McDo'Naut and the Iron Ring mole within?
"P2 clear to backtrack!"
Back to my QON...![Rolleyes Rolleyes](
Backtracking on SC's conflict of interest timeline, I note that shortly after becoming the 'aviation adviser' to Carmody that, along with CC and other CASA/dept officials, SC attended the 17 November 2017 ASAP meeting as an observer: ASAP meeting minutes, 22 November 2017
P2 comment: I note that at that meeting amongst issues covered there was discussion about the proposed medical certification policy to be adopted by CASA:
Less than 7 months after that meeting SC is mysteriously binned by Carmody, only to land on his feet again as the Senior Aviation Adviser to the new DPM and miniscule McDo'Naut. Less than 2 months after becoming McDo'Naut's aviation adviser SC attends the Wagga Aviation Summit on behalf of the miniscule and in company with Dept bureaucrat Jim Wolfe. Who just so happened to also be an observer at the ASAP meeting?
Ironically Mr Wolfe and SC by association would have had close work-related discussions when SC was working for the Dept (prior to Carmody) as an aviation adviser (Western Sydney Airport Division-Airspace and flight path design). Of course prior to that SC was the former miniscule 6D Chester's aviation adviser and the man who was in attendance at the infamous Tamworth Aviation rally - can anyone else see a pattern here?
Obviously the Dept and CASA believe this guy is worth the substantial coin they have been paying him to be a ministerial mole within. But what about his ability as an aviation adviser?
Fortunately we have a perfect example of Govt policy/legislation etc. (which we can now review) where this wannabe (Mandarin, pollywaffle??) would have had an influence as an expert 'aviation adviser' to the former miniscule 6D Chester.
Remember this?
Of course the passing of that amendment bill was subsequently delayed due to the tragic YMEN DFO accident less than 3 months later. Well apparently the ministerial concerns back then were unfounded because with little to no fanfare the amendment bill was passed last week in both houses of Parliament: Airports Amendment Bill 2018
So I guess the verdict is SC did a good job advising the miniscule and the Govt - the real question there is but for WHO did he do a good job? Because it certainly wasn't the victims of the DFO prang or by association certain industry stakeholders (ie aircrew/ATCOs etc) and of course the travelling public...
MTF...P2![Cool Cool](
ps As a perfect counterpoint to the McDo'Naut's gushing CASA/ASA board additions announcement yesterday, IMO one cannot go past Leadsled on the UP this AM:
![Dodgy Dodgy](
(09-14-2018, 12:34 PM)Peetwo Wrote: Hmm...I wonder how much influence his 'aviation adviser' had in the selection of these two individuals? This brings me to my 1st QON for this year's Supp Budget Estimates Q/ How is it not a huge COI that the miniscule has an aviation adviser who was previously an adviser to the CASA CEO Carmody; & prior to that an adviser to the Dept; & prior to that the aviation adviser to former miniscule 6D Chester; and finally prior to that:
Quote:Manager, Part 61 taskforce, Part 141/142
Dates Employed Oct 2015 – Mar 2016
Employment Duration 6 mos
Location Canberra, Australia
Manager of CASR Part 141/142 review team.
Title Standards Officer (Large aeroplanes)
Dates Employed Aug 2013 – Oct 2015
Employment Duration 2 yrs 3 mos
Providing policy guidance and regulation development for the CASR operations suite of regulations.
Does this answer the question on why it is McDo'Naut has done naut on Wagga Summit resolutions and why the Rev Forsyth's review is dead, buried & cremated ??
"P2 clear to backtrack!"
Back to my QON...
![Rolleyes Rolleyes](
Backtracking on SC's conflict of interest timeline, I note that shortly after becoming the 'aviation adviser' to Carmody that, along with CC and other CASA/dept officials, SC attended the 17 November 2017 ASAP meeting as an observer: ASAP meeting minutes, 22 November 2017
Mr Steven Campbell Senior Aviation Adviser, Office of the CEO/DAS
Civil Aviation Safety Authority
Mr Shane Carmody Director of Aviation Safety and CEO
Civil Aviation Safety Authority
Mr Andreas Marcelja Industry Relations Manager (ASAP Secretariat)
Civil Aviation Safety Authority
Mr Jason McHeyzer Regulation Development and Implementation Manager
Civil Aviation Safety Authority
Ms Pip Spence Acting Deputy Secretary
Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development
Mr Jim Wolfe General Manager Air Traffic Policy
Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development
P2 comment: I note that at that meeting amongst issues covered there was discussion about the proposed medical certification policy to be adopted by CASA:
Quote:Meeting outcomes
The ASAP endorsed a policy approach for a number of important aviation issues at the meeting. The main outcomes from the meeting were:
- Aviation medicals: The ASAP endorsed a proposed policy position for aviation medical certification and noted that CASA intends to implement changes immediately. A further update will be provided once implementation planning has been completed.
- Radio frequency use in low level airspace: The panel endorsed a draft policy position for radio frequency use in low altitude Class G airspace and noted that CASA would undertake public consultation through a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking.
- Flying operations regulations: The ASAP supported the principles behind the flying operations regulations (Parts 91, 119, 121, 135, 133 and 138 of the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998) and noted each Part would be presented in more detail for consideration and advice, together with a recommendation to form technical working groups to review and support finalisation of the rules.
- Maintenance engineer licensing reform (Part 66): The ASAP endorsed a policy outcomes for the post implementation review of aircraft maintenance engineer licensing. They also agreed to establish a Technical Working Group to develop detailed proposals and support implementation of the reform.
Less than 7 months after that meeting SC is mysteriously binned by Carmody, only to land on his feet again as the Senior Aviation Adviser to the new DPM and miniscule McDo'Naut. Less than 2 months after becoming McDo'Naut's aviation adviser SC attends the Wagga Aviation Summit on behalf of the miniscule and in company with Dept bureaucrat Jim Wolfe. Who just so happened to also be an observer at the ASAP meeting?
Quote:In addition, the following Important guests are attending:
1. City of Wagga Wagga Mayor, Councillor Greg Conkey
2. Senate RRAT Committee, Senator Slade Brockman
3. Senate RRAT Committee Secretary, Dr Jane Thompson
4. Senator for Queensland, Senator Fraser Anning
5. Senator David Fawcett, Mr Micah Wright-Taylor
6. Senator Rex Patrick and Mr Jonathan Sharman
7. Department of Infrastructure, Mr Jim Wolfe
8. Department of Infrastructure, Melissa Cashman
9. Aviation Advisor for the DPM, Mr Stephen Campbell
10. CASA Group Manager, Mr Rob Walker
11. Airservices Australia, Mr Stephen Angus
12. University of New South Wales, Prof Ian Hampson
13. iAOPA Secretary-General, Mr Craig Spence
14. AOPA Australia Director, Mr Michael Smith
Ironically Mr Wolfe and SC by association would have had close work-related discussions when SC was working for the Dept (prior to Carmody) as an aviation adviser (Western Sydney Airport Division-Airspace and flight path design). Of course prior to that SC was the former miniscule 6D Chester's aviation adviser and the man who was in attendance at the infamous Tamworth Aviation rally - can anyone else see a pattern here?
![Angry Angry](
Obviously the Dept and CASA believe this guy is worth the substantial coin they have been paying him to be a ministerial mole within. But what about his ability as an aviation adviser?
Fortunately we have a perfect example of Govt policy/legislation etc. (which we can now review) where this wannabe (Mandarin, pollywaffle??) would have had an influence as an expert 'aviation adviser' to the former miniscule 6D Chester.
Remember this?
- [url=;db=CHAMBER;id=chamber%2Fhansardr%2Fb564519e-8c2b-4dbf-a1e8-8c9334a04537%2F0073;query=Id%3A%22chamber%2Fhansardr%2Fb564519e-8c2b-4dbf-a1e8-8c9334a04537%2F0076%22]Airports Amendment Bill 2016
Thursday, 1 December 2016
Mr CHESTER (Gippsland—Minister for Infrastructure and Transport) (11:51): I move:
That this bill be now read a second time.We all recognise the 21 Australian federal leased airports are critical infrastructure assets to our nation's productivity and economic growth. Since privatisation, airport lessee companies have invested significant capital, in the order of billions of dollars, and our airports currently directly employ over 120,000 people across Australia. This is a product of sound government policy and robust and strategic long-term planning by airport operators.
I am proud of the significant progress our airports have made since privatisation in delivering high-quality, economically beneficial investment decisions that respond positively to the current and future needs of the aviation industry and maximise the benefits to the Australian economy and communities.
I am particularly proud of the management of our airports and I recognise their efforts to better integrate and facilitate balanced and coherent planning outcomes with the state, territory and local governments who have responsibilities for planning and infrastructure provision in the areas surrounding our airports.
The government regulates planning and development on our airport sites through the Airports Act 1996. Under the Airports Act, all federal leased airports (except Mount Isa and Tenant Creek) are required to prepare a master plan every five years to establish a strategic direction for efficient and economic development at the airport as well as prepare major development plans for specific major on-airport developments.
The Airports Act sets out the required content of each plan and prescribes the public consultation process an airport lessee company must undertake prior to the plan being submitted for ministerial consideration. On average, the current legislative process requires an airport lessee company to expend significant resources and it can take the company two years on average to develop each plan.
Certain aspects of these processes are generating inefficient outcomes for industry as well as imposing unnecessary and onerous administrative and compliance costs. I also recognise on-airport developments are not immune to fluctuations in the marketplace and the economic climate.
The measures contained in this Airports Amendment Bill 2016 will fine-tune existing regulation and streamline policy intentions; it will not significantly shift policy or regulatory oversight. It reinforces the government's commitment to implement measures consistent with its deregulation and productivity agendas. The bill offers a more proportionate and efficiency based regulatory approach that reduces administrative and compliance costs for operators. It also creates regulatory certainty for industry and maintains appropriate and effective regulatory oversight.
This bill can be considered in three parts.
Part 1 proposes two key changes to the existing master plan process, the first of which is to implement a differential master plan cycle to enable federal leased airports, other than the major airports of Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth, and Sydney (Kingsford-Smith), to submit a master plan every eight years instead of every five years.
All federal leased airports are currently required to prepare a new master plan every five years irrespective of the operational, administrative, resourcing and financial capacity of individual airports or the level of impact their operations have on the community. Implementing an eight-year master plan cycle for secondary and general aviation airports, will minimise the impacts of these factors.
I also recognise that implementation time frames of various components of the master plan, including key airport infrastructure projects and other aviation and non-aviation developments, the ground transport plan and environment strategy, generally extend beyond the current five-year submission cycle. Therefore, this amendment aims to enable longer term planning at these secondary and general aviation airports.
It is worth noting that this amendment will not change the current situation for Sydney West airport; it will maintain a five-year cycle along with the other four major federal leased airports, once the airport is operational.
The second change is to mandate the inclusion of a new Australian Noise Exposure Forecast in each new master plan. While the Airports Act currently sets out an Australian Noise Exposure Forecast must be included in a master plan, it does not specify the Australian Noise Exposure Forecast must be renewed for each new plan.
The Australian Noise Exposure Forecast is a computer generated descriptor of aircraft noise widely used by state, territory, local governments and land use planning agencies for long-term planning and development arrangements around airport sites.
Therefore, the government maintains it is essential each new master plan contain the most up-to-date information to facilitate integrated, balanced and coherent planning outcomes and to inform incompatible and sensitive land uses from encroaching too close to airports.
Part 2 of the bill relates specifically to the monetary trigger for a major development plan.
Major development plans are required for each major airport development at federal leased airports, excluding Tennant Creek and Mount Isa. The Airports Act prescribes the circumstances which trigger a major development plan, including a monetary trigger, for certain development where the cost of construction exceeds $20 million.
In 2007 the Airports Act was amended to increase the monetary threshold from $10 million to $20 million due to ongoing increases in building costs since the act came into effect. Further increases to the construction activity costs and inflation since 2007 have resulted in an increased number of on-airport developments unnecessarily triggering the requirement for a major development plan.
Having regard to changes and conditions in the construction industry costs since 2007, and the economic and marketplace conditions, this bill proposes to increase the monetary threshold from $20 million to $35 million.
The bill also proposes the monetary threshold be reviewed and revised via legislative instrument every three years; having regard to changes in construction activity costs and associated indexations to ensure the monetary trigger accurately reflects and keeps pace with economic and marketplace conditions.
The bill proposes an additional legislative instrument to clarify the type of construction activities that should and should not be included when calculating if a project triggers the monetary threshold for a major development plan. For example, airports must include costs of base building fit-out in its calculations. Base building fit-out includes the internal cladding to finish off the base building prior to tenancy fit-out. However, the airport is not required to include tenant specific fit-outs and tenant supplied items. This instrument will remove any confusion for industry and ensure a consistent costing application across all federal leased airports.
Part 3 of the bill relates specifically to major development plan processes.
The first amendment imposes a new 15-business-day statutory decision time frame within which the Minister for Infrastructure and Transport must consider applications from airport lessee companies for reduced consultation periods for major development plans, with such applications deemed approved if there is no ministerial decision within this time frame.
This amendment will not impact the prescribed requirements for public consultation, however it will provide industry with certainty about the ministerial decision time frame, which could then be accounted for in the airport's planning process.
The final amendments proposed in this bill relate to substantial completion of an approved major development plan.
The Airports Act currently requires an approved major development plan to be substantially completed, unless otherwise specified in the approval, within a maximum of five years with only one option for the minister to extend the period by up to a further two years.
While the majority of approved major development plans are completed in the prescribed time frame, on rare occasions some larger or more complex developments, such as a new runway, may be subject to unforeseen delays and exceptional circumstances beyond airports' control. As a result, achieving a substantially complete status may require more than the standard seven-year time frame.
Where an airport is committed to substantially completing an approved major development plan, the airport should be given the opportunity to do so without the threat of legislative penalty. Therefore, the bill proposes to remove the restriction on the number of times the minister may extend the time frame for substantial completion.
In rare circumstances a project with an approved major development plan may become unviable due to exceptional and unforeseen circumstances beyond the airports' control. For such instances, where the project has not commenced, the bill proposes the airport can notify the minister of its intentions of not proceeding with the approved major development plan without the threat of legislative penalty.
These amendments recognise that airports would have already expended significant financial and administrative resources to have a major development plan approved. Therefore, these amendments will minimise regulatory uncertainty for airports and industry and ensure an efficient and streamlined process.
The bill also includes:
a minor amendment to correct an existing error;a technical amendment to insert a word to complete a provision; anda technical amendment to remove a provision that has been spent for some time.On a final note, I would like to acknowledge our airports are nationally significant infrastructure assets that keep us connected to each other and connect Australia to the world. They continue to play a major role in driving the economic development of Australia as enablers of commerce and trade, and the social and economic benefits they provide to all Australians should not be understated.
This bill is yet another example of this government consulting with and responding to the needs of industry to achieve better regulatory outcomes for all.
I commend the bill to the House.
Debate adjourned.
Of course the passing of that amendment bill was subsequently delayed due to the tragic YMEN DFO accident less than 3 months later. Well apparently the ministerial concerns back then were unfounded because with little to no fanfare the amendment bill was passed last week in both houses of Parliament: Airports Amendment Bill 2018
So I guess the verdict is SC did a good job advising the miniscule and the Govt - the real question there is but for WHO did he do a good job? Because it certainly wasn't the victims of the DFO prang or by association certain industry stakeholders (ie aircrew/ATCOs etc) and of course the travelling public...
![Dodgy Dodgy](
![Cool Cool](
ps As a perfect counterpoint to the McDo'Naut's gushing CASA/ASA board additions announcement yesterday, IMO one cannot go past Leadsled on the UP this AM:
It was quite funny reading the actual Ministerial Press Releases, the appointments were all to do with "increasing air safety" or some such S.9A compliant nonsense.
It seem that everything CASA/Airservices does is in the interests of "more air safety" or some such description. There seems to be a never ending supply of " air safety" to tip into the big "air safety" bucket, without it slopping over the edges and being wasted.
I have come to the conclusion that this trend will be really appreciated by the clamorous general public, other politicians and the courts, but the Ministerial media staff are not really taking advantage of the punters alleged incessant and voluble demands for "more air safety".
Accordingly, to comply with the Act and public demand that "safety is our first priority", I expect to see future confirmatory press releases along the following lines:
1) More air safety to result from new and innovative CASA Executive Rubber Plant Maintenance Contract.
2)Air safety to improve with reformed CASA staff coffee and biscuits administration regulation.
3) New and agile flexitime arrangements for CASA staff to add more air safety.
and one that might even have a positive air safety result:
4) CASA extended Christmas/New Year shutdown to enhance Australian air safety.
Come on, PR staff, you know you can do it!! Show how dedicated the Minister really is to air safety as his first priority!!!
Tootle pip!!
![Big Grin Big Grin](
![Big Grin Big Grin](