P2 – “[as] IMO it could go a long way to explaining how the first final report was so comprehensively ducked up...”
Cluster O’ Ducks is more like and that is putting it mildly. This second report should trigger a Judicial inquiry into the entire ‘investigation’. There are some pressing questions of both operational legality and of a legal (as in the Act) nature which the 500 page manhole cover will go nowhere near.
I would be intrigued to understand what prompted he CASA ‘parallel’ investigation and the existing head of power under the MoU which allegedly supported. Then there is the question of how many ALIU ‘parallel ‘ investigations have been triggered since the Norfolk event – did the Mildura fiasco prompt such feverish activity from CASA? Did any of the recent ‘big ticket’ incidents (ATR’s for example) bring a swarm of CASA auditors and managers and FOI’s to the investigation? Bear in mind the latest round of ‘incidents’ have all been RPT; not AWK.
This new report should be used as a tombstone. All this time, trouble, effort and money to regurgitate what is, in essence, a simple accident. The report will not explain why ATSB and CASA did the things they did and went as near as toucher to attempting to deceive a Senate committee and the public. There are harsh words used in the real world to define their combined actions; usually preceded by the time honoured “you have the right to remain silent” etc.
500 pages of soft soap; and, the BoM off the hook just wont do; nowhere near good enough, not by a long shot. We need a report into the actions of the regulator prior and subsequent to the event. This to explain the miraculous speed of the return to normal services, the dreadful operations manuals, fuel policy, training, operational control and stuff like that. Don’t care if the new ATSB report don’t delve too deep – we have: and, not one of the 500 pages will answer our questions, bet the next round on it – and I ain’t even read the bloody thing yet.
Ah, my medication arrives – thank you barkeep – yes: we’ll have two more shortly, before the crew lobs in.
Cluster O’ Ducks is more like and that is putting it mildly. This second report should trigger a Judicial inquiry into the entire ‘investigation’. There are some pressing questions of both operational legality and of a legal (as in the Act) nature which the 500 page manhole cover will go nowhere near.
I would be intrigued to understand what prompted he CASA ‘parallel’ investigation and the existing head of power under the MoU which allegedly supported. Then there is the question of how many ALIU ‘parallel ‘ investigations have been triggered since the Norfolk event – did the Mildura fiasco prompt such feverish activity from CASA? Did any of the recent ‘big ticket’ incidents (ATR’s for example) bring a swarm of CASA auditors and managers and FOI’s to the investigation? Bear in mind the latest round of ‘incidents’ have all been RPT; not AWK.
This new report should be used as a tombstone. All this time, trouble, effort and money to regurgitate what is, in essence, a simple accident. The report will not explain why ATSB and CASA did the things they did and went as near as toucher to attempting to deceive a Senate committee and the public. There are harsh words used in the real world to define their combined actions; usually preceded by the time honoured “you have the right to remain silent” etc.
500 pages of soft soap; and, the BoM off the hook just wont do; nowhere near good enough, not by a long shot. We need a report into the actions of the regulator prior and subsequent to the event. This to explain the miraculous speed of the return to normal services, the dreadful operations manuals, fuel policy, training, operational control and stuff like that. Don’t care if the new ATSB report don’t delve too deep – we have: and, not one of the 500 pages will answer our questions, bet the next round on it – and I ain’t even read the bloody thing yet.
Ah, my medication arrives – thank you barkeep – yes: we’ll have two more shortly, before the crew lobs in.