United we conquer...divided we fall -
Reference via the Mick Mack thread:
To follow up on the above, with the latest disturbing tales from the YMMB, via Oz Flying...
Plus from this week's (day early) LMH: http://www.australianflying.com.au/the-l...april-2021
"...the 2020 draft master plan due for release in mid-April..." - Thinking out loud??...this means that not long after the miniscule (with the advice of the DARD) will actually have to make a decision to whether he will sign the Master Plan. Leading into an election year this could be yet another significant wedge for ALL of industry to get behind and support the efforts of the YMMB aviation tenants and the MACCI -

Reference via the Mick Mack thread:
(02-27-2021, 09:46 AM)Peetwo Wrote: The McDonaught Aviation shame file continues to grow?? -![]()
Next via the AP blog, library and the airports thread:
Ref: https://auntypru.com/sbg-3-01-20-the-year-of-the-ox/
Ref: https://auntypru.com/amroba-breaking-new...ter-plans/ & https://auntypru.com/forum/showthread.ph...5#pid11855
Of course all fully supported and endorsed by our miniscule McDonaught, the witless wonder from Wagga...![]()
Which brings me back to this pic (with embellishments) borrowed from this Betoota Advocate article...![]()
Quote:Liberal Party Put In Place Measures To Protect Their Non-Idiot Image While PM Is On Holidays
To follow up on the above, with the latest disturbing tales from the YMMB, via Oz Flying...

MACCI rallies Aviation Businesses as New Master Plan looms
1 April 2021
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Moorabbin Airport Chamber of Commerce Inc, (MACCI) has encouraged aviation businesses to make submissions to the new airport master plan to help stave off commercial development that is seen to be strangling the airport.
Tenants became alarmed in July last year when they were handed six-month eviction notices to allow Moorabbin Airport Corporation (MAC) to bulldoze a large part of the northern apron and begin development of new commercial, non-aviation buildings.
Several of those evicted were not given alternative premises to move into, and fears are rising the the 2020 draft master plan due for release in mid-April will herald the destruction of even more aviation infrastructure.
At a networking function at Royal Victorian Aero Club last night, MACCI president Rob Simpson stressed the dire situation facing aviation businesses and encouraged the gathering to voice objections, especially given the 2015 master plan attracted only six submissions.
"We can't do anything about the 2015 master plan," Simpson said. "The problems we are seeing with that plan is that they are picking and choosing what they decide to do and not to do. There are these wonderful glossy things in there, but they may do absolutely nothing going forward for aviation. They may do nothing for us to stay in business.
"We all know, literally, they really don't care; we're just a thorn in their side rather than a viable income source."
Simpson's company, Simpson Aeroelectrics was one of the companies evicted last year.
"I got six months notice," he said. "On 13 June I was told my eviction date was 29 December, and I had no legal recourse. The letter said the notice was irrevocable ... I've lost 50% of my business with the demolition of that hangar.
"Do you want that for your business? If you don't want it, get behind the chamber."
Simpson's sentiments were echoed by Councillor Tracey Davies from City of Kingston, who expressed her concerns about the future of the airport and predicted more dire circumstances if people did not respond during the master plan consultation period.
"The time for submissions will shortly arrive ... I would really suggest that everyone looks at that master plan and if you don't want to read that document, at least put in a response outlining the difficulties you have, because if nobody responds to the Department of Infrastructure, they're going to think everything is fine," Davies said.
"I've walked around this area, and I'm really concerned about the number of warehouses around this site, and I've had a couple of briefings by tenants and one from MAC, and I'm a little bit concerned about some of the inconsistencies about what I've been told and what I've seen.
"You should set out your individual concerns, that the airport is being strangled ... that you haven't got enough space for planes to land, that the costs you're being charged for your rent is ridiculous and that it seems to be skewed towards commercial non-aviation tenants."
MAC is owned by the giant Goodman logistics and property development conglomerate, which aviation businesses have accused of being reluctant to engage on issues and described as "unhelpful."
Simpson said he believed the best was to counter Goodman was as a collective rather than as individual companies.
"What we need is for everyone to get together," he stressed. "The problems we've seen recently are dividing everyone, and they've done that time and time again.
"It's quite simple: bit-by-bit-by-bit they chip away until it gets to the stage that we don't care. We're too traumatised to care, we just plain give up.
"If you want this airport to flourish, you've got to get off your bums and not not care."
MAACI was formed around 10 years ago and currently has 15 members. The chamber hopes the impending loss of more infrastructure will encourage more people to join and strengthen the voice for aviation tenants on the airport.
Plus from this week's (day early) LMH: http://www.australianflying.com.au/the-l...april-2021
Quote:...Storm clouds are gathering over Moorabbin again. The next draft master plan is due in a couple of weeks are there aren't many operators on the airport that believe the MP will yield a vibrant future for aviation on a patch that has been a GA mainstay since 1949. Leaseholder Goodman Group recently ploughed up the western end of the northern apron, razed several hangars and evicted operators without offering alternative homes for the businesses. According to Goodman's 2015 master plan, all of this was considered surplus to aviation needs. It is expected that Goodman–a property development behemoth–will find more "surplus infrastructure" in the next master plan, which has operators feeling very vulnerable. None of this, however, is new ... it was all in a the last master plan that drew only six submissions from the aviation community. Such low levels of feedback are effectively a green-light for the department to approve the master plan. Now, in the shadow of a growing construction site where aeroplanes were once tied-down, airport operators are understanding the fight they are in. But they're not alone, or rather, they shouldn't be alone. Moorabbin Airport is an asset for everyone in aviation. There wouldn't be many licensed pilots in Victoria that haven't landed there, and almost none that haven't used businesses based there. Skylines, AvPlan, Royal Vic ... all of these are assets for everyone in aviation. We are all stakeholders and all have a right to have our say. When the draft master plan is released, it should not be only the Moorabbin operators who pull it apart and register their objections; it should be everyone in GA right across Australia. And that goes also for the futures of Bankstown, Camden, Archerfield, Jandakot, Parafield and every airport in the nation where the Moorabbin story is being repeated. It is the entire industry's responsibility to defend the infrastructure that benefits us all...
"...the 2020 draft master plan due for release in mid-April..." - Thinking out loud??...this means that not long after the miniscule (with the advice of the DARD) will actually have to make a decision to whether he will sign the Master Plan. Leading into an election year this could be yet another significant wedge for ALL of industry to get behind and support the efforts of the YMMB aviation tenants and the MACCI -
