AOPA Oz tolls the bell on the independent statutory safety investigator the ATSB!! - 
Excellent observations and critique from Clinton McKenzie, on the hypocrisy, mismanagement and total unfit for purpose of the current Popinjay version of the ATSB (last night on the AOPA live session, from 44 minutes):
The following is the video Estimates segment, Hansard and current SoE to which CM refers:

Excellent observations and critique from Clinton McKenzie, on the hypocrisy, mismanagement and total unfit for purpose of the current Popinjay version of the ATSB (last night on the AOPA live session, from 44 minutes):
The following is the video Estimates segment, Hansard and current SoE to which CM refers:
(03-01-2023, 09:53 AM)Peetwo Wrote: More ATSB (Popinjay) WOFTAM reporting vs NTSB benchmark as World No.1 in TSI??
Meanwhile, at the recent Estimates hearing, Popinjay begged limited resources and the Ministerial SoE as reasons why the ATSB did not investigate the Kybong mid-air collision:
Quote:Senator McKENZIE: Recreational Aviation Australia recently declined to investigate a fatal accident in Kybong, Queensland due to the burden these investigations were putting on the organisation. Has the bureau had any discussions with Recreational Aviation Australia about their resourcing concerns?
Mr Mitchell : I've certainly had discussions with RAAus over that particular incident and others. There have been a number of incidents. I think, in that particular sector: there are anywhere between six to 10 fatal accidents, generally, per year. The recent decision by RAAus not to investigate there is certainly one for them. In terms of our priority list, our priorities lie with general greatest benefit for the travelling public, and sport, recreational and experimental aircraft are lower down on our list.
Senator McKENZIE: That significant service is now no longer to support police and coroners into the future. Recognising the resourcing concerns, have you asked the minister for more resources in the upcoming budget round?
Mr Mitchell : We are certainly in discussions with the department around our resourcing and expectations. Our expectations need to be matched with resourcing, so it has been a long established position that we do not investigate in that recreational space, and that has been since 2014, since the Forsyth review was conducted.
Senator McKENZIE: So the minister would actually have to change the expectations for you to actually do that—is that your argument here?
Mr Mitchell : I think it would be a combination of changing expectations or funding and potentially—
Senator McKENZIE: Let's hope the minister funds you appropriately so you can assist Recreational Aviation Australia with their coronial assistance. And my apologies we couldn't spend more time, but I'll have questions on notice. Thank you, Mr Mitchell.
Talk about 'discontinuity' -![]()
SoE ref:
Quote:2. Governance
I expect that the Chief Commissioner and Commissioners will continue to work to enable the effective operation of the ATSB as the national transport safety investigator in accordance with the Act.
I expect that in performing its functions, the ATSB will provide timely advice to Government when the costs of necessary investigation activities are likely to exceed established ATSB budget levels, so that consideration can be given to the need for budget supplementation.
I expect that the Chief Commissioner will keep the Secretary of the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications (Department) and myself informed of the ATSB's actions in relation to the requirements stated in this SOE and promptly advise about any events or issues that may impact on the operations of the ATSB, including through the provision of timely quarterly progress reports against the Corporate Plan and this SOE.
I expect the ATSB to perform its functions consistent with Australia's international obligations where appropriate, including the requirements of the International Civil Aviation Organization.
I also expect the ATSB to implement any recommendations of the Australian National Audit Office and continue to work towards the timely finalisation of investigations to support continuous improvement in transport safety.