot box.
>> Toot – toot.
> &..
>> Via the Oz:
>>     Quote:
>>     Aviation safety boards boosted
>>     [Image: 0caab30b857d19e62c30aa4a11c25053]ROBYN IRONSIDE
>>     Two key appointments will be announced today to Australia’s peak air safety agencies.
>> Hmm...I wonder how much influence his 'aviation adviser' had in the selection of these two individuals? This brings me to my 1st QON for this year's Supp Budget Estimates Q/ How is it not a huge COI that the miniscule has an aviation adviser who was previously an adviser to the CASA CEO Carmody; & prior to that an adviser to the Dept; & prior to that the aviation adviser to former miniscule 6D Chester; and finally prior to that:
>>     Quote:
>>     Manager, Part 61 taskforce, Part 141/142
>>     Dates Employed Oct 2015 – Mar 2016
>>     Employment Duration 6 mos
>>     Location Canberra, Australia
>>     Manager of CASR Part 141/142 review team.
>>     Title Standards Officer (Large aeroplanes)
>>     Dates Employed Aug 2013 – Oct 2015
>>     Employment Duration 2 yrs 3 mos
>>     Providing policy guidance and regulation development for the CASR operations suite of regulations.
>> Does this answer the question on why it is McDo'Naut has done naut on Wagga Summit resolutions and why the Rev Forsyth's review is dead, buried & cremated ?
> And from the airports thread:
>> McDo'Naut does naut on airports vs airlines war - Part IV
>> Via the Oz today:
>>     Quote:
>>     Airport probe exposes rift
>>     [Image: d17a2b78e8ecbf1eb684d6c463c77151]ROBYN IRONSIDE
>>     The Productivity Commission inquiry into the economic regulation of airports has exposed tensions between airlines and airports.
> Then off the alphabets:
>> TAAAF and the ASAP show their true colours -   Confused
> Which was followed up by Hitch in this week's LMH;
>> LMH 14 Sep 2018: Ructions amongst the lobby groups and the Wings Awards are announced.

Upon Return to Cloud Cock-up Land.

Blimey, a bloke takes a few days off, comes back all peaceful and sanguine like, having (very determinedly) not looked at a screen for 10 days to find absolute chaos. Even Hitch has been party to one of the greatest coups ever engineered by the captured ministers group of ‘advisors’. Perhaps its about trime the Senate committee got off it’s arse, stopped gas-bagging and stepped up to the plate.

[Image: DnRwme0VYAAHYgw.jpg]
Reference pg 81 ICAO USOAP Final Report: 

There is a captive minister, a corrupted consultation system, a self interested advisory panel and an organisation using a crown minister as its very own rubber stamp; and the public pay for this farce. It is disgusting. Resign minister; just go away and try to preserve what little dignity and honour you may, through self delusion. You have gifted your political opponents more ammunition than you can possibly imagine, disrespected an industry and; when the whole story is told in the media, by the opposition, the nation will see exactly what calibre of departmental glove puppet wrought more damage to a national industry than almost any other minister in history. 

[Image: 8b3f197801993406a58b1741e38b4f85--hamlet.jpg]
The Global Hamlet

"Get thee to a nunnery, go. Farewell. Or, if thou wilt needs marry, marry a fool, for wise men know well enough what monsters you make of them. To a nunnery, go, and quickly too."

The industry was in a mess long before McDonaught shoved his ovine snout into the aviation trough. But now that he has allowed the latest ‘consultation’ disgrace to pass by, aided and abetted by creatures like Russel and Campbell, it is time to begin a long loud shout for his resignation. Clearly captive and Stockholm Syndrome out the wazzoo.

[Image: DnLbq-zUwAAvjG-.jpg]

The root cause of aviation’s problems can be traced back three decades; the solution has always been available, but countless ministers have chosen the easy, no risk road to perdition, rather than face it. Someone has to do it; sooner or later, the daemon must be faced. But how to affect a cure? That is the burgeoning problem.

[Image: just-cause-you-got-the-monkey-off-your-b...929147.png]

From drunks to addicts, from nail biters to bedwetters, from organisations to nations, the only thing which drives a desire for reform comes from within. No matter how much ‘therapy’, counselling or advice is given, if the internal desire and will power to make the required changes is not there; then, it just becomes a waste of time and effort. This, IMO, is one of the problems we have with both ATSB and CASA; they simply don’t want to change. An element of the Resistance to Change (RTC) would be that they have no idea what, exactly, they want to change into. This raises some questions – do they actually like being the way they are; or, is it fear of the unknown which keeps them locked in the ever descending spiral of loss of respect, credibility and effectiveness? By any analysis you care to do; or measure you choose, both are ‘failed’ dysfunctional organisations. Nothing ATSB or CASA have produced in the past decade has improved ‘safety’ by one iota. The safety of ‘conviction’ has been refined to a fine art, embuggerance is a recognized, applauded group therapy and disingenuous answers to pointed questions has been elevated to a remarkable level of genius.

[Image: DnSOMyhVsAAi_aq.jpg]

So, how does the industry set about reforming this recalcitrant brute, particularly as it has demonstrated a remarkable ability to avoid the cure? A short digression - with a point. – A few years back, a couple of us sat down with Mike Smith and a case of beer, out in the country, back yard setting, sunny afternoon all very social. The conversation drifted, as it always does, to matters aeronautical and followed the same pattern this type of discussion inevitably does. Suffice to say the conversation was long and informative, but it didn’t signify, carried away on the evening breeze; indeed, I’ve forgotten most of it. But what stuck and has remained firmly stuck is the notion of ‘leadership’

[Image: DnSDRHhU4AAgrtf.jpg]
General Aviation Summit 2018 – Wagga Wagga | Sport Aircraft ...
Sport Aircraft Association of Australia
Sincere thanks to the AOPA team, and in particular Ben Morgan, for an incredible effort rallying the troops. And special thanks to Geoff Breust, ...

That, IMO is the radical cause of today's problems – there ain’t any. Not for ‘reform there ain’t. But that is what’s desperately needed. Clear vision and a determination to address the fundamental internal problems within both organizations. The really huge problem is getting a proper ‘leader’ into the chair, a person of value and use to the benefit of the country, the tax payer, the minister and the industry. How to achieve this goal is beyond my humble ken; but it is the only solution. Both ATSB and CASA need to be reformed internally and led (or dragged, their choice) to a place where they are of some value, not a drain on resources. Take a long hard look at either the Carmody or Hood ‘leadership’ and the results produced. The jury is still out on Carmody; there is little worthy of mention on the credit side, certainly no vigorous attempts to curb the excesses of his organisation or a sensible approach to regulations. Hood is about as much use as a chocolate firewall; the evidence overwhelming, ATSB remains a shattered, spineless extension of a big PR machine. ATSB could be shut down tomorrow and hardly anyone would notice their passing – or mourn it. 

[Image: RRAT-com-e1521333079399.jpg]

The Senate committee seem to be getting an inkling of where the big problems lay; a small flickering candle lights the dark corners where leadership and a will to improve is hidden away by the smoke and mirrors machine. They could, in a heart beat change the whole dynamic, by simply insisting that reform CEO’s who actually want to get things rolling and save this nation a fortune every year, create jobs and bring revenue into the tax coffers. Of course, we’d need a minister who could actually spell aviation. Two things are for certain sure: the problems industry face ain’t going away; and, no one seems have the desire to fix ‘em. Least of all the self interest groups and those protecting their rice bowls.

[Image: The-Act-e1526173880337.jpg]
Gates of Horn and Ivory. | : Home of PAIN :

Change the Act, find some leadership and get on with the therapy – who knows, you may even enjoy shaking the large incubus off your back and kick the Kool aid habit.

That’s about it from me; there is much to consider this week and I do need to catch up, having taken a complete break from it all. But not today, the sun is shining, the breeze set fair and I’ve not had a romp with the dogs for far too long. Over the fence and out of the gate.


[Image: DnR7kacVsAMnYPj.jpg]

TICK TOCK miniscule McDo'Naut - Rolleyes


Sensational clip attached below, Kerry Packer at his finest. The crux of the issue was this - the Guvmint in true Guvmint style changed legislation and regulations. Packer took advantage of that. The result? The Guvmint didn’t like it and tried to change the laws again. Packer called them out.

Of particular interest is how back even back in 1991 Packer comments about how thousands of new regulations, laws and rules are introduced on a whim, without any old ones being repealed, and then we are supposed to keep abreast of this tangled web of confusion. Impossible! Now, Kerry’s core businesses were not aviation, but the same principle applies. Back in 91 Packer told the the Senate that Australia is a joke on the international stage, and nothing has changed.

As with Kerry’s comment of ‘what would the people making these rules know about business and media’, the same applies to our aviation industry for the past 30 years, up to today. People like Dr Voodoo, Chester, McDo’naught, Campbell, the rule makers and the obsfucators in PMC - WHAT THE HELL WOULD THEY KNOW ABOUT OUR INDUSTRY??

The trough dwelling, truth evading, lying and deceiving, highly remunerated dross masturbating our laws are beyond forgiveness or redemption. They, in their fortified and heavily protect Can’tberra castle reside in club cuckoo land on their mega salaries, unaccountable lifestyles with ‘special’ political superannuation structures while the rest of us are told to go to Hell.

A toast to Kerry Packer, and a giant unfurled fully erect middle finger to the political system and its minions wrecking our way of life and our grandchildren’s futures.

Tick Tock

SBG addendum -  Rolleyes

GD - have to agree mate, that passage of Can'tberra parliamentary inquiry play by the now departed KP was pure GOLD! It is desperately sad that our much loved nation is now being even more strangled by a bureaucracy seemingly hellbent on spewing out more & more reams of never ending red tape, while the pollywaffles dream up more ways to stab each other in the back - FDS God help us because Can'tberra never will... Dodgy  

Anyway in an addendum to the SBG the following is my contribution to an AP email chain currently doing the rounds:

Quote:My information is that Campbell, an experienced GA flight instructor and also ex Chief Pilot for a NT-based charter organisation, is given little voice within the office while the COS Damien Callachor dictates what happens because Damien knows boats.

Best regards,



So what you are saying is Campbell's influence is negligible and he is merely a token gesture - a puppet; or a Muppet if you prefer?

It is my understanding that SC has political aspirations and is merely marking time till an opportunity of pre-selection for a Nats seat becomes available. This could explain his flip-flop CV for at least the last 5 years?

However IMO this doesn't contradict the (perceived or otherwise) conflict of interest that this guy has. How can you have someone that less than 4 months ago was the Senior aviation adviser to the CASA CEO Carmody suddenly be appointed Senior advisor to the Minister responsible for oversighting CASA?

It should also not be forgotten that Campbell helped enshrine in law arguably the greatest regulatory imposts to industry in the 30 year history of the RRP, Part 61 closely followed by Part 141/142:

Quote:[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.9)]Manager, Part 61 taskforce, Part 141/142
Dates Employed Oct 2015 – Mar 2016 

Employment Duration 6 mos
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6)]Location Canberra, Australia[/color][/color]
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.9)]Manager of CASR Part 141/142 review team.[/color]

Finally in reference to the same AP post - McDo'Naut and the Iron Ring mole within?:

Quote:..Of course the passing of that amendment bill was subsequently delayed due to the tragic YMEN DFO accident less than 3 months later. Well apparently the ministerial concerns back then were unfounded because with little to no fanfare the amendment bill was passed last week in both houses of Parliament: Airports Amendment Bill 2018 

So I guess the verdict is SC did a good job advising the miniscule and the Govt - the real question there is but for WHO did he do a good job? Because it certainly wasn't the victims of the DFO prang or by association certain industry stakeholders (ie aircrew/ATCOs etc) and of course the travelling public... 

Now refer to the RRAT Senate Committee report:

Chapter 4 - Essendon Airport investigations and committee views
(PDF 76KB)

Quote:Committee views
Essendon Airport accident
4.44      As the investigations continue into the tragedy that occurred at Essendon Airport in February 2017, the committee observes that such a terrible event may trigger reinvigorated discussions at all levels of government on broader airport land use planning and development issues, to improve the safety for all those who engage with airports.
4.45      The recently announced ATSB investigation into the building approval process for buildings around Essendon Airport, resulting from the Essendon crash, will play an important role in progressing discussions about aviation safety in relation to urban development. As previously noted, the findings of this investigation should be carefully considered in the context of legislative changes to airport planning laws.
4.46      The committee hopes that the important work of NASAG goes some way to addressing the concerns of stakeholders about building and structures near runways, and the impact these have on safe aircraft operation.
4.47      It appears to the committee that the encroachment of developments, be they residential or commercial, on and near airport land presents significant safety concerns. It is essential that safety on and around airports is given proper consideration at all times, without being overridden by commercial pressures.
4.48      The committee is of the view that a holistic approach should be taken to airport planning, and this should be reflected in the MP process. It should be incumbent on all airport lessees, developers and planners to do more than the bare minimum to adhere to airport planning legislation and frameworks, in order to give proper consideration to broader safety considerations.

The following extract is from the now decade old 2008 ICAO audit report:

Quote:[Image: DnTSgMUVYAAYnmZ.jpg]

And from the ICAO 2017 audit report:

Ensure that the State has a coordinated mechanism to ensure full and effective implementation of the obstacle limitation surfaces (OLS) at aerodromes, including arrangements to prohibit any building developments which could create an obstacle to aircraft operations.

Now consider that Campbell was the aviation adviser to Chester when the minister first introduced the Airport Act Amendment Bill 2016 into the Parliament and when the YMEN DFO accident occurred. Supposedly he was influential/provided advice to the minister when Chester requested that the RRAT Legislative committee review of that Bill be deferred till such time as the ATSB could complete their investigation into the Essendon DFO accident: Interim Report

Quote:1.16      On 2 March, correspondence was received from Minister Chester requesting that the committee consider extending its inquiry in light of the tragic accident and subsequent investigations underway (at Appendix 1).

Then consider that this same aviation adviser was back in place in the Minister's office when the final report of the committee was handed down leading to the Bill itself being last week passed unchallenged through the Parliament. So despite the identification by ICAO of a potential serious safety issue over a decade ago and despite Chester's concerns back in March 2017, this serious safety issue is still yet to be effectively risk mitigated.

So IMO the dude is either totally inept; running his own self-interest political agenda; or running interference on behalf of the CASA Iron Ring? 
MTF...P2  Tongue

[Image: Dnu53CjU4AAtFNe.jpg]

Measure for measure.

Whether we weigh, or measure a thing, there needs to be some form of scale for comparison. Throughout history, there have been a number of ‘standards’ used and discarded; for example, when I was a boy the first ruler I ever had was marked in ‘inches’ and fractions thereof, now I use a metric ruler. Same –same in the air – gallon and pounds are now Litres and Kilograms, makes no odds to me – runways in meters, distance in nautical miles; no matter. The thing that matters is the end result and provided there is a way to quantify and measure, we could call ‘em apples and pears for all the difference it would make.

[Image: 1831.jpg]

“Gulliver describes a royal personage inspiring awe among the tiny Lilliputians because he was taller than his brethren by the breadth of a human fingernail.”― Jonathan Swift, Gulliver's Travels

Clearly Australia aviation is at a crossroads; there are big problems in continuing along the present course and sooner or later, there must be a change of direction. Simple enough to say that, identifying the radical cause of the present situation is, by universal agreement, even easier. The majority of the problems may be squarely sheeted home to the controlling authority i.e. CASA. Now, the politicians who have the power to actually do something about the parlous state of the aviation industry don’t really get it. Not their fault, they have no experience of it; but, importantly, they have no measure or scale to compare against.

[Image: johnson2.jpg]

This parallel will, I hope, when it is well considered, be found just; and if the reader should suspect me, as I suspect myself, of some partial fondness for the memory of Dryden, let him not too hastily condemn me; for meditation and inquiry may, perhaps, show him the reasonableness of my determination.” ― Samuel Johnson, [BIOGRAPHY] Lives of the Poets - Prior, Congreve, Blackmore, Pope

There is one; it will fall to this industry to point it out and assist our decision and policy makers gain a very clear measure of how far from satisfactory the current oversight of civil aviation is. Ask them to run a comparison between the peerless AMSA and CASA. On any scale of measurement, AMSA shoot the boots off CASA. The parallels are there, safety, regulation, high risk, traffic separation (think two liners colliding in Sydney harbour). AMSA manage all this with a minimum of fuss, within the best practices of international maritime law etc. Oh, no doubt they have their ‘problems’ but, they don’t have an entire industry screaming for their reform. Watch some of the AMSA Estimates or even the press releases of interview (MH 370). Rock solid, no Bull, no massive budget hikes, just calm, sensible management of an industry.

vs CASA P2 comment: Where do I start? - How about.. 



P2 - Also for comparison purposes refer to the AMSA vs CASA QON and answers for the 2014-15 Supp Estimates:

So dear Senators, measure and weigh the vast differences between the two organizations; perhaps then, we may have a ‘proper’ inquiry into the ridiculous antics of the aviation regulator. An inquiry with real legal teeth; an inquiry which will actually be treated as more than just an opinion. You don’t need to delve too deeply into history; after Pel-Air the Senate issued 30 odd recommendations – used for toilet paper. After Forsyth did his work – that report was binned as ‘his opinion’. Shameful waste of time, money and good-will. Compare the running of AMSA to that of CASA, then get real, get busy and sort this monster out; before it destroys an industry.

Sen Sterle : What do the Kiwis know that we do not?

Mr Carmody : I could not answer that question other than to say that is their opinion. They are entitled to an opinion.

But don’t believe me; read this weeks take from P2 – start – HERE -pay some attention to the lacklustre ministerial glove puppet performance. As a ventriloquist’s dummy he’s a super star; but as a crown minister – alas.

Time to execute my dastardly scheme: the trick is to gain access to the kitchen, grab some of the freshly baked muffins and depart the fix without getting DT’d (there’s a list on the fridge). So, one dog here, ‘tuther there, boots on the back door steps. Quiet now dogs; 1, 2, 3.

(Last seen carrying a brown paper bag followed by two happy mutts. Success).

Toot – toot.

A Curiously Intriguing faerie story.

[Image: 43545.jpg]

“The best thing for being sad," replied Merlin, beginning to puff and blow, "is to learn something. That's the only thing that never fails. You may grow old and trembling in your anatomies, you may lie awake at night listening to the disorder of your veins, you may miss your only love, you may see the world about you devastated by evil lunatics, or know your honour trampled in the sewers of baser minds. There is only one thing for it then — to learn. Learn why the world wags and what wags it. That is the only thing which the mind can never exhaust, never alienate, never be tortured by, never fear or distrust, and never dream of regretting. Learning is the only thing for you. Look what a lot of things there are to learn.” ― T.H. White, The Once and Future King

Couple of talking points this week, several in fact. The whole gamut, from Estimates to the RAOz v AOPA slugfest and CASA’s little games; the new CASA bored and the upshot of that little how-d’ya-do (if any); the lack of measurable progress in reform: in short, all the usual big questions which remain unanswered. They can wait, for just a short time, while we take a look at the Essendon fireball; or uncontrolled flight into terrain based tall structures.

Search 4 IP reference:

It is a reasonable assumption to make that behind the scenes, there is a lot of arse covering going on at very high levels. Lots of rice bowls to protect – which begs the question – could the investigators reports to the ATSB HV Hood top echelon have been ‘refined’? There’s plenty who’d say “absolutely”, it is not a ‘new’ phenomena and our High Viz Canary is no stranger to smoothing out the bumps and straining out the lumps in the ministerial soup.

[Image: 220px-Twisted_lip.jpg]

Holmes – “How often have I said to you that when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth?

The ‘problem’ we have with the Essendon accident is obvious; we cannot follow Holme’s method. We cannot eliminate the impossible, nor can we even come to grips with that which is improbable. But we do have some curious, intriguing facts to work with. Most of these come from the ‘real’ investigators – and; no matter how they are dressed up, they exist, in fact. More of that later; meanwhile, we must begin as the Red King said to Alice- at the beginning.

In primus; we must consider the pilot. The incident at Mt Hotham put the bloke under the peer spotlight, forget the regulator for a moment, and think about it. I imagine that at very least there would be some residual effect; no matter how the pilot viewed it. At very least, he’d be a little gun-shy, not wanting to give anyone any more to say – give a dog a bad name, etc. There is no mention of ‘state of mind’ in the ATSB report. There is no mention of his attitude, retrospective of his ‘re-training’. He could have gone any one of three different ways and probably another three to boot. So we have no idea how his ‘load’ was being carried. Perhaps, and I am speculating here, maybe the notion of pulling up early in the piece and facing down the inevitable ‘chatter’ outweighed good, safe practice. We’ll never know and ATSB didn’t bother to find out. Or, if they did, then that part has been consigned to the irrelevant pages. To me it seems important, simply because IMO there was ‘time’ and ‘space’ available to haul off the coals and stop; rethink, test and go again. Personally, from the scant data provided, I believe I may have given the take-off away. Too hard to say for certain; however, lets take a look at some of the deeper facts, carefully disguised within this dreadful report. In the spirit of ‘what-if’. Let us take a stroll, quiet like, through some of the questions ATSB investigators have left hanging, the carefully glossed over ones.

[Image: ao2017024_figure-14.png?width=463]

[Image: DoTGTyEUwAEcNPv.jpg]

“As the story grew, it put down roots into the past and threw out unexpected branches.” ― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring

ATSB page 29. – “The CVR control unit, located in the cockpit, allows a pilot to test the serviceability of the CVR system. The power supply for the CVR unit was fitted with an ‘impact switch’ designed to stop the recorder and prevent any erasure feature from functioning when deceleration forces similar to those expected in an accident are sensed. ZCR was fitted with a Fairchild model A100S CVR in June 1996, at about the time the aircraft entered service. The fire-damaged CVR was removed from the wreckage and transported to the ATSB’s technical facilities in Canberra for examination. The CVR was successfully downloaded, however, no audio from the accident flight was recorded. The recovered audio related to a previous flight on 3 January 2017. This recording began at the expected time prior to engine start. The recording stopped, however, at about the time the aircraft landed at the arrival aerodrome. The post-landing taxi and engine shutdowns were not recorded. It was likely that the ‘impact switch’ was activated during the landing and power was removed from the CVR.”

ATSB – Lockhart River (B 14) – “The ‘g’ switch is installed to interrupt power and preserve the CVR recording in the event the aircraft being subjected to excessively high acceleration forces.

Skybrary - "The ‘G’ switch was designed to interrupt power to the CVR and preserve the recording if excessive g5 force was experienced, etc."

This is but one of the unexplained, not examined ‘mysteries’. Fair dinkum; had the air-frame sustained a heavy; or, landing hard enough to trip the ‘g’ switch? Is it not possible, or worth considering that there was air-frame damage done prior to the accident flight? Think about it; was the aircraft ever really under pilot control from the time it hit about 40 knots; off centre line and diverging? Is it remotely possible that the expected control responses were not available? If you start with the assumption that all trims were correctly aligned pre- flight; it opens up a whole new bag of questions.

Then there is the puzzle of the missing rudder control lock to consider. ATSB never found it. They found, behind the RH pilot seat, the quadrant collar and the aileron/ elevator pin; but no rudder bar. * Erratum. -This is a piece of steel about ½ ‘ thick, with a spring. You waggle the rudder pedals, put one end of the bar onto the hole behind the pedal; compress the spring, align the pedals and seat the remaining end into the conveniently located hole at the back of the adjacent pedal. Some operators dispense with the ‘cable’ attachment, for convenience and ease; there is no information from ATSB about the state of the aircraft control locks, company procedures or habits. Consider, had the rudder bar been left on the floor – loose’ could it have disappeared, like a high speed rabbit, down the slots for the rudder pedals and buggered up the ‘controls? We don’t know, but nor do the ATSB; and we should at least be able to eliminate it from our inquiries. N’est-ce pas? 

* Erratum. Sorry folks; been a while and the quoted 'rudder lock' is a Metro type. The Be20 (from memory) has an 'L' shaped lock pin, which seats through a hole in the floor. 

Then, we arrive at the curious affair of the full up elevator trim. The BRB was intrigued by the blasé treatment this item received. Full left rudder can be sheeted home, without a scrap of proof to ‘slack’ pre-flight checks; the ATSB insist;  but full ‘up’ trim is just shrugged off – WTD? Ask any Be20 pilot about take off power + full back trim + full left rudder trim; it would be a short, wild ride. Did the pilot have his thumb on the trim button for the 12 second duration” If so why? Then consider the flight path achieved -

You could, if you had a mind to, ask the same questions of the ground distance run and of the speed/ climb profile; it’s nuts.

I could rattle on all day – paraphrasing the comments of seriously experience Be20 pilots; none of whom can present a compelling scenario or definitive answer; not on the mish –mash, half truth, half fiction, slightly rounded confection the commissioner has chosen to publish. If I was to stick my neck out and run a book on it; favourite, at fairly short odds would be No Control, out of Lost it by Previous Damage. Which; at 5/1 on, is at better odds than Snow Job out of Yellow Canary by Vested Interests.

[Image: newmarket-races-bookmaker-writes-down-th...AC5FR0.jpg]

Aye, it would be nice to know exactly what caused this horrific accident; there may even be a safety lesson in there. But, as it stands right now – the pilot took off with full left rudder trim, on account of the 'fact' he failed to use his check list. BOLLOCKS.

There is a large, furry paw planted on my knee, I look down into a pair of intense amber eyes which pass along a clear message. “Lets go”. So we shall, off into the crepuscular dawn, to walk and think and to decide how best to plane up 48 meters of 4x2 selected Spruce ‘four square’ for TOM’s birthday present. His new work bench; the old one has seen long service in hard ports; time for new one. Right then , best crack on, before the fur bearing critters get stroppy and wind DT up. Cunning beggars are they.


HVH smoke'n'mirrors faerie tale in pictures:


Back in the day, I spent a fair bit of time in and around King-Air operations particularly in the 200 series. To aid an aging memory, I checked with a couple of other 200 savvy blokes I know, to be sure, to be sure. The call on pre flight rudder trim set has been, on balance of probabilities, declared bollocks. Not certain what practices today’s operators use, but I can’t think of an aircraft I’ve flown – ever, where part of the taxi in, after landing checks did not call for a trim reset; even if it was just an unwritten SOP. Just good manners, like parking with the nose wheel straight and sliding the seat full aft, leaving the seat belt on the seat, and etc.

But even if the previous pilot had been a hooligan and left the trims set as they were on landing and old mate failed to reset, is it a biggy? Asymmetric Touch and Go training memory reminds us of the call – Re-set – Go. And, the very short period of time it takes to regain a  ‘roughly right’ trim setting (neutral). Re trimming after OEI practice or testing during IR renewal - re trim on the go around, from OEI to climb power on two engines. Routine, practiced stuff. I reckon most of us have had the experience of being ‘slightly’ out of trim on rotation or transition, and can remember how little time it took to correct the same. Given that ‘the ball’ is god in B200, given that the pilot had just been through a period of training and checking, given that the fellah had long experience on type, and given that for most pilots it would be almost a reflex action to ‘trim’ at the first sign of even a slight variance; you have to ask, what the hell is the ATSB trying to flog here.

Nah, sorry, just don’t buy it. I don’t buy the idea that this fellah took off with full nose left trim any more than I can accept that full up elevator is just a ‘mystery’. As ‘K’ said, if you begin with the notion that the pilot actually did even a cursory pre flight, trim position check would be habit and a full left rudder trim would stand out like the proverbial during ‘setting –up’ (on balance of probs).

So setting aside the easy answer of pilot error; let’s look at why the aircraft hit the building with full left nose trim and full up elevator trim, yet still managed, with two healthy donkeys,  not to climb, resulting  in an uncontrolled left turn.

This is but one of the many questions which have not been examined or answered fully. If it was one of my pilots or even a mate, I’d want a better explanation of why this accident happened, much better.

Sidebar: and a challenge for P2. I can, off the top of my aging head, remember at least three major prangs where the CVR has been ‘unavailable’. Is there any way we can quantify that statistic?

I can hear rumbling noises from the other end of the stable; something about moving an ancient arse to the bench to assist with making my birthday present. Ayup, there’s a stack of lumber and what looks like a tuned up 1902 1910 Stanley 5½ waiting beside a coffee mug. “I’m only here for the Ale".  I shout back – (a beat) - then the unprintable response.

[Image: 194-sb5-type-11-p1.jpg]

[Image: d3d82d46385961782c14e0cd1ce657dfc295dbee]
Essendon Airport in 1973.

But screw your courage to the sticking place,

[Image: Do3Qt6lVAAA8Bqi.jpg]

Lady Macbeth used this phrase to steel the nerves and warm the ‘cold feet’ of her husband to murder the king. Rough justice in the old days. Machiavelli understood the need for direct action as well as any; and, better than most. The cold logic of spilled blood to affect a desired outcome is, metaphorically speaking, as valid now as it was in the cave. The big question for aviation who’s metaphorical blood will be shed to achieve a desired end result. The BRB indaba was unanimous – only the removal of ministerial incompetence will satisfy the desire for change; they even awarded our current incompetent an additional 2 ‘G’s. – Gormless and Gutless; making him McComic 8G. Tough judgement and a unanimous call for Reform or Resignation. Motion seconded and carried.

[Image: 39.jpg]

As Tom and I ambled home; quiet, as usual, deep in thought; it occurred to me that perhaps (maybe) the BRB call was a little harsh. With your indulgence I shall attempt to explain. This bloke ain’t no King Duncan, he’s a journalist with a penchant for apples and a liking for the poetry of children, hustling his way through the political maze, trying to keep his rice bowl intact. – Furry muff, it ain’t a real job, but with a bit of blarney, a whiff of bull-pooh, a soupçon of bluster; AND sound advice, he can do as much as any of his ilk can do – in the time given (which ain’t usually much – by the by). But, what the devil does he know of the intricacies of the aviation industry? SDA is the correct answer. Yet suddenly he is faced with several serious crisis points. Not too much fun, not for anyone, let alone a genial half-wit. So, what does he do; nay, must do, to retain any semblance of credibility, let alone his ‘seat’? Why he turns to the trusty advisors and experts. The same motely crew who have been leading ministers about by the ears for thirty years. It’s the only ‘safe’ road he can travel. The folks he relies on are well paid ‘experts’ protected and practiced in the dark arts of the mystique of aviation safety: safe as houses for a No Duckling Clue (NDC) minister you’d say. But are they?

This past week, P2, myself and others have been examining the Essendon disaster in some detail.

[Image: Do3SLpJV4AAxPJz.jpg]
“A lie that is half-truth is the darkest of all lies.”― Alfred Tennyson

And that children, in the form of the ATSB report is what the minister is looking at, on his blotter at the moment. A half truth, half lie which will, if he don’t straighten up, will follow him, as the minister responsible into political oblivion. In simple terms minister; it don’t pass the sniff test, let alone forensic examination. Essentially, it is a copy and paste from a NTSB report, carefully massaged to ‘fit’ the accident. While it ain’t anywhere near the ‘whole truth’,   it is certainly good enough to fool the public and the insipid media. It will not get past the FAA or NTSB. Too many holes in the knitting. There are too many essential differences between the Hayward incident and the Essendon fire-ball to provide a safe, credible, political, stance. The experts and legal eagles will; in short order, tear the ATSB to shreds. In doing so, the developers, the DoIT assistance to the same and the CASA blind –eye and the ATSB’s obliging PR exercise will be stripped bare for all to see. Thus, the minister becomes, like it or not, the Patsy. Institutions survive; ministers get to shuffle off to spend more time with their remaining marbles and such family as will stick by ‘em.

[Image: Do3bOOdV4AAUc97.jpg]

“I do know that the slickest way to lie is to tell the right amount of truth--then shut up.” — Robert A. Heinlein

PAIN, the BRB, the IOS and AP have voted to do all they can to assist the inevitable American litigation following the Essendon accident to succeed. The incumbent minister and his puerile ‘advice’ have been happy to assist in perpetrating what can only be described as a typical, orchestrated, pilot error call: placed alongside a carefully scripted ‘no blame’ and 'no responsibility' blurb, reflecting a well rehearsed government agency obfuscation tactic. This bollocks has to, must,  stop.

If the minister is too Gormless and Gutless to call a halt to this ongoing, habitual feeding of the myth that the Australian safety agencies are unimpeachable; then, there is little choice for this industry other than to disavow world leading aviation nations of this notion. This time, we will see it done, settled and settled right; once and, hopefully for all.

“Seems only fair to give the minister a clue” says P7. “OK” says I. Herewith, for ministerial redemption, three, solid, no brainer clues to arse saving Nirvana. (i) Building codes and runway safety zones; (ii) flight path differences between the USA (NTSB/Hayward) story and the Essendon comparison; (iii) Propeller pitch settings; (iv) (bonus) You’ve been conned..

That’s it, the BRB have spoken; one voice, one word – ENOUGH!

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“And thus I clothe my naked villainy
With odd old ends stol'n out of holy writ;
And seem a saint, when most I play the devil.” ― William Shakespeare, Richard III 

Time to climb the wooden hill; the dogs are settled and tomorrow we start to assemble P7’s new bench, which will involve a christening of same – provided, that is, it all works out square, flat and solid. Then even if it don’t – everything in its season; it can wait another week. The old one has done (we worked out) 103 years of hard work and it still has the original vise. Honest craftsmanship and good workmanship has preserved a powerful working tool. What minister can claim the same. And so; candles out, quietly close the stable door, a nod to Venus and on, to blessed sleep.


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MSM & Dell blinded by Hood bollocks: Trivial and inaccurate. - &

Control, Checks and Balance.

"Facts are stubborn things, but statistics are more pliable." - Mark Twain.

Since the happy cave days; where everyone did pretty much as they liked – until someone objected; then there was a dust up to settle matters. Since then mankind has attempted, in many various ways, to control their own environment. History clearly records the trials, tribulations, successes and failures of various systems. We now have a ‘democracy’ an ancient concept; we appoint leaders in whom we feel we can entrust our peace and prosperity. We expect men of good will to not only protect our personal well being and safety but that of the entire nation. We call these folk politicians. They form ‘the government’.

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“Many forms of Government have been tried, and will be tried in this world of sin and woe. No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed, it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time." ― Winston S. Churchill, Churchill Speaks: Collected Speeches in Peace and War, 1897-1963

Back before the Wright brothers; flight was but a dream of visionaries – but we managed to emulate the birds (almost) and took to the skies. During aviation’s infancy, adolescence and indeed into adulthood – there were accidents. Tragedies which cost many lives, not many more and a few less in some cases than train wrecks, bridge collapse, ships lost at sea etc. But, for some reason, aviation was seen as being an extraordinarily ‘high risk’ affair. Rightly or wrongly is academic now, for the die is cast and aviation is stuck with it. Fair enough – no one argues that some rules are needed; and, no one did. So busy launching ‘flight’ and either dazzled by the potential profits; or, struggling to stay afloat – aviation companies bent over and accepted the increasing restrictions. Then, moved both heaven and earth (and the bit in the middle) to find ways of survival and ‘beating’ the rules. Enter the Dragon. Governments countered these efforts with ‘departments’ who were charged with mediating between safety and sanity. A fair call, there are rouges and charlatans everywhere and government cannot be everywhere; and so the regulatory saga began. Well intentioned – sure; but, we all know what the road to Hell is paved with, don’t we? BUT, and here’s the rub, those men of goodwill who decided to create a ‘department’ always, until now, had responsibility for and control of the actions of that department. No longer. The departments are running the minister responsible – ‘tis true. For example:-

[Image: DpbYDpKUwAI1aDL.jpg]

P2_Hmm...I guess the CASA Iron Ring have considered and decided that it is not in their self-interest/self-preservation to change their overly prescriptive, strict liability, Big R-regulator methodology for the writing of regulations; nor is it apparently in their interest to reduce industry regulatory burden by harmonising our aviation rule-set with the rest of the world...

There exists, within the official Hansard of the Australian parliament, a significant history of this aberration. Successive, captive crown ministers being ‘persuaded’ to stay out of matters aeronautical and leave it up to the highly paid experts. There is a clearly defined, historically accurate record of this occurring. Up the point where today, there is absolutely no government control of the actions or spending of our Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA). 

Quote:Senator Sterle - "..CASA has an incredible power over ministers. You must have some fairy dust that you sprinkle on them, because they all believe every word that you say. The minister was put under the pump and so you say, 'Okay, minister, will do an inquiry. She'll be right. Go and announce it.' You have not even done the terms of reference and you are trying to tell us that it is going to be done in a couple of months. I have no faith in you..."

Quote:Mr Carmody - "..Those conditions have been in place for five years. The ATSB report is due to be handed down in three weeks. I'm considering the approach from Mr James, but I will not make a decision until after the ATSB report is finalised. I just want to make that clear.."

Totally and utterly a law unto themselves; with the power to do whatever pleases them best. A multi million dollar taxpayer burden, outside of all or any control, whatsoever. Above the law and proud of it. Look no further than the Essendon accident to see how deeply corrupted the safety oversight system has become; ATSB, CASA, DoIT all involved, with ministerial support? or simply a blind eye. No matter  – it is simply wrong.

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“The government is merely a servant―merely a temporary servant; it cannot be its prerogative to determine what is right and what is wrong, and decide who is a patriot and who isn't. Its function is to obey orders, not originate them.” ― Mark Twain

Perhaps it is time for those elected to unclip the leash and stop being departmental lap dogs. The industry is demanding that the elected minister institute reform of both regulation and the regulator. The time for politely suggesting that CASA ‘consider’ anything is well and truly over. Don’t ask ‘em, tell ‘em: it’s is simple enough instruction - adopt world best practice, now, or leave. That is what the people want and that is what the minister should deliver. Once choice, no options.

[Image: IMG_1026-216x300.jpg]

I note Senator Sterle (legend) has moved a very quiet, politically safe, little contretemps’ into the wings; waiting it’s turn to tantalize the audience, in the form of a Senate Inquiry. I am obliged to run a book on the outcome; bets are coming in faster than I can sort the odds. No matter; there is history to fall back on. The ‘book’ made a small sweet fortune off the Pel-Air inquiry – no brainer. An elegant sufficiency was provided through Forsyth – another no brainer for a bookie. The small battle of Wagga-Wagga provided even more Choc Frogs to Aunt Prue’s stockpile. In short; when the time comes; I expect the usual winners to romp home at short odds. People punt with heart and mind; but they bet against history. Unless Sterle opens up the small gap he is attempting to widen, into an orifice through which government control can be re-established, then the AP book will, once again, come out ahead.

“If you have an important point to make, don't try to be subtle or clever. Use a pile driver. Hit the point once. Then come back and hit it again. Then hit it a third time - a tremendous whack.”  ― Winston S. Churchill

Gods know we need to reign in the regulator; Blind Freddy can see that the CASA board needs teeth; and, there is an entire industry, moving off-shore, as fast as it may, taking it’s money with it to avoid the existing situation where Forsyth sense and industry sensibility is not only denied voice or vote; but has no one who will listen -  even if they had. Glenn, mate I hope your inquiry is the thin end of a very large wedge. Remember:-

“The best way out is always through. ” — Robert Frost

I know, P2 will call tomorrow - “bit dark mate” - he’ll say. My excuse is a simple one; this industry is deep in ‘do-do’ struggling to survive; I’d love to be able to write of a wondrous, sunny, windswept morning where ‘control’ reverted to those we elect and common, good, experienced sense prevailed– alas.

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The heights by great men reached and kept
Were not attained by sudden flight,
But they, while their companions slept,
Were toiling upward in the night. ― Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Aye well; that’s probably more than enough potted rambling for a while. My feeble attempt to get this industry off it’s arse, out of the Big R shadow and onto the road to recovery. Probably end up with another entertaining 12 month while the Senate once again throws rice pudding and wet lettuce leaves at the CASA bastion ending in request to consider the rightful demands of a crippled industry. Why, I wonder, does that not fill me with hope and sunshine?

Away to me dogs;


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We've learnt from the Past: Carmody 26 October 2017

Lies, damned lies, and statistics.

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There is (as academics do) furious debate about who first coined the phrase. I would quite fancy Disraeli myself; although as Wiki points out, the phrase was not found in Disraeli’s works. But; it is the sort of thing I imagine him saying. His history is ‘interesting’. No matter; the phrase exists – and it seems to fit the current departmental ‘spin’ – as published.

CASA reckon they are now a better outfit and more popular than ever before. But; are their damned lies based on statistics? Selected numbers to make it all seem good? I don’t think so; they wouldn’t dare. However – IMO – they did use ‘the numbers’ as provided; except, they omitted the facts about ‘who’ responded. AP research – rough and quick – and an associate survey (careful and slow) revealed an interesting fact or two; some hard data about just who actually participated and where the glowing accolades came from. Of course, ‘tis all confidential, don’t’ya know. The whole thing was eloquently summarised by one of the fellahin who has got a considerable, long running ‘experience’ of the authority and it’s doings. “Did you do the survey?” I asked. “Bugger that” say’s he. “Why would I give CASA the benefit of my IP address, my opinions, and become an even bigger target?” Fair comment. Those who rushed to complete are and remain, firmly, within the CASA golden circle; those who did not – well they, boys and girls, would not dream of participating. So, we can assume that the CASA numbers – of themselves – are probably near enough correct. You can get a jail term for rigging a horse race – but; if no one turns up to oppose your runner, then it’s all Kosher – ain’t it?

Reference: Forsyth report - IOS monitoring of progress:

[Image: RAAA-Jim-Davis-quote.jpg]
& Pg 57 of the Noble Art of Emuggerance:

Apart from Hitch suddenly sliding around on his own marbles as he desperately tries to regain some semblance of ‘balance’ there has been little else of note this week. So Hitch stands out a tad more than usual. I’m going to take the erstwhile P2 to task for dodgy reporting and disingenuous comment though.

P2 – “Oz Flying has this on the FF survey:”

Bad P2 – it is actually the FFS survey. As in who; FFS , would bother filling the thing out? What industry (apart from the majors) forget is that it is solely and only the public response that the miniscule’s react to. CASA play the PR/Spin game very, very well. If the 'voting public’ are convinced that all is well; and, that it is only the few rouges and the IOS who are kicking up the dust – then, in the ministerial lexicon – all is really good; and, his ‘expert advisors’ have this licked. There is not a minister today who will even try to gainsay that.

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And a comment from Albo:

“And she never could remember; and ever since that day what Lucy means by a good story is a story which reminds her of the forgotten story in the Magician's Book.” ― C.S. Lewis, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

Gods forbid the electorate ever got a whiff of what goes on under the silky smooth belly of the ATSB, ASA and CASA swans. The minister does not have one ugly duckling – he has three – all pretending that when they emerge from the bulrushes; they will be beautiful swans. Game, set and match for the ‘departments’. Some wit sent me an email today – “Re - Joyce Australia fair” - was all it said; which, IMO was all that needed saying. If (big one) Sterle and his crew can get their act together and mount an inquiry into the real issues; and if (another big one) Albo and his crew mean it; and, IF BJ keeps his promises; then perhaps, maybe, the results of the ministerial feel-good, survey placebo will not sparkle quite so brightly in the blinding glare of the smoke and mirrors lamps. – Who knows; or even cares anymore?

[Image: harry-houdini-chains.jpg]

“I am not an irretrievable sceptic. I am not hopelessly prejudiced. I am perfectly willing to believe, and my mind is wide open; but I have, as yet, to be convinced. I am perfectly willing, but the evidence must be sane and conclusive.” – Harry Houdini

Not me for one. There are some bloody good eggs in the departmental basket; some clever informed folk in the ASA; there are some (a few) honest toilers after probity within the ATSB, even CASA has, deeply hidden, some first class minds. Glenn Sterle’s inquiry – if he’s fair dinkum – should begin with; ‘in-camera’ fully protected discussions with those ex departmental  folk (resigned in disgust) willing to ‘chat’ with the committee. Anything else; just another wasteful exercise resulting in ‘recommendations’ being holly and completely discarded. The proof is there that this has happened – repeatedly and recently. We may get a hint of the RRAT committee mood next week, although looking at the schedule with CASA not on until 2030 and O’Sofullofit running the show, probably not. We shall see.

Aye well, it’s cold and windy outside, the stable is warm and cosy, TOM’s new bench stands foursquare ready for work (it really is very nice, even if I say so myself) we kept the original vise which works fine. The amazing thing is that once we lifted the top work surface off his old (2.5 thick , only the first 'top side' inch of it was buggered; quick run through the band saw returned 12 meters of beautiful 8 x1.5 Spruce.  The rest of the very old timber was in first class condition; now carefully stored away to be used again, that pleases me. The day is my own, good book, coffee, feet up, phone off – happiness.


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Home truths.

“Every traveller has a home of his own, and he learns to appreciate it the more from his wandering.” ― Charles Dickens.

‘Tis true; no matter which far flung corner of the world you return from; even after a refreshing break from the hum-drum of routine, for me, it’s always the same. The dogs go ballistic, the bags hit the floor and off we go for a romp to reaffirm the strong bonds; then there is the cat to contend with. I’ve learned, over time, to ignore their cool ‘oh – you’re back then’ arch looks and retire to the stable. Always, it is the core of my very being, to stand by the bench and pick up a favourite tool, maybe take a shaving from a billet (just to make sure all is well) – it is then that the cat will appear; they prefer their greetings to be quiet affairs, far from the rambunctious, undignified antics of the canine louts. So, peace returns, the coffee is as good as one remembers, the shower just right – all the things which say ‘home’. Bloody marvellous, until it is catch up time. Then, its a long session with Aunt Pru.  

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“I am in a ridiculous humour,' quoth Eugene; 'I am a ridiculous fellow. Everything is ridiculous. Come along!” ― Charles Dickens, Our Mutual Friend

Check list – smokes, ale, computer fired up, e-mail checked – all good. Then we begin to read. The first thing you notice after a complete break is how ridiculous the situation is; how totally absurd; it beggars the imagination. We have an industry which has been in crisis for three decades. We have an ‘Authority’ which, for the same period of time, has engineered an almost totally unaccountable system, with unlimited powers and an ability to defy Parliament, the Senate in Parliament, Commissions of Inquiry, Royal Commissions, international audit findings, independent reports, government recommendations, industry demands, requests and pleas for sanity. We also have had and still retain a succession of lilly- livered ministerial types who enjoy what is arguably one of the world's most infamous protection rackets. Completely protected from any and all responsibility by the machinations of the ‘authority’ at no cost to themselves (bar the odd conscience tweak) but at great expense to the folks who vote for them. A never ending story. The inestimable Pheelan began recording the aberrations, abominations and anathema at least two decades ago. Enough hard fact and empirical evidence provided to turn the bowels of a stone idol to jelly; did any of it make an iota of difference? You know damn well it did not. Did any of the untold sums spent by government to bring about reform in any way shape or form? You must answer that question in the affirmative; change was made – but only to develop a better system of protection for the ministers and the ‘Iron Ring’.

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My story being done,
She gave me for my pains a world of sighs;
She swore, in faith 'twas strange, 'twas passing strange;
'Twas pitiful. 'twas wondrous pitiful,
She wish'd she had not heard it, yet she wish'd
That heaven had made her such a man ― William Shakespeare, Othello,

Mind you, IMO, the industry is, in some ways as responsible and guilty as the ‘authority’ for the dreadful state of affairs. How I’d love a beer in the tap for every operator who acquiesced to some bizarre demand of an FOI and allowed changes to be made within an exposition to expedite an approval. Or; perhaps a dollar for every item written into stone which is classed and acknowledged as “just some CASA bull-shit” which they need to be seen to do – but only to keep the latest CASA auditor happy. The CASA created problem is a serious threat to air safety; there exists, in the now, two very separate systems in operation. The ‘lip-service’ system to keep CASA out of the office and off the flight line (blind compliance) and the covert, word to the wise system. The more the draconian enforcement of ridiculous rule sets persists; the greater the underground movement resistance to the ‘absurd’ grows. CASA live in a protected, off world environment; remote from operational reality. This is truly dangerous and, IMO, the further CASA devolve from reality and deny the need for total reform of regulator and legislation, the more dangerous the situation will become. A reality fix is needed. This can only be provided by a director who is not a dyed in the wool system parasite and minister with the brain to see the dangers and the balls to push change through and make it stick. Alas, the complete disrespect and distrust industry has for both the minister and the CASA empire builders will be a tough row to hoe for anyone who is touted as a messiah. Lots of dirty water under the bridge, lots of blood spilled in the dark back alleyways the CASA acolyte’s frequent, decades of resentment and a complete lack of faith combine to make the task of true reform almost an impossibility.

[Image: Orville-Wright-Thomas-Selfridge-crash-1908.jpg]

“Everything not forbidden is compulsory” ― T.H. White, The Once and Future King 

I expect it is Sunday, somewhere on the planet; so - "con su permiso" – I’ll post this twiddle today and spend the remaining weekend as pleases me best. I’ll leave a stray thought behind for the ministerial protection crew.

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“I have nothing but respect for you -- and not much of that.” ― Groucho Marx

That’s’ it; duty done. “Away to me dogs” I need to ramble among the treasures which restore mind, body and spirit.


SBG - Part II
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[Image: DsPM6hZVAAA5iPW.jpg]
SBG: Of Mushrooms and Mandarins -

Senate Inquiry  - Oversight of CASA (Monday 19 Nov '18)  [Image: rolleyes.gif] 
Quote from Hansard 27 August AOPAA/AGAA private briefing to the Senate RRAT Committee ( ref:  
Quote:Senator STERLE:  I just have an observation. I don't know the minister. I think he's probably a decent human being but, unfortunately, ministers get entrapped by CASA. I'm no stranger to the operations of CASA. I have been in many political punch-ups with CASA over the years, to the point where former Senator O'Brien from Tasmania and I instigated a Senate inquiry into the operations and governance of CASA. That was nicely buried away. I think, Chair, it's probably time to revisit that again.

Mr Morgan:  I will make a very brief comment on that. I think that you have absolutely nailed the issue for us. On the discussion of flight training organisation regulation and the independent flight instructors, when we met with CASA to discuss these concerns the director of aviation safety and his deputy were in that meeting and they were joined by the two people who were actually responsible for part 1 41 and 42. I think it is fair to say that they were, frankly, not interested in hearing a critique of their regulation. We had a representative from the United States give a comparison—what happens in the US versus what happens in Australia. That same person, Mike Smith, gave a presentation at Wagga. They switched off. They demonstrated themselves as absolutely unwilling to listen and had a complete desire to avoid any discussion of changing what they had created. It became alarming for us when the minister for transport was recently announced, because his aviation adviser is one of those individuals. So we cannot have a discussion with the minister about changing this part of the regulation. I'm not saying that there is a conflict; I am saying that it becomes a very difficult exercise for us, from an industry perspective, to have an open and free debate on the issues if the persons involved are demonstrating a total unwillingness to be open-minded about it.
And to the good Senator Sterle's word... [Image: wink.gif]  
Quote:Public Hearings
Quote:Quote:[Image: DsKh5z-UUAAcPxp.jpg]

Plus from off CASA meets the Press:
Quote:Of cancelled subscriptions.

You have to wonder why the editorial staff of a publication, such as Australian Flying, tolerate reporting which is neither ‘straight’ nor informative. They have, I expect, a minimal market share in a competitive field with a limited audience. The ‘story’ (for wont of better) Hitch is blindly groping around the edges of has only two main elements, to wit, the ongoing battle for reform of both regulator and regulation and those who oppose that reform. It really is that simple. The key pieces on the board are industry; CASA, and the incumbent minister. A game of thrones: of influence and of power exercised.

What Hitch fails to have the chutzpah to address are the base issues; scripting opinion instead of simply reporting the facts – as they stand – having investigated the story thoroughly. The wishy-washy tumble of words presented cannot be taken as a serious attempt at ‘journalism’ although Hitch does try to sell the notion that he is, in fact a real deal ‘Journo’. He ain’t, not by a long shot.

Tomorrow, there is to be a public hearing related to matters aeronautical; yet nary a word of this from Hitch. It is, IMO, a pivotal session of the RRAT committee, revolving around a grass roots matter – medicals for private operations and the CASA created battle between two warring factions for supremacy. That both need their fool heads banged together for falling into the cleverly laid scheme to divide and conquer that element of recreational flying and thus diluting the universal call for reform needs to be amplified. Hitch fails, once again, to present an unbiased, clinical assessment of the situation as it stands.

Then, we read the half baked analysis of the Act and the SOE, which, once again, demonstrates the Hitch version of cart before horse. Clearly, he just ‘don’t get it’. In simple terms the nexus lays with the Seaview accident and the Staunton report. There was a determination made that no matter what, a minister would never, not ever, be put into the same situation again. CASA responded by demanding more autonomy, grabbing both control and money. SAFETY was to be paramount; political safety that is and so began the unbridled reign of the big R regulator. This has become a happy thing for all ministers as they are iron clad and bullet proof from any and all association with matters aeronautical. Guilt free and publically blameless. CASA milk this for every drop and will defend the unlimited power and unaccountability for all that they are worth. Why would anyone willingly dismantle a smoothly running protection system like that to satisfy the calls of a very small minority group? Don’t make any political sense whatsoever.

Yet the need for reform is obvious, the need to free an ailing industry from the chains of prescriptive regulation which cripple and bind innovation and investment must be broken. The need for a system which does not lend itself to fear of criminal conviction – on whim – without trial is blindingly obvious. We are a free, democratic country, with rights enshrined in law; removed by the Civil Aviation Act. Could it be said that it is unconstitutional? YES is the answer; this had been publicly said, with the rider that no one could afford to challenge it.

There is a lot more riding on the call for reform than Hitch has grasped, a cartload more. Yet this latest trite, biased, ill informed load of waffle is published. The good thing is only a few will read it; few of those will see the dire need for a united front for reform; even fewer will give 20 seconds constructive thought to how the industry, not themselves will benefit from a united, clearly enunciated, robust call for reform.

Hitch needs to go back to writing his wee tales of joy flights in the latest Tupperware offering and stay away from serious matters he clearly does not understand. Before someone accuses him of dragging the good name of a once respected publication into the mud of deceit and the stench of bias.

Toot – toot.

Standby with much, much MTF...P2  Tongue

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Faery dust sprinkles and Pony-pooh.

Have always been, until recently, a reliable  sovereign specific against any form of inquiry. Whenever a Senate committee or some other cheeky sod, like Forsyth or ICAO want to take a peep under the CASA skirts, the Pony-pooh gets spread far and wide; out comes the faery dust and - Poof – just like that; the CASA front row are skipping down the main street, hi-Fives all around, heading for the local cat house to celebrate. But something has gone wrong recently, even with the help of O’Sofullofit, the wheels are coming off the CASA wagon. Some attribute this to Murky’s absence; like him or not, you had to admire a class act. The gods know he kept CASA’s skirts out of the mire with an almost magical touch for a good long while and through some close calls. Well, he ain’t there now and the three stooges purportedly running the CASA bandwagon are not in his class, not by a long shot. It showed through as clear as day at the last Estimates session; the Mad Hatter, the Cheshire cat and the White rabbit all there. If you had to cast an Alice in Wonderland pantomime, you could easily pick the stars from the CASA front row. 

[Image: Ds2F_pjUUAA0z9c.jpg]

Aleck - The Mad Hatter -The Mad Hatter is one of the members of the Mad Tea Party. Later he also appears as a witness during the trial. He occasionally is very rude and provokes Alice during the tea party. When he is called upon by the Queen, he is very nervous and frightened.

[Image: Ds2PPphU4AA9poA.jpg]

Crawford - The White Rabbit - The White Rabbit is nervous and always in a hurry. However, he is confident enough about himself to contradict the King of Hearts.

[Image: Ds1PMHzVAAAd7JH.jpg]
 “If you’re a general aviation pilot in the northwest of Aust­ralia and you’ve 
got a station up there, basically it would be in your interest to leave the GA
 sector and move to RAAus,” Mr Carmody said.

Carmody - The Cheshire Cat - A perpetually grinning cat who appears and disappears at will. The Cheshire Cat displays a detached, clearheaded logic and explains Wonderland’s madness to Alice.

[Image: 1*1LKENJu0_MU7Bm56r5thfg.jpeg]

Aye, some great thespians, lost to the boards right there. The last performance had them booed and harried off stage as a result of muffed lines, missed cues and trying to ad-lib their way out of the mess. What a shambles – particularly when you consider the money laid out to get them on stage. No matter, they will get another chance in a short while, let us hope they have improved their collective foot work; before appearing again to front a very savvy, well informed audience. 

From pantomime to the Colosseum: O’Sofullofit issued a challenge to this industry; we intend to take up the gauntlet. He seems to believe that the tales of embuggerance cannot be fully supported. Many believe it is time to disavow him of that notion. We shall see how he handles an offering of tales from the Bankstown Chronicles. For far too long, far too many have been afraid to speak up; or, unable to mount a costly, time consuming defence.

[Image: DAS-1.jpg]
Ref: Oversight of CASA inquiry - Opportunity knocks?

The infamous (still not amended) Enforcement Manual will feature as a prime example of what can be done – in the name of ‘safety’. If the three decade saga of ‘reformed’ aviation regulations ever gets fully finished; it should be without strict liability and criminal conviction as the basic tenet. The ever present threat of prosecution on a whim is simply wrong, the ability, through the EM, to manipulate those whims into strict liability typifies the heinous nature of the CASA reign through terror. We shall see what old O’Sofullofit makes of hard fact and tangible proof; yes we will children – Aye, we shall indeed.  

Of course, the industry is still coming to terms with what, exactly, occurred during the AOPA/RaOz gabfest last week. You may, at your leisure watch the entire pantomime and form your own conclusions. P2 has, once again, done us proud and provided the whole shooting match – HERE- do try and find a quiet hour to watch it. It is quite an eye opener.

But, I’ve done my homework, been to the BRB and once I’ve finished here – the day is my own. Years ago, I managed to get my paws on a felled Cherry tree, a fair sized one. I carefully milled the trunk and tucked the boards away to season and dry, kept against the day when a ‘special’ piece was to be made. Today I intend to begin trueing up those boards. It is a wonderful timber and there is a request for an old fashioned rocking cradle; which I intend to honour. So, that’s me done; far from domestic tyranny, the dogs are quiet, the coffee a perfect temperature, the tools are sharp and the sun is shining. Signs off, lights a smoke, ambles toward the workbench looking at sketched plans. Colour me happy.

Toot – toot.

“And thus I clothe my naked villainy”

Late start this morning – much to consider and read; mostly to do with Bruce Rhoades and his run in with the CASA gristmill. The story begins with tragedy, a failed engine leading to an air accident, ending with a fatality. A raw day for all concerned; services swung into action and did their usual sterling work (thank you – once again); ATSB arrived ‘on-site’ and began the task of ‘investigation’. This is what we have become used to after an accident; the ATSB attempts to define what happened, why and place, when required, some form of advisory or recommendation designed to prevent a reoccurrence. The CASA often buy in, they are quite entitled to run an investigation; there are matters which they need to be across, matters of law and operational well being. So the scene is set.

[Image: 46928439_10155653006232312_3501339863200...e=5CA7587B]

[Image: DtcJK9GU8AAnxJt.jpg]

With odd old ends stol'n out of holy writ;

What happened next requires some thought; no matter how you puzzle it through, you always arrive at the same conclusion – what, in the seven hells, is CASA playing at? It is an inescapable conclusion to constructive thought. The truly frightening aspect is that we have seen this type of behaviour before; it’s almost the default setting and it’s wrong. The Quadrio story is one example, the Pel-Air story another. This latest episode should, if the government don’t fail in their duty to the Australian public, be the catalyst for a radical overhaul of the CASA. Even that small part of industry which may have had some modicum of respect for the regulator must admit, CASA is completely out of all control.

And seem a saint, when most I play the devil.” ― William Shakespeare, Richard III

Look no further than the Crawford letter to Rhoades; a man, standing alone dares to openly challenge the might of CASA – one man, unafraid to tell it like it is. He ain’t Robinson Crusoe; nor is he telling faery stories, the difference is, he dares to speak up.  His words and the CASA response have effectively cost CASA control of the industry. How can anyone trust or respect an outfit, or the men within when a letter, such as Crawford signed, with his masters consent can be sent. Roades published that letter – and his response to it, which should be framed and hung on the wall of every operations room. CASA may have legal control – but they have screwed the ‘respect’ pooch, well and truly; not to mention the credibility donkey. 

[Image: DtXw0a-U8AEo_p_.jpg]

It is time the Senate committee honoured the O’Sullivan pledge.

19/11/2018. CHAIR: Mr Morgan, I'm sorry but I'm going to have to wind it up there, because CASA deserve their time here to respond to some of this stuff. If you've got evidence of what you've just spoken about, you need to particularise it carefully, you need to underpin it with the physical evidence, reference it and get it to the committee.

[Image: DtaV3i4U0AADxOd.jpg]

This committee issued some 30 odd recommendation after the Pel-Air farrago; these were backed by a further 30 odd from the good Rev. Forsyth. CASA stuck a couple of band-aides on the scratches and slithered off, back to Sleepy Hollow and shredded the whole thing – "NOTHING" (he barked) changed. “Proof” calls the mob; look no further than the Roades case before you now. If I were a Senator, and I had the Mickey Bliss taken out of me by the CASA miscreants; I’d want to open the gates, hear all and every complaint and return the Mickey – in Spades, redoubled. Yet the next on the ‘no respect’ list is likely to be the O’Sofullofit committee; simply for lack of action in the face of overwhelming evidence. Time the government put up or shut up. They could start by firing the CASA front row; that would be a long stride toward recovering some credibility and a modicum of respect; for as it stands now, they are seen to be as much of the problem as CASA is.  

[Image: 5237.jpg]

“We cannot expect people to have respect for law and order until we teach respect to those we have entrusted to enforce those laws.” ― Hunter S. Thompson

Do not become distracted by the sad, sorry tale of the accident – it was a terrible thing, about which nothing can be done to return life or health to those who suffered, they have our sincere sympathy. We can however do something about the despicable, almost unbelievable repeat action of CASA. 

[Image: OGO_02-04-2016_ROP_11_GLA_robb041110-4_f...00x225.jpg]

Many times over the years I have offered to fly CASA FOIs into Castaway camp in an effort to engage them in constructive dialogue and critique of our operating practices. They never accepted the offer. After the accident on 10th January I offered to fly CASA FOI Mike Lewer and AWI Marshall Ross into the accident site. They declined.

To this day CASA has never visited the accident site. Its agents have made numerous false assumptions as a result of this failure to adequately research the details of their own investigation; down to not even knowing which beaches we were landing on. We used two - Aircraft Beach and the beach at Eurimbula Creek.

CASA is an authority which is not held accountable by any oversight body - unless you have very deep pockets for an appeal to the Federal Court. It has become clear to me that it has no interest in truth or justice. Its victims are guilty until proven innocent – if they can afford costly court actions. Its agents apparently feel it's okay to tell any untruth they choose, in the interests of proving their spurious arguments and suppositions. I believe it would be fair to describe this body as an immoral and corrupt organisation that has drifted far from its initial mandate of public Safety.

I know many experienced commercial pilots feel the same way. We talk about it. Though I doubt any would dare to voice their concerns publicly, for fear of retribution from CASA. We all know of accidents and incidents that have occurred over the years and were never reported, for this reason. Commercial operators fear becoming caught up in the tangle of inept, vindictive bureaucracy CASA has become. As a result, there is no constructive two-way dialogue between it and the industry it is meant to protect. Instead of improving the safety of everyone in the industry, the reverse is happening. Safety in Australian aviation is being compromised by CASA's arrogant culture.

CASA is continuing in its efforts to denigrate Les and me. Les feels threatened by the possibility of criminal charges, and the loss of everything he has worked for. I have already lost everything. We both feel we have been grossly abused by CASA. In light of all this I feel my only recourse is to avail myself of the court of public opinion; the only one I can afford, and where there is a probability of a fair hearing.

In the normal course of events I would've waited for the ATSB's report to come out before going public with my story. But I was recently diagnosed with a tumour on the brain, complicated by leukaemia. Doctors have told me I might survive for another 2 months at best. It is important to me that my name, and Les Woodall's, are cleared of any blame for the tragedy that occurred on the 10th January, 2017 before I die and to expose the endemic corrupt culture within CASA.

For me, the saddest consequence of CASA's appalling mishandling of this incident is the possibility that those involved, and their families, will never know the truth. My wish be available to talk to Jocelyn Spurway's family about what happened that day, if they so desire, in an effort to give them some form of closure. While CASA continues to stonewall, this will never happen.

Bruce Rhoades

There is a clear pattern of deliberate embuggerance; all are aware, yet only one man dare speak of it. His rice bowl is shattered and yet he chooses to spend the little time he has left on this planet, fighting to preserve the rights of aviation folk and exposing the deep, fundamental, man made, government supported flaws in our aviation safety system. 

[Image: 44567.jpg]

“I am an American; free born and free bred, where I acknowledge no man as my superior, except for his own worth, or as my inferior, except for his own demerit.” ― Theodore Roosevelt

Perhaps, what is not clearly understood is the way pilots see things – in the now; not at the end of some committee meeting – but now; the threat is real, the actions immediate and positive to avoid a mess. There is a threat, a serious one and the clock is ticking. The houseboat clock sits at 23:59. Tick Tock minister; tick tock..

Pilots track their lives by the number of hours in the air, as if any other kind of time isn't worth noting.— Michael Parfit, 'The Corn was Two Feet Below the Wheels',


Late on Sunday.

Not my fault – the computer elves were working on what they call ‘the back end’. Not only was I asked not to make ribald comment during their labours; but asked to stay out of the way. Happy to oblige; there is some deuced tricky stuff involved and the thick, clumsy fingers of dunderheads are not required. Aunt Pru has had a make over and the old girl looks pretty good. Big thank you to our ‘guru’ who keeps things ticking over; despite the bloody ‘spammers’ and their mates.  Good job and thank you.

Indications are that just a tick over 500,000 ‘unique reads’ have been made this year; which is folk who have opened a post and spent more than 30 seconds reading it; we don’t count ‘hits’ – which are off the charts. The Blog has racked up another impressive score; this is measured from zero at the start of the new year. Seems like the effort, hard work (and money) has been worth the trouble. Thanks to everyone, wherever you are, for your support – it is appreciated. My favourite page is still the statistics map which shows where our readers are; impressive list, except the Kiwi’s seem not to bother, rare event to see NZ highlighted on my map.

Quote:Tasmanian crash pilot named as 30yo Queenslander Nikita Walker

[Image: BBQJMLu.img?h=181&w=270&m=6&q=60&o=f&l=f&x=320&y=138]

© Facebook Nikita Walker had begun her career as a commercial pilot with Par Avion and had said "I love my job".

The pilot killed in the crash in Tasmania's south-west wilderness has been identified as Nikita Walker, police have confirmed.

Ms Walker, 30, a pilot with Par Avion, died when her twin-engine aircraft crashed near Federation Peak on Saturday morning in poor weather.

Today, police said the "investigation being jointly undertaken by the Australian Transport Safety Bureau and Tasmania Police is continuing".

"Our thoughts are with Nikita's family and her loved ones at this difficult time."

[Image: BBQJPoq.img?h=467&w=700&m=6&q=60&o=f&l=f]

© Instagram
 Nikita Walker pictured after her first solo flight over Queensland, with instructor Douglas Field, in 2016.

Ms Walker, originally from Queensland, moved to Tasmania to further her career as a commercial pilot, joining Par Avion in 2016.

On the day she attained her commercial pilot's licence, a friend wrote: "I have never seen anyone so committed to achieving their goals. She has attained outstanding results in all of her exams and flight tests and should be extremely proud of herself today."

Reflecting back on achieving her license one year later, Ms Walker wrote on social media: "One year ago today I completed my commercial pilot license. It took plenty of hard work and I couldn't have done it without some special people (you know who you are & THANK YOU!).

"But it has all paid off and I am absolutely stoked to be able to say I truly love my job."

[Image: BBQJDAN.img?h=533&w=799&m=6&q=60&o=f&l=f&x=654&y=163]

© Facebook
 Nikita Walker had flown the route over south-west Tasmania a number of times.

For the past two years, Ms Walker had been flying commercially with Par Avion and featured prominently in the company's flight training promotional images.

Airlines of Tasmania Managing Director Shannon Wells said the young pilot had extensive experience.

"She'd learned to fly with us, which is part of why it's so sad as well. She moved down to Tasmania to become a pilot. She did all their training here, (she) was well-versed in Tasmanian flying conditions."

Mr Wells said Ms Walker had even begun "assisting and checking other pilots with their flying to the south-west".

He said Par Avion's staff and management were in shock over the loss.

"There have been a lot of tears shed by me and our colleagues, we're a small family business, we train up a lot of our family here and we see the same people every day," he said.

[Image: BBQJMP0.img?h=533&w=799&m=6&q=60&o=f&l=f]

© ABC News
 A Par Avion Britten-Norman Islander twin-engine plane, similar to one that crashed in southwest Tasmania.

She had trained with Par Avion and flown commercially with the company for two years.

Airlines of Tasmania Managing Director Shannon Wells said the young pilot had extensive experience.

"She'd learned to fly with us, which is part of why it's so sad as well. She moved down to Tasmania to become a pilot. She did all their training here, (she) was well-versed in Tasmanian flying conditions."

Ms Walker's family have travelled to Hobart on the news of her death.

I’m not going to bang on too much today for it is a day of great sadness. The mad world of Australian aviation can take a back seat while we mourn the passing of a young pilot in Tasmania. It is always a terrible day when we loose an aircraft and a young life. There is little – if anything – we can do to assuage the grief of family, friends or even co-workers. Personally, I have been through this more times than I care to count and know; very well, how once the initial shock ware’s off, true grief sets in. It is not in the first days; reality is a strange beast; it is in the months to come where the going gets really, truly tough for those closest to those no longer with us. It is then that our unstinted, genuine, quiet support will be needed most. 

We count Shannon Wells and all who fly with him amongst our friends; FWIW the entire crew at Aunt Pru are there, 24/7. Call/ email anytime.

Oh! I have slipped the surly bonds of earth,
And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings;
Sunward I've climbed, and joined the tumbling mirth
Of sun-split clouds, --and done a hundred things
You have not dreamed of --Wheeled and soared and swung
High in the sunlit silence. Hov'ring there
I've chased the shouting wind along, and flung
My eager craft through footless halls of air...
Up, up the long, delirious, burning blue
I've topped the wind-swept heights with easy grace
Where never lark or even eagle flew –
And, while with silent lifting mind I've trod
The high untrespassed sanctity of space,
Put out my hand, and touched the face of God. (John Gillespie Magee, Jr).

We all wish the pilot Godspeed and tailwinds; and, extend to the family our sincere and deepest sympathies.

That’s all. "K".

(12-09-2018, 08:50 PM)Kharon Wrote:  Late on Sunday.

Not my fault – the computer elves were working on what they call ‘the back end’. Not only was I asked not to make ribald comment during their labours; but asked to stay out of the way. Happy to oblige; there is some deuced tricky stuff involved and the thick, clumsy fingers of dunderheads are not required. Aunt Pru has had a make over and the old girl looks pretty good. Big thank you to our ‘guru’ who keeps things ticking over; despite the bloody ‘spammers’ and their mates.  Good job and thank you.

Indications are that just a tick over 500,000 ‘unique reads’ have been made this year; which is folk who have opened a post and spent more than 30 seconds reading it; we don’t count ‘hits’ – which are off the charts. The Blog has racked up another impressive score; this is measured from zero at the start of the new year. Seems like the effort, hard work (and money) has been worth the trouble. Thanks to everyone, wherever you are, for your support – it is appreciated. My favourite page is still the statistics map which shows where our readers are; impressive list, except the Kiwi’s seem not to bother, rare event to see NZ highlighted on my map.

Quote:Tasmanian crash pilot named as 30yo Queenslander Nikita Walker

[Image: BBQJMLu.img?h=181&w=270&m=6&q=60&o=f&l=f&x=320&y=138]

© Facebook Nikita Walker had begun her career as a commercial pilot with Par Avion and had said "I love my job".

The pilot killed in the crash in Tasmania's south-west wilderness has been identified as Nikita Walker, police have confirmed.

Ms Walker, 30, a pilot with Par Avion, died when her twin-engine aircraft crashed near Federation Peak on Saturday morning in poor weather.

Today, police said the "investigation being jointly undertaken by the Australian Transport Safety Bureau and Tasmania Police is continuing".

"Our thoughts are with Nikita's family and her loved ones at this difficult time."

[Image: BBQJPoq.img?h=467&w=700&m=6&q=60&o=f&l=f]

© Instagram
 Nikita Walker pictured after her first solo flight over Queensland, with instructor Douglas Field, in 2016.

Ms Walker, originally from Queensland, moved to Tasmania to further her career as a commercial pilot, joining Par Avion in 2016.

On the day she attained her commercial pilot's licence, a friend wrote: "I have never seen anyone so committed to achieving their goals. She has attained outstanding results in all of her exams and flight tests and should be extremely proud of herself today."

Reflecting back on achieving her license one year later, Ms Walker wrote on social media: "One year ago today I completed my commercial pilot license. It took plenty of hard work and I couldn't have done it without some special people (you know who you are & THANK YOU!).

"But it has all paid off and I am absolutely stoked to be able to say I truly love my job."

[Image: BBQJDAN.img?h=533&w=799&m=6&q=60&o=f&l=f&x=654&y=163]

© Facebook
 Nikita Walker had flown the route over south-west Tasmania a number of times.

For the past two years, Ms Walker had been flying commercially with Par Avion and featured prominently in the company's flight training promotional images.

Airlines of Tasmania Managing Director Shannon Wells said the young pilot had extensive experience.

"She'd learned to fly with us, which is part of why it's so sad as well. She moved down to Tasmania to become a pilot. She did all their training here, (she) was well-versed in Tasmanian flying conditions."

Mr Wells said Ms Walker had even begun "assisting and checking other pilots with their flying to the south-west".

He said Par Avion's staff and management were in shock over the loss.

"There have been a lot of tears shed by me and our colleagues, we're a small family business, we train up a lot of our family here and we see the same people every day," he said.

[Image: BBQJMP0.img?h=533&w=799&m=6&q=60&o=f&l=f]

© ABC News
 A Par Avion Britten-Norman Islander twin-engine plane, similar to one that crashed in southwest Tasmania.

She had trained with Par Avion and flown commercially with the company for two years.

Airlines of Tasmania Managing Director Shannon Wells said the young pilot had extensive experience.

"She'd learned to fly with us, which is part of why it's so sad as well. She moved down to Tasmania to become a pilot. She did all their training here, (she) was well-versed in Tasmanian flying conditions."

Ms Walker's family have travelled to Hobart on the news of her death.

I’m not going to bang on too much today for it is a day of great sadness. The mad world of Australian aviation can take a back seat while we mourn the passing of a young pilot in Tasmania. It is always a terrible day when we loose an aircraft and a young life. There is little – if anything – we can do to assuage the grief of family, friends or even co-workers. Personally, I have been through this more times than I care to count and know; very well, how once the initial shock ware’s off, true grief sets in. It is not in the first days; reality is a strange beast; it is in the months to come where the going gets really, truly tough for those closest to those no longer with us. It is then that our unstinted, genuine, quiet support will be needed most. 

We count Shannon Wells and all who fly with him amongst our friends; FWIW the entire crew at Aunt Pru are there, 24/7. Call/ email anytime.

Oh! I have slipped the surly bonds of earth,
And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings;
Sunward I've climbed, and joined the tumbling mirth
Of sun-split clouds, --and done a hundred things
You have not dreamed of --Wheeled and soared and swung
High in the sunlit silence. Hov'ring there
I've chased the shouting wind along, and flung
My eager craft through footless halls of air...
Up, up the long, delirious, burning blue
I've topped the wind-swept heights with easy grace
Where never lark or even eagle flew –
And, while with silent lifting mind I've trod
The high untrespassed sanctity of space,
Put out my hand, and touched the face of God. (John Gillespie Magee, Jr).

We all wish the pilot Godspeed and tailwinds; and, extend to the family our sincere and deepest sympathies.

That’s all. "K".

or; off the new look blog:

[Image: HighFlight-740x510.jpg]

Late on Sunday.
by Sarcs | Dec 10, 2018 | Accidents and Inquiry, ATSB, CASA, Senate Estimates - Unplugged

Late on Sunday.- AP Forum version. Not my fault – the computer elves were working on what they call ‘the back end’. Not only was I asked not to make ribald comment during their labours; but asked to stay out of the way. Happy to oblige; there is some deuced tricky...

MTF...P2  Angel

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