Accidents - Overseas

FSD Episode 248: Shades of Gold Coast systemic issues??   Dodgy

Via FSD & YouTube:

Quote:All Killed in Helicopter Crash with Radio Tower – Episode 248

Todd Curtis and John Goglia share the unfolding information surrounding a October 20, 2024 crash of an air tour R44 helicopter into a radio tower in Houston. The NTSB investigation continues.

The air tour helicopter apparently crashed into the radio tower while the pilot in command was reading back a traffic advisory about a second helicopter in the vicinity. The second helicopter was operated by the same air tour company.

The preliminary NTSB report issued less than a month after the accident. Details in the preliminary report and additional information from security cameras show that the pilot of the accident helicopter had the second helicopter in sight and made no major heading changes to avoid hitting the radio tower. Hear Todd’s assessment of the alignment of the tower and the helicopters.

John and Todd discuss general safety issues of air tour aircraft, including the fact that the ones involved in this crash often lack voice and data recorders. John notes that in his experience the NTSB might not be able to determine a probable cause due to the lack of data.

Related Resources:

NTSB Aviation Investigation Preliminary Report CEN25FA019

MTF...P2  Tongue

PS:  Sea World midair update: 5/01/22

Azerbaijan E190 crash - Russian SAM strike?? Undecided

Via YouTube: These guys were miles ahead of any MSM coverage... Wink

And from SkyNews today:

MTF...P2 Tongue

JEJU Air 737-800 Crash Muan, South Korea 29 Dec 2024

For obvious reasons there is lots of SME conjecture on this one??

Via YouTube, starting with blancolirio:

Next, courtesy SkyNews:

And from Max Afterburner:

Quote:"Do not build concrete walls at end of runways..." (09:15 min)

What about concrete walls that are part of a DFO shopping centre?? - Rolleyes


[Image: Untitled_Clipping_091018_103524_AM.jpg]

Finally for the UP thread on this tragic accident, refer - HERE.

MTF...P2 Tongue

JEJU Air 737-800 Crash Muan, South Korea - 06/01/25: Update

Courtesy blancoliro, via YouTube:

Courtesy Maximus Aviation:

On the subject of airport safety standards and manmade (wall of death) reinforced concrete structures in and around the vicinity of airports, I note there was a fatal light aircraft crash yesterday, near Fullerton Airport California, that brings back some disturbing visual similarities to the 21 February 2021 Essendon DFO accident:

NTSB Presser:

Here is an overhead picture of the Fullerton municipal airport:

[Image: KFUL%2013FEB24.JPG?itok=fIKbKPqQ]

MTF...P2 Tongue

Washington DC midair collision - Angel

Courtesy Sky News, via YouTube:

Plus for some good analysis (so far), courtesy blancoliro... Wink

+ an update:

MTF...P2 Tongue

Lear Jet Med Evac Crash KPNE 31 Jan 2025

Courtesy blancoliro, via YouTube:

Plus within 24 hrs, via


Finally an update (Media Briefing 3) for the Washington DCA midair:

MTF...P2 Tongue

PS: Compare the NTSB performance to this from 'Popinjay to the rescue'... Dodgy


A rare case of 'speculation'- Indeed it is'.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.” –

Lincoln nailed it – and this, in particular, should always refer to making comment about an aircraft accident; actually, especially a fatal event, where the 'in's and out's of an event are not 'Gin clear'..(To quote the prophet). However; just this once, I will 'buy in' to the general discussion. There is little to glean from the news reports; and, even less from the pilot (and etc) body making comment and assumptions. The 'facts' as we know them is the aircraft took off and within a short space of time ; reaffirmed it's relationship with Mother Earth. The big (huge) question is why?

In brevi: (forgive the 'Me' factor in this) I have some small experience in both 25 and 35 Lear; I also have a significant amount of 'night operations'; and a reasonable experience in 'Medi-Vac' operations. I must qualify this by adding I have no idea, non, whatsoever' despite this, of what occurred during what should have been a routine, if tedious flight.

There are, despite written works to the contrary, several factors which can and certainly do affect crew 'performance'. Not in a way that can be qualified, say, the 'call out' means contacting someone to pick up the kids, or feed the dog etc. Even  when a 'call out' impinges on a dinner date; or the Plumber, or, Electrician etc. It may even have been a strenuous night or stressful day. But; the investigation must at least 'acknowledge' the mind-set (attitude) and fatigue level of this crew as part of the report. Why? Well – IMHO – this is quite often 'overlooked'. The timing matters. One day's prior notification is 'adequate' i.e. roster-ed and scheduled; or at worst, 'on-standby' for. This is a question I would like to see answered in the 'report'. Only my PoV, but essential IMO; for it speaks to mindset.

Now the 'Lear' gets going; it actually means it, hand flying is demanding but not outside the competencies of a properly trained pilot, with a co-pilot for backup. Hell, you could pull the gear up and go to sleep with a good FO and an operational Auto pilot. Here, right here, on take off, is where my questions begin.

Q1; OK, tired, hacked off, hate the FO, black night take off into weather and all that involves. V!. VR, positive rate, gear up – AUTO PILOT - ON. No? If not,then why not?

Q2. So, OK, it's as black as the Devil's waistcoat out ahead, so it is a good time to sharpen up the skills of trade. Nailed the speed, climb rate spot on, heading rock solid. Real IFR pilots do this stuff for practice; and safisfaction and reassurance that base skills are 'intact' – despite the AP; much fun and greatly satisfying. Selah..However – (big one) “what – if” there was a liar on the instrument panel? Say the AH was 'off'; or, the T&B was telling fairy stories; or, perhaps the Pitot heat had been neglected? There are at least three reasons for a 'loss' of control. But without data we must at very least determine why this crew 'slid down the wing' and arrived, unannounced and uninvited in the middle of a community.

As stated, not my usual 'wait' for the report injunction; but, (IMVHO) this episode reaches deep into some murky pools, pools which underpin so very many neglected elements of an increased PE (pilot error) accident rate. It takes me all the way back to the King Air collision with a building at Essendon (many Moons ago) – it begs a question; one,  which the dead cannot answer. In short WTD was happening on that flight deck? WE shall (patiently) await the guru's response.

Aye: wish I'd never started this – for the 'real' questions may never be answered. But, between public 'speculation' and 'official' diagnoses there will be a 'gap'. A gap which, if filled, may just prevent this conclusion from recurrence. Then again, maybe not.

Said too much – time to retreat to stove, Ale and the company of my quiet mates.


DC midair investigation update.

Via the blancoliro channel:

MTF...P2 Tongue

DC midair investigation update - 16/02/25

Courtesy the NTSB, via YouTube:

Plus courtesy of 'Taking Off' for a summary of the NTSB CVR, timeline and factual findings:


MTF...P2  Tongue

Delta CRJ-900 Crash Toronto - 17 Feb. 2025

Courtesy of blancolirio, via YouTube:

Plus via TSB Canada: Deployment notice

Quote:TSB is deploying a team of investigators following an aircraft accident at Toronto / Lester B. Pearson International Airport, Ontario

Richmond Hill, Ontario, 17 February 2025 —

The Transportation Safety Board of Canada (TSB) is deploying a team of investigators following an accident involving an aircraft operated by Delta Airlines, that occurred today at the Toronto / Lester B. Pearson International Airport, Ontario. The TSB will gather information and assess the occurrence.

MTF...P2 Tongue

Juan Browne update with 'the facts and only the facts!!' - Rolleyes

Via YouTube:

Quote:300,169 views Feb 22, 2025
Facts do in fact still matter.
Delta Statement:
FAR 61.169:
Flying Eyes 10% OFF:
GEFA Aviation Scholarship:
GROUND SCHOOL: Learn The Finer Points!
THEME: "Weightless" Aram Bedrosian -

(02-21-2025, 08:23 PM)Peetwo Wrote:  Delta CRJ-900 Crash Toronto - 17 Feb. 2025

Courtesy of blancolirio, via YouTube:

Plus via TSB Canada: Deployment notice

Quote:TSB is deploying a team of investigators following an aircraft accident at Toronto / Lester B. Pearson International Airport, Ontario

Richmond Hill, Ontario, 17 February 2025  —

The Transportation Safety Board of Canada (TSB) is deploying a team of investigators following an accident involving an aircraft operated by Delta Airlines, that occurred today at the Toronto / Lester B. Pearson International Airport, Ontario. The TSB will gather information and assess the occurrence.

Finally an update from Juan on the DC midair:

NTSB media brief/prelim report link:

MTF...P2  Tongue

DC midair investigation update - 11/03/25

Courtesy the NTSB, via YouTube:

Plus via the blancolirio channel:

MTF...P2  Tongue

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