05-29-2017, 02:00 PM
Oops, almost slipped past me.
Todays Australian Business review by Sarah-Jane Tasker
"Rinehart urges cuts to red tape to make Australia great again"
The subject was supposed to be on mining, but the script could
almost have been written for CAsA.
Some little snippets from the article:
"Australian billionaire Gina Rinehart has warned that governments and
business leaders around the world "can't understand us" or see Australia
as "a joke"
Fits like a glove, CAsA is a bit of a joke around the world.
"Ms Rinehart argued that the levels of red tape and bureaucracy in
Australia created enormous costs and sovereign risks so people did not
want to invest"
Yup, thats sounds like CAsA as well.
"global leaders and significant investors see us as a high-taxing, high cost country
who has all the resources that they could ever dream of, but we keep messing up"
"Messing up" fits CAsA, most of the industry think their a humongous cluster...k.
"They can't believe how we could get things so wrong."
Neither can we.
"Australia's fourth-richest person, with an estimated wealth of $10.4 billion, (she must be doing something right)
said the country needed to Learn from SUCCESSFUL governments that had cut red tape, for the immense benefit
of their countrymen"
She mentions India and the US as examples, she missed New Zealand but, a prime example of what good governance can do for an industry like aviation.
A great article from a very savvy woman, Gina for PM says I.
Todays Australian Business review by Sarah-Jane Tasker
"Rinehart urges cuts to red tape to make Australia great again"
The subject was supposed to be on mining, but the script could
almost have been written for CAsA.
Some little snippets from the article:
"Australian billionaire Gina Rinehart has warned that governments and
business leaders around the world "can't understand us" or see Australia
as "a joke"
Fits like a glove, CAsA is a bit of a joke around the world.
"Ms Rinehart argued that the levels of red tape and bureaucracy in
Australia created enormous costs and sovereign risks so people did not
want to invest"
Yup, thats sounds like CAsA as well.
"global leaders and significant investors see us as a high-taxing, high cost country
who has all the resources that they could ever dream of, but we keep messing up"
"Messing up" fits CAsA, most of the industry think their a humongous cluster...k.
"They can't believe how we could get things so wrong."
Neither can we.
"Australia's fourth-richest person, with an estimated wealth of $10.4 billion, (she must be doing something right)
said the country needed to Learn from SUCCESSFUL governments that had cut red tape, for the immense benefit
of their countrymen"
She mentions India and the US as examples, she missed New Zealand but, a prime example of what good governance can do for an industry like aviation.
A great article from a very savvy woman, Gina for PM says I.