The Sunday Brunch Gazette.

Redactions or RED ACTIONS - that is the question?

From the quoted Hansard (above) Senator Fawcett said: "..I accept that. I also accept that so far you have not had a look at the fatigue special audit, because that is still being redacted prior to being distributed..."

On review of the referred to document - 09 CASA_Doc 10_Web - i.e. Ben Cook's Special Audit of Pel-Air FRMS;

(a) I firstly verified Senator Fawcett's statement that the tabling of the audit report was being redacted as the 'created' date/time matches - 15/02/2013 11:15:30 AM;  

(b) this gave me a perfect opportunity to observe the redaction methodology of the Senate RRAT committee compared to the redactions in the other 8 documents received on the 10 October 2012.

This comparison has led me to the conclusion that the other 8 documents were redacted merely to protect the identity of innocent (coalface) parties (e.g. 'ATSB' or 'CASA' Officers) versus executive or middle management identities (e.g. McCormick, Sangston). Whereas the RRAT Secretariat do not discriminate and adhere strictly to privacy and/or FOI Act rules; and

© the copy of the Ben Cook FRMS audit report is also interesting as it has many overlayed highlighted sections (paragraphs and sentences), examples:

[Image: BC-1.jpg]

[Image: BC-2.jpg] 

This highlighting would seem to indicate that this document copy has been reviewed and IMO reflects an investigative process often employed by an individual(s) tasked with extracting evidence/data that maybe relevant to the systemic causal chain of the accident/incident investigation.

This would appear to also match the inferences and concerns highlighted in three of the preceding documents/emails:
Quote:15 Advice from the UK Civil Aviation Authority to CASA providing an assessment of the fatigue scores for the accidental flight (dated 11 December 2009), received 10 October 2012;(PDF 881KB) 

16 Internal ATSB email- reviewer wanting to look more closely at FRMS and re-interview pilots (dated 24 May 2012), received 10 October 2012;(PDF 535KB) 

17 Internal ATSB email- reviewer indicating they can't deviate at this point and they have to work with what they have (dated 24 May 2012), received 10 October 2012;(PDF 360KB) 
Does this possibly indicate that the reviewer had only recently been leaked (April-May 2012)the Ben Cook FRMS Special Audit report and this only further heightened his/her concerns on the lack of ATSB investigative coverage on fatigue and the FRMS in the (at that stage) DRAFTED final report... Confused  

As a point of interest on the former ATSB Chief Commissioner Beaker's take on whether fatigue of the flight crew, in particular PIC DJ, was a causal factor to the ditching, it is worth rehashing this part of an 11 November 2012 (indignant) Beaker correspondence to the former Senate RRAT committee Secretary Stephen Palethorpe - reference: Supplementary Submission(PDF 271KB):

In considering the potential for fatigue to have affected the flight crew's performance,
the investigation considered evidence acquired through interviews with the pilot and
copilot, from the operator's duty records and from the Civil Aviation Safety Authority
(CASA) investigation report. Based on this evidence, a number of the ATSB's human
factors investigators were involved in the examination of whether fatigue was a factor in
the occurrence.

By way of background, fatigue modelling is useful for assessing the probability of crew
fatigue when developing crew rosters but, because of individual differences, it is not
possible to determine an individual's level of fatigue at any point in time based on the
retrospective use of a fatigue modelling tool alone.

The determination of whether fatigue was a factor was made more difficult by the
changing reports over time about the amount of rest obtained by the pilot in command
(PIC) while in Samoa. The ATSB placed more weight on the contemporaneous
recollection by the PIC that he slept for most of the reported 8-hour rest period in the
hotel in Samoa.

On testing, the hypothesis that the PIC was significantly fatigued at the time of receipt of the 0800 SPEC! could not be proven to the level of likelihood used as a standard by the ATSB. The ATSB nevertheless concluded that the flight crew were experiencing some level of fatigue on the flight to Samoa. If the PIC only had 4 hours sleep in Samoa, as was later reported, then it is more likely he was experiencing fatigue on the return flight at a level likely to have had at least some effect on performance. (Pages 14 and 15 of the investigation report refer.)

Dodgy  - No comment - Angry

MTF...P2 Cool

I poted these on Victor's blog (primarily for the information of Don Thompson), but for the benefit of a wider audience as well.

ventus45 says:
August 9, 2017 at 10:33 pm


With regard to the ATSB report (Mark-1) of the Westwind Ditching off Norfolk Island, the original (all 77 pages of it) is no longer available on the ATSB’s web site, but it can still be downloaded from here.

I suggest you download it now, and keep a copy for comparison purposes, with the “new report”, when it is released.

Note that ATSB Commisioner (former Qantas Chief Pilot) Captain Cris Manning said in the Australian Senate:
(a) The new report (Mark-2) is 450 pages
(b) It is a different report.
© It is a “significant” report.
(d) It should be released by the end of next month (September 2017).

ventus45 says:
August 9, 2017 at 10:37 pm


I forgot to mention this.

P2 comment - FYI "V" I can confirm that the DRAFT Final Report is over 500 pages and I am aware of at least one extension of 2 weeks for the DIP process with the original deadline being 31 July 2017.

Once upon a night time dreary.

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Once upon a time, in the distant past, a mate bought a property which had some outbuildings – chook sheds and the like. There was one, which had been nicely made and he had a notion to keep it for storage of those must have, but rarely used things. Alas, the white ants had been through the walls – a classic; you could poke your finger through what looked like ‘good’ timber. The roof was pretty sound though, the rest for the bonfire.  Long story short – we took the roof off – in pieces (he insisted, despite my protests). Then I set about building a brand new shed to the same dimensions and design as the previous. When it came time to replace the top, much of the salvaged timber could not be used – time, effort and money wasted.

{BRB -"The point you fool; get to the point".} The ASA debacle reminds me of that shed, standing, but rotten to the core; the ASA board like the roof, probably serviceable but not worth the effort to save – by the time you have dismantled and stored the used timber, picked the nails and fittings off; you have a pile of stuff where the 'useful' parts are less than that required. Easiest to start from scratch and build with a purpose. It depends on your point of view; but, to my ear the entire board of ASA is denying any responsibility for the One Pie Sky.

"..Let's do the timewarp again..."

[Image: 9d261465a75de85745f50d6484dc835d]
Angus Houston, we have a problem with air traffic control

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQbIyam_Q4Aqxws176KQlm...8wyjdv4Whg]
The OneSky Great White Elephant - Gift to a nation Rolleyes

All very neat and corporate, no doubt all legal; but what’s the point of having a board if they simply ‘sign off’ on the project without examining the whole, very carefully indeed. This is not a Chook shed they are approving – it is a project of great national interest, public safety, industry efficiency and a great big pile of public money. It begs the question; how can a government monopoly loose a fortune and presents the industry with a less than perfect system continue, as it stands? But what I’d like to know is how can a board sit on it’s collective thumbs and allow the situation we find ourselves in happen – on their watch. It is wrong: plain, pure and simple. Time to rebuild, from the ground up. Privatisation is the only real solution – take a long, hard, look at Canada, the Americans are –

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I actually, foolishly, thought that ATSB could not ever surprise me again. Well this business with the Taswegian Coroner has; did you ever, in all your days hear the like. The megalomaniac running the outfit is under fire from all sides – can’t get the money he needs (wonder why) and Manning is sniffing about the place, looking to move into a nice warm seat; not to mention a Senate committee looking to climb all over any wrong move by the already discredited agency. Bless the Coroner; he is only trying to untangle an aviation fatal accident. He states, quite rightly, that his interest lays within preventing a re occurrence. He wants to close the safety loop; he wants to make a meaningful recommendation – although, fat lot of good that will do him, considering the long, long list of Coronial recommendations which have been dismissed, out of hand, by an arrogant bureaucracy. The same colossal arrogance which dismisses Senate, ASSR and ATSB Safety Recommendations; on the pretext of ‘they know better’. "We are the experts" they claim, above the law.

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But if this is so:- Why now do we have the drone bunfight?  WTD – Our ‘experts’ dragged in some student who was researching ‘drones’ as a part of a doctorate – paid him to do so and restricted the terms of reference to a very narrow study. From this epistle, they drafted a regulation which suited their shiftless, lazy, no responsibility but all control ethos. Now we have the Senate doing the CASA 'experts' jobs - again; and taking the drone question apart. Please tell me why we have all these highly paid ‘expert’, far seeing, masterful visionaries, when they must rely on ‘other’ independent experts’ to do their jobs for ‘em. Speaking of which – Darren 6D has opened his trap and changed feet  - again. I love the quote where he ‘welcomes’ the latest round of flatulence – in the form of yet another, expensive 'opinion' only, time buying discussion paper.

[Image: Darren_Chester_GA8_280E8B20-D5CA-11E5-B2...62CCED.jpg]

“Federal Minister for Infrastructure and Transport Darren Chester has welcomed the release of a discussion paper focusing on the regulation of remotely piloted aircraft (RPA)—or drone—operations and air safety.” BOLLOCKS; he should be kicking seven bells out of ‘em for dragging their arses, buggering up and playing at silly buggers with a potential risk. Experts!  - my left sock has more foresight.

[Image: mancurtain.jpg]

  - L. Frank Baum

Silly question of the week goes to the indefatigable Xenophon - “How can the Government continue to ignore the peak body representing 5000 commercial aircraft pilots?

That’s an easy one Nick (won't take it on notice) – it’s what has always been done. Don't y'know - Pilots are thick headed, dangerous types with criminal tendencies who know far less about aircraft, safety and the practicalities of managing safety than the CASA anointed experts. Set some time aside Nick, have a coffee with some of the clowns masquerading as experts; honestly, it would break your poor heart to hear and see some of the purblind stupidity they have inflicted on this benighted industry. We can provide over 50 examples from this year alone, 200 from last year and as many again from the year before. You see dear Senator, you are basically honest and intelligent; and, therefore have trouble believing the tales of venal incompetence are true. Real experts become Captains, Chief pilots, run Check and Training systems; write policy into manuals and make it stick; they do not ponce about in offices pretending to be experts; they simply are.

[Image: aviation-safety.jpg]

Here’s a challenge from Aunty Pru; accept submissions on Flight Operations Inspectors aberrations and stupidity; set aside one afternoon for the committee to hear those submissions and interview those who wrote ‘em. Do it in camera – man; it will rock you.

No doubt P2 will supply the graffiti  - “truth, you can’t handle the truth”. I forget who said it; but it is germane to Australia’s greatest aviation disaster – Darren Chester – Miniscule for Aviation

[Image: Johnny_and_sal.jpg]

6D Chester & Wingnut Carmody

Aye well – sound and fury; again. The well trodden paths around the same old mulberry bush; but it will, soon or late, have to stop, before the questions unanswered become a reality which will bring down a blind government.


That’s it – early start tomorrow – time to light the fire: I’ve done my duty to the tools as the band-aids attest, 16 chisels and four plane blades all surgically sharp, nick free, oiled and put away tidy. Exeunt; stage right - "K"  lights the oil lamps, ambles over to an ancient fridge, pulls a pint of amber heaven, eases into the deep, comfy luxury of old leather, puts up feet and waits quietly for P7 coming home, with new tales of the wide world.  AAaaahhhh !

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR92yAYoiPtYcRO2Rg9FWj...6khYiKyl1Q]

Yet, amidst the changing visions of life, his principles remained unshaken, his benevolence unchilled; and he retired from the multitude 'more in PITY than in anger,' to scenes of simple nature, to the pure delights of literature, and to the exercise of domestic virtues.


Well done P2 - Choc Frog - Google only valid after completing the puzzles. Bravo for no cheating. (Big, huge smile). Toot toot.

Bad news has good legs.

[Image: nn.jpg?resize=500%2C396]

Image from JDA article: Aviation Safety: No News Is Good News

Or as noted British author, Richard Llewellyn put it in his book, How Green was my Valley,
“Bad news has good legs.” - Journalists find it hard to write about good news; nothing sells newspapers like a gruesome murder or corrupt politician. It is even more taxing to write about the absence of bad news

Well, it’s been quite a fortnight and matters aeronautical have perforce, taken a back seat. P7_TOM has just had his hydraulic system overhauled which took priority. Why is it always so; you hang about the place for days on end, then off you go to work; that is the day the dog gets sick, or the washing machine reveals it’s true nature; or, the usually reliable car decides to quit in the middle of the harbour bridge; or, a storm takes the roof off of the place. Not, mind you that I could have done anything of practical worth; P7 was on his Pat Malone and won through, with flying colours, without my assistance. Bravo; (however)-

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I’ve put up a bit of a ramble on the whole thing – there are I believe some lessons to be learned from the episode – a lay point of view, thus far, but I intend to get busy on the subject of aviation medicals (CASA style). At face value I’m not certain that the approach is not more punitive than ‘preventative’. The whole thing skewed toward some legal/medical box ticking, rather than honest concern for well being. Perhaps my impressions are wrong – but I shall use the PAIN resources to reach a satisfactory answer – MTF – you bet. End of….

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P2 and Mr. PB have done a whiz bang job on the airport travesty. No matter which road you take you arrive at the disgraceful shambles, complete with smoking holes and crispy critters.  No one seems to want the responsibility of ensuring that operational airports and runways are ‘safe’; the ‘letter’ in this post sums up the entire situation. Buildings placed in harms way, shopping centres potentially crowded with bargain hunting Mum’s and kids all innocently waiting for the unthinkable – 5 ton of machinery at 200 KpH slamming in through a window, a ton or two of jet fuel sprayed about the place – a spark and catastrophe.

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And what does Australian Aviation's greatest Disaster do ?– SFA s what. The thick, dark curtains of protection are drawn, the word weasels get to work and the whole machinery of obfuscation, denial and duck shoving winds up to race speed. Things like ‘transitional surfaces’ are a black art – technical and complex. The ICAO put such requirements in place to ensure there is a margin of safety and ‘operational’ flexibility, the requirements are by nature complex, however, there is a responsibility on government agencies to ensure that those safety buffers are in place. There are independent specialists who deal with such matters; the BRB have voted, overwhelmingly, that the government must, as a matter of integrity, call in an independent team of specialists to analyse the airspace in and around our airport ground structures. Anything short of this will be seen as dereliction of duty. People and aircraft are at risk – simply so that some developer may squeeze a few more rentable square meters of floor space onto an airport lot; or, they can build something equally useless to humanity – another DFO. Darren 6D needs to get off his arse and do something – or, piss off and let someone who will deal with the problems; from CASA to Developer, do the thing right. A bloody disgrace.  

[Image: 1503628329613.jpg] 
Photo via the Canberra Times article: ATSB revises mid-air drone incident forecast to stable, despite fears of it doubling 

Tuesday 29 inst. Will see the ‘Drone wars’ take centre stage again. There is a good line up for the senators to discuss the state of play with. I find it remarkable that our much vaunted ‘safety agencies’ are playing catch up to the Senators lead. The ‘agencies’ have had years to examine and respond to the challenges an increasing ‘drone’ population present; to determine a balance between what is useful, sensible and safe and that which needs be controlled; and, how to do it. But they all stand flat footed while the Senate entry simply streets ‘em, with knowledge and vision.

It is just another indication that it is high time we had the lid off this festering can of expensive, inutile can of  supposed ’safety’ experts and brought in  some practical men of good will, to the job the Senators are having to do for the existing crew of pretenders and wanna-be’s, masquerading as ‘the experts’. There’s only one thing they have become expert in; and it ain’t good management of matters aeronautical.

You know, I keep going back to this Pie in the Sky wet dream ASA have been feeding off for years. Seriously, when you go back over the whole ASA saga – back to the Russell days, through that dreadful period when ol’ Stabbed in the Dark ruled, through to the current day Halfwit; you have to wonder at your own credulity. I mean we all swallowed it; bones and feathers, hoping that under Senate fire some sense would be made of it all and the errors made would be corrected. We wanted it to be simply ineptitude and bad management; fixable. Then we have the Board dragged into frame – any hope of it all being a dreadful, albeit expensive mistake are abandoned.

Defence slithers out of the back door, untouched, the bored Board wash their Lilly white hands of it; the tax payer gets the bill and once again the Senators are left grappling a nebulous, cunning adversary. Like trying to pin a fart to the wall – but, there’s hope. Folk like Sir Gallacher are not that easily fooled or mislead and; you just get the feeling that the Senators won’t be backing off any time soon. Well done those statesmen who actually give a monkeys..  We will be watching on Tuesday.  

[Image: PKKH-United-we-stand-720x357.jpg]

Otherwise it’s been a fairly lacklustre week – the idiot alphabet soup groups continue to demonstrate how easily the private, flying for fun set can be brought into disarray, divided and conquered by a rapacious CASA desperate to prevent a united voice crying ‘Enough’. Time there was some maturity and leadership on display; enough said. I will leave it there and ask the ‘soup groups’ to consider the words of Mike Mrdak – very, very carefully. Then realise just what reform of aviation is up against and more importantly – exactly who you are up against.

“Electoral cycles are very short, the focus of government tends to be very short,” Mrdak said. “We are the continuity and the people who have to understand what the future needs are to provide that long-term advice to government … often governments don’t want to hear our view.

“A view is not an opinion. I have lots of opinions — not worth much — but my agency has a view on the right outcome for the future. It’s informed by evidence, informed by good long-term research, and it’s all about what is the right outcome for the challenges facing the country.” - Reference: M&M: Listen up minions

If those words don’t scare you – they should.

That is definitely enough from me. It is my intention to take a second coffee out to the stables and pull up a stool close to TOM’s bench and sit quietly, as I did as child, watching the strong calloused hands meld pieces of wood into things of great beauty and value; we may chat about ‘the op’ we may not. Either which way, it is enough for me this day.


[Image: Johnny_and_sal.jpg]

Of cleft infinitives and them as use ‘em.

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I reckon the vast majority of folk just want to live a peaceful life. It’s a tough enough job for most folk, making a living, bringing up the kids and surviving the things which occur that spoil the plan. There’s enough trouble and strife, in one form or another, encountered during a ‘normal’ life to prevent any form of real complacency. As if that was not enough, the world occasionally takes a dip in the really dark waters; war, strife, pestilence, famine – all the jolly old biblical Horsemen reeking havoc and generally being a bloody nuisance. You could add some thoroughly modern wrinkles to that particular reality of life – as we know it. In times of great trouble we look to those who are the anointed ‘leaders’ of our small world for solutions, security and a return to relative peace.

[Image: Four-horsemen-of-apocalypse.jpg]

The verse from the bible - John 4:23-24 “But the hour cometh, and now is,” has been adopted, adapted and brought into general use as Cometh the hour, cometh the man; or words that effect. So where is ‘our man’? The man who can take the matters aeronautical bull by the horns and best the beast. In short, Australian aviation is in deep crisis, it is, make no mistake about it. It is time to demand the desperately needed leadership be given. Why leadership? Well because without it, nothing will change, not for the better at least.

[Image: Untitled_Clipping_090317_105055_AM.jpg]
Yet with a simple wave of his magic wand, the PM could resolve 70% of the existing trouble by appointing David Fawcett to Junior Minister; then it would simply be a matter of time before the serious problems which will, eventually, have to be dealt with, by government will have disappeared. Darren 6D is becoming, through zero leadership, Australia’s greatest aviation disaster, a glove puppet used and abused for the entertainment of those who have landed a once proud, leading aviation nation in the bush leagues and spent a fortune doing so.

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There is a call now for a Judicial inquiry into the CASA, perhaps it will gain some support; indeed, it may even happen. There are, on record, three decades of inquiry, investigation and reporting. Gods alone know the total cost, but every fool in the Souk knows what the results have been – sweet sod all – in the way of real reform of the regulator. Why? No bloody government leadership to make the demands, recommendations and requirements ‘stick’. Look no further back in history than the ASRR, to see a kings ransom wasted for no benefit.

[Image: ASRR_canberra_2F586060-283B-11E4-8920005056A302E6.jpg]
The BRB are seriously considering supporting the general call for a judicial inquiry; there are at least 101 reasons to have one. No doubt the task of elaborating and illuminating the reasons will fall to me; not an onerous task. I shall simply wind the clock back to 2008 and begin with fine work completed by the inestimable, legendary Paul Phelan. Whozat? You all ask in wonder – well, start – HERE – and draw your own conclusions, particularly with regard to what, exactly, has changed. SFA is the right answer.

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Pro Aviation

Sharp End Aviation News and Features

By category you may examine the extensive list of why CASA must be reformed. This must be examined retrospectively, for despite the flat refusal to examine the aberrations of the past decade there can be no forward progress until the reasons for the complete lack of trust and respect in the CASA are understood and the wrongs set to rights. Until this occurs the wrongs will simply continue – unchallenged. Once those matters are attended to, the sheer incompetence and ineptitude of the regulator may be attended to, quickly, simply and with little fuss. But until CASA is straightened out, properly, then we are simply throwing good money after bad keeping a sinister Merry-go-round of deception, obfuscation and denial turning.  

[Image: Untitled_Clipping_090317_111341_AM.jpg]

But enough ramble, to business. Australian Flying published a cracker-jack article by Hitch, he gazumped AP by Gad. May have to consider doing the SBG on Fridays. No, the Hitch offering nailed down at least two corners of the cover sheet CASA like to use when they believe they are vulnerable. The NPM on ‘aerodromes’ is skilfully confected to cover the gapping cracks in the safety walls. Once you have considered the Hitch article; consider this – HERE? – from P2. There is a shit storm brewing overhead the airports and the unbridled latitude those who would build stuff within the ‘safety’ zones of active runways have been granted. The history draws the infamous Dolan back into the mess, for he was hock deep in the original sleight of legal hand workings. (Aside, this has always been a favourite BRB puzzle for a rainy day – Mrdak, angel; or villain? I digress).  

Quote:“Lawyers are men who hire out their words and anger.” - Horace (again) 

Then we need to examine a further justification for yet another inquiry – emanating from the ‘drone’ inquiry the Senators are running. You don’t need to watch and listen to the whole thing; just pick up the parts where Aleck is on stage. The amount of dust this fellah can kick up to waste time and energy is remarkable. You could sit there all day and not get a straight answer; every word spoken can be split up into a hundred conniptions, all debateable.

(Watch from 00:55, or read Hansard here: )

Sentences to confound the most adept cryptic crossword puzzler. A master of smoke and mirrors. There may, through judicial inquiry, be a way to put an end to the chicanery. To explain I must digress, PAIN is helping Karen Casey investigate who authorised ‘surveillance’ of her electronic media and why. That surveillance took place is beyond reasonable doubt and the light is being shone into some pretty dark corners from which the rats are scurrying and seeking top cover. On the balance of probability, CASA is high on the list of the 61 agencies which can do this sort of thing; although why KC – aa victim of accident – should be treated in this manner is beyond comprehension. I’ll leave it there, but we ain’t done with this, not by a long march. Anyway; for an almost perfect example of why Carmody is simply a ministerial mushroom, happy enough to protect the ministerial arse end but useless to all practical reform measures watch the Drones video – and carefully consider the robust changes Carmody has made to the ‘Enforcement Manual’, to  the words and music which Aleck has crafted to use in just such a situation as he found himself in at the last ‘session’. Not certain he hoodwinked Fawcett, O’Sullivan or Sterle though. We shall see.

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I‘ve banged on long enough here today; the ‘Drone’ debacle has been well covered in the posts; as has the dreadful, deceitful use of legal power and wriggle room to prostitute our airports, reduce public safety and provide deniability for any and all responsibility for the agencies and the inept minister. Do we need a warts and all judicial inquiry? We do; but first we need to establish the leadership and political will to drive not only the recommendations from that home; but to enact and enforce the many previously made, now diluted and discarded recommendations made over the past decade. We all believe David Fawcett is the right man – cometh the hour – cometh the man. That or we can all just stand aside and watch the industry progress toward the closed sewer after floating so long on the open drain.

No matter – I have a party to attend – Fathers day – the whole crew together. A rare event in an aviation family. But first I must sort out what the hell I’ve buggered up with a garden bench I’ve made. Cut the timber, made the joints, went to fit it all together – disaster; can’t even get it all to go together, let alone stand up four square. So, off to the workshop I go to mutter and curse.

Toot toot.

{Bow, exit stage left, whistle up dogs, find a tape and a square, get cracking}.

“Will you walk into my parlour?”

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A long walk was essential this morning, much needed to clear the mind and calm the anger. Problem is that the more I think on it, the angrier I seem to get as the reasons for that  anger multiply with logical thought. No matter which way I look at the sickening machinations of Daren 6D, I arrive at the same conclusion. We are watching Australia’s greatest aviation disaster unfold. I have not as yet been able to get a release to tell the AOPA v RAA Aus story; but the flat refusal of 6D to allow AOPA to even exist, let alone take part in any discussion is despicable; but, when an outfit like AMROBA can’t get a look in it’s time to speak up. What sort of a minister is it that refuses to deal with industry representatives on purely personal grounds; some have offended his delicate sensibilities and shown him up to be the muff he is; so he not only slams the door closed but actively seeks to have ‘em excluded. Only the tame, select few may enter the 6D sheltered workshop, provided they say what he wants hear. That is not only undemocratic, it is deceitful and cowardly. Enough, let us hope he is removed before the endless delays kill off hope of reform, obfuscations deny progress and the never arriving reports preclude the need for them, as the industry is moribund. 

The almost unbelievable mess our airports and infrastructure are in is also within the 6D remit. Did you all note the powerful leadership kick in as 6D tackles the problems and eradicates the dangers; sending the developers scuttling. No. Well, you didn’t miss it – it never happened.

[Image: My+Cousin+Vinny.jpg]

Judge Chamberlain Haller: Mr. Gambini, the next words out of your mouth better be "guilty" or "not guilty." I don't want to hear commentary, argument, or opinion. I don't want to hear any facts or evidence. If I hear anything other than "guilty" or "not guilty", you'll be in contempt. I don't even want to hear you clear your throat to speak. Now, how do your clients plead?

Hitch has promoted some serious pea green envy in his Australian Flying piece this week. Seems that in the USA, when there is a call for regulatory reform, they actually get on with it, instead of sitting about for thirty years trying to avoid doing anything about it. The reform of FAR 23 is a positive step forward, taken by the FAA in response to industry and political request. Just like that, the thing is done. 30 months not 30 ducking years; good reform and simplification; not bad more restrictive reform and over complication. Yup, colour me pea green. Well done FAA.

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I want to know why we are paying the ATSB top management and investigators their ridiculous salaries. If you start at #208 and read through to the last, perhaps you too will be wondering WTD use is the ATSB. The company’s can sort it out, correctly, in double quick time. Now if the ATSB published those reforms there may be a case to sustain their existence. But they don’t, so the world is denied access to a safety case and the rectification made; which is great for the company – but should that ‘fix’ not be shared? If the ATSB cannot provide a ‘fix’ or; cannot pass the information along to others who may benefit from the knowledge; then we may save some millions every year by disbanding the ATSB and asking the companies to publish their investigation and rectification of a safety matter. That would be of some value, but the mindless twaddle ATSB publish is completely and utterly useless.  

[Image: cofield.jpg]

“...government was founded on the working premise of being primarily an asylum for ineptitude and indigence.”

―from REQUIEM FOR A NUN by William Faulkner

Not too much from our fearless, frank, robust, honest ‘authority’ this week. Gone to ground as per whispered instructions. Carmody a.k.a ‘Hush-power’ has removed them from the spotlight glare; the internal ructions and leaks continue, but it’s all kept very low key, so as not make a bigger fool of the minister than he already is. All well and good enough for public consumption; but, between the Senate committee and industry the communication channels work just fine and no one is really fooled. CASA could not find a cat, in a cat house, with a candle, let alone reform itself.

[Image: w1200_h678_fmax.jpg]

[Image: ABC-graphic-of-Pel-Air-ditching-610x340.jpg]

Quote:Chair: This organisation, CASA, and the boss have the audacity to send out an internal memo which says, 'Do not be dismayed by our vocal but largely uninformed minority of critics.'...

...The email continues: 'They are symptomatic of other ills in society. I prefer "facts" when engaged in discussions'—I presume when you have discussions you deal with facts—'not hearsay and tautological rubbish.' This is out there on the edge of the ice-skating rink, in my view. I think that sort of an internal memo could be quite intimidatory of witnesses and people with whom they are dealing, including you. If that is the mindset of the boss, I think that is what I would call bullying in the gathering of evidence.

(Reference: Sen Bill Heffernan, Hansard - 21 November Senate AAI Inquiry)

Leopards don’t change their spots – not in my jungle at least; and, sooner or later, the Pel-Air report will be released. That, boys and girls, I can assure you, will be fun.  

[Image: 947.jpg]

There's letters seal'd, and my two schoolfellows,
Whom I will trust as I will adders fang'd—
They bear the mandate, they must sweep my way
And marshal me to knavery. Let it work;
For 'tis the sport to have the enginer
Hoist with his own petard, an't shall go hard
But I will delve one yard below their mines
And blow them at the moon.

― William ShakespeareHamlet

No matter; blowing off the excess steam helps a bit; changes nothing and the dogs are soaked through. I shall spend a half hour with a towel and blow drier (if I can ‘borrow’ it from the hall of domestic tyranny). Always great fun, then we can settle down and do something worthwhile, far removed from the cess pool of politics, lunacy and ineptitude.
[Image: Ive+seen+a+look]


P2 - This picture always makes me smile - Big Grin

[Image: r0_0_5184_3456_w1200_h678_fmax.jpg]

Hush! Hush! Whisper who dares!

Pure whimsy of course; but, I can picture myself sitting on a high stool by an old fashioned desk, lit by a candle, reaching over to a shelf and lifting down a heavy, leather bound tome, placing it on the desk and blowing the dust and cobwebs from its surface to read the title – BRB CASA Awards. Silly of course, it is, in reality, a file on a prosaic modern computer – the dust purely metaphorical, but the imagery pleased me. One of the rarely mentioned Aunt Pru awards is the Silver star and Fantales.

[Image: christmas-background-picture-id186856892][Image: Fantales_Lge.jpg]

Choc Frogs and gold stars are merit awards, as are Tim Tam’s. The Silver star and FT are for encouragement. It is with some pleasure I record a Silver star and Fantale being awarded to one Shane Carmody, CEO, CASA. True dat!!!

[Image: attitude-is-more-important-than-the-past...skill5.jpg]

[Image: Untitled_Clipping_091717_102440_AM.jpg]

Charles R. Swindoll – “…Attitude is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than what people do or say. It is more important than appearance, giftedness, or skill…”

There was a TAAAF indaba last week in Canberra and all the tribes were there (not politic to mention the pushing and shoving) – you will need to visit your tribes site to get those details; however, it may be said that with one or two notable exceptions the whole thing was very civilised, I digress. Carmody had somewhat to say and he said it all, very well indeed.

[Image: d1ebfc3a795e4bfacb8439f11a17072a--house-...-halls.jpg]

There is it seems a candle of hope in the window for real reform, in real time and many don’t believe it’s rhetoric or fairy tales. Avmed was mentioned as was CVD; the parts of the reg’s which create heartburn and indigestion are to be addressed; along with a sketch of a time line. It seems Carmody wants CASA in ‘clear air’ the sooner the better. A philosophical shake up – to see where CASA must be involved and where they are not needed; or required. He made no bones about there being some ‘discussions’ within the CASA ranks, even some dissention, however. FWIW you get the feeling that Carmody is calmly and sensibly initiating the real changes; from within, without too much pony-pooh. We shall see, but, the BRB have spoken – even the IOS is grudgingly acknowledging the encouragement award of a Silver star and a Fantale. Which beats the hell out of pitch forks and torches. Well played Mr. Carmody.

[Image: 5UzQr.jpg]

The gab-fest continues next month with the RAAA big sit down. The breadth of the TAAAF membership is causing some concern as is the RAAA connection to ‘vested interests’ so it will interesting to see what tack they take next month. It always amuses me that the list of ‘government’ speakers is extensive; but I wonder how many will hang about to listen? Can’t see ol’ 6D doing much ‘listening’; fly in, speak, press the flesh, then bugger off for a night on the town. Bit pointless really; there sit the RAAA chaps, preaching to the converted while the ‘speakers’ after they have spoken depart the fix – seems to me they should be listening to the RAAA speakers and getting a notion of where the problems lay. Alas.

[Image: Stephen.jpg]

Saccharine sweet, ‘touchy feely’ blurbs always get my hackles up. This weeks plea for understanding comes from the AAA CEO, telling us all how unfortunate all the buildings on our active runways are and how, in reality there is little that can be done about it now. Which is bad enough but then, to top it all off, we are told that the situation will be ‘looked into’.

[Image: be7a3a0203f708530bf54462a9c32e17?width=650]

Bollocks – bring in the bulldozers to knock ‘em down. Hell, they got ‘em there quick enough for the building; let’s see a similar turn of speed for the removal.  

“The airport industry is pleased the department has recognised these issues as priority focus areas, both of which have been particularly problematic for airports in recent times. However, it is essential that the states follow the lead of the federal department and make genuine efforts to reform their respective planning schemes to ensure development proposals don’t detrimentally impact aviation.”

[Image: ce179d3184198a1b7995ce3c2761fe8f?width=1024]
The scene at Essendon Airport after a charter plane leaving the airport crashed. Picture: Michael Dodge/Getty ImagesVIC News
Essendon Airport’s future in spotlight amid overdevelopment fears

“Airport safeguarding and the jurisdictional implementation of the NASF principles and guidelines should not just be an aspirational objective, it is essential to the ongoing viability of the aviation industry. State governments and planning authorities must recognise the importance of this issue and support the work of the Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development to ensure we do not unwittingly jeopardise the future of Australian aviation with poor land use planning decision.”

[Image: 948042.png]

P2 snagged an interesting by play from parliament this week – NX leading a charge to have Australian ships built in Australia, which seems fair and reasonable. Sen. Gallacher weighed in bringing up the vexed question ‘projects of concern’.

[Image: OneSky_FINAL_C3E995F0-D28B-11E4-842E023E22C172F4.jpg]

[Image: 37RL9C88201Y-400x266.jpg]

This dragged Houston’s little plan ‘Pie-in-the-Sky’ scheme back into the limelight. “Why is it defence is always ‘lurking’ in the background of these major money projects of concern?” I asked a fellah who does actually know about such things – “Well ‘K’, I could tell you – but then I’d have to kill you”, he said with a smile. I took the hint and I will refer you to Sen. Gallacher and let you draw your own conclusions.  

[Image: WallQuotes-WCFields-Horsesenseisthethingahorse.jpg]

While we are on ‘politics’ it was great pleasure to watch and listen to Barry O’Braces Sullivan kick seven bells out of a yapping group of ‘opposition’ trolls.

[Image: 11-e1505651731987.jpg]

There is a rumour floating about that the ‘attack’ was based on protecting Albo as he was the minister at the root of the Pel-Air debacle and if that can of worms ever makes it into the public arena then credibility is in jeopardy. Interesting point of view, ne‘-cest pas?

There’s little more of any note to mention; Darren 6D continues to underwhelm;  ducking and weaving around the many, many matters aeronautical which desperately need ministerial attention; the list is now quite long and the longer it is obfuscated and ignored, the worse he looks. But I won’t waste Gazette space on that – we shall simply continue to follow the progress of Australia’s greatest aviation disaster to the inevitable conclusion.

ATSB – what can I say – we are all awaiting the Pel-Air report – now being amended due the DIP input (unheard of). Not that the report is ‘significant’ in any way now; the real story lays in the what and the why of the ATSB and CASA response and actions,  without even going near their disgraceful performance and tactics during the Senate inquiry.

The ghost of the ASRR still haunts the feast. Big money on my tote board for a report slanted to blame the pilot and exonerate the BoM – anyway, we have a little while longer to wait for that big drum to appear. The ATR saga (s) remain in limbo as does the Mildura fiasco, which draws some interesting parallels between the ATSB/CASA treatment of RPT against AWK. They may, I hazard, be just a little more to follow on those stories.  Wade through from the top of the page; then tell me again how we have a first world accident investigator; then I’ll call bollocks, and the party can move forward.  Enough – lest I need the bucket – again.

Well, the dogs just nipped out the back door (canny buggers) as a fresh coffee is delivered by the minister for domestic tyranny  – it seems that the storage cupboard I started a while back is due for completion; there’s no escape. The door I made for the thing is reclining, complete on the bench; it has been a handy excuse – now used up. A steely glint latches onto the complete door, coffee is placed on the desk, a swirl of light perfume as the tyranny departs “see you and the door soon”. ‘Tis a royal command: sipping my coffee I watch the dogs romp away through the orchard toward the river. Aye well, best crack on.

Toot- toot.

[Image: winnie-the-pooh-1.jpg?w=580]

Legerdemain– a handy skill.


Hitch – “But is this really the dawn of a new attitude within CASA, or is Shane Carmody just a very good illusionist? Like CEOs before him, Carmody has promised a sunset on the reform program and told the industry how important consultation is.”

[Image: 52b9536215fd8.jpg]

I am not an irretrievable skeptic. I am not hopelessly prejudiced. I am perfectly willing to believe, and my mind is wide open; but I have, as yet, to be convinced. I am perfectly willing, but the evidence must be sane and conclusive.
Harry Houdini

There are other, more profound philosophers than HH; but he was a man who lived with his eyes ‘wide open’ in an exciting era of the modern world, so much was brand new. But I reckon he nailed the CASA reform debate down in the quote above. The ‘evidence’ against is massive, compelling and incontrovertible. The BRB have, indeed still are, discussing the probability of this ‘reform’ occurring. One of the more compelling arguments for the negative is the team of minister and CEO.

[Image: Untitled_Clipping_092417_080100_PM.jpg]
Assuming Carmody is ‘fair dinkum’ then there are some questions which must be addressed; for example:- Can Carmody work this magic without a strong, willing minister to back him up? Can Carmody garner enough ‘White hat’ support to carry the reform through? There have been some half hearted attempts to shift the creatures of Sleepy Hollow, none of which worked terribly well. One of the ‘big ticket’ items on the ‘negative’ side is Carmody’s flat refusal to look retrospectively at what has been done at grass roots level to engender the total lack of trust and respect for CASA at the coal face. I say – if he will not ‘see’ where the radical causes lay, then his vision of ‘reform’ is doomed. We have for many years limped along with a lousy rule set, we can probably manage a few more provided the area where the real conflicts lay is ‘sorted’. Get some respect at grass roots level, reform the regulator - without that, reformation of the regulations will change nothing.

[Image: TAAAF_image_composite_82D0CAB0-7DCC-11E5...1BBA31.jpg]

[Image: Sleight-of-Hand.jpg]

I had to smile when I read Hitch’s tongue in cheek comment on Greg Russell; who is a master of sleight of hand; ‘legerdemain’. The coy use of ‘slight of hand’ puts a whole different twist on the sentence – I like it. Choc frog Hitch and a gift voucher for a literary petard. 

[Image: Untitled_Clipping_092417_073248_PM.jpg]

Quote:P2 – “Meanwhile the miniscule is sounding more & more like a State Transport Minister and flapping his gums about...err rail...”

Meanwhile Dick Smith is doing what he does better than almost anyone – getting the message out there. When you go back to his ‘fire side chat’ with the Senate committee, you can see just how much ‘good’ advice Dick has offered ‘ministers’ on aviation. Yet a clot, like Darren 6D, still clings to snake oil merchants sibilant offerings. Clearly, he would be happy being the minister for Victorian trains – if he could not be prime minister. Aye, Australia’s greatest aviation disaster continues, mindless, deaf and blind. Good job Dick – again; the effort appreciated.

[Image: Untitled_Clipping_092417_075655_PM.jpg]

Quote:“An overhaul of the curfew at Essendon, the nation’s biggest corporate jet base, could also reignite debate about the way curfews work at Sydney, Adelaide and Coolangatta airports.”

The notion to do away with ‘curfew’ at the nations major gateway aerodromes is a first class idea; one which should have been executed years ago. The need for regulatory reform could prove a serious hurdle to progress though – there are some fairly silly CASA rules about ‘wind’ on runways which could take the icing off the cake. Back in the day when command prerogative rested firmly in the cockpit, landing with ‘tricky’ wind vectors was routine. Now that command is ceded to some ‘crat who dictates the choice of landing direction. Want a regulation to begin the reform process with – start there..
[Image: bb7d09c25c47f535749dea712175e5d6--good-q...quotes.jpg]

I note the ‘drone wars’ bandwagon continues to attract commentary and an avalanche of ‘if’s and but’s. P2 has, faithfully, despite tedium provided the latest. Ain’t going to plough through that lot, life is too short – I like Barry O’Sullivan’s notion; get licenced, get trained or get fined.

[Image: bish.jpg]

Even when the registration and licencing is done there is a mountain of work to be done just to sort out the ‘airspace’ rules, which will be a mammoth task even when there are no rogues out there, playing at silly buggers.  Enough.

[Image: Isaac.jpg]

It was my intention to blast the ATSB for the latest, completely useless report. Indeed, I’ve just deleted a good half page of it. The report is – HERE – for your consideration – the best and IMO the only comment worth the ink is – HERE. Says it all.

[Image: il_340x270.1237071895_hxbl.jpg]

Our resident graffiti artist is off playing golf this morning, so it’s words without pictures ‘till this evening. Lazy day planned, reckon I’m due one; the workshop was a tip, due to the minister for domestic tyranny wanting things done – now! now. Seriously in need of a clean up, it is now almost pristine: I shall not disturb the dust motes floating in the sunshine, not this day. Second coffee, new book, deck chair, shady spot by the waters edge – just the thing.
[Image: Untitled_Clipping_092417_084951_PM.jpg]


(09-24-2017, 08:16 AM)kharon Wrote:  Legerdemain– a handy skill.


Hitch – “But is this really the dawn of a new attitude within CASA, or is Shane Carmody just a very good illusionist? Like CEOs before him, Carmody has promised a sunset on the reform program and told the industry how important consultation is.”

[Image: 52b9536215fd8.jpg]

I am not an irretrievable skeptic. I am not hopelessly prejudiced. I am perfectly willing to believe, and my mind is wide open; but I have, as yet, to be convinced. I am perfectly willing, but the evidence must be sane and conclusive.
Harry Houdini

There are other, more profound philosophers than HH; but he was a man who lived with his eyes ‘wide open’ in an exciting era of the modern world, so much was brand new. But I reckon he nailed the CASA reform debate down in the quote above. The ‘evidence’ against is massive, compelling and incontrovertible. The BRB have, indeed still are, discussing the probability of this ‘reform’ occurring. One of the more compelling arguments for the negative is the team of minister and CEO.

[Image: Untitled_Clipping_092417_080100_PM.jpg]
Assuming Carmody is ‘fair dinkum’ then there are some questions which must be addressed; for example:- Can Carmody work this magic without a strong, willing minister to back him up? Can Carmody garner enough ‘White hat’ support to carry the reform through? There have been some half hearted attempts to shift the creatures of Sleepy Hollow, none of which worked terribly well. One of the ‘big ticket’ items on the ‘negative’ side is Carmody’s flat refusal to look retrospectively at what has been done at grass roots level to engender the total lack of trust and respect for CASA at the coal face. I say – if he will not ‘see’ where the radical causes lay, then his vision of ‘reform’ is doomed. We have for many years limped along with a lousy rule set, we can probably manage a few more provided the area where the real conflicts lay is ‘sorted’. Get some respect at grass roots level, reform the regulator - without that, reformation of the regulations will change nothing.

[Image: TAAAF_image_composite_82D0CAB0-7DCC-11E5...1BBA31.jpg]

[Image: Sleight-of-Hand.jpg]

I had to smile when I read Hitch’s tongue in cheek comment on Greg Russell; who is a master of sleight of hand; ‘legerdemain’. The coy use of ‘slight of hand’ puts a whole different twist on the sentence – I like it. Choc frog Hitch and a gift voucher for a literary petard. 

[Image: Untitled_Clipping_092417_073248_PM.jpg]

Quote:P2 – “Meanwhile the miniscule is sounding more & more like a State Transport Minister and flapping his gums about...err rail...”

Meanwhile Dick Smith is doing what he does better than almost anyone – getting the message out there. When you go back to his ‘fire side chat’ with the Senate committee, you can see just how much ‘good’ advice Dick has offered ‘ministers’ on aviation. Yet a clot, like Darren 6D, still clings to snake oil merchants sibilant offerings. Clearly, he would be happy being the minister for Victorian trains – if he could not be prime minister. Aye, Australia’s greatest aviation disaster continues, mindless, deaf and blind. Good job Dick – again; the effort appreciated.

[Image: Untitled_Clipping_092417_075655_PM.jpg]

Quote:“An overhaul of the curfew at Essendon, the nation’s biggest corporate jet base, could also reignite debate about the way curfews work at Sydney, Adelaide and Coolangatta airports.”

The notion to do away with ‘curfew’ at the nations major gateway aerodromes is a first class idea; one which should have been executed years ago. The need for regulatory reform could prove a serious hurdle to progress though – there are some fairly silly CASA rules about ‘wind’ on runways which could take the icing off the cake. Back in the day when command prerogative rested firmly in the cockpit, landing with ‘tricky’ wind vectors was routine. Now that command is ceded to some ‘crat who dictates the choice of landing direction. Want a regulation to begin the reform process with – start there..
[Image: bb7d09c25c47f535749dea712175e5d6--good-q...quotes.jpg]

I note the ‘drone wars’ bandwagon continues to attract commentary and an avalanche of ‘if’s and but’s. P2 has, faithfully, despite tedium provided the latest. Ain’t going to plough through that lot, life is too short – I like Barry O’Sullivan’s notion; get licenced, get trained or get fined.

[Image: bish.jpg]

Even when the registration and licencing is done there is a mountain of work to be done just to sort out the ‘airspace’ rules, which will be a mammoth task even when there are no rogues out there, playing at silly buggers.  Enough.

[Image: Isaac.jpg]

It was my intention to blast the ATSB for the latest, completely useless report. Indeed, I’ve just deleted a good half page of it. The report is – HERE – for your consideration – the best and IMO the only comment worth the ink is – HERE. Says it all.

[Image: il_340x270.1237071895_hxbl.jpg]

Our resident graffiti artist is off playing golf this morning, so it’s words without pictures ‘till this evening. Lazy day planned, reckon I’m due one; the workshop was a tip, due to the minister for domestic tyranny wanting things done – now! now. Seriously in need of a clean up, it is now almost pristine: I shall not disturb the dust motes floating in the sunshine, not this day. Second coffee, new book, deck chair, shady spot by the waters edge – just the thing.
[Image: Untitled_Clipping_092417_084951_PM.jpg]


Post editorial additions - re: Carmody the RRP & reforming CASA.

Courtesy Sandy:

Quote:[Image: Untitled_Clipping_092517_072312_AM.jpg]


[Image: Sandy.jpg]

Attached photos of CASA PR lies. Momentos of the sincerity of the regulator. Shameful dishonesty by a bureaucracy that has shown us over and over it cannot be trusted.

Until we hear apologies and real and immediate changes, and I mean now, I for one will not be a wood duck.

If the Board of CASA would take charge, if they said independent senior instructors Grades 1 &  2 could go out and teach, as in USA, without the upfront  Air Operator Certificate $8000 application fee (need for same outrageous and total rubbish).
If they made a policy publicly and applied to Chester for the ASIC to be automatic for Commercial pilots (CFIs, CPs?) or increase the term one year for every renewal, we might cautiously have some hope. 


MTF...P2 Wink

Ps P2 comment - From Sandy's warranted scepticism, I would add the following OBS from the Drone Wars post -  Sterlo & Barry O back on the frontline - where Pinocchio Gobson, a long serving supporter of the CASA Iron Ring, says in that AFR article:

Quote:CASA spokesman Peter Gibson said the authority had "no concerns" about the rapid growth in drone usage, but education remained key to ensuring safety in the skies.

"Growth is positive – we are utilising this innovative technology in Australia for community benefit," Mr Gibson said. "Education is a positive way of ensuring the rules are understood."
Somehow I don't think that response from the official CASA talking head, is going to reassure Barry O, Sterlo or Senator Fawcett... Confused

E is for?? - Carmody on 'just culture' & the big "E" Confused

Hitch – “But is this really the dawn of a new attitude within CASA, or is Shane Carmody just a very good illusionist? Like CEOs before him, Carmody has promised a sunset on the reform program and told the industry how important consultation is.”

Many members of the BRB would argue 'ad nauseum' why it is not appropriate for CASA to be effectively the rule maker, the Judge, jury and the executioner. Those members would cite many examples of duplicitous, black letter, McConvict endorsed enforcement actions (JQ, RDC & DJ a couple of prime examples) that has lead to major embuggerances seemingly at odds with the government accepted ASRR recommendations 17 & 18:

Quote:17. The Civil Aviation Safety Authority publishes and demonstrates the philosophy of ‘just culture’ whereby individuals involved in a reportable event are not punished for actions, omissions or decisions taken by them that are commensurate with their experience and training. However, actions of gross negligence, wilful violations and destructive acts should not be tolerated.

18. The Civil Aviation Safety Authority reintroduces a ‘use of discretion’ procedure that gives operators or individuals the opportunity to discuss and, if necessary, remedy a perceived breach prior to CASA taking any formal action. This procedure is to be followed in all cases, except where CASA identifies a Serious and Imminent Risk to Air Safety.  

It would seem that Carmody - as per those recommendations and the Ministerial wet lettuce SOE - is determined to not shirk his responsibilities as CEO to CASA to embark on firmly and proactively addressing those government commitments to the Forsyth recommendations... Huh

Via the Oz today... Rolleyes
Quote:CASA threatens to get heavy on repeat offenders
[Image: 62de3159321af4d20365e5867449c5d1?width=650]Civil Aviation Safety Authority chief executive and ­director of aviation safety Shane Carmody.
The nation’s aviation safety watchdog has moved to spell out how it will use safety information when making decisions about taking enforcement action, ­declaring it will strike when the rules are deliberately flouted.

But Civil Aviation Safety Authority chief executive and ­director of aviation safety Shane Carmody said ­action would be taken only when breaches of the aviation safety rules were “wilful, deliberate or reckless”; there was a pattern; or a failure to move to rectify deficiencies.

Mr Carmody said: “Our ­rational ‘just culture’ approach means that where honest errors or mistakes are made, CASA looks to support the efforts of individuals and organisations to make necessary improvements, correct identified problems and ensure safety risks are effectively managed in the process.

“Individuals and organisations with an understanding and commitment to safety need to take responsibility for addressing safety shortcomings and where they demonstrate the ability and willingness to do this, CASA needs not take action.”

CASA declared in 2015 that it would demonstrate a “just culture” approach.

This approach was one of the recommendations of the Forsyth review on aviation safety regulation, which said regulators in most jurisdictions had moved this way. The Forsyth review, which was released in 2014, had warned that the aviation industry “does not consider just culture principles are adequately applied in Australia and, as a result, is reluctant to disclose information to CASA”.

Under a “just culture” approach, pilots, engineers and others who report incidents are not normally pursued unless the ­action was wilful or grossly negligent.

Regional Aviation Association of Australia chief executive Mike Higgins said it was “critical” that aviation staff felt they could report safety occurrences without fearing being punished for genuine mistakes.

Last month, Mr Carmody issued a directive on limitations on the use of safety information that CASA gets from its normal surveillance and audit processes. This extended the approach beyond reporting programs where “just culture” normally applied.

The RAAA, whose members include Rex, Alliance Airlines and Sharp Airlines, backed the move to explain where safety information would be used to cancel or suspend a ­licence.

But the association said CASA needed to “refine” what it classified as unacceptable conduct, saying that getting counselling once in the past three years for similar conduct would not of itself comprise a wilful violation or gross negligence.

“The RAAA would like to work with CASA to better refine the boundaries of what is and is not acceptable conduct,” Mr Higgins said.

“Clear and fair boundaries will maintain a healthy culture of reporting that is so fundamental to safety management.”

Mr Carmody said CASA wanted to encourage a proactive ­approach to safety.

“Of course, if the safety rules are deliberately flouted or action is not taken to address safety issues, then CASA must and will take appropriate action,” he said.

K said: "..One of the ‘big ticket’ items on the ‘negative’ side is Carmody’s flat refusal to look retrospectively at what has been done at grass roots level to engender the total lack of trust and respect for CASA at the coal face. I say – if he will not ‘see’ where the radical causes lay, then his vision of ‘reform’ is doomed...

...Get some respect at grass roots level, reform the regulator - without that, reformation of the regulations will change nothing.."

However unless Carmody is prepared to 'root out' all - the evil and vindictive Sociopathic, McConvict era CASA-mites - then all his good intentions and proactive policies of reform will be all for nought... Undecided

As an example of what Carmody is up against; I have heard a rumour that a long standing, not legally sanctioned, black letter law embuggerance agreement, has just had the 'goal posts' moved by these McConvict era CASA-mites - why? Because according to the current version of the EM - that still has the McConvict moniker/endorsement on the preface: Download preface.pdf - they still can:

Quote:Departure from Authorised Policy

Adherence to CASA’s authorised policies will almost always produce an appropriate decision. As said, however, from time to time there will be circumstances in which the strict application of policy may not result in the "preferable" decision. In these cases it may be appropriate (and possibly necessary) to depart from otherwise applicable policy.

Any departure from policy must be justified in order to ensure that it:

• Is genuinely necessary in the interests of fairness

• Does not inappropriately compromise the need for consistent decision- making; and, of course

• Is not in conflict with the interests of safety.
Without fettering a decision-maker’s discretion, it is therefore expected that appropriate consultation will occur before a decision is made that is not the product of the policies and processes set out in this manual. The prescribed consultation process is described below.
MTF...P2 Cool

(09-29-2017, 09:09 AM)Peetwo Wrote:  E is for?? - Carmody on 'just culture' & the big "E" Confused

Hitch – “But is this really the dawn of a new attitude within CASA, or is Shane Carmody just a very good illusionist? Like CEOs before him, Carmody has promised a sunset on the reform program and told the industry how important consultation is.”

Many members of the BRB would argue 'ad nauseum' why it is not appropriate for CASA to be effectively the rule maker, the Judge, jury and the executioner. Those members would cite many examples of duplicitous, black letter, McConvict endorsed enforcement actions (JQ, RDC & DJ a couple of prime examples) that has lead to major embuggerances seemingly at odds with the government accepted ASRR recommendations 17 & 18:

Quote:17. The Civil Aviation Safety Authority publishes and demonstrates the philosophy of ‘just culture’ whereby individuals involved in a reportable event are not punished for actions, omissions or decisions taken by them that are commensurate with their experience and training. However, actions of gross negligence, wilful violations and destructive acts should not be tolerated.

18. The Civil Aviation Safety Authority reintroduces a ‘use of discretion’ procedure that gives operators or individuals the opportunity to discuss and, if necessary, remedy a perceived breach prior to CASA taking any formal action. This procedure is to be followed in all cases, except where CASA identifies a Serious and Imminent Risk to Air Safety.  

It would seem that Carmody - as per those recommendations and the Ministerial wet lettuce SOE - is determined to not shirk his responsibilities as CEO to CASA to embark on firmly and proactively addressing those government commitments to the Forsyth recommendations... Huh

Via Oz Flying... Wink :
Quote:[Image: casa_foi-2.jpg]CASA inspectors now have a new set of rules to operate by. (CASA)

CASA revises Enforcement Rules
29 September 2017

CASA CEO Shane Carmody has issued instructions to staff that will change the way CASA inspectors assess violations and enforce regulations.

The new instructions mean that individuals and operators will be given the chance to address and correct issues before CASA considers enforcement action, and that action will be considered only in cases of a deliberate or reckless violation.

CASA will also consider enforcement in instances of repeated violation or a failure on behalf of the person or operator to correct their actions.

According to CASA, the new instruction is part of the new "just culture" philosophy the regulator is putting in place in the wake of the Aviation Safety Regulation Review.

"It is vital that CASA does not simply talk about taking a 'just culture' approach to regulation but actively implements the principles into our day-to-day operations and decision making," Carmody said.

"Our rational 'just culture' approach means that where honest errors or mistakes are made CASA looks to support the efforts of individuals and organisations to make necessary improvements, correct identified problems and ensure safety risks are effectively managed in the process.

"Individuals and organisations with an understanding and commitment to safety need to take responsibility for addressing safety shortcomings and where they demonstrate the ability and willingness to do this CASA need not take action.

"CASA is encouraging a proactive approach to safety by the aviation community by clearly setting out how we will use safety information and the basis on which we will refrain from taking enforcement action based on that information.

"Of course, if the safety rules are deliberately flouted or action is not taken to address safety issues then CASA must and will take appropriate action."

"I am making it very clear to CASA staff and the aviation community that we will use information in the interests of safety and in a manner consistent with the 'just culture' principles reflected in our regulatory philosophy."

The new instruction also details how information may be used by CASA, operators and service providers, and lays out the options people and organisations have for challenging the way CASA uses information.

The full instruction is available from the link below.

CASA Enforcement Instruction 2017 

  • 1. Purpose and scope

  • 1.1 The purpose of this Instruction is to spell out how and when safety information that comes to the attention of the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) may be used by CASA in the interest of safety and for other related purposes.
  • 1.2 To the extent the use of safety information collected or held by operators and other service providers is governed by requirements specified by or under the Civil Aviation Act 1988, the Civil Aviation Regulations 1988 or the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998, CASA will assess relevant aspects of their compliance with those requirements in the light of the principles set out in this Instruction.
  • 1.3 In keeping with CASA’s Regulatory Philosophy, and the Regulatory Policy and Practice framework within which the Philosophy was developed, this Instruction extends the application of CASA rational approach to ‘just culture’ to include safety information obtained or derived from sources other than reporting programs of the kind to which ‘just culture’ protocols normally apply, to cover the full range of information acquired in the normal course of CASA’s surveillance and audit processes.
  • 1.4 The application and operation of this Instruction is consistent with the protective principles governing the appropriate use of safety information as set out in:
  • • Annex 19, Safety Management to the Convention on International Civil Aviation (including Amendment 1 to Annex 19);
  • • the guidance material appearing in the 4th edition of the Safety Management Manual to support the application of Annex 19;
  • • the relevant provisions of Regulation (EU) No. 376 of 2014 (on the reporting, analysis and follow-up of occurrences in civil aviation), which came into force in November 2016;
  • • the guidance material published in December 2015 in support of Regulation (EU) No. 376 of 2014; and
  • • international best practice related to the use and protection of safety information more generally, as reflected in the approach to these issues by other leading aviation countries.


P2 comment: Note who the sponsor is to the Carmody Instruction:

Issue No One

Approval Tier Two

Approver Director of Aviation Safety
Sponsor General Manager, Legal Affairs, Regulatory Policy and International Strategy
Effective Date August 2017

Review Date August 2018

Is it any wonder the 'Instruction' is such a word weasel confection... Dodgy

Q/ Does an 'Instruction' have the same legal meaning as 'Directive'... Huh   

And via the Oz today... Rolleyes
Quote:CASA threatens to get heavy on repeat offenders
[Image: 62de3159321af4d20365e5867449c5d1?width=650]Civil Aviation Safety Authority chief executive and ­director of aviation safety Shane Carmody.
The nation’s aviation safety watchdog has moved to spell out how it will use safety information when making decisions about taking enforcement action, ­declaring it will strike when the rules are deliberately flouted.

But Civil Aviation Safety Authority chief executive and ­director of aviation safety Shane Carmody said ­action would be taken only when breaches of the aviation safety rules were “wilful, deliberate or reckless”; there was a pattern; or a failure to move to rectify deficiencies.

Mr Carmody said: “Our ­rational ‘just culture’ approach means that where honest errors or mistakes are made, CASA looks to support the efforts of individuals and organisations to make necessary improvements, correct identified problems and ensure safety risks are effectively managed in the process.

“Individuals and organisations with an understanding and commitment to safety need to take responsibility for addressing safety shortcomings and where they demonstrate the ability and willingness to do this, CASA needs not take action.”

CASA declared in 2015 that it would demonstrate a “just culture” approach.

This approach was one of the recommendations of the Forsyth review on aviation safety regulation, which said regulators in most jurisdictions had moved this way. The Forsyth review, which was released in 2014, had warned that the aviation industry “does not consider just culture principles are adequately applied in Australia and, as a result, is reluctant to disclose information to CASA”.

Under a “just culture” approach, pilots, engineers and others who report incidents are not normally pursued unless the ­action was wilful or grossly negligent.

Regional Aviation Association of Australia chief executive Mike Higgins said it was “critical” that aviation staff felt they could report safety occurrences without fearing being punished for genuine mistakes.

Last month, Mr Carmody issued a directive on limitations on the use of safety information that CASA gets from its normal surveillance and audit processes. This extended the approach beyond reporting programs where “just culture” normally applied.

The RAAA, whose members include Rex, Alliance Airlines and Sharp Airlines, backed the move to explain where safety information would be used to cancel or suspend a ­licence.

But the association said CASA needed to “refine” what it classified as unacceptable conduct, saying that getting counselling once in the past three years for similar conduct would not of itself comprise a wilful violation or gross negligence.

“The RAAA would like to work with CASA to better refine the boundaries of what is and is not acceptable conduct,” Mr Higgins said.

“Clear and fair boundaries will maintain a healthy culture of reporting that is so fundamental to safety management.”

Mr Carmody said CASA wanted to encourage a proactive ­approach to safety.

“Of course, if the safety rules are deliberately flouted or action is not taken to address safety issues, then CASA must and will take appropriate action,” he said.

K said: "..One of the ‘big ticket’ items on the ‘negative’ side is Carmody’s flat refusal to look retrospectively at what has been done at grass roots level to engender the total lack of trust and respect for CASA at the coal face. I say – if he will not ‘see’ where the radical causes lay, then his vision of ‘reform’ is doomed...

...Get some respect at grass roots level, reform the regulator - without that, reformation of the regulations will change nothing.."

However unless Carmody is prepared to 'root out' all - the evil and vindictive Sociopathic, McConvict era CASA-mites - then all his good intentions and proactive policies of reform will be all for nought... Undecided

As an example of what Carmody is up against; I have heard a rumour that a long standing, not legally sanctioned, black letter law embuggerance agreement, has just had the 'goal posts' moved by these McConvict era CASA-mites - why? Because according to the current version of the EM - that still has the McConvict moniker/endorsement on the preface: Download preface.pdf - they still can:

Quote:Departure from Authorised Policy

Adherence to CASA’s authorised policies will almost always produce an appropriate decision. As said, however, from time to time there will be circumstances in which the strict application of policy may not result in the "preferable" decision. In these cases it may be appropriate (and possibly necessary) to depart from otherwise applicable policy.

Any departure from policy must be justified in order to ensure that it:

• Is genuinely necessary in the interests of fairness

• Does not inappropriately compromise the need for consistent decision- making; and, of course

• Is not in conflict with the interests of safety.
Without fettering a decision-maker’s discretion, it is therefore expected that appropriate consultation will occur before a decision is made that is not the product of the policies and processes set out in this manual. The prescribed consultation process is described below.

MTF...P2 Cool

Bell, book and candle.

#SBG: 1 Oct '17

[Image: amaury.jpg]

Wiki – “The phrase "bell, book and candle" refers to a Latin Christian method of excommunication by anathema, imposed on a person who had committed an exceptionally grievous sin.”

For those who actually ‘believed’ in that faith and, that their ‘god’ could, through mans judgement, condemn them to purgatory, excommunication must have been a real weapon for the power brokers. Perhaps CEO Carmody could go shopping on E-bay, pick up a kit, read the instructions and start using the tools to roust out some of the evil doers within his dominion.  

[Image: carmody.jpg]

"It is vital that CASA does not simply talk about taking a 'just culture' approach to regulation but actively implements the principles into our day-to-day operations and decision making," Carmody said.


We have this week listened to and read the big ‘R’ rhetoric which, if we believe it, heralds small ‘r’ reform. Many will, blindly, without having seen a burning bush or the tablets come down from the mountain, believe. Why? Well because most want to believe it, nay, desperately need to believe in it. The BRB are a little more pragmatic than that, tangible evidence of reform would be a good start.

[Image: 1566865_orig.jpg]

Ferryman post #407 quoting Congreve.

[Image: tumblr_n6k8meFSen1szmra2o1_500.jpg]

For instance – perhaps an excommunication of those involved in the current round of embuggerance, directed at one of the victims of the Sydney Basin witches coven - Dom James, pilot of a Westwind which ditched off Norfolk Island in 2009. What has been done to James reflects, very accurately, not only what is wrong within the system, but the ways in which the abuse is tolerated by industry and relished by those within the CASA, those who should not be there.

[Image: Norfolk_Island_0C55C330-9F98-11E4-B6E7020F57397571.jpg]

[Image: PelAir-Review-front-page-e1500167269578.jpg]

If you skip through to the middle of a very long post from P2 (look for Jan 11, 2011) – you will find a series of letters which spell out the internal determination to continue the James persecution. The shifting of goal posts and the almost frantic need to justify the original treatment of the whole Pel-Air debacle. Those who took part in and perpetuate the cover up of CASA incompetence which Chambers orchestrated dare not back down; the evidence of this is overwhelming. It is a classic; supported by the ‘Enforcement manual’ which two CEO’s of CASA have allowed to stand, un-amended since McCormack brought it in in many years ago; hell, his signature is still enshrined on the wretched thing. Look, I’m not going to bang on about this, just issue a simple challenge, in plain English, to the CEO.

Prove to this industry that the rhetoric spouted this past week is ‘real’ by opening an inquiry (internal if you like) into the actions of certain CASA officers based in Sydney alone – that’s all. A warts and all look at the past decade; there’s a mountain of ‘court’ standard evidence against them and a bus load of witnesses. Let them speak, without fear of retribution; guarantee immunity from hostile ‘audit’. Let the senior pilots speak openly about the fatuous, idiot dictates to which lip service and little else is paid.

[Image: Barnaby_Reith_TW_2016_43686C60-1576-11E6...361613.jpg]
Sandy Reith (right) tells Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce exactly how it is. (Steve Hitchen)

General Aviation and Can'tberra mirages:-

...An Aviator, near death of thirst, staggers towards an oasis shimmering,
The palms fronds surely beckoning, promise be cool waters of purity,
Another sand rise, the fronds and promise hovering beyond to bring
A shaking sense of purpose, to drive the sinews past, the final futility.

We will acknowledge actions of reform if and when they occur...  - Sandy Reith

[Image: Phil-Hurst-AAAA.jpg]

[Image: download-6.jpg]

Clean out one den of iniquity, the rest will get the message. But, for as long as those persons are still operating within and manipulating the CASA system, meaningful reform is simply empty platitude, cynically engineered to buy a hapless minister some credibility.

Face up to the reality or, become another name on the list of inutile CEO who could not beat the creatures of Sleepy Hollow. Talk is cheap CEO Carmody – it costs money to buy a beer in my pub.

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRKEalEf_b0fqkeZeZhzdL...kjorMADN5Q]

Duck it; know what – I can’t be bothered with the rest of the weeks take – BITRE, the ATSB antics, ASA accelerating towards an inquiry. That which Carmody promises for the future is so horribly tainted by the past it steals all the humour and good nature I possess away. To listen to yet another CEO banging his gums about reform while industry operators and pilots are having the crap kicked out of ‘em, behind the hanger by the thugs in his employ sickens me.

[Image: 71042471.jpg]

Con su permiso, y con tu indulgencia; I’ll bugger off, with the dogs and walk the anger out of my system. Fresh air and peaceful surroundings usually work.

Toot toot.

P2 - On the dog theme here is Buddha the skateboarding Bulldog... Big Grin


I’m not sure how many miles the dogs did; but they were well knackered on return. As always they were ‘seen to’ first, watered, brushed and fed before my presence was acknowledged; a nod, in the direction of the stable was about it; he’s still smoking I thought.

Sure enough, the aura of anger was still discernible as the boots were taken off; I got the ale pulled and set it down on the handy table; sat down and waited. Not too long to wait “Cheers, good to see you – WTF?”. Over the years, I’ve heard WTF expressed in many variations – Grid navigation – perplexed; INS -totally baffled: a joint that refused to work – puzzled; a horse with a strange ailment – curious. You get the picture. The one that worries is the WTF used as a final condemnation. Sunday’s was such. Wise in the ways this works, I said nothing, except “Cheers” (sotto voce). Silence reigned until the cheeky ‘putt-putt’ of a motor scooter was heard – ‘that’ll be young Dom” says he; and, so it was. Come to visit with a load of paperwork. Ale first, then serious discussion.

Curious, I listened first as the story tumbled out, disconnected, as it always is when the pineapple is twisted. But, with the patience of good sheep dogs, we worked him around to the points which matter. ‘K’ has prior knowledge of what is being done – behind the scenes – having spent time reading and listening; for me it was my first ‘hands on’ listening session. What a web of deceit and bastardy CASA have spun.

Forget James, his part in this farrago is minor. The only question worth the candle is ‘why’? Why have CASA taken such incredible risks for a minor event? There is no such witch hunt or pogrom haunting the Mildura event; no parallel investigation; no AILU working a parallel investigation; no massive audit; nothing, just business as usual. Then you must consider the involvement of Hood in the imbroglio, then, think about the way the latest report is likely (must be) to be ‘worked’.

James did not allow his copy of the report out of his hands; or, even show it to us. But we did see his notes on his response. We also read through the correspondence relating to the latest edicts of the Sleepy Hollow crew left standing to face the music of why Pel-Air got such an easy ride? This question and several others demand answers which, if CEO Carmody is to have and credibility, whatsoever, must answer.

Pleasant evening; which ended with the pair of us looking at each other, then, over two new ales offering a toast – WTF we said in unison. The dogs knew then that the storm was over, as they ambled in, relaxed and took their usual places betwixt boots and fireplace. No wonder the dogs stayed out of it for while; the ‘correspondence’ made my temperature rise – and I’ve seen a lot of crap written by the Sleepy Hollow crew. Ayup; CEO Carmody must, if he is to have any credibility, whatsoever, step in and sort out the mess; before it becomes a national outcry and the politicians get seriously involved. He (Carmody) is no match for Fawcett – even if he had a leg to stand on – which, IMO, he don’t.

“One for the road Papa?” asks the lad, with a smile, knowing full well it’s a silly question. Good to see the smile though, thin though it was. Tempo ended.


All together now – “I'm forever blowing bubbles”

[Image: im-forever-blowing-bubbles-pretty-bubble...he-air.png]

Many ways of blowing bubbles. Mostly, for adults, the personal favourite is kept within the confines of the bath tub; unless of course you are a politician or a top dog aviation bureaucrat, then you can blow smoke filled bubbles all day long. Grand Mamma had the trick of it, kept us amused for hours. Raining cats and dogs, cold as charity and she would sit on a cushion in a big bay window seat and read to us; you had to wait for it. The cigarette would find its way (at a snails pace) from the box to the holder and be fitted precisely. Then from the beaded bag, the silver lighter emerged – click – and the heady perfume of American tobacco wafted by, at this stage we children were almost manic with anticipation; then from behind her, the old clay pipe would emerge, from which, she managed the most enormous smoke filled bubble, gently she’d launch it into the air. We sat enthralled as this dirigible ponderously rose toward the ceiling, bounced a couple of time before bursting; the swirling smoke, trapped within dissipating. She never said a word other than continue to read the story, then, she’d wink, smile and whisper “magic”. Aye, happy days when magic was contained in a bubble and we absolutely believed in it.

However, it is Sunday; and reality, perforce must prevail, lest I be accused of daydreaming and writing twiddles to baffle the mindless. We have had some really good smoke filled bubbles this week; the tragedy is I stopped believing in ‘magic’ many moons ago. Now, I just think who, in the seven hell's, do these fellahin think they’re fooling. They all seem to have managed to fool themselves, very nicely: and, probably some of the electorate but have they managed to convince those who really matter?

There is a lovely big red shiny one from CASA which particularly amuses. CEO Carmody is pouring the good oil on the troubled waters, making all the right noises as you would expect from a dyed in the wool Canberra professional. He wants us all to dig CASA out of the shit pit they have dug for themselves, at great cost to the industry and taxpayer; which is all fine and dandy, if you conveniently forget the blood soaked history of such affairs.

[Image: Comardy-Capers.jpg]
#SBG: 11 June ’17

Meanwhile he has some of his trusty lieutenants off the reservation, trying to undo all his good work. The Sydney chapter of Sleepy Hollow is determined to follow the old Chambers system of twisted logic, as applied to McConvict edict. Totally convinced they cannot be held accountable for (a) allowing Pel-Air to get away without a scratch and; (b) keep piling their errors and actions up against the James account. The James embuggerance is not just for fun; it is to demonstrate that they will and can do any bloody thing which pleases them, outside the ‘rules’ and get away with it. The current action against James is a serious ‘get ducked’ message to CEO Carmody, a direct challenge to his authority and his spouted ‘philosophy’.  It is a classic, black hat v white hat contest, conducted in dark alley's and coffee rooms. Watch as they pat CEO Carmody on the back – to find a nice soft spot in which to stick the knife. Yet Carmody wants industry experts to work for the common good in that atmosphere? Man, I’d rather chew my nuts off.

[Image: medusa.jpg?itok=wVKX8Q5X]

“machinations, hollowness, treachery, and all ruinous disorders, follow us disquietly to our graves”― William ShakespeareKing Lear

I particularly liked the ASA pie shaped bubble, although it was difficult to determine it’s actual colour, the constantly shifting shades of corporate indulgence green, air force blue and pale shades of promised economies made it difficult to track.

[Image: OneSky_FINAL_C3E995F0-D28B-11E4-842E023E22C172F4.jpg]

[Image: area-51-orig-e1507419778688.jpg]

However, we all knew it was safe once it entered the huge, empty wasteland areas of military airspace which costs us so much to maintain and even more to navigate around. I just don’t know how the major military nations manage with the small allocations they have, ‘tis a mystery. No matter, our commercial operators are all happy enough to clock up the thousands of additional track miles every year, then hold for half an hour while the highly efficient sorts out the landing sequence. I often wonder how our great ATCO’s would move traffic if they were allowed to. No matter, with Halfwit leading way I’m certain it will all be sorted out shortly and we can aspire to a level of service we find almost anywhere else on the planet; bar Australia.

[Image: i-spent-half-my-money-on-gambling-alcoho...099996.jpg]

The really breath taking, eye catching bubbles were, of course, rainbow coloured. The ATSB broke the mold and went for many small ones, released in gaggles (giggles the wits say) at different times to amuse the crowd. They are keeping the really big one under wraps for the moment, though only the gods know why, for no one really cares what the second attempt at the Pel-Air ditching report says.

[Image: 48f6d297f098d5cd3dbf4cc87ed1f096--bubble...le-art.jpg]

Published on Aug 29, 2017
Yesterday in the Senate Drone inquiry public hearing Greg Hood indicated that the 1288 day old ATSB accident investigation, that saw a VARA ATR fly for five days and thirteen sectors with a structurally broken horizontal stabiliser, would shortly be producing a 3rd interim - WTD?

Ironically this quite obviously PC'd and Annex 13 compromised investigation was used as an example by Chief Commissioner Hood of how the ATSB, without fear nor favour, will pursue and highlight significant/critical safety issues when they are identified in the course of aviation accident/incident investigations - UDB!!

There is some interest in what it doesn’t say, even more interest in the way it doesn’t say it (work it out; or, wait). I’ve closed off several lines on the tote board – the odds on for some categories are so ridiculously high that nobody with a brain would take ‘em. But what can I do? There is an interesting line (or three) developing in the future of the ATSB amongst the ATSB watchers. I’ve taken the bets, (il va sans dire); there is an element of doubt that Hi-Viz will survive the aftermath of the Pel-Air; not due to the report, but due to his total lack of compliance with any tenet of his position with CASA, with the exception of the McConvict dictates. The happy compliance of a willing accomplice come back to haunt? FWIW; I’ve opened a Hi-Viz tote board for the dedicated. Rumour, innuendo and speculation all accommodated; just for fun. All proceeds to the Guide Dogs this Christmas.

[Image: 6651a38c5aafbdb9aa0ff435b0824cda-e1507421812564.jpg]

There is a little more to consider – Hitch – in Australian Flying has penned an ‘interesting’ article; Nick Xenophon has announced his departure from the Senate  - he will be sorely missed; although, his guiding hand will, through his replacement we hope, still be felt. We can only wish him well and mourn his loss. Such is life. 6D AGAD gets a line or two – ignore. Then, history and logic meet in mortal combat. The line “People, it’s time to suit up! CASA has called for experts” etc. heralds the conflict.

[Image: 140501_eyes-on-the-ground-6-e1507425394112.jpg]
WHAT is wrong with this picture?

[Image: bitre_report__web-e1507425416202.jpg]

History says -  tell ‘em to Duck off: logic says “get in amongst it”. No wonder dear Hitch is confounded and conflicted. I reckon many of us would like, very much, to help, but until Carmody drains the swamps of Sleepy Hollow, cleans out the vermin and shows some solid proof that he means it; ……….Well; who takes a knife to a gun fight? TB, a fully paid up, senior member of the BRB, IOS and PAIN associate puts the whole thing into a Choc frog nutshell. 

[Image: A_Cartoon_Man_Standing_with_a_Lampshade_...197053.jpg]
thornbird - “The danger in all this is CAsA, confronted by intransigence to their direction, may attempt to take out the core personnel and bring down the whole shooting match down. The commercial side of GA, even if everyone was on the same page, would not have the resources the big airlines do to face them down if it came to real stoush; and, unfortunately they know it.”

And, that is definitely enough from me, for this day. Anyway – I must finish a job for a very dear, old friend – the timber arrived Friday and sits quietly waiting. Prosaic enough – he needs a couple of saw horses; but of the traditional sort. There are eight compound mitres to cut and eight housings to make; bugger them up or; mix the legs up; or, cut the wrong lump out and it’s new timber all around. I reckon I’ll manage (famous last words); coffee first; then dogs, and then: the quiet of the stable, the pleasure of making billets four square, marking joints and making complex cuts, breathing quietly as the parts merge to form a robust piece of essential equipment which will last two lifetimes and still serve a third generation very well indeed. Coffee first, from the highlands of PNG – priceless.


Yes P2 – I snuck in early; (DT gone to a christening, ergo time available) thought I’d give you some extra graffiti time  - before the first hole?

When you wish – upon a star.

It may well be that I have genetically acquired some of P7-TOM’s cynicism although, to be fair, he ain’t cynical by nature; but he is a student of history. Oh, what’s that bloody line  - Google?

Quote:“‘[H]e that filches from me my good name / Robs me of that which not enriches him, And makes me poor indeed’” (quoting W. Shakespeare, Othello, act III, sc. 3)

[Image: hqdefault.jpg]

Near enough for my purpose. You see many good names have been stolen; or maligned. Some by others, for whatever reason; but some have been snared by either actions or inaction. It matters not how the damage was done or by whom, what matters is the recovery, which ain’t easy. Carmody is a case in point. I know, I ramble, but bear with me a few more lines. Carmody melted away when the rat pack savaged his CASA boss (Byron); safe and comfortable, name untarnished.

[Image: the-exec-e1508022206721.jpg]

[Image: Carmody_Byron-1-e1508022241193.jpg]

[Image: ggms-and-dceos2-e1508022267840.jpg]

[Image: Johnny_and_sal-e1508022309972.jpg]

Not an outright betrayal, but no stalwart defence either, no protest, no attempt to continue the job Byron was trying to get done, just acquiescence to the way the cards fell. Many found this distasteful and remember it. Now the boot, so to speak, is on ‘tuther foot. Carmody is running Sleepy Hollow and seems to be wanting to cure the past ills. He is asking for industry charity, goodwill, expertise and advice to dig him and his ‘department’ out the shit hole they have been digging, with some vigour, since he was last IIC. There is an expectation of trust contained within that notion. It is a reasonable question to ask – can we trust him?. The old hands say ‘no-way’; he’ll cut and run the minute Chester departs the scene, leaving more mayhem and uncertainty in his wake. The younger blood fancy their chances at influencing real reform. Either way; it matters not, time stolen is the quintessential factor. Time to organise, time to debate, time to draft, time to edit, time to redraft, time to have it all approved, time to get it into law. We have been burning daylight and money for 30 years now. It’s time to end this charade. Adopt FAA or NZ CAA rules, now and have done with this endless farrago.

[Image: lgpp32061.jpg]

We’ve all heard Albert Einstein’s famous line: “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” As it turns out, insanity might be crediting that quote to Einstein over and over again. He never said it.

Consider - In the same amount of time its going to take to go through another cycle of ‘consultation’ (again) the adoption of a sane rule set could be announced, the time it will take to go through Parliament would give industry some lead time; lets say a twelve month, to get used to the ‘new’ set and draft their expositions. Allow a further twelve month for CASA to accept the new operations manuals – then after two years, with very little expense or heartburn, the new rules are in operation. So why must we endure more of the same old, same old?

[Image: change-same-old-choice-signpost-hand-dra...982858.jpg]

At the end of the shift, what matters is your business survives in an atmosphere in which it can operate, without fear or embuggerance. At the moment this is a far horizon, a long march away over rough terrain; Carmody has his water bottle and snack pack for the journey – do you?

[Image: 419eVcgDpNL.jpg]
 All that is gold does not glitter, written by J. R. R. Tolkien for The Lord of the Rings

While I’m at it –IMO, the call for ‘experts’ to assist is the biggest cart load of pony-pooh to ever leave Sleepy Hollow. The experts employed by CASA have, for years now, been frustrating, denigrating and denying the very same industry experts they now wish to utilise, to dig them out of the mess the CASA ‘experts’ have landed themselves in. I’m sure there is a word to describe that situation. Basic Anglo Saxon will do nicely for me – BOLLOCKS!

[Image: talking-bollocks.jpeg?w=316]

I know, I started with ‘stars’; the thought was that we do not have some of the brightest in the firmament; the fading ASA star for example. Comrade Hitch had a slap at the latest farce in Oz flying, but I reckon he missed, by a whisker, the real point. Responsibility distribution. Aye, the gutless weasels of officialdom have offloaded the responsibility for providing navigation coordinates (lat & long) to ‘someone’ – anyone who can sign a form and walk a GPS out to the ARP, write down the numbers and send ‘em off to the officials, who will then duly note (and keep on the data base) the reference for places where an aircraft may set down or depart from. No donkey to pin the tail on, no data base entry. Cynical – Oh yes. Somehow the ASA cutbacks must be justified. They can’t just send out a letter saying “if you want in, give is a name”; or, “we no longer have the staff to do the data entry, so can you assist”. – No Sir, we opt for this shiftless, lazy, easy cop out and we offload the responsibility for it; now, how good is that?

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With the Pel-Air report and Senate estimates looming closer it’s time to take the gloves off and use the incident to show cause why ATSB and CASA need a serious ‘seeing to’; pineapples, ICAO, Judicial inquiry, Senators – the works. No one is free of guilt in this story, CASA least of all, they ‘accepted’ and approved the operation; ATSB assisted to manipulate the report (although only the gods know why) BoM was asleep at the wheel and the ATCO’s were ‘not obliged’. Bollocks, the only honest man is the pilot who admitted his errors and has since corrected them. Pity the rest can’t just ‘fess up and fix the holes in their systematic cheese. I ever there was a need for serious ‘safety recommendations’ and ICAO putting it’s large foot down, with a firm hand - now is the time.

DF - "..We see that, whatever else occurred, if the pilot had been made aware proactively about the hazardous situation that now existed then perhaps he would have made a different decision. Should he have been there in the first place? Should he have had more fuel? They are all other slices of cheese. We are concerned with this one. The thing we are really trying to establish is, if the ATSB report had had a recommendation that said, 'This was something that could have prevented the accident. Is it possible to have it put in place for the future?' then you would have taken action on that as a matter of course. Is that a correct assumption?.."

JH -"..That is a correct assumption..."

The Invisible Manning made some serious claims at estimates about this report; NX graciously allowed him to slither off without commitment. Wonder how that’s going to work out for them?

The loud, long silence hanging over the ‘airports v buildings’ question is deafening. No one seems to want to even look at the problems, let alone address this serious matter. Expert advice has been saying for over a decade that sooner or later an aircraft is going to smack into a building within the confines of a runway; that advice has been ignored.

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[Image: King_Air_engine-fail-e1508027330782.jpg]

Now every department is in denial of any and all responsibility, the parcel being passed around at high speed. Can someone please find out if we even have a minister for transport. If you do manage to locate one – please ask WTD is he going to do about this particular mess. Yesterday would have been great, but today will do, just so we get an answer. We can’t keep depending on the Senate committee to sort out every problem; that’s why we hire ‘experts’ to resolve the multitude of serious questions associated with matters aeronautical – ain’t it?

[Image: tumblr_mdkeagvMuc1rtlwf2o1_500.jpg]

Anyway – there is one small, but important good news item this week. One of the Pprune stalwarts (Frontal Lobotomy) has made publicly available, for free, electronic copies of the past issues of the legendary Aviation Safety Digest.

[Image: 1987-09-aviation-safety-digest-cover-e1508028055868.jpg]

There is not a pilot, anywhere in the world, who will not find something of interest, value and education in the beautifully written analysis of real accident and incidents, prepared by the expert investigators of the old, valuable ATSB. Before it was emasculated, muted and made a catamite to the CASA whimsy. Download and enjoy. FL has a gold key to the Tim Tam box, a large gold star and our gratitude.

That’s it, Steam – off. We seem to be trapped in a never ending repetitive cycle, spinning, lost in the political void (or is it avoid), whatever; it’s time to stop the merry-go-around. Perhaps some of our volunteer ‘experts’ can get the brakes on – we shall see; but I reckon I could leave the planet, come back in two years time and find nothing had changed – not for the better at least. Fellah asked if I was going to ‘sign on’, I would, say’s I; but only  if I can take my cricket bat along.

Enough waffle and twiddle, the clock say’s get a move on, time to play at dodge the strict liability bullets and duck the criminal charges – Aye; just another day at the office.

[Image: tempus-fugit.jpg]

Toot toot.

The Bankstown Chronicles : Chapter 14.

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NB. notes only: - The never ending saga of Dominic James.

“Why never ending?” howls the mob - “the ‘new’ Pel-Air report is due shortly, then we shall have all the answers”.

“No” say’s I. “No you bloody well won’t; the ‘report’ is compromised to the shithouse and back, rendered nugatory by stupidity, arrogance, deceit, bastardy, ignorance (and probably malice, just as an aforethought) -”. “Explain” they howl in unison. So, with your indulgence and just a little waffle, by way of explanatory notes, I shall attempt, to the best of my poor abilities, to do just that. ‘Tis a simple enough example I use in explanation. I refer you, in primus, to parts 26 and 27 of the Transport Safety Investigation Act (TSI). It is a clear enough document, little there in the way of ‘wriggle room’ – for the average punter. Take a short stroll through the legislation; then, consider this line, the opening remarks of an internal CASA email.  

Correspondent: 1) We need to be careful with what is discussed with Domenic as the draft final report into the Westwind accident is protected under 532 of the TSA.

Well, it ain’t protected under ’32 (try 26/ 27) and, the respondent is clearly ‘out of the loop’. The respondent, by the way, just happens to be the manager of the Sydney Basin Chapter of the Sleepy Hollow glee club. No matter -  Perhaps, just perhaps, under the guidance of an ex CASA ‘luminary’ a ‘draft copy’ of the Pel-Air report (VII) could have found it’s way into the CASA CEO hands. You could even, at stretch,  imagine a non combatant ‘manager’ of the branch concerned being offered a peep of the ‘final’ draft.  But when an office wallah, deeply involved, party to and willing accomplice in the Chambers/ McCormack ‘embuggerance job’ on James; starts dishing out advice, to the boss, relating directly to the report – WTD?– Well it’s time to call a halt – ain’t it minister. The mud gets much deeper from here; and, your ex advisor, returned to the bosom of Sleepy Hollow ain’t going to be doing you any favours now, is he…..Ah, the tales of Cheezel Hollow; maybe I’ll tell ‘em all, one day: Barmy will love ‘em.

To business. Standing alone, the sentence above, more than perhaps any other single statement made by CASA clearly defines the need to defend the indefensible, to wit: the CASA and ATSB predetermined collusion to continue with the risible notion that James and only James was solely, completely and utterly to blame for the incident. ATSB, under Hood, have taken yet another incredible risk. Now we must ask why?. Suspicion falls directly on Hood – by his not signing pertinent, relevant documents, the load is then thrown onto CASA ‘legal’ – but only when the wheel comes off. But how, I ask, is ‘legal’ expected to know what’s going on, when no one tells ‘em. Anastasi ain’t psychic. He is however as honest as he is forced to be. Detailed, independent analysis of the procedures used to hammer James would show several things; deliberate manipulation of system and policy for a start; all information, by the by, is supplied courtesy of the ignored, by-passed ‘legal’ department and system.  

The sentence above, addressed to a higher paygrade officer raises three questions:- (i) Why is someone so low on the food chain, not a DIP and bound by the TSIA privy to the draft report? (ii) Why is there a need to be ‘careful’?; (iii) Why is the manager receiving the advice on a ‘confidential’ matter, from a clerk, ‘instead’ of offering it?

I say (IMO). The time and date line is suggestive. The incorrect reference to the Transport Safety Investigation Act (TSA) part 5.32 could be construed as being deliberately misleading, which leans, naturally, toward suspicion that there is a second, more sinister agenda being ‘managed’. The officer writing was deeply (top lip damp) involved with the Airtex, Skymaster and the Pel-Air events. Detailed analysis of these events reveals (in technicolor) many serious questions which remain, to date, unanswered. We believe that honest answers to these questions would reveal ‘flaws’ in the actions and methodology of the CASA Sydney Basin office while under the control of Manager Chambers.

Now then, A. Anastasi Esq. when confronted by a clear breech has only one option – spill the paper work. When matters are dealt with ‘properly’ the legal department can cover the bases, the arses and the planned stitch up. But with no options; or, evidence of prior knowledge, what is a lawyer to do? I might add here, that there is a growing respect for AA within the network for providing ‘helpful’ advice, information and (occasionally, when warranted) assistance to those seeking information.  (Aside) - It seems, demonstrably so, that where and when he can, or is obliged to, the man is unstinting, straightforward and; remarkably, pleasant to deal with. But, I digress.

Lets take a ‘wee keek’ at the second and third sentence in this priceless missive:-

Correspondent: 2) For Domenic to be asking 'how his judgement in flight from on November 18, 2009 is still under question' shows he still doesn't understand the gravity of the situation and his part in it.

This sentence serves to illustrate the CASA determination to deny any evidence that many ‘proficiency’ and ‘judgement’ checks have been satisfactorily passed during the interim period. The statement indicates, clearly, that only by satisfying the subjective ‘judgement’ of the Sydney Office can ‘evidence’ of competency be demonstrated, provided James can pass an artificially generated, non-standard ‘check-ride’, with a CASA ‘selected’ examiner. This is not the first time that this imaginative, McCormack aberration, Chambers executed twisted bastardy has been allowed credence. It is ‘beat-able’, but, it takes balls, guile and a knowledge of ‘system’; James was bereft of this knowledge.

Correspondent: 3) The draft final report makes it clearer that Domenic lacked good decision making skills at that time and since then CASA has been given no evidence that that has changed.

Two of the associates have, at the request of various DIP, read and digested the ‘second’ report. Both have recused themselves from being involved in any and all BRB, IOS or PAIN discussions; I have however had the pleasure of ‘editing’ their notes and formatting considered opinion, based on the evidence provided – within the report – for future use. There will, make no mistake, be much more to follow on this matter. But I may say, without fear, that the highly subjective, opinionated, cleverly, expertly subtly biased; and, very open to legal challenge statement above will, in due course prove to be significant – if unfortunate, (to quote Chambers). The words petard and hoisted come to mind, but; alas, I am constrained, within a gentleman’s agreement, as matter of trust to say nothing until the Senate RRAT committee has been granted the same opportunity as the correspondent. Then; well, the game is afoot.

Correspondent: 4) I do not want to keep Domenic from returning to a command role but believe the only way we could be satisfied is to continue with the assessment as planned in the F20 simulator.

When you consider, with eyes wide open, that it was the ‘Bankstown’ manager and his team only which drove the condemnation of James, in a desperate attempt to keep Pel-Air operational; the sentence above could, IMO, quite reasonably, be construed as gross hypocrisy, flavoured with bastardy, dusted with embuggerance. The one and only obstacle to James returning to normal duties is the writer of this letter. If there are to be questions raised on ‘judgement’ then we must question the motive for the unrelenting demands for a ‘chop’ ride. In short; a check ride which cannot be passed. James has met, through demonstrated competency the CASA artificially generated, highly subjective ‘requirements’. For the uninitiated, there is not a pilot in the world, not a single solitary one who can get through a ‘flight check’ with a ‘ground’ element without making at least one mistake – although subjective and arguable – that one mistake children, is more than enough, in the Chambers/ Bankstown lexicon, to bring down the boom. Ask Ms. Whatshername – mistress of darkness, she know ‘how-to’. James would be a purblind fool to even contemplate attempting to pass a check ride, with CASA, without an independent, qualified expert observing. But CAR 249 prohibits such things. Even if it did not CASA would not allow a video or even notes of a CASA supervised ‘check-ride’ to hell and beyond.

I say this – in my considered opinion, based on the facts as presented; there is no option for the Senate committee other than to call for a full, legally actionable inquiry into the actions of the Sydney Basin branch of CASA during the Airtex, Pel-Air and Skymaster investigations, audit and results, then compare the differences. Furthermore; I defy the government to openly, honestly and with clarity to examine the edicts and dictates of John McCormack; CEO CASA during this period, as executed by Rodger Chambers, performed, with some relish, by the Sleepy Hollow crew. Standing ovation, thanks of Parliament, joy to the minister?   Highly unlikely methinks. Aye well……  

But I do wonder, how the real life actions of those who are entrusted with the safety of aviation in Australia would stack up, when treated in the same manner, under the same rules of ‘strict liability’ and ‘criminal code’ as the industry they purport to ‘regulate’ is subject to.

In short – it’s a crock. A gross, overt, definable, visible, prosecutable manipulation of policy, procedure and law which achieves no specific aim, fails to further air safety and miserably, possibly even illegally, allows a thing like Sleepy Hollow to flourish, prosper, grow fat, completely bamboozle ministers of the crown – on pony-pooh, rhetoric, the mystique of air safety, to blatantly cost this country a small fortune; and, get away with it; year after tedious year, without a shot being fired. Remarkable? Damn straight it is.

But enough – this case is seen as a watershed for our Senators and their brilliant committee. If they fail to pick up sticks and put an end to this blasphemy, this abhorrence, once and for all; then the sign above my gateway to Hell is proven accurate– once again. “Abandon hope all ye who enter here.

Here endeth the BKC chapter 14 (notes only - ). No graffiti please P2; not in the mood. I am in deadly earnest this time; this pony-pooh just has to, must be stopped. There are three similar cases – each much worse than the James imbroglio – all of which must be either dealt with properly or; made public. CEO Carmody may hide his head (and shame) in the sand all he likes. Fair warning minister. I will dump the entire Bankstown Chronicles on Wikileaks – I am, now, officially pissed off. Endit…..


P2 - Relevant references Wink : 1)


A Galah event….

[Image: Kiel-Tillman-Digital-Illustration-Flamin...913392.jpg]

Cue Gabby – in three, two, one – you’re live.

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“Welcome, welcome, one and all to the hallowed turf of the Parliament playing field. Today’s event is a classic, the Senate Snooze Club (SSC) v the Sleepy Hollow Gambles (SHG).  It has been a close run thing at the bookies, the odds slightly favouring the highly manoeuvrable SHG forward pack, famed for their ability to switch attack into defence and deceive the referee. They have on occasion been penalised for ‘dodgy’ running, shepherding and doing unspeakable things during the ruck and maul. Their opposition however has a formidable forward pack, slow, but with momentum gained a worthy opponent; their back row has some very fast, clever players, who, with an adequate supply of ball, can be lethal. All to play for today – the ‘Drone Cup’ is up for grabs, provided they can catch it – post match. It will be flying over the game today, taking those famous aerial shots and generally being a bloody nuisance to one and all, however, it does belong to a ‘member’ and privilege does have its rightful place.”

[Image: parlyhousezone.jpg?itok=q6cXsDvf&mtime=1503983510]

“It seems the SSC have won the toss and will be first out of the changing rooms, dancing and shuffling along to their theme tune - It’s the biggest Aspidistra in the world. Rumour has it that at the SSC hooker – Galloping Gallacher - picked the tune as ‘It’s the biggest faery story in the world’ was locked down to the Thales group advertising campaign. AAAnnnnnddd here they come! at a very sedate, calm, deliberate pace, no rush, no dash, just the steady tread of their boots as they plod out to centre field.  The opposition prance and dance out behind in their hi-viz, electric blue, spandex kit, looking ‘match fit’ and full of something – perhaps not running – but they do smell queer.”

The Sleepy Hollow Haka...

[Image: CpWoYn-XEAAokka.jpg]

“Tension builds, the ref blows time on; and, they’re off. The SSC seem to having their share of ball as the opening moves are played and: Oh! Hold it - OMG the SHG prop forward ‘ Wingnut’ has knocked the ball on– it will be a scrum. Props Glenn Stern and Barry O’Braces pick up Galloping Gallacher and get the pack settled for the ‘engage’ – all good - ball delivered and the SSC with a mighty shove claw the ball back for the 5/8 – it’s away to the backs – heading for the winger, no wait, the full back -Xenophon - intercepts a wayward pass and breaks clear. He beats one, two of the SHG backs as the forwards fall back in defence  - but Oh no! he has run into his own prop forward O’Braces, fallen over and spilled the ball forward. He managed to gain 40 yards of valuable territory for his team but can they take advantage of it, that is the big question now. Well folks, that passage of play brings us up to the half time whistle. Time to hear from our sponsors.”


Many would say Xenophon buggered it up on Friday – but they would be incorrect. The matter is now public, on Hansard and that cannot be changed. Another important matter, which cannot be changed is that Carmody has stated publicly, on the record that he is waiting for the Pel-Air report etc. P2 has (once again) done a whizz-bang job, starting on the basic research and will, as time ticks by, unfold the whole sorry story. I warn you, it may appear dry as sticks to some.


Just think about that comment for a second..

Now although the intent by the DAS is to indicate that he will (unlike Malcolm Campbell) be not making any references or revealing any part of the DRAFT report (as per the conditions of section 26 of the TSI Act); he does appear to be indicating that he will be referencing the ATSB Final Report to inform his decision making process on DJ's request for the conditions on his ATPL be dropped...

Does this indicate that the DAS is contemplating breaching the spirit and intent of section 12AA of the TSI Act?

But the research does show some deeply hidden, dark areas associated with the treatment James is still receiving, as part of the distraction play, to take the focus off the CASA part in the Pel-Air matter. It is becoming increasingly apparent that the ATSB ‘second’ version report is slanted toward citing James as the sole perpetrator of the Norfolk ditching incident.  Whether this is true or not is nugatory, in fact, James and his part is insignificant, immaterial and a distraction.

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[Image: DJ-6.jpg]

But to put an end to the Carmody/ James argument consider this. At the time James accepted the conditions imposed (on legal advice – not mine) he had little option and it was the only way forward. Since then he has passed, at no less an August institution than Flight Safety a type rating, instrument rating and Command proficiency check. He is now asking, quite reasonably and politely for CASA to accept those qualifications as the evidence they demand of ‘competency’. They flatly refuse. Now they want a ‘CASA’ expert to oversight the same check.

[Image: download-6.jpg]

[Image: Untitled_Clipping_102917_104431_AM.jpg]

 This is a pure case of embuggerance and a double insult to Flight Safety. The notion that only a CASA nominated inspector may judge the James performance is risible; furthermore if FS say ‘Pass’ and the FOI says ‘Fail’ what then? If and it is a big IF the proposed CASA FOI was a ever a professional pilot with real experience, ever operated as Captain, multi crew, international operations or even as a charter pilot in ‘class’ turbine then maybe he could argue against the FS ‘Pass’. Problem is, the proposed man is not any of these things; is he CEO Carmody.

[Image: Untitled_Clipping_102917_110505_AM.jpg]Nope. James is simply the distraction, shifting focus away from the real story. Carmody dare not, indeed cannot undo the arbitrary restrictions placed on James; nor can he shred the evidence trail of some very shaky paper work doings to support the unseemly restoration to service of Pel-Air. Pel-Air remains untouched and unadmonished under the high speed, slippery edicts and decisions made by Chambers, supported by McCormack, approved by Hood, executed by Campbell, Worthington and others. The paper trail and supporting research all point to a major question? What the hell was CASA playing at? One could also ask why? Or; conversely one could speculate why a Virgin and Qantas crew got away with a slightly more dangerous, similar incident at Mildura, Scot free? The really bold questioner may even ask why is Hood running the ATSB? Well Nick Xenophon took the run, made the yards and got a small part of this ‘on the record’. Thanks Nick – brave run, done strong, we will miss you and wish you well.

The almost stunned looks on faces of both committee and the CASA front rows when Nick stepped up was priceless. For me, the absolute pinnacle of delight was the Aleck catchall bollocks – (paraphrased) “it matters not that the document was unsigned; the intent was there”. Try telling that to the tax man – “my intent to pay is clear – here is the cheque; it is unsigned, but that’s OK – ain’t it?”  Oh, I’d love to get so lucky that the tax man believed it; I surely would. If you could stomach it (or even with our bucket handy), select, at random, any half dozen ‘estimates’ rambles from Aleck and listen to ‘em. Spin, back-flips, contradictions by the wagon load; I can find six where he has completely contradicted his own waffle without even rolling my sleeves up and looking hard. Yet there he sits, whispering the sweet words they love to hear, into the CEO ear.

e [Image: 72218.jpg]
‘Drones’ took the lions share of time available, particularly the case of the one nation fellah who operated his drone over the parliamentary football paddock. Of itself, it was an interesting passage of play; but, if you watch the video you will see several interesting by plays from the CASA front row. You will also see Aleck cornered, cleverly mired in his own pony-pooh. The Senate front row have his measure now and have weighed the double speak much relied on; even in a simple matter like a drone offence. No matter, the committee now have the ‘investigation’ file in the hands of a real investigator. This could turn out to be fun, as the ring of power is destroyed.

[Image: three-rings-for-the-elven-kings-under-th...-the-3.jpg]

There is one passage which screams for attention, the part where Carmody declares that they have ‘beefed up’ the drone rules. He makes no mention of how CASA will enforce or even apprehend, let alone prosecute offenders. This is not the star turn though – CASA have approved drone operations within the visual circling area of aerodromes. At 5.5 kms and 400 feet, drones may operate within an airspace where, under instrument flight rules, aircraft conducting one of the most difficult manoeuvres will be operating, in poor visibility during bad weather. Ducking brilliant, top marks CASA. Who the hell dreams up this crap and who approves it?

But what of the ASA session? There is only one part worth watching – at the very end, Gallacher spells out the Senate position on ‘One sky pie’ the for Halfwit – ‘it’s the biggest fairy story ever told’. Or as Grand Mamma would say:-

I will leave watching the Hansard up to you. Bit pushed for time this week – significant Estimates happening on Friday messes up my Sunday and it takes time to digest the video. P2 has captured much of the Hansard video and over the next few day we will extricate some of the highlights. But well played the Senate front row.

Now I’m off to the stable workshop, check list – dogs, coffee, video player – checked. Now I can watch and listen all day while I do something useful; there’s a saw to be doctored, three planes in need of sharpening and a dozen chisels needing a tune up. If it would rain, my day would be complete.

Toot – toot.

P2 - On that note - just for a laugh, courtesy of "V" [Image: biggrin.gif]


Sublime or Ridicules? Your call.

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“It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to.”

You may be swept off to a serious BRB indaba; no Ale, no darts, just a large bare table in a quiet room. Shuffle in, say G’day, find a seat, settle your notes and sit quietly until the stragglers arrive. It is show and tell day. Only one subject – the ditching of a Pel-Air patient transfer Westwind off Norfolk Island. All attending may, rightfully be considered ‘expert’; there ain’t many, I count 10 heads, including my own, five teams of two, each with an element of the incident to analyse. After this little sit down, the notes and opinions will be handed to me and the draft response from the crew will be put together; agreed, edited and sent off to the Senate RRAT committee. We were at it all morning; knitting the disparate threads – its not until you see the whole that the final picture emerges. Suddenly, a part which has been puzzling a team makes sense when melded with the results from another team. Time ticks by and, at last, the truly ugly picture emerges. Of course I can’t spill the beans; not here, not yet. Patience children, the opposition is still batting; our turn will come soon enough. You may however, just for practice, care to study some of the material and draw your own conclusions. No matter which element of the incident you care to focus on, there is (IMO) only one conclusion which can be sensibly drawn – WTD were the agencies playing at? To answer that we must why; what possible motivation could be assigned. Aye, it’s a puzzle right enough..

There are some serious questions hovering around the legitimacy of the ‘enforcement actions’ taken against James. Chambers was, as usual, in a hurry and sketched his way around the ‘facts’ in his trademark Caviler manner. The truth is often a victim of the now infamous ‘facts and circumstances’ missives Chambers has issued in the past. Whether this was at the direction of another or; a function of his own venal, twisted personality is not for us to decide. However, for weal or woe, Hood was drawn into the business.

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“He who sees a need and waits to be asked for help is as unkind as if he had refused it.” - Dante Alighieri

Hood was ‘the decision maker’. Hood signed off on Wodgers demands. Willing accomplice or unwitting dupe? The odds favour a moderated verdict; initially willing accomplice, going along to get along, then; once the penny dropped, the best back peddling exhibition ever seen. That’s the rub – right there. By the time Hood realised that there were serious flaws, it was too late, he was deeply implicated in the embuggerance. The part which staggers the BRB is his silence. Hood knew what was going on and chose to keep stum and why not; that silence probably landed him the ATSB job. The BRB believe the Hood epiphany began when the transcript from Nadi turned up – after the draft report was done. Which is amazing, when you think about it. What sort of an investigation does not collect and consider all the available weather data – all of it – the lot. What sort of an investigation neatly side steps the fact that the 0803 was never transmitted to the flight crew. What sort of a decision maker knows this and fails to put the brakes on the Chambers wagon?

“Some want, to be exempt. They do not want to excel, they do not want to exert. They want to be considered excellent, for desiring to be held exempt, from all accountability.” - Justin K McFarlane Beau

CASA must, by a simple process of elimination, known, full well that the 0803 report was vital. If James had received it – they had him stone cold; gross negligence – and we would have cheered that decision. To continue on regardless of the 0803 was indeed, reckless. But James never, ever got the message. That, standing alone exonerates James completely. From that one omission every possible hole in the cheese lined up. CASA cannot possibly deny knowledge of this fact; and, by extension, neither can Hood. There are so many holes and patches on the legal and procedural case that it cannot hold water.

[Image: 204448720-B992-EFE8-04F436BCF6E0AAAF.jpg...-KJmO8.jpg]

"..You misunderstand, sir; I cannot pardon these when twelve are already hanged for the same crime. It is not just.”

Then there is the vexed  ‘fuel’ question – much was made of this; but in the final analysis – James was ‘legal’ all the way – and ran out of luck a long while before he ran out of fuel.  The BRB team completely agree with the Davies submission to the Senate inquiry. Within a few pounds and within the ‘thickness of a pencil line’ every BRB member found much the same data as Davies and drew the same conclusions. Even down to the difference between a forecast below ‘Alternate’ and above ‘Landing’ minima.

It all comes down to the critical 0803 from Nadi. There are some questions which demand answers related to the 0803; like, when was it drafted, when was it transmitted and when did Nadi receive it. Without ‘fact’ one may speculate, the operator in Nadi busy with HF – the fax turning up – ignored, then forgotten, by this time the aircraft is too far away. Maybe even almost up to the Auckland boundary. The time line of ‘hand off’ confirms this – there may have even been a change of operator at Nadi during the period in question. Whichever way you come at it; this is the critical point. Did Hood know, did the ‘investigators’ know; did the ATSB wizards work it out? From the e-mail chain it seems that the IIC nutted it out – but Dolan consigned him to the pencil sharpening cupboard. One of the CASA wizards saw the problem, tried to get a message out; but, ended up storming off in high dudgeon.

But the madness persists. The faery story likely to be perpetuated now by the second ATSB report. There are too many holes in the emperors new clothes to acknowledge even a stitch out of place. The ‘second’ report can be nothing else other than a feeble attempt to lay the blame on James and exonerate the ‘official’ line. No matter, I need a new telephone book to keep the office door open; a nice new shiny one from the ATSB will do, very nicely indeed.

“What of the new CEO?” asks Aunt Pru. “Well you may ask” says I, " we have ‘just culture’ instructions being peddled out the front door, while he nips around the back to kick the living bejassus out of James.” Not only will he wait for the final report (12AA) but he is contemplating allowing Worthington to go to the USA at tax payer expense to ‘judge’ the James performance against the Flight Safety ruling. It’s a ducking insult, duplicitous and completely unnecessary. Worthington is not a professional pilot's boot-strap, never was, never will be. But he does need to be questioned about some of his actions, not only in this matter, but in others. The BRB and Aunt Pru will be happy to provide those questions. A dream come true, Cambers, Campbell, Hood and Worthington in the dock – ah, what bliss. You could throw in a couple of others for comedy relief. Me? I’d have the whole bunch tarred, feathered and paraded through the streets – alas….

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"False face must hide what the false heart doth know." - William Shakespeare  (Macbeth).

Aye, if only we had a minister of Senator calibre; can you imagine if Sterle or O’Sullivan got hold of this; gods help ATSB and CASA if Fawcett took a hand. I would buy a ringside seat to watch that match – no matter the cost.  

CHAIR: Of course. I've got to tell you, if your investigator didn't ask it, you want to get him or her down into the car park and get them out of your business as quickly as you can. That would have to be the most fundamental question.

From about 04:00 here:-

P7 - Didn't James do an interview like that? - No recording made etc...

Pel-Air have taken up much of the weeks spare time (and some not so spare) but it has been worthwhile. A quick straw pole was taken, to see how many believed that the true, unvarnished facts and circumstances appended to the ditching event would ever see the light of day. Not many is the answer, not many at all; there was one bloke thought it may happen; but we know he talks to the faery folk who live in his garden.

Enough – the invisible Manning’s missive will be delivered shortly; then we shall see just what degree of honesty and integrity he has breathed into the second report. The ‘book’ is closed by the way – too many of the IOS have been sniffing about to make it a fair bet. Keep your money folks; aliens arriving for Sunday afternoon tea has a better chance of a return.

That’s it – no more excuses; the minister for Domestic Tyranny has a list of stuff that demands my attention – now: now. But if I’m quick, the back door is open and the dogs patiently wait.  Segue to : “K” picking up spare boots and tiptoeing toward the back door to the stable – it squeaks a bit; but we know that, carefully (SSSSHHH dogs) our villain slips into the orchard, out of sight.

Toot toot.

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P7 - Good job on graffiti P2 (choc frog); but where did get the last picture? Seems the MDT has trapped the escapee.

P2 new CCTV camera hidden on the bow of the houseboat, by order of the MDT - Blush   

A Tragic Situation Blossoming.

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ATSB chief commissioner Greg Hood, right, and Transport Minister Darren Chester.

‘Promoted to a level of incompetence’; a phrased coined by L.J. Peter. “It states that the selection of a candidate for a position is based on the candidate's performance in their current role, rather than on abilities relevant to the intended role. Thus, employees only stop being promoted once they can no longer perform effectively, and "managers rise to the level of their incompetence".

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The Australian ATSB has been for a number of years, probably since the Lockhart River tragedy, struggling to maintain its status , independence and credibility.

“While there are things about which one does not boast, there are others for which to be pitied would be all too humiliating.” ― Gaston Leroux, The Phantom of the Opera.

Quote:[Image: LHR.jpg]

200501977 contains a modest two hundred and forty six pages which can be skimmed through in about thirty minutes, the readers eyes glazing over somewhere during that period.  This is a reader mistake. To properly read the report the reader must firstly understand the nature of a long running battle between two powerful entities for power, money, influence and kudos. The history of these rival groups is coloured, metaphorically speaking, in blood.

In today's world, the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) is in the political ascendancy, attracts the media attention, enjoys well filled coffers and basks in the security of public confidence.

The ATSB is chronically under funded, attracts very little media attention and the general public have only a vague notion that it exists. And so, the ATSB must be careful to protect it's rice bowl, not rock too many boats and mind it's manners.

How then can the ATSB weave the unpleasant truths about an aviation disaster into the fabric of the public lives, when their very existence is a daily struggle. Their answer is in subtle, cleverly camouflaged writing which, correctly interpreted, inevitably leads the informed reader to the correct answer.

When Dolan took charge of the agency the ‘struggle’ ceased and ATSB became a catspaw for the McConvict administration of CASA. This clearly reflected during the Senate inquiry into the Pel-Air ditching off Norfolk Island. Many would have liked to see the Senate censure both ATSB and CASA for their manipulation of the event – alas. When Dolan departed the fix – there was some hope that ATSB may grow a set and start helping industry to define the causal chains and systematic failures associated with serious accidents. Hi Viz Hood at his highest level of incompetence now, has failed, utterly, to lift the ATSB out of the pit into which it had fallen. We were all quite used to late, obfuscated, useless, fluffy reports and were left to draw our own conclusion, particularly where CASA stupidity had played a hand – at the grass roots level. Now we are being spoon fed some load of old bollocks about how the ATSB is going to make things better – by doing less and not bothering to examine all the aspects and elements which led to the accident. ATSB have been totally emasculated. It is time to stop pretending we have anything remotely resembling an independent, robust  ‘accident investigator’. In fact, for the amount of use ATSB and Hood are to aviation safety, we may as well just quietly cut it’s throat, bury the carcass and save the money. The minister and Hood are becoming an international embarrassment; and rightly so. Disgraceful.

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“Once when I had remarked on the affection quite often found between cat and dog, my friend replied, "Yes. But I bet no dog would ever confess it to the other dogs.” - CS Lewis, The Four Loves.

Actually, while we have the knife out (so to speak) – we could turn our attention to the ailing CASA operations. The public face of this crippled, discredited, expensive, disruptive, partly crazed, manic, paranoid, delusional, two faced, duplicitous outfit, is represented by a man who will,  quite happily, stand up and say “Just culture” and then merrily join in the persecution of a pilot, supporting those who engineered one of this nations most disgraceful aviation story’s.

Read from here - The 0739 key to the PelAir wx imbroglio - off the Embuggerance thread; & Sandy on Carmody HR - “Good morning Dominic”,

This is a man who will not even acknowledge the dreadful acts perpetrated by CASA during the McConvict/Chambers era; let alone take the simple positive steps toward remedying the situation. Carmody, Chester and Hood; three of the four biblical horsemen of the apocalypse.  The BoM leading the race to be number four...

Aviation is seeing an increasing number of tragic events and some bloody close calls – there is a long list; not addressed by ATSB. The systematic failures directly related to CASA’s bungling management of matters aeronautical is a national disgrace. We must all hope and make votive offerings to a pagan god of choice that when the ‘Pel-Air’ report is released that a serious, Senate led, judicially backed inquiry is opened. We must either address the matter, fully, frankly and openly; or, resile from our position as a ‘world class’ aviation nation.  Because we ain’t one; NO minister, we ain’t: not any longer. Should you be interested in why this so, take a long hard look at those whispering sweet nothings in your ear, soothing words of comfort along with a load of bollocks. Mark my words – the next fatal accident will be sheeted home to a complete lack of ministerial action to remedy the malady.

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“How many times had those awful words - "I know what I'm doing" - been uttered throughout history as prelude to disaster?”.― Christopher Buckley, Supreme Courtship

That’s it: time is going to beat me today. Take a browse through some of the excellent work P2 dredged up this week – most of it beggars the imagination, defeats logic and indicates exactly where and how the ‘safety agencies’ with ministerial backing are making Australian aviation a dangerous, international laughing stock.

Now then, socks, boots, bag – door; exeunt - in a screaming hurry.

Toot toot.

One if by land, two if by sea , three if by pigeon.

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"Paul Revere's Ride" is a poem by American poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow that commemorates the actions of American patriot Paul Revere on April 18, 1775, although with significant inaccuracies.Wikipedia

Or; perhaps the ATSB, like the ministry of magic, have taken to using owls as a delivery system. Whatever they’re using ain’t working. Delay in delivery is a big no-no for any media outlet and the CASA media arm is failing to deliver not only the package, but the content ain’t as advertised. There is a serious call for the ATSB to be disbanded because of this failing alone, without even going near the appalling attitudes on display.

[Image: Untitled_Clipping_111917_093722_AM.jpg]

One does not need a degree of any sort to see the stark, worrying changes to the ATSB over the past years. P2 has, in an excellent post, sketched them for you. We used to get sound, solid, sensible, practical advice from ATSB; alas, no longer. We get weasel words and legal speak; quibbling about a black letter meaning of a thing, rather than the spirit and intent. Denigrating honest attempts to have a report done properly, demeaning the efforts of those involved and generally, wiping their snotty noses with any opinion, other than the CASA one, in their own words, seems to be the new low tide mark, even for the ministerial glove puppets of the ATSB. The ‘new’ report into the Pel-Air ditching will clearly define this decline in probity and value.

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William Shakespeare, Antony and Cleopatra, Act II, sc.5 -

"..Though it be honest, it is never good
To bring bad news. Give to a gracious message
An host of tongues, but let ill tidings tell
Themselves when they be felt..."

So, to whom do we look for probity and surety that all is well within Australian commercial aviation? Certainly not CASA; a quick ten minute wander through the Hansard recordings will confirm the theory that CASA is a raving, out of control, incontinent megalomaniac, in need of help. The pungent whiff of corruption pervades the corridors and taints the Kool-aid. If it were ‘normal’ baksheesh I could live with that – it is an accepted method of doing business; most certainly corruption but at least the rules are clear. CASA is corrupt in twisted, sinister ways, from the grass roots through to the top office, non of it beneficial. At grass roots you have a muppet like Worthington, daring to dictate to senior check pilots and Flight Safety trainers ‘how’ operations should be conducted and checked. The man is not only an inexperienced chump, a fumble fingered amateur pilot, but dishonest with it.

A long track record which would not withstand serious scrutiny and yet the CASA boss supports the risible notion that his man is capable of making a fair, honest impartial assessment of both check captain and candidate. I, for one of many, would not allow the clown to get within a bulls roar of an aircraft in my command. There, in a nutshell lays the problem; Carmody to Worthington; top to bottom, twisted, deceitful and wrong.

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“The books that the world calls immoral are books that show the world its own shame.” ― Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray

It is time to put an end to this expensive farce. It is time to enforce, vigorously, the recommendations of both the Senate committee and the Rev. Forsyth. ATSB and CASA are charged, by government, to meet the requirements of the Acts which govern them. Both agencies are failing not only to meet the spirit and intent of those Acts, but have perverted the meaning of those Acts to suit.

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“It's discouraging to think how many people are shocked by honesty and how few by deceit.” ― Noël Coward, Blithe Spirit

Then, I look at Chester and despair. If it were not for the excellent Senators I’d hang the boots up, retire to being an amiable old buffer who talked to dogs and horses, pottered about the wood shed and threw rocks at drones. Someone, somewhere has to get the agencies back on track, under control and functioning correctly; then; I look at Chester…………

[Image: Untitled_Clipping_111917_111958_AM.jpg]

“Waste no more time arguing about what a good man should be. Be one.” ― Marcus Aurelius, Meditations

That’s enough; the endless wait for the rejigged ‘new’ report is almost over; then we can mount a case for real reform of the ATSB and CASA. If the ‘new’ Norfolk report don’t trigger an uproar then nothing will.

Got lucky this week; stumbled over some stunning ‘red’ Brush Box off cuts; enough to attempt the ‘dressing table’ stool designed by a special young lady who recently completed HSC exams. The joinery is complex, the design demanding – happily I have enough timber to make a mess of some; the ‘prototype’ made from scraps of construction grade Pine is certainly headed to the winter fuel bin – but that was to get a feel for the job. Best crack on, there are rumblings from the kitchen, something about gutters and the cleaning thereof.  Second coffee (check), dogs (check) back door clear (check). Tranquillity - here I come..

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Toot toot

P2 edit - "...or four if by drone.." - Big Grin

[Image: Delivery-Drones-Australia-Post-Down-Unde...=350%2C200]

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