Performance of ASA - Take two.
Well today is either D-day for Airservices Australia or a further thumbing of noses by the silver-tailed, un-elected, bureaucratic, trough-swillers of the Senate, & in particular the now aviation savvy members of the RRAT Committee. Will some of the parasitic ASA executive team walk the green mile or will the RRAT Committee (& the Senate) be relegated forever to obscurity as the wet lettuce crew unable to live up to the Senate remit of the House of review, transparency & public accountability...
To begin there has been a last minute change to the agenda with Dick Smith appearing to give evidence:
So for those interested please tune in from 17:00 EST today..
- Watch Parliament
Well today is either D-day for Airservices Australia or a further thumbing of noses by the silver-tailed, un-elected, bureaucratic, trough-swillers of the Senate, & in particular the now aviation savvy members of the RRAT Committee. Will some of the parasitic ASA executive team walk the green mile or will the RRAT Committee (& the Senate) be relegated forever to obscurity as the wet lettuce crew unable to live up to the Senate remit of the House of review, transparency & public accountability...

To begin there has been a last minute change to the agenda with Dick Smith appearing to give evidence:
Quote:Performance of Airservices AustraliaHere is a link for Dick's submission - sub2_Dick Smith
Tuesday 18 August 2015
Committee Room 2S3
Parliament House, Canberra
5.00 pm Airservices Australia
Mr Jason Harfield, Acting Chief Executive Officer
Mr Paul Logan, Acting Chief Financial Officer
Ms Mairi Barton, Executive General Manager, Corporate and Industry Affairs
Mrs Michelle Bennetts, Executive General Manager, Aviation Rescue and Fire
Mr Andrew Boyd, Executive General Manager, People and Culture
Mr Greg Hood, Executive General Manager, Air Traffic Control
Mr Mark Rodwell, Executive General Manager, Projects and Engineering
Dr Rob Weaver, Executive General Manager, Safety Environment and Assurance
7.00 pm Mr Dick Smith AC
8.00 pm Adjournment of hearing
In a letter I sent to Minister Warren Truss, on 5 August 2015 (Attachment 8), I lamented the languishing of our aviation industry in Australia and the unquantifiable loss to our country of the opportunities that an otherwise viable, prosperous and growing aviation industry would provide to present and future generations.
Airservices’ determination to pursue policies that provide an economic benefit to their organisation and to the major airlines in this country to the detriment of the general aviation industry in Australia is an abject failure by Airservices to meet its obligations to these stakeholders. The result of such policies will inevitably be the diminishing of, and the very substantial damage to, the viability of our general aviation industry.
Yours faithfully
Dick Smith AC
Attachment 1 – Dick Smith Letter to Minister Warren Truss dated 14 July 2015 (1 page)
Attachment 2 – ADS-B Regulation Impact Statement (“RIS”) (27 pages)
Attachment 3 – Dick Smith Letter to Air Chief Marshal Sir Angus Houston dated 27 August 2014 (1 page)
Attachment 4 – Dick Smith Letter to Air Chief Marshal Sir Angus Houston dated 28 August 2014 (2 pages)
Attachment 5 – Dick Smith Letter to Minister Warren Truss dated 1 July 2014 (1 page)
Attachment 6 – Dick Smith Letter to Air Chief Marshal Sir Angus Houston dated 28 August 2014 (2 pages)
Attachment 7 – Dick Smith Letter to Minister Warren Truss dated 19 December 2014 (2 pages)
Attachment 8 – Dick Smith Letter to Minister Warren Truss dated 5 August 2015 (1 page)
So for those interested please tune in from 17:00 EST today..
