The Sunday Brunch Gazette.

K raises one important matter about any hope of reform, will the Opposition formulate reform policies to take to the next election?

All too often we hear, from take your pick, we will reduce red tape.

This would not be nearly good enough, we will need real detailed policies. We wish to see that whoever wins are likely to make the changes that are necessary to create the jobs and services that will flow from reform.

Begin at the beginning -

“Begin at the beginning," the King said, very gravely,"and go on till you come to the end: then stop.”

Aye; well enough for 'the King' - but, as I look around at the bookcases; I have to wonder, when did it all begin. The gradual slide into the current abyss. There can be no mistake about it; Australia is a good way down the road to aviation perdition and well on the way toward the gates into the underworld. It leaves me wondering how much longer we can limp along; pretending that SARPS and the SSP and the lip service to ICAO 'compliance' will be allowed to continue without some very serious 'parliamentary' brakes being applied?  I look at the shelf full of the current regulatory suite; there is a lot - a serious lot - of thick tomes. Then I look down a couple of shelves to a corner which holds the first (dusty) and only set of the Air Navigation Orders; a slim volume; about 18mm thick - the ANR's were almost completely in ICAO compliance, even 'friendly' - particularly for engineering stuff; writ by folks who understood what they were about. Simple stuff, stuff with 'real teeth' - for both parties. There were other 'manuals' the regulations and etc. The CAO - Civil Aviation Orders - a bit more bulky a volume - but compliance made easy to achieve; and - more to the point, easier to enforce and bloody close to the ICAO tenets.

Popularly, the principle is sometimes paraphrased as "The simplest explanation is usually the best one. -(novacula Occami). Or. keep it simple stupid. (KISS)......

To this very day; any 'company' manual, which adheres to the ANR and CAO is not only based in 'the real law' but neatly complies with ICAO fundamentals and even with the 'new', ever changing regulations. In basic principals at very least; if (rarely) not in complete 'lock step' with the make work version(s). Perhaps its the 'scam' which bothers, or the arrogance. Can't decide which offends the most. When nations like Oman, Jordan and Nepal can manage to be within 3 or 4 small pages of 'compliance' differences; why is Australia posting a massive number?  Perhaps, there are too many earning a living being 'separated', with excuses from the stated aim of 'global' aviation unity. Or,  maybe, perhaps it is an arrogant posture; one taken to decry the ICAO principals and demonstrate that Australia; and Australia alone knows what it is doing. CASA have, for too many decades now been a 'law' unto themselves; a monolith, a sacred cow  an untouchable. Terrifying politicians into increased money needed, on the back of a 'safety' (political) call. That, readers is a Bollocks - of the first water. Australia should have no more 'differences' than Jordan or Nepal; in reality it should be less. These are developing nations, without the expertise, fleet or finances to 'strut' their disregard for what is a legally agreed world wide, binding 'agreement' with the world's first aviation nations. Solve part of the national debt? Easy, take away  the funding for such egocentric adventures into 'avoiding' the nations obligations to improved, signed up to systems and; as a side bar, the safety for those who travel by air. - Rant over....

"Harshaw had the arrogant humility of the man who has learned so much that he is aware of his own ignorance and he saw no point in 'measurements' when he did not know what he was measuring.”

However; I digress; my looking at the manuals in the library and wondering 'where' it had all gone to Hell in a hand-cart was triggered by the Honourable McKenzie and Co. What a fantastic Shadow M o T she makes; aided and possibly abetted by like minded politicians who have witnessed the decline, confusion and deception inherent in the current 'way things are' - within the DoIT, CASA, ATSB and ASA. Will McKenzie 'grasp the nettle'? Its all there to see; plain as day. But; she is but one Senator facing down a huge; entrenched, funded and 'self righteous' (with excuses) colossus of three quintessentially publicly funded 'safety' agencies which have become, through political sleight of hand, 'independent'. Above the reach of the industry, way beyond any 'ministerial' control and; more to the point, have sold this crock to hapless, spineless governments (and ministers) for decades. The politicians have taken the easy way out; turned loose the oversight of 'matters aeronautical' to independent (answer to no man) agencies - in the hope (vainglorious and ridiculous) that they may actually make a profit and - keep every one 'safe'. This great 'cop-out' has been fostered and promoted for decades now. Can McKenzie and Co. call time on this great rip off? We shall see. I should mention that should the good Senator and her 'comrades in exile' ever get serious and have the opportunity to put a stop to this well entrenched avoidance of responsibility; then the BRB will weigh in - reality and expertise is readily and freely available to them as seek it. The real facts should worry - Alas- who would 'you' talk to - King?  Hah~!! Rather chew my foot off.

“Help will always be given at Hogwarts to those who ask for it.”

Item last - a personal opinion; apropos of nothing aviation related. On 'you-tube' or Netflix I can watch any form of violence, from 'Sci-Fi' to ancient history. Some of it truly bloody and disturbing. Guns, swords, knifes - mass murders, conquests, genocides etc. etc.  These movies (imaginings based on reality) are freely available, world wide, free to air; and, while perhaps 'fanciful' are watched by all. Even 'The Hobbits' and Harry Potter have 'graphic' renditions of serious violence; murder and the rest. Yet when 'real' violence - the every day kind is presented; there are calls for that to be 'prohibited'. Perhaps, the stark reality of real, in your backyard violence should be allowed to be shown - even if just to remind folks of what the real thing looks like. Its bloody, dangerous and no where near the Hollywood version. Even the Christian bible relates some fairly horrendous tales. All freely available - so why pick on Musk and his X platform? Perhaps, maybe, if folk realised the consequences of the 'real thing' it would be apparent through what we as humans are truly capable of. Peace? When has there ever been such a thing - in the long march of human history? Never - not since the cave..Who'd have a Bobby's job? Not I. (but with great respect for the 'services' which try to save life and maintain the peace)....Thanks to all ...

"The ultimate weakness of violence is that it is a descending spiral begetting the very thing it seeks to destroy, instead of diminishing evil, it multiplies it. Through violence you may murder the liar, but you cannot murder the lie, nor establish the truth. Through violence you may murder the hater, but you do not murder hate. In fact, violence merely increases hate. Returning violence for violence multiplies violence, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that".

Long ramble, I know:

"Why, yes," said he, "and the strange thing is, Mr. Sherlock Holmes, that if my friend here had not proposed coming round to you this morning I should have come on my own account. I understand that you think out little puzzles, and I've had one this morning which wants more thinking out than I am able to give it."

Amen to that: no matter - there is a small furry delegation camped about the workbench - no pressure of course; but, it is a lovely evening and perhaps a long night time ramble may (as it always does) clear away those thoughts which trouble and vex. The sight of the big dog hoovering up the night scents; little dog learning his trade (and manners) the ever present sense of the cat at high speed then dropping far behind; a spectre, a master hunter and as a stoic, instinctive representative of 'reality' in the real world as is possible to find. "Away then" all of you - they know to wait at the orchard gate - for it is there the 'adventure' begins. Far, far away from modern life - reality in a nutshell - the nature of things; as writ before 'writing' and such things as 'the internet' Aye, it really is a very small world with little change in human nature; not when you get right down to it, it ain't.


Responsibility - at one remove..

We are free to choose our paths, but we can't choose the consequences that come with them". 

It must be something to do with rain; precipitation - if you prefer. Tramping about in wet boots, trousers and knowing that the dogs are colder and wetter than I - and that I must attend to them before seeing to my own comfort. Why? Well, I am 'responsible' for their well being; no one else is. Just me; it goes with the job description. I was taught from an early age the meaning of being 'responsible' and the consequences of failing to meet my obligations. Later the consequences of not doing a thing 'correctly' or to best of my ability or not learning from error there was always a price to pay. This was quickly realised and thoroughly corrected before entering a working 'life' environment, where it mattered and no prisoners were taken. Perhaps this is the reason for my abject disappointment with the shameful performance of what are supposed to be Australia's world class, gold standard aviation 'oversight' systems. One could be forgiven for imagining the astronomical 'cost' of these agencies equates to excellence - it does not. Furthermore on a per 'aircraft movement' basis (across the board) it is the most expensive system on the planet. Add up the real 'money' invested by the tax payer (total budget) and divide by aircraft movements - then compare that to the USA or UK - yet the 'budgets' keep growing. It is a truly 'scary' number. Throwing more tax/user pays money at it will not correct the 'problems'..

“So, in the end, above ground you must have the Haves, pursuing pleasure and comfort and beauty, and below ground the Have-not, the Workers getting continually adapted to the conditions of their labour."

But, I digress; 'responsibility' was the bottom line; or more on target, the deliberate 'avoidance' of that incubus. An ATCO, Fireman, Policeman, Pilot, Ship Master, Bus driver, Electrician, Plumber, Builder, Carpenter, kitchen hand or toilet cleaner - if they 'get-it-wrong'- and create a pig's ear - they are "in the gun". No holds barred, penalties, fines - even gaol time for some. Yet those responsible for a thing like ICAO compliance; sound air traffic control, sensible management of an industry or even the analysis of fatal and potentially fatal accident can simply gloss over any and all real responsibility. Protected, safe, warm and dry within a fatally flawed system which is diametrically opposed to 'the rule of law', out of government control; and, visibly disintegrating, bit by bit, on a daily basis. Easy enough to rectify -  just change chairs, take the pay increase and never even look back at the carnage left in the wake.

“What's the use you learning to do right when it's troublesome to do right and ain't no trouble to do wrong, and the wages is just the same?”

In the real world there are 'consequences' - and a 'knock on' effect from those consequences. Courts, Tribunals, Inquiries, Estimates and Investigations - all have a common thread (in general terms); its the same with Kids - 'cause; effect and consequence'. Remember that old rhyme "for want of a nail the shoe was lost' etc. A classic 'cause and effect' lesson - however, it fails in part to address and correct the radical cause. Before throwing a saddle across the horse, the prudent rider picks up each hoof and checks that all is as it should be; few excuses for avoiding this responsibility, for, as the poem says, there is much at stake. In the governance of 'matters aeronautical' case, the avoidance of 'responsibility' has become an expensive, exquisite, rarefied art form. Anyone who believes for a minute that sacking Halfwit and even his Board will correct the consequences of avoiding responsibility is dreaming. The corrections required demand Ministerial not departmental intervention. The sums of money needed to effect the changes is outlandish - but money and spin alone will not correct the flaws nor shoo away the negligence inflicted. IMO the Minister should bring charges against Halfwit and his Board for gross negligence, dereliction and gross incompetence; accept the responsibility a crown minister has to the public and return Australian airspace to world best standard. Its bloody embarrassing, not to mention potentially dangerous to allow ATC and fire services services to limp along as it stands.

“If cats could count, they’d start getting nervous around the time they put paid to their fifth life.”

Aye, so much for Halfwit a good riddance I call it, I can't see him queuing up at the dole office or visiting the food bank; no Sir. But, no matter, I made half a dozen doors this week to be installed; tricky things to make are doors - using hand tools but most satisfactory when complete, the 'raised panels' were demanding as they were made from 'edge jointed' boards to get the width needed: most satisfactory. Looking out of the window at the cold, bleak, wet landscape, lowering cloud and buckets of rain; its not rocket science to work out why there is not a delegation at the door. Perhaps another coffee?

Selah -.-

But then; are we truly lost?

"All that is gold does not glitter, Not all those who wander are lost; The old that is strong does not wither, Deep roots are not reached by the frost."

Tolkien opens the batting quite nicely I think for the 'return to sanity' trophy. 'Sanity' in this case may be judged by true, agreed and contracted ICAO compliance. Australia did sign up, early in the piece and was, for a while at least, a stalwart supporter of the Chicago Convention. Back in the early days 'law' and 'orders' were written to make 'compliance' a clear, easy objective. Sensible, unambiguous with 'latitude' built in to allow innovation - and air operations thrived; not all prospered but the industry was a 'going concern'. Slowly and with some stealth for some unfathomable reason, a dark cloud grew over the administration and the impositions on air operations. The 'thing' we have to work with today represents a juxtaposition to both spirit and intent of the original tenets governing what is essentially, an industry which has changed very little.

The 'old' style of 'regulation is clearly represented by "All that is gold does not glitter."Indeed it is hard to find a hint of the original 'glitter' beneath the swathes of convoluted, complex 'rules' which are as easily prosecuted as they are strongly protective of the governing agencies. Agencies which are detached from any form of 'government' control, required to consider profit ahead of operational excellence and cannot be brought back to reality by the government which pay them with levies on the industry. If the agencies were required to 'break even' that would be a considerable saving. If the agencies could be held accountable for their 'operations', that would improve not only 'safety' but pave the way to operational compliance.

"Not all those who wander are lost;" - yet, Australian aviation governance is not only 'lost' but refuses to see the 'exit' signs. There are many, many of these signs; and many examples of deliberate institutional blindness. ICAO 'compliance' for one; the State Safety Program (SSP) another. Two specific tenets from which money may be drawn, lots of it, all spent on producing massive amounts 'registered differences' which, technically, keep 'compliance' whilst supporting the differences from standard. Why? That would be a good question to have answered and acted on - perhaps by the incumbent government minister; or better yet the 'shadow minister'..

"The old that is strong does not wither." So very apt - despite the pointless, endless reworking of regulation and slippery lip service to international 'compliance' agreements/contracts the 'old' - original texts are far and away superior, succinct and achievable; without the built in hanging nooses which exonerate and protect those who draft 'clever' sentences which deflect all responsibility and liability.

The stanza - "Deep roots are not reached by the frost" may not stand the test of time, the 'frost' has held sway for many years now and the 'deep roots' - those which helped the industry to flourish are slowly withering away. Not too many will have been to an aerodrome at 0600 and seen the queues of aircraft waiting to depart; or at the fuel bowser or in hangers. Fire truck in attendance, fuel truck flat out; no; at 0530 o'clock most aerodromes are a lonesome, windswept wilderness.

There are probably a few reasons, not directly related to 'governance for this barren landscape; not too many though.However, it makes a remarkable graph and presents an unequivocal, clear ratio matrix; to compare the growth of the agencies and regulation to the decline in air operations and operators. It really does make a 'remarkable' graphic descriptor.

“I live in the Managerial Age, in a world of "Admin." The greatest evil is not now done in those sordid "dens of crime" that Dickens loved to paint. It is not done even in concentration camps and labour camps. In those we see its final result. But it is conceived and ordered (moved, seconded, carried, and minuted) in clean, carpeted, warmed and well-lighted offices, by quiet men with white collars and cut fingernails and smooth-shaven cheeks who do not need to raise their voices. Hence, naturally enough, my symbol for Hell is something like the bureaucracy of a police state or the office of a thoroughly nasty business concern."

Speaking of a thoroughly nasty 'business' concerns; I must mention the soon to be forgotten halfwit and his Board; Amen to that. Is there now hope that flights into Brisbane will not be required to carry an extra hour of fuel; or, even better - be allowed to make a constant descent profile a norm rather than a luxury. The notion of 'dive and drive' was outlawed donkey's years ago - and yet, essentially; that is the 'norm' there. Dragging a fully loaded aircraft - over the city, in approach configuration (dirty) is not only counter intuitive, but highly counterproductive (read expensive and potentially dangerous). Companies don't care - just bang an extra $30 or $50 onto the ticket price - short approach = ahead; long approach break even at worst. It is a nonsense and now they want to increase the 'tail-wind' maximum - Bullshit; all of it. Purest moonshine, sold by the purveyors of snake oil.

Aye: ”If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit.”

Item last: one which is well worthy of highest commendation; the other, not so much. It begs what is IMO an interesting question; raised by a bRB member. Both need reading and a minute or two reflection. This first class submission - HERE -by Moorabin Council is worthy of the time  - the latest LMH in the Australian Flying magazine ain't. You'd have to wonder why Hitch chooses to sit on the fence instead of boosting the Moorabin sensible submission. I agree with the BRB majority - "if you sit on the fence, you get little, splinters in your arse". Hitch is a long (long) way short of the peerless Phelan; for whom we wish tailwinds and a never ending supply of that which pleases him best.

Delayed due 'Mothers day'. Nearly time to turn off the lamps, managed to get the dogs and myself home almost dry - except for boots, socks and paws. The cat elegant as always, declined the invitation; preferring to share (reluctantly) my chair. Aye; there's a pile of firewood under shelter; more inside drying out. I look forward to the days growing short; the crackle of the stove, the smell of woodsmoke etc. Just have to remember to take my boots off before late night kitchen raids for sausage rolls and cake - (got caught last week - ).


Alas, poor Estimates; we know them well.

Aye, come Wednesday, we are off on yet another episode from the Bubble entertainment channel. Remarkable things are these heavy duty Indaba; yet despite the 'sound' and carefully controlled fury; the rhetoric, obfuscation and even the odd searching question - nothing ever seems to appear on main stream media, dripping with idiot advertisements, neatly slotted in between dog shows and 'food' fools. Yet the production costs of these supposedly 'important' sessions are right up there with a Hollywood budget. The numbers are worth running; take any session - break it down to an hourly cost - wages for cast, crew, back room advice, catering, transport, equipment and the odd session with a shrink (stress related of course) and you come up with a seriously big number. And for what? I've lost count of the hours wasted watching these pantomimes; always in the hope of 'someone' actually getting 'something' done, let alone achieving any sort of 'outcome'. The paperwork piles up, by the cart load, filed, stored and - forgotten; job done. The only real benefit of 'the crew' sitting through these sessions are the jokes made during recreation of a particular element or person; often hilarious, ribald and so close to being the 'truth' as to make the Angels chuckle.  No matter, there is sage advice from the pen of Conan Doyle for the Senators, to wit:-

"To that Providence, my sons, I hereby commend you, and I counsel you by way of caution to forbear from crossing the moor in those dark hours when the powers of evil are exalted."

On Wednesday May 29, year of our Lord 2024, once gain the grudge match between Senators and 'the public service' kicks off at 0900 o'clock (EST). Although 'grudge match' is probably a misnomer; more like Senate lambs to departmental slaughter. There sit the 'departments' safe inside their non elected power base, hands on the levers, untouchable, and hardly even responsible to the ministers they are supposed to serve. The 'Senators' on the other hand have about as much impact, control and 'influence' as I have over the moon rising. Think back to the Pel-Air 'inquiry' - men like Fawcett and Forsyth - dragging up some 60 odd recommendations - then being told their findings were 'advice' only, and totally ignored. Look at the opposition line up for Wednesday, Halfwit to open the batting; what chance do you give the Estimates committee bowlers? (None is the right answer.) The shambles ASA has degenerated into is not a 'recent' thing of concern; the writing has been on the wall for years; clearly visible; count up the concerns voiced over the last years, the advice ignored and the total lack of directional shift over the years which has led to the current mess. ICAO compliance - lip service; SSP acknowledged in the breach and carefully avoided; Commonwealth Aerodrome management sold off to developers; accident investigation an international joke (when they manage to do one - on time) CASA in the hands of an incompetent amateur; all this despite sound, expert advice. And the Senate Estimates committee is going to sort this out? Bollocks. Until there is a serious, bipartisan 'push' to get matters aeronautical back on the rails; supported by 'expert' rather than 'administrative' advice, from industry: we may as well all go and 'stress down' in the play-room with the Lego and jigsaw puzzles, before dining out while recovering and counting up the Pennies we made today. Ayup; life in the bubble must be grand; indecent, immoral, greedy and venal - but grand, nevertheless...

"But man, proud man,
Dress’d in a little brief authority,
Most ignorant of what he’s most assure’d—
His glassy essence—like an angry ape
Plays such fantastic tricks before high heaven
As makes the angels weep; who, with our spleens,
Would all themselves laugh mortal. "

There is (believe it or not) serious expert 'assistance' available to the Senators; AMROBA for an example. But dear reader that, standing alone, is about as much use as a Chocolate fire wall. The Senators may well see the logic and recognise the value in a 'reform' - but, I'll give you long odds, (seriously long odds) on any form of expertise or knowledge or even common or garden sense being granted admission to 'the agencies'. The walls are high, the barriers formidable and sharp knives await those who dare rock the boat of ineptitude and unsettle the laissez faire allowed by disinterested government. Mark you, all of this is at tax payer expense. Wonderful; abso bloody lootely stellar.

P2 has, once again, done the digging through the the latest hyper bollocks and spin released; all on site - for a laugh see the ATSB latest; for a howl at the moon see the latest confection from CASA - or; if 'sleuthing' takes your fancy; follow up on the 'Croc O' Shite saga and wonder at the antics (or lack thereof) of that dynamic duo, Crawford and Martin; talk about making angels weep. Well, I rest my case M'Lud.

Happy thing this week - a mate is teaching his young daughter the rudiments of carpentry; I had some time and some left over boards; made her a 'tool box' - a proper one; rooted out some basic tools from the 'old' box, and we spent a pleasant afternoon cleaning them up and putting an edge on old steel. The delight shown when the first 'true' shaving from the restored plane came off the billet is a memory I shall keep forever. Sometimes, occasionally, the destination is worth the journey. "Away with yer" I murmur - and off they go; bright moon light showing the way.

Selah -.-

Of Outback wrangling.

The last sentence in short piece by Robyn Ironside (The Australian) - tacked onto the end of P2's follow up post _ HERE _ is possibly the best start point for taking a long, hard, open honest appraisal of the steps taken toward an unnecessary death. A completely avoidable tragedy, the knock on effects and the costs associated.

"Helibrook and Mr Wright have previously indicated they will contest charges brought by NT Worksafe over the crash, alleging reckless conduct for operating unsafe aircraft and interference with flight records over an extended period."

Inside the lawyers brief cases, there should be three separate briefs to prosecute, for any 'blame' associated with these events may be equally shared.

"Salvation: to see each thing for what it is— its nature and its purpose."

To begin, we must start at the end - and trudge our way back to the beginning. Two men and a helicopter set out, ostensibly to collect the eggs of crocodiles. Is this a 'high risk' operation? How could that be quantified? From an 'operational' standpoint, provided all is as it should be, then, the 'risk' is mostly to those actually involved in the doing of it. Here we encounter the very first hole in that famous cheese.

[Image: Swiss-Cheese.jpg]
Ref:  Popinjay and Hoody taking the piss on ICAO Annex 13 final report compliance?? &  Timeline of CASA N-OVERSIGHT of TOPEND COWBOYS??

In the beginning, John McCormick, a previous DAS (CASA top dog) declared that only turbine powered machinery must be used for operations which involved a human being being a 'sling load' for helicopter operations. Sound reasoning, and, (NB) - sling load is a separate qualification. Indeed across the planet in many applications sling load humans operate within 'reasonable risk' tolerance, using turbine powered aircraft. So, how was it that piston engine machinery emerged as an acceptable standard for the croc egg collecting business? Who approved that?

Let's say that there was a 'safety case' examined and the 'risk level' was deemed appropriate. It is worth considering some 'sensible' caveats being attached to the operational approvals: for example, a reduced time limit between overhaul; strict adherence to immediate 'fault repair' in short; an enforced and monitored  requirement to ensure that the aircraft was at all times 'fit for purpose'. Clearly this was not the case; it should have been; alas... There appears to have been, whether by accident, design or circumstance a significant difference between aircraft being 100% serviceable and a 'normalised deviance' by carrying known defects into operational work. This, IMO begs questions as to the 'attitude' of the operator and aircrew. There exists a system - Permissible Un Serviceability' (PUS) quite legitimate and essential. Aircraft may safely operate with certain items out of service; these are listed and 'work around' or alternative means of achieving a required function are provided, clearly documented and, importantly, 'approved'. The items out of commission are noted and rectified within a prescribed time frame. This is an essential element for commercial operations, accepted practice, world wide. There appears to be no such system provided to this operation - according to the available reports.

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

Is there a short answer to that question? I wonder, where was the vaunted oversight  of the CASA operatives? Where was the 'surveillance'? Where was the operational oversight and scrutiny? The whole thing seems to have been overseen by people who have either no idea or little interest in ensuring that the operation was conducted not only 'as scripted'; but that the 'script' was fit for purpose. The simple things for example. Engine time recording - an essential element - particularly for the machinery operated ;'on task'. These light piston engine helicopters are reliable and robust provided they are kept in first class fettle; the harder they are 'worked' particularly in a 'hostile' environment the more attention needs to paid to their 'well being'. The safety 'margins' are not extensive even when handled and maintained properly; acceptable certainly - but they are 'intolerant' of any abuse or neglect. There is a fairly long list of slip shod 'operational' practices and of pilots who went along; possibly to get along. CASA should have been 'all over' this possibility; however, considering the attitude toward the Broome operations, it is not much of a stretch to equate this attitude toward the northern operation. It beggars belief that the fatuous Board and DAS turned up for a 'feel good' visit, full of 'Bonhomie' and largess to sanctify the operational aberrations.  Many questions demanding answers regarding the CASA oversight in the remote corners of this wide brown land; many. All shuffled away in the mists of blame, arse covering and the never ending supply of official bullshit.

“He ought to question them upon everything, and listen to their opinions, and afterwards form his own conclusions.”

No matter, we will always have 'Estimates' - for amusement. There is almost 90 minutes of the 'CASA' episode (if you can stomach it). A masterpiece of circular non answers; the hapless DAS aided and abetted by her tame snake oil salesman; ducking, weaving and obfuscating like Billy-O. All waste, but, the dross is recorded and if ever there is a minister appointed who actually takes some responsibility and is prepared to actually go in to bat for an essential industry, or, have the guts to rein in both horse and cart; then this country will remain a laughing stock heading toward pariah status - in the minds of 'professional' administrators, keepers of the world wide accepted standards. No, they are not perfect - but they are streets ahead of the current amateur lash up.

“I did not attend his funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying I approved of it.”

Aye well; when this tawdry exhibition of rump covering and excess is over and time (gods willing & weather permitting) I will sit down and strip the Broome and Crock brangle down the bare bones; it deserves to be openly and honestly examined. Little chance of reform or clarity, much less honesty and correction made; but as long as the public purse can withstand the outrageous cost and politicians cling to 'safety' (their own in particular) and the 'public service' industry is kept warm and well fed, I expect it will make but small differ. Nevertheless...........

Yes, yes: I know, back in my box right. That's it; the opening stanza endeth..


Senators v Department Heads -

Round 637. Seconds away - Ding. And once again its 'game on'. There are many versions of this 'game' provided and over time, we have witnessed nearly all. The eternal game of 'Pin a Fart to a Wall' and the 'stuff a wet noodle in a tiger's arse and the eternal favourite 'flogging a dead donkey'. All, very nearly entertaining; almost. Alas, to the seasoned punter the 'red' odds on anything other than a goalless draw take all the fun out of a flutter. There is no 'extra time' or a penalty shoot-out to resolve the lacklustre match, strong, brick wall defence tactics and some pathetic attack forays on the other crew's goal see the stands empty by half time and the Bookies scratching for cab fare. Nor even a highlight on the TV to ease the morbidity.

Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.”

Aye, there are many calls for 'change' - deuced tricky business is change. However, for centuries now, those who practice 'ringing the changes' (campanology) have worked out methods of doing this without too much ado; so it can be managed. There is an 'art' to it, no doubt;  but definitely 'do-able' - provided each element is coordinated and cohesive. And, it is well past the time when 'government' and it's servants start to 'ring-the-changes' before there is chaos. IMO, that is where Australian aviation headed, the exit for the road to 'Perdition' is rapidly approaching. My old mate Dickens summed it up neatly.

"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair."

There are, for weal or for woe; folk making decisions and folk enacting those decisions who have no business doing so. Take a wander through the last Estimates go-around (and around). Well intentioned senators mumbling and stumbling through questions they do not have the 'right' answer to. Those questioned - well - what can I say - pathetic rump covering perhaps; or deliberate obfuscation; or, even shameless 'duck-shoving' to an even deeper mire of murky deflection. For this pantomime, the nation pays dearly; very, very dearly. Sound and fury - signifying 'por nada'.

Good decisions come from experience. Experience comes from making bad decisions.

So, what of these 'changes' demanded by industry; it is a broad church (so to speak) and almost every discipline has at least one axe to grind. From corporate developers to the winsome week-end warrior in a home built; all have needs, many have an agenda; there are even (believe it or not) 'experts' in each field of endeavour who actually do have not only 'solutions' to the things which blight their field, but have no idea of the consequential 'knock - on' effects of their sole focus on one element. Nothing wrong with this until it come to 'ringing-in-the changes'. Then all Hell breaks loose; that which is sauce for the Goose, offends the Gander. Bad enough standing alone, but:: what about the mutts who are charged with orchestrating the changes demanded; and their masters. Lord, you talk about a Camel being designed by a committee, that will be the play of a child compared to the ructions, machinations and inevitable fumbles.

"It should be borne in mind that there is nothing more difficult to arrange, more doubtful of success, and more dangerous to carry through than initiating changes. The innovator makes enemies of all those who prospered under the old order, and only lukewarm support is forthcoming from those who would prosper under the new. Their support is lukewarm ... partly because men are generally incredulous, never really trusting new things unless they have tested them by experience."

Are deep seated changes required? Good question that one and worthy of some consideration. A qualified 'Yes' to that conundrum - but how much, of what and when and how?. In the beginning Australia was a leading compliant signatory to the Chicago convention and an ICAO acolyte. There was a serviceable 'Act' reasonable rules and aviation flourished (well sort of); it at least staggered and stumbled it's way out of the dark ages. But I digress; 'change' is the crux; and there are many calls for change across the entire spectrum; all valid, some brilliant, others not so much. 'Tis but the way of the world, however, needs must when the devil drives.. There are some practical tools available to effect a change; there are some fairly tightly focused agenda; there are even some from 'left-field' - how are these to 'get-sorted'?  For my Two bob's worth; I would begin with an 'attitude' change.

"The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking."

Now then, you may change the Act, the Rules, the system and even those who have the power to see and understand that which is 'needful' to be done. But; having patiently (with a handy bucket) sat through every recording from the last Estimates there is only one, solitary change I would make - given I had the horsepower; the attitude of those described as 'public servants'. The 'airports' lady, Halfwit, Spence,  all deep into rice bowl protection - combat mode - fully loaded with so much Pony Pooh and help to throw it as to make the Angels weep. It ain't combat. They all get paid very well to perform required function; the Senators have 'questions' which demand answers; essentially "if not - why not"? A "why is it so" question, from a Senator demands a plain, honest answer - a sensible reasoned explanation of 'Why'. You can fiddle with the 'rules' all you like but until the departments start to provide a 'reasonable' explanation to honest questions; the whole thing is a gross waste of public money and my time remaining on this earth. Until that changes and honest competent people can provide answers; without the passive aggressive, self protective  'attitude' - then both the good and the bad ideas and 'solutions' are about as much use as a chocolate fire wall.

“The mirror crack'd from side to side
"The curse has come upon me," cried
The Lady of Shalot

Aye well; no matter - I have a treasure - $50 bucks it cost me; a wonderful 'Grandmother' clock, fallen on hard times, neglected and abused. No longer; my ancient, venerable clock maker friend will restore the neglected workings (a mystery) and I shall dive into my hoarded store of Rosewood, Apple, Mahogany and other treasured remnants to build a new carcass for a grand old lady. Patience, time, skill and integrity required for the task; cant wait to start - measurement and design to follow. What? - of course it will be classic - how else? Now then, my boots, smokes, dogs (et al) - Away then; time to wander the earth and wonder at it all. 


Not for Profit- is that the 'right' question?

Philosophically, that question can be tackled anywhere from a sensible half dozen bases to a lot more – it all depends on your 'point of view'; or, more likely from a 'whats in it for me' standpoint.

“There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.”

Aye, but, to a 'thinking' person; the absolutely abysmal state of the Australasian air space (dare I say management') - mess - demands prompt, decisive rectification: yesterday would have been great, but tomorrow will suffice. Global searches at great expense to find someone (anyone) willing to take a million a year to fix the shit fight left behind from a flawed approach is asking a great deal. There seems to be some fairly artful dodging, ducking and weaving in the wake of the last decade of mismanagement; and, some fairly tidy sums of tax payer money creamed off the top of the muddle. All well and good for the millionaires, those who successfully managed to 'milk' the tit; but what about poor old Joe Taxpayer – slugged three ways to Christmas and stuck with a third world system?

“The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”

It's not that 'help' or guidance was/is unavailable. Across the planet millions are moved everyday. The Brits and the USA move many, many more aircraft in a week than Australia does in a month (wild guess number) – I've seen more aircraft lined up at Denver for departure mid morning, than there is aircraft in Australia – all moving along and departing roughly 'on time' – so why can't Australia shift the pitiful few queued up in Sydney and Melbourne at a reasonable rate of dispatch. Spend a morning at Heathrow, or London Docks; or in Singapore, or any other major hub – the differences stark. Better yet, talk to aircrew who regularly operate into and out of 'real' traffic control systems – they'll tell ya! In colorful language. So, once again, why is Australia so bloody agricultural?

"For time and the world do not stand still. Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or the present are certain to miss the future."

About now, i.e. today – there is a perfect opportunity to 'start' the process of bringing Australia up to par with the grown ups. The bare bones are there; we have an excellent core body of front line crew, some fairly good facilities and great weather (most of the time) – and no great 'volume' of traffic to manage. Consider; this is all funded by the taxpaying traveling public; in one form or another. The alleged 'profits' from the operation are not returned to general revenue, they are used to pay inflated salary and bonus to a crowd of professional 'not me' types. (See Senate Estimates video_ P2's You Tube) if any doubt exists. Although, how the Hell anyone could claim a salary of a million plus and a bonus for the current debacle is beyond my ken. This is a 'public service' – one instituted to provide a safe, efficient network facilitating the movement of aircraft: that is it's sole 'raison de d'etre. Passing it off as a 'business' – particularly a government profit center is a basically deeply flawed philosophy – or a great cynical, greedy 'rip-off' – probably both. The chances of a 'mid-air' event are slim to anorexic; the 'real danger' resides within a hidebound, top heavy bureaucracy feeding from the traveling public and airline efficiency trough, while covering their collective rumps from any and all responsibility for the bugger's muddle. The airlines, GA operators and Joe Public are forced to support the edifice – like it or not. Why waste a perfect opportunity to get this mess sorted out; slim, efficient, expert management to lead a great crew out of the morass. Accident ain't the worry; the slow descent into decadent, government imposed operational poverty through abrogation is.

“You may delay, but time will not.”

That's it, ramble over - back to my knitting. The stove is warm, the Ale cool and there's no great rush to venture out on a cold, frosty evening.


Too many 'words' – perhaps?

Far too many IMO, often deceptive, subject to 'opinion' and open to 'translation' – readily providing 'wriggle room' and borderline sophistry. Now, back in the day rules were simple: even today for children, we keep the 'rules' simple, easily understood and enforced. The 'Ten Commandments' a classic example, simple, to the point and leaving no doubt about what has been done 'wrong'.

“Any fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius-and a lot of courage-to move in the opposite direction.”

The aviation industry swims in an ocean of 'regulation, law, tenets and complexity; domestic twiddles and international mores. Swamped in the bloody stuff; often contrary to common sense, practical experience and often, unnecessarily preventing the free flow of operational expediency. Three decades ago, there was a serviceable rule set, they, essentially, provided guidance for the wise and obedience for fools. Today's version, in essence says exactly the same things; but, thanks to the endless 'make work' and empire building crowd, one almost needs legal counsel, before 'firing up and buggering off'. Many of the 'wise owls' – those very familiar with both system and law agree on one  point; which, in essence puts the whole expensive, counter productive farce in a nutshell. The 'safe conviction of whosoever the blame is sheet-ed home to and to reinforce the belief that only through ever more complex regulation, provided by an army of bureaucrats, can the incumbent political masters be at the demanded minimum of arms length.

If there is any hell more unprincipled than our rulers, and we, the ruled, I feel curious to see it.”

Forbye; the evidence is close at hand; for those who prefer 'picture and sound' the Estimates video provide some damning evidence; however, for those who can find the time and patience; study the scant few answers to the Questions on Notice (QoN). - HERE -.

P2 - “ how's that working out??? Well from my calculation the total QON answered for Dicky King's department and supposedly over-sighted agencies (including CASA, ATSB and ASA) is currently at a miserly 64 AQON, leaving a total of 358 QON yet to be answered (including I believe zero written QON)?? :

Then consider the incredible 'cost' of a Senate Estimates session; it is a serious amount of money; work out the hourly cost of even the lanyard waving 'Betsy' (doyen of NSW government and a good riddance) – a cool million plus a year; his department in a tail spin, scrambling to find a dignified, no blame, arse covering response to Senators questions. Nothing else to do but that and yet; despite the incredible amounts of money fed into 'the machine' there's little in the way of rhyme, reason or value for that money returned on the nations (and industry) investment. Better odds in a casino poker machine hell hole.

“Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure nineteen six, result happiness. Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure twenty pound ought and six, result misery. -- “

Aye; no wonder Rex is in trouble, quite apart from the usual ingredients of greed, stupidity, ego, promoting to a level of incompetence & etc. Oh, and (of course) the-Bull shit. They are obliged (on many levels) to defend their collective rumps against criminal conviction from a system of governance which is not only rigged against them; but they pay for through a system which has a voracious appetite for high salary and no responsibility, to mankind, the government or even the gods themselves.

“Of mankind we may say in general they are fickle, hypocritical, and greedy of gain.”

End of ramble; end of leave – time to sweep winter out of the workshop. Best I light the stove; there's a fur bearing delegation camped around it looking askance.


An 'error' occurred :--

Not often a whispered 'Thank you' to the internet gods is offered; but offer one I did. Part way through the 'inquiry' into 'noise' and Western Sydney Airport the link broke and I had (thankfully) a valid excuse for not staying the course. Sort of lost it a bit when the twaddle about birds not being able to hear mating calls etc got wheeled out. Not often much in the way of sympathy for Polly's, listening and interacting with punters and voters is a part of the gig. But; fair dinkum, having to sit through some of the rubbish spouted during the bit I heard would test the patience of a stone idol. Bravo Sen Mac and Canavan. 

..The government owned corporation responsible for managing Australia's airspace and flight paths is 'not fit for purpose' and 'has been failing Australians for decades', a senate inquiry has heard.

Finally, after decades of 'industry' outrage, the proverbial Penny is starting to drop. Air Services, CASA and the ATSB 'all' falling into the >unfit for purpose< bracket. That is no 'fancy' of mine; the evidence over the last decade, presented through Senate Estimates is overwhelming. No matter the incumbent 'government du jour'; the same stonewalls, the same ducking and weaving, the same 'non' answers to questions and nothing done or said has prevented the slow, but inevitable decline in 'service rendered' as value for investment or serious improvement in overall 'service' to the end user of product. This is demonstrable fact; see Hansard.....

“We can not solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them”

The conundrum is 'where to begin'; many and varied are the proposed solutions; many opinions centre or focus on a particular 'problem', however, IMO viewing a particular element and resolving 'that' issue has knock on effects which create 'problems' for the next department down stream. The resultant 'parcel passing' and amorphous answers to QoN is a symptom of a 'sick' system, forced into self protection.

“Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.”

It would be possible to rattle on – citing the many, often risible examples of the 'system' in operation; not too far to look, (see P2's you tube channel). I keep coming back to the notion that with 'proper' 'leadership' in the form of a dedicated 'minister' for matters aeronautical, much of the present 'make work' and arse covering could be done away with. The title 'minister for transport' encompasses a huge raft of complex, often fraught with potential political liability elements. If the arse covering begins at the top, its no small wonder that the rest of the crowd at the rice bowl will adopt a similar self protective stance: for there's much to loose. Sinecure for starters. I just wonder if an able person, such as McKenzie, had only one job, and only three departments to manage the perhaps the radical problem areas could be addressed. When you boil it all down the 'problems' are not many; indeed, the tools for an almost overnight change are readily at hand, alongside the expertise to use those impressive tools. Hell's bells, I don't know; but, something needs to be done before we end up shipwrecked in a sea of dross. That is crystal clear. Yes; yes, I know, back in my box; ramble over. Aye -

“Every man is a damn fool for at least five minutes every day; wisdom consists in not exceeding the limit.

So much for Sunday on Monday; still fighting a loosing battle with the new 'computer' after the old (much loved) one died of injury after the last savage attack, which fried two hard discs and much else besides. It took a while tot get the previous model 'just so'. Not sure I like to the 'new' toys – but; no doubt we shall manage – eventually. Best crack on – things to do. Tempus (and tempers) Fugit.


UFB?? - Amen to that; and more...

P2 - “You would have thought the Minister supposedly over-sighting aviation, would have taken the time to get engaged and offer support to the community members contributing to the Senate Inquiry into 'impact and mitigation of aircraft noise.” (see: Airservices Australia 'not fit for purpose': Inquiry hears.) - UFB??

“Politicians are a lot like diapers. They should be changed frequently, and for the same reasons.”

UFB?  - Well, no, not really. What is truly and completely FB is the tangible, demonstrated will to get re-elected; through top cover tactics. The 'minuscule' has literally millions of tax payer (wages) dollars to spend providing top cover. There is a wall of minions to plough through – all rice bowl protective, long before 'the minuscule' faces the music. Pontious Pilate did a similar thing; nothing new here; so move along. There is little need for the minuscule to be aware, let alone become involved in a major airport development; no Sir. Not when there are countless, highly paid scapegoats available to carry the can; so why would the minuscule bother with such a minor issue? No need really – all the major problems and the whining and sniveling of 'hoi-poloi' can be dealt with through the tedium of 'top cover' departmental heads. That is why they are paid the big money after all; and, for no other plausible reason.

“The first opinion which one forms of a prince, and of his understanding, is by observing the men he has around him.”

Spot on I'd say. Anyone who believes Bettsy (the sacred cow) is worth a million a year is 'barking' – he ain't. However; – as a convenient 'get out of goal card sacrifice, 'priceless; unless his 'damage potential' (to the minuscule)  is greater than the political fallout. Information is great collateral.. But he will survive; some other Mutt, down the gravy train will catch it – in the neck – should Trumps turn to worms. And it will – soon or late – the fiasco and the rorts and the deception and the noise and the impact and etc; must, eventually be revealed. But it won't matter. The cast and crew will all be paid off; the obscene, useless developers will be off on their holidays, fat, dumb and well paid. Another stellar achievement logged for a government which is really only interested in 'power', bull-shit and keeping the money rolling in. Nice work – if you can get it. Shame on this government – since Hawke set the template the downward spiral has continued.

“Laws are best explained, interpreted, and applied by those whose interest and abilities lie in perverting, confounding, and eluding them.”

Mrs McINTOSH (Lindsay) (13:36): "The residents of Western Sydney have not been impressed with the Albanese Labor government's minister for infrastructure's hoodwinking tactics on our local community."

Many, (too many) years ago; a local Poacher and I were great mates; he was indeed a true expert on the ways of Badgers, and other fascinating creatures. One of my most cherished memories is sitting on a fallen Oak, deep within a 'real' wood, in silence (smoking my first Woodbine) and watching a whole family of Badgers coming out to forage for their supper – but, I digress. His words on how to properly, without serious damage to self or a lost Falcon are best summed up below. In short, 'Hooding' anything that can be dangerous and kills for living must be handled correctly.

Hoodwinking; “Hoodwinked, another falconry word that found its way into everyday usage. I looked it up in the dictionary: to dupe or trick. I must not be very bright because every time I ever tried to trick a raptor I always ended up losing blood. Now I don’t for one minute believe that blindfolding a creature tricks it into thinking that its night time, but it does have the same desired and instant effect.”

“No man can claim to be a master of hawks until he is master of the art of hooding” (Gilbert Blaine 1936)

Now then, King, (the inutile) is playing the fool with a very dangerous animal; and, the top cover gambit foisted on the public is simply a distraction – the real story is deep within the 'money' trail. The tax payer will (as usual) get stuck with the rhetoric, plausible deniability and – the airport. But long before the first Jet interrupts Judge Judy or Playschool – the profits have been taken, the commissions all paid and the tax breaks for owning 10 meters of concrete have been hauled in. It is insult added to grievous injury by folks who care not a fig for the locals or air transport industry, or even the law: provided the trimming are all from the top shelf - “I'm alright Jack” is rule 1.

“It could probably be shown by facts and figures that there is no distinctly native criminal class except Congress.”

Hitch - “The Aviation Maintenance Repair and Overhaul Business Association (AMROBA) very publicly reversed their direction on Part 43 from "yea" to "nay", which may be a dagger in the heart of the proposed regulation. With that imprimatur in the bin, other organisations are wondering if persisting with Part 43 is simply pumping air into a punctured inner tube. Even if CASA implements a regulation that stands to reduce the maintenance burden for private and airwork aircraft owners, the MROs can simply refuse to do the work to that standard, making Part 43 a duck on crutches”.

AMROBA and Ken Cannane have done thousands of Kilometers; and written many thousands of words; over an extended period time pointing out, clearly, eloquently, pragmatically and sensibly the only 'sensible – legal' way forward. No matter – finally, Hitch and his rag have mentioned it. Wow! No doubt his dribble and brave stand will sway government and CASA thinking to fall in line with the rest of the world's adopted (by democratic/expert agreement) on best practice. Spence must have to call in the used car sales fella now, to un-ruffle her skirts. Aye; Hitch is a true champion – six years and one mention of AMROBA. My stats show the AMROBA thread at 163, 847 unique views; just a few more than Hitch's tremulous bullet dodging attracted.  Good enough?  – Um; no, not quite Hitch. Splinters in the posterior; demonstrable proof of too long sat on the fence.

“Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn't mean politics won't take an interest in you. ”

That's about it – I reckon; I did delete a page or two more. That is a facet of actually doing the reading and research – the mess would be (and probably is) unbelievable to anyone who did not. But rest assured – its all there; from the incredible to the unbelievable; writ large and freely available. Patience is required along with an ICAO/ FAA audit – a real one; no holds barred. Pay hard cash to see that. Looking forward to tomorrow though; should be interesting. Some of those bidding on the restored Grand Mother clock (turned out better than hoped) wanted a 'class' on 'joinery' – fascinated by the dovetails etc. So, there's a workshop to dust down, tools to sharpen and, I suppose, I'd best true up some scrap Pine – if you make neat joints in that – you can make joints in anything. They have promised Ale and DT has a couple of dozen sausage rolls in the oven; should be fun. Time to visit the 'wild woods' – the 'Pup' has taken to fetching me one boot when the time to ramble is nigh; bless him..

'Well, then, supposing we go and call on HIM?' suggested the Mole.

'O, I'm sure he wouldn't like that at ALL,' said the Rat, quite alarmed. 'He's so very shy, he'd be sure to be offended. I've never even ventured to call on him at his own home myself, though I know him so well. Besides, we can't. It's quite out of the question, because he lives in the very middle of the Wild Wood.'


The Lazarus effect.

Quite the yarn is Lazarus.– Endlessly 'spun' and re-jigged to suit a narrative. Much like Australian aviation – dear old Lazarus had, according to legend, kicked the bucket, then, by some 'miracle' was restored. The notion of some Dude with a beard strolling in and sorting it seems a little far fetched; believable enough if Lazarus was seriously crook, then was cured by 'skill and medicine' – miracle enough right there. Bust the myth and call it closer to reality.- Someone read the symptoms correctly and applied the right remedy. That 'someone' had been trained correctly, had experience, insight, the 'right' remedy to hand and willingness to effect 'the cure'. No idea who that skilled physician was – but, by Golly, we could certainly use such a healer, expert in matters aeronautical.

“America's best buy is a telephone call to the right man.”

Ever watched a skilled person doing a job – Tinker, Tailor, Solider, Spy? Always a pleasure; and the real 'art' is in making it look effortless. Gods alone know the hours, days, weeks and years needed to produce that effect; the hard work and dedication to 'craft' that go into creating that effortless illusion; despite a natural 'talent'. I am not digressing; just trying, in my own clumsy way to make what I believe is a very valid point. To wit:- the lack of talent, expertise and 'skill' within the top echelons of the bodies allegedly 'managing' the aviation industry. It just ain't there.

“Those who wish to deal with me, must do so on my terms or not at all. I do not make terms with incompetence.”

It seems however that we must put up with not only incompetence; but fund it. Despite the inflated salaries and 'perks' and expenses and super; the waste associated with what the government imagines is a rock solid 'safe' system of managing the aviation industry is a staggering number. That is shocking enough; but take the time to fully understand the implications raised in P2's posts – HERE – and - HERE - .. That is just CASA; an outfit no longer IMO fit for purpose; led by someone who NDI or even has the interest in 'investigating' and providing remedy for the bloody mess they, and they alone, have created. The sole purpose of the top table seems to be pacifying the minister and scripting 'get out of jail' missives to excuse the unpardonable. The lack of corporate integrity clearly visible is matched by the glaring corporate incompetence. Fully supported by a government which seems to believe that throwing more tax payer and industry money and bull-shit at the sacred cow of 'safety' will produce a viable, healthy, profitable industry. Aye; and the band played 'Believe it if you like''. 

“There cannot be a crisis next week. My schedule is already full.”

But then again – is CASA the only reprobate being suckled at the tax payer teet?  No, is the short, definitive answer. Has anyone bothered to add up the money ASA have pissed against the public wall – another mind bending sum; and for what? Then we need to take ATSB into account; once again we find very little of either intrinsic or practical value provided against the costs incurred; the 'pro rata'  costs, per investigation compared to the NTSB costs is a very interesting equation; not that anyone would dare to 'run the numbers' or check the difference in quality.  That only leaves the 'Department' and the sacred cow Betsy to mention. The cost of maintaining this 'top cover' agency for the ministerial warts beggars belief. However, should you care to calculate the hourly rate and wish to witness that 'rate' in action; watch the Estimates video on P2's You Tube channel – watch in wonder as < $10, 000 a minute disappears into the Canberra coffers and produces Sweet Fanny Adams except more 'make work'. 

“Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn't.”

Well, ramble over, been a tough week; what the EAP results, the lack progress, the hyperbole and the mind blowing lack of resolution on the simplest of matters; I may be just tad ';cranky'. No matter, an Ale (or two) in good company, a smoke and walk will no doubt lighten the mood. But seriously folks – and 'we' pay for this nonsense: WTD?

No matter; the wood stove is warm, the Ale is cool, dogs fed and sleepy by the fire; P7 is due and it is a fine evening. Perhaps we shall take a stroll a little later when the animals make their notions known.


Oh, brother – where art thou?

Flat out refuse to be party to this load of GWEP Cobblers; nope, not going to waste any more time and energy other than the following. With the rider that if anyone believes this twaddle -well, help will always be available at Hogwarts – your ticket will be delivered by Owl shortly.

"General Aviation (GA) is uniquely positioned to implement some of the innovative changes the aviation sector needs to modernise," the white paper states. "By designing, testing and manufacturing new aviation technologies, GA will improve productivity, safety and connectivity, contributing to the decarbonisation of the aviation sector."

SO, let me get this straight. GA must - unassisted– design, test and manufacture etc. Oh Aye – with what? Where does this half baked notion spring from? Perhaps there's a qreat long waiting list of 'venture capitalists' just salivating to be part of the great design, testing (approval process) and manufacturing push to exist in a carbon neutral fart bubble. BOLLOCKS...Will the government supply the first tranche of money to get the ball rolling – BOLLOCKS they will. GA is almost bankrupt – thanks to the government and the outrageous fees levied for their stellar expensive, non productive 'services to industry'.

“We still find the greedy hand of government thrusting itself into every corner and crevice of industry and grasping at the spoil of the multitude. Invention is continually exercised to furnish new pretenses for revenue and taxation. It watches prosperity as its prey and permits none to escape without a tribute.”

Wouldn't it be nice if 'government' actually got a grip? The pitifully small carbon footprint produced by GA pales into insignificance when compared to the real villains of piece. Solar panel set to be toxic land fill when time expired; imported by the ship load; not even made here. Massive blocks of high load concrete supporting huge eyesore windmill which have an expiry date to be replaced; millions of square acres of bush destroyed to house these noisy part time 'atmosphere friendly' monstrosities. The only good thing about them all is 'someone;' is making a shed load of money while the 'bubble' is still floating. Yet the sane, sensible, profitable solution lays wasted under Australia's native soils. While the wiser, wider world is switching to nuclear: but no matter eh? The GA self funded contribution will certainly have a massive impact; no doubt about it. - What a load of clap-trap. End of ramble......Almost.

“I ain't grouchy,” Teft snapped. “I just have a low threshold for stupidity.”

This aviation industry has one singular fault (IMO) a lack of courage. Instead of cringing and cow-towing to the likes of CASA; tolerating the appalling Air Traffic service and allowing ATSB to wander along purblind and deceitful; it needs to learn but two words. No More! Tell the government to sort out the real causes behind the lack of growth, remove the incubus imposed, and reduce staffing levels by 70 % - save some money and let the industry grow – Oh, it would be handy if we could please have our aerodromes back – now that, would be handy. A small industry cannot possibly keep supporting the impost that incompetent, self aggrandising 'administration' demands. Its a piss take; research, develop, fund, green platitude and delusion - and etc, BUNKUM! Examine the costs and time involved in the simplest 'change' to an operational approval; then redraft the 'Toilet Paper' to say that 'government wants these changes for political purposes and then try to get the tax payer to fund it – Good luck with that. Disgusting result from the long awaited 'White Paper' whitewash. Aye, 'There is indeed a hole in the proverbial bucket' – dear Lisa..

No matter, the houseboat bucket is tried, tested, true and in in good repair; much needed methinks. BRB convenes tonight; I have allowed three minutes for discussion, which should be adequate, considering; before the vote. There's not a Bookie on this planet who would offer odds on the GWEP winning this one. Best crack on – make sure that the libations are at an acceptable temperature – and plenty of it.


The airports issue should start with the fact that government owned civil airports should be open for available much like roads. The excessive fees and restrictions are elements that have impacted negatively on the growth, size and viability of the GA industry. The overall losses weigh on GA in such a profound manner that some perceived government savings by leasing will be many times less than the tax losses from the 2/3rds shrunk GA industry.

In addition we have have a system of licenced airports so that aviators may plan with certainty and have safe alternates. Now we have airports such as Olympic Dam controlled by BHP that require, last time I inquired, $20million insurance and no planned landings when BHP’s flights are using same. Then we have Broome which charges like the proverbial bull. From a current post on FB:-

“Broome is really getting out of control. They now need 48 hours prior notice for parking, have $50+ landing fee and I was just quoted $1872.00 + GST for five weeks itinerant parking or $2,019.00 + GST for 3 months. Last year, I could rent a month at a time for about $350. They are just using their location as a monopoly position, couldn't give a shit about private aviation and are trying to charge the maximum they can.

Honestly, between this kind of behavior (and e.g. Roma charging $200 to come out and check your ASIC after hours before they'll give you a gate code), the demise of LAMEs and total screw-ups like the Coffs harbour airport redevelopment and sale to a private company which has expressed its desire to jack the ground rent up on the GA hangars, I really fear for GA in Australia.“

In my book I don’t see why public airports should have such onerous conditions of use. Fair enough privately owned airports and maybe the answer to Broome might be that someone opens a strip just out of town.  Then the problem becomes one of ‘planning’ permission and because Australia has, according to the London Economist, about the most restrictive land use rules in the world, then good luck with that idea. Sorry to say but “She’ll be right” no it won't. If we can’t get to work with our MPs rather than indulge the great Aussie pastime of bagging all politicians then we won’t get real reform. We should persuade ourselves that it’s freedom and free enterprise that builds prosperity, not ever more bureaucratically operated rules and regulations for just about everything.

I hasten to add that politicians are fair game in the sense that they should take responsibility to govern instead of turning so much of government over to that other Aussie favourite, the totally flawed and nonsensical concept of employing an independent ‘expert’ body to ‘adjudicate.’ This is the notion that government is as simple an a Saturday arvo footy match. The simple minded acceptance of this idea is much loved by the mandarins as it creates loads of highly paid PS jobs. Also attractive to some politicians, in 1988 Labor Transport Minister Gareth Evans got rid of that scary responsibility of aviation by creating CASA. We all know how that’s gone.

By the same token we don’t pay our MPs anything like a proper remuneration for the level of responsibility that we expect them to take. Compare their measily $230k with business execs., or more to the point the dozens of senior PS heads who are paid way more than the PM’s salary and upwards of $1million pa.

I hasten to add that politicians are fair game in the sense that they should take responsibility to govern instead of turning so much of government over to that other Aussie favourite, the totally flawed and nonsensical concept of employing an independent ‘expert’ body to ‘adjudicate.’ This is the notion that government is as simple an a Saturday arvo footy match. The simple minded acceptance of this idea is much loved by the mandarins as it creates loads of highly paid PS jobs. Also attractive to some politicians, in 1988 Labor Transport Minister Gareth Evans got rid of that scary responsibility of aviation by creating CASA. We all know how that’s gone.

By the same token we don’t pay our MPs anything like a proper remuneration for the level of responsibility that we expect them to take. Compare their measily $230k with business execs., or more to the point the dozens of senior PS heads who are paid way more than the PM’s salary and upwards of $1million pa.

WARNING – Ramble follows –

No apology; forbearance is required, just lost it (just a bit) – that's all.

It could be sheeted home to 'over-thinking'; alternatively, it could be seen as the best part of five decades of hands on experience at the business end of providing draft versions of manuals for approval/ acceptance. By that I mean from scratch; blank sheet and instructed to 'get it sorted'. My 'tech' library has approximately 180 tomes on board; dating back to the late 70' up to the present day; there is a whole 1400 mm shelf which houses most of the various 'regulatory' volumes. There are two similar shelves holding draft and finalised manuals for practical operational use. I ain't no 'legal genius' but, experienced enough to at least comment, from an operational point of view, on the current state of play enforced, without much interaction, consideration or pity on the industry.

“And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.”

Aye; and it is with the abyss we must begin – the 'dark side' of the regulations and those who can, will and do weaponise those rules as suits them best. This is no fancy of mine; the results are there, clear as day, framed within many 'actions' taken in the name of 'safety'. There are some very real horror stories out there; read them all (shelf #3) and there is much for CASA to be ashamed off. Before teaching a child to use a shotgun, there is much to consider, for a start, the consequences of actually using the thing to 'kill' a living creature; then there are the rules and consequences of breaking those rules; lastly there is the safety aspect toward self and those around you. It takes time and much depends of the 'teacher'. You simply cannot send a youngster out with a bag of shells, no education, no supervision and without someone to discuss the very real consequences of using the thing without thought to repercussions. Yet there are many examples of untrained people, gifted almost unlimited power, protection from consequences and full support for using a lethal 'legal' weapon in anger. So, in any discussion related to CASA and 'the law' we must, absolutely begin with the education of those charged with dispensing it. Can you imagine the police force sending out someone who was not fully conversant with the 'law' and how to apply it? No, it would be ridiculous – and yet; there stands CASA without let or hindrance, fully supported by not only 'law' but a system which is highly self protective; using 'law' drafted to (and I quote) “Law and system designed only to ensure safe conviction, fully supported by unlimited fiscal, legal and political support.”

“Unlimited power is apt to corrupt the minds of those who posses it; and this I know, my lords: that where law ends, tyranny begins.”

Quite apart from 'training' and operational 'discipline' to remove any semblance of 'personal' bias toward an operator or the way in which the 'law' affects the perceived 'safety' of an operation (legal and operationally). This is an essential at 'the coal face'. There are unlimited tales (evidence backed) where a 'personal' opinion has been 'accommodated' to achieve the much needed 'tick' of approval. Similarly, there are many (and I do mean many) cases where a personal dislike has been taken to extreme levels in the pursuit of that bias. Ramble mode selected; bear with me while I tell an absolutely true tale. A pilot who was 'unlikely' to be hired after a monumental cock up, which ended in deaths decided he wanted a job with an operator; multiple daily phone calls almost demanding a job and explaining how 'he' was a top notch, experienced pilot on the fleet operated; after phone call 10 on the last day of communication; he was told, politely, to bugger off and stop calling. That chap then joined CASA and began a long running vindictive campaign to , as quoted, destroy that bastard ABCD. This approach went on, taken over a period of five years and not only created many problems with 'operational' and personal approvals, but ventured into personal life with some grim consequences. I was sent a photograph which, IMO, summed up the whole saga. It was taken on a 30*C day, our man was sitting in a deck chair behind an aircraft under which was a bucket; for four hours he sat there counting the drops of fuel leaking from a vent; hoping to reach a number which was 'over' the permissible limit. Never happened. Ramble mode off. The point being that whilst the 'law' is clumsy, counterproductive, counter intuitive and designed to find fault; the very real, very basic flaw which demands address resides within those who are granted the powers to use it.

“He who becomes a Prince through the favour of the people should always keep on good terms with them; which it is easy for him to do, since all they ask is not to be oppressed”

So, once Spence has addressed how the 'law' should be interpreted and applied at the coal face; perhaps the next step could be a great culling. Simple, clear instructions which may not be gainsaid or subject to the wrangling of clever legal minds. I favor the biblical style – thou shall not – run out of fuel for example. No brainer really. But, it begs answer to a multitude of questions. Not the least of which is 'why-for and how come'. The answer to this cannot be found in 'black letter' law'. However, for a while now Mens rea and etc, has been relied on by courts at all levels. Facts presented by both sides – should there be 'intention' proved; fair enough. The latitude afforded is a right; for both sides. But if CASA decide that say, insufficient fuel has been loaded and the operator disagrees; then the 'law' should allow both parties the pleasure of a legal battle. It cannot be that CASA may sit as judge, jury and executioner; yet that is where the 'law' mostly places them. This supported by tax funded top Barristers facing off against some Mutt with a mortgage is unjustifiable. The notion of 'criminal act' should be written out and let the courts decide – as is a constitutional right. That the regulations are a legal buggers muddle, confused, biased and often ridiculous to any, except a convoluted 'legal' mind, is beyond a reasonable doubt; tested and proven may times over.

“If the law supposes that,” said Mr. Bumble, squeezing his hat emphatically in both hands, “the law is a ass – a idiot”.

This idiots meanderings have been inspired by the indefatigable Ken Cannane; a lone voice of operational and legal sanity. Ken is not only eminently qualified to comment, has decades of 'real' experience' in the matters discussed; from both sides of the discussion but presents a completely sane, practical, cost effective solutions to a large lump of the pointless incubus imposed by an authority which is lost in the woods of its own making. Compare Ken's wise words to the hapless dribble the Spence mouthpiece (the use car salesman) prattles at Estimates. Spence needs to resign, take her court jester with her and the minister needs to employ Ken and some of his cohorts in exile – then watch the changes happen then . Brava Ken – if I had a hat – I'd doff it.

End of ramble; with no apologies for it; but I just can't see how, without radical change this industry can keep going under the burden imposed by the cost of the CASA v the benefits produced under the existing unholy mess they have driven the 'regulations' etc into. It beggars belief that any government – for the people; by the people will not act, while there is time and expertise available to sort it out and get the industry productive. Why not? That is the question – what's the hold up?

Selah..&.. FCOL.......

The more things change etc....

Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr – coined the phrase - “the more things change, the more they are the same”. An astute observation; made by a bloke who, as evidenced in his writings, paid some close attention to 'real life'.  Then, I read through the latest Spence offerings, honestly, I don't know whether to laugh (hysterically) : cry (copiously) or run screaming out of the workshop. The gods alone know the cost in the production of this latest epistle; or, even why they bother to produce this bottled flatulence; seriously? Why? - P2 has provided the guff – HERE - . For your 'say' – (as if)...etc...

“The proposal has been developed with input from ASAOs, and they have provided valuable insight into ASAO capability to utilise the policy.”

So what's the great insight and specialised, expensive talk-a-thon achieved; - in the way of stunning changes? Read the dot points presented – then gasp in awe at the sheer audacity. Way back, in the mists of time, to be issued a Private pilot license; the requirements for operation in CTA were exactly as presented in the CASA dot points. Good, sound policy you needed to know your stuff, mind your manners, do as requested and required and – a scenic flight around the traps was always accommodated – weather and traffic permitting; asked to 'orbit' at a location, watching while a 'big ship' rolled down the ILS was always a welcome diversion. So why is there a need to re-identify that which has been in practice for decades. No matter the air frame; the requirements of good airmanship should be present and correct. The only real problem is wake – turbulence; having some real 'hands on' (death grip) experience of that evil, I imagine that the burden on ATCO's sorting out separation would be greater; but apart from that – what's new here and why is Spence trotting out 'No Brainer's'. Another great waste in the pursuit of ???????? - What? I call bullshit, waste and more feel good WOFTAM. 

“Tomorrow was created yesterday.......And by the day before yesterday, too. To ignore history is to ignore the wolf at the door.”

Spence - “increase the accessibility of controlled airspace and controlled aerodromes for ASAO pilots and aircraft while maintaining existing levels of aviation safety”

Duh! Once again, pointless blather. If, big IF, the ATC can accommodate the traffic requesting clearance; then, what's new? It has always been so; try to get a Harbour Bridge orbit in Sydney zone at 0830 Monday morning – good luck with that. Entering CTA is not an inalienable right; the ATC have the 'big picture' – and a program; if the request can be accommodated; they will oblige, always have; but a knock back has sod all to do with anything other than the existing puzzle they are resolving. Mind you, if I had my way the passage though Williamstown airspace would be given a make over – too many close calls and accidents in that neck of the woods; IMO.. Just saying..However-

“I was educated once - it took me years to get over it.”

Item last is strictly personal, skip it if you like; but I will have my say on one topic very close to my heart. Horses; they have been a part of my life since the age of five; I have a deep and abiding love and respect for these animals; I've brought then to harness, birthed them, grieved for their passing (some of 'em) and spent many happy days in their unassuming company. I have, in equal amounts, a deep loathing of Bullies and cowards. Recent TV coverage of the antics of 'demonstrators' smacking a police horse, punching and pushing a trained animal invokes fury. The sheer cowardice – knowing that the mounted officer has a 500 kg trained animal under strict control, and, knowing that any retaliatory action by the horse, in it's own defense would spell it's end; these pathetic cowards target an animal which has more honor, bravery and value to this world than they will ever have. I hope to meet one of these arse-holes one day; see how they get on against something which not only can, but will, gladly, fight back. Disgusting. End of rant.

That's about it – apart from Spence reinventing the wheel; Popinjay and acolytes producing late starting non runners and ASA in disarray but still spending up big – not too much to respond to. 'Tis a fine evening, perfect for rambling and quiet enough to sooth the savage breast. Off we go – AWAY DOGS~!


“ That's about it – apart from Spence reinventing the wheel; ”

How true, would be amusing if it wasn’t wasting so much time.

And so much for the ‘experts’ who are tasked with the administration of aviation as they have to ask for comment and information from the aviation community about operations that have been fairly well settled since loud hailers were deemed ineffective for ground to air communications.

Of Brass Tacks, the laws of Probability and Statistics.

“There are 3 kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.”

On reflection; we may (with a shudder) effectively dismiss outright lies in the 'Ministers's' latest attempt to pacify a potential politicaL 'disagreement' which may (perhaps) affect the voting: (although I would disagree with that assumption). However, it is a 'truth' that:-

“Federal Transport Minister Catherine King has told Airservices it must speed up its response to Brisbane Airport’s noise action plan, and has given the air traffic control body until November 30 to implement a key changes.”

It sounds right; probably even believed by those who are all upset by aircraft noise; they can believe that ASA was 'told'. Hell, I 'told' my Budgie to shut up the other day – made little difference. Unless there is a clear 'directive' – ordering both airport and ASA to 'make it happen'; they will simply roll off the top and continue as pleases. Oh; but there is one – No there ain't – we have a directive which “has the effect:” and etc. Take a look at the cast and crew involved in the 'Transport Reference Committee' gab fest scheduled Friday 20/07/24 – talk about taking a knife to a gun-fight. The right 'boxes' will be ticked, tea will be served and; at the end of the shift; the same result as anything, remotely to do with aviation will be allowed to slip away into the sweet bye and bye - neat, tidy and forgotten almost immediately. Same – same as any of the many other million dollar 'Senate' talkathons. Much sound and  fury – signifying por nada...But don't just believe me; do the research – find one item of Senate Committee 'investigation which has been of either positive, intrinsic or of practical value to the aviation industry; or even lonesome Joe Public.

“Simply stated, it is sagacious to eschew obfuscation.”

So much for the 'deceptive' and the obfuscated; put that aside for a moment and consider the 'practical' matters aligned with 'safety'. – Just for a moment imagine yourself the Captain of a passenger aircraft; hard work to obtain that position and the Devil's own job to comply with 'company' requirements and avoid prosecution under criminal law for busting the 'rules'. Protecting both licence and livelihood is of primary concern; the fastest way to lose both is to breach the tenets imposed. For example; one of a pilot's cornerstone manuals is the 'Aircraft Flight Manual'; contained within that legally binding manual, there is a section – usually called 'Limitations'. Some of these to a layman may seem incongruous; but to an educated pilot, they are not. They are not a physical threat to 'life' ending in death' but they are the 'limits' to which the flight envelope has been tested as 'safe' for certification. Among the various 'limitations' there will be a 'cross-wind' limit and a downwind' limitation. Can the aircraft be operated outside of the 'limits' – well, yes it can; but to cross the line is entering operational 'tiger country'. Many have done it and lived to tell the tale – however; should anything untoward occur during the excursion; then insurance, licence and possibly even the company certification will all become nugatory; at that instant. While I'm banging on its probably better to drag in 'wake turbulence'. The video below is worth watching; as a prelude to defining why King's glib hand off of all responsibility to ATC and flight crew in an attempt to pacify 'voters' is (IMO) both offensive and ever so slightly silly. 

Here we are lined up a Brisbane; SODPROPS are on the menu: hot and heavy is the air; a gusty sea breeze adds a crosswind component to the ambient wind; clipping in at about the 12 – 15 Knot mark – typical. As the A380 lands to the South – a 737 is rolling to the North on the downwind runway – that's' Cool say's King. Not so. The A380 pre landing vortex is at a max as it crosses the runway threshold and drifting 'down wind' towards the down wind runway; by now the 737 is in a critical speed bracket (V1 etc) the aircraft has a tailwind component and a crosswind component to manage; but wait – there's more. Just after VR the 380 low level WT reaches the ground and guess what – not only is the 737 border line 'illegal' it is now entangled in a powerful vortex. Rough ride? Oh you bet on it. Take off outside the down wind limitations is prohibited; the short answer to an excessive downwind (or even a legal one) – is NO. Even if it is within the 'limitations' allowed; the wake from the opposite direction landing aircraft, can really spoil your day. Now ATC will, as obliged to do, offer a downwind take off. A polite refusal will not offend.  Statistics rate an 'event' @ 20, 000: 1 against. The laws of probability apply for number 20,001 - Sods' law states if it can happen - it will. Think about it.

I didn't attend the funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying I approved of it.

I know, I do; it's a ramble – but 'enforcing' opposite direction traffic options to placate the voters seems like an easy way to get out from 'under the blunder' – politics cannot interfere with air safety. Yes, it may not happen; but why roll the dice? There are other ways of reducing aircraft noise; perhaps some innovation instead of promoting a flawed system would assist. There are some fairly clever folk out there in ATC land – bring 'em in and sort it out. The current crew seem not only 'clue-less' but politically browbeaten. Time for a change me thinks – a great big one. Starting with sensible salaries for the 'big guns' and empowering the ATCO's – discretion without risk of prosecution perhaps.

“After all, Father, to understand their demonstration one doesn't have to be very intelligent: it's enough to have suffered.”

Aye well; that's me done with it. 'Nuff said; probably too much; but the money and the potential and the wasted opportunities to get a flagging industry up and running strongly again need to be addressed. King couldn't do it if her life depended on it – BUT there are folk who can see far and clear. Why not use them instead of the clapped out pretenders we have foisted on us – if not – then why not?

Just realised there is subtle benefit to reading through the King shifty moves and the rest of it – it creates a desperate need for fresh night air, smoke and the quiet company of mates with four legs.

“Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read.”


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