![[Image: Lucifer_Sick_of_You-e1527409992435.jpg]](http://auntypru.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Lucifer_Sick_of_You-e1527409992435.jpg)
Of urbane Daemons and great deceivers.
Lesser Daemons, those of the urbane, common or garden variety are not too difficult to spot when one knows where to look; they all owe allegiance to the same Master and willingly do his bidding.
![[Image: img-hogarth-350x263.jpg]](https://dmrzwrup6rn0o.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2004/04/img-hogarth-350x263.jpg)
Belial (also Belhor, Baalial, Beliar, Beliall, Beliel) is listed as the sixty-eighth spirit of The Lesser Key of Solomon. He is a King of Hell with 80 legions of demons, and 50 legions of spirits, under his command. He was created as the first, after Lucifer.[6] He has the power to distribute senatorships and gives excellent familiars. He must be presented with offerings, sacrifices and gifts, or else he will not give true answers to demands. (Wiki).
Power and Gold, an easy life avoiding responsibility, gathering kudos and having most of the heavy lifting done by minions and familiars is within the gift. Not a bad deal provided you are happy to trade in your soul, integrity and your complimentary ticket to the Pearly Gates to seal the deal.
![[Image: Timon-of-Athens-John-Boydells-Engraving-...058173.jpg]](https://i0.wp.com/www.michaeljroueche.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/Timon-of-Athens-John-Boydells-Engraving-e1376943058173.jpg)
Shakespeare Satire: Timon of Athens
Gold? Yellow, glittering, precious gold?...
This yellow slave
Will knit and break religions, bless th’ accursed,
Make the hoar leprosy adored, place thieves,
And give them title, knee and approbation
With senators on the bench.
Hah! (chuckle) Thorny has probably got thus far and will go no further unless I get back to plain speaking – sorry mate, but there is a need to set the scene before we delve into the Barry O’Estimates faery tales.
There is so much sugar coating on the bullshit, hidden in the smoke, that to strike any sort of a balance and make sense of the distorted mirror images, ‘twas the only tool I had at hand.
![[Image: 239579.jpg]](https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1387078070p4/239579.jpg)
Aye, and even in gen-teel families, in high families, in great families ... and you have no idea ... what games goes on!”― Charles Dickens, Bleak House
The great ICAO audit scam was one ignored victim of the faery tale session. P2 has been doggedly chasing down some interesting leads and digging through the huge piles of mouldering paper which surround the great myth of Australian compliance.
![[Image: USOAPCMA2.png]](https://www.icao.int/safety/CMAForum/PublishingImages/USOAPCMA2.png)
Welcome to the USOAP Continuous Monitoring Approach (CMA) website
Quote:P2 – “Note that these 'make work' aviation safety bureaucrats are still trying to paint the image that our standing as the sixth most ICAO compliant State is only a recent occurrence facilitated by the great work of HVH and CC Wingnut - UDB!”
There is evidence which, ‘prima facie’ at least, supports the notion that Australia’s long held belief that our standing in sixth place is due to results of ICAO audit. Not so according to research and the absence of the ‘audit report’. Australia’s self auditing process has, for a number of years now placed us at number six; which is fine on a homemade say-so. But, where is the actual audit report? Why is there a reluctance to publish it? Why has a Senator not put in a FOI request for the thing? Was the actual audit ever done? Even O’Sofullashit has questioned the reluctance to produce the document, done nothing about it of course, but his remarks are on the Hansard. Whatever it was McConvict did to bamboozle ICAO in his bid to become an important player on the world stage has worked very well; of course he had some assistance and a dab of voodoo magic thrown in.
![[Image: JA-for-IATA-Legal-Symposium-2012-300x225.jpg]](http://auntypru.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/JA-for-IATA-Legal-Symposium-2012-300x225.jpg)
“There is not a crime, there is not a dodge, there is not a trick, there is not a swindle, there is not a vice which does not live by secrecy.”― Joseph Pulitzer
Educated students of the Estimates show will understand; those unfamiliar will need to look back over many, many years worth of Estimates sessions to fully understand the collective fury within the BRB and IOS generated by the last session. How in all the hells we descended from serious, far reaching, deep questions demanding plain answers to sugar plums and dancing bears I’ll never fathom. But we did children, we most certainly did. It was all a bit like watching children queued at the Santa Claus booth in a big department store, all nerves and anticipation in case Santa found them unworthy of the coveted new bike or the latest Barbie doll; then being told they were very good, then skipping off back to Mum, all smiles and happiness.
The CASA head Poo-Bah got the best gift – a ropey, dodgy old tyre. (like a Harry Potter port-key) ‘Tis true. Mark you, there was some potential for unpleasantness attached, but Barry O’Santa stepped in and made it all go away. There was a note attached to that old tyre, which, had the first team been present and had the Muff who held it in his hand read it all out; it would have been a different story, without a happy ending – alas..
![[Image: damaged-tyre-e1527382494881.jpg]](http://auntypru.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/damaged-tyre-e1527382494881.jpg)
![[Image: ICC-quote-e1527382707582.jpg]](http://auntypru.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/ICC-quote-e1527382707582.jpg)
The relief on the CASA bench was palpable when only a part of the official (ICC) condemnation of their actions was read into Hansard. Off the hook by Gad, saved by O’Santa largesse and distraction tactics. The CASA front row must have danced the high fives dance, all the way down the ramps to the car park, to be whisked away to the nearest pub..
![[Image: harfieldatestimates.jpg]](http://auntypru.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/harfieldatestimates.jpg)
Mr Jason Harfield, Airservices Australia
FOI letter from Airservices Australia to Air Marshal Davies
22 May 2018 - PDF 2104KB
ASA did well out of the encounter and of course the ‘biggy’ was deftly avoided. The village Halfwit done strong, baffled ‘em all with Pony-Pooh and a sprinkle of financial faery dust. Easy enough to do when the umpire is one eyed and looking through a rose tinted monocle and the first XI is taking a ‘personal’ day or whatever. That’s the closest the match fit team ASA ever got to a free ride in a long time; they must have been relieved when Barry O’Santa opened the back door and whistled for a taxi.
ATSB had a turn at sitting on Santa’s knee. Master Foley, being bright and a little more well versed in the way things are was the only one who showed any sort of disdain for the happy horse pooh, mixed with rose petals being liberally distributed. He had also done his homework with a 9/10 result, so he had every right to look puzzled when the Elves and Clowns failed to grasp the bleeding obvious. No matter – he has an AP Tim Tam and a Choc Frog to take home and Santa can keep the dross he passes out to his favourite children.
![[Image: 4273.jpg]](https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1311554908p4/4273.jpg)
“And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don't believe in magic will never find it.”― Roald Dahl
Here endeth the Happy Horseshit Estimates session – Much depends on which team you support whether you skipped home happy as a sand boy or grim as the Reaper himself (not a bad chap actually, just got a job to do).
There’s not much else worthy of mention – except perhaps the slim hope of a couple of days in Wagga, now delayed to accommodate the minister’s schedule – a tactical mistake IMO, but as an innocent bystander, it’s not my indaba. We are advised that ‘Albo’ will be there; which could, if he has worked out that the wool was pulled over his eyes last time he was ‘the minister’ be ‘interesting’ to say the least. Aye, no doubt we shall see all in time.
![[Image: a29ce68f974a95622e981fb4c8e2bb9e-e1527384098149.jpg]](http://auntypru.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/a29ce68f974a95622e981fb4c8e2bb9e-e1527384098149.jpg)
Meanwhile – if you are interested in a quick course in fluent, multi lingual cursing, be at the stable this afternoon. I’ve a template to make – favour for a mate. He wants to use ‘traditional’ framing in the cottage he’s building – the long beams need a thing called – wait for it – 'stopped splayed table scarf joint with wedges and under squinted butts'. No kidding, they are the very devil to make if you’re out of practice. Tough to lay out and difficult to cut – get ‘em out of square by two thou and you get to start again, (that's a 9 x 9 timber beam @ a 12:1 ratio) . Much cussin’ anticipated; after breakfast methinks and perhaps, a second coffee. Much ribald comment from an elder BRB member related to 'under squinted butts' - going to be a long afternoon.
Toot toot.
![[Image: 479884f58e2d9dfd4744c0d941da1e61-e1527384440592.jpg]](http://auntypru.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/479884f58e2d9dfd4744c0d941da1e61-e1527384440592.jpg)
P2 edit - On the road to Wagga...