The Sunday Brunch Gazette.


An interesting word, of unknown origin. Amateur magicians have used it for generations, Mums, Dads and Grand Papas the world over have enthralled millions of children with the word. The 'power' of a word cannot be underestimated; not ever, but can it 'stand alone'? The short answer is no; not when 'presenting' or 'performing' a trick. So, at the birthday party, in rolls Grandpa, to perform his sleight of hand trick to bamboozle the little ones; and, with the utterance of the 'magical' word – the choc rabbits appear – on cue. Bravo. But; is the 'word' enough to sell the whole gambit to savvy kids? Of course not; there is a whole lot more required. Watch any video you care to of 'magicians' performing their acts; or of the professional manipulators of 'card tricks' and the whole thing becomes very clear; entertaining for sure; and, in context a lot of fun for all involved. Well, Fun until the same 'sleight of hand' and 'showmanship' is grafted onto more serious issues than 'entertainment'. 

“And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts,”

When one deals with animals and those who's hands earn their living, reading 'body language' becomes an essential skill; will a dog bite, will a horse kick, will a wether attack the dog? All valid questions. Will the 'sound' of  mallet on chisel signal a dull blade and a careless approach to task? Is the pilot 'tuned in' and cognoscenti of engine sync to adjust the power during a bad weather climb out, hand flown? To the careful observer these small things matter. Indeed, they matter a great deal.

“Contrariwise,' continued Tweedledee, 'if it was so, it might be; and if it were so, it would be; but as it isn't, it ain't. That's logic.”

I confess to having a great enjoyment of 'magicians' as a child, being delighted by their illusions and show; until Grand papa muttered - “watch his hands son” -”carefully”. And, so I did, the 'illusion' very quickly evaporated and a life long 'habit' of watching actions, not gestures evolved. Patience now, almost there. Body language – compelling and, probably, more subtly convincing than the words spoken. And; here I am – right back at 'magicians', sleight of hand, body language and a curiosity which the ubiquitous  'Halfwit' triggered. To wit – hand waving; or in the vernacular; testiculating. AKA – talking bollocks, larded with 'supporting' hand gestures. Training 'execs' in this 'art' is an industry: see and listen to this glib spiv, selling the good oil.

Now, the dearly departed (unloved) Electric Blue Halfwit had obviously taken a 'cheap' course – and, being naturally a 'Klutz' mostly got his 'testiculation' moves 'wrong'. But – (and; children this is important): a careful study of the highly schooled 'testiculation' exhibited by the high rollers featured in the last Estimates 'go-around' by 'the airport' speaks to some serious investment intent on only one agenda; airports and noise go 'hand in glove'. The artistic hand gestures and placatory words speak of only one thing – profit. To hell with sensible approach paths; bugger sensible take off paths; sod wake turbulence and the ASA will do as its bloody well told by the airport owners. The only 'honest man' at that table was the bespectacled, honest man who hardly moved his hands at all; just told 'it' as it is; and, tried hard to get the 'real' message through to the Senators. But, it is what it is. Another Senate gab-fest – which although expensive, achieves exactly sweet Fanny Adams for the nation, aviation or the poor sod trying to travel to watch a football match; WOFTAM.

Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player,
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage,
And then is heard no more. It is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.

Dogs, more than horses respond to 'body language' – they lack the capacity to sort spoken shit from Shinolah; but, the psychology of body language – for what that's' worth in the context of meaningful application matters aeronautical – is redundant. ASA is ruled by those who are schooled in the arts of body language; not in what benefits this nations aeronautical business interests. I wonder if any Senator has considered the costs and restrictions of establishing a tax paying, employing, beneficial air service to this wide brown land? It is a frigging nightmare, expensive, restrictive, counterproductive and almost impossible to manage. - I wonder, have 'they' ever wondered why it is so?

“It's no wonder that truth is stranger than fiction. Fiction has to make sense”

Aye well: I managed to scrape together enough 'English Oak' (real McCoy) to make a desk chair for a granddaughter; finished with Shellac; waxed and polished, in 100 years it will still serve at the desk I made almost two decades ago alongside the blackboard and easel. Perhaps it's naivete, but IMO what we do today really matters to the future and being 'persuaded' by those carefully schooled in 'persuasion' using 'body language' to deflect open, clear foresight of what is 'of value' to those following us could not withstand a 'greed' test. Don't know – I do know big dog's body language says but one thing – OUT – now – (now). Best crack on.

Selah – 'K'.

Lets get a little crazy here; just for fun....?

Just for a moment (indulge me). At the tag end of this post – HERE – we find an ATSB 'report' into a recent event. A C210 appears to have run out of 'motion lotion'

“An ATSB investigation determined the aircraft departed Maitland with sufficient fuel to complete the intended flight, but it was likely the amount of fuel reduced to a level that, in combination with unbalanced flight approaching Bankstown, resulted in the engine being starved of fuel”.

Really? .Who investigates this stuff – the local knitter of sweaters for cats? The local basket weaver's fraternity? What happened to 'investigation'?  On balance; given the one simple, sensible statement above, blind Freddy could make a very accurate assessment of the 'facts' before he broke wind first thing AM, based on facts, which should lead to the CASA realising that because the volume of regulation, waffle and the work of wordsmiths, there are some gaping holes in their knitting. Those holes are allowing some shocking displays of piss poor airmanship, common sense and attention to 'situational awareness', proactive flight management and, (IMO) a lack of depth in the actual 'training' of pilots. Ayup, big call I know: but, examine the current spate of inconsequential 'incidents'. All there, writ large, clear as day. ATSB just roll out some half arsed dribble, late as usual, which is of little practical value, let alone intrinsic. Let's take a punt at what really happened and see if there are not some lessons (not bloody learnings) from this latest ATSB publication.

“An ATSB investigation determined the aircraft departed Maitland with sufficient fuel to complete the intended flight,”

Great – where was that fuel load? Now a C210 cruises at (about) 160 kts; it burns 15 US gph (60 lts per hour - for ease of reference). OK, so lets trim those numbers – on a short flight < 100 nms – (taxi, take off, climb, cruise, descent, approach and landing – knock off what?– 15 knots to obtain an average (start up to shut down) no wind flight time; what? Call it 130 kts;(for a number); sensible planning would budget a hour (call it 60 liters) fuel burn off. Call the journey 100 nms @ 130 ≈46 minutes – but lets' budget 60 minutes all up. The standard air frame carries 90 USG – (340 lts) or ::170 per tank. Keeping it easy; with reserves, how about a minimum fuel load of 2 hours – 120 lts. One tank = 170 lts @ 60 per hour ≈2 hours at cruise + a safe 45 minutes (give or take).

You could almost write the dialogue for this event; Charlie's aircraft needs maintenance,

“the ferry flight was conducted under a CASA special flight permit, requiring only essential operating crew be carried,”

Read that statement again – then wonder why the ATSB was very careful not to reveal why a 'special' was issued. Clearly there was an 'airworthiness' matter which demanded attention; bald tire or engine overhaul? – Maybe a fuel flow problem; who knows – Hell, it may just have had an expired MR. Not mentioned; wonder why? Then ask why there was a 'need' “to carry non-essential crew on a ferry flight for maintenance that placed an additional occupant at unnecessary risk of injury” Why indeed..???.....

This report is 'junk' mail. Indeed, the more I read through it,  the more 'flawed' it becomes; some of the fatuous statements within the report 'scream' a blatant disregard for the basic tenets the ATSB and its predecessors defined. It is a worthless,  glib, slippery non investigation of a right royal example of a failing  'safety culture' – one won the hard way, in blood and and experience,  being watered down to a thirty second read. Wrong! on all counts.

This 'pilot' completely buggered it up. Who, in the seven Hell's would be configured 'clean' withing 5 miles of YSBK? Or, any airport for that matter – approach flap, speed stable – gear down – landing checks complete. You see children, by completing the checks; the 'gear' not cooperating could, with time in hand, could have been extended using the manual  system; if not then there would be time to alert the excellent ATCO's at BK that there was a 'problem'. There was even enough fuel (ATSB numbers) to hold off and await fire and ambulance. Who was the pilot and why is he /she still holding a valid brief?

ATSB - “During the approach to Bankstown, the engine stopped.”

No kidding - but Why?

ATSB - “The pilot identified a taxiway on the airport as a suitable place for a forced landing and elected to leave the flap retracted and the gear up in order to reduce drag and maximise glide range,”

WTD + Why? 

“An ATSB investigation determined the aircraft departed Maitland with sufficient fuel to complete the intended flight, but it was likely the amount of fuel reduced to a level that, in combination with unbalanced flight approaching Bankstown, resulted in the engine being starved of fuel.”

Why? (and BOLLOCKS). Perhaps the fuel load should/could have been 'balanced' through rudder trim (ball in the center - wings level etc. (Remember that?)

I'd bet serious beers that the truth is far simpler than the ATSB cobblers (borderline perfidious) report presents. Fuel is at a premium; there was possibly one nearly full and one nearly empty tank – imbalance indicated. Owner unhappy with the expense of ferry and a pilot willing to accept the imbalance. Fair enough, was the 'fuller' tank dipped? Was the fuel in the lower tank exhausted (during the cruise) before the 'fuller' tank was brought on line? Why were the gear and flap not utilsed during the approach, as per the manufacturers check list?  Why was the approach not delayed untill the emergency gear extension drill was performed - ?

Look, I could bang on all night about this event; so many holes in the ATSB cheese as to beggar belief. It was a straight forward stuff up; one which begs answer to many serious breaches of 'sound' operational management, a failure of operational diligence, discipline; and, like many other 'accidents'; shows a complete disregard for airmanship, training, produced by the current system which supports the CASA/ ATSB  'laissez faire' and the work rounds which allow such shoddy workmanship from the ATSB. It is Pony Pooh of the first water; expensive and completely counter productive to 'safety' and can only lead down one road. The road to perdition.

There all better now; that's off my chest; I won't read that particular load of dribble again; not ever. Shameful – Kim Bliss would have the roof off the building – enough said.

That's it; read through P2's recent posts i(without a bucket handy) if you can; then dream of sanity, respect and dare I say probity returning to the management of 'matters aeronautical', rescued from the abyss, brought back to a rational, reasonable state; Hell's bells, we might even try for ICAO compliance – but enough...My twiddles don't matter a damn, but someone, somewhere, sometime, has to set matters to rights. Gods alone know what our peers would make of this rubbish from the ATSB; but, I do have an inkling (76 furious emails) all asking WTD?   - As if I could answer that....


Uncertain outcomes..

“Uncertainty is an uncomfortable position. But certainty is an absurd one.”

Monday, 4 November 2024.
“Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts, excluding Communications and the Arts”.

OK, so – Communications and the Arts are 'excluded'. The program reads as though 'outcomes' aka. 'reports' will be presented; in short 'work done' related to the subject matter; or, at least near enough to pass unmolested.

Pick a department – anyone of those mentioned will do; and, break it down to a 'cost' number – start at the beginning – premises, essential services to those premises, insurance, equipment, basic services, furnishings, staff to keep the place clean etc.. Then count up the cast and crew within; do a salary budget, add in expenses, add in all the nice little incentives and paid leave, add on bonuses etc. It becomes a staggering number, even for a 'small' outfit.  Then, look across the room – Senators, cast and crew, tea ladies, security, video, Hansard and staff to manage it all.  Senator's 'aides' plus crew, plus offices, travel, expenses etc. Not too much imagination required to gauge the eye watering per hour cost of the program.  Fair enough, say the tax paying public; democracy and all that; couldn't agree more – it is the 'cost' of the freedoms we have in this wide brown land. No quarrel with that – but; what about results for the money?

“It is a popular delusion that the government wastes vast amounts of money through inefficiency and sloth. Enormous effort and elaborate planning are required to waste this much money.”

How about those 'outcomes' then? What improvements do we have, if any, from this expenditure – in real terms, in real time? Are any of the nominated 'departments' able to show a tangible, measured improvement in any of the nominated 'subjects' and back it with 'proof' of theory; or, at very least, a list of quantifiable savings? You know the answers; you can estimate the cost and weigh that against 'outcome'. Say no more; the answers are writ large on nearly every industry balance sheet.

“Our inequality materializes our upper class, vulgarizes our middle class, brutalizes our lower class.”

There's one undeniable fact related to matters aeronautical; get more than three people in a 'discussion' and the chances of consensus become slim. Had one lately with a couple of folks. Back in the day, the very first 'powered' approach and landing I did was after second solo. Prior to this, every approach was a 'glide approach' – the notion being that in the event of an engine failure, the forced landing would not be a first learning experience; just another 'glide approach'. It made – to me  at least – good sense, made for a solid default setting and a knowledge of what to expect from the aircraft. The C 210 event at YSBK still troubles; for many reasons (as previously banged on about). For some reason, the event troubles me. A C210 is a junior grade entry level aircraft for professional crew; and not too much for a competent PPL to manage; good ship and a workhorse. There was – according to 'reports' not too much wrong with the aircraft; CASA issued a special (SFP) and charged for it -  approving a one off to maintenance, so not too much awry with the aircraft. Which leads us back to the human equation – and (MO) to basic training. I wonder how much time and effort was devoted to 'forced landing' technique and current 'practice' of the same. Aye, a rare event – but one that is always on the cards. Then we must examine both systems management and aircraft performance; both essential items, intimate knowledge available within the AFM.  I ain't saying there is a fault, but the whole thing just seemed a bit 'left handed' to me. There are most certainly questions for the ATSB to answer (No?  - I wonder why not). For example:-

1) Specifically against what was the 'SFP' issued?  Bald tyre, compass card out of date, MR overdue – what?

2) Did ATSB determine if the undercarriage had been extended manually on a previous flight?

3) Was there a fuel flow problem noted on previous flights? Strange thing, this massive fuel imbalance -  as is taking off on the tank with the lowest fuel reading. Routine take off on the fullest tank and change at preset times to keep the fuel (and aircraft) balanced. Why take off on the low tank – perhaps there was a reason.

4) Not certain if the C210 manual calls for 'coarse' propeller to be selected as part of an OEI landing; but the benefit in glide performance is well noted, tried and tested.

Oh, there's more, all academic – although interesting and probably a worth while exercise for the ATSB – all in the name of safety and good airmanship of course. Alas; silence was the stern reply; that and a glib skim over. Lets see what (if anything) the ever present Popinjay makes of the Oaks collision, that will be interesting – given the disinterest shown in past events.

“Wisdom begins in wonder.”

Got to love this time of the year; warm enough, a breeze, bright light streaming in through open stable doors; dogs stretched out soaking up the rays: definitely beer o'clock. I shall take a sketch pad outdoors and attempt to design and execute my latest commission. Royal command no less; a 'short wheel base' Urchin (grubby) marched into the workshop, her acolytes followed struggling with a large 'lump' of Gum tree; no idea yet what it is, but its nicely figured.”I need a bedside cabinet of four drawers, no bigger than this (wide) this deep and this high. Specifications sketched with spread hands. So here I will sit, enjoy my Ale, smoke, sunset and try to make some semblance of design – for approval. Looks like I am alone for the while – the dogs heard the food bowls being sorted – loyalty eh?....


Catch of the match.

Senator McKENZIE: [...] “What are the long service provisions for the CEO? How
much long service has he got on the books that you're having to account for in your
balance sheet?”?

Senator McKENZIE: “And not just in days. I would like to know how much it will cost
you to pay out Mr Harfield for his long services”.

Well, old man, I will tell you news of your son: give me your blessing: truth will come to light; murder cannot be hid long; a man’s son may, but at the length truth will out.“

Is Sen. McKenzie finally getting a whiff of the real story? Gods know, many before her have been stymied, diverted, led down a garden path, thrown under a bus; or, simply persuaded to 'avoid' the political 'crevasse' at the end of the long road to ASA palace. A political 'dry hole' well protected; there's no kudos for revealing the lack of 'political' value in exposing the twisted, convoluted, dodgy tale of ASA – the mess, or even the breath taking amounts of money burned. Discussion of such matters is almost 'Verboten'.

“Occasionally words must serve to veil the facts. But let this happen in such a way that no one become aware of it; or, if it should be noticed, excuses must be at hand to be produced immediately.”

“Follow the money” - is not only a great idea, by doing so all manner of dubious rorts (big ones, small ones, some as big as you like) may be uncovered. Oh, they exist alright, that is beyond reasonable doubt. But the truly venal 'big rorts' are cunningly disguised; hidden behind miles of waffle, dissemination, distraction and obfuscation; to get the lid off that can of worms is nigh on impossible. Why, well think on it for a moment; of all the money poured into 'governance; 'Cui Bono'! - the most, who has most to loose and who must be protected? No prizes for a correct answer; but (clue) it ain't the taxpayer.

“Men never do good unless necessity drives them to it; but when they are free to choose and can do just as they please, confusion and disorder become rampant.”

The big (huge) question is – will McKenzie and Canavan dare to strip away the top cover protecting ASA? Big kudos if they do; but will they strip away the layer upon layer of protection the 'system' has generated? It is a thing which needs to be done, little doubt of that. To do it, they much travel back in time to when the rot set in; back to the Estimates sessions which very nearly tore the 'band-aid' off the festering wound. AP followed the sessions and did some 'independent' research; much of which, under advice, was not published; offers to 'share' research were gracefully declined– however, AP went as close to the bone as possible – a good start point is from about _HERE_ (+/_ a page or two). Years have gone by, One Sky is almost a moribund White Elephant; the EB Halfwit has cashed in his chips and waiting for the Casino to write the final cheque; and Australia and it's ATCO's are still limping along, undermanned, and poorly equipped. Not too much heard from Minister KIng, the traveling public have no idea, the tax payer and aviation industry just keeps feeding grist to the corporate mill. Time to call it out; yesterday is great, but now would be good. Can McKenzie do it? Clearly the minister has no intention or even interest. We called it - No doubt, we shall see.

“Once is happenstance, twice is coincidence, three times is enemy action.”

QoN – Been chewing over this wrangle between 'aircraft noise' and noisy inner city residents. Quite a 'three pipe problem' (to beg from Holmes) this rumination and research has led to question which, (IMO) could stand some 'discussion'. Simple enough to ask – did the irports grow and impinge on 'residential' zones; or, did the residential encroach on land slated for aerodrome 'development'; or was it simply not considered by the pertinent 'authorities? Purely of academic interest of course,  bit late in the match to question a play – but, I do wonder at the lack of foresight.

Wisdom consists of knowing how to distinguish the nature of trouble, and in choosing the lesser evil.”

I dare say there's much more to rattle on about; but, IMO it is the disconnect between the ministers (collective) and the aviation 'authorities' (avoidance of responsibility if you will) which has led to this sorry impasse where no one carries the burden of responsibility for the ills of the nations flying companies. Shameful really.

“The best fortress which a prince can possess is the affection of his people.”

No matter; I have managed to extract from the 'lump' of Gum (eucalyptus) some workable boards for the demanded bedside drawers. I own a circa 1910 Disston rip saw; from the Keystone works; carved apple wood handle – a thing of wonder. Spent an hour sharpening and setting it to deal with 'the lump' – clean a straight did it perform it's design function, 90 minutes of sweat and the boards were roughed out. Three foot long; 5/8 thick and 8” wide (almost) – even the sawdust smelled of 'the Bush'. Set about them with a Stanley 6, followed by a 51/2, smoothed pristine by a 41/2. A tough day's worth of curses, sweat and a only a little blood to produce the basics for a thing which will outlive me by 100 years; I call that a good day, well spent; Ale well and truly earned. The stable floor is covered in dust and shavings; but the pup and the cat are enjoying their play so much; seems like a good enough excuse to leave the broom where it is. The mess will still be there tomorrow – and another Ale sings it's siren song....


Now is the winter of our discontent.

“Made glorious summer by this sun of York;
And all the clouds that lour'd upon our house
In the deep bosom of the ocean buried.”

It has, much to my chagrin (and discomfort), been quite while since I've had the energy to reacquaint my friendship with Aunt Pru; suffice to say I had little choice and 'limited' options. No matter; seems the world is not to be shut of me, well not in the short term at least. The temptation is to catch up; however, it seem that very little has improved during my time 'in maintenance'. The bureaucrats continue to hold the politicians in the palm of their clammy, greedy paws. The politicians ever grateful for the escape provided to them from any and all responsibility. Aye, the game is as old as Sin itself.  Indeed -“Older than sin and twice as mean”

“There ain’t no sin and there ain’t no virtue. There’s just stuff people do.”

Ah! the 'stuff' people do – and the motives behind their 'doings'. Take the ATSB and the buffoon leading that merry dance on a pathway to irrelevance; or, CASA endlessly reworking tenets which the 'real' world has put aside, learned from and are still working through audits and consultation to reduce the percentage chance of accident. It all stands as the old 'chicken and egg' argument – which came first and whats' to follow? It simply cannot go on; not as it is. The real question, to me at least, is WHY? To what 'end' are they working? What 'is' their 'purpose'?

“Make your work to be in keeping with your purpose”

As a pilot, my purpose was always to deliver both aircraft and content in one piece at the selected destination – end of. Toward that highly desirable end, continued study, application to task and much attention was given 'learning'. Not just a pass mark in the mandatory studies; those were considered a base point. First encounter with non VMC conditions (at an early stage) prompted some serious study of 'Crash comics' and any other related material; first multi engine rating led to deep study of asymmetric flight and related accidents; I could bang on – but you get the drift; in short a license was simply an examination 'pass' – then I had to learn my trade; mostly the hard way.

“The greatest thing in this world is not so much where we stand as in what direction we are moving.”

Now, only my opinion, but it seems to be that CASA and ATSB have drifted far from their purpose; their design function is, if you will, in primus, to ensure compliance with ICAO world best – standard – practice as scripted, with minimum exceptions. There is also a requirement to ensure that 'operations' are conducted as scripted etc. In years gone by, there was a cohort of very experienced, competent airmen who actually (Gods forbid) went flying with pilots to ensure a standard level of competency and dispensed 'words of wisdom to those who, although qualified, could perhaps brush up certain elements within their performance. They even had quiet 'discussions' with operators about standards and operational matters; all on a sensible, professional basis – mostly. Compare that to the tragic, completely preventable travesty in Broome; or. even to the Crocodile egg collection fiasco. One scalp will not suffice; those events were symptomatic of a failing system in free fall.

“Authorities usually invite and support detrimental conduct in insidious ways that minimize personal responsibility for what is happening. Moreover, the intended purpose of sanctioned destructiveness is usually disguised so that neither issuers nor perpetrators regard their actions as censurable. When reprehensible practices are publicized, they are officially dismissed as only isolated incidents arising through misunderstanding of what had, in fact, been authorized.”

However, to my mind at least, the last bulwark to 'operational' safety crumbled when the ATSB became hand maiden to the colossal failings of the CASA to simply 'perform design function'. Back as far as the Pel-Air event; to modern day events, such as MH 370 all the way down the scale to the humble fatal events which have claimed so many lives since the dynamics changed and successive governments were glad of those changes.

“Everyone who wants to know what will happen ought to examine what has happened: everything in this world in any epoch has their replicas in antiquity.

Seems to me (at least) that we have a recurrence of accident and serious incident very similar to that which, in my younger years, was kept to a minimum through good training  and careful practice in and careful management of operations – airline and the 'rest'. We had 'good' reporting and 'responsibility' from operator, crew, management and the 'authorities'. The 'real' accident statistics are off the charts and no-one seems to care – “not a feather or a fig”. Least of all the minister, CASA or the ATSB. Great work if you can get it – wages of sin eh? Not too shabby either.

“The first rule is to keep an untroubled spirit. The second is to look things in the face and know them for what they are.”

Aside - it used to take 20—30 minutes to draft a Gazette. Alas. But no matter; I can at least beat up a keyboard now. In the words of the indefatigable P2 - MTF. (Gods willing etc)..........

Selah. -.-

Of Alice and the perils within the looking glass.

“I know who I WAS when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed several times since then.”

It was while watching the TV coverage of the Potomac mid air, that a stray whimsy began a campaign to be be recoginised as a valid line of serious consideration; I shall attempt an explanation.

“For, you see, so many out-of-the-way things had happened lately, that Alice had begun to think that very few things indeed were really impossible.

The 'media' coverage was, pretty much, as one should expect – say no more. But when the alleged 'experts' are wheeled in, the whole 'media' frenzy becomes farcical. The 'usual suspects' (some even take time to don a uniform shirts, wings and bars) and proceed to shoot themselves in their own fundamental orifice. Naturally, anyone with a serious interest in, experience of, or even expertise in 'crash' investigation reaches for the (much loved), ever handy 'Mute' Button. End of – Amen. Serious, knowledgeable folk automatically dismiss such 'dramatic' misleading sensation seeking, even those with little knowledge may safely dismiss much of the 'blather' spouted and await some form of 'official' statement, to glean the direction a professional, official investigation may take. End of rant: BUT! Here is where my whimsy took me. If, as we see in the media, the same cavalier approach and 'sensationalist' guff is presented by folk who have an 'expertise' in any field; it does leave one wondering about the 'credibility' of the presented 'expert'. That, to me at least, gives weight to an old adage; and even then, attribution for it is claimed (by experts) to be either Ben Franklin or Edgar Allan Poe – Go figure.....

“Believe nothing you hear, and only one half that you see.”

Aye well, so much for whimsy; but, before memory of today's 'news' fades forever take a minute or two to watch this short from Sky News. Seems the sky may not be falling in, not just yet anyway _HERE – and; an interesting series of posts from the UP -HERE. So much for 'media'. Slowly I catch up with the latest 'doings' of our engorged 'official' safety watchdogs; which, despite the 'sound and fury' of last years 'Estimates' they all seem to sleek, happy and snuggled up in their bunkers, immune from any and all forms of 'suggestion' that Australian aviation is becoming moribund and drowning in an ocean of incompetence and arse covering blather; the more things change Eh?

But, enough beer o'clock is rapidly approaching and I am allowed visitors, so best I crack on and get sorted – been a while; looking forward to seeing old friends again – no doubt DT will shoo 'em out before bed time (Alas). 

Selah .-.

Mazed, confounded and impotent.

Pub night; and a half finished cryptic crossword puzzle lay in the middle of the table; “tough one today” said the wizard, and as I placed the round on the table, he gave me 'the look' - a subtle challenge to fill in some of the vacant squares. I knocked the top off my pint, took a quick look at the unmarked clues; shook my head and passed the page back. An unremarkable story, but the act set me to thinking about the upcoming Senate Estimates. So, I asked the question; one word from each to describe the Senators' 'efforts' in the proceedings. Those words gave me the title for the SBG, and Golly, they ring true. I thought it worth a twiddle.....

“Those who had designed the maze had done so for their own benefit and for their own purposes.”

Mazed - There are (IMO) but two objectives to a maze; one to find the center, the beating heart of the beast;  then, find your way out. Our Senators are hopelessly lost within a truly fearsome, cunningly constructed maze; there are lost souls within Hades who have more chance of winning clear. At least, in Hell they don't keep moving the bloody fences; setting traps or blind alleys which wear down the hapless wanderer. Nope: the cleverly constructed departmental mazes are constantly shifting, ever changing to prevent any hope of arriving at the center.


"Lawyers Are: Those whose interests and abilities lie in perverting, confounding and eluding the law.”

It seems a little unfair to blame the lawyers for confounding an Estimates committee; indeed, they do little more than cast the will of the 'client' into a form which 'satisfies' the law. A department head wants to achieve Plan A – the legal eagle will make sure that there is adequate wriggle room and enough shall we call it 'deniability' for the higher ups to feel comfy with. But, a Committee may well end up (as seen many times) completely neutered by and prevented from achieving a 'result' simply because the system is against any change it did not instigate (often at Ministerial directive) nor do they have the time, money and tools to ensure a result. Watch the Estimates video, study the Senators faces. They are smart enough to recognise a 'hiding to nothing' when they see it.


“Do not first announce action, and then, when you are unable to take action, withdraw, because you will only find yourself in the same position as now, plus a public and humiliating confession of impotence.”

There, in a much more elegant nutshell than I could ever manage; the Senators dilemma. Despite the penetrating questions, the braying and the barking – can anyone from the last decade of Estimates table any worthwhile 'change'? Just one would do; Alas. ASA, ATSB CASA – massive budgets met by the public; all top heavy, huge salaries, all charge exorbitant fees, all have a cast and crew ensconced in plush offices, many benefits; and, they have with full departmental co-operation constructed a maze of such impenetrable complexity and strength, with many dangerous pitfalls and traps that to navigate the thing to a conclusion of zero benefit to any outside of their cunning design is a lost cause.

“The confounding of all right and wrong, in wild fury, has averted from us the gracious favor of the gods.”

Aye well – so much for my twiddles; the stable is tidy, animals fed, watered and spread over the cool stone floor. Time to snuff out the lamps, steal a snack and toddle off to bed.

Selah -.-

The rot, the waste of time and money, the loss of hundreds of General Aviation flying schools and charter operators and aircraft maintenance businesses can be traced back to 1988.

Transport Minister Gareth Evans put the 1988 Civil Aviation Bill to Parliament to create the independent Commonwealth corporate to administer aviation, thus removing it from his direct control, and most importantly, removing it from his direct responsibility. This body later became the Civil Aviation Safety Authority. Opposing the Bill an Opposition spokesman correctly predicted the outcome.

The move away from Ministerial control was a deliberate denial of the Westminster principle of having the major arms of government under Ministerial leadership.

The prediction was that such bodies will inevitably look after themselves, because they are removed from that essential element of direct democratic influence.

In 2009, Transport Minister Anthony Albanese did exactly the same with the Australian Transport Safety Bureau. In his reading speech to his Bill he made the extraordinary claim that “safety shouldn’t be subject to politics.” In other words government can be simply given over to some ‘experts’ who will govern their area without the bothersome need of approval from the people of our Nation.

This ridiculous notion, that flies in the face of democracy, is also foolishly embedded in the notion of the Ombudsman concept. And just as Victoria’s longest serving and very shrewd Premier Henry Bolte predicted, Ombudsman offices would cut across the duties of our elected MPs. They too tend to look out for themselves and their Public Service friends.

M'Lords, Ladies and Gentlefolk.

Warning – long ramble; opinion muddled but “better out than In”.

May I crave your indulgence for a short moment and ask you to give some careful consideration to whats is, probably, a classic example of waste, box ticking, time, money and energy – all at tax payer expense. Ayup, yet another 'Senate' committee has convened to achieve exactly What? Oh, it is a serious question, make no mistake about it. In support 'we' could provide an after match analysis; albeit with both real and most probably 'estimated' money numbers. These numbers represent a serious investment by not only the tax paying, traveling public, the aviation industry, and associated 'support' groups. It represents a mind boggling amount of tax payer money. When one adds in the time and expense of even attempting to provide 'submission' and etc. the picture becomes crystal clear. In a nutshell; this nation could have saved a significant (massive) amount of money by simply not bothering with the farce.

'Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

And that, boys and girls, is exactly and precisely what the aviation industry (and the public) have been engaged in for Donkey's years. On aviation, (matters aeronautical) I may speak with some authority, less so for the man 'at the back of the room' – however, with your indulgence I will now construe. Neither the elected representatives of the people nor those attempting to further an aviation business have a cat-in Hell chance of beating the ever more expensive, ever growing 'public service' (for wont of better). This burgeoning 'industry' thrives at public expense. Politicians have a lot to do with the impost. One can actually count number of times some self serving buffoon asks what is believed to be a clever question. -  “Good one Senator, we shall immediately set the wheels in motion to supply that very answer (in detail) in due course”. So now another team is formed (read 'new chums'). Mates of mates grandchildren scrubbed and polished jump on board the ever growing gravy train; all on top dollars of course. Well off they go, another study is launched; reams of paper disappear from the stationary cupboard; and, in the foulness of time – usually when the need is over, a 'proper' response is generated, and provided – for next time (in a twelvemonth or so). Subtle and ever so slightly understated.

LB - When there's no 'upside' for an agency to do something, and little political risk in not doing that thing, it will often get 'overlooked'.

Not only, but also, consider the number of barriers a 'clean' solution must pass through before it has a slim (anorexic?) chance of becoming a 'real' change. How many different levels of 'risk' (to whom) assessment must it pass (political safety filters) - before becoming 'useful'. Years go by in some cases and the original intent and purpose is diluted, manipulated, and transmogrified into a meaningless nothing. This is no faerie tale; go no further back than the 'Forsyth Report' and the Pel Air ditching. Find one recommendation from that which has had a positive response and improved 'safety' for anyone else: well, bar the politicians and the ever present bureaucratic hoard. One could, if serious, investigate the absolutely outrageous cases in WA (Broome) and the NT (Croc eggs). One of the greatest (and most obscene) cover up paper jobs ever inflicted. There are many more 'tales of wonder' from the last decade; they all shine a bright, steady light on an ever increasing, powerful, independent 'sub' government' within the public service and weak kneed, spineless politicians who are glad to be shed of any and all responsibility. All there; all demonstrable; but pay no heed of me; just watch the pantomime of the next 'Estimates' session – then wonder who is actually running this nation. No prize for the best guess. End of rambling opinion, soon forgotten no doubt....

“All we do is disguise our weak politics behind a powerful bureaucracy and disguise our powerful bureaucracy behind weak political decision making.”

Aye; the list is long; ASA struggling (Halfwit a Multi millionaire despite all). CASA completely stuck in a mire of confused, conflated, contradictory regulation and, being run by a clerical type. ATSB beyond any reasonable descriptor; failing to understand design purpose and being of neither intrinsic or practical value. I rest my opinionated case M'Lud....There: Hobby horse returned to stable; (ridden hard, put away wet)..

“The bureaucracy is expanding to meet the needs of the expanding bureaucracy.”

Change of direction here; but, nevertheless related. It was a fairly long drive home; the journey made at the behest of a much loved ancient, a Holocaust survivor and inheritor of his Grandfather's skills: in short an acknowledged 'clock maker' – the real deal – imagine, design, make a 'machine' to meet that design. Skill set off the planet; anyway, seems he had repaired (re-built) an old mechanism; alas, the cabinet was in need of some 'TLC' – could I fix it? The bloody thing is worth a King's ransom, the timber both exotic and expensive. The trust and faith shown blew me away; the thought of the work and workmanship  required to create this thing led me to think of what has been lost to the modern world.  No one seems to care except for antique dealers and their clients – Bless 'em. So here I sit; some thirty odd pieces of 'exotic' and now very expensive timber and the guts of an ancient clock for company. I keep shuffling the bits of wood around, grain, texture, size, cutting and shaping problems – all part of the journey. It may all come together tomorrow; may take a week – don't know: but I will honor the faith and trust while nodding at the original creators, while listening to the steady tick of a wonderful thing made by folk who truly asked no more than to be paid for their marvels. Color me humbled. Right; time to shift according to big dog – best I crack on.

Selah ._.

But - Did Murphy get it wrong?

If you look for one word with which to define an 'old saying' – a thing like 'measure twice; cut once' about 70 words will appear from which you may choose one to use. In short, they mostly represent a potted version of 'collective wisdom' based on real experience. Like the measure twice advice; must have saved millions of apprentice carpenters many a thick ear from their masters (or not as the case may be). The fool ain't rambling, but trying to bring into focus the absolute 'truths' which support the likes of 'Murphy's Law' which is an abridged version of 'Sod's Law of the ocean'. Both succinctly 'frame' the rules which govern  aviation 'common sense'.

Lampplugh - “Aviation, in itself, is not inherently dangerous. But to an even greater degree than the sea, it is terribly unforgiving of any carelessness, incapacity, or neglect.”

Carelessness – Incapacity – Neglect -in how many case histories have these three villains played a role? IMO – lots of. Conversely, timidity, pedantry and fiscal motivation are on a par when 'push comes to shove' and the investigation is suitably eloquent. There are no 'rules' which adequately govern the nature of some human beings. Those self governing rules, which are hard wired through DNA and 'circumstance' they form the 'nature of the beast.'

“What for centuries raised man above the beast is not the cudgel but the irresistible power of unarmed truth.”

Just for the sake of discussion; let's call the CASA examinations 'the cudgel' – the thing which drives without options to 'study'. Why? Well there are 'things' which must be known; essential not only to the safety and survival of both ship and passengers, but to avoid damage, to avoid danger, to operate with knowledge and to ensure a safe return home at shift's end. Tedious and often boring is the study but, nevertheless, it must be done and the 'exams' must be passed at an  acceptable level. Hand up all those who have not ever picked up a Met book since passing the exam; hands up all those who have asked why do we need all this crap; and hands up all those who disregard or even hold in contempt the words offered in the day's weather forecast.; or those who simply failed (gave up?) to translate the nuances from the 'coded' messages? Some (many) of the 'other' subjects are treated in this cavalier manner – who needs 'navigation' when Garmin is on the job? Who needs to understand the engine; or why 'reserves' must be carried; and hands up all those who firmly believe they were 'kissed on the arse by the gods' and therefore not only immune, but immortal?

“After all, you’re only an immortal until someone manages to kill you. After that, you were just long-lived.”

Accidents? Well they happen; the rule of unintended consequences (shit happens) much like Sod's and Murphy's law they are always – always in play. Much time, money, effort and energy is expended (particularly in aviation) in reducing the percentage chance of 'unintended consequence'. And yet, despite these efforts, occasionally the holes in Reasons famous cheese slices do line up. Investigations are made, conclusions drawn, reports presented etc. It's quite a party. The end results often helpful; sometimes even insightful; rarely ignored and mostly 'beneficial' in some way. But what of the 'intentional' deliberate act which ends with tragic (expensive) consequences?. Almost every year we see repeat performances of the same events which leave so much 'trouble' in their wake; what of those? 

“All history is the history of unintended consequences.”

The classic example is the long list of VFR qualified loosing the aircraft in instrument conditions; across the world. They call it 'unintentional' which, IMHO, is Bollocks. Scud running, low level flying and 'ice' management demand a great degree of both training & skill; and, a natural ability – same with any specialized operation; like fast jet off a carrier, in the night. Tricky stuff – potentially lethal; both instances common knowledge. Would anyone allow a freshly minted PPL to crop dust; or strap 'em into a Hornet and say “off ya go – good luck”. Of course not; and yet every so often someone will push through a shaky weather forecast; forget to leave the back door open; end up in cloud as a prelude to a final sortie in a hearse? It does not make sense. Aye, we've all done it, but - done 'it' right; one either wins the bet or; pulls up at the bowser of a friendly Aero club for a calming piddle a smoke and a coffee: with a story to tell. It is a fine balance between brainless bravado and the cool, calculated cunning required to master the art of managing a flight. The solution? Well start with the mirror; start with the books; start with the accident reports; end with a serious 'plan' which provides 'gates' to a better place or an alternative route. “If it all turns to worms at 'Kickinatinalong' it will be a left turn towards Blue Haven for a break and a re-think.

“There's a fine line between heroic persistence and foolish stubbornness. Sometimes the best kind of grit is gritting our teeth and turning around”

I reckon Murphy (eta alia) got it right; hit the old nail on the head. There are millions of words written which reflect on the 'fact' that no matter how careful or brave or dopey – despite the hundreds of calculations.. Fate is indeed the Hunter; and

“The best laid schemes o' mice an' men
Gang aft a-gley.”

Right then; I know, I know, back in my box; there to plot and scheme my way out of the long list of DT generated 'chores' 'done before the visitors arrive.' Heaves a great sigh; hides the smokes and looks for boots. Exeunt stable door.

Selah -.-

“Oh God, if there be cricket in heaven, let there also be rain.”

There's little point sending in a 'fast bowler' to unsettle a batsman who just keeps blocking the ball or letting it go through to the Keeper. This is made even worse when the fielding team show little interest in assisting the bowler's efforts.

Agreed; it is a poor analogy; the unsupported 'fast bowler' always pops into my wooden head whenever I watch an Estimates session. There's the magnificent McKenzie toiling away Canavan in the slips, bumbling on at a leisurely pace dropping as many as he manages to field; the rest of the team? – Just ambling about the paddock; looking anywhere but at the battle in the middle. IMO, it's way past time the first XI paid some attention and got busy. Why, well in my clumsy way I shall attempt to at least shed a pale light in a dark place.

“Here's to celebrating light where we find it. And making light where we don't.”

In primus; there are some 'hard' facts which must be understood, related to the 'agencies' which govern the aviation industry in Australia. Facts like elected 'Ministers' eschewing any 'control' of the department they administer; sanctified by law, in direct conflict with the spirit and intent of the 'Westminster' system adopted in the constitution. They simply 'accept' at face value whatever is 'recommended' – sign off and they are done. Secundus; aviation is bound to the ICAO tenets; yet there is a massive log of 'differences' which impinge on, or even dislocate  'compliance' with ICAO. There is no Ministerial hand brake available to slow and manage this blatant, open disregard for 'world best practice'. Remember, the 'Minister' de jour has little interest and no responsibility to the public for ensuring Australia gets 'the best' system/ value for money it can; even if the 'departments' don't want to hear a bar of it, for whatever reason. I strongly recommend a beer with at least two episodes of the BBC's 'Yes Minister' to assist in fully grasping the stark realities of how it all really works... Ministers

Aye, easy enough to chuckle; but, waiting, for a good long while now, through many 'Ministerial' changes there is a line of calm, patient, knowledgeable folk who could, given opportunity, resolve almost overnight some of the horrors inflicted on the aviation industry. For example; AMROBA. The chap who 'directs' the organisation has, literally, a working lifetimes worth of experience and knowledge related to ICAO compliance, golden rules, administration of Civil Aviation Acts and can, without too much trouble, even swing a spanner if/when required. I refer to the legend Ken Cannane. But; don't believe me, take an hour or so to read through the faultless logic generated through AMROBA's newsletters, submissions and appeals for logic alongside of ICAO compliance, revenue generating, business improvement, apprenticeships and improving the lot of a struggling industry. The AMROBA 'thread' – HERE – compiles a litany of frustrated efforts to assist an industry undermined, conflated, confounded and confused by the appalling ring of 'Quango' which are a rule to themselves, an expensive, make work detriment to the well being of this nation, intent on self glorification and operating to rules made as and when required to suit their 'expert' opinions or purpose.  Outrageous don't quite cover it; but you get the drift.

“Exit, pursued by a bear.”

Brothers and comrades in exile etc, part. It has been a decade since a loosely connected group of friends decided to do deep examination and investigation into the antics of the three major aviation 'oversight', approval systems, ATC, CASA and the ATSB. This, in the hope that one day, government may perhaps spend one session of Estimates in examining some of less savory antics of the agencies and actually get some 'proper' governance established to ensure the growth and prosperity of the aviation services on which the land relies. Alas; when the sincere resolutions and recommendations made by a worthy, such as Forsyth (Review) after the Pel Air debacle are simply disregarded and manipulated out of existence and meaning. When a tragic thing like Lockhart River can be parlayed out of all reason; or, a man like Bruce Rhodes can be allowed to die unshriven in his innocence; or events such as those at Broome and the Croc egg hunters fiasco can be allowed to continue – unresolved; then all hope must be abandoned to the myth, mystery and legend of matters aeronautical in Australia. 

“Sheep used to have wings. One flew into the sky and all the others followed. They took their wings off while feeding in the warm sun but the wind blew away their wings so they couldn't fly anymore. They had to return to earth by drifting to where the sky curves down and touches the land, and then walk round the long way.. i like that..

Forbye; sooner or later, there must come an event or set of circumstances which must wake/ shake government from its safe, protected somnambulist state. This nations aviation system is 'corrupted' and collapsing around their very ears. McKenzie cannot do it alone; time for the 'opposition' to man-up and put a foot down (with a heavy hand) and be shed of this waste, supporting of what should be a vibrant, productive industry. It ain't; but it bloody well should be. Bloody Muppetts.

“All is mystery; but he is a slave who will not struggle to penetrate the dark veil.”

Dogs bark, tyres on the gravel – best I find a couple of Ales: P7 TOM has arrived; the clock under repair fascinates him as does the joinery (trial) to house it. Beer O'clock, time to sign off.


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