Bollocks or Brains – Your call.
“Both the Australian Aircraft Owners and ¬Pilots Association and millionaire advocate Dick Smith spoke in favour of industry reform on Friday, challenging Mr McCormack to commit to changes to the Civil Aviation Act, which had been agreed to by former Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce and Labor’s Anthony Albanese.”
![[Image: Da-HYPoW0AURFUb.jpg]](
You don’t have to wonder why the industry feels a need to ‘challenge’ a DPM on home turf to drive home a point which has been repeatedly made for three decades, it is self evident. But you may be forgiven for wondering why several CASA Boards and multiple CEO’s have failed to ‘see and understand’ the need to change the Act and sort out CASA. The Board and CEO must be aware of the ‘problems’ created, gods know, there have been enough inquiries, reports, protests, calls and pleadings made for change – it ain’t exactly a new concept.
Both Joyce and Albanese will tell you the same thing, if you ask ‘em politely – aviation is not a vote winner, in fact it is a political pariah. This myth is perpetuated by both mandarins and minions – “the blood will be on your hands – leave to the experts”. Which is a bollocks of the first water. A healthy industry is tax revenue, jobs, security and good for the rural communities; with revenue generating spin offs. Yet the ‘mystique’ of aviation safety holds sway – the politicians will fearlessly go after road, rail, maritime, industry OH&S and shopper safety. They will even champion the cause for land rights for gay whales – if there’s a vote or two in it. I don’t get it – why is aviation a pariah?
“Wagga City Aero Club has backed calls to run an aviation-focused candidate against Deputy Prime Minister and Member for Riverina Michael McCormack in the upcoming 2020 federal election.”
Bollocks - Unless you can talk the inestimable Fiona Nash to run for you, McComic will pay no more heed to the challenge than he would a flea bite on his arse.
What about an alternative plan – have everyone who is ‘aviation’ related or dependent talk to everyone they know about the disgraceful state aviation safety has been allowed to fall into, the horrendous costs to the tax payer, the placebo accident reports, the rorts, the obscene salaries – tell a single mother of two living on the dole about that and see who she votes for; tell the unemployed in the regional and rural areas about the generous allowances and little work associated with aviation oversight; tell the Councils ‘ how a thriving aviation business would help them when it comes election time, talk to local business owners - tell 'em: one and all - they vote.
Brains - You don’t need a ‘candidate’ – you have a voice, speak up, let the people you know understand just what a mess McCormack is actively supporting and what he is denying the voting population. But most importantly of all – get Dick back on the radio and TV – he tells the story so very well, folks listen to him, he has credibility, respect and is amiable. Best advocate for Australian aviation we have. Watch and listen - as he almost convinces a Senate committee to buy the Harbour Bridge (twice).
Toot - toot....
“Both the Australian Aircraft Owners and ¬Pilots Association and millionaire advocate Dick Smith spoke in favour of industry reform on Friday, challenging Mr McCormack to commit to changes to the Civil Aviation Act, which had been agreed to by former Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce and Labor’s Anthony Albanese.”
![[Image: Da-HYPoW0AURFUb.jpg]](
You don’t have to wonder why the industry feels a need to ‘challenge’ a DPM on home turf to drive home a point which has been repeatedly made for three decades, it is self evident. But you may be forgiven for wondering why several CASA Boards and multiple CEO’s have failed to ‘see and understand’ the need to change the Act and sort out CASA. The Board and CEO must be aware of the ‘problems’ created, gods know, there have been enough inquiries, reports, protests, calls and pleadings made for change – it ain’t exactly a new concept.
Both Joyce and Albanese will tell you the same thing, if you ask ‘em politely – aviation is not a vote winner, in fact it is a political pariah. This myth is perpetuated by both mandarins and minions – “the blood will be on your hands – leave to the experts”. Which is a bollocks of the first water. A healthy industry is tax revenue, jobs, security and good for the rural communities; with revenue generating spin offs. Yet the ‘mystique’ of aviation safety holds sway – the politicians will fearlessly go after road, rail, maritime, industry OH&S and shopper safety. They will even champion the cause for land rights for gay whales – if there’s a vote or two in it. I don’t get it – why is aviation a pariah?
“Wagga City Aero Club has backed calls to run an aviation-focused candidate against Deputy Prime Minister and Member for Riverina Michael McCormack in the upcoming 2020 federal election.”
Bollocks - Unless you can talk the inestimable Fiona Nash to run for you, McComic will pay no more heed to the challenge than he would a flea bite on his arse.
What about an alternative plan – have everyone who is ‘aviation’ related or dependent talk to everyone they know about the disgraceful state aviation safety has been allowed to fall into, the horrendous costs to the tax payer, the placebo accident reports, the rorts, the obscene salaries – tell a single mother of two living on the dole about that and see who she votes for; tell the unemployed in the regional and rural areas about the generous allowances and little work associated with aviation oversight; tell the Councils ‘ how a thriving aviation business would help them when it comes election time, talk to local business owners - tell 'em: one and all - they vote.
Brains - You don’t need a ‘candidate’ – you have a voice, speak up, let the people you know understand just what a mess McCormack is actively supporting and what he is denying the voting population. But most importantly of all – get Dick back on the radio and TV – he tells the story so very well, folks listen to him, he has credibility, respect and is amiable. Best advocate for Australian aviation we have. Watch and listen - as he almost convinces a Senate committee to buy the Harbour Bridge (twice).
Toot - toot....