12-12-2018, 06:57 AM
"I therefore require that you desist from publishing your comments in the future, and immediately remove or cause to be removed the video recording from your Facebook page" etc…
The Scottish git displays disturbing symptoms of being somewhat sociopathic. A look at his employment profile reveals he never remained in the same job for very long, I wonder why? Perhaps he was an honours graduate from the Screaming Skull school of big R regulators, after all the skull was the grand champion of bullies, and the Git obviously is cast in the Skulls mould.
Rather than "another" inquiry, would'nt it be grand to see an open debate between CAsA and its protagonists, ALA the presidential debates, the participants given the same protections as parliament to say what they think without fear and favour. The Git, wing nut, and the Voo do Doctor in verbal contest with the Ken Cannan's, Clinton Mckenzies, Sunfishes and Kharons of the real world...ahh one can dream.
The Scottish git displays disturbing symptoms of being somewhat sociopathic. A look at his employment profile reveals he never remained in the same job for very long, I wonder why? Perhaps he was an honours graduate from the Screaming Skull school of big R regulators, after all the skull was the grand champion of bullies, and the Git obviously is cast in the Skulls mould.
Rather than "another" inquiry, would'nt it be grand to see an open debate between CAsA and its protagonists, ALA the presidential debates, the participants given the same protections as parliament to say what they think without fear and favour. The Git, wing nut, and the Voo do Doctor in verbal contest with the Ken Cannan's, Clinton Mckenzies, Sunfishes and Kharons of the real world...ahh one can dream.