GlenB embuggerance update: 17/08/23
Via the UP:
Via the UP:
Legal Assistance- Go fund me
Folks, please be assured that my family and I are very appreciative of all the support that has been offered to us throughout the last almost five years, and the continued interest keeps me going.
Regarding the Go fund Me, I believe that the time will come.
Regarding the funds that have been available to me. I have met with lawyers on three occasions to obtain advice and guidance, and ample funds currently remain in the "kitty" for an initial assessment by a reputable legal firm, hence I have not put out the further call to industry.
Please be assured that if I feel I need further funds into the Go Fund Me, I will call for them, but it will be a very significant campaign that I will mount if I do need to revisit the funding. To date i have been very discrete and maintained a profile on Pprune and Aunty Pru only, because I have wanted to remain as discrete as practical.
If the call goes out, please be assured that it will be a very active campaign., utilizing Facebook, possibly an advertisement in Australian Flying, and I will be seeking assistance of my local MP, Ms Carina Garland.
I have heard your suggestions that i maintain a low profile on Ppprune, until that legal advice has been obtained, and i do appreciate that may appear to be the best option, and most probably is.
That underestimates the power of these forums. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that Aunty pru and prune have a very significant role to play.
I am convinced that i had not utilized, and continued to utilise these forums, i would have been totally crushed many years ago, and the matter kicks along only because of these two forums. Similarly, these forums and the accompanying support have been a pillar of support for me mentally, and without it, i think that i would be in a far far worse place, I really do.
I feel the most effective approach to crowd funding is a kitty that grows quickly to demonstrate industry support. A shorter more intense campaign may send a stronger signal that a lengthier more drawn-out approach.
I feel the call will come, but it could be a few weeks away. Thank you so much.
Regarding crowd funding, in order to run a case, it will cost a significant amount of money, and ideally i would like to have a proposition to put towards industry, and something more formal. If it were to go to court, and i were to obtain the outcome that i feel my family is entitled to, I assume that i would get my legal costs back, and that they should be returned to the contributors with potentially a return on the investment to those contributors.
Litigation funders usually take approximately 1/3 of the payout. Nothing would give me more satisfaction than making sure that any additional funds were repaid with interest to those contributors that have supported me.
Great to see some new poster's popping up, and to Celtic as a new member, who appears to have joined the pprune community to become involved in this topic, your input is appreciated.
back to a pancake parlor coffee, while i work on some other matters.
Cheers folk, have a good day and safe trip home to you all at the end of it. Cheers. Glen