Shame or fame for Chester?

Totally agree "V" on the face of it all it is not looking good - Sad

However we probably already knew before Tamworth that DC was a total WOFTAM of a miniscule, so better the enemy you know and DC is now officially IOS/PAIN enemy No.1 & a moving, very visual target - Big Grin    

Probably more disconcerting was this from "K" post:
Quote:The real game started when Q&A began; there were some good questions and statement from the audience, several brought cheers and applause.  Boyd copped a few and for a while disappointed many by sounding more like a Casamite than an industry champion; at one stage he defended CASA so strongly I though ‘hello – he gone over to the dark side’.  I was a close run thing and left a bad taste in the mouths of many; this reflected in some almost hostile ‘please explains’.

If you closed your eyes while Boyd was spinning this 'bollocks' you could almost imagine that it was Skidmore who was actually speaking. That and the repeated message by JB that he was powerless to stop the DAS from closing down all debate on the ADSB & CVD pilot issues:

{Warning bucket maybe required for OST spin & bulldust and that duckin' tie - Confused }

It is a piss poor excuse to say that the board cannot control yet another obviously rogue DAS that believes he is a law unto himself. Perhaps if Boyd no longer feels he is up for it or he has indeed gone to the dark side then he should walk the Green Mile himself ASAP...

Oliver's latest load of bollocks
Is this guy for real...  [Image: huh.gif]   Come on Boyd & the Board, time this WOFTAM walked the Green Mile. Remember this dude is on 600k + (before benefits) and he is putting out this spin & bullshit, either put him to the sword or resign yourself, because this industry is on life support and needs far more than the platitudes of this RAAF has-been - FFS! Angry

P2 comment - One final thing that disturbed me was the total lack of recognition that the highly respected man responsible for overseeing the ASRR, the Reverend Forsyth was in attendance. Forsyth was probably one of two individuals at the rally, independently separate from the Alphabets, that was best qualified/experienced in engaging with and translating a message to politicians so that they can easily understand; yet he was disrespectfully overlooked??

MTF...P2 Tongue   

Well caught Sir.

Although not part of the AOPA hanger war party, the good Rev. Forsyth was indeed in attendance, he had taken the trouble to prepare a ‘stump’ speech – just in case.  I’ve never been sure if a ‘stump’ speech was one made while standing ‘on the stump’ or, one made when ‘stumped’ for something to say – not that it matters.  With the kind permission of the good Rev – herewith, unsullied as writ, from one of the best, unselfish, modest friends aviation has, a simple solution:-

CHART - Tamworth

The CASA connection.

The ramble continued:-

Boyd and his bored were, naturally, at the Tamworth rally.  CASA had to be represented and Boyd did that handsomely.  I’ll deal with the truly vomit producing first, get that out of the way; I forget her name but she is on ‘the bored’. 'Bout halfway through the platitudes and waffle, rather than throw up over several pairs of polished RM’s I slipped out of the hanger door out of sound range.  It was Boyd who piqued my interest but it was ‘she’ who killed it.  A truly saccharine sweet confection which encouraged us to be aware of how many ‘tensions’ there are within the regulator and how, although ‘they’ cared (a great deal) about the plight of GA; it behoves us to be gentle, caring, patient and understanding of just how tough it is to be CASA.  BOLLOCKS, retch, exit.

That left Boyd fair and square in the gunsight.  As mentioned, I did truly think and am now almost convinced that he has been inculcated, well and truly seduced by the dark side of the force.  Listening carefully – again, to what he had to say simply reinforces that notion, which is disappointing.  I have not set eyes on the man for a twelve month, last I did, the eyes were bright, coat shiny, tail up and he was full of fight and running.  Take a look at the montage provided by the Northern Daily Leader – HERE - . The tan has gone, the figure is starting to sag and the grey, strained face tells the beginning of the tale, the rhetoric at Tamworth the ending.  The job is simply too much for him, too large and nebulous; he’d be a much better DAS than Chairman.  

Make no mistake, I like the bloke; well enough to call it as I see it.  Take a break mate and find some honest, honourable work, the dark side is not for you.  

Toot toot.

PS. Take a look through the pics - #8 my own personal favourite... Big Grin  #20 is the Nanny state Mummy speaking -  Exclamation

[Image: sick-penguin-smiley-emoticon.gif]

Boyd still had integrity when he joined CAsA, but that could never last. His job, and that of the Board, is to filter any of CAsA's shit from ever landing on the Ministers face. Pure and simple. The aviation industry has some big players, some powerful players by way of individuals organisations, departments and unions, players that could threaten a Minisucles longevity and trough priveleges. Boyd may have thought he could drive change but in reality he is just one minor minion who doesn't even have the authority or 'permission' to so much as dock the DAS a days pay as punishment for being a pompous old twat. I would suggest he take a ticket and line up with Barnaby and Chester the magnificent at the nearest piss trough, beef bayonets in hand giggling and laughing at signs on the walls or the lack of girth and length of each other's doodles.

As for poor old Skates, $600k per year to pucker his lips up to the Miniscules spotty ass, lie to our industry, and promote his CAsA bully boys into higher positions. Not a bad job to have ey boys, how do I go about getting one??

And yes, sadly the 'gunfight at the Tamworth corral' ended up being the 'slap with a wet lettuce leaf at the Tamworth corral'.

TICK fuc#ing TOCK Miniscule

Part III - BRB – over; thank you gods.

There’s little else of import to tell; certainly nothing of significant value. I expect those who believe ‘selfies’’ of you and your mates in the dunny, together, are cool will be happy .  I accept it has a certain je ne sais quoi; but for the rest of us, those that made the effort, what can we take away?  Jabiru and Brumby went home with empty pockets, followed by the blank stares of those who failed, totally and utterly to ‘get it’.  Export markets are no where near as important as frolics in the bathroom and selfies’ of the same hi-jinx; no Siree. – Click – Selfy.

Who else was noteworthy; the Rev. Forsyth was not asked – by anyone – to say a word or two; maybe it’s just as well.  I mean what could he have to say in the face of such comprehensive understanding of the situation.  The toilet conference had it sorted; and, no awkward questions (on notice)  from the likes of Senator bloody David blasted Fawcett was going to spoil the fun. The hide of the man; really!, asking exactly where the ministerial directive for CASA to get off it’s corpulent rump was up to is the height of poor form.  Shame on you – Click – Selfy.

I did have a quiet smile when Karen Casey ambushed Barnbaby; much like the ghost at Hamlets feast; or, better still, one of the three who visited Scrooge; past, present and future.  I thought and expected Barnbaby to be a ‘bigger’ man, the man his speech writer portrays, but when stacked up, face to face, against the courage and fortitude of KC in a brief moment, you see the inner man; this accountant turned ruler of Australia.  Disappointing, no matter, he’ll always have Darren and that magic moment they shared in the Aero-club loo.  Click - Selfy.

Tony Windsor both cracked and cheered me up; the face of doom, live, and very, very real; no semblance of a smile, grim as my boss, staring at Barnbaby obfuscating and slip-sliding. Priceless.  If I lived up that way, I reckon I’d vote for him, just for that alone.  There was a notable change in the Barnbaby delivery and energy level, he even stopped slurring his words and pretending to be a Truckie, not an accountant, for few minutes.  I doubt Tony got invited to the man’s room photo opportunity party; too straight by half.  Bravo Messrs Windsor & Duddy; bravo indeed.   No Selfy required.

That’s about the end of the BRB/PAIN thoughts on the matter.  In summary, Chester is a light weight, a hairdresser, a make up artist for TV ‘life experience’ shows; Barnbaby a model (one of many) for the Chester pin up of the month (Selfie add in) competition.

The Independents, Windsor, Xenophon etc. all seem to lack the arrogance, sense of entitlement and sense of self importance that these cosseted children of the Turnbull clan have.  I don’t know much about politics.  But I know engines and my sky and my ocean; I know horses and I know dogs; I know pilots  - and their ways – but most of all – I know my fellow man.  This pair have been weighed; they have been measured; and, I’d vote for my tea lady as PM before I’d walk up the hill to vote for this toilet dwelling heap of dross.

Here endeth, on Monday, the Sunday ramble.  Flush.


Chocfrog 4 @themarkjacka 

 ROFLMAO to a tweeted response to a PAIN tweet by Mark Jacka this AM Big Grin
Quote:@kharon_sam @CivilSocietyOz does taking self-promo tweep pics of hotel rooms count? … #auspol


@PAIN_NET1 @kharon_sam @CivilSocietyOz Plenty of homeless in Shepparton and it's getting cold out. #auspol
Top shot Jacko Old Son - Big Grin

MTF...P2 Tongue

It's significant that Chester, Joyce and Co. are now in self imposed witness protection. If they don't want further discussion with Industry representatives they stand condemned like the statues they imitate and except for pigeon droppings should be similarly botcotted.

Along with that other irrelevance called CAsA, further correspondence should be culled and the regulatory framework ignored. It's said, ignorance is no excuse in the eyes of the Law. Well Folks, in the case of CAsA it can be an excuse because nobody, including the Authors understand the meaningless text.

CAsA need to be treated with the same contempt it treats Industry and all legal interventions should not be recognized.

While the Cat is away...?? The trouble with having a photogenic filter for a miniscule is that while Chester continues on his selfie tour (self-aggrandisement, self-flagellation, self-preserving..?? etc.), the Mandarins (& their minions like Beaker & Skidmark) are busy putting out past fires, watering down past industry concerns and setting in place obstructions and future obfuscation smokescreens. All this of course is purely in their own self-interest  to maintain the status quo and to ensure their job security throughout the length of the next Parliament - 'round and round the Mulberry bush'... Dodgy  

Classic example of this bureaucratic rule of pre-election obfuscation & whitewashing, was with Murky's cynical release of the State SSP - The 'despicable' Dazzling Dazza - just prior to the calling of the DD election. 

Also the recent flurry of activity by Beaker & the ATSB, examples today with MH370 debacle & in the Beaker O&O'd Mildura fog duck-up FR - Three years for this? - Part III

Fortunately there is a growing tide of people that are now much more informed and prepared to call bollocks to the bureaucratic 'mystique of aviation safety' charade:
(06-04-2016, 12:13 PM)Peetwo Wrote:  
Quote:IsDon - ..If you have experienced yet another display of incompetent forecasting by BoM and the field is below minima for longer than 60 minutes then, with nowhere else to go, you're committed to land regardless of the minima.

That said, expect the Monday morning quarterbacks (ATSB) to pillory whatever decision you make based upon airmanship and the best information you have available at the time. Especially if doing otherwise might actually find the route cause of the issue and that route cause may lay the blame squarely at the feet of Airservices Australia or BoM or some other government organisation that might be an embarrassment to some politician somewhere. How long has it taken for this report to come out, three years? How long did the pilots on these aircraft have to make their decisions? 15 mins? Maybe less.

The discussions here so far have missed the main point of this incident. I find a lot of similarities with the ATSBs handling of the disgraced Norfolk Is investigation and report on this incident. In both cases the ATSB has deliberately attempted to deflect any blame from BoM, CASA, Airsevices or any other government agency and has tried, and failed, to blame the crew.

It wasn't so long ago that the ATSB was formed. It was perceived, at the time, that CASA had a conflict of interest when it came to investigating accidents and incidents as it may seek to hide any blame possibly attributable to its own failings. Fair enough that an independent organisation should be tasked with that responsibility. This incident, and the Norfolk Is debacle, have demonstrated that the ATSB has a way too cosy relationship with other government entitities and will seek to deflect blame from them at all costs. Including destroying the reputations and careers of the crews involved.

Time for the ATSB to go.

Quote:This report is a complete joke.

Quote:The discussions here so far have missed the main point of this incident. I find a lot of similarities with the ATSBs handling of the disgraced Norfolk Is investigation and report on this incident. In both cases the ATSB has deliberately attempted to deflect any blame from BoM, CASA, Airsevices or any other government agency and has tried, and failed, to blame the crew.

Completely agree. Government departments spending three years getting each others' backsides covered before finally releasing the report and hanging the crew out to dry. Same as Pelair.

1. The report doesn't place enough emphasis on the seriousness. Had one or both of these aircraft's automation not tracked the RNAV so accurately, we could have been looking at hundreds of dead bodies. This was a deadly serious occurrence where the last piece of cheese which saved the day was pot luck.

2. The elephant in the room was completely avoided - still CASA allows RPT to plan to a remote single runway destination.

3. The quality of the forecasts has dropped so much in twenty years. BoM understaffed - quite possibly, but get it fixed. I don't expect forecasts to be 100% all of the time, but last five years they've been a joke. "Fog forecasting is hard" in the report... No ****!!! But they used to get it right twenty years ago, why not now?

4. How long was the VOR AWIS not repaired? "Months" is the rumour I heard the other day. Why wasn't it fixed? Why did it happen to get fixed within a day of the incident occurring? Why didn't the ATSB mention this? What a huge cover up!! Had it been working, at TOPC out of Adelaide, the crew would have tuned in and realised Mildura was turning to crap. They could have turned around and done an autoland. FIX YOUR EQUIPMENT, ASA. This is why airports are forced to install their own AWIS VHF - ASA don't want the liability and cost of maintaining navaid AWIS, they're washing their hands of it.

5. Why do we only have one cat III ILS in the entire country? Mildura takes bunch of high capacity RPT every day. Why doesn't it have at least one or two ILS?

ATSB - complete joke, have lost all respect, in bed with regulator.
BOM - give them the money they need to get the forecasts right
ASA - stop wasting money on bullshit and spend it on infrastructure, like ILS and AWIS and maintenance
Pilots - do exactly what we were doing thirty years ago, with half the support, half the navaids, half the fuel - with the knowledge that if all the holes line up, you'll get hung out to dry by the ATSB.
Hoorah for IsDON & Slippery Pete off the UP - Wink
However such real & astute opinions on the current state of affairs is falling on the very deaf ears of a miniscule who clearly has NFI what his bureaucrats are doing in his name... Confused
MTF...P2 Cool

A self-indulging Minister; self-serving bureaucrats and LMS in the real world - Angry

Ben Morgan from off the AOPA thread:
(06-20-2016, 09:54 PM)Peetwo Wrote:  
Dear PM..

...As an Australian and as an aviation business owner I have become disillusioned (as have thousands of others in our industry) by the quagmire of unnecessary bureaucracy and regulation that is suffocating our general aviation industry - sending it bankrupt.  Worse still, I have become disillusioned by the lack of any serious political leadership by the Liberal Party of Australia on the issues which are affecting us so greatly.

This position was highlighted by the inability of Mr Joyce or Mr Chester to provide any meaningful position or perspectives to the attendees of the aviation rally.  They both simply resigned themselves to public statements of having no idea about aviation and deferred the industry to deal with bureaucrats, whom have no motivation to see broad change occur.

Our industry is governed by a department and a regulator which are vastly disconnected to the realities and the challenges that face the hard working men and women in aviation across this country.  They have made entering and setting up aviation businesses cost prohibitive and have devalued investment within our industry, guiding the general aviation industry into serious and perilous decline.

Our industry requires a strong and clear political intervention to end this bureaucratic nightmare.

Unless a diverse and broad platform of regulatory reform is undertaken by the government, the general aviation industry across Australia will continue to decline and will collapse into bankruptcy.

I am calling on you Mr Turnbull as leader of the Liberal Party of Australia to stand by the men and women of general aviation and to save our industry from the bureaucrats and show strong political leadership on this issue.

If you honestly believe that this is the greatest time to be an Australian, then stand with us and transform our industry into an economic powerhouse by broadly reforming our antiquated and dysfunctional regulatory framework.  Our industry's leadership are unified and are at the ready to help you and the Liberal Party of Australia define the necessary policies to help rescue and empower our industry for growth and prosperity.

Core values our industry stands by:

- Only regulate when necessary and do so proportionately
- Deregulate everywhere we can and reduce cost to industry
- Help create a vibrant and dynamic general aviation industry...

And from the Mandarins & Minions thread:
(06-21-2016, 11:39 AM)Peetwo Wrote:  RTR (red tape reduction): The forgotten Coalition government policy- why? 

Forwarded to me from cranky... Wink : The $176 billion tax on our prosperity &..
Quote:Mining magnate Gina Rinehart says Australian politicians don't "have the guts" to tackle government spending.

Ms Rinehart said the cost of government was growing rapidly and this issue has been overlooked in the election campaign.

"There is one giant cost slab that isn't decreasing: government," Ms Rinehart told the Saturday Telegraph.

Ms Rinehart also took aim at the level of government red tape which needs to be overcome for developments.

She says her $10 billion iron ore project at Roy Hill has been slowed down by the around 400 government approvals needed.

"India has the guts to do what it's doing to cut at least federal red tape, with the consequent immense benefits to its people, driving INVESTMENT, jobs, economic growth and living standards - why can't Australia?" she said.

The blurb from the Saturday Telegraph also headed up an excellent coal face post off the UP by Lima Mike Sierra... Wink
Quote:Hey Ben, wow, it is great to see you active and back with us. We sent an email to our local Federal MP this morning - Melissa Price, and I promise you that this is not the first.

To Melissa's credit, she did sit down with us in Derby, some 2 odd years ago as a total rookie, regarding our concerns after the CASA v Caper case (Direct Air) and the lack of any evidence of Part 135 ever being rolled out but, we have had absolutely no positive follow up from Melissa regarding that, or subsequent correspondence. The email:

The following statement was in the Newspaper yesterday. Gina has it so right. This is what GA in Australia is coming up against too.

...Mining magnate Gina Rinehart says Australian politicians don't "have the guts" to tackle government spending...

...WE AREN’T LOOKING FOR FUNDING OF ANY KIND!!! All we need is the Bureaucratic overkill taken away so we can operate a safe, small business.

We are a small operation. We can’t afford to employ 2 more staff to cater to the paperwork that CASA is thrusting upon us at every turn. The extra cost of complying with their demands is out of control.

The most recent changes are:

1. Pilots will not be allowed to camp out overnight while on a job under the new fatigue management guidelines. We have held a contract with DPaW for 8 years doing aerial ignition, primarily in the Kimberley but across all of WA, and as you can image there aren’t a lot of air-conditioned rooms at Silent Grove Camp Ground, Mitchell Plateau, or Illkurlka. Our Pilots absolutely love the work and very seriously compete for these jobs; it is a paid holiday. There is no risk of them becoming fatigued because their accommodation isn’t “climate controlled”. CASA Bureaucrats that work in a high rise office in Canberra have no idea what happens in the real world because they want nothing less than 4-star accommodation. Get them to back off – that’s all we are asking.

2. In the future only 9 passenger seats can be available on GA Aircraft. This won’t affect us, but the Operators of Caravans, and similar sized aircraft, that can currently carry up to 14 passengers will no longer be able to run a viable operation. This includes the Seaplanes that fly out of Broome and Derby during the tourism season. The reason for limiting the passenger numbers is unknown to all but the Bureaucrats.

3. In 2013 we told you about being unable to sell individual seats on a scenic flight because that is considered, by CASA, to be an RPT operation and we are all ignoring this rule and flying illegally when conducting most scenic flights. If Mary and Fred call and book 2 seats on a scenic flight and then Harry and Hilda do the same thing, we are legally considered to be doing RPT (Regular Public Transport), which we are not permitted to do. If the Visitor’s Centre rings and books 4 passengers as a single group on a scenic flight, then that is OK, because it is one booking and is not considered an RPT flight. As Pauline would say “Please Explain”?

This is the kind of brick wall we are up against. CASA are making up new rules and regulations just because they have the power, unlimited funds and unlimited control to do so. The Minister and the CASA Board, that most would imagine “control” CASA can only advise the DOA. That scenario is unbelievable but, the Keating Government set it up so that no Minister could ever be responsible if Qantas killed 300 people and no politician since has had the balls to change it, including yourself and the current Government.

There is a very real alternative available to us; that is to get Air Operators Certificates in New Zealand, or another State with free trade agreements with Australia, and create true havoc in bureaucratic circles, but at least we would have a set of rules that we can understand, comply with and retain sanity.

We thank you for not responding to our previous correspondence because it totally justifies our feelings towards you.


Well said that man nailed it in one... Wink 

MTF...P2 Tongue

Fresh from his selfie tour - Huh

Via OzFlying's Hitch:

Quote:[Image: Chester_Tamworth.jpg]Minister for Infrastructure and Transport Darren Chester chats with general aviation people at Tamworth. (Steve Hitchen)

Chester pledges More Consultation with GA

Minister for Infrastructure and Transport Darren Chester has said he will keep listening to general aviation in order to address threats to the industry.

In a statement released after being returned to his portfolio following the Federal Election, the minister singled-out general aviation as one of his areas of concern.

"In addition to building infrastructure that our kids and grandkids will thank us for, the government will work to deliver reforms that improve productivity and efficiency in coastal shipping, aviation, road and rail transportation," the statement reads.

"Reducing red tape to boost economic production, without compromising safety, will improve transport efficiency across all modes of transportation.

"In particular, I will continue to consult with the General Aviation sector to address issues of concern which threaten the viability of this important industry."

In the lead-up to the Federal Election, Minister Chester along with Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce attended a GA industry rally at Tamworth, and Department Secretary Shane Carmody also chaired meetings in Canberra with the AOPA Project Eureka team and The Australian Aviation Associations Forum (TAAAF).

The government's response to the rally and meetings has yet to be released

Here is the link for Dazzling Dazza the WOFTAM miniscule with NFI - Media Release DC076/2016 18 July 2016

Oh FFS Malcolm & Barnaby please give the industry someone (like a David Fawcett) who has half an idea where the pointy end of an aircraft is.. Dodgy  

This numbnut is way too busy self-flagellating, self-promoting himself around the countryside to truly give a rat's arse about aviation & aviation safety in this country - besides Nick Xenophon will eat him for breakfast... Rolleyes

MTF...P2  Tongue

Peetwo on the ball;

"This numbnut is way too busy self-flagellating, self-promoting himself around the countryside to truly give a rat's arse about aviation & aviation safety in this country"

And in between taking the time to comb his hair, pluck his nose hairs, feed Pistol and Boo and take selfies of his and Barnyards flaccid todgers in old airfield shitters, he will 'listen' and 'consult' with GA!!! That old chestnut hey Permboy? It's politician speak for "we intend to do SFA". Ya gotta get up earlier than that to fool the IOS old mate. I see your slight of hand magic trick and I will raise you three!

I also see that Wingnut is chairing industry get-together and rubsie's. Is that to free up Pumpkin Head so he can give more of his time to the Bankstown airport land shark developers? Or is Pumpkin Head on secondment to Malcolm's beloved PMC, writing aviation policy speeches, kissing PM Goldman Sach's arse and putting in his order for the top three levels of the next Bankstown Airport resort tower?

I support Peetwo's motion; please somebody get rid of this stain and give us somebody with hair on their nuts like Rev. Fawcett. These numpty's make me want to reach for the chunder bucket. What a disgrace..

Steam off..................

(07-19-2016, 09:09 PM)Peetwo Wrote:  Fresh from his selfie tour - Huh

Via OzFlying's Hitch:

Quote:[Image: Chester_Tamworth.jpg]Minister for Infrastructure and Transport Darren Chester chats with general aviation people at Tamworth. (Steve Hitchen)

Chester pledges More Consultation with GA

Here is the link for Dazzling Dazza the WOFTAM miniscule with NFI - Media Release DC076/2016 18 July 2016

Oh FFS Malcolm & Barnaby please give the industry someone (like a David Fawcett) who has half an idea where the pointy end of an aircraft is.. Dodgy  

This numbnut is way too busy self-flagellating, self-promoting himself around the countryside to truly give a rat's arse about aviation & aviation safety in this country - besides Nick Xenophon will eat him for breakfast... Rolleyes

Chester's selfie tour moves to KL - Blush

While the Chest-ire (the selfie) Cat rubs shoulders with the Chinese & Malaysian's - with absolutely NFI what he is talking about - in Dunceunda land Dick's tea party goes off without a hitch... Huh :
(07-19-2016, 07:55 PM)Peetwo Wrote:  
(07-15-2016, 08:33 AM)kharon Wrote:  Uncle Dick’s tea party.

Following on from Dick's 'wake' thread of the UP, today there was this addition to the thread:
Quote:wren 460 , 19th Jul 2016 11:59

Dick's earned the right to make it as he sees it.

Quote:Originally Posted by Stanwell

Quite so, Styx.
So, what are you chaps going to do then? .. What's your plan?
Stand there like a rabbit in the headlights, having hopeful and positive thoughts?

Or ... use every means possible to draw attention to what's happening?
Sniping at Dick is a null response. When Dick was in charge at CASA it was like dawn breaking, when he left the darkness descended again and it's been growing darker ever since.

If Dick gets worldwide publicity then so much the better, Australia needs the embarrassment in order for the message to be rammed home to the body politic. Dick still supports GA, he and I and one other GA personality have commissioned a report into the failure of the regulatory regime and the consequent decline of GA. The aim is to persuade politicians to cause reform for growth.

It's far from the first time that Dick has stumped up his cash for a cause, usually anonymously and he probably won't thank me for exposing his financial input.

As a GA airport and aircraft owner operator, flying school CFI, twin training and licence testing approvals, CP for IFR charter and RPT operations I have watched for 30 years, with dismay, the death by a thousand cuts of what should be a growing industry. On top of this safety is suffering.

Excessive and prescriptive regulation, heavy handed bureaucratic administration and a new rule set, inappropriately made part of the criminal law, is applied after a 26 year gestation period. This extraordinary and unworkable rule set now requires a suite of exemptions which are being hurriedly promulgated to prevent a complete collapse of General Aviation, especially flight training.

Safety suffers because of confusion, what is exactly lawful and what is not?

Safety suffers because we do not utilise experienced personnel. There's too much time consuming and wasteful paperwork coupled with insufficient incentives to remain in a shrinking industry.

Safety suffers because lack of activity has pushed up avgas fuel prices and caused closure of refueling facilities all over Australia thus reducing options for safe fuel endurance, and increasing costs.

Safety suffers because more just drop out of legal flying. When you live way out in the bush, faced with SIDS, biennial flight reviews and expensive medicals no imagination is needed to see what will happen.

Safety suffers because costs and impossible regulation reduces flying hours, recency drops off, pilots simply get out of practice.

I believe we should systematically list and repeatedly get out the message that there must be incentives, attractive remuneration is a prerequisite, and part of a healthy industry. There are too many road blocks, like the instructor who is still trying since November to achieve a flying school permit. She had to part with an $8000 fee to CASA, for what? She is already qualified. In the States she would have been working since November with no fee gouging. The flying school she is trying to reestablish was operative for at least 40 years to my certain knowledge.

The previous incumbent now works for guess who. Last I spoke to the applicant the permission was on hold because the CASA official dealing with it went on holiday. Preventing someone from working is against human rights. CASA has effectively taken the money under false pretenses and keeping her dangling is completely unacceptable. 

The model of an independent Commonwealth body with minimal Ministerial oversight is a failure. The Board of CASA have been removed from policy formation and the CEO, the oddly styled 'Director of Air Safety' (sitting on cloud 9 with a baton?) has virtually unfettered power, thus making the Board impotent and redundant. 

It is more clear than ever that the only way forward is political action and publicity from Dick is greatly welcomed.

Summary of Dick's tea party (via the Oz):
Quote:Dick Smith mourns ‘passing of our general aviation industry’
[Image: 3a78b95cf9791f76f265ade56105aff4?width=650]Dick Smith is selling his Citation CJ3 airplane in the US because he says it is too expensive to have the aircraft comply with Australia’s ADS-B requirements. Picture: Melvyn Knipe.
[Image: mitchell_bingemann.png]
Dick Smith held a wake yesterday for Australia’s general aviation ­industry as he farewelled his ­beloved Cessna Citation CJ3 to the US, where it will be sold, after onerous and expensive regulation scared off potential local buyers.

The businessman-aviator has been trying for a year to sell the Cita­tion, which he bought new in the US for about $US6 million, and had dropped its price by $US1m to $3.7m to attract buyers.

Mr Smith said the regulatory requirement to fit the plane with an Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast and flight data recorder, costing about $500,000, had kept buyers away.

“My beautiful Cessna Citation that I’ve had for 10 years and which I absolutely love has to be sold because it’s simply too expensive to keep it running in Australia with the regulations we are forced to comply with,” he said.

The aircraft will be flown to the US by a private pilot. Mr Smith believes the market there will be more willing to buy a plane that has flown only 1000 hours.

“I wouldn’t recommend anyone buy it in Australia because you just can’t get it serviced easily any more,’’ he said.

“At least in the US you don’t require ADS-B or flight data recorders until 2020, so the costs will be cheaper.” Mr Smith invited more than 100 people to a “wake” at his hangar at Bankstown Airport, in southwest Sydney, to farewell the aircraft in a gesture he said marked the passing of the Australian general aviation industry.

“This is the death knell for the industry because as these planes go back overseas, it means less maintenance, less traffic controllers, less people who clean hangars and provide fuel. It’s the death of the whole ecosystem.”

A Civil Aviation Safety Authority spokesman said the ADS-B units were to “increase aviation safety and efficiency” as it allows aircraft to be ‘‘seen’’ by air traffic control and other pilots using cockpit displays

Also somewhat related, yesterday CASA revealed their 'beginning of the end strategy' to kill off what will remain of the Aussie GA industry after next year's ADS-B IFR mandate falls due.

Quote:[Image: ADS-B_coverage1_A31C4FB0-629C-11E5-928B0608AF67722B.jpg]

CASA launches VFR ADS-B Project
21 July 2016

CASA this week launched a standards development project to explore voluntary fitment of Automatic Dependent Surveillance–Broadcast (ADS-B) to aircraft operating under VFR.

In February next year, ADS-B will become compulsory for all aircraft operating under IFR, but VFR aircraft are not included in the mandate.

CASA now wants to explore what changes would need to be made to standards and regulation in order to encourage VFR aircraft owners to fit ADS-B of their own accord.

"ADS-B is the cornerstone for Australia's transition to satellite technology based surveillance," the CASA project brief states. "The technology has already enabled a vast increase in the air traffic surveillance coverage over Australian territory – resulting in significant increases in operating and safety efficiencies.

"CASA has promulgated various requirements and standards concerning the carriage and use of ADS-B equipment in aircraft operated in accordance with the Instrument Flight Rules (IFR). While current requirements apply only in certain parts of Australian controlled airspace, from 2 February 2017 all IFR operated aircraft in all Australian airspace must carry and use suitable ADS-B equipment.

"No ADS-B fitment mandate applies to aircraft in the VFR category. While some VFR aircraft operators have chosen to equip their aircraft with IFR-compliant ADS-B equipment, the cost of such equipment is a disincentive for more widespread voluntary fitment."

According to CASA, VFR aircraft owners who fit ADS-B will benefit in several ways, including:
  • improved traffic information
  • flight watch and SAR alerting
  • improved collision avoidance
  • improved access to CTA
The sticking point is that CASA's current suite of regulations and standards don't recognise reduced-cost ADS-B systems, most of which don't comply with the design requirements of a Technical Service Order (TSO).

Part of the project will cover a review of the ADS-B for VFR paper proposed by the Australian Strategic Air Traffic Management Group (ASTRA) in May this year. ASTRA's proposal stated that CASA should accept FAA Technical Service Order (TSO) C199 as acceptable for VFR, or that CASA allows non-TSO approve avionics in VFR provided the manufacturer has a statement of compliance with the TSO.

But don't worry Chester is on the job - NOT Dodgy

MTF...P2 Angel

Dear Miniscule.. L&K TAAAF (via Pro Aviation Wink ):

Quote:Welcome back Minister, now let’s get on with it!

Leave a reply

The Australian Aviation Associations Forum has welcomed Infrastructure and Transport Minister Darren Chester on his reappointment to what he  describes as “this critical ministerial position for Australia’s economy, job creation and the aviation industry.”

But the TAAAF’s welcome comes with a continued push for the Minister to steer back onto the course mapped out by the Forsyth Review’s 37 recommendations.

The TAAAF is a broad-ranging group of separate industry bodies representing aircraft owners & pilots, aerial agricultural/application industry, aviation maintenance, repair and overhaul businesses, business aviation operators, charter and flying training organisations, UAV (“drone”) operators, helicopter services, regional airlines, and sport fliers including homebuilt, gliders, warbird and other recreational aviators.

All TAAAF members are urging the Minister, “as a matter of priority, to issue a strong Statement of Expectations to CASA to specifically reinforce the primacy of the CASA Board.

“Forum participants highlight the value of creating a new partnership with industry, as outlined in the Forum 2016 aviation policy and continue to be disappointed with the lack of action in critical areas from CASA.

“The Forum expresses frustration at the disarray of the regulatory system, with new regulations likely to continue to remove jobs and opportunities from the industry through increased costs for no safety outcome.

“The Forum calls on the Minister to direct the CASA Board to establish a small joint industry action taskforce to fix clearly identified problems.

“The work program of the taskforce must include urgent remedies especially for CAO 48.1, but also CASR Parts 61/141/142/ 101/121/135 and the aviation medical area.
“The Forum identifies significant cultural change and systemic issues that are still not being corrected and which require immediate attention by the CASA Board.

“In particular, the Forum expresses continuing concern with the lack of progress in the genuine implementation of the previously-agreed Forsyth recommendations and would welcome the re-engagement of Mr David Forsyth to conduct a review and public report on actual outcomes to date.

“In addition, there remain many outstanding issues of concern that are yet to be resolved including:
  • Fitment schedule of ADS-B in Australia
  • Lack of harmonisation of Australian regulations with our major trading partners
  • Negative training impacts on both flying training and maintenance providers
  • Proposed deregulation of RPAS (‘drones’) below 2 kg and even up to 25kg
  • Non-standardisation of CASA regulatory interpretations between regions
“The TAAAF Aviation Policy 2016 provides a wide range of appropriate expert advice on aviation issues and the TAAAF participants recommend the policies to the Government for further consultation and implementation.”

David Forsyth’s government-commissioned Aviation Safety Regulation Review clearly identified industry’s three highest concerns across all submissions as:
  • the regulatory reform program (136 submissions considered this to be top priority);
  • CASA’s inflexible regulatory approach (120 submissions); and
  • the need for more promotion of aviation (90 submissions).
Another of the review’s observations was that:

While CASA appears to be trusted by many in government, the industry’s trust in CASA is failing, compromising CASA’s Stewardship, and industry perceives CASA’s Accountability as being compromised. (The Panel’s highlighting.)

Forum members contacted by ProAviation are still scanning the horizon for any initiative that will begin to restore the trust they believe has now been progressively squandered for more than a quarter of a century.

MTF...P2 Tongue

Chester's selfie tour temporarily suspended - Confused

Yesterday I intercepted the following miniscule tweep from DDD (selfie) Chester:
Quote:‏@DarrenChesterMP 11h11 hours ago

There's been some media confusion & speculation about Australia's role in #MH370 search. Please find facts here: 
Besides the fact that it is quite bizarre for DDD to actually make a ministerial tweep unaccompanied by a selfie (Huh).  What is also passing strange is that DDD actually made this tweep on a weekend & well before all the AFL fixtures/results had been completed??
Oh well here is (what I think is the relevant bit) from the NFI DDD provided link, to the ATSB's historical involvement with the MH370 SIO search:
Quote:..At a meeting of Ministers from Australia, Malaysia and the People's Republic of China held in Kuala Lumpur on 16 April 2015, it was agreed that the search area would be extended to 120,000 square kilometres, thereby covering the entire highest probability area identified by expert analysis. It was also agreed that in the absence of credible new information that leads to the identification of a specific location of the aircraft, would be no further expansion of the search area.

At the most recent meeting of Ministers from Australia, Malaysia and the People's Republic of China held in Putrajaya in Malaysia on 22 July 2016, it was agreed that should the aircraft not be located in the current search area, and in the absence of credible new evidence leading to the identification of a specific location of the aircraft, the search would not end, but be suspended upon completion of the 120,000 square kilometre search area.

The suspension does not mean the termination of the search. Ministers reiterated that the aspiration to locate MH370 has not been abandoned. Should credible new information emerge which can be used to identify the specific location of the aircraft, consideration will be given in determining next steps...
Hmm...after reading that I must admit that I was still perplexed to why DDD actually saw the need to interrupt his day of footy & selfie RR tweeping for that??
Then this AM I think I discovered why - 'that man' (& Byron Bailey) are back and on the MH370 war front and ably accompanied by the former NFI miniscule for non-aviation, & Beaker recruiter Albo... Confused :
Quote:Canberra refuses call to reveal ‘secrets’ on missing Malaysian plane.

[Image: ean_higgins.png]
Labor has called on the federal government to reveal what it knows about the FBI’s reported evidence that Malaysia Airlines captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah ­deliberately brought down Flight MH370, contrary to Australian authorities’ decision to adopt a “ghost plane” scenario with ­unconscious pilots that produced a narrower search area.

But Infrastructure and Transport Minister Darren Chester ­refused the push, saying the matter was one for “Malaysian investigators to consider” despite the fact Australian taxpayers are contributing tens of millions of dollars to the hunt for the aircraft.

Labor transport spokesman Anthony ­Albanese yesterday told The Australian the government had a duty to the families of the victims to explain what information it had.

The new claims have rocked the ­debate of what happened to MH370 just as the governments of Australia, Malaysia and China said they would wind up the search in coming months.

GRAPHIC — The MH370 mystery

“My concern all along has been the need for clarity for the families affected by this tragedy,” Mr Albanese said. “The Australian government should be transparent about what it knows about issues related to this.”

MH370 disappeared on a flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing on March 8, 2014, with 239 passengers and crew on board.
With its transponder turned off and radio contact cut two hours into the flight, radar and satellite tracking data showed the Boeing 777 reversed course back over the Malaysia-Thai border, before heading south to the southern ­Indian Ocean.

New York magazine published an article at the weekend saying it had obtained access to a secret FBI report that showed Zaharie had used his elaborate home computer flight simulator less than a month before the aircraft vanished to conduct a simulated flight along a route closely matching that actually taken by MH370.

New York quoted the FBI document as saying in part: “Based on the Forensics Analysis conducted on the 5 HDDs ­obtained from the Flight Simulator from MH370 Pilot’s house, we found a flight path, that lead (sic) to the Southern Indian Ocean, among the numerous other flight paths charted on the Flight Simulator.”

That the FBI had succeeded in recovering the flight simulator data, and concluded Zaharie had hijacked his own aircraft, was first revealed by Australian pilot Byron Bailey writing in The Weekend Australian in January, quoting an Australian government source.
Captain Bailey and British airline pilot Simon Hardy have ­argued the search has been in the wrong area because rather than crashing down sharply after running out of fuel because the pilots were unconscious, as assumed by the Australian Transport Safety Bureau, a conscious “rogue pilot” could have glided the aircraft much further or conducted a controlled ditching under power.

When Captain Bailey revealed what he had been told about the FBI conclusion, the ATSB and the FBI refused to confirm or deny the report.

Critics such as Captain Bailey have claimed the Australian government and the ATSB have known all along, including from the secret FBI report, that Zaharie hijacked the aircraft, but went with the “ghost plane” scenario to avoid embarrassing Malaysia, which would not want a conclusion its pilot deliberately took down a jet.

The specific document New York claims to have uncovered adds weight to Captain Bailey’s original revelation, and the magazine described it as “the strongest evidence yet that Zaharie made off with the plane in a premeditated act of mass murder-suicide’’.
Reuters news agency also reported at the weekend that the project director of the underwater search, Paul Kennedy of Dutch survey group Fugro, said the rogue pilot theory might be right after all.

“You could glide it for further than our search area is, so I believe the logical conclusion will be, well, maybe, that is the other scenario,” Reuters quoted Mr Kennedy as saying.
Australia agreed to a request from Malaysia, which under international law is responsible for the investigation into the loss of the Malaysian-registered aircraft, to take charge of the underwater search, and the ATSB considered three scenarios when considering where to look.

The first was an “in-flight upset” in which the flight runs normally with regular radio communications until “an unexpected upset event such as a stall due to icing, thunderstorm, system failure etc” — a scenario easily rejected because it clearly did not fit the known facts of a flight that was not normal and incommunicado almost from the start.

The second scenario was “a glide event” involving “normal en route manoeuvring of the aircraft”, fuel exhaustion and engine failure and a “pilot- controlled glide”.

The third scenario was that of “an unresponsive crew/hypoxia event”, generally categorised by aircraft decompression leading to loss of oxygen and the aircrew passing out, no pilot intervention, and loss of control when the aircraft ran out of fuel, leading to a rapid crash.

Had it gone with the “pilot-controlled glide” event, the ATSB would have had to say it thought MH370 was hijacked by Zaharie. Instead, it went with the “unresponsive crew/hypoxia event” despite clear evidence that the first part of the flight, since it turned off course, involved very deliberate flying.

In a statement to The Australian, Mr Chester said: “Recent media reports regarding information collected from MH370 captain’s home flight simulator are a matter for the Malaysian investigators to consider.

“Everyone is entitled to an opinion and to speculate on possible scenarios but I won’t be second-guessing the experts from Australia and around the world who have had access to all of the available data.

“All end-of-flight scenarios have been considered including controlled and uncontrolled flight in determining the 120,000sq km search area.”

Hmm...GD cue the 60 Minutes stopwatch; grab the popcorn and a carton of coldies; time is now tick..tick..ticking away for DDD (the selfie) Chester & Hoody me thinks... Rolleyes

[Image: untitled.png]

MTF...P2  Tongue

Malcolm on 'under the bus' diplomacy - Big Grin

Dear Chester (you useless git), please take note of the following as a lesson in how to throw a foreign government and regional ally (nicely) under the bus...yours Malcolm T.

Via the Oz today:
Quote:MH370: report not for Australia to reveal says Malcolm Turnbull
  • Jared Owens, Ean Higgins
  • The Australian
  • 11:11AM July 25, 2016
Malcolm Turnbull has rebuffed Labor’s calls to reveal what Australia knows about the FBI’s reported evidence that Malaysia Airlines captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah ­deliberately brought down Flight MH370.

New York magazine published an article at the weekend saying it had obtained access to a secret FBI report that showed Zaharie had used his elaborate home computer flight simulator less than a month before the aircraft vanished to conduct a simulated flight along a route closely matching that actually taken by MH370.

Opposition transport spokesman Anthony ­Albanese yesterday told The Australian the government had a duty to the families of the victims to explain what information it had.

The Prime Minister today said he was aware of the reports, but insisted the information was not for Australia to reveal.

“I’m unable to comment on them other than to say that it’s a matter for the Malaysian investigators when they’re considering their final report into this tragedy and I just note that even if the simulator information does show that it is possible or very likely that the captain planned this shocking event it does not tell us the location of the aircraft,” Mr Turnbull told reporters in Sydney.

“I want to say that everyone involved in this unprecedented search for MH370 earnestly, passionately wants to find the aircraft and I want to commend and thank all of those, all of the organisations, all of the individuals, and the countries — Malaysia and China — who have collaborated in this search.

“The location of this aircraft I hope will be found, but at this point it is an unknown. It has an element of mystery, but above all a deep sense of tragedy and loss and our hearts go out to the families and friends of those who died aboard that plane.”

That the FBI had succeeded in recovering the flight simulator data, and concluded Zaharie had hijacked his own aircraft, was first revealed by Australian pilot Byron Bailey writing in The Weekend Australian in January, quoting an Australian government source.

Captain Bailey and British airline pilot Simon Hardy have ­argued the search has been in the wrong area because rather than crashing down sharply after running out of fuel because the pilots were unconscious, as assumed by the Australian Transport Safety Bureau, a conscious “rogue pilot” could have glided the aircraft much further or conducted a controlled ditching under power.

When Captain Bailey revealed what he had been told about the FBI conclusion, the ATSB and the FBI refused to confirm or deny the report.

Critics such as Captain Bailey have claimed the Australian government and the ATSB have known all along, including from the secret FBI report, that Zaharie hijacked the aircraft, but went with the “ghost plane” scenario to avoid embarrassing Malaysia, which would not want a conclusion its pilot deliberately took down a jet.

The specific document New York claims to have uncovered adds weight to Captain Bailey’s original revelation, and the magazine described it as “the strongest evidence yet that Zaharie made off with the plane in a premeditated act of mass murder-suicide’’.

Rolleyes  Shy  Confused

Hmm...I think miniscule NFI DDD has just had his first bottom spanking... Big Grin

MTF...P2  Tongue

Au revoir; Muthafuccas.

They do say – there are the French; and then, there is the rest of the world.  This little contretemps with the French has upset not only Malaysia’s little apple cart; but that of their ‘allies’; who, much like the rats on a sinking ship, have decided to skedaddle; mucho pronto.

The US have resurrected the ‘rogue pilot’ rhetoric; which is a complete bollocks.  Ask if anyone can remember the names of the two airliners that were destroyed by ‘suicide/murder’ – the GW one was the last; the world learned that very quickly and forgot in equal time that there was a rogue pilot.  For the world at large; once there was a clearly defined reason, closure came as swiftly as the ‘news’; done and dusted, mystery solved, life goes on.  I have no intention of callousness toward those directly and personally involved, it’s a tough thing to live with – but; they had an answer.  The US now choose to distance themselves from 370 - through a fairy story which was discredited almost at day one – by them.  But WTF, distance is distance; right.

The Australians have, as usual, allowed their disinterested minister to reiterate the ‘facts’ of Australia’s involvement – during the advert breaks at the football match (check the timing).  Well that was a no-win play; so now, the PM has to get involved.  The Albanese political points scoring an added fillip to the need for distance.  We did actually warn the government that Dolan was a refugee of Denmark, a liability - with zero credibility.

No matter now.  The tune is being called by the French; and it’s a jig.  As stated, someone, somewhere, simply knows the truth and the French cannot, nor will not continue to support the Malaysian fairy tale; they simply dare not: lest the 'truth' emerge.

Which leaves the opening Australian gambit in the ‘No, M’lud, we were in Montreal’ stakes the hands of the disinterested minister.  Who screwed the pooch, Darren?  (again) and needed the PM had to step in to cover the collective rear ends; before PM (ABC) got onto the real deal - four days and four nights, the PM has been trying, in vain, to contact 'his' miniscule for transport - WTD?

Apart from Rugby (‘nuff said) I have always had an affection for the French folk; they are urbane and quite capable of playing international games at the top level; and if anyone believes that they have simply abandoned Malaysia, for no good reason, then they are mistaken.  Interesting game, unless you are waiting to hear – official and honest - what exactly happened to your loved ones that night.  Watching colluding nations skip out of the spotlight is no compensation.

Australia has two serious holes to fill in; the world wide political ‘view’, which the PMC can manage easily, despite the best efforts of Darren.  The real hole in the 'wall of deception',  that from which  the stench emanates; is the Dolan factor.  The Senate and various other ‘notables’ are well aware and forewarned that Dolan and the ATSB would come back to haunt the rhetoric, when it was time to abandon ship.

That time is past – catch up and arse covering now the prime motivator.  Shame, shame, shame.  Particularly on those who, for purely political motives, now, suddenly, come over all caring like about those who are left behind.

Selah – and your mother.

Miniscule Chester contradicts Hoody & the ATSB -   Confused   
Via the ABC online:
Quote:MH370 pilot's home simulator data not evidence of murder-suicide, says Australian Government
By Peter Lloyd
Updated Tue at 9:53amTue 26 Jul 2016, 9:53am

Related Story: Pilot's home searched in hunt for motive in Malaysia plane mystery
Related Story: MH370 search zone shifts after 'credible lead'
Related Story: One year on, still no trace of Malaysia Airlines MH370
An apparent clue to the involvement of the chief pilot in the mass murder and suicide theory of MH370's disappearance, which helped shape the vastly expensive search for the wreckage, has been downgraded to merely "the possibility of planning".

Infrastructure Minister Darren Chester declined to explain the apparent contradiction on Monday night, despite repeated calls to his parliamentary staffers over four days and a direct appeal to the Minister on Twitter. - That's very funny, even the ABC have worked out where the NFI miniscule spends most of his time

A statement issued by the Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB) seems to upend the faith former prime minister Tony Abbott held in an unreported Malaysian Government belief there was evidence of suspicious conduct by the chief pilot.

At issue is the hotly contested report that the FBI gathered data from the MH370 captain's home simulator that shows he plotted a course to the southern Indian Ocean, as planning for a murder-suicide.

According to a source, the ATSB took the murder–suicide theory so seriously that expert mapping of possible crash locations took it into account.

This would put the bureau squarely at odds with the Minister now in charge.
Audio: Calls for closure on MH370 mysteries (AM)

On the ATSB website, a ministerial statement says "there is no evidence to support the claim" of murder–suicide.

"The simulator information shows only the possibility of planning. It does not reveal what happened on the night of its disappearance nor where the aircraft is located," the statement says.

"While the FBI data provides a piece of information, the best available evidence of the aircraft's location is based on what we know from the last satellite communications with the aircraft.

"This is indeed the consensus of international satellite and aircraft specialists."
Relatives of missing passengers argue the Malaysian Government must be more forthcoming with the information gathered by the Royal Malaysia Police investigation team.

The FBI and Malaysian Government were contacted for comment
And the transcript from the ABC AM program:
Quote:Calls for closure on MH370 mysteries
Peter Lloyd reported this story on Tuesday, July 26, 2016 08:24:00
About JW Player 6.11.4923 (Ads edition)       
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MICHAEL BRISSENDEN: The family of the pilot in command of missing Malaysia Airlines flight 370 are pleading for an end to international speculation that Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah deliberately steered the plane into the south Indian Ocean intent on mass murder.
Initial rumours that he had practised flying a suicide mission have been confirmed to AM by a senior source inside the search for MH370 at the Australian Transport Safety Bureau.
The ATSB developed the failed search off the West Australian coast based in part on the Malaysian Police discovery that Captain Shah carried out a simulated flight into the remote south Indian Ocean on his home flight simulator less than a month before MH370 vanished.
Peter Lloyd reports.
PETER LLOYD: It is the mother of all mysteries in the MH370 disappearance.
Pilot in command Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah, 53, senior, safe, cruising into retirement. But when Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak announced that the plane had been steered off course from its path to the Indian Ocean all eyes were on the crew.
The captain's sister Sakinab Shah clings to hope her brother will one day be called an unsung hero who died battling unknown odds.
SAKINAB SHAH: I know my brother like I know the back of my hand. I don't see him committing this heinous crime. He just did not have that kind of makeup.
PETER LLOYD: Inside the Australian Transport Safety Bureau, carrying out the failed search off the WA coast, there is a different narrative. It's Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah, villain.
It's based on the ATSB's belief that FBI technical investigators found Shah had flown a home computer simulator on a route strikingly similar to the suspected MH370 flight path just a month before it went missing.
Two years ago, the media was being told it was no more than rumour.
At the weekend, the New York Magazine published what it says was a leak of a purported Malaysia police document confirming that story.
A senior official in the long search has told AM that that was a factor in choosing the search zone, and the taxpayers weren't told that by the Abbott government.
The disgrace tainted captain's family reckon the mud is being hurled by vested interests trying to distract from the decision by Australia, China and Malaysia to end the search it was confirmed last Friday.
SAKINAB SHAH: We need closure the story of 370 Malaysian must not be allowed to go into oblivion.
PETER LLOYD: Families of missing passengers and crew are united, demanding the search not be stopped, not yet.
It's also the case being waged by the unrivalled hero of the piece, an eccentric US lawyer whose penchant for travel is matched by a determination to go scour beaches for wreckage.
BLAINE GIBSON: I want them to keep on looking somewhere where they think they might find the plane. Where that is I would argue needs to be a combination of Inmarsat, debris, evidence about how the plane actually crashed and current and drift analysis. And the current and drift analysis to me would point to a crash site more north and west.
PETER LLOYD: Blaine Gibson's strange adventure has had extraordinary success.
BLAINE GIBSON: We've got 20 pieces of debris that have shown up in the south-west Indian Ocean.
PETER LLOYD: But Malaysia's government hasn't shown much interest in examining all the pieces he's found.
Gibson says it's clear MH370 ended in a spectacular collision, that suggests no-one was at the control.
BLAINE GIBSON: The debris that I and other private citizens have found in Madagascar shows, one, a high speed forceful impact that shattered the plane, not a controlled ditching.
PETER LLOYD: It's hardly been reported but the French apparently mistrust Malaysia too. They've had possession of a piece of MH370 wing found on Reunion Island, a French overseas territory, last July.
It's still under lock and key in France, where officials maintain it's a criminal investigation - yet more suspicion that a dead man just can't dispute.
MICHAEL BRISSENDEN: Peter Lloyd with that report.
Oh DDD Chester what have you done... Huh

MTF...P2 Tongue

Passing strange? Damn straight:-

ABC - “According to a source, the ATSB took the murder–suicide theory so seriously that expert mapping of possible crash locations took it into account.”

Just looking through my own flight planning program data base and the XL spreadsheets I keep, out of habit, of waypoint, track and distance ‘templates’ and there are ‘lots of’; almost 600 individual files.  I can, with ease, conjure up a flight plan from anywhere to somewhere in a very short space of time; for a range of aircraft.  Now, it seems to me that anyone, even with half a brain, could look at my data base and decide that one of those plans had been used to plan the last flight undertaken.  But; if I wanted to ‘disappear’ an aircraft do you not think that within that data base a ‘false’ plan would not have been left behind; a close, but no cigar version.

A 1˚ variance in track details will create a flight path deviation of 1 mile in every 60 travelled; at 300 knots (for easy arithmetic) that :: 5 miles every hour :: 5 hours = 25 miles away from where the faux track would have taken us.  So to vanish an aircraft; lay a trail of breadcrumbs from A to B using a ‘track’, say South (180˚); then just remember to add or subtract your own deviation (say 5˚) and; just like that, an error of 100 miles can be built in.  The point is that even if the pilot had decided to disappear the aircraft; and, even if he had used his very own ‘program’ to plot the dastardly act; do you reckon he’d be dumb enough to leave an accurate, detailed ‘plan’ on his own computer?  No sane investigator would swallow that whole; only the sensationalist press, dumb politicians and Beaker would entertain that notion for more than 30 seconds.

ABC - "The simulator information shows only the possibility of planning. It does not reveal what happened on the night of its disappearance nor where the aircraft is located," the statement says.

There now, that’s a much more concise interpretation of a non-fact.  That this ‘flight plan’ keeps being raised as even partly credible search evidence is a symptom of the dreadful management of both search and investigation.  That folk without any evidence, one way or ‘tuther keeps stating, categorically, that it was the Captain ‘wot-dunnit’ are talking through their collective arses – hats.

Mini rant over – but I declare that if I hear another load of half baked twaddle about some ‘flight plan’ being the sinister master plan developed by a man who cannot defend himself; someone will catch an earful. It’s BOLLOCKS, unmitigated, uneducated, mindless bollocks.

DDD Darren should not be allowed out without a minder and a muzzle; the minder lest he get lost going to loo at Tamworth; the muzzle to prevent him changing feet every time his mouth opens.  Dunno which is worse; him or the idiot press.  Close race to the bottom that one.

Toot – over it – toot.

Dear Dazza cc Wazza - L&Ks Byron Bailey Big Grin

Via the Oz today:
Quote:MH370: enough of the spurious counter-theories
  • Byron Bailey
  • The Australian
  • 12:00AM August 2, 2016
Fiction is easier to manipulate than fact. When the MH370 ­flaperon was found on a beach on Reunion, and shipped to France, amazingly the ATSB sent one of its experts to Airbus in Toulouse.

I did not know that the ATSB had any B777-qualified pilots or engineers so what was the purpose of the trip?

The real experts in Toulouse concluded the damage to the trailing edge of the flaperon was consistent with its being in a lowered position during an attempted ditching. It was not the hand of God that moved the lever to lower the flaps, but a human hand very familiar with the B777.

Shortly after, a report ­appeared in The Daily Telegraph, attributed to an ATSB spokesman, stating damage to the trailing edge of the flaperon was consistent with high- speed flight and therefore not the result of a ditching.

I immediately pointed out the absurdity of this claim, only to have the ATSB’s cheer squad spend an inordinate amount of ­effort to come up with alternate theories showing why I was wrong.

I have been supersonic thousands of times. Flying a B777, I have experienced M. 9 — 90 per cent of the speed of sound — during slight overspeed conditions. In certification the B777 is taken to more than M. 95.

But a B777 with an unresponsive pilot and engines dead from fuel exhaustion definitely would not be able to exceed — due alone to gravity in a dive — the huge transonic critical drag rise that ­occurs around M. 97, because of the huge drag of those big engines.

A flaperon in the streamlined position definitely would not suffer damage to its trailing edge and control surface flutter to rapidly destroy or detach the whole surface. In other words The Daily Telegraph report, if it was from the ATSB, was a figment of someone’s imagination.

I have been attacked in the media by aviation industry people with their own agendas, some billed as aviation experts though they have never flown an aircraft.

Those self-appointed experts have variously described as ­“malicious”, “scurrilous” and “hysterical rubbish” my ­attempts to make the ATSB ­recognise what it was feeding the public was just plain wrong. The ATSB, described by one of those experts as “the best of the best”, accused me of causing ­anguish to the MH370 families. Look in the mirror, ATSB and then transport minister Warren Truss; I am waiting for your apology.

One can only hope that the Chinese government will now step in and, with the assistance of ICAO, continue the search based on updated information. China has the naval assets, manpower and money.

It only takes the will, and since most MH370 passengers were Chinese, that might influence a ­decision.

Byron Bailey, a commercial pilot with more than 45 years’ experience, was a senior captain with Emirates for 15 years, during which time he flew the same model Boeing 777 jet as Malaysia Airlines MH370
TICK TOCK miniscule DDDD (NFI) Chester..TICK TOCK indeed...MTF P2  Tongue

If this industry's a tocking don't come a knocking

"Byron Bailey, a commercial pilot with more than 45 years’ experience, was a senior captain with Emirates for 15 years, during which time he flew the same model Boeing 777 jet as Malaysia Airlines MH370"

Baileys CV is meant to impress?? Oh Hardly! 45 years flying? Time in the Desert? Working knowledge of the aircraft type? Blah blah. What about Miniscule Chester - 20 years in politics, immaculate groomer, a promulgator of social media, skilled selfie taker and the poster boy for manscaping and hair dye! That's what I'm talking about! He gets my vote of confidence! That is a man with his finger on aviations pulse, and on the button of his selfie stick!
Byron who??

The race to the bottom is well and truly advanced..TICK TOCK

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