MH370 - time to think of it as a criminal act

I reckon 93% of the 370 story is pony-pooh. There are only two scenario's which have NOT been discussed and are notable by their absence.

Not saying either option is correct, just saying that the two elephants in the room have yet to break wind.

Elephant One. The pilot went rogue and threatened to do something nasty and they shot it down; cover up to follow.

Elephant two. The aircraft was electronically hijacked and they buggered the hijack up, lost the ship and the 'cred' that goes with it. Silence is golden and back to the drawing board.

That's it - said my say and I'm done with it, until the aircraft is found; or, some sane evidence is presented.

Hat, coat, darts - good: I'm out a here.

Long time, no post; hope all is well at AP.

With the search for MH370 now suspended indefinitely, I'd like to build a database of sourced & verifiable data with which to objectively assess theories of MH370's fate. For example: a theory based on a claim of evidence that "flight XXX passed near MH370 at time hh:mm UTC" is definitively debunked if the database shows no possibility of path intersection. (It makes no sense to me to allow conspiracy theorists to fill the vacuum left by the search's failure; sane people must step up and take a leadership role.)

Data I already have:
1. search ship tracks
2. fixed military radar for a small subset of area of interest (IG paper on D. Steel forum)
3. flight path of MH370 to end of Malaysian SSR coverage (roughly 17:21 UTC)
4. drift model data from a dozen different sources (forward from search zone, reverse from Réunion)

Data I still seek:
1. fixed (& mobile) military radar locations (as at 18:40 UTC on Mar 7, 2014, +/- 1 hour, if mobile) & ranges, for assets under any possible flight path of MH370:
A) "western route": Indonesia eg Sabang, Sibolga, etc. India: eg Baaz aka Campbell Bay, CarNic, etc
B) "southern sub-route" Australia: eg JORN, Christmas Island, Cocos Island US: e.g. Diego Garcia
C) “northern sub-route”: Thailand, India (Hindon, eg), Pakistan, Nepal, China, Afghanistan (Bagram, eg), Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, etc
E) "north-eastern route:" Viet Nam, China, etc
F) AEGIS-equipped destroyers, etc (eg USS Pinckney)
G) aerostat radar systems (eg tethered balloons)
H) radar-equipped fighter jets, etc
I) mobile ground stations

2. flight paths (records giving, at minimum*, time, latitude, & longitude) of all flights "in the news":
A) passenger saw debris (MH361, SV2058, etc)
B) used to cloak (SIA68, etc)
C) pilot tried to radio (Narita-bound, 1/2 hour ahead: MH88, JAL750, NH916, NH932, VN950, VN902 (?), etc; Shanghai-bound: MH386)
D) what witnesses “truly” saw (DQA149, etc)
E) really close to MH370 (MH52, KAL672)

* If location data is unavailable, the actual times of TO & landing, together with the filed flight plan, will suffice (I can build the track log myself) - as long as these are still sourced.

3. Verifiable fuel models/tables sufficiently detailed to compute a firm max range (in nm) for MH370, given known weight, speed & altitude, and fuel on board as at final ACARS transmission (and assuming optimal max-range speed & altitude thereafter)

None of the above categories, subcategories or examples are meant to be exhaustive – just trying to prime the pump with a few examples of what we’re trying to compile, here. If you have other examples of data that could potentially help, please post it.

Huge thanks in advance to anyone who can contribute sourced data.

MH370 - The question remains cock-up or cover-up?

Once again welcome Brock, long time no hear... Wink  

Not sure about any new sourced data but going off the latest from Victor & co I get the impression there could be some serious questions etc. asked around the halls of Parliament House and the ATSB in the not too distant future??

Quote:MH370 Message Logs Were Edited

by Victor Iannello
POSTED: FRIDAY, 8/31/2018

[Image: ACARS.png]ACARS Message Paths ( From “Analyzing Security Breaches in ACARS”, Smith et al., 2017)

Fellow MH370 Independent Group members Don Thompson and Richard Godfrey have found some anomalies in the message logs that were included in Factual Information (FI) released by Malaysia on March 8, 2014, and the Safety Investigation Report (SIR) released by Malaysia on July 30, 2018. The logs from these two reports document the communication between MAS Operations Dispatch Center (ODC) and service providers that route messages over SATCOM and VHF paths, as part of the Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System (ACARS).

The anomalies suggest the traffic logs appearing in the reports are not complete, and what appears in the reports has been modified.

A simplified schematic of the ACARS is shown in the figure. For MAS, the service provider for satellite communications is SITA using the Inmarsat network and the service provider for VHF communications is ARINC using a network of ground stations.

Missing Messages Between 18:15:23 and 18:43:33

According to text in both the FI and the SIR, an urgent message from MAS ODC was submitted at 18:03 and then re-transmitted multiple times:

The first message sent to the aircraft cockpit printer from the MAS ODC was at 1803:23 UTC. The ACARS message requested the crew to contact the HCM ACC immediately. The incoming downlink message at 1803:24 UTC showed the message failed to reach the aircraft. Messages are auto transmitted every 2 minutes and themessage was retransmitted until 1843:33 UTC but all messages failed to get a response. Automated downlink message by ACARS showed ‘failed’. 

However, the last message from MAS ODC that was shown in both the FI and SIR traffic logs occurred at 18:15:23, and not the 18:43:33 stated in the text. This means that either the explanatory text is wrong, or the traffic logs do not contain all the message traffic.

VHF Messages Not Included

The missing messages could be explained if they were routed via the VHF link. For the ACARS traffic log in the FI, the filter parameters used to extract the message records included only SATCOM traffic for the time period 12:48:00 to 20:00:00, so that if any VHF messages were exchanged, those messages would not be included in the traffic log. (The filter parameters appear at the top of each page of the traffic log in Appendix 1.9A.)

The facts surrounding the ACARS traffic log in the SIR (also Appendix 1.9A) are more suspicious. For Page 1 of the log, the filter parameters did not limit the messages to only SATCOM messages. In fact, at 15:54:31, there is a message submitted by MAS ODC over the VHF link that requests personnel on the aircraft to re-configure the center VHF radio so that future messages would be exchanged via SATCOM. However, starting with Page 2 of the report, the filter parameters used to generate the remaining pages of the report were changed so that VHF messages, if any occurred, were excluded.

The change in filter parameters after Page 1 is unexplained. Two messages received by MAS ODC at 15:41:41 and 15:54:53 appearing at the bottom of Page 1 are repeated at the top of Page 2. The change in filter parameters and the repeated messages are clear evidence that the traffic log in the SIR is actually two reports that were pieced together and presented as a single report.

Edited Text

As it appears in the ACARS traffic log in the SIR, the text message that was sent by MAS ODC at 18:03:23 is:

However, the last line of the message appears to have been edited. By examining the ASCII characters embedded in the PDF version of Appendix 1.9A, the following text can be extracted:

where MXXXXX is an actual name with six letters beginning with M.

There is also a misplaced © symbol on the bottom of the page that appears after the report page number on Pages 2 and later, but properly appears before the name “SITA” on Page 1. This is yet another indication of that the traffic log in the SIR was edited.

Request for Complete, Unmodified ACARS Logs

It is disappointing that more than four years after MH370’s disappearance, we are still asking Malaysia to release withheld data. The military radar data is another example of a data set that has never been released in full despite its significance in providing information about how the aircraft was flown after the diversion from the flight plan.

It is important that Malaysia provide a complete, unmodified log of all ACARS communications on SATCOM, VHF, and HF paths for the period between 12:48 and 20:00 on March 7, 2014. This is particularly significant in light of questions surrounding the delayed response of Malaysian authorities after MH370 went missing.


CE Whitehead says:

I agree data has come out too too slowly. If you get a chance, please let me know exactly why the misplaced copyright symbol is a sign of a tampered log. (I am sorry but I did not understand; I just assume the copyright symbol was misplaced. I cannot understand Malaysia’s reasons for wanting to cover-up unless it a cover-up exempts Malaysia from some liability for lax security or something.)

The question from an Australian perspective is whether our Govt was party to the deception; or innocent party to the cock-up/cover-up??

Perhaps Brock you could field your inquiries to Senator Patrick who could ask on your behalf either through FOI or Senate Order the data that you are after?

Senator Patrick QON for Budget Estimates:

Quote:Download question with answer 
Answer Attachment 

184 Attachment.pdf

Answered Date 

Tabled docs:

Quote:Mr Greg Hood, Australian Transport Safety Bureau
Statement regarding MH370
22 May 2018
PDF 1334KB
Mr Greg Hood, Australian Transport Safety Bureau
The Operational Search for MH370
22 May 2018
PDF 40709KB
Mr Peter Foley, Australian Transport Safety Bureau
MH370 Burst Frequency Offset Analysis and Implications of Descent Rate at End of Flight
22 May 2018
PDF 11736KB

MTF...P2  Cool

Thanks for the kind words, Peetwo.

By “not sure about any new data”, does that mean you have no memberships with any flight-tracking provider?

(Sorry to be such a cheapskate, but as I’ve said before: I’ve vowed never to spend - nor take - a penny for MH370 research.  I could have found a publisher for my many past reports - and pocketed a few bucks in sales - but chose to release them pro bono to the general public - along with any models used to develop the analysis.  I will do the same with any future research I publish - including anything that references data posted for me here.)

(08-18-2018, 04:57 PM)P7_TOM Wrote:  Elephant One. The pilot went rogue and threatened to do something nasty and they shot it down; cover up to follow.

[Playing Devil's Advocate here...]

But then the MYG could admit to that without any embarrassment or censure: 'Not an easy decision, but we had no choice - there would have been greater death on the ground'?

And if they hid it, where would the wreckage be? On land? - SCS? The Straits? The latter both very busy places which were initially searched, where wreckage could be seen and reported, and be expected to wash up. Not easy to hide.

Elephant two. The aircraft was electronically hijacked and they buggered the hijack up, lost the ship and the 'cred' that goes with it. Silence is golden and back to the drawing board.

If a third party hijack (not State) then we'd have to assume the main players knew what happened, otherwise why the need to classify and hide information.

Elephant 2b might be that the electronic hijack was successful. And the aircraft, when item(s) of interest had been removed, was given a descending flight plan to neatly fly itself into a remote part of the ocean on autopilot before dawn. Evidence disposed of. No need to villify any crewmember as the culprit in this scenario.

It's interesting that no attempt has been made to attribute this to any terrorist group (not even the usual suspects) nor anyone else.


KL's MOT releases full MH370 ACARS comms log?

It would appear that finally (after 4.5 years), through the perseverance and tireless efforts of the NOK and the IG, the Malaysians have been shamed into releasing the full MH370 ACARS Traffic log WinkACARS Traffic Log for MH370 (9M-MRO)

From Victor's blog:

Quote:Malaysia Responds by Releasing Full Message Log

by Victor Iannello
POSTED: FRIDAY, 9/7/2018

[Image: Message.png]
The missing ACARS message sent over the VHF link.

Today, Malaysia’s Ministry of Transport quietly released the full ACARS message log for MH370. The new log confirms that the traffic logs presented in previous reports were incomplete and edited, as asserted in a previous blog article. This release comes on the heels of a strong denial from Malaysia Airlines stating that it has “provided full cooperation and assistance to all respective authorities”.

Notably, the new log contains an additional ACARS message that was sent from MAS Operations Dispatch Center (ODC) and destined for MH370 over the VHF link. The message was sent at 18:38:51 and was intended to be displayed in the cockpit on a Control Display Unit (CDU), which a pilot uses to perform tasks such as programming the flight computers. The message was not received by MH370, and was re-sent by MAS ODC at 18:39:52, 18:40:42, and 18:41:52, failing each time. The text of the message was:


The new log confirms that there was a renewed attempt to initiate communications with MH370 using ACARS over the VHF link at 18:38:51. The error messages that were generated confirm that the VHF link was not available at that time, likely because MH370 was not logged into ARINC’s server. ARINC was MAS’ service provider for ACARS over VHF.

Also of note is the new ACARS message was sent about a minute before an attempted telephone call over the satellite link at 18:39:56, suggesting an increase in activity at MAS ODC at this time.
The new log contains other traffic between MAS ODC and other ground computers. This data is under examination for additional clues. The new log also confirms that the name of the MAS ODC employee that sent the ACARS messages was redacted from the message logs in previous reports.


haxi says:

[This first appeared under the previous post.]
I AM @nineinchhair, sorry about the name confusion.
There seems to be no official statement. Just a new link, appeared today on the official Website of the Ministry of Transport Malaysia.(
One friend would routinely refresh the Website every day to see if there are any updates. And he shared the link. He also leads a self-organized group of Chinese aviation enthusiasts who gather online to discuss MH370-related topics.
We have some NoK members in the group. They told us that the Malaysian investigation team would visit Beijing around Oct. 17, presumably to provide more detailed information.

Should make for an interesting read and maybe there might be some more signs of attempted cover-up by the Malaysians? Wonder how long it will be before we can shame the KL MoT into releasing the full radar coverage records?

Back to Fori's 'devils advocate' summary on 'elephant 2' -  Rolleyes 

This was the MH370 JIT (Final Report briefing) powerpoint summary for the ET hypothesis:  

Quote:[Image: ET-1.jpg]

[Image: ET-2.jpg]

[Image: ET-3.jpg]

Note that JIT don't totally discount the possibility of a remote takeover but they do discount a takeover using the Boeing patent. IMO what greatly reduces the probability of the ET hypothesis is the fact that it now looks like the initial turnback could not have been accomplished using the MH370 autopilot and automatic flight navigation systems (ie. auto-flight computer systems): pg 281 of FR.

Quote:..The turn would have been carried out with the autopilot disengaged, as it was not possible to achieve a turn time of 2 minutes and 10 seconds (as suggested by recorded data) using autopilot. The manoeuvre can be performed by a single pilot. The Team also noted that the aircraft’s flight path from after the turn was consistent with the navigation being set to LNAV and/or heading mode, following published and/or manual waypoints that are not normally used with normal route (published airways between Kota Bharu and Penang)...

However keep in mind that the radar data, made public to this point in time, has been sketchy with many iterations and updates from what can best be described as sources with numerous conflicting interests... Dodgy 

MTF...P2  Cool

Hi again, Peetwo.

By “not sure about any new data”, does that mean you have no memberships with any flight-tracking provider?

Hi Brock – no; it just means that we have no ‘new’ data, to add to that available to us and anyone else who is interested; but no access to anything vaguely ‘secret’. There are enough loud voices and groups capitalising publically on the relatives misery and the vicarious commercial interests are creating through unfounded speculation, without Aunt Pru chipping in.

The act was criminal; who committed the crime is unknown; and, until those who know all about it are identified and the true story emerges, there is nothing of any value to be garnered or added. We shall watch and wait in silence until some real facts and solid, empirical evidence emerges from the stew.

My two bob, spent as pleased me best.

MH370 QON for KL Govt?

Using the GT MH370 21 Sept '18 article, blogger Aviation Investigator asks the QON that deserve answers:


October 1, 2018
[/url]Posted by Agent Keanu.

[Image: b621fc_1a0bd6913e104515a2644010442c8d13~mv2.webp]

By Geoffrey Thomas September 21, 2018
Two of the world’s leading experts on the disappearance of MH370 have accused Malaysia of failing to faithfully and diligently pursue the investigation into the flight’s mysterious disappearance and have detailed what has been left out of the flawed investigation. [i][BHUAP maybe?!]

Mike Exner and Don Thompson, members of the Independent Group (IG) of experts, say the investigation into MH370 “was heavily politically influenced and delayed.” They have called on Malaysia to make more information public to help independent researchers locate the missing plane.
The IG group has provided detailed analyses of the search for MH370 for the past four years and includes experts in physics, radar, satellite technology, mobile satellite communications, avionics designers (GPS) and airline flight simulators. And a number are pilots.
In an exclusive interview with, the IG experts outline seven areas where Malaysia either needs to commit to doing more or providing additional information on MH370.
The first and most important is a new analysis of the radar data collected for the missing Boeing 777. [INMARSAT finally located their misplaced data, 3 weeks after the search was called off. Very convenient!]
Blaine Gibson [conducting his own private search] and Nick Connite in Madagascar [have commented that...] “The Safety Investigation Team has failed to provide any useful analysis of data from the military radar,’’ they said. “It is important to establish if, when and where descents/climbs did occur and what impact that would have on fuel endurance and other implications. “Of course, there are the somewhat incredible statements about Indonesian and Royal Thai Air Defence Surveillance radar assets not detecting the Boeing 777 in the northern Straits of Malacca.” [Thai Military did in fact advise four days after the initial South China Sea search that they had observed two fast moving objects traveling east, prior to a larger object traveling back to the west.
When questioned as to why they had reported it so late they stated that because they were not in their airspace they were not deemed to be a threat].
Next, they want a complete “structural analysis of the most significant debris items” that have been found. The debris catalog includes two parts, a flap, and a flaperon, that originated from adjacent positions on the starboard wing. While much attention has been paid to the trailing edge of both parts, they argue the more significant damage is the fractures of the attachment structures, not the relatively weak trailing edge wedge part.

“To the knowledge of the IG, the Malaysian team has not attempted any level of structural analysis to investigate the fractures of the flap carrier or the flaperon hinge – PCU attachment structures,” they said. [My recent understanding is that the metabolic testing facility in Toulouse, France, has claimed they never received the Flaperon for testing. This no doubt accounts for the Acting Minister of Transport - Hussein - declining to comment at a press conference, [two years after March 2014] when asked why we had not received anything in writing re the flaperon testing results. I've seen it noted that Boeing confirmed the flaperon belonging to 9M-MRO [the aircraft which serviced MH370 on March 08 2014]. I note Boeing are conspicuous for their absence in making any comment. I have certainly seen nothing in writing from Boeing - [or any organisation] - stepping up to the plate and confirming and showing evidence of the match in the part serial number].
Although the ATSB has conducted an analysis of the MH370 flap found in Tanzania and determined it was retracted, the IG Group wants all pieces analyzed. Thirdly, IG is demanding that all available debris items from Indian Ocean territories be collected. “A significant part of the number 2 engine inlet cowl, the mounting root of a vortex generator chine, remains in Madagascar,’’ they said. “This debris must be collected and analyzed for additional clues,”
Much of this debris was found by wreck hunter Blaine Gibson The IG also want a more comprehensive oceanographic analysis of the drift modeling for each of the different debris items. “We believe there is scope to work further on this,’’ the group said. “David Griffin’s (CSIRO) and Chari Pattiarachi’s (UWA) work has been highly commendable, but we have a number of dissimilar debris items, each with unique buoyancy, leeway and draught characteristics.”
Also, of concern to IG is what happened at the MAS Operational Dispatch Centre, and why the flight operations officer/flight dispatcher was so misinformed for such a period of time. [This is commented on in the new Malaysian Government's recent report. There was a lack of training and there was staff vacancies not filled. The entire operation was mishandled, as was the initial area they chose to search, but I firmly believe that these aspects were all a crucial part in the delay tactics of Malaysia in starting a search and in seeking the truth].
IG also calls for categorical attributing of the ATC ground-air recordings. [My understanding of this is that the Captain did the taxiing to the runway hold whilst the First Officer handled the Communications. At point of hold, prior to rolling, the Captain took over the communications whilst the First Officer flew the aircraft. This was to be the signing-off flight, with Captain Zaharie doing the final assessment of the First Officer. It is my understanding that Zaharie's voice was on the ATC recording as acknowledging the changeover to HCM ATC in Vietnam]. “Some contention remains, from informed parties, for voice identification of the crew member speaking during radio transmissions,’’ the group said “The investigation should reopen this question to determine who was speaking at each transmission, which mic was in use, and any inferences those findings might suggest.’’ [Without the CVR from 9M-MRO I cannot see how which microphone was in use at the time, can be established].
Finally, the group wants confirmation of the role and technical area of expertise of the aircraft engineer Zulhaimi bin Wahidin, with whom Captain Zaharie Shah had a long telephone conversation on February 2, 2014. “What was the substance of that long conversation? And who made the three attempts to contact Captain Zaharie Shah later on the morning of the disappearance,” it said. [i]. The IG Group does not buy into the innocence of Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah, despite attempts by the investigation team to suggest unlawful interference by a third party [/i]may have been involved. [The reason the investigation team suggested third party interference is because there WAS such. Refer to the specifications of the BHUAP, which is accessible on You Tube. Search for Abel Danger + BUAP. Video produced March 08 2014]


Perhaps now might be the time to ramp up the pressure on the KL Govt to provide full frank and factual answers to the above (and other) QON?  Dodgy    

MTF...P2  Cool

P7_Tom: thanks for the reply - always appreciated.

So you DO have a paid account with a flight tracking service, then...?

(If I could squeeze just one measly flight track dataset out of  just one contributor to just one online MH370 forum, it might inspire others to come forward to lend a hand.  I’ll give you a single flight - chosen at random from the long list above: MH361, Mar.9, 2014.  Thanks so much in advance for your time and consideration.)

(10-03-2018, 07:53 AM)Brock McEwen Wrote:  P7_Tom: thanks for the reply - always appreciated.

So you DO have a paid account with a flight tracking service, then...?

(If I could squeeze just one measly flight track dataset out of  just one contributor to just one online MH370 forum, it might inspire others to come forward to lend a hand.  I’ll give you a single flight - chosen at random from the long list above: MH361, Mar.9, 2014.  Thanks so much in advance for your time and consideration.)

Brock sorry mate but I am not sure any AP members have a paid account for a flight tracking/flight radar type service. I know that Ventus has a marine AIS (ship tracking) subscription, maybe he has, or knows someone who has access/subscription to Flightradar etc.

Cheers P2.

Ps Brock I presume you tried the 7-day free trial for historical records of MH361 etc.?  See bottom of here -

Hi P2,

I am fortunate to have been given a guest log-in to Big Ocean Data by Mike Chillit, to assist in the monitoring of the search for MH370 by Ocean Infinity. As I think most here are aware, OI are currently searching for the missing Argentinian Submarine ARA San Juan, and many of us are monitoring that effort. In fact, Seabed Constructor put to sea for "swing 2"', about 24 hours ago.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=425]

She is now almost back to the search area. The tracks in the search area are for the last three weeks.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=426]

With regard to aircraft tracking, the answer is, unfortunately,  no. I do not have any paid access to such data.

.jpg Inbound Area 5 - North.JPG Size: 197.38 KB  Downloads: 114

Ventus, Peetwo: thanks much for your responses.

P7_Tom: have you paid for access to any aircraft tracking services? Even if I could get a couple of takeoff and landing times, that would be outstanding. (I know Peetwo seemed to answer in the negative on your behalf, but I’d prefer to confirm directly with you - thanks.)

TOM is playing the Banjo and entertaining the dogs. Far be it from me to break the spell.

“Brocks wants information” says I.

“Quote the Bible” says he.

Herewith the appropriate quotations; L&K P7:-

“Even a fool is thought wise if he keeps silent, and discerning if he holds his tongue.”

“Even a fool, when he holdeth his peace, is counted wise: and he that shutteth his lips is esteemed a man of understanding”.

That’s it.

French MH370 criminal investigation continues Rolleyes

It seems like the French are the only 'directly interested party' left that suspects and is investigating a criminal conspiracy in regards to the disappearance of MH370 - Vive La France... Wink      

Via Le Parisien:
Quote:Disappearance of the MH370: the displacement of French investigators in the United States raises the hope of relatives

[Image: 7922919_a621a342-d35d-11e8-a0d9-fe71cc0b...00x625.jpg]
The Frenchman Ghyslain Wattrelos lost four relatives in the disappearance of flight MH370. AFP / Thomas Samson
Frenchman Ghyslain Wattrelos, who has lost four relatives, calls on the United States to cooperate further in the investigation. It also reveals that the track of a piracy of the signal of the plane is considered.

For relatives of Miss Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 , hope is reborn. The investigators in charge of the case hope to go soon to the United States where crucial investigations must be carried out, said Thursday Ghyslain Wattrelos who lost four relatives in the disaster.

On March 8, 2014, 239 people disappeared after taking off from Kuala Lumpur aboard a Boeing bound for Beijing. If some debris that seems to belong to it were recovered in the Indian Ocean, no trace of the 239 passengers has ever been found. Ghyslain Wattrelos lost his wife and two of his children in the disappearance of the plane.

On Thursday, he was received with his lawyer, Marie Dosé, by the investigating judge in charge of the judicial information opened in France, to take stock of the investigations and the tracks to explore by the investigators.

"It's time for the United States to cooperate"

Among the priorities that mobilize the investigators, a trip to the United States is "back on the agenda", after a trip aborted in September yet planned as part of an international rogatory commission launched in October 2017, have- they announced at a press conference Thursday.

According to Dosé, this move had to be canceled, as the US authorities had opposed "confidentiality clauses" and then the "industrial secret" of the manufacturer Boeing.

"We are a little angry and now we want to say stop, it is time that the United States really cooperate on this issue," responded Ghyslain Wattrelos.

"It is necessary to go there because there are three entities that hold important information to know what happened on this flight," he continued. Starting with Boeing and the FBI, even if the investigators seem to have obtained assurances from the intelligence agency that they could be received, he said.

A company suspected of piracy

But attention is now also focused on a third entity, a company uncovered by investigators. The challenge, according to Ghyslain Wattrelos, is whether it sells software capable of reprogramming or even hack the Satcom, the antenna that communicates to the Inmarsat satellite signal from the aircraft.

"The essential track is the Inmarsat data. Either they are false or they have been hacked, "he says. However, these satellite data are essential to better understand the trajectory of the aircraft.

The handing over of the Malaysian investigation report in July had showered Ghyslain Wattrelos' hopes, but since then French investigators have suggested new hypotheses to explore.

A passenger with a troubling profile

In particular, the investigators found "inconsistencies" in the Malaysian investigation's official report and the presence of "curious" passengers, on whom "we had to continue to investigate". Among them is a Malaysian traveler with a troubling profile: he was sitting under the Satcom case and proving to be an expert in aeronautics, according to Ghyslain Wattrelos and his lawyer.

"To go further, the investigators need the cooperation of the United States, England (for the Inmarsat satellite) and after they will need to return to Malaysia," continued Ghyslain Wattrelos.

In the investigations that remain to be conducted, "we must open the right doors and close the others," said Dosé, ensuring that "the judges do not want to stick to the obstacles that will come before them".

Here is a link and quote for Victor Iannello's blog piece response to the Le Parisien story:

Quote:...It’s not clear what additional information the French investigators expect to obtain while in the US. Boeing has cooperated with the Annex 13 investigation team, and is unlikely to provide private French investigators with data that has not already been made public. Meanwhile, the FBI is unlikely to release information on matters related to ongoing or past investigations.

The mysterious “third entity” referred to by Mr Wattrelos that might be selling software capable of maliciously altering SATCOM data is also unknown, although there are a handful of companies in the US and Canada that supply hardware and software for designing, building, and testing parts of the Inmarsat network.

Independent investigators that are studying this mystery are at an impasse. Although the overwhelming consensus is that MH370 did indeed crash in the Southern Indian Ocean, the considerable efforts of official and private
investigators have not succeeded in locating the debris field on the seabed. The data we have, notably the satellite data, is imprecise, so additional data is needed to reconstruct the trajectory of the plane.

There is always the chance that during Mr Wattrelos’ visit to the US, some new evidence or insights will be uncovered that help us to better understand the disappearance and to find the plane.

More likely, the existence of helpful new information will be found in Malaysia...

MTF...P2  Cool

French MH370 criminal investigation continues - Part II

By Marnie O'Neill, via

Quote:French investigators uncover mystery ‘third entity’, float new passenger theory in MH370 probe
THERE have been curious new developments in the French military’s ongoing probe into the fate of missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370.
[Image: marnie-oneill.png]
Marnie O’Neill@marnieoneill7 OCTOBER 24, 20182:40PM

[Image: 5aaa88f6c1a1ea81ed377b15dbec5ca7?width=650]
Police carry the most crucial debris found in the hunt for MH370 to date, a barnacle encrusted flaperon which washed up on the French-owned island of Reunion in 2015. Picture: EPASource:AAP

FRENCH investigators have uncovered a mysterious “third entity” which may be withholding technical data about the path taken by missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370.

They have also identified a number of “curious passengers” aboard the Boeing 777 who they believe warrant further investigation.

The potentially explosive new developments were revealed by Ghyslain Wattrelos, a French national who lost his wife and two teenage children on MH370, following his meeting last week with judges overseeing the Gendamarie Air Transport (GTA) investigation.

Mr Wattrelos said he was told the French team had found “inconsistencies” in the Malaysian investigation’s official report and identified the presence of “curious” passengers, whom “we should continue to investigate”.

They include a Malaysian national and aeronautics specialist seated directly under MH370’s Satcom module who potentially had the technical knowledge to hack the plane’s communication systems and disguise its route.

The GTA, an arm of the French military, is seeking to verify satellite and other technical data used by the Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB) to plot the plane’s journey to a remote part of the southern Indian Ocean off WA, where it is believed to have crashed in 2014 with 239 people on board.

[Image: b02c036a09168e616809edf820305eee?width=650]
Ghyslain Wattrelos, whose wife and two children were passengers on the ill-fated MH370, addresses media about the French investigation into the missing plane on October 19. Picture: AFPSource:AFP
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Ghyslain Wattrelos lost his wife Laurence (centre), son Adrian, 17 (left) and daughter Ambre, 13 (right) on Flight MH370, which vanished in 2014. Picture: FacebookSource:Supplied

Mr Wattrelos said investigators hoped to travel to the US to meet with the FBI, which examined MH370 Captain Zaharie Shah’s home flight simulator and representatives of Boeing in a bid to obtain and re-examine raw data.

A similar trip planned in September 2017 was cancelled after US authorities demanded the signing of “confidentiality clauses” to protect Boeing “industry secrets”.

He said French investigators had identified a “third entity” in possession of information and/or data relating to the movements of the missing plane.

“We are a little angry and now we want to say stop, it is time that the United States really cooperate on this issue,” Mr Wattrelos said.

“It is necessary to go there because there are three entities that hold important information for understanding what happened on this flight.”

In addition to verifying data provided by the FBI and Boeing, investigators were seeking to establish whether the “third entity” sold software capable of reprogramming or even hacking the Satcom, the antenna that communicates to the Inmarsat satellite from the aircraft.

“The essential trail is the Inmarsat data. Either they are wrong or they have been hacked,” Mr Wattrelos said.

“However, these satellite data are essential to better understand the trajectory of the aircraft.”

The identity of the “third entity” is unclear but in a Facebook message posted over the weekend, Mr Wattrelos refers to SITA.

SITA is a company which supplies Malaysia Airlines with communications via VHF radio and Inmarsat satellites for its fleet’s ACARS (Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System) avionics.

[Image: 1507607_1395565257394834_476109819810498...e=5C83BAA4]
Ghyslain Wattrelos

October 19 at 6:42 PM ·

Yesterday we had a meeting with the French judges in charge of the investigation (the only investigation I trust). This investigation is progressing well thanks to the srgta which is doing a huge job. However, there is still a lack of international cooperation to be able to the main conclusions of this meeting are:
* Judges ask to go to the USA for a year and a half; all excuses are good at canceling this trip on the American side of the world. Boeing must protect these Industrial Secrets It is essential to go to the FBI, Boeing and a company that sells devices to "program" the satcom.
* Sita company managing certain communications 
Between the plane and the satellites could not connect to the plane while inmarsat succeeded. Conclusion: either inmarsat or sita lied!

* The screening of passengers is subject to some issues qui will-have to be 
A Malaysian passenger sitting under the satcom HAS very good aeronautical knowledge (Could he-have hacked the satcom?) 
An Iranian Asks to pray for _him_ On His facebook count A Few days before. 
Two Ukrainians and an American also seem to have atypical profiles.

The Malaysian reports remain inconsistent with Malaysia: 
- plan at 58000 Feet while the 777 can not go above 43000 !! 
- only the copilot's phone on 239 people !!! 

[Image: safe_image.php?d=AQAArFasHNXKy5bJ&w=540&...UOsCI91h5v]

In the wake of MH370’s disappearance, SITA issued a statement saying it was co-operating with authorities investigating the plane’s fate.

“The Malaysia Airlines ACARS avionics communications via the SITA network is proprietary to the airline,” it said.

“We are fully supporting the airline and all the relevant authorities in their ongoing investigation of flight MH370.”

[Image: c5db285ac5b4e9a94bea478fc3f2f4d4?width=650]
Ghyslain Wattrelos lost his wife and two of their teenage children on MH370, which vanished on March 8, 2014 with 239 people on board. Picture: FacebookSource:Supplied

Engineer and aviation expert Dr Victor Iannello, who was a member of the Independent Group (IG) of advisers assisting the ATSB in the original search for MH370, expressed doubt the French would uncover evidence data had been deliberately removed or hacked.

“It’s not clear what additional information the French investigators expect to obtain while in the US. Boeing has co-operated with the Annex 13 investigation team, and is unlikely to provide private French investigators with data that has not already been made public,” he wrote on his blog. Meanwhile, the FBI is unlikely to release information on matters related to ongoing or past investigations.

“The mysterious ‘third entity’ referred to by Mr Wattrelos that might be selling software capable of maliciously altering SATCOM data is also unknown, although there are a handful of companies in the US and Canada that supply hardware and software for designing, building, and testing parts of the Inmarsat network.”

[Image: 567b258a749899d2bc0ee39bbacb33aa?width=650]

The original search area along the 7th arc, where MH370 is believed to have crashed, has been searched twice with no trace of the aircraft found. Picture: ATSBSource:Supplied
Dr Iannello said independent investigators trying to crack the MH370 mystery were “at an impasse”.
“Although the overwhelming consensus is that MH370 did indeed crash in the Southern Indian Ocean, the considerable efforts of official and private investigators have not succeeded in locating the debris field on the seabed,” he said.

“The data we have, notably the satellite data, is imprecise, so additional data is needed to reconstruct the trajectory of the plane.

“There is always the chance that during Mr Wattrelos’ visit to the US, some new evidence or insights will be uncovered that help us to better understand the disappearance and to find the plane.

“More likely, the existence of helpful new information will be found in Malaysia.”

France is the only country still actively investigating the fate of the plane, which vanished en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing on March 8, 2014 with 239 on board.

A three year, $200 million Australian taxpayer funded search of a previously uncharted, 120,000sq km section of seabed along the 7th Arc failed to uncover any trace of the doomed jet.

A second search carried out earlier this year by deep sea exploration company Ocean Infinity, which was offered a finder’s fee of up to $90 million by the Malaysian Government if it found the wreckage within 90 days, also came up empty.

[Image: 58170a92563213e3be6112ef9222c1c8?width=650]

Ocean Infinity research vessel Seabed Constructor docks at Henderson, south of Perth for a refuelling stop in February this year during its search for MH370. Picture: AFPSource:AFP

MTF...P2  Cool

Frog MH370 CI cont:  A Wise man once said Rolleyes  

Via JW blog:

Quote:French MH370 Investigators Eye “Spoof” Scenario


[Image: MH370-Russia-738922.jpg]

Interest in MH370 revived earlier this month after next-of-kin Ghislain Wattrelos held a press conference at which he revealed that he had been briefed by French judicial authorities about their investigation into the case. As the UK’s Daily Star reported,

Quote:Ghyslain Wattrelos lost his wife Laurence, and two teenage children Hadrien and Ambre when Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370 vanished on March 8, 2014, with 239 people on board.

Mr Wattrelos today revealed he was told by the French Gendamarie Air Transport (GTA) team investigating the jet’s disappearance they had found “inconsistencies” in the Malaysian investigation’s official report.

He claimed experts are investigating if navigation data from the missing plane could have been hacked to disguise the route it took before crashing into the ocean.
He also said he had been told several “curious passengers” warranted further investigation – including a Malaysian aeronautics expert seated directly beneath the satcom.

This was of course enormously interesting to me, as I had publicly pointed out in early 2015 that if the plane wasn’t in the southern Indian Ocean, the only conceivable explanation was that hijackers outside the cockpit had managed to perpetrate an extremely sophisticated hack of the satcom in order to make the signals seem like they were coming from a plane heading south when it was actually heading north. This idea met with widespread ridicule at the time, as most experts believed that the plane would certainly be found in the southern Indian Ocean where the satcom signals indicated it had flown. Subsequently, of course, it wasn’t–nearly a quarter billion dollars was spent on a seabed search that covered an area the size of the UK but turned up nothing.

At last, it seemed, the authorities were willing to take my idea seriously.

The Daily Star contacted me for a follow-up article:

Quote:[Wise] told Daily Star Online: “This (hacking lead) is an interesting development, because it’s exactly what I’ve been talking about for the last five years or so.

“While I haven’t looked at this particular passenger, the core of the argument I’ve been trying to make is that the Satellite Data Unit, or SDU, has a vulnerability that could be exploited to make the plane look like it went south when it really went north.”

He added: “What I pointed out is, are there any way these signals could have been tampered with?

“Is there some way that someone with ill-intent could have changed them?
“The answer is yes, there actually is a way that it’s physically possible that a person could get into the electronics bay, or directly access the data unit from ceiling of the cabin.

“And they could alter either the inputs into the SDU itself in such a way it would look like the plane was going south when it was going north.

“Do we have any reason to believe that’s the case? I would say yes.

“I think the main and most obvious one is having searched the seabed, based on signals of where the plane went, the plane is not there.”

Inmarsat data has led investigators to believe the plane crashed into the Indian Ocean west of Australia after running out of fuel.

But he has urged a re-analysis of this information, claiming that it could in actual fact have flown north instead.

The radius of one of the “handshakes” runs through Kazakhstan.

And Wise holds Russia as a suspect because of the shooting down of MH17 by a Russian military missile, and how the Kremlin’s annexation of Crimea fell off the news radar following MH370’s disappearance.

He told us: “What’s the motive? I can tell you this was happening in the context of Russia getting a lot of heat for the annexation of Crimea.

“I was on CNN six times a day, and CNN didn’t talk about Crimea anymore, they only talked about MH370 and so it was possible a diversion, a show of dominance.
“Because if I’m right and Russia did take the plane, they completely fooled, ran circles, the western authorities and experts have been completely bamboozled, with their pants caught down.

“I would say, only one other 777 has ever been lost mid-flight, that was the sistership of MH370.

“It was shot down by an operation carried out by the GRU. If you’re a chicken farmer, and you’ve never lost a chicken in 15 years, then you find one of your chickens murdered, and a week later you see a fox jumping over the fence with a chicken in its mouth, what would you think?

“What would be your primary suspect here? The only known cause of 777s coming to grief.”

All of which I stand by. I think the headline was unfortunately sensationalistic and misleading, however: “Plane ‘HIDDEN in Russian base’ as investigators swoop on new ‘hacking’ lead.” I’ve never said that I thought 9M-MRO is hidden on a Russian, and certainly not in all caps–though I am intrigued by the possibility that the plane might have touched down on the remote airstrip at Yubileyniy within the Baikonur Cosmodrome.

There is some very interesting commentary that follows - see 

Next I note that Victor Ianello has jumped on the Lion Air JT 610 floating debris field as a tangible link to MH370... Shy

Quote:Crash Debris from Lion Air JT610 Provides Clues about MH370
by Victor Iannello
POSTED: SUNDAY, 11/4/2018

Lion Air flight JT610, with 181 passengers and 8 crew, was climbing out of Jakarta on a flight to Pangkal Pinang (Indonesia) when control was lost at around 5,000 ft. Soon after, the Boeing 737-MAX 8 aircraft crashed into the Java Sea northeast of Jakarta. Although we don’t know the cause of the crash, there were some anomalies noted on the previous flight related to sensor disagreements for speed and altitude which required maintenance. Some suspect that these previous issues might have been related to the crash.

Luckily, the flight data recorder (FDR), commonly known as a “black box”, was recovered, and the approximate location is known for the cockpit voice recorder (CVR), the other “black box”, so there is a good probability that the cause of the crash can be determined.

Investigators are now claiming they have recovered 69 hours of data from the FDR, which would be sufficient to analyze JT610 as well as the preceding flight which had the anomalous behavior.

The last ADS-B data that we have from Flightradar24 has the aircraft at an altitude of 425 ft, a groundspeed of about 360 knots, and a descent rate of 30,976 fpm. That translates to an approximate true airspeed of 472 knots and a descent angle of about 40 deg. That suggests the aircraft impacted the sea with very high energy. Similarly, the final BFO values for MH370 suggest a downward acceleration of about 0.7g over 8 seconds, reaching a descent rate of about 15,000 fpm. Unless a pilot was at the controls and skillfully recovered from this descent, MH370 also impacted the sea with high energy. Therefore, the debris produced from the JT610 crash gives us some indication of the types of debris probably produced from the crash of MH370.

Indonesia’s National Search and Rescue Agency (BASARNAS) is in charge of the rescue and recovery operation for JT610, which is in water about 100 feet deep, with efforts reportedly hampered by strong underwater currents and limited visibility. Already one volunteer diver has lost his life while recovering body parts.

The video at the top shows floating debris for JT610. If the objects shown are truly representative of the main field of floating debris, it is evidence that a high speed impact produces only small floating parts spread over a fairly limited area. Now admittedly, a B777 is considerably larger than a B737, and the floating debris field should be easier to find. However, the surface search for MH370 in the Southern Indian Ocean (SIO) from the air began weeks after the disappearance, and the dispersive effects of waves and currents in the SIO are strong. The combination of a dispersed field and small parts might explain the failure for the air search to detect floating objects along the 7th arc. The small size of the floating parts might also explain why satellite images along the 7th arc have not spotted aircraft debris.

Despite the likelihood of small floating debris, the underwater searchers for MH370 expect to find a fairly substantial debris field (bigger than 100 m) and substantial, distinguishable objects such as the landing gear and engines, consistent with the debris field of Air France 447. This is also consistent with the parts of JT610 that have already been found on the seabed. For instance, the picture below shows an engine and part of the landing gear of JT610.

[Image: JT610_Engine_Gear.png]

To locate parts on the seabed, BASARNAS is using a combination of technologies, such as multi-beam echo sounders (MBES), side-scan sonar (SSS), magnetometers, and remotely-operated vehicles (ROV). The SSS technology has been the workhorse for the subsea search of MH370, used in both the towed vehicles and the underwater drones.

The video below shows divers helping to retrieve debris from the seabed.

The debris recovered from the crash of JT610 helps explain why no MH370 floating debris was spotted by air and by satellite along the 7th arc, and why we remain hopeful that it will be detected on the seabed with sonar sensors once the correct search area is selected.

MTF...P2  Cool

Russian expert reviews French MH370 criminal investigation -  Rolleyes  

Although somewhat lost in translation you can still get the gist of the following article from the French version of the Sputnik News:

Appearance of the "American trace" in the investigation of the flight MH370 disappeared
[Image: 1037576900.jpg]

21:19 12.11.2018(updated 10:51 13.11.2018)

There are still more questions than answers in the investigation into the March 2014 disappearance of the Malaysia Airlines Boeing MH370 over the Indian Ocean. Why did not the crew answer? Is this a hijacking? Is it true that Americans know more than they say? A Russian expert answers.

The disappearance on 8 March 2014 of flight MH370, which had departed Kuala Lumpur for Beijing, remains a mystery. The plane, a Malaysian Boeing 777, carried a total of 239 people including 12 crew members. In 2015, they were all declared dead in an accident, although their fate is still unknown. The question, and in particular a possible American trail in the case, was mentioned in the Russian MK newspaper by Sergei Melnichenko, director general of the international flight safety consulting and analysis agency.

The disappearance of such a large aircraft is an extremely rare event in the history of world aviation, he said. Very often, debris or even the black boxes of the plane are discovered on the second day of research. But flight MH370 remains surrounded by unresolved problems.

[Image: 1033320870.jpg]


British man claims to have discovered the missing MH 370 of Malaysia Airlines

On March 8, 2014, the Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 took off from Kuala Lumpur International Airport and disappeared over the South China Sea. The last radio communication "Good night, Malaysia 370" goes back to 1:19, he recalled. At 1:27, all communication with the device was lost. The control tower of the neighboring countries have attempted to contact the aircraft during the six hours that followed, but without success. According to the investigation, the Boeing allegedly flew about seven hours without ever responding to any air traffic controller, after which, without fuel, it would have begun to lose altitude, before its engines caught fire.

Sergei Melnichenko says it's possible, but why did the crew keep quiet? There is still no answer to this question. He recalled that the search operation had started in the South China Sea before moving into the Indian Ocean, to the western shores of Australia. However, nothing has been found.

[Image: 1036379056.jpg]

The crash of the Malaysian MH370 would have been intentional

The story received a new impetus this fall: there was a lot of information about Boeing debris found around the world, sometimes in the ocean, sometimes in the jungle. However, research organized in these sectors has never given anything.

He recalled that the last "discovery" of the genre belonged to a pastor who, after studying the Google maps, established that the plane was in Cambodia where he intended to go soon.

"In this context, a question must be asked: what to do with the debris and coins that have been declared authentic by the experts and found off Madagascar, near Reunion Island and on the eastern coast of the 'Africa ?, he asked. How did the plane end up in Cambodia? "

"The documents of the official investigation are full of inconsistencies," said Sergei Melnichenko, author of the book "MH370: a flight to nowhere."

"With my co-author Pavel Piatkine, we have reviewed all the reports of the Malaysian Investigation Commission and found a lot of shortcomings and facts that are hard to believe," he said.

[Image: 1016528961.jpg]

Last minute of the flight MH370 gone: a deadly tendril in the ocean?

For example, the copy of the flight plan lists several relief airfields in China, while the survey documents mention other sites. This casts doubt on the professionalism of the investigators or suggests that an order has been given to complicate the investigation as much as possible.

Sergei Melnichenko also returned to the investigation led by the Frenchman Ghyslain Wattrelos who lost his wife and two of his children in this accident. As an injured party, he had greater access to documents. For example, he was told that a Malaysian shipping representative traveling in the cabin had a diversion program and was able to enter the aircraft computer to change the data.

"This means that the investigation must focus on cybersecurity," said Sergei Melnichenko, adding that it was also essential to study satellite data.

There is finally the "American trace", he continued. Indeed, after the bombing of the twin towers, Boeing set itself the goal of developing an autopilot that would extinguish from the ground any device put on board, both by pilots than by terrorists. The documents confirm that the company has obtained a license. However, to any question asked to the giant, he replies that he has never created anything like this. But because Boeing is a military technology company, it is obvious that its specialists can not say anything even if they wanted to.

Sergei Melnichenko recalled that Ghyslain Wattrelos spoke, without mentioning names or positions and without specifying their role, representatives of American structures with information on what the plane had happened in reality, but bound by secrecy.

"So, to know what really happened, you have to change the legal status of the investigation. It is important to do this to involve those who have access to military secrecy. Otherwise, we will probably never know what happened to flight MH370 and its 239 passengers from 14 countries including Russia. "

There were also four French passengers: Laurence Wattrelos, her 14-year-old daughter Ambre and her 17-year-old son Hadrien, accompanied by her French-Chinese girlfriend, Yan. No investigation has shed light on the mystery of this disappearance, not even that of the FBI that offered its help.

MTF...P2  Cool

Hi all.  While waiting for someone - anyone - to publicly volunteer to look up a flight or two for me (still searching for someone with access to historical filed flight paths going back to March 2014), I’ve encountered a new stumbling block, with which I’m hoping to enlist your help:

By whom - and when - was MH370’s scheduled path to Beijing (the waypoints & routes) first officially confirmed?  I thought Wikipedia would have it, but that site is surprisingly silent on the point.  The more responses I receive, the more deeply grateful I will be.  Thanks much in advance.

@all: to help encourage responses to the above: instead of seeking links to “first official confirmation” - a harder task than it perhaps seems at first blush - I will try to broaden the discussion:

How did each of you first come to the conclusion that MH370, en route to Beijing, was scheduled to fly the flight plan that eventually appeared in official reports? What reporting gave you the first “effective confirmation” in your mind?

Establishing the intended route would have been the most critical aspect of the search during the first 24 hours. We should all have loads of information upon which to draw. Just hoping to crowd-source the original online/MSM appearance of the route up through BUNTA.

Huge thanks in advance for your replies.

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