The whirligig of time.
“I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.
"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.” (Tolkien).
And we do, live in such times; for nothing has influenced change; not the Senate inquiry, not the ASRR, not stirring rhetoric, not evidence, not logic, not even the will of ‘reasonable men’. ATSB, CASA and only the gods know who else is relying on ‘time’ to heal the mortal wounds inflicted on aviation The Pel-Air incident revealed the tip of an ugly, dangerous iceberg, which, to this day remains immobile, untouched and determinedly whole.
The Senate recommendations should have brought about an immediate change in the regulator; the sins exposed would have a supplicant penitent for a good long while – the crimes committed should have seen a criminal penalty extracted, the complete lack of morality revealed demanded an immediate apology to the Australian people. Anyone notice that happening?
The grotesque pantomime continues, the ridiculous law sets become the norm, the fools and charlatans who inflict these outrages on the industry are still comfortably ensconced within the protection of the ivory towers.
Clearly, neither ATSB or CASA have any intention of changing and why should they. They have everything set up just so and it works for them. So we must look to our politicians to enforce the changes demanded by industry. It’s all well and good for Senators to make stirring ‘speeches’ after exposing a small part of the horrors which reside deep within Sleepy Hollow; but, did they follow through. The very short answer is a long, loud ‘NO- they did not’.
Did the minister follow through – once again a resounding NO. The ministerial solution was to throw the whole thing back to the ‘accused’ to sort it out. Go figure, remember - this covers a three minister flush.
So ask not why the situation remains critical – ask why nothing, absolutely nothing, has changed since the rhetoric stopped. Is the same travesty to be repeated and will the Senate committee allow the Chimera to escape – again?
Toot – toot…;
“I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.
"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.” (Tolkien).
And we do, live in such times; for nothing has influenced change; not the Senate inquiry, not the ASRR, not stirring rhetoric, not evidence, not logic, not even the will of ‘reasonable men’. ATSB, CASA and only the gods know who else is relying on ‘time’ to heal the mortal wounds inflicted on aviation The Pel-Air incident revealed the tip of an ugly, dangerous iceberg, which, to this day remains immobile, untouched and determinedly whole.
The Senate recommendations should have brought about an immediate change in the regulator; the sins exposed would have a supplicant penitent for a good long while – the crimes committed should have seen a criminal penalty extracted, the complete lack of morality revealed demanded an immediate apology to the Australian people. Anyone notice that happening?
The grotesque pantomime continues, the ridiculous law sets become the norm, the fools and charlatans who inflict these outrages on the industry are still comfortably ensconced within the protection of the ivory towers.
Clearly, neither ATSB or CASA have any intention of changing and why should they. They have everything set up just so and it works for them. So we must look to our politicians to enforce the changes demanded by industry. It’s all well and good for Senators to make stirring ‘speeches’ after exposing a small part of the horrors which reside deep within Sleepy Hollow; but, did they follow through. The very short answer is a long, loud ‘NO- they did not’.
Did the minister follow through – once again a resounding NO. The ministerial solution was to throw the whole thing back to the ‘accused’ to sort it out. Go figure, remember - this covers a three minister flush.
So ask not why the situation remains critical – ask why nothing, absolutely nothing, has changed since the rhetoric stopped. Is the same travesty to be repeated and will the Senate committee allow the Chimera to escape – again?
Toot – toot…;