I’m not sure how many miles the dogs did; but they were well knackered on return. As always they were ‘seen to’ first, watered, brushed and fed before my presence was acknowledged; a nod, in the direction of the stable was about it; he’s still smoking I thought.
Sure enough, the aura of anger was still discernible as the boots were taken off; I got the ale pulled and set it down on the handy table; sat down and waited. Not too long to wait “Cheers, good to see you – WTF?”. Over the years, I’ve heard WTF expressed in many variations – Grid navigation – perplexed; INS -totally baffled: a joint that refused to work – puzzled; a horse with a strange ailment – curious. You get the picture. The one that worries is the WTF used as a final condemnation. Sunday’s was such. Wise in the ways this works, I said nothing, except “Cheers” (sotto voce). Silence reigned until the cheeky ‘putt-putt’ of a motor scooter was heard – ‘that’ll be young Dom” says he; and, so it was. Come to visit with a load of paperwork. Ale first, then serious discussion.
Curious, I listened first as the story tumbled out, disconnected, as it always is when the pineapple is twisted. But, with the patience of good sheep dogs, we worked him around to the points which matter. ‘K’ has prior knowledge of what is being done – behind the scenes – having spent time reading and listening; for me it was my first ‘hands on’ listening session. What a web of deceit and bastardy CASA have spun.
Forget James, his part in this farrago is minor. The only question worth the candle is ‘why’? Why have CASA taken such incredible risks for a minor event? There is no such witch hunt or pogrom haunting the Mildura event; no parallel investigation; no AILU working a parallel investigation; no massive audit; nothing, just business as usual. Then you must consider the involvement of Hood in the imbroglio, then, think about the way the latest report is likely (must be) to be ‘worked’.
James did not allow his copy of the report out of his hands; or, even show it to us. But we did see his notes on his response. We also read through the correspondence relating to the latest edicts of the Sleepy Hollow crew left standing to face the music of why Pel-Air got such an easy ride? This question and several others demand answers which, if CEO Carmody is to have and credibility, whatsoever, must answer.
Pleasant evening; which ended with the pair of us looking at each other, then, over two new ales offering a toast – WTF we said in unison. The dogs knew then that the storm was over, as they ambled in, relaxed and took their usual places betwixt boots and fireplace. No wonder the dogs stayed out of it for while; the ‘correspondence’ made my temperature rise – and I’ve seen a lot of crap written by the Sleepy Hollow crew. Ayup; CEO Carmody must, if he is to have any credibility, whatsoever, step in and sort out the mess; before it becomes a national outcry and the politicians get seriously involved. He (Carmody) is no match for Fawcett – even if he had a leg to stand on – which, IMO, he don’t.
“One for the road Papa?” asks the lad, with a smile, knowing full well it’s a silly question. Good to see the smile though, thin though it was. Tempo ended.
Sure enough, the aura of anger was still discernible as the boots were taken off; I got the ale pulled and set it down on the handy table; sat down and waited. Not too long to wait “Cheers, good to see you – WTF?”. Over the years, I’ve heard WTF expressed in many variations – Grid navigation – perplexed; INS -totally baffled: a joint that refused to work – puzzled; a horse with a strange ailment – curious. You get the picture. The one that worries is the WTF used as a final condemnation. Sunday’s was such. Wise in the ways this works, I said nothing, except “Cheers” (sotto voce). Silence reigned until the cheeky ‘putt-putt’ of a motor scooter was heard – ‘that’ll be young Dom” says he; and, so it was. Come to visit with a load of paperwork. Ale first, then serious discussion.
Curious, I listened first as the story tumbled out, disconnected, as it always is when the pineapple is twisted. But, with the patience of good sheep dogs, we worked him around to the points which matter. ‘K’ has prior knowledge of what is being done – behind the scenes – having spent time reading and listening; for me it was my first ‘hands on’ listening session. What a web of deceit and bastardy CASA have spun.
Forget James, his part in this farrago is minor. The only question worth the candle is ‘why’? Why have CASA taken such incredible risks for a minor event? There is no such witch hunt or pogrom haunting the Mildura event; no parallel investigation; no AILU working a parallel investigation; no massive audit; nothing, just business as usual. Then you must consider the involvement of Hood in the imbroglio, then, think about the way the latest report is likely (must be) to be ‘worked’.
James did not allow his copy of the report out of his hands; or, even show it to us. But we did see his notes on his response. We also read through the correspondence relating to the latest edicts of the Sleepy Hollow crew left standing to face the music of why Pel-Air got such an easy ride? This question and several others demand answers which, if CEO Carmody is to have and credibility, whatsoever, must answer.
Pleasant evening; which ended with the pair of us looking at each other, then, over two new ales offering a toast – WTF we said in unison. The dogs knew then that the storm was over, as they ambled in, relaxed and took their usual places betwixt boots and fireplace. No wonder the dogs stayed out of it for while; the ‘correspondence’ made my temperature rise – and I’ve seen a lot of crap written by the Sleepy Hollow crew. Ayup; CEO Carmody must, if he is to have any credibility, whatsoever, step in and sort out the mess; before it becomes a national outcry and the politicians get seriously involved. He (Carmody) is no match for Fawcett – even if he had a leg to stand on – which, IMO, he don’t.
“One for the road Papa?” asks the lad, with a smile, knowing full well it’s a silly question. Good to see the smile though, thin though it was. Tempo ended.