APTA embuggerance update -
Note who the following glenb email is addressed to...
So why does Craig Martin's name ring a bell? - Here's a reminder: APTA (Glen B) embuggerance update - 4/06/19
Yes indeed he is the Scot's Git's loyal lieutenant who just so happens to be doing another stint in the Acting Executive Manager, Regulatory Services & Surveillance, while the MBE recipient and former Senior adviser to both Interpol and the PMC Mr Peter White is on indefinite leave yet again?
However the outstanding questions here are:
a) Why won't the Crawford Muppet Craig Martin respond to what appears to be a fair and reasonable request?
b) How can CASA deny Glenb and APTA access to audit and/or APTA regulatory oversight records?
As a perfect example of the non-transparency and secret squirreling going on, in regards to the APTA embuggerance, the following is a link for an FOI decision by CASA addressing an APTA FOI request: https://auntypru.com/wp-content/uploads/...Dec-18.pdf
The following is an example of the docs released under FOI but nonetheless exempted under either s42 (Legal Professional Privilege) or s22 (outside scope of the request).
![[Image: D8-9fQ3U8AALOsT.jpg]](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/D8-9fQ3U8AALOsT.jpg)
Is there a better example of the contempt that the 'law unto itself' Big R-regulator CASA has for the FOI Act and indeed the democratic processes of the Australian Commonwealth?

Note who the following glenb email is addressed to...

Quote:Subject:Request for audit results regarding CASA allegation of breach CASR 117
Date: Wed, 12 Jun 2019 23:55:11 +0000
From: Glen Buckley <glen.b@auspta.com.au>
To: Martin, Craig <Craig.Martin@casa.gov.au>
CC: Carmody, Shane <shane.carmody@casa.gov.au>
Dear Mr Martin,
As you are aware CASA raised a number of allegations of regulatory breaches, and there have been multiple recorded attempts by me, to resolve those issues which have been completely ignored by CASA. These requests have been frequent and been made over many months. You are obligated in your role to assist me.
Mr Martin, I must insist that you immediately stop frustrating my attempts to resolve these matters.The approach by CASA is totally unacceptable, and by doing so, you are preventing me access to fair processes. As I have maintained since October 2018, there are no regulatory breaches, and no safety concerns. Not one of my requests has been responded to.
By refusing to assist me in resolving these matters I am of the opinion that you are deliberately frustrating my attempts to resolve these matters, and are deliberately protracting time lines. You are not acting in accordance with your obligations.
The failure by you to respond, restricts me from conducting my business, which is my common law right.
My strong preference is to avoid lodging a formal complaint to the ICC about your conduct, hence I will make one further attempt to receive a response in 24 hours to my fair and reasonable request
Mr Martin, I call on you in your role to meet your obligations and assist me to resolve the matter. I call on you to minimise the commercial impact on me and my business to respond.
I look forward to your response,
11/06/2019, 1:32 pm
"Martin, Craig" <Craig.Martin@casa.gov.au>
Dear Mr Martin,
As you are aware CASA conducted an audit of Latrobe valley. I wish to clarify an incorrect statement in the “structure review” of APTA. CASA records will clearly indicate that in fact APTA has two CASA approved CEOs, two CASA approved HOOs (with a third on hold due to the current CASA action, and two CASA approved Safety Managers. This is a misunderstanding on behalf of my CMT, and I would like the opportunity to clarify that.
As you are aware we submitted an application on 22/06/18 for the addition of Latrobe Valley as an APTA base. On 03/09/18 CASA attended and conducted an audit.
It was identified that CASA had not provided the audit results and they were provided to us on 20/11/18, almost 5 months after the audit. On provision of those audit results there were allegations that we were misrepresenting APTA. Specifically I was concerned about the CASA allegation of breach CASR 117. These were entirely new allegations that we had not seen before.
As a precaution, I called a halt to our extensive advertising of APTA and that has continued on for many months. As you will appreciate that is effectively placing a restriction on my trade. I have made multiple requests to have this resolved and none have been responded to.
I have not done an exhaustive check due time constraints although I did make the following requests in an attempt to resolve the allegation of a breach by CASA
28/11/18 Email to David Jones asking for information to attend to the CASA allegation of a regulatory breach. There was no response to my request
05/12/18 Email to David Jones. Second request. No response to my request.
10/12/18 Email to David jones. Third request. No response to my request.
11/12/18 Email to Will Nuttall requesting meeting to sort out Latrobe Valley audit results. There was no response to my request.
28/11/18 Email to David Jones. No response to my request.
07/01/19 Email to David Jones urging him to respond to my emails regarding audit findings. No response to my request.
16/05/19 Email to Graeme Crawford.
17/05/19 Email to
21/05/19 Emailed to Jason McHeyzer and he advised me to contact Craig Martin.
21/05/19 Emailed Graeme Crawford.
22/05/19 Emailed to Craig Martin. No response to my request.
27/05/19 Emailed to Craig Martin. No response to my request.
Craig, please, if CASA make allegations of regulatory breaches, they do impact on my business. After nearly 8 months, can you please respond to my request, to assist me to resolve the allegations made by CASA. One finalised, that will allow me to recommence marketing.
As you can see there have been at least 12 requests. They are reasonable requests. The impact of CASAs allegations is significant, please meet your obligations and assist me to resolve this matter.
Respectfully, Glen Buckley.
So why does Craig Martin's name ring a bell? - Here's a reminder: APTA (Glen B) embuggerance update - 4/06/19
(12-04-2018, 07:49 AM)Peetwo Wrote:Quote:Bruce Rhoades shared a post.
17 hrs ·
For those who have not seen it, this is the video which apparently annoyed Graeme Crawford (CASA) so much that he has threatened me with a defamation suit on behalf of two of their officers Craig Martin and Anthony Carter.
CASA must just hate the right to freedom of speech and especially social media.
BR's videos now on Youtube:
Yes indeed he is the Scot's Git's loyal lieutenant who just so happens to be doing another stint in the Acting Executive Manager, Regulatory Services & Surveillance, while the MBE recipient and former Senior adviser to both Interpol and the PMC Mr Peter White is on indefinite leave yet again?
However the outstanding questions here are:
a) Why won't the Crawford Muppet Craig Martin respond to what appears to be a fair and reasonable request?
b) How can CASA deny Glenb and APTA access to audit and/or APTA regulatory oversight records?
As a perfect example of the non-transparency and secret squirreling going on, in regards to the APTA embuggerance, the following is a link for an FOI decision by CASA addressing an APTA FOI request: https://auntypru.com/wp-content/uploads/...Dec-18.pdf
The following is an example of the docs released under FOI but nonetheless exempted under either s42 (Legal Professional Privilege) or s22 (outside scope of the request).
![[Image: D8-9fQ3U8AALOsT.jpg]](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/D8-9fQ3U8AALOsT.jpg)
Is there a better example of the contempt that the 'law unto itself' Big R-regulator CASA has for the FOI Act and indeed the democratic processes of the Australian Commonwealth?
