Re-Joyce or Repeat?

Test page - MTF

Seconds away – Round II....

(06-22-2021, 10:29 AM)Peetwo Wrote:  He's BACK!!??  Big Grin Rolleyes Shy Wink

Via SkyNews Oz:

MTF...P2  Tongue

Round 1.

They never laid a glove on him.

[Image: sbg9220.jpg]

Fill in the blanks -  RE-.....??? (Re-Joyce, repeal, reject, repeat, rerun, recommend...etc) Rolleyes

EWH shows his true colours...err maybe?  Undecided

Via LMH:

Quote:...Having Barnaby Joyce return to the infrastructure and transport throne is like getting a new king, even though he sat in the seat once before. Last time he was there for a mere three months, and in that period was occupied more by "off-field" issues that distracted him from getting a whole lot done. Consequently, we are left trying to judge what to expect from his second coming based on what didn't happen during his first coming. Whilst he was DPM the last time around (but not Minister – that was Darren Chester), Joyce fronted up to the GA community in Tamworth and made all sorts of promises of the type that politicians regularly use as get-out-of-jail-free cards, including "hopefully we can God-willing bring about an industry that takes some of the weight off your shoulders, lets you get back in the air, lets you make a buck and help this economy go a lot better." Well, that didn't happen; nothing happened, not even after he took over the ministry. Some commentators in the aviation community want Joyce to be cut some serious slack, and I'm prepared to go along with that. However, what I want to see continue is the exceptional work that has been done by the General Aviation Advisory Network (GAAN). This group was constituted by Chester as GAAG and reformed under Michael McCormack as GAAN. Joyce doesn't have a great relationship with either of these people, and my fear is that GAAN may be discarded simply because it was the inspiration of enemies. That's what happens in politics...

Of course there is always 2 sides to a coin - via the UP: Ref -


The last duty the ex Deputy PM did late at night before he was ousted (when he undoubtedly had a lot on his mind and no need to assist at all) was to provide a business (with which I’m involved) his near priceless signature to allow it to operate against some fearsome bureaucratic opposition. Apparently the look on the chief protagonists face when presented with the signature was priceless. I was very sorry he was gone. I’m very pleased he has returned. My (admittedly 3rd hand) experience couldn’t have been better - I was stunned he bothered to help, especially over something so small on what must have been a very difficult day for him personally.

Based on my experience, I’d suggest Glen would get a fair hearing.


Barnaby in the hot seat

Just prior to the last election, a peer from industry facilitated a meeting with Barnaby Joyce in his Canberra Office. I agree with your observations.

I wrote to him after that meeting expressing my thanks. I found him to be straight down the line, frank, doesn't tell people what they necessarily want to hear, and somebody who likes to Get Shi# Done (GSD).

A new Chairperson with an understanding and appreciation of lines of reporting, responsibility, accountability, conduct, procedures and sound decision making.

A CEO/DAS free from the iron ring and able to look at the state of affairs, and objectively so. From feedback so far, a good listener. A CEO who knows that CASAs own research suggests unacceptable levels of staff dissatisfaction with the Executive Management, which is replicated universally by the industry itself. A CEO who has vision and sees an opportunity.

All overseen by a Minister who is keen to transform the image of the Nationals.

If this matter is to avoid going to Court, it will happen over coming weeks one would hope.

Hmm...much, much MTF...P2  Tongue

A word of advice Minister; Mandarins; and their MinionsRolleyes

Via AMROBA Newsletter: 
.pdf Volume 18 Issue 6 (June 2021).pdf Size: 297.08 KB  Downloads: 1

[Image: AMROBA-1.jpg]

...L&Ks KC  Wink

MTF...P2  Tongue

"The first task for these new leaders is to develop and promulgate a new Aviation Safety Program that at least looks to the future and is written in support of the Convention." Amen...........

For a while now, most of the best advice, common sense and very sound logic provided in assistance to government departments, in relation to whats' left of the aviation industry has been provided by AMROBA.

The simple, plain English statement above, in a nutshell identifies and provides solution to almost every single anchor preventing the aviation industry from moving forward.

The blatant abuse and manipulation of the 'convention' has produced the worlds largest, most incomprehensible, undemocratic 'rule' set. Volumes and volumes of the stuff - arranged to ensure that no matter what - the administration have complete control of industry and can, on a whim or a 'say-so' ensure 'safe conviction'. The ways in which 'law' has been used to create a 'fear' of challenging the administration has been demonstrated many times, to the disgust and bemusement of many senior legal; counsel and Judges.

Australia is a signatory to the Chicago Convention; that is enshrined within the Constitution (51.1 from memory - stand corrected). The 'administration' is authorised to 'administer' an ICAO compliant regulatory suite - nothing else - just that. The spirit, intent and purpose of the Chicago convention has been twisted and warped into a hideous parody of that. This done through manipulation and 'differences'. What have we now - 4000 odd registered differences. These 'differences' are not of the "we say tomato - you tomayto" type. The majority reflect a cynical, even sinister manipulation which empowers CASA while denying industry any means of defence. Strict Liability being just one of many aberrations cunningly disguised as 'safety'.

The  new leadership need do a little more than 'look' at returning to ICAO compliance and the convention. It should be a sworn pledge, to this nation - to return the administration and regulation of the aviation industry back to sanity.

Government may only take one of two pathways. Spend another decade and an army of lawyers to unscramble the existing rule set : or, adopt the NZ. PNG, USA rule set and see industry revitalised within a twelve month. But either way - ICAO compliance is what we signed up for in Chicago, not some mad home made manipulation supported by 4000 'differences'. No Sir, indeed we did not.

Toot - toot.

P2 Addendum: BJ on - 'That's life'   Wink


I reckon Joyce to be a 'busy' man - no doubt about it. Priority of scale must take precedence; that's a given. Be interesting though to work out how much 'time' is devoted to the 'politics' of government (antics) with an election looming; the Virus thing, the economy, China and all the other headaches which must come with the job.

Here is the but. Transport is a major portfolio; in a country the size of Australia, road, rail, boats and aeroplanes are an essential (understatement) element. At the moment air transport is in as big a slump as it ever has been; which, IMO is perfect.

While the aviation industry is sitting about waiting for some semblance of 'normality' to return there are many highly skilled people sitting about idle. Not flight crew, engineers and such but senior folk who would dearly love to ring in some 'essential-to -global- survival' changes. 

The Navigation and Airports Acts are in desperate need of amendment to realign with ICAO compliance.

The Engineering and manufacturing elements which affect international trade and 'acceptance' by overseas National Aviation Authorities (NAA) are being compromised by differences to the Chicago Convention (ICAO) registered. There is no requirement for this strangulation and restriction on Australia's ability to harmonise with the almost globally accepted gold standard the FAR (USA) and ICAO work hard to provide; non whatsoever. For an example see - HERE -. That is no fantasy dreamed up by a twisted ego - it is the plain truth, spoken by an internationally recognised 'expert'. Writ to assist government to realise just how far down the road to perdition and close to becoming an international pariah Australia is. No Bull.

While the aviation sector is 'grounded' there will never again be such a gifted time to throw out - completely - the existing regulatory failure. There is time to adopt a compliant 'rule set' and time to redraft the existing 'Operations Manuals' to bring in a sane rule set.

Thinks about it - there's time, willingness, industry support and international approval and acceptance to be gained. When this virus has passed; it would be IMO wonderful to see the aviation industry emerge with international recognition, ICAO compliance and a rule set which made logical sense.

Joyce don't have to do this; all he need do it set the wheels in motion; the rest will follow; provided we are not too late and done too little.

Ayup; that's that off of my chest; second coffee time.

BJ mentions the A-word in New England... Rolleyes

Via BJ central:

Vital funding for New England airports

Tamworth, Armidale, Inverell and Quirindi airports will benefit from upgrades funded under Round 2 of the Federal Liberal and Nationals Government’s Regional Airports Program.

Deputy Prime Minister and Member for New England Barnaby Joyce said the projects would upgrade runways, taxiways, lighting and emergency services facilities.

“In Armidale, $300,000 in federal funding will deliver an airside aircrew rest facility for emergency services, access gates, aircraft tie-downs and other improvements,” Mr Joyce said.

“In Tamworth, a further $300,000 will fund reconstruction and sealing of the taxiway pavement, improving safety and access.

“Inverell will receive over $278,000 for runway lighting upgrades, new wind indicators and a backup generator to support crucial aviation operations, while Quirindi will benefit from almost $300,000 for runway pavement repairs.

“Every dollar spent on local infrastructure is a dollar well spent and I look forward to working with the community to deliver this vital funding as we continue recovering from the pandemic.”

Mr Joyce said the program supports important safety and access upgrades for regional airports.

“For our regional communities, the local airport provides an essential link to the rest of Australia,” he said.

“That’s why we’ve committed $100 million over four years from 2019–20 to 2022–23 to deliver upgrades to improve runway and taxiway pavements, install new lighting or fencing at regional airports.

“These projects will improve the safety of aircraft, operators and passengers, the delivery of goods and services and better meet the operational requirements of aeromedical and other emergency services, including supporting bushfire preparedness.

“This is a great example of the Nationals in government backing the aviation industry while boosting local economies to help secure a stronger future for our regional areas,” Mr Joyce said.

For more information on the Regional Airports Program, visit 

But for some reason, Each Way Hitch takes issue with that announcement in this week's LMH:

Quote: Regional airports around Australia could all use a cash hand-out, so those that have been successful in the latest round of the Regional Airports Program (RAP) will not be complaining too loudly when the Federal Government's cheques are cashed. The RAP second round closed last December and so far very few announcements have been made. To be exact, four have been made. Last night, Armidale, Inverell, Quirindi and Tamworth were revealed as the latest beneficiaries of federal funding. If those airports seem close togther, you're getting warm. They're all in the federal electorate of New England, for which the sitting member is Barnaby Joyce ... the very bloke that controls the RAP purse strings. That explains why these four airports were singled out for a special announcement when other successful candidates are still under wraps. At the risk of stuffing a pillow into the mouth of the gift horse, making the announcement this way does nothing to quell accusations of porkbarrelling, which have been getting very loud since the whole carparks scandal broke. These airport are in need of as much funding as they can get, but don't need the negative light that comes with such controversy.

Also in the negative for BJ is the behind scenes announcement that MAC (Moorabbin Airport Corp) has been granted an extension (Feb 2022) by BJ to release their MAP??

This is seen as a negative as it gives MAC more time to respond to the MACC stakeholder submissions - I would say much MTF on that one...P2 -  Tongue

Meeeooow! - The Bitch in Hitch emerges as Joyce does what every elected member of parliament should be doing - taking care of his own backyard. Sure there's votes in it, but the pork-barrel angle can't be played up too hard; BJ is a shoo in on home turf. Now had he 'thrown' money into an opposition area to try and 'buy' a vote or two that would be a very different matter. But he has not - he's just honoured a promise made by government to upgrade the regional hubs. Be a nice thing if every politician went in to bat for their own airports - the few we have left.

P2 - "Also in the negative for BJ is the behind scenes announcement that MAC (Moorabbin Airport Corp) has been granted an extension (Feb 2022) by BJ to release their MAP??

Or, perhaps they've been given more time to consider ramping down the development  from pack rape to a stolen kiss. The 'plan' for Moorabbin would have decimated established aviation business and rendered the airport virtually unusable to air operations. Perhaps the time has been offered to allow a dignified withdrawal of the bulldozers with minimum loss of face and money. Who knows, but time is money and a project 'held up' for approvals will discourage the 'money'. Parked funding ain't 'working' money and the boys at the top end don't like delays mixed with a government spotlight.

Don't know - just saying......

(07-27-2021, 11:27 PM)Peetwo Wrote:  AMROBA Newsletter - July 2021.


[Image: AMROBA-1.jpg]
[Image: AMROBA-2.jpg]
[Image: AMROBA-3.jpg]
[Image: AMROBA-4.jpg]
[Image: AMROBA-5.jpg]

MTF...P2  Tongue

But - Can you handle the truth?

“Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing had happened.”

It took one coffee and a smoke to read and digest the undeniable truth and impeccable logic presented in the latest AMROBA newsletter. The results of the CASA meddling with ICAO visible to industry; the solutions clearly enunciated.

Clearly and undeniably the top draw at CASA have engineered the current situation; why is a question for another day. The urgent question begging answer is how fast can they undo the mischief?

That answer lays firmly and squarely with the DAS and the board. The will and the courage to make the logical changes must emanate from them; the urgency undeniable. A two year 'study' into ways and means will not suffice; industry needs to be unshackled and returned to a first world status, now - now. The facts provided in the AMROBA newsletter cannot be denied; nor obfuscated or excused in some whimsical, pseudo philosophical mumbo jumbo. The minister in not an unintelligent person, the business opportunities being denied to the Australian aviation industry is border line criminal. The facts have been presented - time to bring in the repair crews.

“Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.”

Ten short minutes needed to grasp the problem - seconds to decide to act for the benefit of this nation, a week needed to bring in the expertise to unbutton the mess. Pick up the phone Minister - make it happen - just do it and put an end this travesty.

Please explain - What's the hold up?

Toot - toot.

(07-29-2021, 08:15 AM)Kharon Wrote:  But - Can you handle the truth?

“Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing had happened.”

It took one coffee and a smoke to read and digest the undeniable truth and impeccable logic presented in the latest AMROBA newsletter. The results of the CASA meddling with ICAO visible to industry; the solutions clearly enunciated.

Clearly and undeniably the top draw at CASA have engineered the current situation; why is a question for another day. The urgent question begging answer is how fast can they undo the mischief?

That answer lays firmly and squarely with the DAS and the board. The will and the courage to make the logical changes must emanate from them; the urgency undeniable. A two year 'study' into ways and means will not suffice; industry needs to be unshackled and returned to a first world status, now - now. The facts provided in the AMROBA newsletter cannot be denied; nor obfuscated or excused in some whimsical, pseudo philosophical mumbo jumbo. The minister in not an unintelligent person, the business opportunities being denied to the Australian aviation industry is border line criminal. The facts have been presented - time to bring in the repair crews.

“Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.”

Ten short minutes needed to grasp the problem - seconds to decide to act for the benefit of this nation, a week needed to bring in the expertise to unbutton the mess. Pick up the phone Minister - make it happen - just do it and put an end this travesty.

Please explain - What's the hold up?

Toot - toot.

Addendum: Sandy and KC in agreement??

K this kind of fits... Wink 

Via email chain:


I’ve just read your newsletter which I found on AP. 

I think this is excellent work, enhanced as it is with graphics and photos, and showing the new leaders that have the power to make the changes we know must take place. This clearly sets out a viable pathway.

I’ve thought for some time that the independent corporate model of governance is wrong and can’t work long term. I’m sure that inserting into the Act certain principles would go much of the distance, but in essence we will still come up against the inflexible, and inevitably self serving, nature that tends to come with such bodies. Just the fact that, in this instance, CASA can be sued as an entity will tend to cause it to protect itself. Also the ability to set for itself ‘commercial’ rates of pay is a factor that will cause it to invent permits and increase fees and generally boost it’s own importance. 

For our democracy and free enterprise to provide opportunities and prosperity there must be a definite line of accountability through our elected representatives in the administration of areas like aviation. Only via the political sphere, in the wider sense, not party political, can community values and expectations be expressed.  I can’t see a better way for aviation than reverting to Ministerial responsibility through a Department. 

Appreciate your thoughts and I think we are indebted to you and AMROBA’s tenacity and hard work. 



Hope your newsletter can be circulated widely amongst MPs.

The COAG General Competition Principles are entrenched in the Anti Competition Acts.
Though we were bound by tthese in my time, I believe DASA John McCormick dropped these principles.
Our discussion with Pip today confirmed they are trying to make things work without a commitment yet to change.
I got the impression they are trying to adopt the FAR requirements.
Yes, I totally agree, Ben is working on obtaining all GA associations, around 30 plus, to co-sign the proposal we have devloped.
Agree it should be sent to all Federal Politicians.
CASA’s past DASs have spent a decade of submitting RISs that obviiously did not address competion resulting in the damage to GA.
Ken Cannane


Thanks for that update, working with MPs is our best hope in my view. I hope Ben fares better than previous attempts to get agreement across all GA bodies, and if not put our case sooner rather than wait for more to come on board. As you point out the status quo in some areas suits those operators who have done the hard yards and spent a bucket load of cash to satisfy the greedy maw of CASA.

So the CASA CEO Pip Spence is not committed to change which seems odd if she is trying to adopt the FARs.

The devil's advocate in me asks if she is in charge why "try to adopt"? Why not say "we will adopt"? Maybe its easier to talk about it, we better have another inquiry, dust off all those previous submissions folks, or wait for Senator McDonald's two year regurgitation to grind to a halt, then to drop precisely into the same black hole as all the other inquiries.

There's no way that working with the present rules and structure of CASA, if that is what is meant, can result in any real improvements. Hopefully the qualifier "yet" will translate to reform but without Minister Barnaby Joyce requiring reform and change, I don't expect the CEO to make much difference. Ms Spence has been in position already for months and not one telling change has happened to give the staff of CASA any real discomfort, let alone a substantive reform giving heart to General Aviation, correct me if I've missed something. Ms. Spence could have already given relief through instructions to AVMED, and commenced any number of reforms from the Forsyth report and around the ASIC question via Home Affairs.


Agree. At least they are trying to make the US independent FI system fit under the regs.
Once they do the exercise, they will come to the conclusion that amendments are required.
In the meantime, we need to lobby the pollies.
Ken Cannane

MTF...P2  Tongue

A little ray of sunshine.

DPM Joyce, once again shows his willingness to help the regional centres and protect the essential air services provided.

The cost of rehabilitating a mothballed aircraft; re qualifying flight crew and shaking an air service back on line is a serious number. Air services are heavily dependent on 'cash flow' i.e. bums on seats. Those seats must be available on demand when restrictions ease. Any help offered to ensure a return to service is much appreciated. Thank you. - Sound and vision - HERE -

Ghosts of McDonaught and dazzling Dazza continue to haunt BJ -  Confused 


(08-05-2021, 05:16 PM)Peetwo Wrote:  
Quote:Civil Aviation Act 1988—

Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Flight Operations—Consequential
Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Regulations 2021 [F2021L00200]—
Replacement explanatory statement.
P2 - Hmm...what about the amendment?
Civil Aviation Regulations 1988—Civil Aviation Order 20.16.3 Amendment
Instrument 2021 (No. 1) [F2021L01026].
Civil Aviation Regulations 1988 and Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998—
Carriage of Children with a Serious Medical Condition (Regional Express)
Instrument 2021—CASA EX79/21 [F2021L01052].
Carriage of Children with a Serious Medical Condition (Virgin Australia
International Airlines) Instrument 2021—CASA EX80/21 [F2021L01046].
No. 107—3 August 2021 3813
Civil Aviation Safety Amendment (Unmanned Aircraft Levy Collection)
Regulations 2021 [F2021L01027].
Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998—
ATC Licence (PARM Endorsement) – Exemptions from Recency and
Currency Requirements Instrument 2021—CASA EX06/21 [F2021L01051].
Canopy Latching—AD/LANCAIR/1 Amdt 2 [F2021L00969].
Cessna Aircraft (Cessna Supplemental Inspection Documents
Requirements) Exemption 2021—CASA EX67/21 [F2021L00861].
Flight Reviews, Proficiency Checks and Related Matters (Extensions of Time
Due to COVID-19) Exemptions Instrument 2021—CASA EX92/21
Life Jacket Standard (Heli-Aust Whitsundays Marine Transfer Operations)
Exemption 2021—CASA EX75/21 [F2021L00977].
Maintenance Control (Certain Class A Aircraft Only Engaged in Private
Operations) Exemption 2021—CASA EX91/21 [F2021L01041].
Medical Certification (Private Pilot Licence Holders with Basic Class 2
Medical Certificate) Exemption 2021—CASA EX69/21 [F2021L00867].
Nose Gear Lower Shock Absorber Assembly—AD/BEECH 200/45 Amdt 5
#1Statement of Expectations for the Board of the Civil Aviation Safety Authority for
the Period 1 July 2021 to 30 June 2023 [F2021L00929].

Civil Aviation (Unmanned Aircraft Levy) Act 2020—Civil Aviation (Unmanned
Aircraft Levy) Regulations 2021 [F2021L01028].

Strangely it has not been published on the CASA website, however if you go to this link HERE you will find the current SOE.

This is where it gets bizarre because the SOEs for CASA, ASA and ATSB would all appear to have been signed off by Mick Mack on the day he was rolled and the day before BJ was sworn in as DPM - WTF?

Quote: Date:
30 June 2021
Cited by:
0 cases
Legislation cited:
3 provisions
Cases cited:
0 cases

Statement of Expectations for the Board of the Civil Aviation Safety Authority for the Period 1 July 2021 to 30 June 2023

I, Michael McCormack, Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development, make the following instrument.
Dated      21 June 2021
Michael McCormack
Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development
  1. Overview
This instrument is the Statement of Expectations for the Board of the Civil Aviation Safety Authority for the period 1 July 2021 to 30 June 2023.
This Statement of Expectations (SOE) applies in respect of the period commencing

1 July 2021 and ending 30 June 2023, and replaces the previous SOE issued on 4 July 2019.
This SOE serves as a notice to the Board of the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) under section 12A of the Civil Aviation Act 1988 (the Act) and formalises my expectations concerning the operations and performance of CASA.
CASA should perform its functions in accordance with the Act, the Airspace Act 2007 and the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 (PGPA Act) as well as other relevant legislation.
I reiterate the Government’s expectation that CASA’s resources be used in an efficient, effective, economical and ethical way, following best practice principles and guidelines.
I also expect that the conduct and values of CASA’s Board and staff should be consistent with that of the Australian Public Service.
  1. Governance
I expect that the Board and the Director of Aviation Safety (DAS) will continue to work to enable the effective operation of CASA as the national aviation safety regulator.
I expect the Board to be responsible for the matters set out in the Act, including in particular, CASA’s strategic direction, risk management and corporate planning.
I also expect the Board to facilitate effective interaction between CASA and all stakeholders.
Subject to the Act, I expect the DAS, as the CEO of CASA, to be responsible for managing the operations of CASA, its organisational capacity, and the performance of its statutory functions. This includes the development and implementation of effective and efficient regulation, executive-decision making, and all day-to-day operational, financial, personnel and administrative activities.
I expect the Board to keep the Secretary of the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications (Department) and myself fully informed of CASA’s actions in relation to the requirements stated in this SOE, and promptly advise of any events or issues that may materially impact on the operations of CASA, including through quarterly progress reports from the Board against the Corporate Plan and this SOE.
I expect CASA to perform its functions consistent with Australia’s international obligations where appropriate, including the requirements of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).
  1. Regulatory Approach
I expect CASA will continue its regulatory approach, in accordance with its regulatory philosophy, with:

Quote:(a)          a focus on the safety of air navigation as the highest priority;
Quote:(b)          consideration of the economic and cost impacts on individuals, businesses and the community; and
Quote:©          a pragmatic, practical and proportionate approach to regulation as it applies to different industry sectors.

  1. Key Initiatives
I expect CASA, in conducting its responsibilities as the aviation safety regulator, will focus on the following key initiatives:

Quote:(a)          continue effective engagement with industry in the lead up to the implementation of the flight operations suite of regulations.
Quote:(b)          support Airservices Australia (Airservices) and the Department of Defence (Defence) in the implementation of the OneSKY project through timely approval and certification, in addition to the continuing regulatory oversight of Australia’s existing air traffic management system.
Quote:©          work closely with the Department and Airservices to ensure the integration of Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) into Australian airspace, including regulatory oversight of the safety aspects of unmanned aviation operations. This includes supporting the development and progression of initiatives outlined in the National Emerging Aviation Technologies (NEAT) Policy Statement.
Quote:(d)          support Airservices in its development and implementation of a new Flight Information Management System (FIMS) to underpin Australia’s Unmanned Traffic Management (UTM) ecosystem, through timely regulatory review.
Quote:(e)          provide regulatory oversight for major aerodrome infrastructure projects, including significant new runway projects, as well as providing authoritative and timely advice to me and the Department on matters related to leased federal airport developments.
Quote:(f)          ensure sufficient resources are applied to the regulatory oversight of the development of Western Sydney Airport and associated airspace in order to support the safe and on-time delivery of regulatory decisions required for the project.
Quote:(g)          continue to share safety information consistent with the Safety Information Policy Statement agreed with the Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB).
Quote:(h)          work collaboratively with the Department and Airservices on modernising airspace management, including, as the regulator, leading the development of an Australian future airspace framework consistent with the Government’s airspace policy objectives, and shaping Australia’s future airspace policy and regulatory framework.
Quote:(i)         work collaboratively with Geoscience Australia and Airservices to help ensure CASA’s regulatory oversight enables safe and timely implementation of satellite-based augmentation systems in the aviation environment.
Quote:(j)           work collaboratively with the Australian Space Agency to facilitate the advancement of Australia’s space policies and industry through timely decision-making and the provision of advice.
Quote:(k)          continue to ensure CASA’s training and recruitment strategies provide the organisation with the skills and expertise to meet the current and emerging challenges in aviation safety regulation.

  1. Stakeholder Engagement
I expect CASA will continue to:

Quote:(a)          undertake effective and appropriate engagement with Government, commercial, industrial, consumer and other relevant stakeholders and bodies, recognising the various sectors that encapsulate the aviation industry, and undertake effective and ongoing engagement with those various sectors.
Quote:(b)          communicate clearly and regularly with relevant Government agencies, industry and other key stakeholders regarding CASA’s activities and functions.
Quote:©          work closely with the Department and other Government agencies, including the ATSB, Airservices and Defence, to deliver integrated and comprehensive safety advice to the Government, the aviation industry and the community.

Hmm...much, much MTF me thinks...P2  Tongue

Wonerfool words, eferyfink will be awwite cos the brainiacs in Aviation Hearse are the world’s best practised at chuckin bombs on those nut cases that fly little air planes. And having Mums is a beautiful thing without which we’d all be much pawer I fink.
Only a couple of minor matters seem to be inadvertently left out, how about restore flying training and reduce red tape?… just for starters.

Red tape is what binds the public sector together methinks Sandy. We are just plebs there for them to play with.

The promulgation of the CASA SOE dated 21 june covers the period out to june 2023. That means Mc Cormack and CASA have effectively tied the new Ministers - BJ -  hands before he can grab the steering wheel.

The key to the expectations is in the wording:

expect CASA will continue its regulatory approach, in accordance with its regulatory philosophy, with:

(a)         a focus on the safety of air navigation as the highest priority;
(b)          consideration of the economic and cost impacts on individuals, businesses and the community; and
©          a pragmatic, practical and proportionate approach to regulation as it applies to different industry sectors.“

I have to say, I like the guy who did this. I couldn’t have done better myself in avoiding being held accountable for anything. What this effectively says is we will do what we bloody well like while sounding impressive.

“It’s” approach. Not an ICAO compliant evidence based approach, our own personal approach which has done so much good.

“focus” - what we feel like doing, like persecuting a particular operator. Latest victims: Glen Buckley, Bristell, Angel Flight. Meanwhile obvious shocks get a free pass.

“consideration” - we have considered your objections and will ignore them, now go away.

“pragmatic, etc” - What we think is pragmatic, not what you think is pragmatic.

Meaningless drivel.

Notice that none of the key initiatives require CASA to be accountable for key deliverables? It’s all about CASA working to assist others. There is not one hard target accountability for which CASA is responsible.


"Notice that none of the key initiatives require CASA to be accountable for key deliverables? It’s all about CASA working to assist others. There is not one hard target accountability for which CASA is responsible."

Which is exactly what CAsA set out to do thirty odd years ago. Initiated by a Ex East German lawyer, they transferred Aviation law into the criminal code, reversing the onus of proof under strict liability from prosecutor to accused. Then began the torturous journey through a thirty year hiatus of false starts, sub defuse, flim flams and obfuscation to arrive where we are today, basically living with regulatory Fraud, and we the people, paid out hundreds of millions of dollars for them to do it to us and are still doing to us.

“initiated by an ex east german lawyer?” your kidding, right?

All together now - - -

Fortissimo (with gusto)  "Oh no he's not"

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