GlenB embuggerance update: 27/08/19
Via the UP:
And in commentary posts in reply:
And then this am:
Also off FB in response to this post off AP's Senate Estimates:
Via the UP:
Quote:Mr Carmody. You *** of a human being
Now before any moderators go pulling this down. This is my only "voice" and that will quite simply be too much for me.
To listen to Mr Morrisons speech last week on the ethics of Government was my absolute tipping point. I can wait no longer.
I am destitute. My families phones have been cut off twice. I have had no income for 2 months. My business is broken. I owe people money. My family do not use any heating at home. My electricity isn't far from getting disconnected, my son is having to leave his school, two other businesses have been destroyed, people have lost their livelihoods because of decisions I have made. Me and my wife truly have less than $10 in total between us, and my son is now supporting the family. I have lost my home, and I cannot afford the rent in less than 7 days.
Is this dramatic. Yes. Not as dramatic as if this thread gets pulled. Quite seriously Mr Carmody contact the appropriate person in the Ministers Department and tell him that all hell is going to break loose unless someone starts ******* listening to me. Quite seriously. NO MORE PING PONG!!!! You are messing with my wife's future welfare. IT IS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN
I am non contactable by any means by anyone over the next few hours so please do not try.
For clarity. I never broke any rules. I never compromised safety.
Dear Prime Minister.
I apologise for the editing that follows in the next post. But quite frankly I couldn't be bothered typesetting it as I cut and paste from Word. I was preparing this last night but quite frankly Im over it and couldn't be ******
Dear Prime Minister,
My name is Glen Buckley. I write to you with 25 years experience in Pilot Training in various roles, most recently as a CASA approved CEO, and CASA approved Head of Operations (HOO). Over the last 15 years I have operated my own large flight training business, and CASA records will indicate those operations have delivered industry leading levels of safety and compliance, and they have been well intentioned.
I write to respectfully inform you of substantive allegations that I am making against four personnel within the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA). This correspondence is not vexatious, and the matters are not trivial. I will have no difficulty in establishing the facts of the matter, and I have well documented evidence readily available to present against every single allegation I make below. I am making allegations of improper, wrongful and unlawful conduct against four CASA employees. The four CASA personnel have clearly made decisions and demonstrated conduct that is outside of policy, directions and the law. Specifically, I refer to Requirements of Administrative Law outlined in CASA's own manuals and procedures and specifically CASA's Enforcement Manual. The Ministers Statement Of Expectations o CASAs own Regulatory Philosophy. ·
The conduct of those four personnel within CASA has measurably and demonstrably reduced aviation safety. I allege they have demonstrated unconscionable conduct and made decisions that a well-intentioned person would not make, if they were making decisions on the basis of safety and compliance.They have not acted with honesty and integrity, they have not acted with care and diligence, and they have not acted with respect and courtesy. They have in acted in a bullying and intimidating manner. ·
I allege those personnel have not used public and Commonwealth resources in a proper manner and have made deliberate decisions that have in fact misused substantial public resources. I allege those four personnel have made calculated decisions that have caused detriment to my business, and other businesses and that they have deliberately avoided attempts to work collaboratively and resolve issues.I allege that their decisions and actions potentially bring harm to the integrity and good reputation of their fellow Employees and CASA in general, which can only degrade safety.I allege that one of those four personnel has improperly used inside information.
I have been attempting to resolve this matter with CASA since October 2018. Three businesses have already closed, with an associated loss of jobs. It is likely that more businesses will be closed in the near future. This matter is also negatively impacting on safety. The matter is also receiving greater industry attention, with an article in Australian Flying magazines recently, which I have attached. A pilots forum on the subject has in excess of 120,000 views.The purpose of this letter: May I respectfully request that you nominate the appropriate person to meet with me and Mr Shane Carmody, the CEO of CASA. All I ask is that your nominee is well intentioned, and shares your vision for the Public Service. At that meeting I request the opportunity to present my allegations to Mr Carmody in the presence of your nominee, and provide well documented supporting evidence. If at the end of that meeting my claims were found to be vexatious or unsubstantiated, I would expect to held fully accountable in law.
Thank you for considering my request,
Yours respectfully
Glen Buckley
And in commentary posts in reply:
Quote:tail wheel
Quote:This thread is likely to be locked and removed I would think pending legal action on behalf of CASA, or worse.
Oh? Is it? Not be this Mod!
Yes, Glenb probably is in a dark place and needs a little support, but I suspect he will come out fighting again. Nothing motivates a fighter more than being on the bones of his a*** with nothing more to lose.
Sounds like Sh**t's about to get real. Can I suggest that as many people as possible also fire off some correspondence to the PM's office and cc the like of Senators Fawcett, Sterle, Patrick etc. Surely those guys would love an opportunity to get their teeth into this appalling situation..(?). It needs more than just a grilling at the RRAT hearings too. We've seen how (non)effective that pantomime can be. Others are right - Only a JI or RC will do now.
As a previous student of MFT I cannot believe what both Glen and AFTA have endured. The support you have Glen extends well beyond the users here on 'rune. The second you have that gofundme page up, you'll have some monetary support from me. CASA ought to be hung out to dry for this. Fight hard.
The name is Porter
Glen is a good and decent man, he is a smart man, he innovated a concept that was a brilliant product. I can tell you just how good that product was but it would take a few pages. In the time I have known him he has always put his employees first. I've seen it first hand, paying his employees before he pays himself. Any student that passed through MFT would remember how busy it was and how good a standard was produced. It was a thriving business. Now more than ever, the industry needs to take this on, and FFS Glen, can you start the go-fund me page, we are waiting!
really hope Glen is OK this morning, Hopefully someone that knows him is in contact! Have been following this drama since the start and I would like to offer my suggestion not just to setup a Go Fund Me for any future action that Glen may decide to take, but for Glen's own safety and well being, I for would would be happy to throw some money his way to help take care of personal finances to allow him to focus on what is important without trying to stretch the last $10. Not sure how we could best do that, but I hate to think what any other outcome could lead to. Hopefully someone that knows Glen can step in and help us support him.
No mater the merits of the case, it should never come to this level.
Paul O'Rourke
Originally Posted by Bend alot View Post
Quote:Does anyone here know Cale Johnston?
And then this am:
Quote:Here comes GA Mr Deputy PM
A very "rattly" day yesterday folks.
I will be back a bit later on today, and we will be fighting. This will be the battle that leads to the Judicial Inquiry, Royal Commission, or Special Ministerial inquiry.
To many people have endured the cruelty and malpractice in that Organisation that does absolutely nothing to enhance safety, and as Industry will confirm, we have a unique situation in the Western World where CASAs toxic culture and total misalignment with Industry is actually dangerous, and I say that from first hand experience. CASA actually degrades safety outcomes, and damages the Australian owned sector of the industry.
Trust me, when I tell you that what I have posted on here over recent months is only the tip of the ice berg. Why will my outcome be different than those before me. Because unlike Bruce Rhoades and the many before me that have had there reputations trashed by that toxic culture. In my case. THERE IS NO SAFETY CARD to play Mr Crawford. In fact this time, I hold the safety card.
I will post later on today, but that post will be to you, the industry, my friends, my past staff, schoolmates, mentors, etc that have shown me so much support .
I truly love you, and I mean it. Im here today because of you. I mean it!!!!!
Also off FB in response to this post off AP's Senate Estimates:
Quote:Sandy Reith As said, what an example, just horrific to Glen Buckley and his family and working team. A monstrous example of bureaucratic machinery steam rolling over a perfectly legitimate enterprise and without shame or qualms from Mr. Carmody the $600,000 per annum CEO of CASA. There are no ameliorating or extenuating circumstances or any doubtful areas for CASA to fall back upon. Across fifty years of watching CASA and it’s many truly awful treatment of so many individuals none stand out like this simply because they offer no excuse, apology or explanation of any kind and there’s been no breach of the rules or safety. If anyone had any doubt about the GA industry’s campaign legitimacy for root and branch reform of the administration of civil aviation in Australia then study this saga and understand.
Bob Fulton What an arrogant, delusional pr*ck. At no time has Buckley's matter been subject to external review, nor it seems has Buckley been found guilty of any offence under the Act or Regulations, but Carmody et al insists he close his business and walk away.
Bob Fulton
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