Dear Lachie - Part II
Via PAIN_Net email chain:
And Lachie's reply:
And my response:
Via PAIN_Net email chain:
Quote:Dear Lachlan,
I note that my (24/02/2018) email reply to you was neither acknowledged or responded to. In case this was due to being lost in the cyber-sphere; or caught up in Departmental spam/security filters etc. I again forward that email (with questions) for your reference.
Quote from your original correspondence:
Quote:Australia was assessed in October 2017 by ICAO auditors and while the results are yet to be made public it places Australia in the top 10 States for safety oversight compliance.
Plus from correspondence from the Dept Secretary to the Senate RRAT Legislative Committee at additional budget Estimates:
Following on from my previous reply email (below), please note the following Senate RRAT Committee Hansard from a References inquiry ( see: ) public hearing held at Cloncurry, QLD on the 12 April 2018:
Quote:...ACTING CHAIR: This committee's bailiwick is to do with aviation. We are very alive to the issues around CASA, less so around the ATSB. Let's not flinch: they're not CASA's regulations; they're the government's regulations that are often recommended by CASA. We're aware of the current impacts on general aviation with new CASA regulations, the shortage of pilots and the maintenance issue with licensed aircraft maintenance engineers and the like. We as a committee have called for some figures—and I don't know if Ms Redden is in a position to update us. We want to look at comparisons with international standards. The FAA has done an audit on CASA in Australia. I understand it's going to be interesting reading. They're resisting publication of that at the moment. We're trying to muddle our way through getting that out into the open. So we're very alive, to the point where we have contemplated out loud whether we will hold an inquiry such as this into this regulatory environment—not just the operation of CASA but by extension the impact that that is having on general aviation...
Next there is a reference from a recent Aunty Pru forum post relevant to the PAIN Net inquiries: ref -
Quote: And if people are under the misbelief that under the new CMA USOAP system that an ICAO audit no longer requires a proper summary audit report think again- refer to this ICAO powerpoint presentation link:
From pg 9:
Phase 3 ― Validation and Report Production (Post-audit/ICVM) • ICAO forwards draft audit report to State. • State submits comments and Corrective Action Plans (CAPs). • Comments are incorporated into final audit report. • Final audit report is published on USOAP CMA Online Framework (OLF):
And pg 27-28:
IV. Timeline of Validation and Report Production Phase (Post Audit/ICVM)
Q/ The above would suggest that (a) there should now be an ICAO audit report available; and (b) that it is the intent of the Dept and the Government to make that audit report publicly available. Yet, unlike previous ICAO reports, a search of the Dept website would appear to indicate that report is still not publicly available. Could we please get an indication from the Dept when this report will become publicly available?
Q/ Also from the Hansard extract (in bold), I am almost certain that the Acting Chair meant to say that ICAO had conducted an audit of CASA, the Department and the other aviation safety related agencies (ATSB, Airservices, AMSA etc.) and not the FAA. However in case the FAA has conducted an IASA audit of CASA, would it also be possible to get a published link for a copy of that report as well?
And Lachie's reply:
Quote:Dear P2,
Thank you for your correspondence. In response to the first of your two questions, Australia has received the final report from ICAO regarding our assessment in October 2017. It is not our understanding that the previous ICAO audit report was made public, however we are happy to share the current report. The Department is currently identifying the appropriate part of our website and should have it online shortly, and we will let you know when it is live.
Regarding the issue of a possible audit by the FAA, I cannot speak for the Acting Chair, but I can confirm that there has not been a recent FAA International Aviation Safety Assessment (IASA) of CASA in recent years. By way of background, while the FAA publishes IASA category ratings on their website, they do not publish or provide copies of assessment findings to third parties.
And my response:
Quote:Dear Lachlan,
Thank you for your prompt response and I look forward to reviewing the 2017 ICAO report when published on the Department website.
For your information please go to the following links for copies of the 2008 ICAO audit report, the 2004 ATSB ICAO audit report and the 1999 CASA ICAO audit report:
Not so sure about the 2008 audit report but I believe the 2004 and 1999 reports were once available on the Dept website.
Finally, thank you very much for confirming that the FAA IASA have not conducted a recent audit of CASA.
Reference links for information related to the 2009 FAA IASA audit report of the CASA: &
PAIN has confirmed, with a recent rejection of a FOI request for the November/December 2009 FAA IASA audit report, that the FAA are not in the habit of publishing their audit assessment findings to 3rd party stakeholders.
However given the passage of time and the significant industry financial contribution ( fuel levy - $89.9 million?) that was levied from industry to help rectify the deficiencies from that report; PAIN associates would still like to request from the Department (informally or formally through the FOI Act) copies of that report and relevant correspondence associated with the conduct of the FAA IASA audit. Therefore if you could facilitate that request, or provide contact details for your FOI office to process a formal FOI request, it would be greatly appreciated.
Kind regards,