Not a good start to the day…
P2, you’re a lovely fellah; but why did you have to post the information above? Hell’s teeth man, I was enjoying a second coffee when I read through what is probably the most disturbing, depressing piece of information I’ve seen in a good long while and the gods know we get enough dark stuff to read through here.
The information presented is enough to make a stone idol weep; but, to me the complete lack of ministerial interest in such matters is the heart breaker. Millions upon millions have been thrown at the reform program, the current rule set is destroying the very fabric of the aviation industry : time, money and much effort all down the tubes; the CASA out of control and beyond reason, untouchable, unaccountable and a massive sink hole into which billions have been poured – for naught - except for the massive damage inflicted.
All of this is bad enough, but worse is the complete lack of political interest, in any way, shape or form. The senate estimates did, until recently at least, try to get the brakes on the runaway juggernaut. Although they, despite their best efforts, have been about as effective as a chocolate firewall. Despite the questions and rhetoric they have achieved exactly nothing of either practical or intrinsic value to aid the industry.
The industry should look about themselves and count the improvements made over the past decades; then count the cost of it all; then, on one hand, count the benefits delivered by government ministers, senate and CASA. It’s an easy enough equation –
Aye, no doubt it will continue unchallenged on the way it has for the last 30 odd years; on the merry road to perdition.
Toot- we wuz robbed- toot.
P2, you’re a lovely fellah; but why did you have to post the information above? Hell’s teeth man, I was enjoying a second coffee when I read through what is probably the most disturbing, depressing piece of information I’ve seen in a good long while and the gods know we get enough dark stuff to read through here.
The information presented is enough to make a stone idol weep; but, to me the complete lack of ministerial interest in such matters is the heart breaker. Millions upon millions have been thrown at the reform program, the current rule set is destroying the very fabric of the aviation industry : time, money and much effort all down the tubes; the CASA out of control and beyond reason, untouchable, unaccountable and a massive sink hole into which billions have been poured – for naught - except for the massive damage inflicted.
All of this is bad enough, but worse is the complete lack of political interest, in any way, shape or form. The senate estimates did, until recently at least, try to get the brakes on the runaway juggernaut. Although they, despite their best efforts, have been about as effective as a chocolate firewall. Despite the questions and rhetoric they have achieved exactly nothing of either practical or intrinsic value to aid the industry.
The industry should look about themselves and count the improvements made over the past decades; then count the cost of it all; then, on one hand, count the benefits delivered by government ministers, senate and CASA. It’s an easy enough equation –
Aye, no doubt it will continue unchallenged on the way it has for the last 30 odd years; on the merry road to perdition.
Toot- we wuz robbed- toot.